
^c> advance <character> <level>^n

This advances the specified character to the specified level.  And since only
Owners have access to this command, this help file is rather useless.

This command allows the user to perform an action, in a room that he is not
physically in. This command, albeit near impossible to explain, is incredible
fun.  For example, if you were in room 1234 and Pook was in room 4065:

^c> at pook lick pook^n

- You would not move, but Pook would see "Bob licks you."

This command can be used with commands such as look, kill, etc.

^WSee Also: SOCIALS^n

This allows you to ban a certain address from the game. There are
two types of ban. ^WSelect^n, and ^WAll^n. Select only allows in
players with the SITEOK flag, which only CEO's or OWNERS can place.
All, bans every single player from that address.

^c> ban <type> <address>^n

^WSee Also: UNBAN^n

This disconnects a user from the MUD itself. The command is used by typing
"dc" and then the name of the player.  There is also "dc *", which
disconnects all connected sockets which do not hold playing characters.
This command is not to be abused, with result of severe punishment. It is
used only for dire situations or other circumstances that call for the
disconnection of a player.

This command creates a two-way exit between two rooms. You dig between
the room you are standing in, and another. Dig then creates an exit
automatically. Dig cannot be used to make exits to ^WMatrix^n rooms, and all
doors need to be edited manually in ^WRedit^n.

^C> dig <direction> <room vnum>^n

^WSee Also: REDIT^n

This allows you to echo a message through to the entire mud. The syntax is "echo"
and then the message you wish to echo. For example:

^c> echo Lets kill barney the dinosaur!^n

- Everyone in the room would see:
Lets kill barney the dinosaur!

^WSee Also: QECHO, GECHO^n

This command "forces" a subject to execute any action you wish. This is
only meant to be used for mobs, specifically in quests, and in the rarest
cases with players. Immortals that abuse this power will be traced and
demoted, or depending on the extent, deleted completely.

Quite simply, this freezes a player, making all commands useless.

^WSee Also: THAW^n

This echoes the subject string to the entire game, to all players connected
at that time.

This allows you to go straight to any room of your choice. The syntax is "goto"
and then the room number, character/object name.


This is a type of mob flag that will turn the mob into a vigilant guard,
watchful over the security of your zone. If a mob with the GUARD flag
sees a player carrying equipment that breaches the ^WSECURITY^n rating
of the zone it's in, that mob and all others with GUARD will become
aggressive to the player. Use this flag in moderation, for not all mobs
in a zone are true guards.

^WSee Also: SECURITY^n

The latest edition of the Awake Handbook, Copyright 1997.

Hcontrol is used to create, destroy, or manipulate existing houses.

^chcontrol build <house vnum> <exit direction> <lifestyle> <player name>
hcontrol destroy <house vnum>
hcontrol pay <house vnum>
hcontrol show^n

This clones an item. To use it, first enter the original itemnum, and the
vnum of the clone item.

^c> iclone 10000 10001^n

^WSee Also: IEDIT^n

This deletes an item, but for the time being, is nonfunctional. If you wish
to delete an item, simply re-edit the item into a different item.

^WSee Also: IEDIT, ILIST^n

By turning this off, remote usernames will not be attempted.

This utility is used to edit items in your zone. To use the utility, just
simply type "iedit (item number)". You will be greeted with a menu that
allows you to create items, which you load through the ^WZedit^n command.
This is what the actual menu looks like:

Item number: 12554
1) Item namelist: unfinished object              
2) Item shortdesc: an unfinished object          
3) Item descript: Something is lying here.       
4) Item longdesc:
It looks pretty much like an unfinished object   
5) Item type: UNDEFINED                          
6) Item extra flags: None                        
7) Item affected bits: None                      
8) Item wear flags: TAKE                         
9) Item weight: 0                                
a) Item cost: 0                                  
b) Item composition: other                       
c) Item timer: 0                                 
d) Item Material: paper                          
e) Item Barrier Rating: 1                        
f) Item values: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0              
g) Item applies:                                 
h) Item extra descriptions:                      
q) Quit                                          
Enter your choice:


- ^cComposition^n: This is for metahumans and their pesky allergies.

These are the various types of items you can make. The ones that aren't self
explanatory are explained below.

- Weapon: You can choose between Melee and firearm in option(g) in the main
- Docwagon: If you've played SRII b4, thenthis is simply a homing device for
the docwagon squads. If you don't know what this is, then check the helpfile.
- Radio/Phone: A radio is used to speak on all public channels, and a phone
is needed for tells.
- Cyberdeck: This is an essential tool to deckers.....after this you set the
deck's values through option(f) in the main menu.
- Focus: This is a type of magic-enhancing device, that increases the user's
magic rating by its own rating, so do *not* go over the top with this.
- Climbing gear: This gives the wearer a better chance of surviving those
pesky FALL rooms.
- Program: A program for cyberdecks. Exactly which program, you select in
option(f) in the main menu.
- Patch: This is a small healing device that anyone can use. There are several
types of Patches available, all of which are specified in option(f).


These give the item any particular "flags" or special characteristics that you
select from the sub-menu. You may give the item more than one flag. In the
menu, these are what some of the commands mean:

GOD_ONLY: Only gods of lvl2 and above can use this weapon.

The flags with a "!" in their name are "anti-flags." This means that the name
listed there cannot use the item. So, (!MAGE) means that mages cannot use this
item. Although in the more fantasy-based muds there are lots of items magic
users cannot use, this is not really true for Shadorwun. In order to stay with
the general feel of the Awakening atmosphere, its best if you dont make too
many !race flags.


These are the affections the item has on the user/wielder. Here is some
explanation of the more unclear ones:

Vision x1, x2, x3: These give the user better eyesight, which give a better
of success in terms of combat, and a longer range to ^WScan^n.
Laser-Sight: This reduces the user's combat numbers by 1.
Sense-Life: Allows you to sense hidden, sneaking creatures in the room.

FINAL NOTE: Editing is a tricky business, and you need to be careful to not
make crazy items that put others in jeopardy.If you have a question that is
not answered, do not feel in any way embarassed to post your questions. After
all, we were all newbies at some time or another. Good luck.


This brings up a list of all the objs whose virtual numbers range between
certain parameters set by the user. The first value must always be less than
the second. So:

^c> ilist 12500 12599^n

- This would display all objs between 12500 and 12599.

^WSee Also: IEDIT^n

This allows you to load an item, without having to put any commands through the
^WZedit^n command. This is mainly used for personalized items and non-mob type
items. Just type "iload (vnum of object)" to get the item.


This shows you the latest IMOTD, the greeting message Immortals and higher get
when they connect to the MUD. Usually, this is updated as soon as the
^WImplementors^n come up with something new such as code or a major addition to
the game.

This sets your invisibility to your level. Only people of your level or higher
will now be able to see you.If you wish to set a certain level of invisibility,
you can by using "invis (lvl of invis)".

This command allows you to see the last time a certain character connected to
the MUD, and what his address was. You can only "last" people of your level or

^WSee Also: USERS^n

This command is available to CEO's and IMP's only. This allows you to load
objects or mobs, anywhere in the game. This is the syntax for load:

>load m 12500    */This will load mob 12500 into the room you're in*/

>load o 12500    */This will load object 12500 into your inventory*/

If you load an item, it will be stored in your inventory, so you must drop
it after loading for others to see or look at.

^WSee Also: ILOAD^n

This command shows which logs in the game you are watching. There are
several logs in the game under constant update, but you can customize
which logs to watch to avoid spam. To use the Logwatch, simply type in:

^c> Logwatch <log>
> logwatch all
> logwatch none^n

ie: "logwatch sys" will toggle the SysLog for you.

This allows you to clone a monster.

Usage: ^cmclone <original vnum> <new vnum>^n

^WSee Also: MEDIT^n

This deletes a mob. Simply put the mobvnum after this command, confirm it,
and hey presto, it's gone.

MEDIT is an OLC utility that allows you to edit mobs online. You can only edit
mobs in your own zone, usually with 100 free mobs in each. To use it, simply
type "medit <mob_num>", and then "y" to confirm that you want to edit the mob.

Mob number: 3701
1) Mob namelist:
2) Mob short description:
3) Mob regular description:
4) Mob long description:
5) Mob Flags:
6) Affected Flags: None
7) Alignment: 0
8) Credits: 0-0
9) Bonus karma points: 0    (Total karma points: 0)
a) Attributes: B(0), Q(0), S(0), C(0), I(0), W(0), M(0), R(0), E(0.00)
b) Level: 0
c) Ballistic: 0, d) Impact: 0
e) Max physical points: 10, f) Max mental points: 10
g) Position: Standing, h) Default Position: Standing
i) Gender: Female, j) Weight: 0, k) Height: 0
l) Mob class: Other
m) Attack Type: Hit
n) Skill menu.
o) Arrive text: arrives from,  p) Leave text: leaves
q) Quit
Enter your choice:

(1) - The "aliases", or titles you can use to target the mob.
(2) - The namelisting of the mob in any mlist or vstat search.
(3) - The description people see when the mob is in the room.
(4) - The long description, when you actually look at the mob.
(5) - These are FLAGS you can attach to the mob. See below for more.
(6) - Affect FLAGS. Again, see below.
(7) - Alignment. Effectively, how good/evil a mob is. Relatively useless.
(8) - Amount of cash. You enter in a min and a max, and the average is
randomly generated.
(9) - Bonus Karma. If a mob is harder than the calculated karma dictates, use
this to beef up the bounty. Mainly for the *really* tough mobs that take large
groups to kill.
(a) - The mobs attributes. If unclear as to what the attribute does, check
each helpfile.
(b) - This is only needed to MATRIX mobs. Do NOT use this for any other mobs.
(c) - This is the mobs ballistic armor, it uses against bullets.
(d) - This is the mob's impact, it uses against explosions, melee attacks.
(e and f) - Leave these alone. Any mobs with more than the usual 10, are a LOT
more difficult than normal.
(g) - The mob's position when loaded into the game.
(h) - Default position.
(i) - Gender. No major significance.
(j) - Weight of corpse.
(k) - Insignificant.
(l) - This is only used for MATRIX mobs. For an explanation of all the types,
there are individual types for each matrix class, or IC.
(m) - The attack the mob uses if it doesn't have a weapon.
(n) - The mobs skills. Each skills adds more karma to the mob, so do NOT give
it skills that it does not use directly, even if it may appear to be in
character(ie, giving corporate etiquette to a mob that sits around).
(o) - The string others see when the mob arrives in the room.
(p) - Same as above, only when them mob leaves.


- If you have question about FLAGS, buy a MOBFLAGS scroll from the engineer in
the Builder's Lounge.
- The same goes if you have questions about the AFFECT flags.
- For the mob classes, the ones labelled "IC" are Matrix programs. To learn
more about each one, check their helpfiles. DO NOT PUT THESE MOBS IN NON-

- That's about it. If you need more help, ask a fellow imm, or if noone's on,
post an inquiry on the builder's board.


This brings up a list of all the mobs whose virtual numbers range between
certain parameters set by the user. The first value must always be less than
the second. So:

^c>mlist 12500 12599^n

- This would display all mobs between 12500 and 12599.

^WSee Also: MEDIT^n

The mute command, or "squelch" command, bans a player from all the public
channels. This command is reserved for CEO's or higher, and is only to be used
in extreme situations.  Abuse of this command will be punished, depending on
whether it was funny or not.

This command stops a player from changing their title, and is reserved for CEO's
and higher to use only.

This turns the mud's "OLC" mode on and off. If you wish to continue editing in
the normal manner, keep OLC "on" all the time.


This allows you to operate on a person, and implant them with either Bioware
or cyberware.  Only certified doctors are able to use this command.

This sends a page to another player, and should make his computer "bleep." It
might be great fun spamming people and sending their computer into a frenzy, but
this command is only to be used to get other people's attention.

This relieves a player of all flags he/she may have accumulated in the duration
of their runs through the Sprawl. These can include ^WTHIEF^n and ^WKILLER^n


This is the message that other people see when you enter a room they're in via
the ^WGoto^n command. Poofins are fun, and often quite creative.

^c> poofin falls out of the sky, all over your brand new shoes! yuck!^n

- When you goto a room with another person in it, they will see:

^c> Pook falls out of the sky, all over your brand new shoes! yuck!^n

^WSee Also: POOFOUT^n

Poofout is the message other people in a room with you see, when you leave the
room via the ^Wgoto^n command. For info on how to actually use the ^Wpoofout^n
command, look at the ^Wpoofin^n help file. The format for both of them is

^WSee Also: POOFIN^n

This puts a string before your name in the who list and in your short

This cleans out a room of all objects and mobs. Very useful when a room gets all
cluttered with mess. You can also purge players, which will make them drop all
their eq and disconnect them from the game. Yes, it sounds bloody tempting to
play with, but don't use it too much please. You can only purge in your own
zone, until you become a CEO or higher.

This command will echo a message through to all people with a (quest) flag. This
is incredibly useful for Immortals or Gods who are leading a quest, when you
want to broadcast something to the quest players, but not to everyone else.

^c> qecho Bob is cool.^n

- All the people with a (quest) flag will see:

Bob is cool.

^WSee Also: QUEST, ECHO^n

This allows you to "clone" rooms, and although totally unoriginal, is sometimes
the only way to stop yourself going mad while editing long hallways and such. If
possible though, try not use this too much or your zone will lose its creativity
and look like a 4 room zone copied 100 times. All characteristics of the room
will be cloned, including exits, description, flags and doors.

^cUsage: rclone (original room num) (cloned room num)

^WSee Also: REDIT^n

Hey....guess what? It deletes a room! The syntax is simple: place the
rnum after this command.

Reboot will reload any of the following text files into the mud's
pre-allocated memory buffer:
  background   The background story
  credits      The text received when one types "credits"
  handbook     The text received when one types "handbook"
  help         The text received when one types "help"
  immlist      The text received when one types "immlist"
  imotd        The text immortals see when they enter the game
  index        The text received when one types "index"
  info         The text received when one types "info"
  motd         The text mortals see when they enter the game
  news         The text received when one types "news"
  policy       The text received when one types "policy"
  xhelp        The help files
  wizhelp      The wizhelp files
  wizlist      The text received when one types "wizlist"
  all          All the above

This utility allows you to edit rooms.

Room number: 11100
1) Room name: an unfinished room
2) Room Desc:

Room zone: 108
3) Room flags: none
4) Sector type: Inside
5) Exit north to:     (none)
6) Exit northeast to: (none)
7) Exit east to:      (none)
8) Exit southeast to: (none)
9) Exit south to:     (none)
a) Exit southwest to: (none)
b) Exit west to:      (none)
c) Exit northwest to: (none)
d) Exit up to:        (none)
e) Exit down to:      (none)
f) Exit matrix to:    (none)
g) Extra descriptions
q) Quit
Enter your choice:

- Everything there is pretty self-explanatory. Here's a rundown of things that
might not be.

- cRoom Flags^n: These are all defined on a ROOMFLAGS scroll, sold by the
engineer in the Builder's Lounge.

- ^cSector Type^n: As above, go to the engineer for answers.

- ^cMatrix^n: This is the equivalent of an input jack, a doorway into a


Used by a non-Owner, this will restore the character's physical and mental
points to maximum.  When used by an owner on an immortal, it sets the
character's attributes and skills to maximum.  Abuse is punishable by

This is like all the other "list" commands. It lists all the rooms between
two paramters, the "top" and "bottom".


All zones have a security rating. After all, even in the Sprawl you have
security. Each zone has it's own individual securty rating, chosen in the
^WZedit^n menu. Depending on it's security rating, the ^WGUARD^n mobs in the
zone will watch out for any equipment that exceeds this rating. The table for
this system is as follows:

1 - Everything gets in
2 - Rocket Launchers, rockets
3 - Cannons
4 - High Damage Grenade Launchers
5 - Grenade Launchers, Rifles
6 - Hand Grenades, Bows
7 - Machine Guns
8 - Shotguns, Blast Weapons
9 - Slashing, Mauling, and Claw Weapons
10 - Whips, Tasers
11 - Bludgeoning, Crushing and Pounding Weapons
12 - Thrashing Weapons
13 - Piercing and Stabbing Weapons
14 - Shuriken
15 - Knives, Stinging Weapons

The higher the rating, the more paranoid the zone. The item listed beside the
rating is the biggest weapon you can have in the zone before getting hassled
by GUARD mobs. Take security into account when you create a zone, ie
Renraku would have at least 14 in the least important sector, while a seedy run
down old club would have around 4 or 5.

^WSee Also: ZEDIT, GUARD^n

This utility allows you to edit shops. Everything there is pretty self
explanatory. Some major pointers, however:

- Always set up the mob, load the items he is gonna sell, and put him in the
correct room before sediting.

- For comfort, make sure you fill in *ALL* the options with some sort of

- If you only have one opening/closing time, then you do not need a second

^WSee Also: SHOW^n

This allows you to "send" a string to someone. Whatever you enter as the
string, will show up directly on their screen, without a prompt or any
precursor. Abuse of this is punishable by demotion.

This allows you to set someone's stats, affects, pretty much anything
in their playerfile. This is, however, really meant to give people new
zones. ANY abuse of this command will result in demotion, and possible

This allows you to set the time at the machine site. Please try not to
change this, so everyone has a constant sense of time in the game. Use
the machine time to set up quests and runs, with the ^WDate^n command.

This command "shows" you certain logs in the game. The logs available are:

zones          player         rent           stats          errors
death          godrooms       shops          houses         skills

Typing "show <log>" will display the relevant text.
This sets a player's skills. Skills range from 1 - 100, but only
immortals are allowed maximum stats. Don't even think about abusing
this. Logs don't lie, and mortal use of this command will result in
the deletion of said mortal.

Usage: ^cskillset <player> '<skill>' <value>^n

This changes the functions involved with the ^WUsers^n command. For
comfort and convenience, leave this alone.

This "snoops" a player, and allows you to see all I/O from the user.
Abuse of this command is one of the highest crimes, and is punishable
by deletion.

This brings up all a player's stats. It also shows you their bank
balance, karma, affections, and flags. Use this only when needed,
as although it's not an abuse, it can be an intrusion of privacy.

This function allows you to "switch" into the body of a mob. Once you've
switched, you can still use some immortal commands, but you will have the
stats and viewpoint of your targetted mob. To exit the mob, simply type
"return" and you will go back to your original body.

A different version of the "transfer" command.

^c> teleport <character> <room vnum>^n

^WSee Also: TRANSFER^n

Quite simply, this unfreezes a frozen character.

^WSee Also: FREEZE^n

This transfers a person to the room you are currently in. When you are
testing out an unfinished zone, or even finished, but not *connected*,
then you are only allowed to use your OWN character. Do not ask other
players to help.  Use of this command, as with many other commands, is
logged, so misuse can easily be uncovered and will be punished.

^WSee Also: TELEPORT^n

This removes an effect from a player. When you ^WStat^n a player, you
can see the affects they may have. DO NOT ABUSE THIS by spiting players.
You can punish people with this, but only if the conditions allow it.

^c> unban <banned site>^n

Pretty simple. If you're still confused, check the helpfile for ^WBan^n.

This is the opposite of "operate", as you may have guessed. This removes
either bioware or cyberware from a player.

How long the game has been running since the last reboot.

This shows you the people currently connected to the game, their address,
their state, their login time, and how long (if at all) they've been idle.

This sets the corpse and violence variables in the game. DO NOT CHANGE
THESE, as they will have a drastic effect on major functions in the game.

This is a search tool to find the vnum of a mob.

Usage: ^cvnum <m | o> <name>^n

This allows you to see the stats of a mob, if you know its vnum.

Usage: ^cvstat <m | o> <vnum>^n

Notice, however, that this is not the same as ^WStat^n. Stat will shows
you a mobs stats after being modified by any possible eq or outside
affects. Vstat will show you the raw stats of a mob, as you would find
if you medited it.

This sets the string inside your whotitle brackets. Usage is as follows

^c> whotitle nak^n

When you type who, you would see this:

^g[ NAK ] <pretitle> <your name> <title>^n

If you're checking the *helpfile* for this have some
serious problems.

^c> wizlock <level>^n

will lock out all players below the given level.  "Wizlock 1" will prevent
new players from being created.

This command is similar to ^WWTELL^n, but is used for socials and emotes.  The
syntax for using wf is: wf <command> <message/victim>.

^c> wf lick pook
> wf emote is dead! R.I.P.!^n

^WSee Also: WTELL, WWHO^n

This command is used to communicate with other gods through the wordlwide Aural
Timepal - Net System. To use this command, simply type "wt" and then your thought
afterwards. This will relay to all Immortals and higher on the game.

^c> wt Hi, I'm insane^n

would result in all immortals seeing:

^c[Pook]: Hi, I'm insane^n

^WSee Also: WF, WWHO^n

Typing in this command will show you a list of all immortals currently on-line,
where they are, and how long they've been idle (in minutes).

^WSee Also: WTELL, WF^n

This utility allows you to edit your zone commands, which control all the
load functions for mobs, items, doors, and rooms.

Command: 0
1) Type: NONE
2) Conditional: Always
q) Quit
Enter your selection:


1) MOB          ^r*/This loads a mob.^n
2) OBJECT       ^r*/Loads an object. Same as above.^n
3) PUT          ^r*/Puts an object in something, usually a container.^n
4) EQUIP        ^r*/Equips a mob. It will equip the previous mob command.^n
5) GIVE         ^r*/Puts an item in a mob's inventory.^n
7) DOOR         ^r*/Sets up a door, ie locked, closed, etc.^n
8) GIVE NUMBER  ^r*/Gives a certain number of items to a mob.^n
9) NOTHING      ^r*/Does what it says.^n
0) Quit
Enter command type: 0


This deletes a zone. Unless you're an Owner or you have more than one
zone, you can only delete your own zone, so it may not be all too wise
to toy with this one.

Zlist is used to display all of your zone commands for the particular zone that
you are working on at that time. "Zlist 130" will show all the zone commands for
zone 130. If by chance you wish to see the zone commands between a certain range
and not the whole range, you can use zlist and state the start and end of the
range you wish to see. For example:

^c> zlist 120 189^n

- This will show all the zone commands from command 120 to command 189.


^c> zreset <zone #>^n

Resets the zone with the given number.

^c> zreset .^n

Resets the zone you are standing in.

^c> zreset *^n

Resets the entire world.

This allows you to switch to another zone. This is only really used if
you have more than one zone to work with, and need to jump around.

^c> zreset <zone #>^n