# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- line endings: unix -*-
#   miniboa/
#   Copyright 2009 Jim Storch
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#   not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
#   copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#   WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#   License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#   under the License.
# Changes made by pR0Ps.CM[at]gmail[dot]com on 18/07/2012
# -Updated for use with Python 3.x
# -Repackaged into a single file to simplify distribution
# -Other misc fixes and changes
# Report any bugs in this implementation to me (email above)
# Additional changes by Quixadhal on 2014.06.16
# -Re-split code into multiple files, for ease of maintenance
# -Rewrote terminal system

Manage one Telnet client connected via a TCP/IP socket.

import sys
import socket
import time
import logging

from miniboa.terminal import colorize
from miniboa.terminal import word_wrap

#---[ Telnet Notes ]-----------------------------------------------------------
# (See RFC 854 for more information)
# Negotiating a Local Option
# --------------------------
# Side A begins with:
#    "IAC WILL/WONT XX" Meaning "I would like to [use|not use] option XX."
# Side B replies with either:
#    "IAC DO XX" Meaning "OK, you may use option XX."
#    "IAC DONT XX" Meaning "No, you cannot use option XX."
# Negotiating a Remote Option
# ----------------------------
# Side A begins with:
#    "IAC DO/DONT XX" Meaning "I would like YOU to [use|not use] option XX."
# Side B replies with either:
#    "IAC WILL XX" Meaning "I will begin using option XX"
#    "IAC WONT XX" Meaning "I will not begin using option XX"
# The syntax is designed so that if both parties receive simultaneous requests
# for the same option, each will see the other's request as a positive
# acknowledgement of it's own.
# If a party receives a request to enter a mode that it is already in, the
# request should not be acknowledged.

#--[ Global Constants ]--------------------------------------------------------
## Cap sockets to 500 on Windows because winsock can only process 512 at time
## Cap sockets to 1000 on Linux because you can only have 1024 file descriptors
MAX_CONNECTIONS = 500 if sys.platform == 'win32' else 1000

#--[ Telnet Commands ]---------------------------------------------------------
SE = chr(240)       # End of subnegotiation parameters
NOP = chr(241)      # No operation
DATMK = chr(242)    # Data stream portion of a sync.
BREAK = chr(243)    # NVT Character BRK
IP = chr(244)       # Interrupt Process
AO = chr(245)       # Abort Output
AYT = chr(246)      # Are you there
EC = chr(247)       # Erase Character
EL = chr(248)       # Erase Line
GA = chr(249)       # The Go Ahead Signal
SB = chr(250)       # Sub-option to follow
WILL = chr(251)     # Will; request or confirm option begin
WONT = chr(252)     # Wont; deny option request
DO = chr(253)       # Do = Request or confirm remote option
DONT = chr(254)     # Don't = Demand or confirm option halt
IAC = chr(255)      # Interpret as Command
SEND = chr(1)       # Sub-process negotiation SEND command
IS = chr(0)         # Sub-process negotiation IS command

#--[ Telnet Options ]----------------------------------------------------------
BINARY = chr(0)     # Transmit Binary
ECHO = chr(1)       # Echo characters back to sender
RECON = chr(2)      # Reconnection
SGA = chr(3)        # Suppress Go-Ahead
TTYPE = chr(24)     # Terminal Type
NAWS = chr(31)      # Negotiate About Window Size
LINEMO = chr(34)    # Line Mode

#--[ Connection Lost ]---------------------------------------------------------
class ConnectionLost(Exception):
    Custom exception to signal a lost connection to the Telnet Server.

#--[ Telnet Option ]-----------------------------------------------------------
class TelnetOption(object):
    Simple class used to track the status of an extended Telnet option.
    def __init__(self):
        self.local_option = UNKNOWN     # Local state of an option
        self.remote_option = UNKNOWN    # Remote state of an option
        self.reply_pending = False      # Are we expecting a reply?

#--[ Telnet Client ]-----------------------------------------------------------
class TelnetClient(object):
    Represents a client connection via Telnet.

    First argument is the socket discovered by the Telnet Server.
    Second argument is the tuple (ip address, port number).

    def __init__(self, sock, addr_tup):
        self.protocol = 'telnet' = True          # Turns False when the connection is lost
        self.sock = sock            # The connection's socket
        self.fileno = sock.fileno() # The socket's file descriptor
        self.address = addr_tup[0]  # The client's remote TCP/IP address
        self.port = addr_tup[1]     # The client's remote port
        self.terminal_type = 'ANSI' # set via request_terminal_type()
        self.use_ansi = True
        self.columns = 80
        self.rows = 24
        self.send_pending = False
        self.send_buffer = ''
        self.recv_buffer = ''
        self.bytes_sent = 0
        self.bytes_received = 0
        self.cmd_ready = False
        self.command_list = []
        self.connect_time = time.time()
        self.last_input_time = time.time()

        ## State variables for interpreting incoming telnet commands
        self.telnet_got_iac = False         # Are we inside an IAC sequence?
        self.telnet_got_cmd = None          # Did we get a telnet command?
        self.telnet_got_sb = False          # Are we inside a subnegotiation?
        self.telnet_opt_dict = {}           # Mapping for up to 256 TelnetOptions
        self.telnet_echo = False            # Echo input back to the client?
        self.telnet_echo_password = False   # Echo back '*' for passwords?
        self.telnet_sb_buffer = ''          # Buffer for sub-negotiations

    def get_command(self):
        Get a line of text that was received from the client. The class's
        cmd_ready attribute will be true if lines are available.
        cmd = None
        count = len(self.command_list)
        if count > 0:
            cmd = self.command_list.pop(0)

        ## If that was the last line, turn off lines_pending
        if count == 1:
            self.cmd_ready = False
        return cmd

    def send(self, text, wrap = None, terminal = 'ansi'):
        Send raw text to the distant end.
        if text:
            text = text.replace('\n\r', '\n') # DikuMUD got their line endings backwards
            text = text.replace('\r\n', '\n') # This is correct for TELNET, but we need to ensure
                                              # that "\r\n" doesn't become "\r\n\n" later.
            if wrap:
                text = '\n'.join(word_wrap(text, wrap)) # Note self.columns is negotiated
            if terminal:
                text = colorize(text, terminal) # Note self.terminal_type is negotiated
            self.send_buffer += text.replace('\n', '\r\n')
            self.send_pending = True
    #def send_cc(self, text):
    #    """
    #    Send text with caret codes converted to ansi.
    #    """
    #    self.send(colorize(text, self.use_ansi))

    #def send_wrapped(self, text):
    #    """
    #    Send text padded and wrapped to the user's screen width.
    #    """
    #    lines = word_wrap(text, self.columns)
    #    for line in lines:
    #        self.send_cc(line + '\n')

    def deactivate(self):
        Set the client to disconnect on the next server poll.
        """ = False

    def addrport(self):
        Return the client's IP address and port number as a string.
        return "{}:{}".format(self.address, self.port)

    def idle(self):
        Returns the number of seconds that have elasped since the client
        last sent us some input.
        return time.time() - self.last_input_time

    def duration(self):
        Returns the number of seconds the client has been connected.
        return time.time() - self.connect_time

    def request_do_sga(self):
        Request client to Suppress Go-Ahead.  See RFC 858.
        self._note_reply_pending(SGA, True)

    def request_will_echo(self):
        Tell the client that we would like to echo their text.  See RFC 857.
        self._note_reply_pending(ECHO, True)
        self.telnet_echo = True

    def request_wont_echo(self):
        Tell the client that we would like to stop echoing their text.
        See RFC 857.
        self._note_reply_pending(ECHO, True)
        self.telnet_echo = False

    def password_mode_on(self):
        Tell client we will echo (but don't) so typed passwords don't show.
        self._note_reply_pending(ECHO, True)

    def password_mode_off(self):
        Tell client we are done echoing (we lied) and show typing again.
        self._note_reply_pending(ECHO, True)

    def request_naws(self):
        Request to Negotiate About Window Size.  See RFC 1073.
        self._note_reply_pending(NAWS, True)

    def request_terminal_type(self):
        Begins the Telnet negotiations to request the terminal type from
        the client.  See RFC 779.
        self._note_reply_pending(TTYPE, True)

    def socket_send(self):
        Called by TelnetServer when send data is ready.
        if len(self.send_buffer):
                #convert to ansi before sending
                sent = self.sock.send(bytes(self.send_buffer, "cp1252"))
            except socket.error as err:
                logging.error("SEND error '{}' from {}".format(err, self.addrport()))
       = False
            self.bytes_sent += sent
            self.send_buffer = self.send_buffer[sent:]
            self.send_pending = False

    def socket_recv(self):
        Called by TelnetServer when recv data is ready.
            #Encode recieved bytes in ansi
            data = str(self.sock.recv(2048), "cp1252")
        except socket.error as err:
            logging.error("RECIEVE socket error '{}' from {}".format(err, self.addrport()))
            raise ConnectionLost()

        ## Did they close the connection?
        size = len(data)
        if size == 0:
            logging.debug("No data recieved, client closed connection")
            raise ConnectionLost()

        ## Update some trackers
        self.last_input_time = time.time()
        self.bytes_received += size

        ## Test for telnet commands
        for byte in data:

        ## Look for newline characters to get whole lines from the buffer
        while True:
            mark = self.recv_buffer.find('\n')
            if mark == -1:
            cmd = self.recv_buffer[:mark].strip()
            self.cmd_ready = True
            self.recv_buffer = self.recv_buffer[mark + 1:]

    def _recv_byte(self, byte):
        Non-printable filtering currently disabled because it did not play
        well with extended character sets.
        ## Filter out non-printing characters
        #if (byte >= ' ' and byte <= '~') or byte == '\n':
        if self.telnet_echo:
        self.recv_buffer += byte

    def _echo_byte(self, byte):
        Echo a character back to the client and convert LF into CR\LF.
        if byte == '\n':
            self.send_buffer += '\r'
        if self.telnet_echo_password:
            self.send_buffer += '*'
            self.send_buffer += byte

    def _iac_sniffer(self, byte):
        Watches incomming data for Telnet IAC sequences.
        Passes the data, if any, with the IAC commands stripped to
        ## Are we not currently in an IAC sequence coming from the client?
        if self.telnet_got_iac is False:

            if byte == IAC:
                ## Well, we are now
                self.telnet_got_iac = True

            ## Are we currenty in a sub-negotion?
            elif self.telnet_got_sb is True:
                ## Sanity check on length
                if len(self.telnet_sb_buffer) < 64:
                    self.telnet_sb_buffer += byte
                    self.telnet_got_sb = False
                    self.telnet_sb_buffer = ""

                ## Just a normal NVT character

        ## Byte handling when already in an IAC sequence sent from the client

            ## Did we get sent a second IAC?
            if byte == IAC and self.telnet_got_sb is True:
                ## Must be an escaped 255 (IAC + IAC)
                self.telnet_sb_buffer += byte
                self.telnet_got_iac = False

            ## Do we already have an IAC + CMD?
            elif self.telnet_got_cmd:
                ## Yes, so handle the option

            ## We have IAC but no CMD

                ## Is this the middle byte of a three-byte command?
                if byte == DO:
                    self.telnet_got_cmd = DO

                elif byte == DONT:
                    self.telnet_got_cmd = DONT

                elif byte == WILL:
                    self.telnet_got_cmd = WILL

                elif byte == WONT:
                    self.telnet_got_cmd = WONT

                    ## Nope, must be a two-byte command

    def _two_byte_cmd(self, cmd):
        Handle incoming Telnet commands that are two bytes long.
        logging.debug("Got two byte cmd '{}'".format(ord(cmd)))

        if cmd == SB:
            ## Begin capturing a sub-negotiation string
            self.telnet_got_sb = True
            self.telnet_sb_buffer = ''

        elif cmd == SE:
            ## Stop capturing a sub-negotiation string
            self.telnet_got_sb = False

        elif cmd == NOP:

        elif cmd == DATMK:

        elif cmd == IP:

        elif cmd == AO:

        elif cmd == AYT:

        elif cmd == EC:

        elif cmd == EL:

        elif cmd == GA:

            logging.warning("Send an invalid 2 byte command")

        self.telnet_got_iac = False
        self.telnet_got_cmd = None

    def _three_byte_cmd(self, option):
        Handle incoming Telnet commmands that are three bytes long.
        cmd = self.telnet_got_cmd
        logging.debug("Got three byte cmd {}:{}".format(ord(cmd), ord(option)))

        ## Incoming DO's and DONT's refer to the status of this end
        if cmd == DO:
            if option == BINARY or option == SGA or option == ECHO:
                if self._check_reply_pending(option):
                    self._note_reply_pending(option, False)
                    self._note_local_option(option, True)

                elif (self._check_local_option(option) is False or self._check_local_option(option) is UNKNOWN):
                    self._note_local_option(option, True)
                    ## Just nod unless setting echo
                    if option == ECHO:
                        self.telnet_echo = True

                ## All other options = Default to refusing once
                if self._check_local_option(option) is UNKNOWN:
                    self._note_local_option(option, False)

        elif cmd == DONT:
            if option == BINARY or option == SGA or option == ECHO:

                if self._check_reply_pending(option):
                    self._note_reply_pending(option, False)
                    self._note_local_option(option, False)

                elif (self._check_local_option(option) is True or self._check_local_option(option) is UNKNOWN):
                    self._note_local_option(option, False)
                    ## Just nod unless setting echo
                    if option == ECHO:
                        self.telnet_echo = False
                ## All other options = Default to ignoring

        ## Incoming WILL's and WONT's refer to the status of the client
        elif cmd == WILL:
            if option == ECHO:

                ## Nutjob client offering to echo the server...
                if self._check_remote_option(ECHO) is UNKNOWN:
                    self._note_remote_option(ECHO, False)
                    # No no, bad client!

            elif option == NAWS or option == SGA:
                if self._check_reply_pending(option):
                    self._note_reply_pending(option, False)
                    self._note_remote_option(option, True)

                elif (self._check_remote_option(option) is False or self._check_remote_option(option) is UNKNOWN):
                    self._note_remote_option(option, True)
                    ## Client should respond with SB (for NAWS)

            elif option == TTYPE:
                if self._check_reply_pending(TTYPE):
                    self._note_reply_pending(TTYPE, False)
                    self._note_remote_option(TTYPE, True)
                    ## Tell them to send their terminal type
                    self.send("{}{}{}{}{}{}".format(IAC, SB, TTYPE, SEND, IAC, SE))

                elif (self._check_remote_option(TTYPE) is False or self._check_remote_option(TTYPE) is UNKNOWN):
                    self._note_remote_option(TTYPE, True)

        elif cmd == WONT:
            if option == ECHO:

                ## Client states it wont echo us -- good, they're not supposes
                ## to.
                if self._check_remote_option(ECHO) is UNKNOWN:
                    self._note_remote_option(ECHO, False)

            elif option == SGA or option == TTYPE:

                if self._check_reply_pending(option):
                    self._note_reply_pending(option, False)
                    self._note_remote_option(option, False)

                elif (self._check_remote_option(option) is True or self._check_remote_option(option) is UNKNOWN):
                    self._note_remote_option(option, False)

                ## Should TTYPE be below this?

                ## All other options = Default to ignoring
            logging.warning("Send an invalid 3 byte command")

        self.telnet_got_iac = False
        self.telnet_got_cmd = None

    def _sb_decoder(self):
        Figures out what to do with a received sub-negotiation block.
        bloc = self.telnet_sb_buffer
        if len(bloc) > 2:

            if bloc[0] == TTYPE and bloc[1] == IS:
                self.terminal_type = bloc[2:]
                logging.debug("Terminal type = '{}'".format(self.terminal_type))

            if bloc[0] == NAWS:
                if len(bloc) != 5:
                    logging.warning("Bad length on NAWS SB: " + str(len(bloc)))
                    self.columns = (256 * ord(bloc[1])) + ord(bloc[2])
                    self.rows = (256 * ord(bloc[3])) + ord(bloc[4])

      "Screen is {} x {}".format(self.columns, self.rows))

        self.telnet_sb_buffer = ''

    #---[ State Juggling for Telnet Options ]----------------------------------

    ## Sometimes verbiage is tricky.  I use 'note' rather than 'set' here
    ## because (to me) set infers something happened.

    def _check_local_option(self, option):
        """Test the status of local negotiated Telnet options."""
        if not option in self.telnet_opt_dict:
            self.telnet_opt_dict[option] = TelnetOption()
        return self.telnet_opt_dict[option].local_option

    def _note_local_option(self, option, state):
        """Record the status of local negotiated Telnet options."""
        if not option in self.telnet_opt_dict:
            self.telnet_opt_dict[option] = TelnetOption()
        self.telnet_opt_dict[option].local_option = state

    def _check_remote_option(self, option):
        """Test the status of remote negotiated Telnet options."""
        if not option in self.telnet_opt_dict:
            self.telnet_opt_dict[option] = TelnetOption()
        return self.telnet_opt_dict[option].remote_option

    def _note_remote_option(self, option, state):
        """Record the status of local negotiated Telnet options."""
        if not option in self.telnet_opt_dict:
            self.telnet_opt_dict[option] = TelnetOption()
        self.telnet_opt_dict[option].remote_option = state

    def _check_reply_pending(self, option):
        """Test the status of requested Telnet options."""
        if not option in self.telnet_opt_dict:
            self.telnet_opt_dict[option] = TelnetOption()
        return self.telnet_opt_dict[option].reply_pending

    def _note_reply_pending(self, option, state):
        """Record the status of requested Telnet options."""
        if not option in self.telnet_opt_dict:
            self.telnet_opt_dict[option] = TelnetOption()
        self.telnet_opt_dict[option].reply_pending = state

    #---[ Telnet Command Shortcuts ]-------------------------------------------

    def _iac_do(self, option):
        """Send a Telnet IAC "DO" sequence."""
        self.send("{}{}{}".format(IAC, DO, option))

    def _iac_dont(self, option):
        """Send a Telnet IAC "DONT" sequence."""
        self.send("{}{}{}".format(IAC, DONT, option))

    def _iac_will(self, option):
        """Send a Telnet IAC "WILL" sequence."""
        self.send("{}{}{}".format(IAC, WILL, option))

    def _iac_wont(self, option):
        """Send a Telnet IAC "WONT" sequence."""
        self.send("{}{}{}".format(IAC, WONT, option))