
***	DaleMUD
***	PSI Skills

#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>

#include "protos.h"

extern struct char_data *character_list;
extern long SystemFlags;

void mind_burn(byte level, struct char_data *ch,
  struct char_data *victim, struct obj_data *obj)
  int dam;
  struct char_data *tmp_victim, *temp;

 if (!ch)

  dam = dice(1,4) + level/2 + 1;

  send_to_char("Gouts of flame shoot forth from your mind!\n\r", ch);
  act("$n sends a gout of flame shooting from $s mind!\n\r",
	  FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);

  for ( tmp_victim = real_roomp(ch->in_room)->people; tmp_victim; 
       tmp_victim = temp ) {
    temp = tmp_victim->next_in_room;
    if ( (ch->in_room == tmp_victim->in_room) && (ch != tmp_victim)) {
      if ((GetMaxLevel(tmp_victim)>LOW_IMMORTAL) && (!IS_NPC(tmp_victim)))
      if (!in_group(ch, tmp_victim)) {
	act("You are seared by the burning flame!\n\r",
	    FALSE, ch, 0, tmp_victim, TO_VICT);
	if ( saves_spell(tmp_victim, SAVING_SPELL) )
	  dam = 0;
	MissileDamage(ch, tmp_victim, dam, SKILL_MIND_BURN);
      } else {
	act("You are able to avoid the flames!\n\r",
	    FALSE, ch, 0, tmp_victim, TO_VICT);

void mind_teleport(byte level, struct char_data *ch,
  struct char_data *victim, struct obj_data *obj)
  int to_room, try = 0;
  extern int top_of_world;      /* ref to the top element of world */
  struct room_data *room;
  if (!ch || !victim)
  if (victim != ch) {
    if (saves_spell(victim,SAVING_SPELL)) {
      send_to_char("You can't seem to force them to blink out.\n\r",ch);
      if (IS_NPC(victim)) {
	if (!victim->specials.fighting)
	  set_fighting(victim, ch);
      } else {
	send_to_char("You feel strange, but the effect fades.\n\r",victim);
    } else {
      ch = victim;  /* the character (target) is now the victim */

  if (!IsOnPmp(victim->in_room)) {
    send_to_char("You're on an extra-dimensional plane!\n\r", ch);

  do {
    to_room = number(0, top_of_world);
    room = real_roomp(to_room);
    if (room) {
      if ((IS_SET(room->room_flags, PRIVATE)) ||
	  (IS_SET(room->room_flags, TUNNEL)) ||
	  (IS_SET(room->room_flags, NO_SUM)) ||
	  (IS_SET(room->room_flags, NO_MAGIC)) ||
	  !IsOnPmp(to_room)) {
	room = 0;
  } while (!room && try < 10);
  if (try >= 10) {
    send_to_char("The skill fails.\n\r", ch);

  act("$n seems to scatter into tiny particles and is gone!", FALSE, ch,0,0,TO_ROOM);
  char_to_room(ch, to_room);
  act("A mass of flying particles form into $n!", FALSE, ch,0,0,TO_ROOM);
  do_look(ch, "", 0);
  if (IS_SET(real_roomp(to_room)->room_flags, DEATH) && 
      GetMaxLevel(ch) < LOW_IMMORTAL) {



	/* astral travel */
void mind_probability_travel(byte level, struct char_data *ch,
  struct char_data *victim, struct obj_data *obj)
  struct char_data *tmp, *tmp2;
  struct room_data *rp;

if (IS_SET(SystemFlags,SYS_NOASTRAL)) {
	send_to_char("The astral planes are shifting, you cannot!\n",ch);

  rp = real_roomp(ch->in_room);
  for (tmp = rp->people;tmp;tmp=tmp2) {
    tmp2 = tmp->next_in_room;
    if (in_group(ch, tmp) && 
       (!tmp->specials.fighting) &&
       (IS_PC(tmp)||IS_SET(tmp->specials.act,ACT_POLYSELF)) &&
        IS_AFFECTED(tmp,AFF_GROUP)) {
      act("$n wavers as $N sends $m to another plane.", FALSE, tmp, 0, ch, TO_ROOM);
      char_to_room(tmp, PROBABILITY_TRAVEL_ENTRANCE);      
      do_look(tmp, "\0", 0);
      act("$n wavers into existance", FALSE, tmp, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);      


	/* sense DT's */
void mind_danger_sense(byte level, struct char_data *ch,
  struct char_data *victim, struct obj_data *obj)
  struct affected_type af;

  if (!affected_by_spell(victim, SKILL_DANGER_SENSE) ) {
  if (ch != victim) {
      act("$n opens $N's eyes to dangers.",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_ROOM);
      act("You open $N's eyes to dangers.",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_ROOM);
      } else {
     act("$n seems to look more intently about.",TRUE,victim,0,0,TO_ROOM);
     act("You open your mind and eyes for hidden dangers.",TRUE,victim,0,0,TO_CHAR);

    af.type      = SKILL_DANGER_SENSE;
    af.duration  = (int)level/10;
    af.modifier  = 0;
    af.location  = APPLY_NONE;
    af.bitvector = 0;
    affect_to_char(victim, &af);
  } else {
  	if (ch != victim)
  	   act("$N can already sense dangers.",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_CHAR);
  	   act("You already sense hidden dangers.",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_CHAR);


	/* same as thief spy skil, see into the next room */
void mind_clairvoyance(byte level, struct char_data *ch,
  struct char_data *victim, struct obj_data *obj)
  struct affected_type af;

  if (!affected_by_spell(victim, SKILL_CLAIRVOYANCE) ) {
  if (ch != victim) {
  } else {
    act("$n meditates for a moment.",TRUE,victim,0,0,TO_ROOM);
    act("You open your mind's eye to nearby visions and sights.",TRUE,victim,0,0,TO_CHAR);

    af.type      = SKILL_CLAIRVOYANCE;
    af.duration  = (level<LOW_IMMORTAL) ? 3 : level;
    af.modifier  = 0;
    af.location  = APPLY_NONE;
    af.bitvector = AFF_SCRYING;
    affect_to_char(victim, &af);
  } else {
  	if (ch != victim)
  	   act("$N can already sense nearby sights.",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_CHAR);
  	   act("You are already clairvoyant.",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_CHAR);


	/* single person attack skill */
void mind_disintergrate(byte level, struct char_data *ch,
  struct char_data *victim, struct obj_data *obj)

	/* if not fighting, shove the mob/pc out'a the room if suffcient */
	/* level and they do not save, otherwise set fighting. If fighting */
	/* then if they fail, treat as bashed and the mobs/pc sits */
void mind_telekinesis(byte level, struct char_data *ch,
  struct char_data *victim, int dir_num)

 if (!ch) {
  log("!ch in telekenisis");

  if (!victim)  {
 	log("!victim in telekenisis");
	/* not fighting, shove him */
 if (!ch->specials.fighting) {
    if (saves_spell(victim,SAVING_SPELL) ||
	    IS_SET(victim->specials.act,ACT_SENTINEL) &&
	    IS_SET(victim->specials.act,ACT_HUGE)) {
		  /* saved, make fight */	    
	act("Your mind suffers a breif weakness that forces you to drop $N!",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_CHAR);
	act("$n tries to telekinesis you, but your mind resists!",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_VICT);
	act("$n tries to telekinesis $N out of the area, but FAILS!",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_ROOM);
	  } else {
		  /* missed save, lets shove'em */
	act("You lift $N with a thought and force $M from the area!",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_CHAR);
	act("$n lifts you with $s mind, flinging you out the area!",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_VICT);
	act("$n summons great mental powers and lifts $N, only to toss $M from the area!",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_ROOM);
     } /* end was not fighting */

     /* was fighting, bash him */
     	if (saves_spell(victim,SAVING_SPELL) ||
     	    IS_SET(victim->specials.act,ACT_SENTINEL) ||
     	    IS_SET(victim->specials.act,ACT_HUGE)) {
	act("You cannot seem to focus your mind enough for the telekinetic force.",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_CHAR);
	act("$n fails to lift you with $s mind!",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_VICT);
	act("$n attemps to use $s telekinetic powers on $N, but fails!",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_ROOM);
     	    	/* do nothing */
     		} else {
     			/* smack'em to the ground */
	act("You slam $N to the ground with a single thought!",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_CHAR);
	act("$n lifts you with $s mind, then slams you to the ground!",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_VICT);
	act("$n slams $N to the ground with $s telekinetic powers!",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_ROOM);

     		  GET_POS(victim) = POSITION_SITTING;
	    if (!victim->specials.fighting) 
     } /* end was fighting */

	/* same as fly */
void mind_levitation(byte level, struct char_data *ch,
  struct char_data *victim, struct obj_data *obj)
  struct affected_type af;

  if (!affected_by_spell(victim, SKILL_LEVITATION) ) {
  if (ch != victim) {
	act("You lift $N with a simple thought.",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_CHAR);
	act("$N is lifted into the air by a simple thought from $n.",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_ROOM);
  } else {
    act("$n lifts $s own body with a thought.",TRUE,victim,0,0,TO_ROOM);
    act("You lift yourself with your mind",TRUE,victim,0,0,TO_CHAR);

    af.type      = SKILL_LEVITATION;
    af.duration  = (int)(level*2)/10;
    af.modifier  = 0;
    af.location  = APPLY_NONE;
    af.bitvector = AFF_FLYING;
    affect_to_char(victim, &af);
  } else {
  	if (ch != victim)
  	   act("$N is already levitating.",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_CHAR);
  	   act("You are already levitating.",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_CHAR);

	/* healing, 100 points max, cost 100 mana, and stuns the */
	/* psi and lags along time, simular results as mage spell id */
void mind_cell_adjustment(byte level, struct char_data *ch,
  struct char_data *victim, struct obj_data *obj)

if (!ch) {
	log("!ch in cell_adjustment");

if (ch != victim) {
	send_to_char("You cannot use this skill on others.\n\r",ch);

	act("You begin the process of altering your bodies cells.",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_CHAR);
	act("$n goes into a deep trance.",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_ROOM);

	if (GET_HIT(victim) + 100 > GET_MAX_HIT(victim)) {
		act("You completely heal your body.",FALSE,victim,0,0,TO_CHAR);
		GET_HIT(victim) = GET_MAX_HIT(victim);	
	} else {
	 act("You manage to heal some of your body through cell adjustment.",FALSE,victim,0,0,TO_CHAR); 
	 GET_HIT(victim) +=100;	
   if (GetMaxLevel(ch)<LOW_IMMORTAL) {
	act("You are overcome by exhaustion.",FALSE,ch,0,0,TO_CHAR);
	act("$n slumps to the ground exhausted.",FALSE,ch,0,0,TO_ROOM);	


	/* hide */
void mind_chameleon(byte level, struct char_data *ch,
  struct char_data *victim, struct obj_data *obj)

if (!ch)

  if (IS_AFFECTED(ch,AFF_HIDE))  {

   act("You camoflauge yourself in others minds.",FALSE,ch,0,0,TO_CHAR);
   act("$n's body wavers, then disappears into the surroundings.",FALSE,ch,0,0,TO_ROOM);


	/* strength */
void mind_psi_strength(byte level, struct char_data *ch,
  struct char_data *victim, struct obj_data *obj)
  struct affected_type af;

  if (!victim || !ch)

  if (!affected_by_spell(victim,SKILL_PSI_STRENGTH)) {
     act("You feel stronger.", FALSE, victim,0,0,TO_CHAR);
     act("$n seems stronger!\n\r",
	  FALSE, victim, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
     af.type      = SKILL_PSI_STRENGTH;
     af.duration  = 2*level;
     if (IS_NPC(victim))
        if (level >= CREATOR) {
	  af.modifier = 25 - GET_STR(victim);
        } else
        af.modifier = number(1,6);
     else {

       if (HasClass(ch, CLASS_WARRIOR) || HasClass(ch,CLASS_BARBARIAN) ) 
           af.modifier = number(1,8);
           af.modifier = number(1,6);
	 af.modifier = number(1,4);
     af.location  = APPLY_STR;
     af.bitvector = 0;
     affect_to_char(victim, &af);
   } else {

  act("Nothing seems to happen.", FALSE, ch,0,0,TO_CHAR);



	/* long lag time, but after that they get 12 hrs of no hunger/thirst */
void mind_mind_over_body(byte level, struct char_data *ch,
  struct char_data *victim, struct obj_data *obj)
  struct affected_type af;

  if (!affected_by_spell(victim, SKILL_MIND_OVER_BODY) ) {
  if (ch != victim) {
  } else {
    act("$n meditates for awhile.",TRUE,victim,0,0,TO_ROOM);
    act("You force your body to obey your mind and not require food or water!",TRUE,victim,0,0,TO_CHAR);

    af.type      = SKILL_MIND_OVER_BODY;
    af.duration  = 12;
    af.modifier  = -1;
    af.location  = APPLY_MOD_THIRST;
    af.bitvector = 0;
    affect_to_char(victim, &af);

    af.type      = SKILL_MIND_OVER_BODY;
    af.duration  = 12;
    af.modifier  = -1;
    af.location  = APPLY_MOD_HUNGER;
    af.bitvector = 0;
    affect_to_char(victim, &af);

  } else {
  	if (ch != victim)
  	   act("$N does not require your help.",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_CHAR);
  	   act("Your mind is already forcing your body to obey!",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_CHAR);

	/* feeblemind*/
void mind_mind_wipe(byte level, struct char_data *ch,
  struct char_data *victim, struct obj_data *obj)

	/* psi protective skill, immune to some psi skills */
void mind_tower_iron_will(byte level, struct char_data *ch,
  struct char_data *victim, struct obj_data *obj)
  struct affected_type af;

  if (!affected_by_spell(victim, SKILL_TOWER_IRON_WILL) ) {
  if (ch != victim) {
  } else {
    act("$n meditates for a few moments.",TRUE,victim,0,0,TO_ROOM);
    act("You errect a tower of iron will to protect you!",TRUE,victim,0,0,TO_CHAR);

    af.type      = SKILL_TOWER_IRON_WILL;
    af.duration  = (int)level/10;
    af.modifier  = 0;
    af.location  = APPLY_NONE;
    af.bitvector = 0;
    affect_to_char(victim, &af);
  } else {
  	if (ch != victim)
  	   act("$N is already protected.",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_CHAR);
  	   act("You are already protected.",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_CHAR);


	/* psi protivtive skill, immune to feeblemind, etc... */
void mind_mindblank(byte level, struct char_data *ch,
  struct char_data *victim, struct obj_data *obj)
  struct affected_type af;

  if (!affected_by_spell(victim, SKILL_MINDBLANK) ) {
  if (ch != victim) {
  } else {
    act("$n meditates for a few moments.",TRUE,victim,0,0,TO_ROOM);
    act("You begin to shift the patterns of your thoughts for protection.",TRUE,victim,0,0,TO_CHAR);

    af.type      = SKILL_MINDBLANK;
    af.duration  = (int)(level*2)/10;
    af.modifier  = 0;
    af.location  = APPLY_NONE;
    af.bitvector = 0;
    affect_to_char(victim, &af);
  } else {
  	if (ch != victim)
  	   act("$N is already protected.",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_CHAR);
  	   act("You are already protected.",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_CHAR);


	/* same as thief disguise */
void mind_psychic_impersonation(byte level, struct char_data *ch,
  struct char_data *victim, struct obj_data *obj)
  struct affected_type af;
    struct char_data *k;  
   act("You attempt to make others see you as someone else.",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_VICT);
   act("$N's features shift and waver before your eyes!",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_NOTVICT);
  if (affected_by_spell(victim, SKILL_PSYCHIC_IMPERSONATION)) {
    send_to_char("You are already attempting to do that\n\r", victim);

    for (k=character_list; k; k=k->next) 
      if (k->specials.hunting == victim) 
	k->specials.hunting = 0;
	if (Hates(k, victim)) 
	  ZeroHatred(k, victim);
	if (Fears(k, victim)) 
	  ZeroFeared(k, victim);
    } /* end for */

  	af.duration = (int)(level*2)/10;
  	af.modifier = 0;
  	af.location = APPLY_NONE;
  	af.bitvector = 0;
  	affect_to_char(victim, &af);    


	/* area effect psionic blast type skill */
void mind_ultra_blast(byte level, struct char_data *ch,
  struct char_data *victim, struct obj_data *obj)
  int dam;
  struct char_data *tmp_victim, *temp;

  assert((level >= 1) && (level <= ABS_MAX_LVL)); 

/* damage = level d4, +level */
  dam = dice(level,4);
  dam +=level;

  act("You blast out a massive wave of destructive psionic energy!",FALSE,ch,0,victim,TO_CHAR);
  act("$n blasts out a massive wave of destructive psionic energy!",FALSE,ch,0,0,TO_ROOM);
   for(tmp_victim = character_list; tmp_victim; tmp_victim = temp)    {
      temp = tmp_victim->next;
      if ( (ch->in_room == tmp_victim->in_room) && (ch != tmp_victim)){
	if (!in_group(ch,tmp_victim) && !IS_IMMORTAL(tmp_victim)) {
	   if (!saves_spell(tmp_victim, SAVING_SPELL)) {

	 /* half damage if effected by TOWER OF IRON WILL */
	   if (affected_by_spell(tmp_victim,SKILL_TOWER_IRON_WILL)) 
	    dam >>=1;
	        /* damage here */
	    } else           {
	     dam >>=1;  /* half dam */

	 /* NO damage if effected by TOWER OF IRON WILL */
	   if (affected_by_spell(tmp_victim,SKILL_TOWER_IRON_WILL)) 
	    dam =0;

	 } else
           act("You manage to get out of the way of the massive psionic blast!",FALSE, ch, 0, tmp_victim, TO_VICT);	 
    }	  /* end for */


	/* massive single person attack */
void mind_psychic_crush(byte level, struct char_data *ch,
  struct char_data *victim, struct obj_data *obj)
  int dam;

  assert(victim && ch);
  assert((level >= 1) && (level <= ABS_MAX_LVL)); 

/* damage = level d6, +1 for every two levels of the psionist */

  dam = dice(level,6);
  dam +=(int)level/2;

  if ( saves_spell(victim, SAVING_SPELL) ) {
     dam >>= 1;
    if (affected_by_spell(victim,SKILL_TOWER_IRON_WILL))
        dam =0;

	/* half dam if tower up */
    if (affected_by_spell(victim,SKILL_TOWER_IRON_WILL))
        dam >>=1;

  MissileDamage(ch, victim, dam, SKILL_PSYCHIC_CRUSH);

	/* increate int,wis or con, reduce the unselected attribs the same */
void mind_intensify(byte level, struct char_data *ch,
  struct char_data *victim, struct obj_data *obj)

	/* same as cleric COMMAND spell */
void mind_domination(byte level, struct char_data *ch,
  struct char_data *victim, struct obj_data *obj)
