Syntax:	prompt <prompt-string>

Configures prompt allowing colors and newlines to be imbedded
wherever the player wants.

Special characters must be preceded by a '%' character.
Any character not preceded by '%' is kept as is.

Colors	:	%G (Green),  %B (Blue),  %R (Red),  %Y (Yellow)
		%P (Purple), %C (Cyan)

Stats	:	%H (total hitpoints)	%h (current hitpoints)
	        %e (exp to level)

Newline :       %n

Example :	prompt %G[ %PFusion %G]

                [ Fusion ]

  prompt: 	prompt HP %h%n[ Fusion ]
                HP 100
                [ Fusion ]

NOTE:		Color in the prompt is not affected by whether the
		player's color is enabled. The player must reconfig
		his prompt in order to remove color.