Quiet Elf Village~
quiet elf village~

0 0

A Quiet Row of Trees~
A row of trees have been recently planted here, filling what used to be a

small clearing in the forest.  Small birds' nests rest gingerly amidst

the branches of the young trees, giving the row the feeling of fresh

life, of rebirth.  The old forest spreads out to the west and north,

while to the east and south you can see more recently-planted trees.

33030144 3 5 0
0 -1 50003 10 10 5
0 -1 50001 10 10 5
0 -1 50004 10 10 5
0 -1 50002 10 10 5
bird nest row trees~
Fresh and wholesome, the row and the cries of newly hatched chicks in

their nests represent a small section of new life in the ancient forest

around it.

send_to_room( #bird, room );

A small bird flies overhead, landing in one of the nests in the trees. 

You hear the chirping of her young as the mother provides her chicks with

a meal.

0 200 0

A Quiet Row of Trees~
A row of trees have been recently planted here, filling what used to be a

small clearing in the forest.  You can see two huts to the north, one is

small and directly to the north, while the other is larger and off to the

northeast.  The row of trees continues to the west, while to the east you

can see another hut across a small section of grass.

33030144 3 9 0
0 -1 50014 10 10 5
0 -1 50016 10 10 5
0 -1 50000 10 10 5

Near a Gentle Forest Stream~
A small clear stream trickles its way through the forest about a score or

so yards to the west.  Thick ferns and bushes to the south block the way

in that direction, but the vast expanse of the forest is sure to provide

enough adventure in all other directions.  A row of trees have recently

been planted in what was once a clearing to the east.

elven cleric s, no approach from here

33030144 3 9 0
0 -1 50006 10 10 5
0 -1 50000 10 10 5
0 -1 50005 10 10 5
s south ferns bushes~
The ferns have grown thick and tall, blocking any possible path south

from here.

row trees east~
The nearly straight row of young trees are obviously not of nature's

design, but somehow amidst the ancient power of the forest of the Vaasa

around it, the young trees seem to fit in nicely.


Near a Gentle Forest Stream~
The forest thins as it nears a small stream to the northwest.  The stream

bends away to the west, trickling off into the forest beyond.  A quiet

row of trees have been planted to the south in what was once a clearing. 

To the east you can see the thatched wall of a hut.

33030144 3 9 0
0 -1 50007 10 10 5
0 -1 50000 10 10 5
0 -1 50006 10 10 5
1690 17 1509949540 -2 0
1281 137 1509949540 3 0

A Quiet Row of Trees~
A row of trees have been recently planted here, filling what used to be a

small clearing in the forest.  To the west, dense foliage blocks both

sight and vision as ferns have grown thick and tall.  To the east, the

row of recently-planted trees continues, while to the south the ancient

trees of the Vaasa loom overhead.

w is cleric, unreachable from here

33030144 3 9 0
0 -1 50000 10 10 5
0 -1 50016 10 10 5
0 -1 50017 10 10 5
row of trees~
The trees are much younger than the ancient forest of the Vaasa around

them, planted in a few straight rows by someone's hand, not by nature.


West of a Gentle Forest Stream~
The trees around you are flanked by ferns and small shrubs.  A stream

bubbles by to the east, carrying its crystal clear water through the

forest as its lifeblood.  A faint trail winds its way through the forest

to the south.  The way is easy to the east and south, while to the north

and west the foliage is simply too thick to be passed through.

[Phule] s is 19104 (??)

[Way] West of a Gentle Forest Stream in the Vaasa says that there is a

trail leading south...but no exit in that direction...

33030144 3 9 0
0 -1 50002 10 10 5
secret bush~
232 -1 19104 10 10 5
move push pull nudge 2 open~
bushes secret~
if( is_open( room, south ) ) {

act_tochar( #close, ch );

act_notchar( #rclose, ch );

close( room, south );


else {

act_tochar( #open, ch );

act_notchar( #ropen, ch );

open( room, south );


You nudge one of the bushes, shifting it to block the way south.

You pull upon a bush, revealing a way south.

$n nudges a large bush, pushing it into place where there was once a way


$n pulls upon a bush, nearly uprooting it.  In the process, a way south

is revealed.

0 0 0
1690 17 1509949540 -2 0
203 9 1509949540 3 0
2509 9 1509949540 3 0

Beside a Gentle Forest Stream~
The old forest of the Vaasa looms to the northwest, across a small stream

which trickles its way from north to west.  Through the trees to the east

you can see a small hut, while to the southeast a row of trees have been

planted in what was once a clearing.

33030144 3 9 0
0 -1 50003 10 10 5
0 -1 50002 10 10 5
1690 17 1509949540 -2 0

On the Shore of a Gentle Forest Stream~
A small stream of cool water trickles by to the north, bending away to

the southwest.  While not wide or deep, the far bank of the stream is

steep and tall, and slick with water, and so keeps the stream from being

crossed.  You can follow the stream to the south and east.

33030144 3 9 0
0 -1 50008 10 10 5
0 -1 50003 10 10 5
The far bank of the stream rises straight up several feet and looks slick

with water from the stream.  This natural barrier makes the stream


1690 17 1509949540 -2 0

By Two Small Huts Near a Gentle Stream~
Two huts, one to the east and one to the south, share this small patch of

light grass near a gentle stream as their doorstep.  The stream is

flowing roughly east and west, and while not shallow or wide, the far

bank rises into a sheer face about ten feet high, and slick with water,

making crossing the stream an impossibility.  You can follow the stream

to the west.

33030144 3 9 0
small wooden door~
door small wooden east~
131 -1 50009 10 10 5
small wooden door~
door small wooden south~
131 -1 50010 10 10 5
0 -1 50007 10 10 5
The huts are made of thatch, a mud-like combination of mud and small

twigs and dried grass.

1690 17 1509949540 -2 0

Just Inside a Small Hut~
The walls of this cozy-looking hut are thin saplings interspersed with

thatch and mud.  A small square hole in the north wall acts as a window,

offering a view of the gentle stream outside.  An open doorway to the

south leads into another room of the mostly bare hut, and a small ladder

leads up to a loft.

33030148 3 6 0
0 -1 50011 10 10 5
small wooden door~
small wooden door west~
131 -1 50008 10 10 5
0 -1 50012 10 10 5

Inside a Small Hut~
This small hut is made of mud and small strips of wood.  A large sitting

mat is spread across the floor, and a ladder leads up to a small loft. 

Near the mat is a small padded bench.  The air in this room is still, but

not stifling despite the room's lack of windows.

33030148 3 6 0
small wooden door~
small wooden door north~
131 -1 50008 10 10 5
0 -1 50013 10 10 5
1691 17 1509949540 -2 0
1692 17 1509949540 -2 0
1279 9 1509949540 3 0

Inside a Small Hut~
This is obviously the main room of the hut, at once larger than the other

rooms and less bare.  A bed lies in the southeast corner, marking this as

a bedchamber, but a small padded bench and large mat on the floor make it

somewhat of a sitting room as well.  Windows on the east and south wall

give a view of the surrounding forest.

33030148 3 6 0
0 -1 50009 10 10 5
l look~
window out through forest view~
i = random( 0, 2 );

if( i == 1 )

  act_tochar( #sc1, ch );

if( i == 2 )

  act_tochar( #sc2, ch );

if( i == 0 )

  act_tochar( #sc0, ch );

You look out the window and see a mighty shuvana tree off in the distance

to the south.

You look out the window, and see a deer dart into the forest at some

unheard sound.

You look out the window and see the leaves of a nearby tree shake as a

breeze blows by.

0 0 0
1392 17 1509949540 -2 0
1691 17 1509949540 -2 0
1692 17 1509949540 -2 0
1280 9 1509949505 3 0
1279 9 1509949505 3 0

A Small Loft Inside a Small Hut~
This small loft is obviously a child's bedroom.  A small bed lies in the

corner, as well as a small toy chest.  A ladder leads down to another

room of the hut.  The chest's lid has broken, as has its latch, giving

easy access to whatever lies inside.

33030148 3 6 0
0 -1 50009 10 10 5
1274 137 1509949540 3 0
1694 17 1509949540 -2 0
1693 49 1509949540 -2 0
1708 81 1509949445 -2 0

Small Hut - Sleeping Area~
This seems to be the sleeping area for the inhabitants of this hut.  Two

beds, one large and one small, sit near the thatch walls.  A ladder leads

down to another room of the hut.  A small hole in the ceiling lets you

catch a brief glimpse of the sky outside.

33030148 3 6 0
0 -1 50010 10 10 5
hole ceiling sky outside~
Well, you may be able to see the sky outside if the hole was not angled

as far as it is to the south.  With the low angle, you only catch a view

of the green canopy of the Vaasa.

1392 17 1509949540 -2 0
1694 17 1509949540 -2 0
1280 9 1509949510 3 0
1274 9 1509949515 3 0

West of a Small Hut~
This small section of grass is sandwiched between the back of a hut to

the north, the side of a hut to the east, and a row of trees to the west. 

To the south the forest looks older and mightier as the ancient trees of

the Vaasa loom overhead, forming their impentrable canopy of leaves and


33030144 3 9 0
0 -1 50015 10 10 5
0 -1 50001 10 10 5

Beneath the Canopy of the Vaasa~
While not under the full cover of the forest proper, the mighty trees of

the Vaasa extend their branches overhead, creating a canopy of green.  A

small hut stands to the northeast in a small clearing, while a massive

shuvana has fallen to the south and blocks entrance into the massive


33030144 3 9 0
0 -1 50014 10 10 5
0 -1 50019 10 10 5
0 -1 50016 10 10 5
massive shuvana fallen tree~
At least twenty-five feet in diameter, it cannot be climbed.


A Quiet Row of Trees~
A row of trees have been recently planted here, filling what used to be a

small clearing in the forest.  The the north and west, you can see more

rows of recently-planted trees.  To the south and east, however, the

ancient shuvanas of the Vaasa spread their branches, creating a dense

canopy of leaves high overhead.

33030144 3 9 0
0 -1 50001 10 10 5
0 -1 50015 10 10 5
0 -1 50018 10 10 5
0 -1 50004 10 10 5

Beneath the Canopy of the Vaasa~
The giant, ancient trees of the Vaasa overhang this small clearing,

giving it a green canopy of leaves.  To the south, a giant shuvana has

fallen and blocks entrance into the deeper forest.  To the west, ferns

have grown thick and tall and prevent movement in that direction.

33030144 3 9 0
0 -1 50004 10 10 5
0 -1 50018 10 10 5
shuvana fallen tree~
The fallen tree must have been ancient indeed, for it is about 20 to 25

feet wide at its narrowest.

The ferns grow thick and tall; passing through them into what lies hidden

beyond is not possible from this vantage.


Beneath the Canopy of the Vaasa~
The giant, ancient trees of the Vaasa overhang this small clearing,

giving it a green canopy of leaves.  Giant fallen trees to the east and

south block entrance into the deeper forest.  Through the trees to the

northeast, you can see a small thatch hut.

33030144 3 9 0
0 -1 50016 10 10 5
0 -1 50017 10 10 5
The hut is made of thatch and stands tall, but not wide.


South of a Hut~
The small wooden door of a small hut leads into the hut to the north.  To

the west, you see the fringes of the mighty Vaasa, as ancient shuvanas

stretch their limbs over a small clearing.  To the east, a faint trail

leads away from the hut.  To the south, a few boulders, the edge of a

small mountain range, block entrance into the deeper forest.

33030144 3 9 0
small wooden door~
small wooden door north~
131 -1 50020 10 10 5
0 -1 50025 10 10 5
0 -1 50015 10 10 5
The large rocks are clumped together, perhaps some long-forgotten

landslide carried them this far into the forest.

range mountain~
One peak in particular, Hark's Finger, juts upward to the southeast.


Inside a Small Hut~
This room appears to be the entryway of a small thatch hut.  Open

doorways lie to the north and east leading to other sections of the hut. 

A wooden door lies to your south leading out of the hut.  The room is

amazingly bare except for a small painting hanging upon the west wall.

33030148 3 6 0
0 -1 50021 10 10 5
0 -1 50022 10 10 5
small wooden door~
small wooden door south~
131 -1 50019 10 10 5
The painting is of an elf family, perhaps the occupants of the home.


A Bedroom Inside a Small Hut~
This room obviously serves as a bedroom, as a large bed rests in the

northwest corner of the room.  Through an open doorway to the south is

another room of the small thatch hut.  A short climb up a ladder leads to

a loft.

33030148 3 6 0
0 -1 50020 10 10 5
1024 -1 50024 10 10 5
1392 17 1509949540 -2 0
1279 9 1509949520 3 0
1281 9 1509949515 3 0

A Sitting Room Inside a Small Hut~
This small sitting room appears rather plain, consisting of only a large

sitting mat, with a small padded bench alongside it.  The thick thatch

walls have no windows present in them causing the room to appear darker

then it actually is.  A small wooden ladder lies upon the northern wall,

leading up to a small loft while an open doorway lies to your west.

33030148 3 6 0
0 -1 50020 10 10 5
1024 -1 50023 10 10 5
1692 17 1509949540 -2 0
1691 17 1509949540 -2 0
1279 9 1509949540 3 0

A Small Loft in a Thatch Hut~
This small loft is quite bare, except for a single small bed which lies

in the northeast corner of the room.  The thick, thatch walls gives off a

strong odor which causes you to hold your nose.  Most of the thatch

itself is wet and covered in mildew suggesting that they are not

regularly upkept.  The roof of the loft seems quite sturdy yet you spot a

few holes in them which could possibly explain the small puddles of water

upon the floor.

33030148 3 6 0
1024 -1 50022 10 10 5
puddle water roof hole~
Possibly caused by torrential rainfall upon these thatch huts, out from

underneath the protective canopy of the Vaasa.

1274 9 1509949510 3 0
1280 9 1509949510 3 0
1694 17 1509949540 -2 0

A Small Loft Inside a Small Hut~
This small loft is extremely bare, only holding a small bed in the

southwest corner and the ever present thatch walls.  Drop of water

trickle down from the thatch ceiling causing mildew to form everywhere

creating a very unpleasent scent.  A small wooden ladder upon the

northern wall leads down into the main section of the hut.

[Blorn] drop of water should be drops

[Dalthas] drop -> drops

[Hoel] drop, should be drops

33030148 3 6 0
1024 -1 50021 10 10 5
1694 17 1509949540 -2 0
1274 9 1509949520 3 0
1280 9 1509949520 3 0

A Small Trail Around a Hut~
This faint trail runs east and west between a thatch hut to the north and

a fallen-down shuvana to the south.  The fallen tree is so large that it

blocks entrance into the deeper forest.  To the south, the forest of the

Vaasa stretches into the distance.  To the north and east, you can see a

pair of small thatch huts.

[Merior] last sentence is very odd

33030144 3 9 0
0 -1 50026 10 10 5
0 -1 50019 10 10 5
The fallen tree is so large that it blocks entrance into the deeper



A Small Trail Around a Hut~
A faint trail bends north and west here, leading past the entrances of

small thatch huts along its route in each direction.  To the south, a

large fallen shuvana blocks the entrance into the deeper forest beyond. 

The green canopy of the Vaasa is spread above you, dark green and

impenetrable even at its fringes.

[Morathi] at hello yato

33030144 3 9 0
0 -1 50027 10 10 5
0 -1 50025 10 10 5
shuvana fallen tree~
The tree must have been ancient indeed to have reached such a size.

1278 137 1509949540 3 0

A Small Trail Between Two Huts~
This faint trail leads between two huts, one to the east and another to

the west.  To the east, a small wooden door offers an entrance into the

hut, but only the wall of the hut to the west is visible.  To the south

the faint trail continues, while to the north, a large clearing can be


33030144 3 9 0
0 -1 50028 10 10 5
small wooden door~
small wooden door east~
131 -1 50034 10 10 5
0 -1 50026 10 10 5

A Small Clearing in the Forest~
Surrounded by small thatch huts, this clearing is mostly short grass and

the odd patch of bare dirt.  There are two huts in close proximity, one

to the southeast and another to the southwest, and you can see yet

another hut off to the northwest across the clearing.  To the far north,

a large hall made of the same thatch as the huts, dominates the view.

huts to se and sw, large hall far n

33030144 3 9 0
0 -1 50031 10 10 5
0 -1 50032 10 10 5
0 -1 50027 10 10 5
0 -1 50029 10 10 5
1279 9 1509949520 3 0

A Small Clearing in the Forest~
A thatch hut to the southwest cradles this corner of the clearing.  Off

to the northeast you can see a large thatch hall across the clearing.  In

the distance beyond the huts you can see the mighty trees of the Vaasa

creating their impenetrable canopy high overhead.

hut to w and s (1 hut)

33030144 3 9 0
0 -1 50030 10 10 5
0 -1 50028 10 10 5
1280 9 1509949520 3 0

A Small Clearing in the Forest~
The clearing spreads off to the southeast away from the walls of a large

hall to the north and a small hut to the west, both made of thatch.  The

trickling of a stream is easily heard nearby.  The short grass of the

clearing is wide-bladed and green, dotted with the occasional weed or


large hall n, hut to w

33030144 3 9 0
0 -1 50031 10 10 5
0 -1 50029 10 10 5
weed wildflower~
These few scattered weeds and wildflowers show that the elves of the

village have observed, rather than guided, nature's course.

stream trickling trickle water~
act_tochar( #hear, ch );

The water trickles along from east to west in a small forest stream.

0 0 0
1280 9 1509949520 3 0

A Small Clearing in the Forest~
A small clearing spreads in all directions save to the north, where the

wall of a large thatch hall rises overhead.  You can see three other

thatch buildings, all small huts, two to the west and another to the


33030144 3 9 0
0 -1 50033 10 10 5
0 -1 50028 10 10 5
0 -1 50030 10 10 5
1281 9 1509949510 3 0

A Small Clearing in the Forest~
This small grass clearing seperates the walls of the small thatch huts

that surround it.  Tall weeds grow knee-high suggesting that no one has

maintained the area in some time.  Tall trees overhang the clearing

creating a shadey spot to rest a bit.  To the west lie a pair of small

thatch huts, while to the north a large thatch hall rises up.

hut to e and s (1 hut)

[Merior] more desc

33030144 3 9 0
0 -1 50033 10 10 5
0 -1 50028 10 10 5

A Small Clearing in the Forest~
A faint trail leads east, then north around the edge of a large thatch

hall to the north.  The clearing stretches out to the southwest, ringed

by several small huts.  A small plaque is embedded into a large rock

which has been brought here from the nearby mountains.  It has something

engraved on it which may bear further inspection.

33030144 3 9 0
0 -1 50044 10 10 5
0 -1 50032 10 10 5
0 -1 50031 10 10 5
large rock plaque small~
It reads: "We are the Llewyrr, we are elves."

1278 137 1509949540 3 0

Inside a Small Hut~
This is the entrance room of this small hut, with open doorways leading

south and east into other rooms.  A small wooden door leads west and out

of the hut.  The sparse room bears no decorations whatsoever; perhaps the

hut's owners favor function over form when it comes to their living areas.

33030148 3 6 0
0 -1 50035 10 10 5
0 -1 50049 10 10 5
small wooden door~
small wooden door west~
131 -1 50027 10 10 5

Inside a Small Hut~
This small hut bears little furniture, except for a small table in the

center of the room.  The thatch walls and ceiling are covered with small

holes allowing small amounts of light to illuminate the room.  The air in

here is dense with moisture and the ever present smell of wet thatch.  To

the north and west lie open doorways leading into different sections of

the hut.

33030148 3 9 0
0 -1 50036 10 10 5
0 -1 50034 10 10 5
1700 17 1509949540 -2 0

A Bedroom Inside a Small Hut~
This room obviously serves as a bedroom, as a neatly-made bed rests in

the corner of the hut.  A large padded mat stretches across the floor,

probably a comfortable place to rest as well.  An open doorway to the

south leads to another room of the hut, while a wooden ladder leads up to

a small loft.

33030148 3 9 0
0 -1 50035 10 10 5
0 -1 50037 10 10 5
1392 17 1509949540 -2 0
1691 17 1509949540 -2 0
1279 9 1509949520 3 0
1281 9 1509949510 3 0

A Small Loft~
This small loft overhangs a larger room in this small thatch hut.  A

small bed sits in the corner, and a wooden ladder leads down into the hut. 

A few splotches of colour decorate the walls in a seemingly random

pattern.  You spot something shiny in the corner of the room.

33030148 3 9 0
0 -1 50036 10 10 5
splotches colour walls patter~
It looks as if paint was splattered on the thatch walls, or perhaps some

kind of dye.  In any case in a few places you can also see some marks of

abrasion as the paint was forcefully removed.

search look~
corner shiny~
act_tochar( #search, ch );

You search the darkness of the corner for a bit, but don't find anything. 

Perhaps it was just a trick of reflecting light which misled you.

0 0 0
1694 17 1509949540 -2 0
1274 9 1509949520 3 0
1280 9 1509949520 3 0

A Small Trail Near a Large Thatch Hall~
A gentle forest stream trickles by to the northeast, with a far bank so

steep and slick that crossing it is an impossiblity.  A faint trail leads

north to the door of a large thatch hut, while to the west a large

clearing spreads out between an assortment of huts.  Across the stream,

the mighty trees of the Vaasa spread out past the range of your vision.

33030144 3 9 0
0 -1 50045 10 10 5
0 -1 50033 10 10 5
1690 17 1509949540 -2 0
1281 137 1509949540 3 0

Before a Large Thatch Hall~
A stream with an extremely steep far bank trickles by to the north and

bends to the south as you follow it to the east.  A small wooden door

leads into a large hall made of thatch to the west.  A faint trail leads

into a clearing to the south.  Across the stream you can see the mighty

trees of the Vaasa as the forest spreads out, seemingly to the ends of

the realms.

33030144 3 9 0
0 -1 50044 10 10 5
small wooden door~
small wooden door west~
131 -1 50046 10 10 5
1690 17 1509949540 -2 0
1278 137 1509949540 3 0

East End of a Large Thatch Hall~
This rather large hall is made of thatch, but seems rather stable for

such a large structure.  To the west, a long table dominates the hall and

marks it as a meeting place of sorts.  A small wooden door to the east

leads outside.

33030148 3 6 0
small wooden door~
small wooden door east~
131 -1 50045 10 10 5
0 -1 50047 10 10 5
Crafted from a solid piece of shuvanawood, the table will more than

likely far outlast its crafters.

1278 137 1509949540 3 0

Inside a Large Thatch Hall~
A long table stretches east and west within this large thatch hall,

flanked by benches on either side.  To the west and the east,

respectively, are the head and foot of the table.  The thatch of the hut

is reinforced with thin saplings, or perhaps long, thin tree branches,

allowing it to seem fairly sturdy and durable.

33030148 3 7 0
0 -1 50046 10 10 5
0 -1 50048 10 10 5
1278 137 1509949540 3 0
1698 17 1509949540 -2 0
1145 17 1509949540 -2 0

West End of a Large Thatch Hall~
This is the far west end of a large hall made of thatch.  The thin wooden

supports give the hall some stability, allowing it to reach a fairly

large size despite the poor structural qualities of thatch.  To the east

you can see a long table flanked by two benches, while at this end of the

table is set a cushioned chair in a place of honor at the head of the


[Merior] not real comfortable with this ring having those properties.. 

specially level 30 

[Phule] on ring - why?  it's only real net effect is affecting movement! 

[Phule] it's pretty much the same as the 'duckfeather charm' which people

griped was worthless 

[Mantispid] when you tell the wise elf 'hi', he says Foul murder of the innocent.  Should be 'Fould murderer of the innocent.'

33030148 3 7 0
0 -1 50047 10 10 5
No description~
1697 17 1509949540 -2 0
1277 137 1509949540 3 0

A Bedroom Inside a Small Hut~
This small room is obviously used as a bedroom, as a large bed rests in

the corner.  However a small padded bench and a desk mark it as possibly

room used for other purposes as well.  An open doorway to the north leads

to another room in the thatch hut.

33030148 3 9 0
0 -1 50034 10 10 5
1392 17 1509949540 -2 0
1692 17 1509949540 -2 0
1701 17 1509949540 -2 0
1281 9 1509949530 3 0
1278 137 1509949520 3 0
