The hill near the Black Forest~
   You stand on a hill overlooking a dense forest of old oak trees. A slight
chilling breeze blows by and you can't help but shudder as you look toward it
In the middle of the forest, popping out over the trees is the tall spire of
the Citadel. The symbol of the triangled wheel on the tower's side is there
for all to see. A trail leads eastward down the hill towards the woods.
291 4 0 0 0 4
0 0 29101
credits info~
   A zone built by Silverangel on Ironic Building MUD:
  ironic.betterbox.net port 1919
Contains a forest, a tower, and a disco.
Just Outside the Black Forest~
   A chilling wind blows by you from deep within the dark forest.  You stand
near the outermost trees on a rapidly dwindling trail that winds into the dark
heart of the woods.  Your know your imagination can only scratch the surface of
the unholy terrors that lie within.  You have been warned.    
291 0 0 0 0 4
0 0 29102
0 0 29100
The outskirts of the Black Forest~
   Little light penetrates the dense foliage of the forest.  Almost no plant
life occupies the hard, rocky ground.  If you push much further into the doomed
forest, you will be in all but total darkness.  Every so often a haunting,
diabolical laugh drifts to your ears.  It drives shivers down your spine.  You
can make out a trail to the south and east.  To the north there is a cabin.  
Or you could flee the woods.    
291 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 29103
0 0 29107
0 0 29104
0 0 29101
A Deserted Cabin~
   You are in a cabin in the woods.  Time has not been kind to this structure.
The logs that make up it are starting to rot, and there are a few gaps in the
walls.  Still, it does provide shelter from the wind.  The floor is a rough,
clumpy packed earth.  Whoever lived here has long since abandoned it.  But if
you take a closer look, you may find something useful.    
291 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 29102
The Black Forest~
   The trail you have followed has dwindled to a nothing.  Every so often you
think you see some movement out of the corner of the eye.  As you are looking
around, a fresh bout of evil laughter comes to your ear.  It echos off the
trees, refusing to die.  You feel a bead of sweat form on the back of your
291 1 0 0 0 3
0 0 29102
0 0 29105
The Black Forest~
   You are in the Black Forest.  Have a Nice Day.    
291 1 0 0 0 3
0 0 29104
0 0 29110
0 0 29106
Hopelessly Lost~
   You stumbled off the path now you are Hopelessly Lost!  But don't fret.  
There IS a way out, but can you find it?    
291 4 0 0 0 0
0 0 29120
The great oak~
   This is the largest tree in the forest.  It stretches high overhead.  The
gnarled limbs hang above you like grasping hands waiting to strangle you The
bark is rough and blood stained.  At the roots lie a fallen hero.  His body
well along in decomposition, but the cause of death is obvious.  This foolish
hero has been decapitated.    
291 1 0 0 0 3
0 0 29108
0 0 29112
0 0 29102
The dense woods~
   The trees get thicker as you push foreward.  You have to squeeze if you go
much further.  Every so often one of the trees carries an aged blood stain
marring one of the trees.    
291 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 29109
0 0 29107
0 0 29106
The dead end~
   You have discovered a portion of the outer wall of Ilian's Citadel.  The
nearby trees prevent you from exploring the wall.  It is an imposing mass of
cold, smooth, black granite.  So near the vile citadel, you know in your soul
this is not a place you want to be caught dead at.    
291 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 29108
The Bridge~
   This rickety covered bridge spans a rather wide natural chasm in the forest
floor.  It lit by two rusty lantern hanging off pegs in the wall.  This place
provides much protection from the icy winds common to the Black Forest.  You do
not know why, but at least here you can find some measure of sanctuary from the
evils of the woods.    
291 68 0 0 0 0
0 0 29119
0 0 29105
0 0 29111
Under the bridge~
   You are in a rocky ravine under the bridge.  Sparse vegitation manages to
grow in small pockets of soil interespersed about.  The loose nature of the
gravely slopes makes for difficult going.  You can surmise that this place
would fill up rapidly in a heavy rain.  You just hope that dosen't happen while
you are here.    
291 0 0 0 0 5
0 0 29133
0 0 29110
Deeper into the Black Forest~
   The deeper into the forest you press, the more you doubt the sanity of your
choice.  But you know that with great risks come great rewards.    
291 1 0 0 0 3
0 0 29115
0 0 29113
0 0 29107
Ed's Disco Palace~
   What is this place doing here?  Lights flash.  People dance the night away.
A spinning disco ball hangs suspended from the ceiling spraying the insides
with multicolored light.  The noise of the music and chatter is all but
291 44 0 0 0 0
0 0 29112
0 0 29114
The Dance floor~
   You now stand on the dance floor of Ed's Disco Palace.  The lights strobe
and the dancers groove to the music of the preforming Elvis Impersonators as
they jive around a lovely selection of rabid potted plants.    
291 40 0 0 0 0
0 0 29113
0 0 29118
0 0 29144
The Dark Heart of the woods~
   In the heart of the woods, things are strangely calm.  But it is the calm
before the storm.  In the soft earth you can clearly see hoofmarks of some
horse.  Around the hoofmarks the earth is scorched as if by a hot flame.  
Looking around there are the signs of a strugle.  Somebody placed his bets
against whatever made the hoofmarks, and lost.    
291 1 0 0 0 3
0 0 29143
0 0 29116
0 0 29112
Nearing a clearing~
   The trees thin out a bit as you can see a glade.  There is an unnerving
quiet around the area.  You look at the clearing you are standing near and you
recognize it for what it is.  A killing field.  Your boot crunches on the
headless skeleton of some small woodland creature.    
291 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 29106
0 0 29117
0 0 29115
The Glade~
   You stand in a glade.  The grass comes up to your knee, although it has been
trampled down in many places where some unfortunate creature was hounded by
something truly evil.  A fresh burst of icy wind whips through the grass
sending waves rolling through the glade.  Out of the chilled wind comes a bout
of the evil, maniacle, unholy cackles that cause your hair to stand on end.  
291 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 29142
0 0 29127
0 0 29126
0 0 29116
Boogie Time!~
   This is the small, open longue next to the dance floor.  People congregate
to listen to the music.  A few of the Elvis Impersonators have wandered over
here as they boogie down.    
291 32 0 0 0 0
0 0 29114
the Stream~
   You walk alongside a small stream.  It silently sweeps away the dead leaves
and other debris as it continues on.  It is a pity that it won't likewise sweep
away your nervousness and trepidation too.  From here you can push on eastward
or you can flee west to the safety of the bridge.  Your other option is to
follow the river to its end.    
291 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 29126
0 0 29146
0 0 29110
Hopelessly Lost~
   You are Hopelessly Lost!    
291 1 0 0 0 3
0 0 29121
0 0 29123
Hopelessly Lost~
   You are Hopelessly Lost!    
291 1 0 0 0 3
0 0 29122
0 0 29124
Hopelessly Lost~
   You are Hopelessly Lost!    
291 1 0 0 0 3
0 0 29121
0 0 29123
Hopelessly Lost~
   You are Hopelessly Lost!    
291 1 0 0 0 3
0 0 29120
0 0 29122
Hopelessly Lost~
   You are Hopelessly Lost!    
291 1 0 0 0 3
0 0 29121
0 0 29125
Hopelessly Lost~
   You are Hopelessly Lost!    
291 1 0 0 0 3
0 0 29104
In the shadow of the citadel~
   You turn up your collar to the subthermal gales.  That's when you see it.  
From here you can see, not 200 yards ahead, the infernal structure that is the
citadel.  You whisper a silent prayer of thanks that there are still many trees
to hide behind.  It is best if the residents of the place don't know of your
existance as long as possible.  It takes a major force of effort to tear your
eyes off the citadel, but you manage.  To the west lies a small stream.  To the
north is a clearing, and south of you is a trail that leads to a small keep in
291 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 29117
0 0 29129
0 0 29134
0 0 29119
Up against the wall.~
   You have found a section of the outer wall.  The trees have been cut back
making a path around part of the keep belonging to the mistress of the Void Far
to the south you can see what seems to be the main gate.  To the north the wall
disappears into the darkness of the Black Forest.    
291 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 29130
0 0 29128
0 0 29117
Up against the wall.~
   You have found a section of the outer wall.  The trees have been cut back
making a path around part of the keep belonging to the mistress of the Void Far
to the south you can see what seems to be the main gate.  To the north the wall
disappears into the darkness of the Black Forest.    
291 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 29127
0 0 29129
0 0 29106
The Front Gate~
   You have reached the Gate of Ilian's Citadel.  The high black granite walls
are smooth to the touch.  The gate is a huge, cast iron affair, emblazoned with
the symbol of the triangled wheel.  Only the bravest of souls would consider
entering this dreadful place.  There is a gate to the east.    
291 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 29128
The massive door stands here, defying you to enter.
gate door portcullis~
1 0 29150
0 0 29126
Up against the wall.~
   You have found a section of the outer wall.  The trees have been cut back
making a path around part of the keep belonging to the mistress of the Void Far
to the south you can see what seems to be the main gate.  To the north the wall
disappears into the darkness of the Black Forest.    
291 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 29131
0 0 29127
0 0 29142
Are you sure this is a good idea?~
   You have found a section of the outer wall.  The trees have been cut back
making a path around part of the keep belonging to the mistress of the Void Far
to the south you can see what seems to be the main gate.  To the north the wall
disappears into the darkness of the Black Forest.    
291 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 29132
0 0 29130
Trapped like a rat!~
   You have walked along the wall and now are in a small walled alcove.  The
crack of evil laughter makes you jump in fright.  It came from right behind
you!  You look around to see a headless rider on a ferocious charger that
breaths fire.  In one hand he holds the reigns to his nightmare in the other he
wields a black scimitar.  In a panic, you look around, but to your horror, you
realize you are boxed in.  The horseman rides closer, he swings his huge
scimitar, trying to lope off your head.  You manage to keep the blow from
decapitating you, but he does connect with your head, sending you sprawling.  
The horseman rides off cackling.    
291 36 0 0 0 0
T 29100
The rockey ravine~
   This is a rough crevace.  It might be a geologists paradice.  Samples of
quartz, feldspar, limestone, calcite, and other minerals in a stunning
291 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 29111
On the Trail to the Ruins~
   You have stumbled onto a trail that the forest has yet to reclaim.  If you
strain your eyesight you can barely makeout the remains of a ruined keep.  The
few remaining walls, once a gleeming white are now a dull grey.  Evidently this
keep was laid waste by the forces of the citadel.  Pity.    
291 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 29126
0 0 29120
0 0 29135
The Ruined Castle~
   Only a shattered shell reamins of what one was a bastion of good.  A few
scattered bits of shattered walls remain as testiment to what once was, now
they are merely waiting for the forest to reclaim them.  At least the ruins
provide some measure of shelter from the incessent, madening wind.    
291 1 0 0 0 3
0 0 29134
0 0 29137
0 0 29136
0 0 29145
The Ruined Chapel~
   Once upon a time this was this keep's place of worship, but apparently the
beings that this place was consecrated to didn't chose to spare this place any
more than the rest of the castle.  Didn't chose to or weren't able to.  Maybe
when Ilian's black citadel was erected, those protecting beings withdrew their
protection to flee to safety, or maybe they made their stand with the occupants
of the castle, and shared their fate.    
291 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 29135
0 0 29138
The Ruined Stables~
   Although the stables are in ruins, they still stand as a building, or at
least half of a building.  The western half is nothing more than a rotting pile
of debris.  The eastern half is beinh precariously held up by rotting wooden
beams.  It does not look all that stable (No pun intended), but still there is
fresh hay on the floor.  Although you take note that some of it has been
scorched by fire of some sort.  There is still water in the trough.  All this
leads you to believe that someone or something still makes use of this place
291 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 29135
The Ruined Great Hall~
   This used to be the great hall of the castle, now it is in no better
condition than the rest of the place.  The once highly polished marble floors
are now cracked and covered with rubble that once was the roof.  The west wall
is nothing but a memory and a heap of crumbling stones.  The great stained
glass window set into the north wall, once the pride of the castle has been
shattered into a million shards of rainbow hued glass strewn over the ground.
The east wall still seems soundly built, but you have trepidations about the
south wall It seems like it could come crashing down at any moment.    
291 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 29145
0 0 29136
0 0 29139
The Ruined Bell Tower~
   This was once a tall tower that housed a warning bell.  It was rung to alert
the occupants to any threat, but nowadays it is a different story.  The walls
have fallen like the rest of the keep.  The Gigantic bell that once rang its
clarion call of alarum now is a shattered heap of twisted bronze that sits
amidst the rest of the rubble.    
291 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 29138
The Torture Chamber~
   Adjacent to the dungeon is the citadels torture chamber.  While the dungeon
had a rudimental assortment of torture devices, this room has the
professional's assorment of excrutiation devices.  The Iron Maiden, the Rack,
the Wheel, thumbscrews, are all represented here along with such classics as
red hot pokers and the Chineese Water Torture.  Each device designed to inflict
as much pain as possible.    
291 9 0 0 0 0
0 0 29181
The Antechamber~
   The antechamber serves as the outer gathering area for the alter of the
tower's chaple.  Off to one side are a row of pegs on which a few robs are
291 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 29182
The Black Forest~
   You are in the Black Forest.  Blah Blah Blah Blah
291 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 29120
0 0 29130
0 0 29117
0 0 29143
More of the black forest~
   The Black forest extends as far as the eye can see.  Granted that's not too
far, given how dense the forest is.    
291 1 0 0 0 3
0 0 29148
0 0 29142
0 0 29115
Disco Inferno!~
   This is the hot, hot dance floor that is the hub of Ed's Disco Palace.  If
you want you can dance the night away and disco till your feet are blistered or
you can just kill everything in sight here.    
291 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 29114
The Ruined Castle Keep~
   Once upon a time this was the most secure area in good King Haggard's
castle.  Now the forces of the Citadel have defiled the marble court and sacked
it.  It once famed secure walls now can barely protect themselves from the
ravages of the elements.    
291 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 29135
0 0 29138
The Murky Mire~
   The Stream leads to a nautral pond.  It is not a clear or pure pond, murky
pond scum floats in a fine skin over the surface.  This place approaces a swamp
more than it does a pond.  This place is a prime breeding ground for mosquitoes
and other stinging insects that buzz about your face.    
291 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 29119
0 0 29147
Ivy Island~
   This is a small patch of ground that pokes up over the surface of the murky
mire.  It is little more than a patch of rock that is covered with poison ivy.
There is little soil, but somehow the vines mamage to find enough food to
291 1 0 0 0 3
0 0 29146
Still More of the forest~
   You know the drill.  Can you tell that I was running low on my creative
inspiration when I made this room?    
291 1 0 0 0 3
0 0 29149
0 0 29143
Even more of the Black Forest~
   Does this accursed forest never end?  You press deeper and deeper into the
seemingly endless cadre of oak trees that stand as omnious guardians to this
dark place.  Press much further and you do not know if you will be able to find
your way back.    
291 1 0 0 0 3
0 0 29199
0 0 29120
0 0 29148
The Citadel antechamber~
   This is a high vaulted room that serves an the entryway to the citadel.  
The dark granite wals seem to absorb the light, yet strangely you can see
rather easily.  Lining the walls are several statues each one made of fine
marble and totally identical.  Each one depticts the mistress of the citadel in
her rather imposing stance.    
291 12 0 0 0 0
0 0 29151
The gate stands as a barrier to your egress.
door gate portcullis doors~
1 0 29129
Inside the Citadel~
   Your footsteps echo off the walls as you tread through the halls.  The outer
shell of the citadel stands as the maintainence and upkeeping fraction of this
evil construct.    
291 8 0 0 0 0
0 0 29152
0 0 29160
0 0 29155
0 0 29150
The South end of the Hall of Mirrors~
   This is a long hall.  The walls have been covered with mirrors This gives
the room the appearance of being many times larger than it is.  Occasionally a
torch is mounted in a setting in the wall.  You can see the hall extending well
to the north.    
291 8 0 0 0 0
0 0 29153
0 0 29151
The North end of the Hall of Mirrors~
   This is a long hall.  The walls have been covered with mirrors This gives
the room the appearance of being many times larger than it is.  Occasionally a
torch is mounted in a setting in the wall.  You can see the hall extending to
the south.    
291 8 0 0 0 0
0 0 29154
0 0 29152
The Library~
   This chamber in the citadel is lines with rows upon rows of bookshelves.  
Most are thick leatherbound tomes.  Most haven't been used in months, or years
A fine layer of dust has setteled on most of them.  The tiled floor, however is
291 8 0 0 0 0
0 0 29156
0 0 29153
The Master Armorer's Workshop~
   This room is where Durlak, The citadel's armorer, does his craft.  The room
is unconfortably warm from the forge.  The walls are lined with the castle's
guardians, the DoomGuard.  Most of them are in various stages of repair, to be
worked on by Durlak.  Occasionally, one will walk into the room and stand by
the wall waiting repair.  Occasionally one of the others will become active and
begin its patrolling duties.    
291 8 0 0 0 0
0 0 29151
0 0 29171
In the Halls of the Citadel~
   The long vaulted hall extends in an east-west direction.  It serves to
connect the Eastern complex and the Western one.  Your footsteps echo off the
walls, reverbing, rebounding, resounding, refusing to die, as if they knew that
to perish here is to risk eternal damnation.  Above you, supernatural flames
forever dance in crystal orbs that hang suspended from the ceiling by wrougt
iron chains.  The strange light these provide casts long shadows that envelop
long tracts of hall.    
291 8 0 0 0 0
0 0 29157
0 0 29154
In the Halls of the Citadel~
   The long vaulted hall extends in an east-west direction.  It serves to
connect the Eastern complex and the Western one.  Your footsteps echo off the
walls, reverbing, rebounding, resounding, refusing to die, as if they knew that
to perish here is to risk eternal damnation.  Above you, supernatural flames
forever dance in crystal orbs that hang suspended from the ceiling by wrougt
iron chains.  The strange light these provide casts long shadows that envelop
long tracts of hall.    
291 8 0 0 0 0
door secret passage~
0 0 29109
0 0 29158
0 0 29156
The Gallery~
   This is the marble gallery.  A large square room filled with statues of
every make and style.  Abstract and Bas Releif and Lifelike scuplture all are
represented here in the gallery.  The marbled white walls almost seem to glow
providing more than enough light to see by.  The statues seem to be writhing in
pain.  Each one captured in a snapshot in time, displaying its agony for all to
291 8 0 0 0 0
0 0 29188
0 0 29157
The Observing tower~
   This is a large cylencrical room, made out of a tan stone of some form.  A
large bonefire burning with an unnatural black flame burns in the middle of the
room.  A staircase, built into the wall, spirals upward towards the observation
291 8 0 0 0 0
0 0 29188
0 0 29174
0 0 29170
The Room of 10,000 pillars~
   Standing before you are rows upon rows of evenly spaced marble columns.  
Arranged in a perfect square matrix, the two foot thick pillars stretch upward,
reaching higher and higher until they dissappear, enveloped in the darkness
high above where your light dares not reach.    
291 9 0 0 0 0
0 0 29164
0 0 29151
The Room of 10,000 pillars~
   Standing before you are rows upon rows of evenly spaced marble columns.  
Arranged in a perfect square matrix, the two foot thick pillars stretch upward,
reaching higher and higher until they dissappear, enveloped in the darkness
high above where your light dares not reach.    
291 9 0 0 0 0
0 0 29164
0 0 29162
The Room of 10,000 pillars~
   Standing before you are rows upon rows of evenly spaced marble columns.  
Arranged in a perfect square matrix, the two foot thick pillars stretch upward,
reaching higher and higher until they dissappear, enveloped in the darkness
high above where your light dares not reach.    
291 9 0 0 0 0
0 0 29165
0 0 29163
0 0 29161
The Room of 10,000 pillars~
   Standing before you are rows upon rows of evenly spaced marble columns.  
Arranged in a perfect square matrix, the two foot thick pillars stretch upward,
reaching higher and higher until they dissappear, enveloped in the darkness
high above where your light dares not reach.    
291 9 0 0 0 0
0 0 29166
0 0 29162
The Room of 10,000 pillars~
   Standing before you are rows upon rows of evenly spaced marble columns.  
Arranged in a perfect square matrix, the two foot thick pillars stretch upward,
reaching higher and higher until they dissappear, enveloped in the darkness
high above where your light dares not reach.    
291 9 0 0 0 0
0 0 29167
0 0 29165
0 0 29161
0 0 29160
The Room of 10,000 pillars~
   Standing before you are rows upon rows of evenly spaced marble columns.  
Arranged in a perfect square matrix, the two foot thick pillars stretch upward,
reaching higher and higher until they dissappear, enveloped in the darkness
high above where your light dares not reach.    
291 9 0 0 0 0
0 0 29168
0 0 29162
0 0 29164
The Room of 10,000 pillars~
   Standing before you are rows upon rows of evenly spaced marble columns.  
Arranged in a perfect square matrix, the two foot thick pillars stretch upward,
reaching higher and higher until they dissappear, enveloped in the darkness
high above where your light dares not reach.    
291 9 0 0 0 0
0 0 29169
A large oaken door impedes your progress.
door oaken~
0 29117 29180
0 0 29163
0 0 29165
The Room of 10,000 pillars~
   Standing before you are rows upon rows of evenly spaced marble columns.  
Arranged in a perfect square matrix, the two foot thick pillars stretch upward,
reaching higher and higher until they dissappear, enveloped in the darkness
high above where your light dares not reach.    
291 9 0 0 0 0
0 0 29168
0 0 29164
The Room of 10,000 pillars~
   Standing before you are rows upon rows of evenly spaced marble columns.  
Arranged in a perfect square matrix, the two foot thick pillars stretch upward,
reaching higher and higher until they dissappear, enveloped in the darkness
high above where your light dares not reach.    
291 9 0 0 0 0
0 0 29169
0 0 29165
0 0 29167
The Room of 10,000 pillars~
   You are in the Room of 10,000 pillars.  Have a nice day.    
291 9 0 0 0 0
0 0 29168
0 0 29166
The Observing Chamber~
   This is the observation chamber on the top of the observing tower.  A large
telescope if mounted into the wall allowing a view to the outside.  The center
of the room has a sturdy oaken table which is has a modest collection of maps
and charts.  A spiral starcase leads down the tower.    
291 8 0 0 0 0
0 0 29159
In the Halls of the Citadel~
   The long vaulted hall extends in an east-west direction.  It serves to
connect the Eastern complex and the Western one.  Your footsteps echo off the
walls, reverbing, rebounding, resounding, refusing to die, as if they knew that
to perish here is to risk eternal damnation.  Above you, supernatural flames
forever dance in crystal orbs that hang suspended from the ceiling by wrougt
iron chains.  The strange light these provide casts long shadows that envelop
long tracts of hall.    
291 8 0 0 0 0
0 0 29172
0 0 29155
In the Halls of the Citadel~
   The long vaulted hall extends in an east-west direction.  It serves to
connect the Eastern complex and the Western one.  Your footsteps echo off the
walls, reverbing, rebounding, resounding, refusing to die, as if they knew that
to perish here is to risk eternal damnation.  Above you, supernatural flames
forever dance in crystal orbs that hang suspended from the ceiling by wrougt
iron chains.  The strange light these provide casts long shadows that envelop
long tracts of hall.    
291 8 0 0 0 0
0 0 29173
0 0 29171
The Clock Tower~
   You have entered the clock tower.  As you gaze upward you see a mass of
intricate gears, cogs, and other clockwork parts meshing and grinding above
you.  The effect is almost hypnotic.  A staircase is built into the wall
allowing access to the intricate mechanisms above, if you dare to climb it.  
291 8 0 0 0 0
0 0 29174
0 0 29172
0 0 29175
A Connecting Corridor~
   You are in the Citadel.  Have a nice day.    
291 9 0 0 0 0
0 0 29159
0 0 29173
In the Clock Tower~
   You stand in the lower portion of the inner working of the citadel's clock
tower.  Gears mesh and springs flex all around you.  You realize that with so
much ambient motion it would be easy to ambush you here.  There is a staircase
down to the ground floor, to go upward any more you will have to climb the
291 8 0 0 0 0
0 0 29176
0 0 29173
Amongst the cogs.~
   You are playing a game of High Stakes Hop-Scotch, leaping from gear to gear,
Hanging on a chain one moment, climing on a gear the next.  You had better act
quickly to make your next move before your luck runs out.  One false step here
could be disasterous.  Its a long way down, if you are lucky, if not you stand
to be a red stain between two gears.    
291 8 0 0 0 0
0 0 29177
0 0 29178
0 0 29175
Between the Gears~
   You hop to one a stationary gear to catch your breath.  The effect of all
the movement in the background is dizzying.  You momentairly loose track of
your sense of balence.  A slip up that would prove to be fatal.  Without
warning the gear shudders to life and you fall.  You land between the teeth of
a moving cog and come to your senses just as it starts to move.  You barely
escape a crunching death.    
291 12 0 0 0 0
The Top of the Clock Tower~
   You are above the bulk of the clockwork mechanisms.  On a small balcony you
stand looking down.  You can try to brave the trip down of you care to, or you
can go out onto the clock face.    
291 8 0 0 0 0
0 0 29179
0 0 29176
On the Clock Face~
   You stand on the central peg of the clock face that the hands rotate around.
An icy wind whips by that threatens to chill you to the soul.  You look around
and can look out over the tops of the oaken trees which extend to the horizon.
On the other side of the citadel you can see the observation tower extending
only slightly higher they you are now.  And then you see the spire of the
citadel which extends high into the sky, casting its long shadow across the
Black Forest.    
291 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 29178
The Ground Floor of the Spire~
   You are in the spire of the Citadel.  A Large room.  It is all but pitch
black.  The only thing that breaks the monotony is a starcase that extends both
up and down
291 9 0 0 0 0
door double~
2 29117 29166
0 0 29141
0 0 29181
The Tower Dungeon~
   You have decended into the dank dungeon below the spire.  A strange green
moss grown on the rough hewn rock walls that illuminates the room with an eeire
green glow.  There are a few holding cells that line the far walls A row of
manacles are affixed to the near wall to hold prisoners while they await
torture.  The middle of the room is taken up by several implements of pain.  
There is a vat for boiling oil.  Several racks and countless hideous bladed
instruments, old, diseased, and rusty with age.    
291 8 0 0 0 0
0 0 29140
0 0 29180
The Infernal Altar~
   Partway up the tower is the chapel dedicated to the mistress of the tower
and of the Void.  The room is in a circular shape with an altar of some strange
black material in the middle.  Unholy lights burn with the power of the
symmetry, casting an unnatrual sheen on the room.  The spiral staircase that
wraps around the room continues both up and down
291 8 0 0 0 0
0 0 29183
0 0 29141
The Great Spiral Staircase~
   Just above the altar, the tower hollows itself out and you now stand in a
giant chamber.  In the middle of the hollowed column stands a pair of spiral
staircases twisting and turning upon each other in a doulbe helix.  There is no
central pillar on which the staircases are supported.  You have to marvel at
the wonder of engineering this is.  But only the bravest souls will climb it
because each step you take brings you that much closer to...  Her.    
291 8 0 0 0 0
0 0 29184
0 0 29182
The Great Spiral Staircase~
   You are about halfway up the Great Spiral Staircase.  The steps continue to
spiral onward like two intertwined slinkies made of a dark marble.  Your light
grows noteably dimmer, as if the tower's very darkness consumes the light as
soon as it is produced.  Your legs plead with you to decend the steps, rather
than ascend.  For to go down is to go away from the terror at the top.    
291 8 0 0 0 0
0 0 29185
0 0 29183
The Choice~
   Above the Great Spiral Staircase.  You enter a small mist-filled room.  It
is has two exits to it, and to go forth you have to make a fateful choice.  
Think carefully before you make your choice.    
291 13 0 0 0 0
0 0 29186
0 0 29187
0 0 29189
Damned if You Do~
   You've made your choice, now live with it
291 8 0 0 0 0
Damned if You Don't~
   You've made your choice, now live with it
291 8 0 0 0 0
The Music Room~
   This is a sprawling room is filled with musical instruments.  The largest
feature of the room is the pipe organ.  It dominates over half of the room.  
The organ has five sets of organ keys which have been polished to a high
reflective sheen.  The brass pipes of the organ are likewise polished waiting
to be used.  In the background you can hear the echos of a phantasmal orquestra
playing in some forgotten and lost dimention, whose music somehow leaks through
to where you now stand.    
291 41 0 0 0 0
0 0 29158
0 0 29159
The Great Spiral Staircase~
   Congradulations.  You made the right choice.  You walked away.  Maybe you
have a chance after all, but if you had any sense at all you'd just keep on
going back down.    
291 8 0 0 0 0
0 0 29190
0 0 29184
At Death's Door~
   You were wise (Or luckey) enough to survive the Choice.  You have arrived at
Death's Door.  The Large, Iron double door stands as an obstacle to your
passage.  Trying force the door would be futile.  To progress any further you
will need a key.  There is a door to the north
291 8 0 0 0 0
Death's Door stands here to block you.
death door~
2 29115 29191
0 0 29189
The Final Ascent~
   Just beyond Death's door is a narrow staircase.  The air is unusually damp
and the walls are slick with moss.  As you walk upwards your way is lit by
candles that are lining both sides of the starecase.  The air is thick with the
humidity and the stench of evil.  It is still not to late to turn back.    
291 8 0 0 0 0
   Death's is here barring your progress
door death~
2 29115 29190
0 0 29192
Beyond the point of no return~
   As the name implies, you are past the point of no return.  The only way out
is through the mistress of the void, Ilian.  Unless you want to take the easy
way out and just die now.    
291 13 0 0 0 0
0 0 29193
Near the Balcony~
   After leaving the point of no return behind.  You stand on a broad square
dotted with pillars supporting the final stories above you.  With nothing to
stop it, the wind is a constant gale through this wind tunnel.  Looking out the
grey skies loom ominously fortelling of a coming storm.  You can step out on to
the balcony if you like, or you can climb the staircase in the middle to
challenge the mistress of this fortress.    
291 8 0 0 0 0
0 0 29194
0 0 29196
0 0 29192
The High Balcony~
   You are on the high balcony on the spire.  It rests right above the huge
symbol of on the walls of the tower you say when you were first entering the
woods.  Glancing around you see the clock tower and the observing post far
below you.  From here you can see the entire expanse of the black woods.  From
the western hills where you began this nightmare to the sea which lies FAR to
the south.  The balcony extends to the south a bit, but be careful There is no
guardrail, and that first step is a doozy.    
291 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 29195
0 0 29193
Look Before you Leap~
   You are on the edge of the balcony.  There is no guardrail here only a shear
clifflike drop at the edge.  An unexpected gust of wind nearly makes you loose
your footing, but you manage to hang on.  As nervous as you are, this place has
an unusual serenity to it.    
291 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 29194
The Guardian's Chamber~
   This room, near the top of the tower is draped in chains that completely
hide the walls.  You feel the unmitigated force of evil radiating from a door
to the north.  This chamber is the guardpost for Ilian's personal bodyguard and
enforcer.  The Greatest and Most Powerful of all the Doomguard: The Dark and
Stormy Knight!    
291 9 0 0 0 0
0 0 29197
0 0 29193
Ilian's Throne Room~
   Well, you made it.  I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but
after all the trials and struggles, you are at the top of Ilian's citadel.  The
room seems impossibly large, and the center of it is dominated by a presence
which radiates pure, unadulterated, unmitigated, unqualified, unholy evil.  The
mistress of the citadel, Ilian sits on her throne surrounded by a small horde of
her children, She looks at you as her mastery of the dark symmetry probes your
mind to find out if you are significant enough to be bothered with.
291 9 0 0 0 0
0 0 29196
0 0 29198
The Way Out~
   Fleeing quickly, you leave the throne room behind and make your way down a
secret staircase
291 5 0 0 0 0
0 0 29180
Even more of the Black Forest~
   Does this accursed forest never end?  You press deeper and deeper into the
seemingly endless cadre of oak trees that stand as omnious guardians to this
dark place.  Press much further and you do not know if you will be able to find
your way back.    
291 1 0 0 0 3
0 0 29149
0 0 29120
0 0 29149