some new things for teleport rooms:
edit tele <time> <room> <flags> [<countdown>]
flags = 
1     LOOK    (do a look when you get teleported
2     COUNT   (this is a countdown room)
4     RANDOM  (after the first teleport, this room will teleport in random
8     SPIN    (Not implemented yet)
Some things to note:
 if you are going to set the COUNT flag, then leave the <time> = 0
 COUNT, RANDOM and SPIN are more or less mutually exclusive.
   edit tele 30 1000 1       ;  teleport fires every 30 ticks, goes to room
			        1000, does a look
   edit tele  0 1000 3 30    ; 30 ticks after a player enters this room,
				they will be teleported to room 1000, and
				they will do a look.
   edit tele  0 1000 2 30    ; 30 ticks after a player enters this room,
				they will be teleported to room 1000, and they
				will NOT do a look
Any questions, post them on the board
The random time will be between 10 and 100 ticks
(so roughly between 7.5 seconds and 75 seconds)
Note, this is a god command, mortals can't do it.

0 = indoors
1 = city
2 = fields
3 = forest
4 = hills
5 = mountains
6 = water (swimmable)
7 = river (non-swimmable)
8 = air
9 = water
10  desert

   Edit allows you to edit rooms.  The room you are currently in is
the one that is edited.  You can edit any room, but the changes will
not be permanent.  However, using the rsave, and rload commands, you
can save your changes into a file, and reload them later into the
game, (if it crashes, for example).
The fields work as follows:
 edit <field> <attributes>
   field is one of the following:
	name     :  changes the name of the room.
	desc     :  changes the room description.
	exit     :  adds, deletes or modifies a room's exits
	fs       :  changes the Flags, and Sector type.
	exdsc    :  adds, changes or deletes an exit description
	extra    :  adds an extra description to a room.
	riv      :  adds special parameters for rivers.
	tele     :  makes the room a teleport room.
        tunn     :  makes the room a tunnel room.
	name  <name of room>
	desc  <enter>  (it will prompt you for text)
	exit  <dir> <door flags> <key> <to_room> [<open command>]
	fs    <flags> <sector_type>
	exdsc <dir> <enter>  (prompts you for text)
	extra <keywords> <enter>  (prompts you for text)
	riv   <speed> <dir>
        tele  <time> <to_room> <look-flag>
        tunn  <mob_lim>
<dir>  0 = n, 1 = e, 2 = s, 3 = w, 4 = u, 5= d.
<door flags> 
        'S' - secret flag
        'C' - climb
        'P' - pickproof
        'D' - is_door
        "edit exit 0 2s 23 blah-blah"
        and SECRET|IS_DOOR|PICKPROOF exit will be created
<key> item # that opens door, (if no door, use -1)
<to_room>  The room # that the exit goes to.
		* Optional command
[<open command>] Command to open this exit 
		(pull=224, twist=371, turn=372 lift=373, push=374)
		 You will be prompted for the open to be
<flags>   type help roomflags.
<sector_type>  Type help sector_type
<time> The time interval between teleports.  Must be a multiple of 10
       10 is very fast.  60 is much slower.  
<look-flag> whether to do a look when the characters are teleported.
            if this number is 0, they won't know they've been teleported
            unless they look on their own.  if the number is not 0, each 
            time they are teleported, they are forced to look.
<keywords> which things will trigger info.. for example if the keyword is
	then if you type look at case, the text will be displayed.
<speed>  must be a multiple of 15. if you do not want the river to flow, 
	speed should be 0.  
<mob_lim>  A number, indicating the number of mobiles that can be in the
           room at one time.  The TUNNEL roomflag must be set, although
           use of edit tunn X  automatically sets the flag.           
   DARK           1
   DEATH          2
   NO_MOB         4
   INDOORS        8
   PEACEFUL      16  /* No fighting */
   NOSTEAL       32  /* No Thieving */ Does not work (yet)
   NO_SUM        64  /* No summoning of creatures in these rooms */
   NO_MAGIC     128  Does not work yet
   TUNNEL       256 /* only X people in room (X set by edit tunn) */
   PRIVATE      512 no teleport to this room, no goto when more than 2 people

	Setting the number higher means you will see less and less of the
system message "/* Celestian has left the game */. The range is from 0 (the
most messages) to 5, if you want to see NONE of the messages SETSEV 9.

For changing the text-strings associated with objects and characters. The
format is:
string <type> <name> <field> [<string> | <keyword>]
Type is either 'obj' or 'char'.
Field is one of the following(the names may be abbreviated):
Name                  (the call-name of an obj/char - kill giant)
Short                 (for inventory lists (objs) and actions (chars))
Long                  (for when obj/character is seen in room)
Title                 (for players)
Description           (For look at. For objs, must be followed by a keyword)
Delete-description    (only for objs. Must be followed by keyword)
Where a string is expected as the last argument, a new line will make
you enter a string mode, and the game will prompt you for new lines to
the string until you exceed the maximum length for the string or you
end a line with a '@'.
For loading new objects or characters from the database. The format is:
  load <type> <number>
Where <type> is either 'obj' or 'char', and number is the number of the object
or character you wish to create.
What people are supposed to do before they do something.  Gods also have
the uncanny ability to let other gods know what they are thinking via
this command.

A god may (is supposed to) set this upon themselves to prevent mobiles
from attacking them.
Bamfin <bamf definition>

 Additional arguments can include ~N for where you  Want your name (if you 
 want your name).  If you use ~H, it puts in either his or her depending 
 on your sex.  If you use the keyword 'def' for your bamf, it turns on 
 the default bamf.

Bamfout <bamf definition>
  Additional arguments can include ~N for where you  Want your name (if 
  you want your name). If you use  ~H, it puts in either his or her 
  depending on your  sex.  If you use the keyword 'def' for your bamf,
  it turns on the default bamf.

 Just to prevent accidental quittings and/or shutdowns.
 This command does not DO anything, it simply is.
A way to make the world a little cleaner.
  purge                         To empty a room of monsters and objects.
  purge <character>             To remove a living thing. Kicks out a player.
  purge <object>                Figure this one out yourself.
  If you are interested in a person and want to find out about
his/her/its skills, strength, mana, hitpoints etc. In addition, 'stat
room' will give you useful information about the room you are in. You can
also stat objects

Tells you who is logged on to the game, and where they are playing from.

	This commands allows you to execute commands in rooms your not
actually in. Such as look in a room, say something in a room, use a social
in a room or even read messages on boards in a room.

	at 3054 look board
	at 3005 say Welcome to the Meeting Square.
	at Celestian poke celestian


	Name = Username
	Class=	W)arrior,C)leric,T)hief,M)age,S)orcerer,P)aladin,Ps(I)onist,
		R)anger. (Use only the single letter)
	Level= Level to advance them to, 1-60.

	This old backwards command allows you to advance players up in
levels and is suppose to give experince points and other things to match as
if they gained the levels themselves. However, it has problems with racial
maxes, and other things. It is not very dependable... maybe someone should
actually fix it? (:-)

	advance celestian w 60
	Beep <name>	 will send the 'BEEP' noise to name.
	Beep		 Will toggle BEEP on and off.

	Chpwd name password
	Name = Persons name you wish to change the password on.
	Password = New password for name.

	Chpwd is used to change passwords on persons.

	Create (start> (end)

	Creates rooms ranging from START to END. Useful for person using
redit since it does NOT make rooms. Create about 20 rooms, edit them, save
them and your ready for 20 more!


	Clone mob|obj <name> <count>

	With clone you can make several objects or mobiles with the same
settings and equipment, even the position of the equipment on the mob will
be saved. You must pass MOB OR OBJ in the command line to tell it to search
for a MOB or OBJECT to clone. Use the NAME of the object or mob, then the
number of mob/objs to clone. You can only clone up to a maximum of 20

	Not implemented.

	discon <name>

	Discon will disconnect a user from the game. This is useful for
users that have somehow lost control of their terminal (locked up...
whatever). Most users will shout 'Will you please disconnect Tarl?'. Just
discon TARL and they will be able to log back it.

Gods also use this command to annoy each other.


	Drain <name> <number>

	Drain will allow a immortal to remove levels almost as if s/he was a
super vampire. To use simply use the name of the person you wanna drain and
the NUMBER of levels you wanna drain. 

Note: If a user is 50/45 and you say drain Tarl 5, his levels would be 
reduced to 45/45.

	Event <mobnum>

	This command forces a mob to execute it's special procedure.

	Force <name> <command>
	Force all <command>

	Force allows a immortal to force a user to execute a command as if
they typed it themselves. Such as 'force tarl wear all' would force Tarl to
wear everything he has in his inventory. You can also do things like 'force
all save', and force all players below your level to save.

Do not use this to annoy people!


	Freeze <name>

	Freeze stops a player from using ANY commands. If someone logs in
and starts shouting curses, or tries to pkill, this command comes in very
handy. It will not be removed util a immortal uses the freeze command to
toggle it on the same person.


	Forcerent <name>
	Forcerent alldead

	This command allows an immortal to rent all users that are 'dead
link'. It does not speed up the game, but clears up the dead links. Be sure
to not forcerent a person the is polied, the game has two copies of a polied
user and one 'seems' to be dead link to the game. If you do they will return
and have double EQ.


	Ghost <name>

	Ghost will allow you to summon up a user from rent, this command is
good to look a users EQ or stats, be sure to forcerent the person when your


	Invisible <invis level>

	Invisible allows a immortal to hide from users below the invis level
set. Invisible with no commands sets your invis level to 51, or toggles it
completely off, depending on if it is on or not.


	This command is used by the implementors to test new commands.
Generally it is not good to use it unless you know what your doing.

	Interven <portal|astral|summon|kill|logall|eclipse|dns|req>

	Interven allows you to set (or toggle off) global mud settings.

	portal	= disable portal spell/skills.
	astral	= disable astral spell/skills.
	summon	= disable summoning spell/skills.
	kill  	= disable racial killing.
	logall	= set global logging on ALL users. (Good for debugging bugs)
	eclipse	= Make the world dark ALL over.
	dns	= turn Domain name checking off.
	req	= Requires all new users to be AUTHORIZED

See also :AUTH
	log <name>

	This command sets the log bit ON|OFF on a user. To remove the bit
simply log the person again.

	Mforce <name|all> <command>

	Mforce allows you to force a MOB to do something, like Force. Mforce
ALL forces all mobs in the ROOM your in currently.

See Also :FORCE


	Mobedit <name>

	Mobedit allows you to enter a VT100 editor to edit a mobile.


	noshout <name>

	This command allows you to toggle on or off the noshout bit on a
user. A user with this flag cannot shout/gossip/auction.



	Nohassle is suppose to make mobs ignore you.


	Nuke <name>

	Nuke removes a character form the player file, totaly removing them
completely and utterly. Use this with care and only on users that deserve to
die completely.


	Oedit <name>

	Oedit sends you into a VT100 editor to edit objects.


	OOedit <name>

	OOedit allows you to edit objects via a command line editor.


	OSAVE <object name> <VNUM>


	Does absolutly nothing.


	No longer used.

	Restore <name>

	Restore allows you to restore mana/hps and movement to the maximum.
Using this command on someone that is level 51 will set all classes and
levels to 51, also setting all skills to good.

	Rsave <start> [<end>]

	Rsave allows you to save a room you just edited. You can save one
room at a time, or a group of rooms at a time using start and end as the
range of rooms. To sae one at a time simply use Rsave ROOMNUMBER.

See Also :RLOAD

	Rload <start> [<end>]

	Rload allows you to load up a saved room, or rooms.

See Also :RSAVE


	Reload allows you to reload the motd/wizmotd and script files on the
fly. Should you edit them while the mud is up you can use this command.



	Redit will put you in a VT100 editor to edit the current room your
standing in.




	Shutdown will bring the mud down completely.


	Snoop <name>

	Snoop allows you to see just what a user sees as he plays. To stop
snooping snoop yourself.


	Snowball <name>

	Just an annoying social.


	Switch <name>

	Switch allows you to 'switch into' a mob and play them as if they
where you. If the mob is killed you will NOT be killed. simply type RETURN
to return to your normal self.


	Slay <name>

	Slay allows you to kill any mob/character with a single command.


	System <message>

	System allows you to broadcast a message to ALL users online at this
time regardless of noshout settings.



	Stealth turns on and off your BAMFIN and BAMOUT messages.


	Show zones
	Show <mob|obj> <zone#|name>
	Show rooms <zone#|death|private>

	Show will show you a varity of information of this. show zones will
list all the zones and thier start and end rooms. Show mob|obj using name
will list all mob|obj with that name. Show mob|obj zone will list all
mob|objs in that zone#. Show rooms zone# will list all rooms in that zone,
the others will show all death and private rooms in the mud.



	Silence will toggle polies from being able to shout.


	Transfer <name>

	Transfer will allow you to transport ANY mob or CHARACTER to the
location you currently stand in. 

DO NOT use this to annoy players.


	Think <message>

	Think is the gossip channel of the gods. It is only seen by gods.


	View <bug|typo|idea|motd|wizmotd>

	View will allow a immortal to view the file entered.


	Wizhelp [<keyword>]

	Wizhelp with no commands will list all wizard commands you have
access to. Wizhelp <keyword> will list the help for that peticular wizard


	Wizlock add <site>
	Wizlock rem <site>
	Wizlock all
	Wizlock list

	Wizlock add will add the site to the denied list. In other words the
site will NOT be able to play as long as it is in the list. To remove a site
from he list use rem <site>. To see the list of banned sites use list. 
Wizlock ALL will not allow any immortal to login.

Note : The wizlock stats are only until the mud reboots, after that the
banned sites are removed.



	Wrebuild will rebuild the world file completely adding all the newly
edited rooms, it will create tinyworld.wld.new.


	Zload <zone number>

	Zload allows you to load up a zone with a zone file you are
currently editing, or have edited.



	Zsave <zone_number> [<start> <end>]

	Zsave will allow you save a zone file for a zone you are editing.
Using the room numbers you will save the zone ranging from the start and end
rooms. Zsave with only the zone number will save the entire zone file. 

Note: Remember when you save the zone file your current zone file WILL be



	Zclean <zone_number>

	Zclean will clean a entire zone of objects and mobiles.


	@<option> <name> [<field>]

	This command is a very powerful command that allows you to change
player stats or abilities. to get a more indepth help simply type @ with no

	Goto <name|Room#>

	Goto allows you to goto a mob or pc, or a specific room number.
  auth Newbie yes        (lets them into the game)
  auth Newbie no         (denies them from the game)
  auth Newbie anything else  (a message to the Newbie)

	No command line options, just type 'home' and you will return to the
same point you entered the game in. This 'point' can be altered by setting
you hometown, at this time it requires a immortal 58+.


	wizset <flag> <field>

	Wizset allows you to set temporary flags on yourself or other
persons depending on the flag. There are several types of flags that can be

	wizset home <room#>
	wizset fast

	The home setting will set your login room to room#, this is good for
editing rooms and placing your login to the last room you edited.
	The Fast setting will allow you to walk in a direction where there
is no current exit and create one going in that direction, also making a
return exit in the new room to the previous room.
