<title>MUD++ Design Specification</title> 
<head>i<h1>MUD++ pre-release Alpha</h1></head> 
Copyright(C) 1995 Melvin Smith  - Mercer University, Macon GA.
MUD++ is in no way related or derived from any other existing mud, mush
moo, muck, chat, etc. MUD++ stands for Multi User Dimension. The ++
is because the whole shebang is coded in C++ using OOP.

What MUD++ has that you probably wont find in another base code.

<li>Distributed server (run your mud on multiple hosts)</li>
<li>Coded in C++ using OOP methods. Easier to extend.</li>
<li>IO class that does not use stdc++ so you don't need GNU's libg++</li>
<li>Buffered OutFile class with user defined cache size.</li>
<li>Memory mapped InFile class for very fast reads/parses.</li>
<li>Online Creation/Editing</li>
<li>Selective area reloading.</li>
<li>Repops are encapsulated in each room. Not 1 big list.</li>
<li>Helps are offline text files. Saves memory in long run and allows
-very- large help files and easy management.</li>
<li>An object oriented TCP/IP server that can be used in another application
without modifications. (server.h and server.cc)</li>
<li>OOP Socket class. Borrow it for your own code.</li>
<li>String class - memory sharing, copy on write.
Takes care of allocations and resizing itself.</li>
<li>Linked List class - Allows easy traversal, inserts and removals.</li>
<li>Unlimited bit system and bit based security for imm commands.</li>
<li>Scope based index system instead of the standard Vnums.</li>
<li>Color ( preliminary )</li>
<li>Nice spell parser. The holy symbol ' is not needed. </li>
<li>Object types and spell names are stored in the string form allowing
areas to be passed between servers with different spells, types.</li>
<li>Hot reboot that doesn't close connections.</li>
<li>Ident support. (blocks right now)</li>
<li>Environment that affects players (in early stages)</li>
<li>ONLY 1 COPYRIGHT!!</li>

<center><h3>Future releases:</h3></center>
<li>Distributed MUD Server improvements.</li>
<li>Online compiled language for triggers, scripts, spells.</li>
<li>MUD processes ( multi-tasking )</li>
<li>Certain SQL front end extensions.</li>
<li>X client, Windows client.</li>
<li>Windows based remote server manager.</li>
<li>MUD Mail/Email ( already written, but incomplete )</li>
<li>SMTP email back end for forwarding MUD mail. ( incomplete )</li>

<h3>What probably -wont- be in Future releases and why.</h3>
<li>Explicit multi-classing.
I have never seen two imps agree on a multi class system and I have
decided that multi-classing is out of scope of a base code. Instead
the base will incorporate a system of its own and be designed in
a way that any imp can add multi-classing with minimal work.

<li>Support for Diku, Merc, Envy, ROM, Circle area files.
If enough people want something, someone will usually write it and post
it to the list.