Last Update: April 2000

This file will explain to configure the two memory options of MUX, so 
that your game may run under one or the other.

By default, MUX will build a disk-based server. If you prefer to run 
a memory-based server, this is a compile time option.  There is a 
section in the Makefile that needs to be changed -- the most important 
of which is to define MEMORY_BASED.

It's equally easy to pick either one if you are starting your MUX from 
scratch, however, converting from one to the other can be a bit more 

NOTE: Anytime you switch from one to the other, you should be do a
      'make clean'. This removes intermediate files and helps to guarantee
      a clean build.

WIN32 NOTE: db_load, db_check, and db_unload are not currently available on
      Win32. You need to use dbconvert directly, and all the examples show
      how that's done.

REMINDER:  GAMENAME is the same as the variable set in /game/mux.config 
(default is 'netmux').

Converting from memory-based to disk-based:
This is the simple conversion:

1.  Undefine MEMORY_BASED in the makefile.
2.  'make clean' to force all source files to be re-built.
3.  'make' the game.
4.  './Startmux' the game from the game sub-directory.
5.  'connect' as a wizard,
6.  '@shutdown' to shut it down.

This will create the GAMENAME.dir and GAMENAME.pag files in your data

Alternatively, you can convert from memory-based to disk-based without
starting the game using db_load as follows:

1.  Undefine MEMORY_BASED in the makefile.
2.  'make clean' to force all source files to be re-built.
3.  'make' the game.
4.  Change to the data sub-directory.
5.  db_load GAMENAME GAMENAME.db

This last step is the same as if you had done the following:

    ../bin/dbconvert GAMENAME X < > GAMENAME.db

Converting from disk-based to memory-based:
You need to use db_unload to convert your database to a flatfile, as

1.  Define MEMORY_BASED in the makefile.
2.  'make clean' to force all source files to be re-built.
3.  'make' the game.
4.  Change to the data sub-directory.

This last step is the same as if you had done the following:

    ../bin/dbconvert GAMENAME x < > GAMENAME.db.FLAT

You then need to remove, GAMENAME.db,
GAMENAME.pag, GAMENAME.dir. When that is done, rename
GAMENAME.db.FLAT to Start up the game.

A comparison of disk-based and memory-based database storage methods.
Frankly any must-be-true conclusions are elusive as the results you get
depend a lot on how much memory you have in your system relative to the 
size of the game you are trying to host, but assuming that your memory 
isn't a limiting factor, we can generally say the following:

1. Memory based:

    a. Advantages:

    - Does not spend time reading from the disk or asking for data to be
      written to the disk. Also, there is some organizational overhead
      to a cache that a memory-based system doesn't pay.

    - A memory-based setup dumps and loads using a flatfile, which is
      easier to manage in some ways than trying to share an on-line
      database file with the game while it's running.

    - Less chance of an incoherent database. That is, flatfile dumps 
      have a higher chance of being internally coherent in the face of      
      system crashes, faults, power glitch and other nasty things.

    b. Disadvantages:

    - Memory usage grows as the size of the database grows.

    - Loading and dumping a complete flatfile is more disk and 
      processor intensive than incrementally managing an on-line disk 
      database, however there are ways to hiding this activity so that 
      it doesn't affect your players much.

    - Greater chance of loss of data. That is, if your game crashes, 
      only what successfully made it to disk survives.
2. Disk based:

    a. Advantages:

    - Uses a relatively fixed amount of memory independent of database
    - Faster database saves.
    - Less risk of loss of data.

    b. Disadvantages:

    - If the game is waiting on data from the disk, nothing else happens.
      However, the cache hit rates are greater than 95% for the games I've
      run, but that depends on the size of the cache. You only pay the IO
      penalty for reads if you the cache doesn't have what you are looking
      for. Disk writes are performed in a lazy fashion by the OS and don't
      affect the comparison much.

    - Greater risk of an incoherent database.

Memory-based usage is preferred _if_ you have enough memory to support a
growing database, however, when memory is at a premium and memory usage is
the key point of whether you remain on your site or not, disk-based usage 
is the way to go.

Saving disk space:

- If you are using a disk-based setup, consider converting to a 
  memory-based setup, which can use less disk space.

- Enabling the config parameter 'compression', and specifying a
  'compress_program' and 'uncompress_program' will save disk space under
  memory based usage and disk-based usage, but it makes much more of a
  difference with memory-based because it compresses the entire database.

- Enabling radix compression (see README.COMPRESSION) will reduce the size
  of a disk-based database AND its memory usage. On a memory-based setup, 
  it will only reduce memory usage.

Saving memory:

- If you are using a memory-based setup, consider converting to disk-based.

- On a disk based setup, reduce the size of the cache. (see README for tips
  on the cache)

- On both disk and memory based setups, enable radix compression (see

- Adjust OUTPUT_BLOCK_SIZE in config.h: this should be a power of 2,
  preferably in the range of 4096 to 16384. Any value over the config
  parameter 'output_limit' is wasted.

You should juggle these options until you find a setup that works, and gives
you the best performance. There is no 'right' way to set up a MUX, it always
depends on the capabilities of the system you are running on, and how much
of those capabilities you can use.