A Great Tree~
   You find yourself before a great tree in the middle of a beautiful
clearing.  You can feel life energy of many living things surrounding you as
you gaze into the wonderous sights in this mystic forest. The pleasant aroma
of wildflowers flashes across your nose, brought on by a gentle, warm breeze.
In the tree-tops you can hear many different kinds of birds singing their
different songs, along with the sound of insects as they frolic and play in
the tall grass. 
0 120 9 0
A Forested Mountainside~
   You are surrounded by a great amount of evergreen trees on a small shelf on
a mountainside. There is a light snowpack all around, with sunlight beaming
off of the small hills of snow with a cystaline, stunning beauty. The air is
moist from the slow evaporation of the snow, but the temperature is very cool
and doesn't allow much to melt away. There is various wildlife around, most
notable though are the birds and the squirrels due to the sounds they make on
this otherwise quiet mountainside. 
0 120 9 0
A Large Tree Branch~
   You are atop a large tree branch that is a part of a dead tree. There is a
river below, full of fish jumping and other life in their most natural state.
As you look around, you see the tops of all of the trees in this vast forest,
each swaying in the light wind. The sun shining down upon you creates a very
calming warmth throughout your entire body and makes the water below sparkle,
showing off it's beauty even more. Just below the surface of the water you can
see some beaver working away on their home, and several trout swimming
0 120 9 0
An Underwater Cavern~
   You are floating in an awe-inspiring, underwater cavern. There are fish
swimming about in plentiful numbers in a very carefree manner. The water is
rather warm and gives a very tropical feel to the area and the underwater
plant life shows it greatly. You notice some very brightly colored fish
swimming by in schools of great size. 
0 120 9 0
In the Plains~
   You are standing in, and are surrounded by, tall grass and a vast hillside
as far as you can see; all of the way to the horizon. You hear various birds
singing thier songs as they fly overhead. Not far in the distance, you see a
small pond where some cranes are gathering and performing their mating
rituals. The smell of a fire is in the distance, and you notice that there is
some smoke rising from beyond a hill. 
0 120 9 0
A Dead Grove~
   Surrounding you is a circle of dead and dying trees, decaying and seemingly
void of all life. There is a faint scent of rotting flesh lingering in the air
and an overall gloomy feeling all around. It would be quiet if the sounds of
the raven, crowing far and near, were not present. You also notice the sky is
filled with darkend clouds, covering much like a drab grey blanket. Along the
ground, lying about in a few heaps, are piles of bones. In a few of them, you
can make out several animal skulls...including a few that look very human... 
0 120 9 0
A Small Park~
   You are in the middle of a small park that appears to be right in the
middle of a semi-busy section of a large city. There are quite a few people
about, but they seem to all have very, very blank expressions on their faces,
and are rather statuesque. You can only see across the street to the north and
the west, where buildings promptly cut off your view, and the wall along the
remaining sides of the park blocks the view in those directions. Even with the
wall though, you can hear the sounds of a trainyard in the distance, and the
occasional train passing by. The air is very smoggy and everything around is
drab and dirty. 
0 120 9 0
A Warm Room~
   You are in what appears to be a living room of a house. It is lit and
warmed by a glowing fire. The furnishings of this place are very scarce, just
a rug in front of the fireplace and a chair with a small table in one corner.
The only sound is that of the crackling fire and the only smell is of the wood
burning. The walls are bare and there is but a single door opposite the
0 120 9 0
A Dark and Dirty Room~
   You look around to find yourself in a very dirty and unkept room. There are
heaps of things lying about here and there, nothing of explicit interest or
anything that really catches the eye. There is very little light in the room,
only slightly illuminated by a single candle in the corner. The air is very
stuffy and there appear to be no windows in the room at all, only a door along
the northern wall. 
0 120 9 0
An Oasis~
   You look around to see that you are near a small body of water, surrounded
by rolling hills of desert sand. The sky is very clear, and you can easily see
many stars starting to appear in the dusk sky. There seems to be lots of life
encompassing the water, various creatures make their appearance to take a
quick drink, then again disappear back into the sandy background. Also near
the water you notice that there are some beautiful flowers blooming, ready to
spring to full life even in the middle of such a lifeless surrounding. 
0 120 9 0
A Small Island in the Swamp~
   You are upon a small island in the middle of very murky water. There are
trees all around and moss is growing on almost everything you can see. The
sunlight is dimmed greatly by the tree-top canopy covering as far as you can
see in any direction. You hear sounds of crickets chirping, and mosquitos
buzzing around your ear. Also, you notice the occasional bubbling from the
water, seemingly caused by a fish, or perhaps an alligator. The ambient
temperature is relatively warm, and it is very humid; but, for some reason, it
feels much like home. 
0 120 9 0
A Large Hollow Tree~
   You are before a very large and gnarled tree. A good deal of the tree is
hollow and turned into the home of a great, wise, fowl. Around the tree is a
short patch of grassy clearing, and soon after is continuation of forested
land. You hear the sweet sound of silence as nightfall is upon the land. Very
few creatures are out and about at this time. There is a very quiet, calm
feeling to the area; very serene, almost as if you could not fear any of it
because you know so much about it...and call a place like this home. 
0 120 9 0
A Grassy Stump~
   You are just before a big stump in the center of a wide open field of tall
grass. The grass almost covers the long dead tree, almost an attempt to
swallow it and wipe it from existance. There are many, many small mammals
skittering about, and you also take notice to the numerous amount of insects,
large and small, flying and crawling all around you. The sky is clear and the
sun has almost set, which will bring around the comforting cover of darkness
to the land in just a short time. 
0 120 9 0
A Small Stream~
   You are very near to a small stream that seems to be running just outside
of a city. You can see some houses not very far off and you can easily sense
that there are many people in that direction. Just over the stream you see a
hole, just large enough for a moderately sized mammal to call home. The air
smells of rain and you can detect a bit of smoke as well, smoke that seems to
be coming from a chimney of one of the houses. 
0 120 9 0
A Grand Library~
   You find yourself in the center of a grand, old style library. The ceiling
is very high and there are various stained glass windows surrounding the
endlessly long rows of bookshelves. You also take notice to the extreme
cleanliness of this place. It appears to be centuries old but not on sign of
wear is to be found. The library is in complete silence it seems that not a
soul has traversed these halls in it's entire existance. 
0 120 9 0
   You find yourself floating in a complete void of darkenss. In irregular
patterns, you see glowing swirls of life energy spawn into being, then
completely disappear from existance. You can sense the life force of what
seems to be every living being that has ever existed, in a calm, peaceful
gathering among the cosmos. You no longer have any awareness of your physical
self and are completely free of the bounds of astral space as well. This is
the gateway to the metaplanes. 
0 120 9 0
   You find yourself floating in a dark void. You no longer sense any
attachment to your physical body and you also cannot find the bounds of astral
space. All around you, out of the darkness, you begin to notice many archane
symbols appear and vanish in very rhythmic patterns. You can sense a great
power all around you, one that seems to be the collective conciousness of
every living being that has ever existed. This is the gateway to the
0 120 9 0
Elemental Plane of Fire~
   You find yourself floating just above a vast sea of flames. Despite the
proximity you feel no pain, but you do feel a great amount of heat. You can
feel the collective lifeforce of the entire universe collected and radiating
their energy through this metaplanular sea of fire. The flames spread as far
as you can see, or sense on any level. Above the flames, in all directions is
a void of darkness, seemingly keeping the metaphysical flames contained and at
perfect balance. 
0 120 9 0
Elemental Plane of Water~
You are in an unfinished room.
0 120 9 0
Elemental Plane of Wind~
You are in an unfinished room.
0 120 9 0
Elemental Plane of Earth~
You are in an unfinished room.
0 120 9 0
an unfinished room~
You are in an unfinished room.
0 120 9 0
an unfinished room~
You are in an unfinished room.
0 120 9 0
an unfinished room~
You are in an unfinished room.
0 120 9 0
an unfinished room~
You are in an unfinished room.
0 120 9 0
The Citadel~
   You have finally done what you have come to do. For the time you are here,
everything becomes very begin to feel as if your mind has linked
with the collective knowledge of every being throughout the very mystic
existance of the metaplanes...and beyond. Everything around you is very
bright, vibrant, and so full of color and life. You have reached the Citadel,
the heart of the magical energy in the metaplanes. 
0 120 9 0
Metaplanular Spirit Holding Room~
   This room only holds the spirits for any given journey in the metaplanes.
That's it chummers. 
0 120 0 0