Syntax: repop <slot> <type> <vnum> <number> <chance>

Room editor command.

Inserts a repop at <slot> for the room.
If <slot> exists the repop is inserted before <slot> in
the list. If <slot> is greater than the highest repop then
it is inserted at the end of the list.
<type>		'object' or 'O'  - loads object into room.
                'mobile' or 'M'  - loads mobile into room.
                'give'   or 'G'  - gives object to last mobile.
                'put'    or 'P'  - puts object into last object.

<vnum>		object or mobile vnum index. If index is invalid the
                editor will complain.

<number>	number of times the repop is repeated.

<chance>	Chance that the repop will happen. Valid range is 0 - 1000
                where 0 is reboot only, 1000 is always. All give/put repops
                will fail if their parent repops fail.

NOTE:	 	To equip a mobile, all 'give' repops must immediately
               	follow the 'mobile' repop itself.

		If a 'mobile' repop has number greater than 1
		and is followed by 'give' repops, only the last
		mobile is given the object. To equip multiple
		mobiles, each 'mobile' repop must be followed by
		its corresponding 'give' repops.

		'put' repops must immediately follow 'object' repop or the
		editor will complain.

Additional help:	redit