 *  Original Diku Mud copyright (C) 1990, 1991 by Sebastian Hammer,        *
 *  Michael Seifert, Hans Henrik St{rfeldt, Tom Madsen, and Katja Nyboe.   *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Merc Diku Mud improvments copyright (C) 1992, 1993 by Michael          *
 *  Chastain, Michael Quan, and Mitchell Tse.                              *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Ack 2.2 improvements copyright (C) 1994 by Stephen Dooley              *
 *                                                                         *
 *  In order to use any part of this Merc Diku Mud, you must comply with   *
 *  both the original Diku license in 'license.doc' as well the Merc       *
 *  license in 'license.txt'.  In particular, you may not remove either of *
 *  these copyright notices.                                               *
 *                                                                         *
 *       _/          _/_/_/     _/    _/     _/    ACK! MUD is modified    *
 *      _/_/        _/          _/  _/       _/    Merc2.0/2.1/2.2 code    *
 *     _/  _/      _/           _/_/         _/    (c)Stephen Zepp 1998    *
 *    _/_/_/_/      _/          _/  _/             Version #: 4.3          *
 *   _/      _/      _/_/_/     _/    _/     _/                            *
 *                                                                         *
 *                                         *
 *                                        *
 *  Much time and thought has gone into this software and you are          *
 *  benefitting.  We hope that you share your changes too.  What goes      *
 *  around, comes around.                                                  *

#if defined(macintosh)
#include <types.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "ack.h"
#include "tables.h"

void do_enchant(CHAR_DATA *ch, char * argument)
  char	arg1[MSL];
  char	arg2[MSL];
  char  debug[MSL];
  char	msg_buf[MSL];
  char	cat_buf[MSL];
  char  enchant_buf[MSL];
  char  enchant_catbuf[MSL];

  OBJ_DATA	* matrix;
  OBJ_DATA	* unique = NULL;
  OBJ_DATA	* this_obj;

  AFFECT_DATA	* this_aff;
  int	cur_str = 0, cur_int = 0, cur_dex = 0, cur_wis = 0, cur_con = 0;
  int   mod_str = 0, mod_int = 0, mod_dex = 0, mod_wis = 0, mod_con = 0;
  int	cur_mana = 0, cur_hitroll = 0, cur_move = 0, cur_armor = 0, cur_save = 0, cur_hit = 0, cur_damroll = 0;
  int	mod_mana = 0, mod_hitroll = 0, mod_move = 0, mod_armor = 0, mod_save = 0, mod_hit = 0, mod_damroll = 0;
  sh_int mod_item_weight = 0;
  bool good_item = FALSE, legal_enchant = TRUE, bad_enchant_mix = FALSE;
  sh_int	qp_cost = 20;
  int	mod = 0;
    sh_int	min_level = 10;
  int	new_extras = 0, new_apply = ITEM_APPLY_NONE;

  argument = one_argument( argument, arg1 );
  argument = one_argument( argument, arg2 );

  if ( IS_NPC( ch ) )
    send_to_char( "Not for Npcs.\n\r", ch );

  if ( arg1[0] == '\0' || ( !is_name( arg1, "show buy" ) )  )
    send_to_char( "Syntax for enchanting objects:\n\r", ch );
    send_to_char( "  First, you must place at least one wearable item, and 1 or more enchantments\n\r", ch );
    send_to_char( "  into a spell matrix container, which you must hold.  Then, you must type \n\r", ch );
    send_to_char( "  enchant show to see the results of applying those enchantments to the item.  \n\r", ch );
    send_to_char( "  You may not enchant an item so that it's power would be greater than you can \n\r", ch );
    send_to_char( "  control at your current level.  Finally, once you are satisfied with the new \n\r", ch );
    send_to_char( "  item's powers, type enchant buy.\n\r", ch );

/* first, we check for good enchantments and an item template in the matrix */

    if ( ( matrix = get_eq_char( ch, WEAR_HOLD_HAND_R ) ) == NULL )
      if ( ( matrix = get_eq_char( ch, WEAR_HOLD_HAND_L ) ) == NULL )
        send_to_char( "@@NYou must be holding a @@lspell matrix@@N for this ability!\n\r", ch );
    if ( matrix->item_type != ITEM_SPELL_MATRIX )
      send_to_char( "@@NThat is not a @@lspell matrix@@N you are holding, you fool!!\n\r", ch );

/* now, we tear apart the enchantments, and put them in add_mod vars */

    for ( this_obj = matrix->first_in_carry_list; this_obj != NULL; this_obj = this_obj->next_in_carry_list )
      if (  ( this_obj->item_type == ITEM_WEAPON )
         || ( this_obj->item_type == ITEM_ARMOR ) 
         || ( this_obj->item_type == ITEM_LIGHT ) )
        good_item = TRUE;
        unique = this_obj;
      if ( this_obj->item_type != ITEM_ENCHANTMENT )
        bad_enchant_mix = TRUE;
        if ( !str_cmp( arg2, "debug" ) )
          sprintf( debug, "Non-enchantment item in matrix..%s\n\r", this_obj->name );
          send_to_char( debug, ch );
      if ( this_obj->value[0] == ENCHANT_OBJFUNS )
        bad_enchant_mix = TRUE;
      else if ( this_obj->value[0] == ENCHANT_APPLY_FLAGS )
        if (  ( this_obj->value[3] > 0 )
           && ( !IS_SET( new_apply, ( 1 << ( this_obj->value[3] -1 ) ) ) ) )
          SET_BIT( new_apply, ( 1 << ( this_obj->value[3] -1 ) ) );
      else if ( this_obj->value[0] == ENCHANT_EXTRA_FLAGS )
        if (  ( this_obj->value[3] > 0 )
           && ( !IS_SET( new_extras, ( 1 << ( this_obj->value[3] -1 ) ) ) ) ) 
          SET_BIT( new_extras, ( 1 << ( this_obj->value[3] -1 ) ) );

        mod = this_obj->value[1];
        switch ( this_obj->value[0] )
            if( !str_cmp( arg2, "debug" ) )
              sprintf( debug, "Bad location in v0 of enchantment %s\n\r", this_obj->name );
              send_to_char( debug, ch );

          case APPLY_NONE:                                            break;
          case APPLY_STR:           mod_str       += mod; break;
          case APPLY_DEX:           mod_dex       += mod; break;
          case APPLY_INT:           mod_int       += mod; break;
          case APPLY_WIS:           mod_wis       += mod; break;
          case APPLY_CON:           mod_con       += mod; break;
          case APPLY_SEX:            break;
          case APPLY_CLASS:                                           break;
          case APPLY_LEVEL:        mod_item_weight -= 5;              break;
          case APPLY_AGE:                                             break;
          case APPLY_HEIGHT:                                          break;
          case APPLY_WEIGHT:                                          break;
          case APPLY_MANA:          mod_mana              += mod; break;
          case APPLY_HIT:           mod_hit               += mod; break;
          case APPLY_MOVE:          mod_move              += mod; break;
          case APPLY_GOLD:                                            break;
          case APPLY_EXP:                                             break;
          case APPLY_AC:            mod_armor                 += mod; break;
          case APPLY_HITROLL:       mod_hitroll               += mod; break;
          case APPLY_DAMROLL:       mod_damroll               += mod; break;
          case APPLY_SAVING_PARA:   mod_save          += mod; break;
          case APPLY_SAVING_ROD:    mod_save          += mod; break;
          case APPLY_SAVING_PETRI:  mod_save          += mod; break;
          case APPLY_SAVING_BREATH: mod_save          += mod; break;
          case APPLY_SAVING_SPELL:  mod_save          += mod; break;

      qp_cost += this_obj->value[2];

/* now, we have the enchantment totals, and qp costs, need to get the current non-spell affs */
/* now, we tear apart the current item's affs and store them in cur_mod vars */
  if ( unique == NULL )
    if ( !str_cmp( arg2, "debug" ) )
      sprintf( debug, "%s", "No item within matrix.\n\r" );
      send_to_char( debug, ch );
    if ( (  ( get_remort_level( ch ) < unique->level )
         && ( IS_OBJ_STAT( unique, ITEM_REMORT ) ) )
       || ( get_psuedo_level( ch ) < unique->level )  )
      send_to_char( "You can't use this item in the first place..enchanting it is NOT going to help!\n\r", ch );
  if ( IS_OBJ_STAT( unique, ITEM_UNIQUE ) )
    qp_cost -= 20;

  for ( this_aff = unique->first_apply; this_aff != NULL; this_aff = this_aff->next )
    if ( this_aff->type != -1 )

    mod = this_aff->modifier;
    switch ( this_aff->location )
        if ( !str_cmp( arg2, "debug" ) )
          sprintf( debug, "Unknown aff on %s\n\r", unique->name );
          send_to_char( debug, ch );

      case APPLY_NONE:                                            break;
      case APPLY_STR:           cur_str       += mod; break;
      case APPLY_DEX:           cur_dex       += mod; break;
      case APPLY_INT:           cur_int       += mod; break;
      case APPLY_WIS:           cur_wis       += mod; break;
      case APPLY_CON:           cur_con       += mod; break;
      case APPLY_SEX:            break;
      case APPLY_CLASS:                                           break;
      case APPLY_LEVEL:                                           break;
      case APPLY_AGE:                                             break;
      case APPLY_HEIGHT:                                          break;
      case APPLY_WEIGHT:                                          break;
      case APPLY_MANA:          cur_mana              += mod; break;
      case APPLY_HIT:           cur_hit               += mod; break;
      case APPLY_MOVE:          cur_move              += mod; break;
      case APPLY_GOLD:                                            break;
      case APPLY_EXP:                                             break;
      case APPLY_AC:            cur_armor                 += mod; break;
      case APPLY_HITROLL:       cur_hitroll               += mod; break;
      case APPLY_DAMROLL:       cur_damroll               += mod; break;
      case APPLY_SAVING_PARA:   cur_save          += mod; break;
      case APPLY_SAVING_ROD:    cur_save          += mod; break;
      case APPLY_SAVING_PETRI:  cur_save          += mod; break;
      case APPLY_SAVING_BREATH: cur_save          += mod; break;
      case APPLY_SAVING_SPELL:  cur_save          += mod; break;

  if ( !str_cmp( arg1, "show" ) )
    sprintf( msg_buf, "Your enchantment will add the following to %s\n\r", unique->short_descr );

    if (  new_extras != 0 )  
      sprintf( cat_buf, "Extra Flags : %s\n\r", extra_bit_name(  new_extras ) );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf );
    if (  new_apply != ITEM_APPLY_NONE )
      sprintf( cat_buf, "Magic Flags : %s\n\r",
         bit_table_lookup( tab_item_apply, (  new_apply ) ) );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf );

    if ( mod_str != 0 )
      sprintf( cat_buf, "Str: %d  Total: %d  ", mod_str, mod_str + cur_str );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf );
      if ( mod_str + cur_str > 10 )
        legal_enchant = FALSE;
        sprintf( cat_buf, "%s", "@@RILLEGAL@@N\n\r" );
        sprintf( cat_buf, "%s", "\n\r" );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf );
      min_level = UMAX( ( mod_str + cur_str ) * 10, min_level );

    if ( mod_int != 0 )
      sprintf( cat_buf, "Int: %d  Total: %d  ", mod_int, mod_int + cur_int );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf );
      if ( mod_int + cur_int > 10 )
        legal_enchant = FALSE;
        sprintf( cat_buf, "%s", "@@RILLEGAL@@N\n\r" );
        sprintf( cat_buf, "%s", "\n\r" );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf );
      min_level = UMAX( ( mod_int + cur_int ) * 10, min_level );
    if ( mod_wis != 0 )
      sprintf( cat_buf, "Wis: %d  Total: %d  ", mod_wis, mod_wis + cur_wis );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf );
      if ( mod_wis + cur_wis > 10 )
        legal_enchant = FALSE;
        sprintf( cat_buf, "%s", "@@RILLEGAL@@N\n\r" );
        sprintf( cat_buf, "%s", "\n\r" );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf ); 
      min_level = UMAX( ( mod_wis + cur_wis ) * 10, min_level );

    if ( mod_dex != 0 )
      sprintf( cat_buf, "Dex: %d  Total: %d\n\r  ", mod_dex, mod_dex + cur_dex );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf );
      if ( mod_dex + cur_dex > 10 )
        legal_enchant = FALSE;
        sprintf( cat_buf, "%s", "@@RILLEGAL@@N\n\r" );
        sprintf( cat_buf, "%s", "\n\r" );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf ); 
      min_level = UMAX( ( mod_dex + cur_dex ) * 10, min_level );
    if ( mod_con != 0 )
      sprintf( cat_buf, "Con: %d  Total: %d  ", mod_con, mod_con + cur_con );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf );
      if ( mod_con + cur_con > 10 )
        legal_enchant = FALSE;
        sprintf( cat_buf, "%s", "@@RILLEGAL@@N\n\r" );
        sprintf( cat_buf, "%s", "\n\r" );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf ); 
      min_level = UMAX( ( mod_con + cur_con ) * 10, min_level );
    if ( mod_hit != 0 )
      sprintf( cat_buf, "Hit Points: %d  Total: %d  ", mod_hit, mod_hit + cur_hit );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf );
      if ( mod_hit + cur_hit > 480 )
        legal_enchant = FALSE;
        sprintf( cat_buf, "%s", "@@RILLEGAL@@N\n\r" );
        sprintf( cat_buf, "%s", "\n\r" );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf );
      min_level = UMAX( ( mod_hit + cur_hit ) / 4, min_level );
    if ( mod_mana != 0 )
      sprintf( cat_buf, "Mana: %d  Total: %d  ", mod_mana, mod_mana + cur_mana );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf );
      if ( mod_mana + cur_mana > 480 )
        legal_enchant = FALSE;
        sprintf( cat_buf, "%s", "@@RILLEGAL@@N\n\r" );
        sprintf( cat_buf, "%s", "\n\r" );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf );
      min_level = UMAX( ( mod_mana + cur_mana ) / 4, min_level );
    if ( mod_move != 0 )
      sprintf( cat_buf, "Move: %d  Total: %d  ", mod_move, mod_move + cur_move );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf );
      if ( mod_move + cur_move > 240 )
        legal_enchant = FALSE;
        sprintf( cat_buf, "%s", "@@RILLEGAL@@N\n\r" );
        sprintf( cat_buf, "%s", "\n\r" );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf );
      min_level = UMAX( ( mod_move + cur_move ) / 2 * 10, min_level );

    if ( mod_armor != 0 )
      sprintf( cat_buf, "AC: %d  Total: %d  ", mod_armor, mod_armor + cur_armor );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf );
      if ( mod_armor + cur_armor < -480 )
        legal_enchant = FALSE;
        sprintf( cat_buf, "%s", "@@RILLEGAL@@N\n\r" );
        sprintf( cat_buf, "%s", "\n\r" );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf );
      min_level = UMAX( ( mod_armor + cur_armor ) / -4, min_level );

    if ( mod_hitroll != 0 )
      sprintf( cat_buf, "Hitroll: %d  Total: %d  ", mod_hitroll, mod_hitroll + cur_hitroll );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf );
      if ( mod_hitroll + cur_hitroll > 50 )
        legal_enchant = FALSE;
        sprintf( cat_buf, "%s", "@@RILLEGAL@@N\n\r" );
        sprintf( cat_buf, "%s", "\n\r" );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf );
      min_level = UMAX( ( mod_hitroll + cur_hitroll ) * 2 + 20, min_level );
    if ( mod_damroll != 0 )
      sprintf( cat_buf, "Damroll: %d  Total: %d  ", mod_damroll, mod_damroll + cur_damroll );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf );
      if ( mod_damroll + cur_damroll > 50 )
        legal_enchant = FALSE;
        sprintf( cat_buf, "%s", "@@RILLEGAL@@N\n\r" );
        sprintf( cat_buf, "%s", "\n\r" );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf );
      min_level = UMAX( ( mod_damroll + cur_damroll ) * 2 + 20, min_level );
    if ( mod_save != 0 )
      sprintf( cat_buf, "Save vs Spell: %d  Total: %d  ", mod_save, mod_save + cur_save );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf );
      if ( mod_save + cur_save < -36 )
        legal_enchant = FALSE;
        sprintf( cat_buf, "%s", "@@RILLEGAL@@N\n\r" );
        sprintf( cat_buf, "%s", "\n\r" );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf );
      min_level = UMAX( ( mod_save + cur_save ) / -3 * 10, min_level );

    if ( mod_item_weight != 0 )
      sprintf( cat_buf, "New item weight: %d  ",  mod_item_weight + unique->weight );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf );
      if ( mod_item_weight + unique->weight < 1 )
        legal_enchant = FALSE;
        sprintf( cat_buf, "%s", "@@RILLEGAL@@N\n\r" );
        sprintf( cat_buf, "%s", "\n\r" );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf );

    if ( IS_SET( unique->extra_flags, ITEM_CLAN_EQ ) )
      sprintf( cat_buf, "%s is clan equipment, and may not be enchanted.\n\r", unique->short_descr );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf );
      legal_enchant = FALSE;

    if ( legal_enchant )
      sprintf( cat_buf, "Total Cost: %d @@aqp@@N\n\r", qp_cost );
      sprintf( cat_buf, "%s", "This is not a legal enchantment.  Remove some enchantments, and try again.\n\r" );
    safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf );
    if ( legal_enchant )
      if ( ch->quest_points >= qp_cost )
        sprintf( cat_buf, "%s", "You may type enchant buy to purchase this upgrade.\n\r" );
        sprintf( cat_buf, "%s", "You do not have enough quest points for this upgrade.\n\r" );
      safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf );
      if ( ( min_level > unique->level ) && ( min_level > get_psuedo_level( ch ) )  )
        sprintf( cat_buf, "@@eWARNING: @@WEnchanting %s with these affects will make the item level %d, which is higher than your current ability to use.\n\r",
                          unique->short_descr, min_level );
        safe_strcat( MSL, msg_buf, cat_buf );

    send_to_char( msg_buf, ch );

  if ( !str_cmp( arg1, "buy" ) )
    AFFECT_DATA	* this_aff_next;
    AFFECT_DATA * new_aff;
    OBJ_DATA	* this_obj_next;

    if ( ch->quest_points < qp_cost )
      send_to_char( "You don't have enough quest points for this enchantment.\n\r", ch );
    if ( qp_cost == 0 )
      send_to_char( "Now that would be worthwhile. Let's reconsider, and try adding some enchantments!\n\r", ch );
      if ( ( mod_str != 0 ) && ( mod_str + cur_str > 10 ) )
        legal_enchant = FALSE;
      if ( ( mod_int != 0 ) && ( mod_int + cur_int > 10 ) )
        legal_enchant = FALSE;
      if ( ( mod_wis != 0 ) && ( mod_wis + cur_wis > 10 ) )
        legal_enchant = FALSE;
      if ( ( mod_dex != 0 ) && ( mod_dex + cur_dex > 10 ) )
        legal_enchant = FALSE;
      if ( ( mod_con != 0 ) && ( mod_con + cur_con > 10 ) )
        legal_enchant = FALSE;
      if ( ( mod_hit != 0 ) && ( mod_hit + cur_hit > 480 ) )
        legal_enchant = FALSE;
      if ( ( mod_mana != 0 ) && ( mod_mana + cur_mana > 480 ) )
        legal_enchant = FALSE;
      if ( ( mod_move != 0 ) && ( mod_move + cur_move > 240 ) )
        legal_enchant = FALSE;
      if ( ( mod_armor != 0 ) && ( mod_armor + cur_armor < -480 ) )
        legal_enchant = FALSE;
      if ( ( mod_hitroll != 0 ) && ( mod_hitroll + cur_hitroll > 50 ) )
        legal_enchant = FALSE;
      if ( ( mod_damroll != 0 ) && ( mod_damroll + cur_damroll > 50 ) )
        legal_enchant = FALSE;
      if ( ( mod_save != 0 ) && ( mod_save + cur_save < -36 ) )
        legal_enchant = FALSE;
      if ( ( mod_item_weight != 0 ) && ( mod_item_weight + unique->weight < 1 ) )
        legal_enchant = FALSE;
      if ( IS_SET( unique->extra_flags, ITEM_CLAN_EQ )  )
        legal_enchant = FALSE;

    if ( legal_enchant == FALSE )
      do_enchant( ch, "show" );
    for ( this_aff = unique->first_apply; this_aff != NULL; this_aff = this_aff_next )
      this_aff_next = this_aff->next;
      if ( this_aff->type != -1 )
      UNLINK( this_aff, unique->first_apply, unique->last_apply, next, prev );
      PUT_FREE( this_aff, affect_free );
    if ( mod_str + cur_str != 0 )
      GET_FREE( new_aff, affect_free );
      new_aff->type = -1;
      new_aff->location = APPLY_STR;
      new_aff->modifier = mod_str + cur_str;
      new_aff->duration = -1;
      LINK( new_aff, unique->first_apply, unique->last_apply, next, prev );
      if ( mod_str != 0 )
        min_level = UMAX( ( mod_str + cur_str ) * 10, min_level );
    if ( mod_int + cur_int != 0 )
      GET_FREE( new_aff, affect_free );
      new_aff->type = -1;
      new_aff->location = APPLY_INT;
      new_aff->modifier = mod_int + cur_int;
      new_aff->duration = -1;
      LINK( new_aff, unique->first_apply, unique->last_apply, next, prev );
      if ( mod_int != 0 )
        min_level = UMAX( ( mod_int + cur_int ) * 10, min_level );

    if ( mod_wis + cur_wis != 0 )
      GET_FREE( new_aff, affect_free );
      new_aff->type = -1;
      new_aff->location = APPLY_WIS;
      new_aff->modifier = mod_wis + cur_wis;
      new_aff->duration = -1;
      LINK( new_aff, unique->first_apply, unique->last_apply, next, prev );
      if ( mod_wis != 0 )
        min_level = UMAX( ( mod_wis + cur_wis ) * 10, min_level );

    if ( mod_dex + cur_dex != 0 )
      GET_FREE( new_aff, affect_free );
      new_aff->type = -1;
      new_aff->location = APPLY_DEX;
      new_aff->modifier = mod_dex + cur_dex;
      new_aff->duration = -1;
      LINK( new_aff, unique->first_apply, unique->last_apply, next, prev );
      if ( mod_dex != 0 )
        min_level = UMAX( ( mod_dex + cur_dex ) * 10, min_level );

    if ( mod_con + cur_con != 0 )
      GET_FREE( new_aff, affect_free );
      new_aff->type = -1;
      new_aff->location = APPLY_CON;
      new_aff->modifier = mod_con + cur_con;
      new_aff->duration = -1;
      LINK( new_aff, unique->first_apply, unique->last_apply, next, prev );
      if ( mod_con != 0 )
        min_level = UMAX( ( mod_con + cur_con ) * 10, min_level );

    if ( mod_hit + cur_hit != 0 )
      GET_FREE( new_aff, affect_free );
      new_aff->type = -1;
      new_aff->location = APPLY_HIT;
      new_aff->modifier = mod_hit + cur_hit;
      new_aff->duration = -1;
      LINK( new_aff, unique->first_apply, unique->last_apply, next, prev );
      if ( mod_hit != 0 )
        min_level = UMAX( ( mod_hit + cur_hit ) / 4, min_level );

    if ( mod_mana + cur_mana != 0 )
      GET_FREE( new_aff, affect_free );
      new_aff->type = -1;
      new_aff->location = APPLY_MANA;
      new_aff->modifier = mod_mana + cur_mana;
      new_aff->duration = -1;
      LINK( new_aff, unique->first_apply, unique->last_apply, next, prev );
      if ( mod_mana != 0 )
        min_level = UMAX( ( mod_mana + cur_mana ) / 4, min_level );

    if ( mod_move + cur_move != 0 )
      GET_FREE( new_aff, affect_free );
      new_aff->type = -1;
      new_aff->location = APPLY_MOVE;
      new_aff->modifier = mod_move + cur_move;
      new_aff->duration = -1;
      LINK( new_aff, unique->first_apply, unique->last_apply, next, prev );
      if ( mod_move != 0 )
        min_level = UMAX( ( mod_move + cur_move ) / 2 * 10, min_level );

    if ( mod_hitroll + cur_hitroll != 0 )
      GET_FREE( new_aff, affect_free );
      new_aff->type = -1;
      new_aff->location = APPLY_HITROLL;
      new_aff->modifier = mod_hitroll + cur_hitroll;
      new_aff->duration = -1;
      LINK( new_aff, unique->first_apply, unique->last_apply, next, prev );
      if ( mod_hitroll != 0 )
        min_level = UMAX( ( mod_hitroll + cur_hitroll ) * 2 + 20, min_level );

    if ( mod_damroll + cur_damroll != 0 )
      GET_FREE( new_aff, affect_free );
      new_aff->type = -1;
      new_aff->location = APPLY_DAMROLL;
      new_aff->modifier = mod_damroll + cur_damroll;
      new_aff->duration = -1;
      LINK( new_aff, unique->first_apply, unique->last_apply, next, prev );
      if ( mod_damroll != 0 )
        min_level = UMAX( ( mod_damroll + cur_damroll ) * 2 + 20, min_level );

    if ( mod_save + cur_save != 0 )
      GET_FREE( new_aff, affect_free );
      new_aff->type = -1;
      new_aff->location = APPLY_SAVING_SPELL;
      new_aff->modifier = mod_save + cur_save;
      new_aff->duration = -1;
      LINK( new_aff, unique->first_apply, unique->last_apply, next, prev );
      if ( mod_save != 0 )
        min_level = UMAX( ( mod_save + cur_save ) / -3 * 10, min_level );

    if ( mod_armor + cur_armor != 0 )
      GET_FREE( new_aff, affect_free );
      new_aff->type = -1;
      new_aff->location = APPLY_AC;
      new_aff->modifier = mod_armor + cur_armor;
      new_aff->duration = -1;
      LINK( new_aff, unique->first_apply, unique->last_apply, next, prev );
      if ( mod_armor != 0 )
        min_level = UMAX( ( mod_armor + cur_armor ) / -4, min_level );

    if ( !IS_SET( unique->extra_flags, ITEM_UNIQUE ) )
      SET_BIT( unique->extra_flags, ITEM_UNIQUE );
    if ( IS_OBJ_STAT( unique, ITEM_REMORT ) )
      min_level = UMAX( 80 + ( unique->level/4 ), min_level );
      REMOVE_BIT( unique->extra_flags, ITEM_REMORT );
    if ( mod_item_weight + unique->weight > 0 )
      unique->weight = mod_item_weight + unique->weight;
    new_extras = new_extras | unique->extra_flags;
    new_apply = new_apply | unique->item_apply;

    if ( unique->extra_flags != new_extras )
      unique->extra_flags = new_extras;
    if ( unique->item_apply != new_apply )
      unique->item_apply = new_apply;

    ch->quest_points = ch->quest_points - qp_cost;
    sprintf( enchant_buf,"%s", "Enchantments Used: " );
    for ( this_obj = matrix->first_in_carry_list; this_obj != NULL; this_obj = this_obj_next )
      this_obj_next = this_obj->next_in_carry_list;
      if ( this_obj->item_type == ITEM_ENCHANTMENT )
        sprintf( enchant_catbuf, "%s (%d) ",
          this_obj->name, this_obj->pIndexData->vnum );
        safe_strcat( MSL, enchant_buf, enchant_catbuf );
        extract_obj( this_obj );
      safe_strcat( MSL, enchant_buf,  "\n\r" );
    if ( unique->level < min_level )
      unique->level = UMIN( 120, min_level );

    act( "$n dances about wildly, chanting wierd mantras, and gestures crazily over $p.",
       ch, matrix, NULL, TO_ROOM );
    act( "You enchant $p with additional powers!", ch, unique, NULL, TO_CHAR );
    do_save( ch, "" );
          BRAND_DATA *	brand;
          DL_LIST *	brand_member;
          char	brandbuf[MSL];
          char  cat2_buf[MSL];
          AFFECT_DATA	* one_aff;
	  char *strtime;

          sprintf( brandbuf, "UNIQUE ITEM: keyword: %s, Name: %s, flags: %s \n\r level: %d, affects:\n\r",
                   extra_bit_name( unique->extra_flags ),
                   unique->level );
          for ( one_aff = unique->first_apply; one_aff != NULL ; one_aff = one_aff->next )
	    if ( one_aff->location != APPLY_NONE && one_aff->modifier != 0 )
	      sprintf( cat2_buf, "Affects %s by %d.\n\r",
		affect_loc_name( one_aff->location ), one_aff->modifier );
              safe_strcat( MSL, brandbuf, cat2_buf );
          sprintf( cat2_buf, "Total cost: %d qp\n\r", qp_cost );
          safe_strcat( MSL, brandbuf, cat2_buf );
          safe_strcat( MSL, brandbuf, enchant_buf );
          GET_FREE( brand, brand_data_free );
          GET_FREE( brand_member, dl_list_free );
          brand->branded = str_dup( ch->name );
          brand->branded_by = str_dup( "@@rSystem@@N");
          brand->priority = str_dup( "unique" );
          brand->message = str_dup( brandbuf );
	  strtime = ctime( &current_time );
	  strtime[strlen(strtime)-1]	= '\0';
	  brand->dt_stamp = str_dup( strtime );
          brand_member->next = NULL;
          brand_member->prev = NULL;
          brand_member->this_one = brand;
          LINK( brand_member, first_brand, last_brand, next, prev );
          save_brands( );
          send_to_char( "Your messages have been updated, and logged for inspection by an Immortal.\n\r", ch );

  do_enchant( ch, "" );
/* now, we make sure this is a legal enchantment  */

/* if everything is good, and they want to buy, we add effects to item, remove enchantments
   from bag  */