& help

Welcome to TinyMUSH 2.2's default news file.
Here is some information which you might find useful:
Code            (last updated 7/25/95)
Writing News    (last updated 7/25/95)
Type 'news <topic name>' for more information about a given topic.
& Writing News

The format of a news entry file is simple. A news entry begins with
"& <topic name>", where <topic name> is whatever you want that news
entry to be called. Topics with similar names should be placed in
alphabetical order; i.e., "Magic" should come before "Magic Weapons".
Topic names are not case-sensitive.
News entries are displayed "as is". No special formatting is done.
Blank lines are normally "eaten"; to get a blank line into a news
file, enter a line with a single space on it. You may want to avoid
"tab" characters in news files, since some terminal types are confused
by them. You will probably want to make individual news topics no more
than 23 lines long, in order to accomodate screen sizes.
& Code

TinyMUSH 2.2 is a branch-off from TinyMUSH 2.0.10 patchlevel 5.
It is a more stable, more efficient, more feature-rich code version,
currently being maintained in parallel to the main TinyMUSH 2.0
development stream. The authors can be reached at 'hogs@cesium.clock.org'.
General TinyMUSH server support is done through the mailing list
'help Patchlevel' lists a revision history for TinyMUSH 2.2.
The most recent version of this code is, at present, available on
ftp.cis.upenn.edu, /pub/lwl/src/2.2.  Other MUSH packages are available
from caisr2.caisr.cwru.edu, in /pub/mush. This includes the MUSH Manual,
as well as general support and code for MUSH.
There is a MUSH programmer's list, 'tinymush-programmers@cesium.clock.org'.
Send email to 'tinymush-programmers-request@cesium.clock.org' to subscribe.
Users may also be interested in the TinyFugue client, available from
glia.biostr.washington.edu, in /pub/tinyfugue.  Also useful is the
LogEdit program, available from mellers1.psych.berkeley.edu, in