   		 "We addict players for their own enjoyment."

**  Check out the latest news and information on the tbaMUD codebase at

**  A new "areas" command will list open areas and their suggested levels. 

**  New preference editor for players: prefedit. Use it to enable two new
    toggles autodoor and autokey.

**  Your prompt will now show (news) and (motd) whenever these files
    have been updated.

**  Added a new command to cancel all pending (queued) commands. For example
    a fighting player that has spammed 10 kick or spell commands can type
    '--' to cancel them all so they can instead flee.

**  New automap shows a small ascii map to the right of room descriptions.
    Toggle automap on to enable. There is also a new map command that can
    show a larger map area.

**  New Quest Editor means more quests for players.

**  Doors are now visible in the exits menu. i.e. Exits: n (e) w s.

**  Added questpoints so be sure to ask about quests.

**  Added furniture for your MUDding comfort.

**  You will now be immediately notified when you have new mail, when coming
    back from AFK and reconnecting.

**  New toggles: autoloot, autogold, autosplit, autosac, and autoassist.

**  Improved toggle command allowing more options.

**  You can now use the history command to see a log of all channels.

**  Your mail will now be saved so you will not lose it when you log off.

**  NEW AFK toggle that displays in your prompt, under who, and when people
    look at the room.

**  You now have over 180 stock zones to play.

**  You can now interact with rooms, mobs, and objects through triggers.

**  Multiple objects will now be stacked and preceded by a quantity so your 
    inventory won't be as long. i.e. (3) A waybread.

**  Over 100 new socials, and the gemote command to use socials over the gossip
    channel. Socials can now target bodyparts too! Please behave. Check them 
    out and feel free to suggest new ones. 

**  You can now use color! @RHELP COLORCODES@n.

**  Added new invisible mobs and objects so everything may not be as it appears
    (not even visible with detect invis and sense life).

**  Added an online dictionary. Tell m-w <word>.

**  The player description length has been increased so please write a decent 
    description for yourself.

**  You can now set your pagelength and pagewidth!

**  You can now "look around" to see anything of interest in the room. But,
    some things may still be hidden and require further investigation.

**  You can now use "all" and "all.x" very generally with the get, put, drop, 
    junk, donate, give, wear and remove commands.  Type HELP GET for more info.

**  The "track" function will show you the first step on the shortest path to 
    anyone in the game.

**  You can now remove your own messages from the board.  Also, if you put 
    someone else's name in parentheses in the message header, they will be 
    able to remove the message too.

**  The tbaMUD MAIL SYSTEM is now complete.  The Post Office is north of the 
    entrance to the Grunting Boar inn.  Stamps cost 150 coins.

**  Fountains have now been implemented.  You can drink from fountains or fill 
    containers from fountains using the FILL command.

**  The SHOUT command, as always, only reaches people in your zone (you can see
    who these people are by typing WHERE).  The HOLLER command reaches everyone
    in the game but costs extra movement points.

**  When you are writing a message, you will now not be interrupted by tells, 
    shouts, emotes, socials, and even people talking in the same room.

    IF YOU LEAVE THE GAME FOR MORE THAN AN HOUR, either by renting or plain
    quitting, your hit points, move points, and mana will be fully restored
    when you come back!  This doesn't work if you're poisoned.

**  Use the ASSIST command to engage in mortal combat with someone in the room
    who is getting pummeled.

**  Use the SPLIT command to split gold among the members of your group 
    (including yourself) who are in the room.  i.e. If you are in a group
    with 4 other people who are in the room with you, type "SPLIT 100"
    to give each of them 20 coins.

**  You can use the VISIBLE command to break a spell of invisibility before
    it expires.