& help
  This is the MUSH online help facility for wizard commands and topics.
  The information provided by this command is generally not useful for
  anyone other than wizards and game maintainers, as the features described
  here are only accessable to characters whose WIZARD bit is set, or to those
  who have access to the directory where the MUSH data files reside.

  Syntax of help command:
     wizhelp [<command/topic>]

  To get a list of MUSH wizard topics:
     wizhelp topics

  To get a list of MUSH wizard commands:
     wizhelp commands

  If there are any errors in the help text, please notify a Wizard.
  See also: help.

& commands
  Help is available for the following MUSH commands:

  DOING          SESSION        slay           WHO            examine

  @admin         @apply_marked  @attribute     @boot          @cat
  @chown         @chownall      @clone         @cut           @dbck
  @destroy       @disable       @doing         @dump          @enable
  @fixdb         @halt          @kick          @list          @list_file
  @listmotd      @lock          @mark          @mark_all      @motd
  @newpassword   @note          @pcreate       @poor          @ps
  @purge         @quota         @readcache     @rwho          @shutdown
  @timewarp      @toad          @wall

  @allowance     @comment       @timeout

& topics
  Help available on the following Topics:

  FLAGS              INHERITANCE        LOGGING            MASTER ROOM

& flags
  Information is available on the following flags:

  INHERIT(i)         MARKED(m)          STARTUP(z)         SUSPECT(u)

  Command: DOING <prefix>
  The DOING command displays the WHO report in the same format that the users
  see.  Wizards must use this command to see the @doing messages of the
  connected players, as the wizard WHO report does not include the @doing
  messages.  When run by a wizard, DOING also lists DARK players.
  If <prefix> is specified, only players that match it are listed.
  For wizards, the player flags (see the WHO command for details) are
  displayed between the Idle and Doing fields.
  See also: WHO, DARK.

& examine
  Command: examine[/<switches>] [<object>]
  Wizards may use the /debug switch to see additional information about the
  object.  The Owner, Exits, Next, and Contents fields of the object are
  shown in numeric form only, and an attribute list is included.

  Command: SESSION <prefix>
  The SESSION command displays character input and output information for
  all connected players, or just those who match <prefix>.

  This command can be used to help identify network problems as follows:
    - A nonzero Input Pending count can indicate indicate typeahead or a
      client program dumping commands faster than the command scheduling
      parameters let them be executed.  Telnet sessions in character mode also
      show up with positive Input Pending counts when the player is in the
      middle of typing a command.
    - A nozero Input Lost count means that the player has typed a line longer
      than what the mush can handle.  This usually indicates a problem with
      the player's client or terminal (a stuck key).
    - A persistently large Output Pending count can indicate netlag between
      the host site and the player's site, or merely that the player has
      performed a command that generated a lot of output which hasn't been
      sent yet.
    - A nonzero Output Lost count usually means that the player performed
      a command that produced more output than the output buffer could hold.
      It may also indicate network problems or that the player is generating
      output faster than the network or his client can process it.
& slay
  Command: slay <player/object>
  Kills the indicated player or object without paying any insurance to the
  victim.  It should be used in places where suicide should not be rewarded.
  See also: kill, IMMORTAL.

  Command: WHO <prefix>
  The WHO command contains several additional fields when used by wizards:

     Player flags - located between the Idle and Room fields:
                    D(dark), d(autodark) U(unfindable), +(suspect).
     Room         - The room that the player is in.
     Commands     - The number of commands that the player has entered during
                    this session (not counting machine commands).
     Host flags   - located bwtween the Commands and Host fields:
                    F(forbidden), R(registration), +(suspect).
     Host         - The Internet host name or address from where the player has

  Players who are set DARK are flagged as such after the host name.  These
  players do not show up in the WHO report done by a normal player.
  If <prefix> is specified, only players that match it are listed.
  The @doing message is not displayed in wizard WHO reports.  Instead, use
  the DOING command to see the @doing messages for connected players.
  See also: DOING, DARK, idle_dark_wiz.

& wizhelp
  Command: wizhelp <topic>
  Displays information from the wizard help file.  The information is
  typically of use only to wizards and/or the game maintainer.
  See also: the source code.

& @admin
  Command: @admin <param>=<value>
  Sets a TinyMUSH configuration parameter to the indicated value.
  Type 'wizhelp config parameters' for a list of the config parameters that
  may be set.

& @apply_marked
  Command: @apply_marked <command>
  Performs <command> once for each object in the database that has its MARK
  flag set, substituting the characters ## for the object number of the
  marked object.  The command is performed by the player invoking the
  @apply_marked command, not by the marked object.  This command may only
  be used when database cleaning is disabled (via @disable cleaning),
  as cleaning uses the MARKED flag to check connectivity.
  See also: @mark, @mark_all, MARKED.

& @attribute
  Command: @attribute[/<switch>] <attrib>[=<value>]
  Performs operations on user-named attributes depending on the switch used.
  The following switches are available:
     /access   - Changes the access to the named attribute.  <value> is a
                 space-separated list of permissions to add or remove from
                 the attribute's access permissions.
     /delete   - Removes the named attribute from the attribute table.
                 This switch does not remove instances of the attribute from
                 objects, and any that remain will be renamed to the 
                 user-named attribute that re-uses the attribute number
                 of the deleted attribute.
     /rename   - Changes the name of the named attribute to <value>.
  Note that changes to user-named attributes performed by this command
  are permanent and do not need to be performed each time the MUSH is
& @boot
  Command: @boot[/<switches>] <player>
  Severs the named player's connection to the game.  The player is given a
  notice that they have been booted.  If the player is connected to the game
  more than once, then all connections to that player are severed.

  The following switches are available:
    /quiet - Don't give the booted player any special notice.
    /port  - Disconnects only a specific port (port numbers may be obtained
             from the SESSION command).  In this case <player> must be a number.
  See also: @destroy, @toad, SESSION.

& @cat
  Command: @cat <file>[=<player>]
  Copies the contents of the named file within the ./files subdirectory of
  the MUSH game directory to you, or to the named player.

& @chown
  Command: @chown <object>=<player>
  Wizards may @chown objects, rooms, and exits to other players, and may
  only @chown objects that they are currently holding.  @Chowned objects are
  set HALTED.
  See also: @chownall.

& @clone
  Command: @clone[/<switches>] <object>
  Wizards may also specify the /preserve switch, which preserves the original
  owner of the object in the new copy, instead of creating the copy as being
  owned by the wizard.

& @chownall
  Command: @chownall <victim>[=<recipient>]
  Changes the ownership of all of the victim's objects, rooms, and exits to
  the indicated recipient (or to the wizard performing the @chownall if
  no recipient is specified).  All objects, rooms, and exits are set HALTED.
  See also: @chown.

& @cut
  Command: @cut <object/exit>
  Cuts off the object or exit list for the current location at the indicated
  object or exit by setting [next(thing)] to NOTHING.  Objects or exits that
  follow in the chain are not moved or otherwise changed, and are only
  accessable by object number.  This command is intended for performing
  database repair, and should be used only with extreme caution.

& @dbck
  Command: @dbck
  Performs a scan of the database looking for inconsistencies in the object
  chains, disconnected rooms, rooms waiting to be destroyed, and problems in
  the object free list.  Problems that are found are reported to the log
  file, disconnected rooms are reported to their owners, and players are
  credited for rooms destroyed.  Database checks are automatically run
  periodically, so there is usually no need to use this command.
  See also: @admin, @disable, @enable, @list, @purge.

& @destroy
  Command: @destroy[/<switches>] <object>
  Players are always considered SAFE.  Objects owned by other players are
  not otherwise treated specially.

& @disable
  Command: @disable <option>
  Turns off the indicated MUSH runtime parameter.  The following parameters
  may be turned off:
    building      - Allows players to use the building commands.
    checkpointing - Enables periodic database checkpoint dumping.
    cleaning      - Enables periodic scanning of the database for rooms
                    to be destroyed.
    dequeueing    - Allows commands to be removed from the queue and
    idlechecking  - Enables periodic checking for and booting of idle
    interpret     - Enables execution of commands that place commands
                    on the queue.
    local_rwho    - Enables the RWHO command for querying a remote RWHO
    logins        - Allows nonwizard players to connect to their characters.
    transmit_rwho - Enables transmission of player data to a remote RWHO
  These parameters are all enabled by default.
  See also: @enable, @list.

& @doing
  Command: @doing[/<switch>] <text>
  Wizards may use the /header switch to set the Doing header in the WHO report.
  If no header is specified, the header is reset to "Doing".

& @dump
  Command: @dump[/<switches>]
  Writes a checkpoint dump of the database to disk.  Checkpoint dumps are
  automatically performed periodically, so there is usually no need to use
  this command.  Switches may be used to either dump just the structure
  portion of the database to a flat file, or to ensure that all changes to
  the text database are written out to disk.  The default is to write out
  both files.
  The following options are available:
     structure  - Dump the structure portion of the database to a flat file.
     text       - Ensure that all changes to the text portion of the
                  database are written out to disk.
  See also: @admin, @disable, @enable, @list, @shutdown.

& @enable
  Command: @enable <option>
  Turns on the indicated MUSH runtime parameter.  The following parameters
  may be turned on:
    building      - Allows players to use the building commands.
    checkpointing - Enables periodic database checkpoint dumping.
    cleaning      - Enables periodic scanning of the database for rooms
                    to be destroyed.
    dequeueing    - Allows commands to be removed from the queue and
    idlechecking  - Enables periodic checking for and booting of idle
    interpret     - Enables execution of commands that place commands
                    on the queue.
    local_rwho    - Enables the RWHO command for querying a remote RWHO
    logins        - Allows nonwizard players to connect to their characters.
    transmit_rwho - Enables transmission of player data to a remote RWHO
  These parameters are all enabled by default.
  See also: @disable, @list.

& @fixdb
  Command: @fixdb[/<switch>] <object>=<value>
  This command directly edits the database structure according to the
  switch specified.  As such, it is possible to produce database
  inconsistencies that can hang or crash the server.  This command should
  be used with extreme caution.

  The following switches are available:
     contents     - Sets the contents pointer of <object> to <value>
     exits        - Sets the exits pointer of <object> to <value>
     location     - Sets the location pointer of <object> to <value>
     next         - Sets the next pointer of <object> to <value>
     owner        - Sets the owner of <object> to <value>
     pennies      - Sets the value or wealth of <object> to <value>
     rename       - Renames <object> to <value>

& @halt
  Command: @halt[/<switches>] [<object>]
  This command can be used to halt commands being run by a specific object,
  all commands being run by objects owned by a specific player, or all
  commands in the game.  If <object> is not specified, the object running
  the command is halted.  If the object being halted is a player, then
  all commands being run by objects owned by that player are halted.
  Halting an object does not affect commands waiting on it as a semaphore,
  use the @drain command to reset a semaphore.

  The /all switch may be used to halt all commands globally.
  See also: @drain, @notify, kill, HALTED, SEMAPHORES.

& @kick
  Command: @kick <count>
  Immediately executes the first <count> commands from the top of the queue.
  See also: @disable, @enable, @timewarp.

& @list
  Command: @list [<option>]
  Lists information from internal databases.  Information is available
  about the following options:

    allocations         attr_permissions    attributes          bad_names
    buffers             commands            costs               db_stats
    default_flags       flags               functions           globals
    hashstats           logging             options             permissions
    powers              process             site_info           switches

  Type wizhelp @list <option> for help with a particular option.

& @list allocations
  Command: @list allocations
  This command lists the usage statistics for the internal buffer pools.
  For each buffer pool, the following information is listed:
    Size   - The size of a buffer, in characters.
    InUse  - The number of buffers presently allocated from the pool.
    Total  - The total number of buffers currently in the pool.
    Allocs - The total number of buffers ever allocated from the pool.
    Lost   - The number of buffers lost due to buffer header corruption.

  Information is reported for the following pools:
    Lbufs    - Large buffers, used when handling data input by the user,
               object attributes, the results of interpreting commands, and
               many other places.
    Mbufs    - Medium-sized buffers, for when an sbuf is too small but an lbuf
               is too large.
    Sbufs    - Small buffers, for when you need only a little space.
    Bools    - Boolean expressions, used when evaluating locks.
    Descs    - Network descriptors, one is used for each connected player.
    Qentries - Queue entries, one is used for each command placed on the
               queue. (@wait, @trigger, @switch, @dolist, etc).

  See also: @list buffers.

& @list attr_permissions
  Command: @list attr_permissions
  Lists the attributes and the access restrictions that have been placed on
  them. The attributes are listed one per line.  Refer to the attr_access
  config parameter for the meanings of the restrictions.

  Note that being allowed to write to an attribute does not imply the right
  to use the @<attr-name> shorthand command to set it, just the @set command.
  See also: @list permissions, attr_access.

& @list attributes
  Command: @list attributes
  Lists the attributes that are visible or settable by you.
  See also: @list attr_access, @list permissions.

& @list bad_names
  Command: @list bad_names
  This command lists the player names that are not allowed to be created.
  Any create request (whether via the login screen or @pcreate) that matches
  (after wildcard expansion) one of the names in the list will be rejected.

& @list buffers
  Command: @list buffers
  For each buffer in a buffer pool that is currently allocated, lists where
  within TinyMUSH the buffer was allocated.

& @list commands
  Command: @list commands
  Lists the internal commands that you may execute.  This command does not
  list the attribute-setting commands that you may use (like @va or @ahear),
  and does not list exits in your current room or $-commands on objects.
  See also: @list attr_access, @list attributes, @list permissions.

& @list costs
  Command: @list costs
  Lists the costs that are associated with some commands, particularly those
  that expand the database.

& @list db_stats
  Command: @list db_stats
  Lists statistics for the database cache.

& @list default_flags
  Command: @list default_flags
  Lists the flags that are automatically given to players, things, rooms,
  exits, and robots when they are created.
  See also: player_flags, thing_flags, room_flags, exit_flags, robot_flags.

& @list flags
  Command: @list flags
  For each object type, lists the name and key letter for all flags that may
  be set on that object type that are visible to you.

& @list functions
  Command: @list functions
  Lists the functions that may be used to obtain information when evaluating
  command lines.

& @list globals
  Command: @list globals
  Lists the global parameters that may be set or cleared by the @enable and
  @disable commands.  The following parameters are displayed.

    building      - Indicates whether or not commands that alter the
                    stricture of the database are allowed.
    checkpointing - Indicates whether or not the database is to be
                    periodically written to disk.
    cleaning      - Indicates whether or not the database is to be
                    periodically checked for deleted or disconnected rooms,
                    and other connectivity problems.
    dequeueing    - Indicates whether or not commands on the queue may be
                    automatically executed.
    idlechecking  - Indicates whether or not the inactivity limits are
    interpret     - Indicates whether or not new commands may be added to
                    the queue.
    local_rwho    - Indicates whether or not the RWHO command may be used
                    to read data from the configured remote RWHO server.
{ 'wizhelp @list globals2' for more }
& @list globals2
    logins        - Indicates whether or not nonwizard players are allowed
                    to connect.
    transmit_rwho - Indicates whether or not user information is to be
                    periodically sent to the configured remote RWHO server.
  See also: RWHO, @dbck, @disable, @enable, @kick, @list permissions, @purge,
            @timewarp, checkpoint, conn_timeout, dump_interval, dump_offset,
            idle_interval, idle_timeout, rwho_data_port, rwho_dump_interval,
            rwho_host, rwho_info_port, rwho_password, rwho_transmit.

& @list hashstats
  Command: @list hashstats
  Lists the hashing statistics for each of the internal hash tables.
  For each hash table, the following information is displayed:
    Size    - The number of hash buckets in the hash table.
    Entries - The number of entries currently in the hash table.
    Deleted - The number of entries that have been deleted from the hash
    Empty   - The number of hash buckets with no entries.
    Lookups - The number of times the hash table has been searched.
    Hits    - The number of times that an item that was searched for was
    Checks  - The total number of comparisons made against hash table entries
              to see if they were the desired entry.
    Longest - The maximum number of entries in one hash bucket.

{ 'wizhelp @list hashstats2' for more }
& @list hashstats2
  Information is displayed for the following hash tables:
    Commands            - Internal MUSH commands
    Logged-out commands - Commands valid whether or not you are connected
                          (such as WHO and QUIT).
    Functions           - MUSH functions, such as rand() and lexits().
    Player flags        - Names of flags valid for players.
    Thing flags         - Names of flags valid for things.
    Room flags          - Names of flags valid for rooms.
    Exit flags          - Names of flags valid for exits.
    Attribute names     - Object attribute names.
    Attribute numbers   - Object attribute numbers (only used internally).
    Net descriptors     - Mapping of player DB numbers to net descriptors.
    News topics         - Topics for the news command.
    Help topics         - Topics for the help command.
    Wizhelp topics      - Topics for the wizhelp command.

  See also: alias, attr_alias, flag_alias.

& @list logging
  Command: @list logging
  Lists the type of information that is written to the log file and how it is
  displayed.  The following types of information may be logged:
    accounting     - Usage information on player disconnect.
    all_commands   - All commands executed by anyone or anything.
    bad_commands   - Commands that resulted in a 'Huh?' message.
    buffer_alloc   - Allocates and frees of buffers in the buffer pools.
    bugs           - Things that should never happen, but did.
    checkpoints    - Writes of the database to disk.
    config_changes - Changes in the configuration parameters.
    create         - The creation of new players.
    killing        - Use of the kill command, successful and unsuccessful.
    logins         - Players connecting and disconnecting.
    network        - New and dropped network connections.
    problems       - Database inconsistencies that are found.
    security       - Connect attempts with the wrong password, etc.
    shouts         - Messages sent to all players or all wizards.
    startup        - Events while starting up.
    wizard         - Use of powerful wizard commands, like @toad.
{ 'wizhelp @list logging2' for more }
& @list logging2
  The following formatting information is listed:
    flags          - Include flags for players/objects/rooms listed.
    location       - Include location if player/object when requested.
    owner          - Include owner of objects/rooms listed.
    timestamp      - Prefix log entries by a timestamp.

  See also: log, log_options.

& @list options
  Command: @list options
  Lists the value of many of the configuration parameters.
  See also: @admin.

& @list permissions
  Command: @list permissions
  For each command that you are allowed to use, lists the permissions that are
  needed to execute it.
  See also: access, attr_cmd_access.

& @list powers
  Command: @list powers
  Lists the access restrictions on the various powers
    change_quotas   - Player may change the building quotas of others.
    chown_mine      - Player may @chown objects to yourself even if not
    chown_others    - Player may @chown objects you control to others.
    expanded_who    - WHO report includes additional information about the 
                      players listed.
    free_money      - All commands are free.
    free_quota      - Quotas are ignored for this player.
    grab_player     - Player may @tel any other player to themselves.
    join_player     - Player may @tel to the loc of any other player.
    long_fingers    - Player may operate on objects that normally must be
                      near the player even if they are not.
    priv_attributes - Player may modify read-only attributes and see invisible
    priv_flags      - Player sees and may modify privileged flags.
    rename_myself   - Player may change his name and password.
    see_all_queue   - Player sees entire contents of queue.
    see_hidden      - Player sees hidden players in the WHO report.
    stat_any        - Player may get @stats on any player.
{ 'wizhelp @list powers2' for more }
& @list powers2
    steal_money     - Player may give negative money.
    unkillable      - Player may not be killed.

& @list process
  Command: @list process

  Lists information about the running MUSH process and its resource usage.
  The following information is returned:
     Process number.
     Pagesize of the system running the mush, in bytes.
     CPU time used, both user and system.
     Maximum resident size, in both pages and bytes.
     Integral resident size of the shared, private, and stack segments.
        This number is not terribly useful.
     Page faults, counting separately those that cause I/O and those that do
     Number of times the process has been swapped out.
     Number of real disk reads and writes done (possibly via NFS).
     Number of network packets read and written.
     Context switches, counting separately voluntary switches (as the result
        of calling a blocking I/O routine) and involuntarily switches (as the
        result of a timeslice end or a higher-priority process becoming
     Signals received.

& @list site_information
  Command: @list site_information
  Lists the contents of the site access and suspect lists.

    Address - The address to which this entry applies.
    Mask    - The mask that is ANDed to both the input address and the address
              in the entry when checking to see if this entry is to be used.
    Status  - Indicates what type of access or restriction is to be applied.
              The following statuses may occur in the site access list:

                Forbidden    - Connections from this site are rejected.
                Registration - Connections from this site are accepted,
                               new characters may not be created with the
                               'create' command, players wanting a character
                               must get a wizard to create one for them.
                Unrestricted - Connections from this site are accepted,
                               new characters may be created with the 'create'
{ 'wizhelp @list site_information2' for more }
& @list site_information2
              The following statuses may occur in the site suspect list:

                Suspected    - Notify logged-in wizards of any connects or
                               disconnects from this site.
                Trusted      - Don't notify wizards of connects or disconnects
                               from this site.

  See also: forbid_site, permit_site, register_site, suspect_site, trust_site.

& @list switches
  Command: @list switches
  Lists the commands that support switches as well as the switches that may
  be used.

& @list user_attributes
  Command: @list user_attributes
  Lists the defined user-named attributes, along with their internal
  attribute numbers and access restrictions.

& @list_file
  Command: @list_file <file>
  Lists the contents of one of the message files that are shown during the
  connect/create/disconnect process as conditions warrant.  The following
  files may be listed:
     badsite_connect - shown when a connection is opened from a forbidden
     connect          - shown when a connection is opened from a site for
                        which registration is not enforced.
     create_register  - shown when the 'create' command is used from a site 
                        for which registration is enforced.
     down             - shown when a non-wizard attempts to connect to or
                        create a character when logins are disabled.
     full             - shown when a non-wizard attempts to connect to or
                        create a character when the maximum number of connected
                        players are connected.  Note that this is different
                        from what happens when someone tries to connect but
                        there are no free descriptors, which is
                        machine-dependent (usually the connect attempt hangs
                        or is rejected).
     guest_motd       - shown to guest characters immediately after they
{ 'wizhelp @list_file2' for more }
& @list_file2
     motd             - shown to all players immediately after they connect.
                        (except guests and players connecting for the first
     newuser          - shown to players the first time they connect in place
                        of the motd file.
     quit             - shown to players when they disconnect from the game.
     register_connect - shown when a connection is opened from a site for
                        which registration is enforced.
     wizard_motd      - shown to wizards when they connect in addition to
                        the motd file.
  See also: @readcache, badsite_file, connect_file, connect_reg_file,
            down_file, guest_file, motd_file, newuser_file, quit_file,
            register_create_file, wizard_motd_file.

& @listmotd
  Command: @listmotd
  Lists the current MOTD messages as set by the @motd command.
  See also: @motd.

& @lock
  Command: @lock <object>=<key>
  Note that with attribute locking, a WIZARD object can read any attribute of
  any object, including attributes invisible to players.

  Player #1 may also make attribute locks of the form <attr-num>:<value>
  Note that if <attr-num> is not a valid attribute number, the lock will
  never succeed.

& @mark
  Command: @mark[/<switches>] [<player>] [<class>=<restriction>]
  Sets or clears the MARKED flags for objects that match the search criteria.
  This command may only be used when database cleaning is disabled (via
  @disable cleaning), as cleaning uses the MARKED flag to check

  The following switches are available:
     /set    - (default) Set the MARKED flag on the selected objects.
     /clear  - Clear the MARKED flag on the selected objects.

  See also: @apply_marked, @@mark_all, MARKED, SEARCH CRITERIA.

& @mark_all
  Command: @mark_all[/<switches>]

  Sets or clears the MARKED flag for all objects in the database.  This command
  may only be used when database cleaning is disabled (via @disable cleaning),
  as cleaning uses the MARKED flag to check connectivity.

  The following switches are available:
     /set    - (default) Set the MARKED flag on all objects.
     /clear  - Clear the MARKED flag on all objects.

  See also: @apply_marked, @mark_all, MARKED.

& @motd
  Command: @motd[/<switches>] <message>

  This command sets or lists short messages that are displayed to players
  after they successfully log in to the game (or after they fail because
  logins are not allowed).  These messages are displayed in addition to
  the contents of the motd.txt and wizmotd.txt files.

  The following switches are available:
     (No switches)   - Sets the message that all players see when they connect.
     /wizard         - Sets the message that wizards see when they connect.
     /down           - Sets the message the players see when they try to
                       connect, but fail because logins are disabled.
     /full           - Sets the message that players see when they try to
                       connect, but fail because there are too many players
                       already connected.
     /list           - Lists the current messages.
  See also: @listmotd.

& @newpassword
  Command: @newpassword <player>[=<newpassword>]
  Gives <player> the new password <newpassword>.  If <newpassword> is not
  specified, the player is given a null password.  If logged in, the player
  is notified that his password has been changed.
  See also: @password.

& @note
  @note <message>
  Writes <message> to the log file as a note.  Notes are normally examined
  by the game maintainer periodically.
  See also: gripe.

& @pcreate
  Command: @pcreate <player>=<password>
  Creates a new player with the indicated password.  This command is
  equivalent to typing 'create <player> <password>' from the connection
  screen, and is normally only used when registration is enabled.

& @poor
  Command: @poor <amount>
  Sets the wealth of all players to <amount>.

& @ps
  Command: @ps[/<switches>] [<object>]
  Wizards may also use the /all switch to view the entire queue.
  See also: @ps (player version).

& @purge
  Command: @purge
  Immediately destroys any rooms that are waiting to be destroyed, crediting
  their owners for the cost of creating the room.  The freelist is also 
  repaired if it is damaged.  These operations are performed periodically,
  so there is usually no need to use this command.
  See also: @dbck.

& @quota
  Command: @quota[/<switches>] [<player>[=<quota>]]
           @quota/all[/<switches>] [<quota>]]
  Lists or sets the player's (or everyone's) remaining or total quota
  according to the switches used.
  The following switches are available:
     /all       - Display or set the quota for all players.
     /fix       - Repair the remaining or total quota, assuming that the other
                  is correct.
     /remaining - Set or repair the remaining quota.
     /set       - Set the remaining or total quota to the specified value.
     /total     - Set or repair the total quota.
  See also: QUOTAS.

& @readcache
  Command: @readcache
  Reads the commonly-used text files and help indexes on the game directory
  into an internal cache, destroying the prior contents of the cache.
  Use this command whenever you change one of the text of index files in
  the game directory.

& @rwho
  Command: @rwho[/<switches>]
  Sets up or breaks the connection to the remote RWHO server over which
  WHO data is transmitted.  Note that changes to many of the RWHO
  configuration parameters only take effect when RWHO transmission is next

  The following switches are supported:
     /start - Opens the connection and transmits an 'I am alive' message.
     /stop  - Transmits an 'I am going down' message and closes the

  See also: rwho_data_port, rwho_dump_interval, rwho_host, rwho_password,

& @shutdown
  Command: @shutdown <text>
  Disconnects all connected players, saves the database to disk, and shuts
  down the game.  The game is unavailable until it is restarted.  If an
  argument is specified, it is written to the file named by the status_file
  config directive.
  See also: status_file

& @timewarp
  Command: @timewarp[/<switches>] <secs>
  Subtracts (or adds if negative) <secs> to one or more internal timers,
  depending on the switches specified from the following list:
     /check    - The time left until the next consistency check and database
     /dump     - The time left until the next automatic checkpoint dump.
     /idle     - The time left until the next check for idle users.
     /queue    - (default) Adjusts the time-to-wait for all entries in the
                 wait and semaphore queues.  Entries whose time-to-wait
                 becomes zero or less are then ready for execution.
                 The contents of the object queue are also appended to the
                 player queue.
     /rwho     - The time left until the WHO list is transmitted to the
                 connected RWHO server (if any)

  Note: these flags may be specified together if desired.
  See also: @list options.

& @toad
  Command: @toad[/<switches>] <victim>[=<recipient>]
  Turns the victim into an object (a slimy toad) and disconnects them from
  the game.  The named recipient (or the @toading wizard) get ownership of
  all the victim's things, rooms, and exits, as well as of the toad object

  The following switches are available:
    /no_chown - Don't change the ownership of the victim or his objects.
  See also: @boot, @chownall, @destroy.

& @wall
  Command: @wall[/<switches>] <message>
  With no switches, shouts <message> to every connected player or to every
  connected wizard, prefixed by either 'Announcement:' (if for everyone) or
  'Broadcast:' (if for wizards).  The following switches can be used to get the
  described effects:
     /emit      - Format the message as an emit (ie send just <message>).
     /pose      - Format the message as a pose (ie <youname> <message>).
     /wizard    - Only send the message to connected wizards.
     /no_prefix - Don't prepend 'Announcement:' or 'Broadcast:' to the message.
  If neither /emit or /pose are used, you can format the message one of several
  ways by specifying ':', ';', or '"' as the first character of the message.
  ':' and ';' format the message as if /pose were specified, except that ';'
  does not insert a space between your name and the message.  '"' formats the
  message in normal @wall format (this is the default).
  The message is also written to the log file.

  Flag: INHERIT(I) (all types)
  When set on an object, gives the object access to the WIZARD and IMMORTAL
  powers that its owner has, and also allows that object to control the player
  and other INHERIT objects owned by that player.
  When set on a player, gives all of that player's objects access to the
  WIZARD and IMMORTAL powers of their owner, and allows them to control the
  player or any object owned by the player.

  Flag: MARKED(m) (all types)
  This flag is used by the database cleaning routines to check the
  connectivity of the database, and also by the @mark commands to select
  objects for special attention.  Since database cleaning is performed
  automatically from time to time, automatic cleaning must be disabled
  before using the @mark commands, and the command @mark_all/clear should
  be run immediately before turning automatic cleaning back on.
  See also: @apply_marked, @dbck, @disable, @enable, @list, @mark,

  Flag: STARTUP(z) (all types)
  This flag is managed internally by the server and it is not directly
  settable.  It indicates whether or not the object has a STARTUP attribute
  that is to be run when the MUSH is booted.  This saves a considerable amount
  of time considering that very few objects have a STARTUP attribute.
  This flag is set automatically when the STARTUP attribute is set to a
  non-empty string, and cleared when the STARTUP attribute is removed or
  set to a null string.
  See also: @startup.

  Flag: SUSPECT(u) (players)
  When set on a player, causes connects, disconnects, name changes, kills,
  and attempted kills to be reported to all connected wizards.
  This flag is only visible and settable by wizards.

  Flag: WIZARD(W) (all types)
  A player or object that is set WIZARD controls all of the objects in the
  database (except for player #1), regardless of their ownership or flags.
  In general, WIZARDs can do anything using #<number> or *<player>.
  Wizards can also use many additional commands that are useful for game
  administration and maintenance.
  Only player #1 can set or clear this flag.  An object owned by a Wizard has
  wizard privileges only if its WIZARD or INHERIT flag is set, or if the
  owning Wizard has his INHERIT flag set.

& @allowance
  Attribute: Allowance
  Command: @allowance <object>[=<amount>]
  Sets the amount of money that the player receives each day he/she connects
  to the MUSH.  The Allowance attribute overrides the default allowance
  specified by the paycheck config parameter.
  This attribute is only visible and settable by wizards.  It is only
  meaningful for players, and has no effect on other object types.

& @comment
  Attribute: Comment
  Command: @comment <object>[=<text>]
  Sets a wizard-visible comment on the indicated object.
  This attribute is only visible and settable by wizards.

& @timeout
  Attribute: Timeout
  Command: @timeout <object>[=<seconds>]
  Sets an idle timeout value on <object> that is different from the default
  value.  If the value is non-numeric or less than or equal to zero, then
  the default value is used.
  This attribute is only visible and settable by wizards.  It is only
  meaningful for players, and has no effect on other object types.
  See also: idle_timeout.

  The master room contains the default exits and $-commands for the MUSH.
  The exits in the master room are checked if a command doesn't match an exit
  in the player's current room, and the $-commands on the room and its

  Caution: Do not allow players into the master room, as they can leave
  objects that will be searched for $-commands.  Make sure that the room is
  not JUMP_OK or LINK_OK, and that any exits leading to the room are locked so
  that only wizards may use them.

  To make global commands, make an exit in the master room that is locked to
  #0 (or some other impossible lock) and has an appropriate Afail action (and
  possibly Fail and Ofail messages).  You can make global exits by having an
  unlocked exit from the master room (or an exit locked to a desired key
  object) lead to the desired destination.  When a player goes through one of
  these exits, any KEY objects are returned home, as is done with @teleport.

  Do not put too many objects in the room, because each object is searched
  for $-command every time anyone (or anything) anywhere on the MUSH enters
  an unrecognized command.
  See also: @link, @lock, @open, master_room.


  The following configuration parameters may be specified in the configuration
  file, or given to the @admin command.  Type 'wizhelp <param>' for help on a
  particular parameter.

  abort_on_bug  access  alias  attr_access  attr_alias  attr_cmd_access
  bad_name  badsite_file  check_interval  check_offset  clone_copies_cost
  command_quota_increment  command_quota_max  compress_program  compression
  config_access  conn_timeout  connect_file  connect_reg_file
  crash_database  create_max_cost  create_min_cost  dark_sleepers
  default_home  destroy_sacrifice  dig_cost  down_file  down_motd_message
  dump_interval  dump_message  dump_offset  earn_limit  examine_flags
  examine_public_attrs  exit_flags  exit_quota  find_money_chance
  flag_alias  forbid_site  fork_dump  fork_vfork  full_file
  full_motd_message  function_invocation_limit  function_recursion_limit
  garbage_chunk  gdbm_cache_size  gdbm_database  guest_char_num  guest_file
  help_file  help_index  hostnames  idle_interval  idle_timeout
  idle_wiz_dark  include  initial_size  input_database
  internal_compress_string  kill_guarantee_cost  kill_max_cost
  kill_min_cost  list_access  link_cost  lock_recursion_limit  log
{ 'wizhelp config parameters2' for more }
  log_options  logout_cmd_access  logout_cmd_alias  machine_command_cost
  max_players  match_own_commands  money_name_plural  money_name_singular
  motd_file  motd_message  mud_name  news_file  news_index  newuser_file
  notify_recursion_limit  open_cost  output_database  output_limit
  page_cost  paycheck  pemit_any_object  pemit_far_players  permit_site
  player_flags  player_listen  player_match_own_commands  player_queue_limit
  player_quota  player_starting_home  player_starting_room  port
  power_access  public_flags  queue_active_chunk  queue_idle_chunk
  quiet_look  quiet_whisper  quit_file  quotas  read_remote_desc
  read_remote_name  recycling  register_create_file  register_site
  retry_limit  robot_cost  robot_flags  robot_speech  room_flags  room_quota
  rwho_data_port  rwho_dump_interval  rwho_host  rwho_info_port
  rwho_password  rwho_transmit  sacrifice_adjust  sacrifice_factor
  search_cost  see_owned_dark  space_compress  starting_money
  starting_quota  suspect_site  switch_default_all  thing_flags  thing_quota
  timeslice  trust_site  uncompress_program  user_attr_flags  wait_cost
  wizard_help_file  wizard_help_index  wizard_motd_file  wizard_motd_message

& abort_on_bug
  Config parameter: abort_on_bug <yes/no>.  Default: no
  Indicates whether or not the server is to abort when it logs a bug.
  See also: log.

& access
  Config parameter: access <command> <permlist>
  Modifies the permissions needed to execute the indicated command.
  Specifying a permission adds it to the list of permissions required; to
  remove a permission prefix it with a ! character.
  See also: PERMISSIONS, @list.

& alias
  Config parameter: alias <new> <old>.
  Defines the command <new> to be an alias of the command <old>.
  See also:

& attr_access
  Config parameter: attr_access <attr> [!]<privilege> [[!]<privilege>]...
  Changes the access rights to the named attribute.

  The following privileges may be used:
  private     - The attribute is visible only to those who can examine the
  internal    - The attribute is not visible to anyone.
  wizard      - Only wizards may change the attribute.
  hidden      - The attribute is visible only to wizards.
& attr_alias
  Config parameter: attr_alias <alias> <attr>.
  Makes <alias> an alias for the attribute <attr>.

& attr_cmd_access
  Config parameter: attr_cmd_access [!]<privilege> [[!]<privilege>]...
  Changes the access rights on all attribute-setting commands in parallel.
  Use this parameter to allow or deny access to the attribute-setting commands
  as a group.  This directive should normally be followed by access directives
  to properly set access to restricted attributes.
  See also: access, PERMISSIONS.

& bad_name
  Config parameter: bad_name <wildcarded-name>.
  Specifies that any name that matches <wildcarded-name> may not be used as a
  player name.  Attempts to create a player with a disallowed name (or to
  rename to a disallowed name) will be rejected.  Normally, words that
  lead off messages from MUSH are disallowed, some sites may wish to disallow
  some obscene names as well.

& badsite_file
  Config parameter: badsite_file <path>.  Default: badsite.txt
  Specifies the name of the file that is sent to new net connections from
  sites that have been blocked from accessing the server.  The connection
  is closed immediately after the file is sent.
  See also: forbid_site, permit_site.

& clone_copies_cost
  Config parameter: clone_copies_cost <yes/no>.  Default: NO
  Indicates whether or not @cloned objects inherit the cost of the original.
  If disabled, @cloned objects cost the same as a @create that doesn't specify
  the object cost.  The new owner is charged the correct amount in either
  See also: @clone.

& command_quota_increment
  Config parameter: command_quota_increment <amount>. Default: 1
  Specifies the number of commands by which the command quota for connected
  users each timeslice.  Each command a user types in (commands executed by
  machines do not count) decreases the quota by 1, and the user's commands are
  only executed if the quota is greater than zero.
  See also: command_quota_max, timeslice.

& command_quota_max
  Config parameter: command_quota_max <amount>. Default: 100
  Specifies the maximum value for the command quota for connected users.
  A user's command quota is only increased if it is below this value.
  Each command a user types in (commands executed by machines do not count)
  decreases the quota by 1, and the user's commands are only executed if the
  quota is greater than zero.
  See also: command_quota_increment, timeslice.

& compress_program
  Config parameter: compress_program <path>.  Default: /usr/ucb/compress
  Specifies the program to be run to compress the database file when it is
  written.  If database file compression is enabled, database dumps are piped
  through this program on their way out to disk.
  See also: compresion, uncompress_program.

& compression
  Config parameter: compress <yes/no>.  Default: no
  Indicates whether or not the database is to be compressed using the
  compress_program when it is written, and whether or not to check for a
  compressed database to uncompress at startup.  
  See also: compress_program, uncompress_program.

& config_access
  Config parameter: config_access <param> [!]<privilege> [[!]<privilege>]...
  Changes the privileges needed to change the specified configuration
  parameter.  The value 'disabled' indicates that the parameter may only
  be specified in the configuration file at startup.  Setting privileges
  to anything other than disabled or god is meaningless unless the 
  restriction on the @admin command is weakened.
  See also: @admin, @list config_permissions, PERMISSIONS.

& conn_timeout
  Config parameter: conn_timeout <num>.  Default: 60
  Specifies how many seconds a new network connection may remain open before
  connecting to a character before being automatically disconnected.

& connect_file
  Config parameter: connect_file <path>.  Default: connect.txt
  Specifies the name of the file that a user sees immediately after connecting
  to the MUSH if registration is not enabled.  This file normally contains
  help on how to connect to or create a character, as well as the WHO and QUIT
  See also: connect_reg_file

& connect_reg_file
  Config parameter: connect_reg_file <path>.  Default: connect_reg.txt
  Specifies the name of the file that a user sees immediately after connecting
  to the MUSH if registration is enabled.  This file normally contains
  help on how to get a character (usually by sending e-mail to one of the
  wizards), how to connect to an existing character, as well as the WHO and
  QUIT commands.
  See also: connect_file

& crash_database
  Config parameter: crash_database <path>.  Default: none
  Specifies the name of the database file that should be written when mush
  detects an internal error and is about to crash.  Note that the database
  may contain corrupted links of the error occurs in the middle of moving
  links about.
  Dumping a crash database is currently not implemented.

& create_max_cost
  Config directive: create_max_cost <amount>.  Default: 505
  Specifies the maximum amount of money that is used in calculating the value
  of a created object.  Specifying more than this amount of money in a @create
  command will cause the excess to be wasted.
  See also: create_min_cost, sacrifice_adjust, sacrifice_factor.

& create_min_cost
  Config directive: create_min_cost <amount>.  Default: 10
  Specifies the minimum (and default) cost for creating an object.
  See also: create_max_cost, sacrifice_adjust, sacrifice_factor.

& dark_sleepers
  Config directive: dark_sleepers <yes/no>.  Default: yes
  Indicates whether or not disconnected players are to be considered 'dark',
  so that they do not show up when a player looks in the room that they are
  in.  Disconnected players can still be found by examining the room or by
  using [next()] to follow the contents chain for the room.

& default_home
  Config directive: default_home <location>.  Default (player_starting_home)
  Sets the home location for objects which have an invalid home (whether
  because the home location was deleted, or is owned by another player and
  is not set ABODE) and the home of their owner is also invalid.  If this
  parameter is not set, the value of player_starting_home is used instead.
  See also: player_starting_home.

& destroy_sacrifice
  Config directive: destroy_sacrifice <yes/no>.  Default: no
  Indicates whether or not objects dropped (sacrificed) at temples are
  automatically @destroyed.

& dig_cost
  Config parameter: dig_cost <amount>.  Default: 1
  Specifies how much the @dig command costs.

& down_file
  Config parameter: down_file <pathname>.  Default: down.txt
  Specifies the name of the file that is displayed when players attempt to
  connect to a non-wizard character when logins are disabled.
  See also: @disable, down_motd_message.

& down_motd_message
  Config parameter: down_motd_message <message>.  Default: blank
  Sets the message that is displayed when a player attempts to connect to a
  non-wizard character when logins are disabled.  This message is displayed
  in addition to the contents of the down.txt file.
  See also: @disable, down_motd_file.

& dump_interval
  Config parameter: dump_interval <amount>.  Default: 3600
  Specifies the time in seconds between automatic database dumps.
  See also: dump_offset, output_database.

& dump_message
  Config parameter: dump_message <message>.  Default: blank
  Sets the message that is sent to everyone when the database is being
  dumped to disk, whether automatically or via the @dump command.
  See also: @dump.
& dump_offset
  Config parameter: dump_offset <amount>.  Default: 0
  Specifies the time in seconds between startup and the first database dump.
  If zero, the value of the dump_interval parameter is used.
  See also: dump_interval.

& earn_limit
  Config parameter: earn_limit <amount>.  Default: 10000
  Specifies the threshold at which earning additional money becomes difficult.
  Specifically, players with more than this much money no longer receive a
  paycheck for each day they connect, only receive one penny for sacrificing
  objects at temples, don't receive insurance payments for being killed, and
  don't find money lying in the streets.
  See also: find_money_chance, paycheck.

& examine_flags
  Config parameter: examine_flags <yes/no>.  Default: yes
  Indicates whether or not the examine command should include an expanded
  flags list in the description of the object.
  See also: examine.

& examine_public_attrs
  Config parameter: examine_public_attrs <yes/no>.  Default: yes
  Indicate whether or not the examine command should display the public
  attributes of the object by default when used by a player who does not
  control the object.  Regardless of the setting of this parameter, the
  short form is available with examine/brief and the long form with
  See also: examine.

& exit_flags
  Config parameter: exit_flags <flags>.  Default: blank
  Modifies the set of flags that an exit receives when it is created via the
  @open command or via the optional exit creation parameters of the @dig or
  @link commands.  Flags prefixed by a ! remove the indicated flag from the
  See also: @list, player_flags, robot_flags, room_flags, thing_flags.

& exit_quota
  Config parameter: exit_quota <amount>.  Default: 1
  Sets how much quota it costs to create an exit (and also how much the
  remaining quota is increased when an exit is @destroyed.
  See also: @quota, player_quota, room_quota, thing_quota, QUOTAS.

& find_money_chance
  Config parameter: find_money_chance <amount>.  Default: 0
  Indicates the chance that players have of finding money when entering a
  new room.  The chance is 1 / find_money_chance, except that finding money
  is disabled if this parameter is set to zero.
  See also: earn_limit, paycheck.

& flag_alias
  Config parameter: flag_alias <alias> <flagname>.
  Defines <alias> as a synonym for the flag <flagname>.

& forbid_site
  Config parameter: forbid_site <addr> <mask>.
  Indicates that connections are to be rejected from sites whose address
  matches the specified address when ANDed with the mask.  The contents of
  the file specified by badsite_file is sent immediately before closing
  the connection.  This directive may be used to restrict access to just the
  local network, or to prevent access from troublemaking sites.
  The default is for all sites to be allowed to connect, none forbidden.
  See also: badsite_file, permit_site, register_site, SITE LISTS.

& fork_dump
  Config parameter: fork_dump <yes/no>.  Default: yes
  Indicates whether or not database dumps are to be done by fork()ing off a
  separate process to perform the dump.  While enabling this parameter reduces
  the amount of time needed to perform the dump, it requires that the system
  have enough free swap space to hold a second copy of the running game.
  See also: fork_vfork.

& fork_vfork
  Config parameter: fork_vfork <yes/no>.  Default: no
  Indicates whether or not the vfork() system call should be used in place of
  fork() when a database dump is to be performed.  This parameter is only
  checked if the fork_dump parameter is set to yes.
  See also: fork_dump.

& full_file
  Config parameter: down_file <pathname>.  Default: full.txt

  Specifies the name of the file that is displayed when players attempt to
  connect to a non-wizard character when the number of connected players
  is not less than the number of players allowed by the max_players directive.
  See also: full_motd_message, max_players.

& full_motd_message
  Config parameter: full_motd_message <message>.  Default: blank

  Sets the message that is displayed when a player attempts to connect to a
  non-wizard character when the number of connected players is not less than
  the number of players allowed by the max_players directive.  This message is
  displayed in addition to the contents of the full.txt file.
  See also: down_motd_file, max_players.

& function_invocation_limit
  Config directive: function_invocation_limit <num>.  Default: 2500

  This directive sets the maximum number of times that a command may make
  function calls.  If the invocation limit is exceeded, the string 
  '#-1 FUNCTION INVOCATION LIMIT EXCEEDED' is returned.  This limit is
  intended to prevent long hangs from creative uses of u() and iter().
  Note: @search is treated specially, each object examined with the
  eval=<arg> parameter is treated as a separate command for the purposes
  of the function invocation limit.

& function_recursion_limit
  Config directive: function_recursion_limit <num>.  Default: 50

  This directive sets the maximum number of nested function calls that
  may be made before the function call is aborted and the string
  '#-1 FUNCTION RECURSION LIMIT EXCEEDED' is returned.  Normally this is not
  a problem, but the u() function can be used to cause infinite recursion
  (unless blocked by a recursion limit)

& garbage_chunk
  Config_parameter: garbage_chunk <number>.  Default: 3

& gdbm_cache_size
  Config parameter: gdbm_cache_size <number>.  Default: 4096
  Specifies the size of the cache used by the text database in 1K blocks.

& gdbm_database
  Config parameter: gdbm_database <path>.  Default: none.
  Specifies the name of the file that stores the text portion of the
  database.  The text strings are stored in a binary format optimized for
  fast retrieval and storage rather than access with programs such as more.

& guest_char_num
  Config parameter: guest_char_num <number>.  Default: (none)
  Indicates the database number of the guest character.  If set, the specified
  guest character is subject to additional restrictions (such as not being
  allowed to create or destroy objects).  The actual restrictions can be
  changed with the access config parameter using the no_guest permission.
  See also: access.

& guest_file
  Config parameter: guest_file <path>.  Default: guest.txt.
  Specifies the file that is to be shown to people connecting to the
  guest character in place of the motd file.
  See also: guest_char_num.

& help_file
  Config parameter: help_file <path>.  Default: help.txt
  Specifies the name of the file containing the text used by the help command.
  See also: help, help_index

& help_index
  Config parameter: help_index <path>.  Default: help.indx
  Specifies the name of the index file used by the help command.  This file
  must be generated by mkindex from the wizard help file.  The contents of
  this file are read in to a hash table when the game is started and whenever
  a @readcache command is executed.
  See also: help, @readcache, help_file

& hostnames
  Config parameter: hostnames <yes/no>.  Default: yes
  Indicates whether or not IP addresses should be replaced with host names
  where possible in the log file and wizard WHO report.

& idle_interval
  Config parameter: idle_interval <secs>.  Default: 60
  Sets the interval between checks for idle users. 
  See also: conn_timeout, idle_timeout.

& idle_timeout
  Config parameter: idle_timeout <secs>.  Default: 3600 (one hour)
  Sets the amount of time that a player may remain idle before being
  automatically disconnected.  Players idle longer than this parameter are
  disconnected when the next check for idle players is done.
  See also: conn_timeout, idle_interval.

& idle_wiz_dark
  Config parameter: idle_wiz_dark <yes/no>.  Default: no
  Indicates whether or not wizards who are idle for longer than the default
  timeout value are to automatically be set DARK, and then unDARKed when they
  type in their next command.  Wizards already set DARK are not automatically

& include
  Config parameter: include <path>.  Default: none
  Reads and processes configuration directives from the named file.
  This directive is only valid during startup.

& initial_size

& input_database
  Config parameter: input_database.  Default: tinymush.db
  Specifies the name of the database file that is read in at startup.
  This file is used only as an input file, the parameter output_database
  controls where updated copies of the database are written.
  See also: crash_database, gdbm_database, output_database.

& internal_compress_string
  Config parameter: internal_compress_string <yes/no>.  Default: no
  Specifies whether or not a simple bigram compression is to be performed on
  text strings in the database.  Enabling this directive shrinks the amount
  of space needed to store the database both on disk and in memory, but
  increases the amount of time needed to fetch and store back the string.

& kill_guarantee_cost
  Config parameter: kill_guarantee_cost <amount>.  Default: 100
  Specifies the amount of money you have to spend (ie. kill target = <amount>)
  to have a 100% chance of killing them (assuming there are no other factors,
  such as the victim being immortal or in a HAVEN room, etc).  The chance of
  a successful kill is <amount spent> / <kill_guarantee_cost>.
  See also: kill, kill_max_cost, kill_min_cost, HAVEN, IMMORTAL, KILLING.

& kill_max_cost
  Config parameter: kill_max_cost <amount>.  Default: 100
  Specifies the maximum amount of money that may be usefully spent on a kill
  attempt.  Spending more than this amount does not improve the chance of
  success.  Setting this parameter to less than the kill_guarantee_cost
  parameter prevents 'automatic kills', as the kill will always have a chance
  of failing.
  See also: kill, kill_guarantee_cost, kill_min_cost, HAVEN, IMMORTAL,

& kill_min_cost
  Config parameter: kill_min_cost <amount>.  Default: 10
  Specifies the minimum (and default) cost for attempting to kill someone or
  See also: kill, kill_guarantee_cost, kill_max_cost, HAVEN, IMMORTAL,

& list_access
  Config parameter: list_access <param> [!]<privilege> [[!]<privilege>]...
  Changes the access needed to the <param> option of the @list command.
  See also: @list, PERMISSIONS.

& link_cost
  Config parameter: link_cost <amount>.  Default: 1.
  Specifies the cost of using the @link command to establish or change the
  link of an exit to its destination, the home of a player or an object, or
  the drop-to of a room.
  See also: @link.

& lock_recursion_limit
  Config directive: lock_recursion_limit <num>.  Default: 20

  Sets the maximum number of levels of indirection that may be used when
  using indirect locks.  If more than this many levels are used, the lock
  fails and the user gets an error message.

& log
  Config parameter: log [!]<logoption> [[!]<logoption>]...
  Specifies what types of events are to be logged to the logfile.
    accounting     - Write an accounting record to the log for each player
                     who disconnects.
    all_commands   - Record all commands executed.
    bad_commands   - Record commands entered that did not match anything.
    buffer_alloc   - Record buffer allocates and frees.
    bugs           - Record internal inconsistencies found.
    checkpoints    - Record automatic database dumps.
    config_changes - Record uses of the @admin command.
    create         - Record creation of new players.
    killing        - Record uses of the kill and slay commands.
    logins         - Record connects to characters.
    network        - Record new and broken net connections.
    problems       - Record problems found with the database.
    security       - Record security-related events.
    shouts         - Record uses of the @wall command.
    startup        - Record information about game startup.
    wizard         - Record uses of dangerous commands like @toad.
  See also: log_options.

& log_options
  Config parameter: log_options [!]<option> [[!]<option>]...
  Specifies the type of information to be included in each log entry.
  The possible values are:
    flags       - Include the flags set on a player or object.
    location    - Include the location of referenced players and objects.
    owner       - Include the owner of referenced players and objects.
    timestamp   - Include a timestamp in each log entry.
  See also: log.

& logout_cmd_access

& logout_cmd_alias

& machine_command_cost
  Config parameter: machine_command_cost <number>.  Default: 64
  Sets the cost for running a command from a machine, as opposed to running
  it interactively.  Each command run has a one in <number> chance of being
  charged one coin for machine overhead.

& match_own_commands
  Config parameter: match_own_commands <yes/no>.  Default: NO
  Specifies whether or not objects search themselves for $-commands when a
  command does not match an exit or an internal command.  In order for
  players to search themselves for commands, both match_own_commands and
  player_match_own_commands must be set to yes.
  See also: player_match_own_commands.

& master_room
  Config parameter: master_room <roomnum>.  Default: (none)
  Specifies the room that is searched for exits if a command does not match
  an exit in the current room, and for $-command if a command does not match
  any $-commands that are available to the player in his current location.

& max_players
  Config directive: max_players <num>.  Default: -1 (unlimited)

  Sets the maximum number of players that may be connected at any one time
  Note that wizards are allowed to login even if they would exceed the limit,
  and that this limit does not override any limits imposed by the system
  running the MUSH (such as the maximum number of net connections a process
  may have).  Players connecting when there are max_players players connected
  receive the contents of the file named by the full_file directive, and the
  full_motd_message (also settable via @motd/full), and are disconnected.
  See also: @motd, full_file, full_motd_message.

& money_name_plural
  Config parameter: money_name_plural <string>.  Default: pennies
  Specifies the string to use to describe the coin of the realm when they
  are being referred to plurally (such as: 'You have <number> pennies.', where
  <number>  is not 1).
  See also: money_name_singular.
& money_name_singular
  Config parameter: money_name_singular <string>.  Default: penny
  Specifies the string to use to describe the coin of the realm when they
  are being referred to singularly (such as: 'You found a penny!').
  See also: money_name_plural.

& motd_file
  Config parameter: motd_file <pathname>.  Default: motd.txt
  Specifies the name of the file to be shown to players immediately after they
  connect to their characters.
  See also: @readcache, newuser_file, motd_message.

& motd_message
  Config parameter: motd_message <message>.  Default: blank
  Sets the MOTD message that is displayed to all characters when they log in.
  This message is displayed in addition to the contents of the motd.txt
  file.  It can be changed with the @motd command and examined by the
  @listmotd command.
  See also: @listmotd, @motd, motd_file.

& mud_name
  Config parameter: mud_name <string>.  Default: TinyMUSH
  Specifies the mud name that is transmitted to a remote RWHO server when
  reporting information.
  See also: rwho_dump_interval, rwho_host, rwho_info_port, rwho_pasword,

& news_file
  Config parameter: news_file <path>.  Default: news.txt
  Specifies the name of the file containing the text used by the news
  See also: news, news_index

& news_index
  Config parameter: news_index <path>.  Default: news.indx
  Specifies the name of the index file used by the news command.  This file
  must be generated by mkindex from the news file.  The contents of this
  file are read in to a hash table when the game is started and whenever a
  @readcache command is executed.
  See also: news, @readcache, news_file

& newuser_file
  Config parameter: newuser_file <filename>.  Default: newuser.txt
  Specifies the file to be shown to new players immediately after they
  create their characters, in place of the MOTD file.  This file should
  contain information about the basic commands and how to get help.
  See also: @readcache, motd_file.

& notify_recursion_limit
  Config directive: notify_recursion_limit <num>.  Default: 20

  Sets the maximum number of times that the notify() routine may be called
  recursively.  A recursive call is made whenever a message heard by an
  object is to be forwarded to its contents.

& open_cost
  Config parameter: open_cost <amount>.  Default: 1
  Indicates the cost of using the @open command to open a new exit.
  If a destination for the new exit is specified and the link is successful,
  then the link_cost is also charged.
  See also: @open, link_cost.

& output_database
  Config parameter: output_database <pathname>.  Default: none
  Specifies the file to which te database is to be written when writing
  checkpoint dumps or writing the final dump after receiving a @shutdown
  See also: @dump, @shutdown, checkpoint_database, input_database.

& output_limit
  Config parameter: output_limit <amount>.  Default: 16384
  Indicates the maximum number of characters that a connected player may have
  queued for output.  As queued output is normally transmitted once each
  second, this parameter limits the amount of output that can be generated by
  a single command or a set of commands executed in rapid succession.  It also
  prevents the output queues from growing without limit when the network does
  not accept new output on a particular connection or connections.  If new
  output would cause the amount of queued output to exceed this parameter,
  the oldest pending output is discarded until the amount of pending output
  is less than this parameter.

& page_cost
  Config parameter: page_cost <amount>.  Default: 10
  Specifies the cost of using the page command.
  See also: page.

& paycheck
  Config parameter: paycheck <amount>.  Default: 0
  Specifies the default amount of money that players receive each day they
  connect.  This parameter may be overridden by setting the ALLOWANCE
  attribute on the player to a different value.
  See also: @allowance, earn_limit, starting_money.

& pemit_any_object
  Config parameter: pemit_any_object <yes/no>.  Default: no
  Indicates whether or not players may @pemit to faraway objects they do not
  control.  It does not affect @pemits to faraway players, the
  pemit_far_players directive is used for that purpose.
  See also: pemit_far_players.

& pemit_far_players
  Config parameter: pemit_far_players <yes/no>.  Default: no
  Controls whether or not players may use the @pemit command to send messages
  to other connected players that are not in the same room.  The rules and
  costs for this form of @pemit are the same as for page.
  See also: pemit_any_object.

& permit_site
  Config parameter: permit_site <addr> <mask>.
  Indicates that connections are to be accepted and registration is not to be
  enforced from sites whose address matches the specified address when ANDed
  with the mask.  This directive is typically used to enable connections from
  a few selected hosts or subnets that would otherwise be disallowed by a
  forbid_site directive.  The default is all sites permitted, none forbidden.
  See also: badsite_file, forbid_site, register_site, SITE LISTS.

& player_flags
  Config parameter: player_flags <flags>.  Default: blank
  Modifies the set of flags that a player receives when it is created via the
  @pcreate command or via the connection screen.  Flags prefixed by a ! remove
  the indicated flag from the set.
  See also: @list, exit_flags, robot_flags, room_flags, thing_flags.

& player_listen
  Config parameter: player_listen.  Default: no
  Indicates whether the Listen, Aahear, Ahear, and Amhear attributes on
  player objects are to be obeyed.

& player_match_own_commands
  Config parameter: player_match_own_commands <yes/no>.  Default: no
  Specifies whether or not players should check themselves for $-commands.
  This parameter is only checked if the match_own_commands parameter is
  set to yes.
  See also: match_own_commands.

& player_queue_limit
  Config parameter: player_queue_limit.  Default: 100
  Sets the maximum number of commands that non-wizard players may have on the
  queue at one time.  An attempt to queue more commands than allowed will
  halt the object performing the command.

& player_quota
  Config parameter: player_quota <amount>.  Default: 1
  Sets how much quota it costs to create a robot player (and also how much the
  remaining quota is increased when a robot is @destroyed.
  See also: @quota, exit_quota, room_quota, thing_quota, QUOTAS.

& player_starting_home
  Config parameter: player_starting_home.  Default: <player_starting_room>
  Specifies the room to which the home of new players is set.  If this
  parameter has not been set, then the value of the player_starting_room
  parameter is used instead.
  See also: default_home, player_starting_room, @pcreate, player_flags.

& player_starting_room
  Config parameter: player_starting_room.  Default: 0
  Specifies the room that new players start out in.  If the
  player_starting_home parameter has not been set, then player_starting_room
  is used for both.
  See also: player_starting_home, @pcreate, player_flags.

& port
  Config parameter: port <port>.  Default: 6250
  Specifies the IP port on which the game listens for new connections.

& power_access
  Config parameter: power_access <power> [!]<privilege> [[!]<privilege>]...
  Changes the access rights to the named power.
  See also: @list powers, PERMISSIONS.

& public_flags
  Config parameter: public_flags <yes/no>.  Default: yes
  If enabled, indicates that players may get the flags of any object with the
  flags() function call.  Otherwise, they may only get the flags for objects
  that are examinable by them.
  See also: flags().

& queue_active_chunk
  Config parameter: queue_idle_chunk <num>.  Default: 0
  Specifies the number of commands to be run from the player queue when the
  check for network traffic indicates that there is data needing to be
  read from or written to the network.
  See also: queue_idle_chunk.

& queue_idle_chunk
  Config parameter: queue_idle_chunk <num>.  Default: 3
  Specifies the number of commands to be run from the player queue when the
  check for network traffic indicates that there is no data needing to be
  read from or written to the network.
  See also: queue_active_chunk.

& quiet_look
  Config parameter: quiet_look <yes/no>.  Default: no
  Indicates whether or not players are shown the attributes set on an object
  when they look at it.  Not recommended.

& quiet_whisper
  Config parameter: quiet_whisper <yes/no>.  Default: yes
  Indicates whether or not whispers are completely invisible except to the
  whispered-to player, or if a '<whisperer> whispers something to
  <recipient>.' message is displayed to everyone else in the same room.
  See also: whisper.

& quit_file
  Config parameter: quit_file <filename>.  Default: quit.txt
  Specifies the name of the file that is displayed to users after they QUIT
  but before the network connection is closed.
  See also: QUIT, @readcache.

& quota_cost
  Config parameter: quota_cost <amount>.  Default: 1
  Indicates how much adding one object to the database charges against the
  player's quota.
  See also: @create, @destroy, @dig, @open, @quota, QUOTAS.

& quotas
  Config parameter: quotas <yes/no>.  Default: no
  Indicates whether or not building quotas are enforced and maintained.
  Quotas are stored as a relative number, ie. number of objects that the
  player may create, not the total number that the player may create.
  If quotas are turned off and turned back on later, any building or
  @destroying that occurs in the interim does not affect the quotas.
  See also: @allquota, @create, @destroy, @dig, @open, @quota, QUOTAS,

& read_remote_desc
  Config parameter: read_remote_desc <yes/no>.  Default: no
  Indicates whether or not the descriptions of faraway objects are available
  to players that don't control them via the examine command and get()
  See also: examine, get().

& read_remote_name
  Config parameter: read_remote_name <yes/no>.  Default: no
  Indicates whether or not the names of faraway objects are available
  to players that don't control them via the examine command and get()
  See also: examine, get().
& recycling
  Config parameter: recycling <yes/no>.  Default: yes
  Indicates whether or not object destruction, recycling, reuse is enabled.
  Don't change it.

& register_create_file
  Config parameter: register_create_file <filename>.  Default: create_reg.txt
  Specifies the name of the file that is shown to players who attempt to
  create a new character when registration is in force from their site.
  See also: @list_file, @readcache, register_site.
& register_site
  Config parameter: register_site <addr> <mask>.
  Indicates that registration is to be enforced for sites whose address
  matches the specified address when ANDed with the mask.
  See also: forbid_site, permit_site, REGISTRATION, SITE LISTS.

& retry_limit
  Config paramater: retry_limit <count>.  Default: 3
  Specifies the number of times that a user is allowed to try to connect to
  an existing player before being disconnected.
  See also: conn_timeout.
& robot_cost
  Config paramater: robot_cost <amount>.  Default: 1000
  Specifies the cost of using the @robot command to create a robot.
  See also: @robot, ROBOT.

& robot_flags
  Config parameter: robot_flags <flags>.  Default: ROBOT
  Modifies the set of flags that a robot receives when it is created via
  the @robot command.  Flags prefixed by a ! remove the indicated flag from
  the set.
  See also: @list, exit_flags, player_flags, room_flags, thing_flags.

& robot_speech
  Config parameter: robot_speech: <yes/no>.  Default: yes
  Indicates whether or not robot characters are allowed to use the speech,
  pose, and emit commands in areas not controlled by their owner.
  See also: @robot, ROBOT.

& room_flags
  Config parameter: room_flags <flags>.  Default: blank
  Modifies the set of flags that a room receives when it is @dug.
  Flags prefixed by a ! remove the indicated flag from the set.
  See also: @list, exit_flags, player_flags, robot_flags, thing_flags.

& room_quota
  Config parameter: room_quota <amount>.  Default: 1
  Sets how much quota it costs to dig a room (and also how much the
  remaining quota is increased when a room is @destroyed.
  See also: @quota, exit_quota, player_quota, thing_quota, QUOTAS.

& rwho_data_port
  Config parameter: rwho_data_port <number>.  Default: 0
  Sets the port number that is used to retrive RWHO information from the
  remote RWHO server in response to a user entering the RWHO command.
  If zero, the RWHO command is disabled.  Use of this parameter is *STRONGLY*
  discouraged unless you are on the same local network as the RWHO server,
  as network problems and delays will hang the MUSH, affecting all connected
  users.  Support for the RWHO command is a compile-time option.
  See also: RWHO, rwho_host.

& rwho_dump_interval
  Config parameter: rwho_dump_interval <secs>.  Default: 241
  Sets the number of seconds between RWHO dumps, during which the MUSH sends
  an 'I am alive' message and a list of all connected users to the remote RWHO
  See also: mud_name, rwho_host, rwho_info_port, rwho_password, rwho_transmit.

& rwho_host
  Config parameter: rwho_host <hostname/ip_address>.  Default:
  Sets the host name or IP address of the remote RWHO server.
  See also: mud_name, rwho_data_port, rwho_info_port, rwho_password,

& rwho_info_port
  Config parameter: rwho_info_port <number>.  Default: 6888
  Sets the port number to be used when sending data to the remote RWHO
  See also: mud_name, rwho_host, rwho_password, rwho_transmit.

& rwho_password
  Config parameter: rwho_password <string>.  Default: something wrong.
  Sets the password that is used when sending data to a remote RWHO server.
  You must receive the value for this parameter from the administrator
  of the RWHO server that you are using.
  See also: mud_name, rwho_host, rwho_info_port, rwho_transmit.

& rwho_transmit
  Config parameter: rwho_transmit <yes/no>.  Default: no
  Indicates whether or not to transmit data to a remote RWHO server.
  See also: @list, mud_name, rwho_host, rwho_info_port, rwho_password.

& sacrifice_adjust
  Config parameter: sacrifice_adjust <amount>.  Default -1.
  This parameter is part of the formula that is used to determine an object's
  value given the amount spent on its creation.  The formula is:

     value = (cost / sacrifice_factor) + sacrifice_adjust.

  The inverse formula is used to determine how much the owner receives when
  @destroying an object.
  See also: @create, @destroy, SACRIFICING, sacrifice_factor.

& sacrifice_factor
  Config parameter: sacrifice_factor <amount>.  Default 5.
  This parameter is part of the formula that is used to determine an object's
  value given the amount spent on its creation.  The formula is:

     value = (cost / sacrifice_factor) + sacrifice_adjust.

  The inverse formula is used to determine how much the owner receives when
  @destroying an object.
  See also: @create, @destroy, SACRIFICING, sacrifice_adjust.

& search_cost
  Config parameter: search_cost <amount>.  Default: 100
  Specifies how much commands that scan the entire database (such as @find,
  @search, and stats with a playername) cost.
  See also: stats, @find, @search.

& see_owned_dark
  Config parameters: see_owned_dark <yes/no>.  Default: yes
  Specifies whether or not players see their own DARK objects when they
  look at a room.  It does not affect the inventory or examine commands,
  both of which show all objects.

& space_compress
  Config parameter: space_compress <yes/no>.  Default: yes
  Specifies whether or not extra spaces are to be removed from user input
  as it is processed.  If enabled, multiple spaces are compressed to a single
  space, and spaces at the ends of strings are removed.

& starting_money
  Config parameter: starting_money <amount>.  Default: 0
  Sets the amount of money that new players start out with.
  See also: paycheck.

& starting_quota
  Config parameter: starting_quota <amount>.  Default: 20
  Sets the building quota that players receive when they are created, whether
  by @pcreate or the connection screen.
  See also: @quota, quotas.

& status_file
  Config parameter: status_file <filename>.  Default: shutdown.status

  If you give an argument to the @shutdown command, that argument is written
  out to the file named by this directive.  The file can be used by an
  auto-restart script to decide whether or not to bring the mush back up,
  for instance.

& suspect_site
  Config parameter: suspect_site <addr> <mask>.
  Indicates that sites whose address matches the specified address when ANDed
  with the mask are to be considered suspect, and any player creates, connects
  and disconnects are to be reported to all logged-in wizards.
  See also: trust_site, SITE LISTS.

& sweep_dark
  Config parameter: sweep_dark <yes/no>.  Default: no
  Indicates whether or not players are allowed to @sweep dark places they do not
  See also: @sweep.

& switch_default_all
  Config parameter: switch_default_all <yes/no>.  Default: yes
  Indicates whether the @switch command should perform the commands for all
  targets that match or just the first one that matches if you don't specify
  either /all or /first as a command switch.

& thing_flags
  Config parameter: thing_flags <flags>.  Default: blank
  Modifies the set of flags that a thing receives when it is @created.
  Flags prefixed by a ! remove the indicated flag from the set.
  See also: @list, exit_flags, player_flags, robot_flags, room_flags.

& thing_quota
  Config parameter: thing_quota <amount>.  Default: 1
  Sets how much quota it costs to create a thing (and also how much the
  remaining quota is increased when a thing is @destroyed.
  See also: @quota, exit_quota, player_quota, room_quota, QUOTAS.

& timeslice
  Config parameter: timeslice <amount>.  Default: 1000
  Specifies the interval at which connected users' command quotas are
  increased.  Each command a user types in (commands executed by machines do
  not count) decreases that user's quota by 1, and the user's commands are
  only executed if the quota is greater than zero.
  See also: cmd_quota_incr, cmd_quota_max.

& trust_site
  Config parameter: trust_site <addr> <mask>.
  Indicates that sites whose address matches the specified address when ANDed
  with the mask are not to be considered suspect.
  See also: suspect_site, SITE LISTS.

& uncompress_program
  Config parameter: uncompress_program <path>.  Default: /usr/ucb/uncompress
  Specifies the program to be run to uncompress compressed database files when
  reading them in at startup.
  See also: compress_program, compresion.

& user_attr_access
  Config parameter: user_attr_access [!]<privilege> [[!]<privilege>]...
  Changes the access flags that new user-named attributes receive when
  they are created.  By default, user attributes are invisible to others.

& wait_cost
  Config parameter: wait_cost <amount>.  Default: 10
  Sets the amount of money that it costs to run the @wait command and other
  actions that add commands to the queue.  The money is refunded when the
  command is removed from the queue (either when it is executed or by @halt).
  See also: @wait.

& wizard_help_file
  Config parameter: wizard_help_file <path>.  Default: wizhelp.txt
  Specifies the name of the file containing the text used by the wizhelp
  See also: wizhelp, wizard_help_index

& wizard_help_index
  Config parameter: wizard_help_index <path>.  Default: wizhelp.indx
  Specifies the name of the index file used by the wizhelp command.  This file
  must be generated by mkindex from the wizard help file.  The contents of
  this file are read in to a hash table when the game is started and whenever
  a @readcache command is executed.
  See also: wizhelp, @readcache, wizard_help_file

& wizard_motd_file
  Config parameter: wizard_motd_file <path>.  Default: wizmotd.txt
  Specifies the name of the file that contains the wizard MOTD message that
  is displayed to wizards when they log in.  This message is displayed in
  addition to the wizard MOTD message that is set by the @motd/wiz command or
  the wizard_motd_message config parameter.  The contents of the file are
  read in to a cache when the game is started and whenever a @readcache
  command is executed.
  See also: @readcache, wizard_motd_message.
& wizard_motd_message
  Config parameter: wizard_motd_message <message>.  Default: blank
  Sets the wizard MOTD message that is displayed to wizards when they log in.
  This message is displayed in addition to the contents of the wizmotd.txt
  file.  It can be changed with the @motd/wiz command and examined by the
  @listmotd command.
  See also: @listmotd, @motd, motd_message, wizard_motd_file.


  The @force command evaluates its argument before putting it on the queue.
  Therefore, any ';' characters resulting from the evaluation that are
  outside of any nested delimiters will cause what follows to be treated
  as a separate command.


  Put information about how to contact the wizards and game maintainer
  in here so they can contact one another when the game is down.


  Topic: FILES

  TinyMUSH uses these files (normally kept in the same directory as the
  database files and the netmush program) to display information under
  certain circumstances.  The names of the files used can be changed with
  configuration directives (or on the netmush command line, in the case of

  badsite.txt:    Displayed when someone connects from a site that is not
                  allowed to connect.  The connection is then closed.
  connect.txt:    Displayed when someone connects from a site for which
                  registration is not enabled.
  create_reg.txt: Displayed when someone tries to 'create' a character from
                  a site for which registration is enforced.
  down.txt:       Displayed when someone tries to connect to a non-wizard
                  character when logins are disabled.
  help.indx:      Index for the help.txt file, produced by the mkindx program.
  help.txt:       File containing information displayed by the help command.
{ 'wizhelp files2' for more }
& files2
  guest.txt:      Displayed to whoever connects to the guest character
                  specifiedby the guest_character config parameter.
  motd.txt:       Displayed after someone connects to an existing character.
  netmush.conf:   Configuration directives read at startup.
  news.indx:      Index for the news.txt file, produced by the mkindx program.
  news.txt:       File containing information displayed by the news command.
  newuser.txt:    Displayed after someone creates a new character or connects
                  to their character for the first time.
  quit.txt:       Displayed after someone QUITs but before the net connection
                  is closed.
  register.txt:   Displayed when someone connects from a site for which
                  registration is enabled.
  wizhelp.indx:   Index for the wizhelp.txt file, produced by the mkindx
  wizhelp.txt:    File containing information displayed by the wizhelp
  wizmotd.txt:    Displayed to wizards when they connect to their characters.

  See also: badsite_file, connect_file, connect_reg_file, down_file,
            guest_file, help_file, help_index, motd_file, news_file,
            news_index, newuser_file, quit_file, register_create_file,
            wizard_help_file, wizard_help_index, wizard_motd_file.


  Access to many MUSH features is controlled by a set of permissions, which
  can usually be changed via the configuration file or the @admin command.
  This is a list of the valid permissions and their meanings.
    god           - Only player #1 may use this feature.
   +wizard        - Only wizards (players with their WIZARD bit set) may use
                    this feature.
   +builder       - Only builders (BUILDER bit) may use this feature.
   +immortals     - Only immortals (IMMORTAL bit) may use this feature.
   +robot         - Only robots (ROBOT bit) may use this feature
    no_haven      - Only players who are not set HAVEN may use this feature.
    no_robot      - Robots may not use this feature.
    no_gagged     - Gagged players (GAGGED bit) may not use this feature.
    no_slave      - Slave players (SLAVE bit) may not use this feature.
    no_suspect    - Suspect players (SUSPECT bit) may not use this feature.
    no_guest      - Guest players (guest_character config directive) may not
                    use this feature.
{ 'wizhelp permissions2' for more }
& permissions2
    global_build  - This feature may only be used when the global building
                    flag is turned on.
    global_interp - This feature may only be used when the global
                    interpretation flag is turned on.
    disabled      - Nobody may use this feature.
    need_location - Only players and things may use this feature.
    need_contents - Only players, things, and rooms may use this feature.
    need_player   - Only players may use this feature.

  Restrictions are normally additive (meaning that you must be a member of all
  required groups and not be a member of any excluded group).  The permissions
  marked with a + are different, in that if more than one is required, then
  being a member of any + group will grant access to the feature and skip
  the remaining checks.


  The following criteria may be used when searching the database with the
  @search and @mark commands:

  Syntax: {@mark|@search} [<player>] [<class>=<restriction>]

  <player>  - Restricts to objects owned by the named player.
              By default, the search is limited to objects owned by the
              invoking player, except when searching for players or if
              the invoking player is a wizard.
{ 'wizhelp search criteria2' for more }
& search criteria2
  The following classes may be used when searching:

  TYPE      - Restricts to objects of the indicated type (OBJECTS, ROOMS,
              EXITS, PLAYERS).
  NAME      - Restricts to objects whose names start with <restriction>.
  OBJECTS   - A combination of TYPE=OBJECT and NAME=<restriction>
  ROOMS     - A combination of TYPE=ROOM and NAME=<restriction>
  EXITS     - A combination of TYPE=EXIT and NAME=<restriction>
  PLAYERS   - A combination of TYPE=PLAYER and NAME=<restriction>
  FLAGS     - Restricts to objects which have the flags listed in
              <restriction> set.
  See also: @mark, @search.


  There are two site lists, one for controlling access and registration, and
  one for suspect warning.  The first list is controlled by the forbid_site,
  permit_site, and register_site parameters, the second by the suspect_site
  and trust_site parameters. The syntax of these parameters is:
  <param-name> <address> <mask>, where:

  Address  - Four-part decimal Internet address, specified as a.b.c.d,
             of the host or network to which this parameter applies.
  Mask     - Four-part decimal Internet address, specified as a.b.c.d
             The mask is used to determine which parts of the address are
             to be used for comparison, it is ANDed with both the address
             of the host and the address in the directive.

  The parameters are applied in the order specified in the configuration file,
  and the first one that matches is used.  Therefore, you should put
  the more-specific parameters before the more general ones.
  Additions made to the lists after startup with the @admin command are put
  at the front of the list, and are checked before entries from the config
  file and previous entries made by the @admin command.
{ 'wizhelp site lists2' for more }
& site lists2

  Example:  Restricting Access

  register_site  <- Allow this site w/reg
  forbid_site    <- Disallow a class C subnet
  permit_site      <- Permit a class B network
  register_site  <- Permit this site w/reg.
  forbid_site          <- DIsallow everyone else

  These directives only allow access from 135.346.*.* and, except
  that all hosts in the 135.246.4 subnet except for are also
  not allowed access.  People connecting from and
  are not allowed to create their own characters (registration is enabled
  for those sites), while people connecting from elsewhere on the 135.246
  net are allowed to create their own characters.

  See also: @admin, @list site_information, forbid_site, permit_site,
            register_site, suspect_site, trust_site.