HSpace Installation(English)

This distribution of HSpace was prepared for MUX 2.0 B10A(UNIX). If you aren't using this version,
or are using Win32, skip to `Other Platforms/Versions'


HSpace is relatively simple to install and consists of 3 steps:

 1) Installation of files:
	Move the file `hspace-files.tar' to your main directory(the directory which contains
	your game, src and docs subdirectories.

	Untar the archive(tar -xf hspace-files.tar)

 2) Patch the main source:
	Go into your source directory and use patch: `patch -p0 < hspace40-b10a.patch'

 3) Reconfigure and rebuild your MUX:
	You'll need to run the configure script again to update the Makefile. Just try:
	and you should be set

Once you've done this you're all ready! If your MUX isn't running go into the game
directory and run the Startmux script. Otherwise you can just @restart to update
to the new code.

Other Platforms/Versions:

I'm not using MUX2. What do I do.

 If you aren't using MUX 2.0 then this distribution isn't for you. While there are plans
 to port this distribution back to PennMUSH, that facility isn't in place yet, and there
 are no plans to port HSpace to other server types(such as TinyMUSH 3.0).

 To answer the question, you switch to MUX2. (Duh)

I'm using MUX2, but not B10A. What do I do?

 This port will work with most other versions of MUX2. If you have problems installing HSPace
 you have two options: Upgrade to B10A or get the file hspace-patches.tar.gz from the
 distribution site.

 If you are using a version previous to B10A you are recommended to upgrade. If you are
 using a version later than B10A it is recommended that you get the patchfile database.

 I'll try to keep an up-to-date list of patchfiles.

I have the right patchfile, but I'm using WinNT, not Linux or BSD system.

 I haven't tested this on win32 systems yet, but I have a suspicion it won't work. Don't fear,
 however, I'm working on it.

	- James