Hall of Rules~
10) Multiplaying is illegal.  Multiplaying means you have more than one of
your characters on the mud at the same time.  If you play with many people
from your own site and want to make sure you aren't looked at as multiplaying
then act as if you were not next to each other.  Talk via tell,gtell, etc and
not just talk in real life. This also includes link dead players, that still 
counts as having more than 1 pc on at the same time.
11) Above all use your own common sence.  Don't act childish and you wont be
treated like a child.  If your doing something really stupid its probobly the
wrong thing to do.  Just follow the rules and everyone can have an enjoyable
time on the mud.  If you have any problems with mortals or immortals leave
mail to Celestian.  Total confidence will be kept and your problem will be
delt with the utmost speed.
12) Sharing players is not allowed.  This means if two people play one
character, ie Joe and his girlfriend Sally both play the pc Bobo.  Do not
share your password for your pc's with your friends or anyone.  This rule is
to stop the MANY problems we have had with people sharing pc's, like pc's
changing passwords, getting friends players killed, etc.  This will not be
tolerated. If you wish to give away one of your PC's, meaning you plan on 
never playing it again, you must get permission from a 59+ god first, and 
there decision is final.
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