Last Update:  April 2000

Where you can get TinyMUX 2.0:

TinyMUX 2.0 is developed by Stephen Dennis ( and a small 
group of enthusiastic volunteers.  The server is simultaneously developed on 
Win32 and Unix platforms.  For the latest version and updates, please look 
at any of the following sites:

The MUX 2.0 Website contains the latest news about the server, developments,
discussions, and help for users.  It is found at:

Release Information:

Server development for TinyMUX is done by the scheme as listed below.
These numbers will be reflected by the result of typing 'VERSION' on 
the game

2.x.x       Major Release level, where the first number in the series 
            denotes a major change in the way the server works, or such 
            sweeping changes to language that the server will be 
            fundamentally changed.  

2.1.x       Feature Release, where features are added, changed, removed.  

2.x.1       Bug Release, where bugs are fixed and all previous patchlevels 
            are included in the update

2.x.x.px    Patch to an existing release.  These will be released as code 
            to be applied using the 'patch' utility and will be released 
            on an as needed basis.