
A standard C++ compiler with fairly up-to-date template support.
A flavor of UNIX that supports Berkeley sockets.

If your OS doesn't have a C++ compiler (probable) then get the
GNU C/C++ compiler from /pub/gnu/gcc-X.X.X.tar.gz
and build it for your machine. If you can't get the compiler built
then a cheap option is to either get a Linux or FreeBSD distribution
and run your game on an Intel platform or get Windows NT and either
GCC or Borland C++ for NT. It is a fact that C++ compilers from
either your OS party or a second party are still a premium. Maybe
this will change as C++ moves more into the mainstream. 

I used gcc 2.6.0, 2.6.3, 2.7.0, 2.7.1 and 2.7.2 in the development of MUD++.
Versions earlier than 2.6.0 (2.5.8 for example) had problems with the
way I instantiated templates. I am confident that you will need at least
2.6.0 to compile and run mud++ successfully. The most problematic area
that you may run into is templates, nested templates and exceptions. The
best bet is to upgrade to at least 2.6.0 or get your sysadmin to do it for
you. Please don't mail me saying, "I'm using gcc 1.x.x and it doesn't
support inlining" or some garbage. My response will be, C++ is standard
enough now, upgrade your compiler to a decent version or go run a
standard C MUD server.

I have successfully compiled and run MUD++ on the following platforms
firsthand, although some of the tests were done at different times so
if one of these platforms gives you problems, mail me specifics.

o Linux 1.1.x, 1.2.x, 1.3.x
o DEC ULTRIX 4.2BSD, 4.3BSD ( ULTRIX mmap() wont map block devices )
o Solaris(SYSV) - thanks to Mech Maniac for the machine.
