From Sun Apr 30 21:13:56 1995
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Date: Sun, 30 Apr 1995 18:12:13 -0700 (PDT)
From: John Lin <>
To: msmith
Cc: John Lin <>
Subject: Spells!!!
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Hiya Melvin.. 
	The long awaited magic user spell list is finally here :) Look it
over and tell me what u think. 

John, aka. Coil

- John Lin	University of California Santa Barbara 

Name:	Armor
Duration:	5 + (Caster Level) ticks
Effect: 	AC apply -10
Saving Throw: None
	By means of this spell, the wizard creates a magical field of 
force that servers as if it were an extra layer of armor.  This spell 
does not hinder movement, adds no weight or encumbrance, nor does it 
prevent spellcasting.  This spell can be cast on others as well.

Name:  	Burning Hands
Duration:	Instantaneous
Effect:		1d3 + (2 times Caster level) damage
Saving Throw:  Saves vs. spells for half damage
	When the wizard casts this spell, a jet of searing flame shoots 
from his fingertips causing his foes much discomfort.  *This spell may 
heal fire oriented creatures.

Name:	Charm Person
Duration:	See table
Effect:		Charmed
Saving Throw:  Save vs. Spell
	This spell affects any single creature it's cast upon.  *Must be 
somewhat intelligent.  This charm person will not obey any actions that 
would be harmful to the charmed individual however will assist and attack 
enemies of the caster.   The charmed creature may attack the caster after 
the charm wears off.
Table:	(Based on Intelligent and Wisdom of the target)
	Under 10		30 ticks
	Between 10-20	20 ticks
	Between 20-30	10 ticks
	Over 30		  5 ticks

Name: 	Chill Touch
Duration:	3 ticks + 1 tick / level 
Effect:		lose 1 pt of strength / 3 levels of caster and does 1d4 
points of damage until end of duration.
Saving Throw:  Save vs. Spell
	Upon casting of this spell, a blue glow encompasses the wizard's 
hand.  This energy attacks the life force of any living creature upon 
which the wizard chooses.  *This spell has a special effect on undead 
creatures.  Undead touched by caster suffer no damage or strength loss, 
but they *might* flee.

Name:	Color Spray
Duration:	Instantaneous
Effect:		1d6 + Level of caster of damage
Saving Throw:  Save vs. Spell for half damage
	This wizard creates a vivid, fan-shaped spray of clashing colors 
to spring forth from his hand.  Creature fails to make the save suffers 
not only the damage also is blinded for 1d4 ticks.

Name:	Detect Magic
Duration:	2 ticks * level of caster
Effect:		inform caster the presence of magic
Saving Throw:  None
	When this spell is cast, the wizard detects magical radiations in 
the room that he's in.  This spell does not reveal the presence of good 
or evil, or alignment.

Name:	Detect Undead
Duration:	Instantaneous
Effect:		inform caster the presence of undead in his area
Saving Throw: None
	By conjuring this spell, the caster is informed by his magic 
whether undeads roan the area or not.  This spell is especially useful 
when exploring or for preparing the caster for encounters with the 
creature from the darkside.

Name:	Find Familiar
Duration:	Special
Effect:		A chance that the wizard will find a familiar
Saving Throw: See table
	This spell enables the wizard to attempt to summon a familiar, a 
pet to act as his aide and companion.  These familiars are typically 
small creatures, such as cats, frogs, ferrets, crows, hawks, snakes, or 
even mice.  The familiar can benefit a wizard, conveying its sensory 
powers to its master.  A wizard can have only 1 familiar at a time, 
however, he has no control of what creature he might call upon, of if 
they'll even show.  
	The familiar aids the caster in many ways, first it helps the 
wizardUs armor class by 5.  Then different familiar has special powers 
that can aid to the caster.  The familiar also contributes it's hit 
points to the caster, therefore it can add to the caster's hit points.  
This familiar stays with the caster for as long as it stays alive.  In 
the course of event if the familiar dies, the caster will lose his 
special powers and lose 1 point of CON permanently.  Also the caster will 
not be able to cast this spell until he has advance 5 more levels.
	Deliberate mistreatment, failure to feed and care for the 
familiar, or continuous unreasonable demands have adverse effects on the 
familiar's relationship with it's master.  Purposely arranging the death 
of one's own familiar incurs great disfavor from certain powerful entities.
Table:  (by percentages - The familiar can substitute other small animal 
in the area of the caster)
	Chance		Familiar		Power
	10%			Cat, black/white	Infravision
	10%			Crow			Detect Magic
	10%			Hawk			Detect Hidden
	10%			Owl			Infravision
	10%			Toad			Regenerate faster
	10%			Weasel		Create food
	50%			No Familiar Available for Caster.

Name:	Identify
Duration:	Instantaneous
Effect:		Identify an object
Saving throw:  None
	When an identify spell is cast, magical items chosen by the 
wizard can be identified.  This spell will show the object type, it's 
level of usage, and special attributes.

Name:	Light
Duration:	Until caster leaves the room
Effect:		Create Light
Saving Throw:  None
	This spell creates luminous glow, equal to a torchlight.  This 
light fades after the caster leaves the room

Name:	Magic Missile
Duration:	Instantaneous
Effect:		1d4+1 * level of Caster points of damage
Saving Throw:  None
	Use of this spell creates magical energy that darts forth from 
the wizard's fingertip and unerringly strike their target.  This spell 
will not work on inanimate objects (door, lock, chest, etc.)

Name:	Mount
Duration:	5 + Caster level Ticks
Effect:		1 mount
Saving Throw:  None
	By means of this spell, the caster conjures a normal animal to 
serve him as a mount.  The animal serves willingly and well, but at the 
expiration of the spell duration it disappears. Here are some examples of 
	Caster level		Mount
	1-5			Pony
	5-10			Donkey
	11-15			Mule or Light Horse
	16-20			Draft Horse or War Horse
	21-23			Camel
	24-27			Elephant
	28 +			Griffin

Name:  	Shield
Duration:	5 ticks * level of Caster
Effect:		-10 AC
Saving Throw:  None
	This spell creates an invisible barrier that comes into being in 
front of the wizard.  This shield can be use together with the armor spell.

Name:	Shocking Grasp
Duration:	Instantaneous
Effect:		1d8 + level of caster points of damage
Saving Throw:  Save vs. spell for half damage
	When the wizard casts this spell, he develops a powerful 
electrical charge that gives a jolt to the creature touched.  

Name:	Sleep
Duration:	1 tick per level of caster
Effect:		Victim falls asleep
Saving Throw:  Save vs. spell 
	This spell has a similar effect to going to a college lecture... 
When a wizard casts a sleep spell, he causes a comatose slumber to come 
upon his victim.  *If victim manage to make the saving throw, he will 
immediately attack the caster.

Name:	Ventriloquism
Duration:	Instantaneous
Effect:		Special
Saving Throw:  None
	syntax:  c 'vent' <person> | <speech>
c 'vent' fido | Joe the fighter is a wusssy  = 
Someone makes a sound like a fido and says, 'Joe the fighter is a wussy'

Name:	Blindness
Duration:	1d4 + level of caster ticks
Effect:		Blind, - 5 to hit
Saving Throw:  Save vs. Spell
	This spell causes the victim to become blind, able to see only a 
grayness before its eye.  Only a cure blindness, dispel magic, or heal 
can negate this spell.

Name:	Continual Light
Duration:	Will not save with character
Effect:		Creates light
Saving Throw:  None
	By casting this spell, the wizards conjures up a glowing aura 
that is as bright as full daylight and lasts until it's saced (It does 
not save with the character).  The character is able to hold this aura as 
light to guide their way.

Name:	Deafness
Duration:	1d6 + level of caster
Effect:		Deafness
Saving Throw:  Save vs. Spell
	This spell causes the recipient to become totally deaf and unable 
to hear any sounds.  This means that the player will not be able to see 
say, tell, whisper, chat.  However the player is able to see emote!  This 
spell can be removed by a dispel magic, cure deafness, or Heal.

Name:	Detect Evil
Duration:	5 ticks * level caster
Effect:		informs wizard of evil presence
Saving Throw:  None
	This spell discovers emanations of evil from any creature, 
object, or area.

Name:	Detect Good
Duration:	5 ticks * level caster
Effect:		informs wizard of good presence
Saving Throw:  None
	This spell discovers emanations of good from any creature, 
object, or area.

Name: 	Glitterdust
Duration:	Instantaneous
Effect:		Reveals any invisible creature
Saving Throw:  Save vs. spell or be unnoticed
	This spell creates a cloud of glittering golden particles within 
the room.  This reveals invisible creatures in the room.

Name:	Invisibility
Duration:	5 ticks * level caster also see Desc!
Effect:		invisibility
Saving Throw:  None
	This spell causes the creature touched to vanish from sight and 
be undetectable by normal vision or even Infravision.  However the 
invisible creature is not magically silenced or sneaking and certain 
other conditions can make the creature detectable.  This spell remains 
effect until it's magically broken or dispelled, until the recipient 
attacks any creature, or until the duration runs out.  This spell adds 
the recipient's AC by -10 however it's apply ceases when the spell is broken.

Name:	Know Alignment
Duration:	Instantaneous
Effect:		Know alignment
Saving Throw:  None
	This spell enables the wizard to know the alignment of a creature 
or an object.

Name:	Locate Object
Duration:	Instantaneous
Effect:		locate object
Saving Throw:  None
	syntax :  c 'locate object' <object>
	This spell enables the caster to locate a specific object in the 
world.  *This spell may go haywire at times when the object you're 
looking for is too common or too abundant in the world

Name:	Locate Person
Duration:	Instantaneous
Effect:		locate person
Saving Throw:  None (Unless nosummoned ON)
	This spell will inform the caster the room title of the room 
where the person's at.  This spell will not work properly if the person 
has no summon on.  

Name:	Magic Mouth
Duration:	level of caster ticks
Effect:		see Desc.
Saving Throw:  None
	This spell creates a magical mouth that informs you of intruder 
when they're 4 squares away from you.  This spell can be extremely useful 
if you're a Player Killer and is resting in a place that's not too safe!

Name:	Acid Arrow
Duration:	Instantaneous
Effect:		2d4 + level of caster points of damage
Saving Throw:  Save vs. spell for half
	This spell creates a magical arrow filled with acid that speeds 
to its target as if fired from the bow of a fighter.  *The acid might 
damage the equipment on the target!

Name:	Giant Strength
Duration: 	5 ticks per 5 levels of caster
Effect:		See table
Saving Throw:  None
	Upon the casting of this spell, the wizard can increase his 
Table:		Level		Strength apply
		1-5			1
		6-10			2
		11-15			3
		16-20			4
		20 +			5
(Strength points counts as 10% if player strength is 18/XX)

Name:	Dispel Magic
Duration: 	Instantaneous
Effect:		Dispel magic
Saving Throw:  Save vs. Magic
	When a wizard cast this spell, it has a chance to neutralize or 
negate magic it comes in contact with.  *This spell can remove magical 
curses and effect from a player, and magical forces of objects in the 
caster's inventory.

Name:	Explosive Runes
Duration:	Special
Effect:		4d6 + 6 points of damage
Saving Throw:  None
	This spell creates a sign or scroll that can be left as a trap.  
When read, the explosive runes detonates, the reader gets no saving 
throw.  A great party trick!

Name:	Fireball
Duration:	Instantaneous
Effect:		1d6 per 2 levels of caster
Saving Throw:  Save vs. Magic for half
	A fireball is an explosive burst of flame, which detonates with a 
low roar and delivers damage proportional to the level of the wizard who 
cast it.  Besides causing damage to creatures, the fireball ignites all 
combustible materials within its burst radius, and the heat of the 
fireball melts soft metals such as gold, cooper, silver, etc.   *If the 
victim makes the saving throw, no items will burst.  If not...

Name:	Flame Arrow
Duration:	Instantaneous
Effect:		4d6 points of damage
Saving Throw:  Save vs. spell for half
	Much like acid arrow, flame arrow spell creates a flaming arrow 
that fires at unspeakable velocity towards the victim.

Name:	Fly
Duration:	1d6 + level of caster ticks
Effect:		No movement deduction
Saving Throw:  None
	This spell enables the wizard to bestow the power of magical 
flight, thus uses no movement points. *Also lives almost no tracks

Name:	Haste
Duration:	3 + (level of caster /5 ) ticks
Effect:		See Desc.
Saving Throw:  None
	This spell enables the hasted creature to attack twice.  Once at 
the beginning of the combat, once in the end, thus making it a great 
offensive spell.  *This spell will use the hasted creature's movement in 
combat and the spell will wear off when the movement reaches zero.  
**This spell can be negated by a Slow spell

Name:	Slow 
Duration:	3 + (level of caster /5) ticks
Effect: 	See Desc.
Saving throw:  Save vs. spell
	This spells will slow the target down so actions that usually 
takes 1 tick to perform will now take 2.  *This spell can be negated by a 
Haste spell

Name:	Infravision
Duration:	2 + level of caster ticks
Effect:		Able to see in darkness
Saving Throw:  None
	This spells enables the recipient to see in normal darkness.  
Invisible creates are NOT detected by this spell.  *Character with only 
Infravision will not be able to examine objects, creatures more closely 
since all that is seem is heat signals.

Name:	Mass Invisibility
Duration:	See Invisibility
Effect:		See Invisibility
Saving Throw:  None
	This is a spell that will cause all creature in the same room as 
caster to become invisible.

Name:	Lightning Bolt
Duration:	Instantaneous
Effect:		1d6 per level of caster points of damage
Saving throw:  Save vs. Spell for half damage
	Upon the casting of this spell, the wizard conjures a bolt of 
lightning to strike the victim.

Name:	Protection from Evil
Duration:	2 + level of caster ticks
Effect:		reduced damage taken from evil creature
Saving Throw:  None
	This spell creates a globe of protection that protects the caster 
from damage inflicted by evil creature. *The damage receive is 90% of 
total damage.  This spell cannot be use at the same time as protection 
from good.

Name: 	Protection From Good
Duration:	2 + level of caster ticks
Effect:		reduced damage taken from god creature
Saving Throw:  None
	This spell creates a globe of protection that protects the caster 
from damage inflicted by good creature. *The damage receive is 90% of 
total damage.  This spell cannot be use at the same time as protection 
from evil.

Name:	Sanctuary
Duration:	3 ticks (mortal)  10 ticks (immortal)
Effect:		reduce damage taken by 25%
Saving Throw:  None
	By casting this spell, the caster creates a magical protective 
force that absorbs the impact of enemiesU blows, both magically and 
physically.  *This spell can be dispel by a dispel magic spell.  The 
chance of dispelling sanctuary is dependent on the level of caster of 
sanctuary, level of caster of dispel, and victimUs saving throw.

Name:	Vampiric Touch
Duration:	Instantaneous
Effect:		Drains 1d4 hit points per level of caster
Saving Throw:  Save vs. spell or no effect
	This spell uses the dark energy of the art, it literally sucks 
the life out of the victim and gives it to the caster.  The hit points 
gained by the caster is temporary.

Name:	Enchante Weapon
Duration:	Instantaneous
Effect:		Enchantes a non-magical weapon 
Saving Throw:  None
	This spell enables the wizard to concentrate his art onto a 
non-magical weapon.  A magical object will not work with this spell!  The 
apply are as followed:
	Level of caster		Hit	Dam
	15-20				 2    	  2
	21-25				 3            3
	26-29				 3            4
	30				 4            4

Name:  	Fear
Duration:	Instantaneous
Effect:		Causes victim to flee
Saving Throw:  Save vs. Spell of flee
	This spell conjures up victim's deepest and darkest fears.  
Victim fails to make the save versus the spell will flee.

Name:	Stoneskin
Duration:	5 + level caster ticks
Effect:		-20 AC
Saving Throw: None
	This spell turns the wizard's skin into granite like substance.  
*This spell cannot be cast on another creature.

Name:	Animate Dead
Duration:	Instantaneous
Effect:		See Desc.
Saving Throw:  None
	This spell animates the corpse targeted in the room.  The corpse 
turns into a zombie that follows the caster.  

Name:	Teleport
Duration:	Instantaneous
Effect:		See Desc.
Saving Throw:  Save vs. spell (None if cast on self)
	This spell will *randomly* teleports the caster to a new room.  

Name:	Chain Lightning
Duration:	Instantaneous
Effect:		see lightning bolt
Saving Throw:  Save vs. spell for half damage
	This spell creates a chain of lightning bolts that strikes the target!

Name:	Legend Lore
Duration: 	Instantaneous
Effect:		see identify
Saving Throw:  None
	This is an advanced form of identify spell.  This spell will tell 
you EVERYTHING there is to know about this item in your inventory. **It 
is up to the builder to think of background for some specific items to 
make this spell useful and fun**

Name:	Word of Recall
Duration:	Instantaneous
Effect:		see Recall
Saving Throw:  None
	This spell enables to caster to recall without chances of failure 
from any situation.  *A real lifesaver !

Name:	Gate
Duration:	Instantaneous
Effect:		summons an undead creature
Saving Throw:  See Charm creature
	syntax: c 'gate' <undead name>
This spell attempts to summon an undead of your choice to your square. 
*there's a chance that the undead you summon will not listen to your 
command.  In this case it will attack you!  
Table:		Caster Level		Undead available
		15-20			wraith
		21-25			zombie
		26-28			skeleton
		29+			all of the above + vampire

Name:	Demon Fire
Duration:	Instantaneous
Effect:		??
Saving Throw: Save vs. spell for half damage
	This is the most damaging offensive spells available for a mortal 
wizard.  It brings the fire deep from the lower most levels of hell to 
engulf the victim.  The amount of damage for this spell is unknown!!

***(I was thinking a random number between 300 - 500 ) ***

Name:	Wish
Duration:	??
Effect:		??
Saving Throw: ??
	This is by far the most powerful spell a mortal can possess.  It 
calls for the powers of the immortals.  *only a very small chance that 
this spell might work, also the effect of spell and the request of the 
wish is interpreted by the immortal as he/she deems right.

Alright.. that's all I have so far for the magic user spells. I've taken 
some out from the spell list I sent you and I've add some in as well.. 
The following are some ideas for Immortal skill!!

Name: 	Permanency
Effect:		This skill will save the player with all his/her spells 
intact.  So whatever spells was casted on the player will become a 
permanent skill the player can possess..

Think that's all for now..