/* Holy shit this file
 * Is fucking ugly!
 * What the fuck was this
 * guy thinking?!  Like --
 * indent man indent!!!
 * remind me to clean this
 * shit up!  --Dunk */

// file: list.h                                                         //
// purpose: defines a node structure and a linked list template class   //
// author: Chris Dickey - 2/1/96                                        //
//                                                                      //

#ifndef _list_h_
#define _list_h_

#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream.h>

#define ADD(a)  Add(a, __FILE__, __LINE__)

#if !defined(FALSE)
#define FALSE 0

#if !defined(TRUE)
#define TRUE  (!FALSE)

template <class T>
struct nodeStruct
  T data;
  nodeStruct<T> *next;

//==========================listClass class===============================//

template <class T>
class listClass
    // constructors and destructors
    listClass() : num_items(0), head(NULL) {}
    listClass(const listClass<T>& L);
    virtual ~listClass();

    int NumItems() { return num_items; }
    // AddItem adds an item after the node
    bool AddItem(nodeStruct<T> *node, T item);
    // RemoveItem the item in the list and removes it, however, a
    // function to find the item should be defined in a child class
    bool RemoveItem(nodeStruct<T> *node);
    nodeStruct<T> *FindItem(T item);
    nodeStruct<T> *Head() { return head; }

    int num_items;

    nodeStruct<T> *head;

// member functions for the classes follow                                 //

template <class T>
listClass<T>::listClass(const listClass<T> & L)
  num_items = L.num_items;

  // if the head of the old list is empty (NULL), then just set the
  // new head to NULL and we're done
  if (L.head == NULL)
    head = NULL;
  // if not, we have to run through the list and allocate needed memory
  else {
    // we'll just exit if we can't allocate a nodeStruct, and we can
    // improve if we need to manage our own memory
    assert((head = new nodeStruct<T>) != NULL);

    // copy the data over
    head->data = L.head->data;

    // now we loop through the list and allocate and create the new one
    nodeStruct<T> *temp, *newlist;
    for (temp = L.head->next, newlist = head; temp;
         temp = temp->next) {
      assert((newlist->next = new nodeStruct<T>) != NULL);
      newlist = newlist->next;
      newlist->data = temp->data;

    // finally, make the last 'next' point to NULL to indicate end of list
    newlist->next = NULL;
  } // end else

template <class T>
  // to delete, we just remove and deallocate each item
  register nodeStruct<T> *temp = head;
  while (temp) {
    head = head->next;
    delete temp;
    temp = head;

// this assumes that even if item is a pointer to some type, it's been
// allocated already
template <class T>
bool listClass<T>::AddItem(nodeStruct<T> *node, T item)
  // AddItem adds the item AFTER the node, if it's NULL it goes at the head
  nodeStruct<T> *NewNode = new nodeStruct<T>;
  assert(NewNode != NULL);

  if (node == NULL) {
  // set the data to the parameter, then set the pointers straight and
  // pop it onto the head of the list
    node = NewNode;
    node->data = item;
    node->next = head;
    head = node;
  } else {
    NewNode->next = node->next;
    NewNode->data = item;
    node->next = NewNode;

  num_items++;  // increment num_items since we added

  return TRUE;

template <class T>
bool listClass<T>::RemoveItem(nodeStruct<T> *node)
  // Remove item assumes you have alread found the node, so child classes
  // will have to define their own rules to find items based on data type
  nodeStruct<T> *found;
  // if its at the head of the list, removal is easy
  if (node == head) {
    // deallocate any memory
    found = head;
    head = found->next;
    delete found;
    num_items--;  // decrement number of items in list
    return TRUE;  // it's been found, so return TRUE
  } else {
    register nodeStruct<T> *temp = head;
    while (temp && (temp->next != node))
      temp = temp->next;

    if (temp->next == node) { // ie, it was found
      found = temp->next;
      temp->next = found->next;
      delete found;
      num_items--;  // decrement number of items in list
      return TRUE;  // yay, we found it so we return TRUE
  // couldn't find it oddly enough, so we return false
  return FALSE;

// this function runs through the list and compares data, returning the node
// if it's found
template <class T>
nodeStruct<T> *listClass<T>::FindItem(T item)
  register nodeStruct<T> *temp;

  for (temp = head; temp; temp = temp->next)
    if (temp->data == item)
      return temp;

  return NULL;

//==============================List class===============================//

// List is a special list used for the mud which checks for duplicate items
// if DEBUG is defined

template <class T>
class List : public listClass<T>
    List() {}
    List(const List<T>& L) {}
    virtual ~List() {}

    bool Add(T item, const char *filename, int lineno);
    bool Remove(T item);
    // Traverse will travel the list calling func with the data of each node
//    void Traverse(void (*func)(T));

//============================List member functions=====================//
template <class T>
bool List<T>::Add(T item, const char *filename, int lineno)

  #ifdef DEBUG
  if (FindItem(item)) {
    cerr << "SYSERR: Attempt to add duplicate item to list in file " << filename
         << ", line: " << lineno << endl;

  return AddItem(NULL, item);

template <class T>
bool List<T>::Remove(T item)
  return RemoveItem(FindItem(item));

//template <class T>
//void List<T>::Traverse(void (*func)(T))
//  for (nodeStruct<T> *temp = head; temp; temp = temp->next)
//    func(temp->data);

/* If we get here we're really fucked!  SIKE! */
