#define MOBILE_FILE_EXTN ".mob" /* New information about creatures */

void append_to_mobile(IDEAS *new)
   Note that pc/npc position numbers will be changing - for now stick
   to the old system, with the following additions:


   The structure of the mob has changed, so that a new line of data
   will be inserted after the first line of data for (S)imple mobs:
   <act flags> <aff flags> <alignment> S
   <class> <hometown> 0
   Where <class> can be one of:
      A - Animal (non-speaking type creatures)
      B - Bird
      D - Dragon
      G - Giant
      H - Humanoid
      I - Insect
      O - Other (generally not having typical body parts - limbs, head, etc.)
      U - Undead
      X - Demon
   <hometown> should usually be 0, with the exception of "townies" who
   should have "1" for Midgaard, or "2" for Anapest (more values are
   potentially possible here).
   The trailing "0" is for future expansion, possibly as a "treasure type".
   Copper's new mob flags:

      /* Aggressives need ACT_AGGRESSIVE set */
      ACT_AGGRESSIVE_EVIL:     256
      ACT_AGGRESSIVE_GOOD:     512
      ACT_MEMORY:             2048
      ACT_ISHUMANOID          4096
      ACT_ISDRAGON            8192
      ACT_ISDEMON            16384
      ACT_ISANIMAL           32768
      ACT_ISINSECT           65536
      ACT_CANFLY            131072 /* These two have no use yet, and may */
      ACT_CANSWIM           262144 /* be removed at some point.          */
      ACT_HAS_CL            524288
      ACT_HAS_MU           1048576
      ACT_HAS_TH           2097152
      ACT_HAS_WA           4194304
      ACT_SPEC_DIE         8388608 /* On death, the mob's spec_proc will */
                                   /* be called with cmd=-1. Requires    */
                                   /* the ACT_SPEC flag to be set        */
      NPC_OUTLAW          16777216 /* Will be considered an outlaw by     */
                                   /* authorities and thrown in jail if   */
                                   /* possible. Be careful with this flag */
      ACT_BREAK_CHARM     33554432 /* Cannot be charmed (when I get around*/
                                   /* to it, they will be charmable, yet  */
                                   /* will break the charm quickly)       */

New AFFECT flags:

      AFF_INFRARED        33554432 /* Able to see heat off of other beings */
      AFF_LEVITATE        67108864 /* If the mob can levitate on will */
      AFF_FLY            134217728 /* If the mob is capable of flight */