MUD++ On-Line Creation

	oedit	- object editor
	medit	- mobile editor
	redit	- room editor
	aedit	- area header editor

o	Object Editor
		quit				-	exit editor

o	Room Editor

	Syntax:	redit [ <index> ]

	Editor commands:

		quit						- exit editor
		new <index>					- create new room
		{direction}					- standard movement between rooms
		{direction} delete			- delete exit in that direction
		{direction} dig	<index>		- dig in that direction and create
									  or link room
		save						- saves current zone
		name <string>				- set the room title
		desc <string>				- set 1 line room text ( editor coming soon ) 
		index <key>					- set the room key (must be unique)

o	Area Editor

	Syntax: aedit [ <index> | { new | create } ]

	Editor commands:

		quit						- exit editor
		name <string>				- area name	
		index <scope>				- sets the string for scope of area
									  also sets filename to {index}.are
		save						- saves zone if mods made
		reload						- reloads and relinks the area dynamically