                    Porting CircleMUD to New Platforms

CircleMUD should work on most UNIX platforms without any modifications;
simply run the "configure" script and it should automatically detect what
type of system you have and anything that may be strange about it.  These
findings are all stored in a header file called conf.h which is created in
the src directory from a template called  A Makefile is also
created from the template 

Non-UNIX platforms are a problem.  Some can't run CircleMUD at all. 
However, any multitasking OS that has an ANSI C compiler, and supports
non-blocking I/O and socket-based TCP/IP networking, should theoretically
be able to run CircleMUD (e.g. OS/2, Amiga, Mac, Windows 3.11/NT/95). 

The port can be very easy or very difficult, depending mainly on whether
or nor your OS supports the Berkeley socket API.  Windows 95, for example,
supports Berkeley sockets with a few modifications using the WinSock
library, and OS/2 supports Berkeley sockets with no source changes at all. 

The general steps for porting CircleMUD to a non-UNIX platform are listed
below.  Note that I have already ported Circle to Windows 95, so if you're
confused as to how to perform some of these steps, you can look at what
I've done as an example (see the files, and

Note that you should not try to do this unless you are an experienced C
programmer and have a solid, working knowledge of the system to which you
are trying to port the code. 

Step 1.  Create a "conf.h" file for your system.  Copy the template
         "" to "conf.h", and then define or undefine each item
         as directed by the comments and based on the characteristics of
         your system.  To write the conf.h file, you'll need to know which
         header files are included with your system, the return type of
         signals, whether or not your compiler supports the 'const'
         keyword, and whether or not you have various functions such as
         crypt() and random().

         Also, you can ignore the HAVE_LIBxxx and HAVE_xxx_PROTO constants
         at the end of; they are not used in the code (they are
         part of UNIX autoconf).

Step 2.  Create a Makefile.  Again, copy the template and make
         any changes which may be appropriate for your system.  Make sure
         to remove the @xxx@ variables such as @LIBS@, @CC@, @NETLIB@, etc.,
         and replace them with the appropriate values if necessary.

Step 3.  Make the appropriate patches to the code so that the TCP/IP reads
         and writes and signal handling are compatible with your system.
         This is the hard part of porting Circle.  All of the changes you'll
         need to make will probably be in the source file comm.c.

         Some tips about porting:

               Making your own CIRCLE_system constant
               Each system to which Circle is already ported has a CIRCLE_xx
               constant associated with it: CIRCLE_UNIX for plain vanilla
               UNIX CircleMUD, CIRCLE_WINDOWS for MS Win95/NT, CIRCLE_OS2 for
               IBM OS/2, and CIRCLE_AMIGA for the Amiga.  You must use a
               similar constant for your system.  At the top of your conf.h,
               make sure to comment out "#define CIRCLE_UNIX" and add
               "#define CIRCLE_YOUR_SYSTEM".

               ANSI C and GCC
               As long as your system has an ANSI C compiler, all of the code
               (except for comm.c) should compile with no major complaints.
               However, Circle was written with gcc, and some compilers are
               nitpicky about things that gcc does not care about (and the
               other way around).  Therefore, you are *highly* encouraged to
               use gcc if at all possible.  gcc has been ported to a very
               large number of platforms, possibly including yours, and your
               port will be made much easier if you use gcc.  You can download
               gcc via anonymous FTP from

               Non-Blocking I/O
               Make absolutely sure to use non-blocking I/O; i.e., make sure
               to enable the option so that the read() system call will
               immediately return with an error if there is no data available.
               If you do *not* use non-blocking I/O, read() will "block,"
               meaning it will wait infinitely for one particular player to
               type something even if other players are trying to enter
               commands.  If your system does not implement non-blocking I/O
               correctly, try using the POSIX_NONBLOCK_BROKEN constant in

               CircleMUD needs a fairly precise (on the order of 5 or 10 ms)
               timer in order to correctly schedule events such as zone
               resets, point regeneration ("ticks"), corpse decomposition,
               and other automatic tasks.  If your system supports the
               select() system call with sufficient precision, the default
               timing code should work correctly.  If not, you'll have to
               find out which system calls your system supports for
               determining how much time has passed and replace the select()
               timing method.

               Signals and Signal Handlers
               A note about signals: Most systems don't support the concept of
               signals in the same way that UNIX does.  Since signals are not
               a critical part of how Circle works anyway (they are only used
               for updating the wizlist and some other trivial things), all
               signal handling is turned off by default when compiling under
               any non-UNIX platform (i.e., the Windows 95 and Amiga ports do
               not use signals at all.)  Simply make sure that CIRCLE_UNIX is
               *not* defined in your conf.h file and all signal code will be
               ignored automatically.

         IMPORTANT: Remember to keep any changes you make surrounded by
         #ifdef statements (i.e., "#ifdef CIRCLE_WINDOWS ... #endif").  If
         you make absolutely sure to mark all of your changes with #ifdef
         statements, then your patches (once you get them to work) will be
         suitable for incorporation into the CircleMUD distribution,
         meaning that CircleMUD will officially support your platform.

Step 4.  Test your changes!  Make sure that multiple people can log in
         simultaneously and that they can all type commands at the same
         time.  No player should ever have a "frozen" screen just because
         another is waiting at a prompt.  Leave the MUD up for at least
         24 hours, preferably with people playing it, to make sure that
         your changes are stable.  Make sure that automatic events such
         as zone resets, point regeneration, and corpse decomposition are
         being timed correctly (a tick should be 75 seconds).  Try resetting
         all the zones repeatedly by typing "zr *" many times.  Play the MUD
         and make sure that the basic commands (killing mobs as a mortal,
         casting spells, etc.) work correctly.

Step 5.  If you are satisfied that your changes work correctly, you are
         encouraged to submit them to be included as part of the stock
         CircleMUD distribution so that future releases of Circle will
         support your platform.  This prevents you from re-porting the code
         every time a new version is released and allows other people who
         use your platform to enjoy CircleMUD as well.

         To submit your changes you must make a patch file using the
         GNU 'diff' program which can be downloaded by anonymous FTP from  diff will
         create a patch file which can be later used with the 'patch'
         utility to incorporate your changes into the stock CircleMUD
         distribution.  For example, if you have a copy of stock (plain)
         CircleMUD in the "stock-circle" directory, and your changes are
         in "my-circle", you can create a patch file like this:

         diff -u --new-file --recursive stock-circle/src my-circle/src > patch

         This will create a file called 'patch' with your patches.  You should
         then try to use the 'patch' program (the inverse of 'diff') on a
         copy of stock circle to make sure that Circle is correctly changed
         to incorporate your patches.

         This step is very important: if you don't create these patches
         correctly, your work will be useless because no one will be able
         to figure out what you did!  Make sure to read the documentation to
         'diff' and 'patch' if you don't understand how to use them.

         If your patches work, CELEBRATE!!

Step 6.  Write a README file for your operating system that describes
         everything that has to be done by another user of your operating
         system to get CircleMUD to compile from scratch.  You should include
         a section on required hardware, software, compilers, libraries, etc.
         Also include detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to compile
         and run everything.  You can look at the other README files in the
         distribution (README.WIN, README.OS2, etc.) for examples of what
         your README file should include.

Step 7.  You're done!  Congratulations!  Mail your conf.h, Makefile, patches,
         and README file to Jeremy Elson ( so that they
         can be included in future releases of CircleMUD.  Please share your
         work so that other users of your OS can use Circle, too.

Jeremy Elson