....[@@@..[@@@..............[@.................. MUD++ is a written from
....[@..[@..[@..[@..[@..[@@@@@....[@......[@.... scratch multi-user swords and
....[@..[@..[@..[@..[@..[@..[@..[@@@@@..[@@@@@.. sorcery game written in C++.
....[@......[@..[@..[@..[@..[@....[@......[@.... This server is an ongoing
....[@......[@..[@@@@@..[@@@@@.................. development project.  All 
................................................ contributions are welcome. 
....Copyright(C).1995.Melvin.Smith.............. Enjoy. 
Melvin Smith (aka Fusion)         msmith@falcon.mercer.peachnet.edu 
MUD++ development mailing list    mudpp-list@spice.com

#include "string.h"
#include "index.h"
#include "llist.h"

template< class T >
class Indexable
		Index index;
		T * obj;

		: obj(0)

		Indexable( const Index & x, T * y )
		:	index(x), obj(y)

		virtual ~Indexable()
			if( obj )
				delete obj;

		T * peek() const { return obj; }
		T * getObj() const { return obj; }
		void setObj( T * pObj )
			if( pObj != obj )
				if( obj )
					delete obj;
				obj = pObj;

		const Index	& getIndex() const { return index; } 
		void setIndex( const Index & x ) { index = x; } 
		const String getScope() const { return index.getScope(); }
		const String getKey() const { return index.getKey(); }
		void setScope( const String & x ) { index.setScope( x ); } 
		void setKey( const String & x ) { index.setKey( x ); } 

#define HASH_KEY	64

// An array of LList objects.
template< class T >
class IndexList
		// Don't remove spaces in template defs. C++ will barf if you
		// write LList<Indexable< T >>, and according to the spec its wrong.

		LList< Indexable< T > > table[ HASH_KEY ];
		int ihash;


		:	ihash(0)

		void addIndex( const Index &, T * );

		int getHashKey( const String & );
		int getHashKey( const char * );
		T *lookup( const Index & );
		T *lookup( const String & );
		T *lookup( const char * );
		void removeIndex( const Index &  );
		void removeIndex( const String & );
		void removeIndex( const char * );

		// List like iteration interface
		void reset() const;
		void clr(); // Destroys all nodes within index
		void setScope( const String & );
		const IndexList & next() const;
		T * peek() const;
		const Index & getIndex();

template< class T >
int IndexList< T >::getHashKey( const String & str )
	int key = (int)str[0];

	if( str[0] )
		key += (int)str[1]; // be it null or not

	return key % HASH_KEY;

template< class T >
int IndexList< T >::getHashKey( const char * str )
	int key = (int)str[0];

	if( str[0] )
		key += (int)str[1]; // be it null or not

	return key % HASH_KEY;

template< class T >
void IndexList< T >::reset() const
	for( int i = 0; i < HASH_KEY; i++ )
		table[ i ].reset();
		if( table[ i ].peek() )
			// Override const member
			const_cast< IndexList< T > * >(this)->ihash = i;

template< class T >
void IndexList< T >::setScope( const String & x )
	ihash = 0;
	Indexable< T > *ptr;

	for( ihash = 0; ihash < HASH_KEY; ihash++ )
		table[ ihash ].reset();
		while( ( ptr = table[ ihash ].peek() ) )
			table[ ihash ].next();

			ptr->setScope( x );

template< class T >
const IndexList< T > & IndexList< T >::next() const
	int i;

	table[ ihash ].next();
	if( !table[ ihash ].peek() )
		if( ihash < HASH_KEY - 1 )
			for( i = ihash + 1; i < HASH_KEY; i++ )
				table[ i ].reset();
				if( table[ i ].peek() )
					const_cast< IndexList * >(this)->ihash = i;
					return *this;

	return *this;

template < class T >
T * IndexList< T >::peek() const
	Indexable< T > *x = table[ ihash ].peek();
	if( x )
		return x->peek();

	return 0;

template < class T >
const Index & IndexList< T >::getIndex()
	static Index empty;

	Indexable< T > *x = table[ ihash ].peek();
	if( x )
		return x->getIndex();
	return empty;

template < class T >
void IndexList< T >::clr()
	Indexable< T > *ptr;

	for( ihash = 0; ihash < HASH_KEY; ihash++ )
		table[ ihash ].reset();
		while( ( ptr = table[ ihash ].remove() ) )
			delete ptr;

// For now, the scope portion of the index isn't used
// inside the IndexList object since all objects in that
// list are of same scope. This can me changed easily.

template < class T >
T * IndexList< T >::lookup( const Index & x )
	return lookup( x.getKey() );

template < class T >
T * IndexList< T >::lookup( const String & x )
	return lookup( x.chars() );

// Dont want to change the internal state of container so create
// tlist to do iterating. 
template < class T >
T * IndexList< T >::lookup( const char * x )
	Indexable< T > *ptr;

	LList< Indexable< T > > tlist = table[ getHashKey( x ) ];

	while( ( ptr = tlist.peek() ) )

		if( ptr->getKey() == x )
			return ptr->getObj(); 

	return 0;

template < class T >
void IndexList< T >::addIndex( const Index & x, T * y )
	Indexable< T > *ptr = new Indexable< T >( x, y );

	int i = getHashKey( ptr->getKey() );
	table[ i ].addTop( ptr );

template < class T >
void IndexList< T >::removeIndex( const Index & x )
	removeIndex( x.getKey().chars() );

template < class T >
void IndexList< T >::removeIndex( const String & x )
	removeIndex( x.chars() );

template < class T >
void IndexList< T >::removeIndex( const char * )
