Entrance to Mudschool:~
   To enter mudschool, type <n> followed by ENTER or RETURN.
   You would just type ----> n <--- and then ENTER...
   To go back to the Capital, go through the portal to your east.
28 60 0 0 0 0
This obviously is the grand entrace to Mudschool.
A sign over the entrace says:
'Only for newbies'
0 0 2801
 A portal is giving of small crackling noises,
Through it you see the inner chamber of the
temple in the Capital.
0 0 -1
credits info~
Mudschool 1st Lesson: Finding your way around.~
   In this context <xxx> means, type xxx and then ENTER or RETURN.
   As you might already have noticed, you move around in the world by
going <east>, <west>, <north>, <south>, <up> or <down>. 
   All of these can, like most mud commands,  be abbreviated to one 
letter : <e>,<w>,<n>,<s>,<u> and <d>.
Throughout this tutorial, you'll be told which direction to continue.
If at any point this text should scroll off your screen, 
type <look> or <l>, to redisplay it. Try this now.
Many questions can also be helped by the command <help xxx>, where xxx
is the command you are in doubt about.
Now, go <east> (<e> for short).
28 60 0 0 0 0
0 0 2802
0 0 2800
Mudschool 2nd Lesson: Finders Keepers~
   Under this text, you should see a line much like the following:
A purse has been dropped on the floor here.   
To pick up an item, like this pouch, type  <get purse>.
The purse is now no longer on the floor - check that with <look> 
- but in your <inventory> (<i> for short). This is where every item you
pick up will be. Once carried, several options are available to you; 
To peek inside the purse, type <look in purse> or <examine purse>.
And to get the coins out of the purse, <get all purse> or 
<get coins purse> will do the trick.
Having done that, go <north>
28 60 0 0 0 0
0 0 2803
0 0 2801
Mudschool 3rd Lesson: Money talks.~
   You know now, you're carrying a purse with a few coins about. It is
time to spend some. In this room you're not alone anymore; a shopkeeper
has set up his booth, ready to trade with you. 
To see what he has for sale, type <list>
To buy stuff, type <buy xxx>, where xxx is the thing you want to buy.
For now, <buy whip>, <buy cloak> and <buy canteen>.
And you won't need the purse again, so <value purse> to see what the 
shopkeeper will give you for it. If the price is right, <sell purse>.
Then, proceed east.
28 156 0 0 0 0
0 0 2804
0 0 2802
Mudschool 4th Lesson: How to not go through life naked!~
   If you check your inventory, you can see that your have two cloaks,
a whip and a canteen.
To start using your stuff, you need to <wear> it. The command <wear all> will
make you attempt to <wear> all you're carrying.
For now, type <wear cloak> twice to wear the cloaks.
The command <equipment> (<eq> for short) will show you what you are 
currently using. It is not possible to have more then one item equipped
in one 'slot' at any one time - except the neck, where there actually are
two slots. This is why you can wear both cloaks.
To take the cloaks off again, you must use the <remove> command - 
<remove cloak>
To use a weapon, you must <wield> it. Try <wield whip> and see 
your <equipment>.
Then go north.
28 188 0 0 0 0
0 0 2805
0 0 2803
Mudschool 5th Lesson: Preparing for battle.~
   Now you're wearing just a little armor (the cloak) and a weapon (the whip),
and you are almost ready to fight your first battle. In the next room there
is a small monster, asleep and very easy to kill. 
You should go east, then <consider piglet>.
The game will then inform you about how strong you are compared to the piglet.
This first monster is so small, you should have no problems killing it.
Just type <kill piglet> to start fighting it.
You can go east now.
28 60 0 0 0 0
0 0 2806
0 0 2804
Mudschool 6th Lesson: The end of poor piglet.~
   First type <consider piglet>, then <kill piglet> to start fighting
the piglet. If it is not here, wait a couple of minutes, then <look> to
see if it has come back.
After you kill the piglet, you might want to see if it was carrying
anything. To do this type <examine corpse>. You'll find a couple of
porkchops in the corpse. To pick them up, type <get all corpse>.
When you are sure you have all you need from the corpse you may choose
to <sacrifice corpse> for a reward if you are lucky. 
Then go <north>
28 44 0 0 0 0
0 0 2807
0 0 2805
Mudschool 7th Lesson: Lunch break.~
   So.. You might be getting hungry and thirsty by now. Luckily the piglet
had some pork chops for you, and you've bought a canteen full of water.
To drink the water : <drink canteen>
To eat the pork chops : <eat pork>
You might want to repeat one or both of these commands, until you're
full. This can easily be done with the <!> command, which will repeat
the last typed command. Thus, to eat two pork chops :
type <eat pork> <!>
Lunch break over, time to go to class. See the teacher to the east.
28 60 0 0 0 0
0 0 2808
0 0 2806
Mudschool 8th Lesson: Classes !? - Why?~
   Until now, the path has been the same for all classes. All have been
through the same texts, had to deal with the same monster. Here however,
The paths separate. A bunch of signs have been set up on the wall here.
A teacher stands in front of them, and will teach you your classes' special
The signs have large Titles: WARRIOR, MAGE, THIEF and CLERIC.
To read a sign type <look xxx> where xxx is one of the above.
When you are done here, go north.
28 60 0 0 0 0
0 0 2809
0 0 2807
   The only skill you can learn on this low level is a kick, 
which will do a little damage to your enemy - if you hit.
To get better at this, type <practice kick>
If you just want to see what you can learn, type <practice>.
Later, you can use the skill in combat by typing <kick>.
mage magic user~
   The only spell you can learn on this low level is a 'magic missile', 
which will do a little damage to your enemy - if you have mana to cast it.
To get better at this, type <practice magic>
If you just want to see what you can learn, type <practice>.
Later, you can use the skill in combat by typing 
<cast 'magic missile' xxx>. 
   The only skill you can learn on this low level is backstab.
A backstab is, as the name suggests, a way of getting behind
your enemy, and stab him/her/it in the back.
To get better at this, type <practice backstab>
If you just want to see what you can learn, type <practice>
Later, you can use the skill by typing <backstab> instead 
of <kill> to initiate combat. Note, though that you need
to use a pointed weapon to be able to backstab.
   You may choose to learn two spells :
'armor' which will protect yourself or others.
'cure light' which will cure a small amount of hitpoints.
To get better at any one of these, type
<practice armor>
<practice cure light>
to use the spells later, type
<cast 'armor' xxx> and <cast 'cure light' xxx> 
where xxx is the name of your target.
Mudschool 9th Lesson: Who Am I - really ?~
   To get some statistics on yourself type <score>.
You will then get an overview of your current condition:
Your age is in the first line.
The display of hitpoints, mana and move shows you how much you have
right now, and your current maximum in the ()'s.
Your AC is next. It is best if it's low, as monsters hit you less often then.
After that is your alignment. 1000 being pure good, -1000 being pure evil. 
Next is your experience and gold followed by how long you have been playing.
Lastly you are informed of your level and current position.
Now continue north.
28 44 0 0 0 0
0 0 2810
0 0 2808
Mudschool 10th Lesson: Shortcuts~
   To avoid typing <score> all the time, the game has a small shortcut:
By now you will have noticed the > that keeps appearing every time, you enter 
a command. This is your prompt, and it can be set to display various 
characteristics of your character. Right now type <prompt all>.
A line looking something like this will appear as your prompt:
12H 8M 31V >  
The numbers are the same as the ones in <score>. Current hitpoints (H), mana 
(M), and move (V).
Remember: All commands can be abbreviated, to some extend. 
Example : <pr all> will work just as good as <prompt all>
Now move east for some basic manouvres.
28 60 0 0 0 0
0 0 2811
0 0 2809
Mudschool 11th Lesson : Doors - a menace to free movement.~
   In this room a door blocks your way east.
To get past it you'll have to <open door>.
If for any reason you'd wish to stop others from doing the same,
the command <close door> will do the trick. If you happen to carry
the right key, you may also <lock door> and <unlock door>.
Thieves may also try to unlock a locked door by <pick>ing it, 
if they know the skill.
Right now, <open door> and proceed east.
28 0 0 0 0 0
A common door is here.
1 0 2812
0 0 2810
Mudschool 12th Lesson : Socialising~
   The world might seem a little boring if you don't know how to communicate.
You may <say> things, so others in the same room as you can hear you. Try
<say Hello>
Others in the room would see the results as
Yourname says, 'Hello'
Another important command is <tell>. It is used like this:
<tell xxx yyy>, where xxx is the person you'd like to talk to, and 
                yyy is what you have to say.
Later on, you can use commands like gossip, yell, holler and shout, to 
communicate with everybody on the mud, in your local area, and so forth.
More info on those by typing <help subject>.
You're almost done with Mudschool, just hurry south.
28 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 2814
A common door is here.
1 0 2811
Mudschool 14th Lesson : What NOT to do :)~
   To get an overview of the do's and dont's, type <policy>. These are a few 
rules, which must be abided by for you to be allowed to stay. 
We try to keep them short and to the point. 
The last command you'll learn is <recall>. This will transport you
to the main chamber of the temple, as long as you are still a newbie.
To leave Mudschool, type <recall>.
28 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 2814
Mudschool 13th Lesson : Getting the game on your side.~
   To liven up the world with colors, type <color complete>
If in doubt about any command, type <help xxx> to get help on the command 
in question.
Now go east for the final lesson.
28 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 2812
0 0 2813
Welcors ~~~ ~~~ furnace~
   You seem to be standing in a cave of some sort.  A rather large cave.  
Actually the cave is so large you think you could just as well be standing
outside.  The ceiling is so high above you, you can't really make out the
contours of it.  The sides of the cave are burning.  Had you not felt so
comfortable, you could easily think you were inside a gigantic fire, looking
out through the flames.  You realise, with a sudden stab of fear, that you've
unwittingly stumbled into the home of Welcor, God of Fiery Justice.  You've
better not be here when he gets back...    
28 8 0 0 0 0
flame wall burning fire~
   As you study the walls closer, you realise magic keeps the fire alive, and
it really is HOT.  Reaching out to touch it proves a very bad idea, giving you
several burn marks on your hand
   Even when not here, you sense his presence.    