
+ No MULTI-PLAYING allowed. Get caught, get introuble, very simple!
+ ANSI is in, read HELP SET for more information.
+ Limited items now have egos.. If you're too wimpy, you can't use the
  powerful items. 
+ Some skills have impact on your alignment. Rescuing will make you good,
  stealing will make you bad. Career thieves who steal often will soon 
  become evil and killable by other evils and good aligned pcs.
  Healing people makes you good.

+ The Druid guild can be found in the forest west of Shadowdale, near and
  about Johns cabin (south-east of it).
+ The Monk guild can be found north of the Elven wizard in the shire, he 
  is near Took Hill.
+ The Ranger guild is located right out of Shadowdale on the west gate.
+ The Barbarian guildmaster is located outside the east gate to the north.
+ The Psionist guildmaster is located near the boat docs in Shadowdale.
+ Shadowdale will train you to 10th level. New thalos to 20th. High level 
  masters may be found:
	Warrior - Rhyodin			Mage   - Mages Tower
	Thief   - Moria				Cleric - Prydain 

+ Other teachers are throughout the land, seek the Loremaster to learn
  languages, the archer to learn to spot your quarry, the hunter to learn
  his skills and the fabled ninja master.

+ ANY PC killing will be dealt with harshly. I do NOT like the thought of
  people just killing to kill so I have removed PKILL, period. You do it
  you get drained, if you are level one, you get froze. No excuses.


+   New group commands, check HELP SET and HELP GWHO.


+   When renting items stay where you left them (in bags, on body etc..)
+   Dark-Elf EQ does not survive in sunlight.
+   Bows/CrossBows work differently now, BE SURE to read help NOTCH/LOAD and

+   Charmed monsters act more independantly. They will NOT attack anything
    close to thier alignment. They will also consider fleeing if they are
    being hit by a mob more than 6 levels higher than them.
+   Magic User Mobs are getting smarter, be prepaired to meet magic users
    that prep for battles.
+   Cleric mobs now prep for battle.
+   Mobs now get a save against summon, you cannot summon a mob while in
    mid-air or underwater.
+   LOOK ROOM	-- For those of you in brief mode, who want to see what is
	           in the room.
+   WORLD	-- gives info about the world.
+   ATTRIBUTE	-- gives info about yourself
+   ASSIST	-- Help out a friend who is fighting.
+   WHOZONE     -- Who is in your zone, and where.
+   BREATH      -- in conjunction with certain potions, will make you breath
                   like a dragon.
+   MOUNT	-- Some animals, such as horses may be ridden.
+   TELEPATHY   -- Psionist skill to speak telepathicly to anyone in the
+   GWHO	-- List all groups and thier names.
+   RUN		-- run a specified direction. See Help RUN
+   AFK		-- Allows you to notify users that you are AWAY FROM

+	New way for PSI's to use skills, MIND (like mage CAST), see help.

+   Warriors now have multiple attacks at higher levels 
	7+  3 attacks/ 2 rounds
       13+  2 attacks/ round.
       25+  5 attacks/ 2 rounds 
+   Potions take 1 combat round to work..  They fill your stomach, and they
	have a tendency to break when being quaffed in the midst of battle.
+   Combat will damage weapons and armor, especially if one is using
    blunt weapons, or having blunt weapons used upon oneself.

+	Spell specializations are in! Chech out HELP SPECIALIZATION for more
	information on this. Basically once specialized you NEVER fail that
	peticular spell.
+       Single classed mages/sorcerers are now more potent, they are less
        likely to be attacked when they fail casting charm/poison/sleep 
	and paralyzation.
