Black Temple of Morkith~

90 0

Before a Black Obsidian Temple~
Carved into the northern cavern wall is a massive temple made of black

obsidian stone.  A dark grey stone staircase climbs up towards a set of

massive black iron double doors.  Gigantic blood-red colored stone

pillars have been set above the staircase.  Between each of the pillars

are grotesque statues, carved in the likeness of humans, but bent over in

pain and horribly mutilated.  Etched into the ceiling, just above the

pillars is a large blood-red triangle with an eye in the center of it. 

To the south a cobweb-filled tunnel heads off into darkness.

[Merior] make the random moans slower

301465601 0 6 0
huge black iron double doors~
name huge black iron double doors~
195 -1 50501 10 10 5
0 -1 50611 10 10 5
The staircase is made from a dark grey stone which has streaks of black

running through it.  The aged stone steps are scarred with various cracks

and a few stones are missing.  Looking closely you notice that a reddish

liquid flows down the stairs, coming from toward the direction of the

black iron doors.

pillars blood-red~
The pillars have been crafted from a blood-red colored stone which gives

of the appearence of fresh blood.  Each of the pillars have had strange

sigils and glyphs carved into them; their meaning completely foreign to

you.  Several of the massive cylinders of stone have large cracks running

through them and look unstable and may collapse at any moment.

grotesque statues humans~
The statues have been made from an ash-grey colored granite and carved in

the likeness of humans, but bent over with a look of agony on their face

and few horribly mutilated and disfigured.  A few of the statues depict

ghastly positions as you notice the maker of the statues made every

detail present in his work; wounds down to the bone can be plainly seen

and flesh stripped off some of the bones.  Examining each statue

carefully you notice that small rivers of blood flow from their eyes and

low, agonizing moans of pain emanate from within them.

ceiling triangle symbol mark~
Carved into the ceiling arch, just above the rows of pillars is a massive

triangle with a giant open eye within it.  The eye is composed of several

black and red gems which twinkle in the light and make it appear as if it

were winking.  Around the interior of the triangle several red

bloodstones have been placed, making the eye appear bloodshot.  Beneath

the triangle are several blocks of discolored stone bearing what appears

to be writing but it is too far away to see exactly what it says.

pull open~
black iron double doors~
act_tochar( #open, ch );

act_notchar( #open1, ch );

Wait( 2 );

act_room( #release, ch );

Wait( 2 );

act_room( #dust, ch );

Wait( 2 );

act_room( #release1, ch );

open( room, north );

@RYou grasp the handles of the double doors and begin to heave at them

with all your might.

@R$n grasps the handles of the double doors and begins to heave at them

with all $s might.

@RSuddenly the sound of thousands of voices wailing loudly fills the

still air of the room, causing you to cover your ears in pain!

@RThe doors finally come to a grinding halt and only the faint sound of

chanting can be heard, echoing from within the temple.

@RAs the doors grind open centuries of dust billows up into a dark cloud

which causes you to choke and gag.

0 0 0
room = find_room( 50500 );

send_to_room( #moan, room );

@RMoans and cries of agony suddenly fill the still air as a cold draft

wafts into the room.

2 350 0

Black Temple - Entrance Foyer~
Enormous silk tapestries hang from the walls of this entrance chamber,

The grey and black tiled stone walls have been finely worked, showing no

signs of blemishes or impurities.  Upon the floor is a grotesque mural of

black-skinned demons feasting upon the remains of humans and elves. 

Hanging from the ceiling is a large chandelier composed of humanoid

bones, on which several black tallow candles have been lit, supplying the

room with just barely enough light to see ones hand in front of their

face.  To the east, north, and west dark corridors make their way to the

interior of the temple.  To the south, massive iron double doors mark the

exit out.

301465609 0 6 0
0 -1 50502 10 10 5
0 -1 50512 10 10 5
massive iron door~
massive iron door~
195 -1 50500 10 10 5
0 -1 50519 10 10 5
silk tapestries~
The tapestries each depict several black-robed clerics of Morkith during

acts of sacrifice.  One tapestry shows a elf strapped to a black stone

altar while a cloaked priest raises a wavy-bladed dagger high above his

head, preparing to impale the elf.  Another tapestry shows several

clerics standing in a circle watching as a human is devoured by a shadowy

beast.  One extremely large tapestry catches your eye as it portrays a

horde of demons slaughtering an elven village with great detail;

decapitated bodies lie scattered between the small huts and elves impaled

in pikes rise above the horizon.

grotesque mural floor~
The mural has been painted by a skilled hand and depicts a very grotesque

scene of a feast of flesh.  Several horned demons sit at a large stone

table tearing the limbs from the corpses of several elves, humans and

dwarves.  Chalices filled with blood from the dead are passed around the

table as are plates with heaps of flesh upon them.  Behind the table a

river of blood flows by rapidly, littered with the floating corpses of

gnomes and halflings.  One extremely large demon with black, scaled skin

sits at the head of the table with the head of a high elf held

triumphitly above him.  Examining it more closely you notice in the far

corner of the mural, behind the table of demons sits a shadowy figure

draped in flowing black robes surveying the feast.

chandelier bones candles tallow~
The chandelier is composed of several humanoid leg and arm bones with

their skulls used as candle holders.  Atop the skulls rest long black

tallow candles which flicker with purplish flame, shedding a small amount

of light on the chamber and surrounding hallways.  Bits of flesh still

hang from a few of the skulls as does droplets of blood.  The chandalier

is held in place by a thick metal chain which heads up towards the

ceiling but quickly vanishes from sight as it reaches a blanket of

darkness which the candles do not seem to penetrate.

room = find_room( 50501 );

send_to_room( #chant, room );

@RThe sound of chanting fills the still air of the temple, echoing down

the dark stone corridors.

2 500 0

Black Temple - Bloody Hallway~
The smooth black obsidian walls of the hallway here are covered in a

thick layer of blood.  Large cracks running along the length of the

ceiling drip with fresh blood which slowly trickles down the walls and

onto the floor where a large puddle has collected.  Partially entombed in

the eastern wall are the skeletal remains of a large humanoid.  To the

south a large, faintly lit chamber opens up while to the north the

hallway continues into darkness.

301465609 0 6 0
0 -1 50503 10 10 5
0 -1 50501 10 10 5
smooth black obsidian walls~
The smooth black obsidian walls of the hallway are covered in a thick

layer of blood which slowly runs down and collects into a puddle upon the

floor.  Every crevice and seam within the wall is covered with the

crimson liquid and the light emanating from the south hallway bounces off

of it and causes the chamber to glow with a red aura.

cracks ceiling~
Various cracks run down the length of the ceiling from within which

droplets of blood drip down and slowly trickle down the walls and collect

into a puddle which spans the width of the floor.  The cracks are no more

than four inches wide and within a few of them you can see the faint

glint of something metallic everytime the light hits them.

The puddle of blood spans the width of the hallway here, covering every

inch of the floor and rising to a height of three inches.  Tiny bubbles

rise to the surface of the puddle occasionally and swirls can be seen

flowing upon its surface, as if something were breathing beneath it.

eastern skeletal remains humanoid~
The skeleton entombed within the eastern wall is covered in blood which

stands out against its blackened bones.  A pair of decaying eyes rest

within its eye sockets and pieces of flesh still cling from its skull. 

The skeleton's left arm is completely buried beneath the black obsidian

stone but his right arm, which slowly swings back and forth, hangs freely

from his shoulder.  Looking at the skull carefully you notice that a few

of its teeth are made of gold and silver.


Black Temple - Bloody Hallway~
A steady sheet of blood flows down the walls, rippling as it runs over

the cracks between each stone.  The air is filled with the overwhelming

stench of decaying flesh and its source appears to be a large mound of

decomposing flesh lying in the center of the hallway.  Almost hidden

beneath the waterfalls of blood you notice two reddish-colored iron

doors, covered with large metal seals, set into the east and west walls. 

The hallway continues to the north and south where you can hear the sound

of rushing water.

301465609 0 6 0
0 -1 50504 10 10 5
iron door~
iron door~
195 -1 50574 10 10 5
0 -1 50502 10 10 5
iron door~
iron door~
195 -1 50573 10 10 5
mound decomposing flesh~
Large strips of decaying flesh litter the center of the hallway here,

stacked chaotically into a large mound.  Puddles of fresh blood still

cover the bits of flesh as does strands of black and gray hair.  From

beneath the mound of flesh you can see the hand of a skeleton with a

crimson and black ring attached to its finger, peeking out.  An

overwhelming stench of decay wafts up from the mound, mingling in the air

with the scent of fresh blood.

reddish-colored iron doors east west~
The doors are fairly small, barely high enough to allow a gnome-sized man

to pass through without ducking.  Various dents and scratches scar the

surface of the doors, each filled with a heavy layer of rust.  The doors

are void of handles or keyholes, making them impossible to open.  Upon

each door is a large @Wwhite seal@n which shimmers with a faint white


white seals~
The seal has been formed in the shape of a large tower shield and bears

the image of a phoenix with its wings outstretched upon it.  Several

small, clear crystals have been embedded along the edges of the seal and

glow with a pale blue light.  An aura of magic pulses around the border

of the seal but it does so very faintly as the magic has become weakened.

room = find_room( 50503 );

send_to_room( #break, room );

open( room, east );

@WWith a flash of white light the seal upon the northern door cracks in

half and suddenly begins to swing open accompanied by the sound of

grinding stone.

0 0 0
room = find_room( 50503 );

send_to_room( #break, room );

open( room, west );

@WWith a flash of white light the seal upon the northern door cracks in

half and suddenly begins to swing open accompanied by the sound of

grinding stone.

0 0 0

Black Temple - Beneath a Waterfall of Blood~
From a large crack running along the length of the ceiling a waterfall of

blood pours down upon the room, causing it to splatter against the walls

and yourself.  The puddle of blood on the bowl-shaped floor has

accumulated over time and nearly reaches your knees.  Painted onto the

westeren wall is a mural depicting worshippers of Morkith sacrificing

chalices of blood to their dark god.  A cube-shaped stone niche has been

carved into the western wall just beneath the mural; the hint of

something metallic shining from within it.

301465609 0 6 0
0 -1 50505 10 10 5
0 -1 50503 10 10 5
cube-shaped niche~
The niche has been carved into a cube shape measuring four inches by four

inches and its interior is coated with a slippery crimson ooze.  Within

the niche the glint of something metallic can be faintly seen every few

moments as light reaches it.

western wall mural~
The mural painted across the western wall depicts several black-robed

priests of Morkith impaling humans strapped to stone altars and draining

their blood into black iron chalices.  Some of the priests kneel before a

statue of Morkith behind the altar with their chalices raised toward it

while others drink the crimson fluid from them.  A river of blood flows

from the base of the altar and down beneath the priest's feet where it

collects into a large basin carved into the floor.  Within the basin you

notice the heads of a few elves floating along the surface.

crack ceiling~
The crack runs along the width of the ceiling and from within it a

waterfall of blood flows forth.  The crack is a mere three inches wide,

but the blood gushes out from it in great spurts.

waterfall blood~
The blood flowing from the crack falls like a waterfall, sending gushes

of it slapping against the floor and splattering everywhere.  An enormous

puddle has collected upon the floor, nearly reaching your knees from

where the waterfall drains out.  Tiny bits of flesh occasionally can be

seen falling along with the blood within the waterfall as it pours down.

The puddle of blood is fairly deep due to the bowl-shaped depression

within the floor.  Bits of flesh float along its surface and tiny bubbles

occasionally rise to its surface, as if something beneath it were


niche cube-shaped stone~
if( !is_player( ch ) )


if( is_player( ch ) ) {

  if( rflag( reset0, room ) ) {

    remove_rflag( reset0, room );

    if( random( 1, 20 ) < 4 ) {

      act_tochar( #found, ch );

      act_notchar( #found1, ch );

      obj_to_char( oload( 1669 ), ch );





act_tochar( #nope, ch );

act_notchar( #nope1, ch );

@WYou carefully search to the stone niche and grasp a sharp metal object.

@W$n carefully searches the stone niches and suddenly yelps in pain and

he grasps something.

@WYou carefully search the stone niche but find nothing of interest.

@W$n carefully searches the stone niche but finds nothing of interest.

0 0 0
819 17 1509949540 -2 13

Black Temple - Hallway Intersection~
Unlit torches hang from the walls of the intersection here, each covered

in ages of dust and cobwebs.  Upon the ceiling an enormous mural has been

painted, depicting the dark god Morkith calling forth an army of

skeletons to raze a small elven village.  To the north lies a small,

brightly lit chamber in which you can see a large stone slab raised above

the floor.  To the east, west and south dark corridors make their way

through the ground floor of the temple.

301465609 0 6 0
0 -1 50520 10 10 5
0 -1 50506 10 10 5
0 -1 50504 10 10 5
0 -1 50513 10 10 5
The many torches which hang from the walls in iron holders are covered in

several layers of dust and cobwebs, testament to the lack of use the

temple has fallen into.

ceiling mural painted~
Painted by expert hands, the mural depicts very realistically the dark

god Morkith summoning thousands of skeleton warriors towards a small

elven village.  Poised in front of the small thatch huts are several slim

elven archers and footmen.  High elven lords, mounted atop pegasi stand

in front of their troops with their war bows in hand, ready to repel the

invaders.  The small forest surrounding the village is abundant with

several sets of glowing red eyes which glare towards the elves.  Leading

the skeleton regiment is an imposing looking death knight clad in

midnight black armor and wielding a massive blood-stained pike.  The sky

above is filled with dark clouds which can be vaguely seen due to the

lack of moonlight but the ghostly image of Morkith appears hovering over

them, watching....waiting.


Black Temple - A Dark Corridor~
The dark obsidian walls of the corridor seem to absorb every bit of

light, making it impossible to see more than an arms-length in front of

you.  Unlit torches hang from the northern wall, covered in ages of

cobwebs and dust.  The remains of an intricate carving can be seen upon

the floor, although slabs of stone are missing making it hard to

recognize what it once depicted.  Set into the southern wall is a heavy

black iron door, covered in a large white seal.  To the east and west the

corridor continues to make its way around the temple.

301465609 0 6 0
0 -1 50507 10 10 5
heavy black iron door~
heavy black iron door~
471 -1 50575 10 10 5
0 -1 50505 10 10 5
walls dark obsidian~
The smooth, featureless walls are composed of black obsidian which seem

to absorb every bit of light that touches them, making the hallway appear

unnaturally dark.  A few unlit torches hang from the walls, covered in

ages of dust and cobwebs.

Several unlit torches, covered in many years of cobwebs and dust, hang

from iron sconces on the northern wall.  The sconces themselves are

covered in rust and look as though they could break free from the wall at

any moment.

floor intricate carving~
The finely crafted tiled stone floor shows signs of ancient carvings that

once resided upon it, but time has taken its toll and many slabs of stone

have chipped away, making identification of the mural impossible. 

Examining it carefully you can barely recognize small figures which look

like armor-clad knights.

southern wall black iron door~
Set into the southern wall is a heavy black iron door which is scarred by

large dents and scratches.  No handles, doorknobs or any means of opening

it are visible.  Stretching across the door is a large @Wwhite seal@n

which shimmers with a faint white aura.

white seal~
The seal has been formed in the shape of a large tower shield and bears

the image of a phoenix with its wings outstretched upon it.  Several

small, clear crystals have been embedded along the edges of the seal and

glow with a pale blue light.  An aura of magic pulses around the border

of the seal but it does so very faintly as the magic has become weakened.

room = find_room( 50506 );

send_to_room( #break, room );

open( room, south );

@WWith a flash of white light the seal upon the northern door cracks in

half and suddenly begins to swing open accompanied by the sound of

grinding stone.

0 0 0

Black Temple - Dark Corridor~
The corridor is extremely dark and every bit of light is only able to

illuminate the chamber no more than a foot in front of you.  A single

stone pillar has been set against the northern wall, carved in the

likeness of a skeleton lunging out in attack.  Intricate black obsidian

arches covered in strange markings have been erected to the east and

south.  Dark hallways stretch out to the east, west and south from here,

continuing through the vast temple.

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50565 10 10 5
0 -1 50508 10 10 5
0 -1 50506 10 10 5
stone pillar skeleton~
The pillar has been carved to resemble a skeleton clad in heavy platemail

lunging out with a stone sword in hand.  The eyes of the statue are

composed of black diamonds which glint in the light and appear as if the

statue were blinking.  The sword in the skeleton's hand is a finely

crafted broadsword and the creator left no detail out; the sword has been

replicated right down to the grooves on the pommel.  A cold wind blows

about the area of the pillar, chilling you to the bone.

intricate black obsidian arches~
The arches have been carved from highly-polished blocks of obsidian which

show no signs of blemishes whatsoever.  Strange markings have been etched

along each of the arches, although their meaning is foreign to you.  Only

one of the markings looks similar to something you've seen before and

that is the mark of Morkith, the ever-present open eye within a triangle.


Black Temple - Between a Pair of Entombed Skeletons~
The hallway here is filled waist-high with skulls and rib bones that

resemble those of humanoid beings.  Entombed in the eastern and western

walls are a pair of skeletons, each still wearing a suit of field

platemail which peeks out from within the rock.  Within the skeletons'

hands are long, razor-sharp scimitars which cross each other a few feet

above your head.  To the south and north the hallway continues into a

blanket of darkness.

[Terek] 50513, tis the room

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50507 10 10 5
0 -1 50509 10 10 5
skulls rib bones hallway~
Skulls and rib bones fill the hallway here, reaching up to your waist. 

The bones look like those from a humanoid species but their shape has

been warped, making true identification impossible.  Tiny teeth marks,

like those made from a rat, scar the surface of the bones.  Slabs of

rotting flesh can been seen just beneath the surface of the mounds,

wafting an overwhelming stench of decay into the air.

walls skeletons~
Entombed within the east and west walls are a pair of skeletons still

wearing a suit of field platemail and holding scimitars up towards the

ceilings.  Only a quarter of the skeletons have been entombed within the

stone and their bones have been blackened as if burned by fire.  Within

the eyesockets of the skeletons are small red rubies which have been

firmly set into place.  The swords each skeleton wields cross each other

just above your head, forming an arch.  Within the rib cage of the

eastern skeleton you notice a portion of the stone is covered in cobwebs

but you can see something beneath them.

cage cobwebs stone~
Peering into the rib cage of the skeleton you notice a small outline of a

triangle, covered by a thick layer of cobwebs, etched into the stone. 

The triangle is set into a depression within which a slick, crimson

liquid coats the stone.

i = 10d10+250;

act_tochar( #slash, ch );

act_notchar( #slash1, ch );

dam_message( ch, i, "The crossing of the blades" );

inflict( ch, mob, i, "the skeletal guardians of Morkith" );


@RAs you attempt to advance further down the hallway the skeletons

entombed in the wall suddenly animate and bring their swords down in a

deadly arc!

@RAs $n attempts to advance further down the hallway the skeletons

entombed in the wall suddenly animate and bring their swords down in a

deadly arc above $s head!

3 0 5
if( class( ch ) == cleric ) {

  Wait( 1 );

  act_tochar( #presence, ch );

  act_notchar( #presence1, ch );

  interpret( ch, "scream" );



else {

act_tochar( #cold, ch );

interpret( ch, "shiver" );


@WAs you enter the room you are overcome with a sense of peril as you

quickly look around you cannot see anything to support the feeling but

you sense a strange presence in the chamber.

@W$n stops dead in $s tracks and frantically looks around the chamber in

a sudden panic.

@CA bone-chilling cold rushes through your body and then quickly


1 0 5
insert place put~
rune triangle metal~
if( has_obj( 1669, ch ) ) {

  obj = has_obj( 1669, ch );

  junk_obj( obj, 1 );

  act_tochar( #open, ch );

  act_notchar( #open1, ch );

  Wait( 2 );

  Act_room( #flash, ch );

  loop( all_in_room ) {

    do_spell( blind, rch );


  Wait( 3 );

  act_room( #rumble, ch );

  acode( find_room( 50503 ), 2 );

  loop( all_in_room ) {

    if( is_player( rch ) )

      do_spell( cure blindness, rch );



@eYou insert the rune into the carving and watch as it pulses with a deep

red light.

@e$n inserts the rune into the carving and watch as it pulses with a deep

red light.

@eSuddenly a flash of bright white light illuminates the hallway and

leaves you blinded!

@eThe cloak of blindness dissipates and suddenly the hallway is shaken by

a violent tremor accompanied by the sound of stone grinding and than a

moment later it stops, leaving the temple with only utter silence.

0 0 0

Black Temple - Along a Wall of Skulls~
A steady sheet of water pouring through large cracks in the ceiling

coats the skulls set into the walls of the corridor.  The skulls here

look fairly new, some still retaining their decaying eyes and others

still retaining all of their flesh and hair.  Sticking out of the western

and eastern walls are partially entombed shields and a few swords with

their blades pointed outwards.  Peering closely at the wall you notice a

few eyes within the skulls blink occasionally.  The corridor continues to

the north and south, along the wall of skulls.

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50508 10 10 5
0 -1 50510 10 10 5
east west walls skulls~
The skulls entombed in this section of hallway look as though they were

placed here recently as many of them still retain flesh and hair and eyes

still lie in the sockets of a few of them.  Each of the skull's mouths

have been locked open and look as if they were screaming.

shields swords~
The shields entombed within the walls have each been dyed a fiery orange

color and their edges lined with golden rivets.  The majority of the face

of the shields are hidden beneath the rock but you notice a design on its

surface which is nothing more than a few weaving lines.  The swords are

fairly new, covered in only a light layer of rust.  Their blades still

look extremely sharp and able to cut through bone and flesh easily.  The

swords in the east and west walls nearly touch each other due to the way

they were entombed, leaving anyone passing through the hallway to have to

weave and squeeze past them.


Black Temple - Along a Wall of Skulls~
The eastern and walls walls of this corridor are composed entirely of

humanoid skulls entombed in dark stone.  Bits of flesh still hang from a

few of the skulls, as if they were recently placed in the wall.  A puddle

of blood has collected just below the eastern wall, pouring out from the

eyesockets of a blackened skull.  A continuous, low moan, barely louder

than a whisper, rises up from within the walls.  To the north and south

the corridor continues through the temple.

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50509 10 10 5
0 -1 50511 10 10 5
walls eastern western~
The walls of this corridor are made up entirely of humanoid skulls which

have been entombed in the black obsidian stone.  Most of the skulls have

been stripped of some of their flesh, leaving only bleach-white bone, a

few strands of grey hair and small pieces of flesh.  Looking closely you

notice the eyes in a few of the skulls have rotted away, leaving only a

small lump of grey matter.  Within the eastern wall a blackened skull of

what looks to be a minotaur stands out from the rest as blood pours out

from its eyesockets.

The puddle of blood spans the entire width of the hallway and slowly

edges its way southwards.  Following the stream of blood you see it spews

forth from the eyesockets of a blackened skull which resembles that of a


blackened skull minotaur~
The skull is amazingly larger than the others entombed in the wall and it

has been shaded a deep black.  Two sharp horns protrude from atop it and

gleam with a glint of fresh blood.  Its eyesockets are empty and within

them you can only see the stone in which the skull is entombed.  A steady

stream of blood flows from the mouth of the skull yet when you peer

inside it you cannot find anything that it could originate from.


Black Temple - A Dark Corridor~
Several unlit torches, each covered in a black mold, hang from the

southern wall of the corridor.  Carved into the center of the floor is

the image of a robed priest pointing toward the ceiling.  The

overwhelming stench of decaying flesh fills this section of the corridor. 

Thick cobwebs hang down from the ceiling, obscuring the passageways to

the east and north.  Hallways stretch out to the east, west and north

from here, continuing through the darkness of the temple.

301465609 0 6 0
0 -1 50510 10 10 5
0 -1 50561 10 10 5
0 -1 50512 10 10 5
Several unlit torches hang from the southern wall, each covered in a

block mold.  The thin strips of wood which compose the shaft of the

torches are splintered badly and warped, having been placed here quite

some time ago.  Tinder still rests within each of the torches but is

quite damp, making them quite useless.

black mold~
The black mold covers each of the torches and appears to have a corrosive

compound as it sizzles and slowly eats away at the wood.  Examining it

carefully you notice ripples run across its short, hair-like crust, as if

it were moving.

floor robed priest~
The carving upon the floor depicts a robe-priest with greenish-colored

diamonds for eyes pointing towards the ceiling.  Examining the carving

carefully you notice great care has been taken to recreate the person it

was modeled after; the wrinkles in his skin are clearly visible and even

a scar across his right eye has been made part of it.  Upon the left

cheek of the priest is a tattoo of a triangle with an eye in the center

of it.


Black Temple - A Dark Corridor~
Darkness envelops this section of the corridor, yet no amount of light

shed on the chamber illuminates it more than a few inches in front of you. 

The dark obsidian stones of the walls show no signs of blemishes, showing

the temple was built by very skilled hands.  The curved ceiling above you

has had a mural painted across its surface depicting a horde of skeletons

rushing a city resembling Medienne.  In the center of the southern wall a

single stone has been colored an ash-grey.  Set into the northern wall is

a heavy iron door, covered in a white seal.  To the east and west

corridors stretch out into different sections of the temple.

[Terek] 5th triangle

301465609 0 6 0
heavy iron door~
heavy iron door~
211 -1 50572 10 10 5
0 -1 50511 10 10 5
0 -1 50501 10 10 5
mural ceiling skeletons~
The mural depicts a legion of skeletal warriors rushing through a

grass-filled meadow and scaling over the walls of a city which resembles

that of Medienne far to the south.  Skeletons man heavy siege catapaults

as they bombard the helpless town and undead pikemen impale the guards of

the city as they charge blindly into the fray.  Amidst the haze of the

battle you see two figures standing atop the walls of the city, a tall

human wielding a large morningstar and a shadowy figure which resembles

nothing more than the outline of a human.

southern wall~
The sheer black obsidian stone of the southern wall has been crafted

perfectly, showing no signs of blemishes of imperfections except for a

discolored ash-grey stone which lies just a few feet above the base of

the wall.  The stone looks different from the others in both color and


discolored stone ash-grey~
The stone is significantly smaller then the other stones which make up

the wall, leaving a two inch gap between itself and the others.  It has

been shaded an ash-grey color and looking closely you notice in the

center of it the outline of a triangle has been etched into its surface.

heavy iron door~
The door is made from thick iron which is scarred with several dents. 

Examining it closely you notice the dents do not come from the outside

but rather from the inside.  Strapped across the door is a large

@b@Wwhite seal@n which shimmers faintly.

white seal~
The seal has been formed in the shape of a large tower shield and bears

the image of a phoenix with its wings outstretched upon it.  Several

small, clear crystals have been embedded along the edges of the seal and

glow with a pale blue light.  An aura of magic pulses around the border

of the seal but it does so very faintly as the magic has become weakened.

room = find_room( 50512 );

send_to_room( #break, room );

open( room, north );

@WWith a flash of white light the seal upon the northern door cracks in

half and suddenly begins to swing open accompanied by the sound of

grinding stone.

0 0 0
insert place put~
rune triangle metal~
if( has_obj( 1669, ch ) ) {

  obj = has_obj( 1669, ch );

  junk_obj( obj, 1 );

  act_tochar( #open, ch );

  act_notchar( #open1, ch );

  Wait( 2 );

  Act_room( #flash, ch );

  loop( all_in_room ) {

    if( is_player( rch ) )

      do_spell( blind, rch );


  Wait( 3 );

  act_room( #rumble, ch );

  acode( find_room( 50513 ), 1 );

  loop( all_in_room ) {

    if( is_player( rch ) )

      do_spell( cure blindness, rch );



@eYou insert the rune into the carving and watch as it pulses with a deep

red light.

@e$n inserts the rune into the carving and watch as it pulses with a deep

red light.

@eSuddenly a flash of bright white light illuminates the hallway and

leaves you blinded!

@eThe cloak of blindness dissipates and suddenly the hallway is shaken by

a violent tremor accompanied by the sound of stone grinding and than a

moment later it stops, leaving the temple with only utter silence.

0 0 0

Black Temple - Flickering Hallway~
Torches line the walls of this narrow hallway, their flames flickering

with a greenish flame.  Shadows dance across the walls and some seem to

have their own shape and move about at their own free will.  Ancient

runes and arcane glyphs have been carved into the floor and walls, each

pulsing with a purple light.  Set into the southern wall is a heavy steel

door, covered in splatters of fresh blood.  The hallway continues to the

east and west from here.

301465609 0 6 0
0 -1 50505 10 10 5
heavy steel door~
heavy steel door~
455 -1 50576 10 10 5
0 -1 50514 10 10 5
Several dozen torches line the walls of the hallway, each burning with an

unnatural bright green flame which causes shadows to dance across the

smooth black obsidian stone.  Upon the shaft of each torch are several

small runes which pulse with a dim green light.

floor runes arcane glyphs walls~
Each of the runes on the walls and floor are completely foreign to you,

their meaning lost centuries ago as the priests of the temple vanished. 

All of the runes are exactly the same as the others, a triangle bordered

by small black diamonds.  The symbols pulse with a fiery purple aura

which dims and brightens at its own free will.  Examining all of the

runes you notice one of them stands out from all the others.  It is

shaped like a phoenix with its wings outstretched and pulses with a

orange aura and a ray of light shines from within it and strikes the door

across the hall.

heavy steel door~
The door is fairly bulky and plated in many steel bands and steel rivets. 

Splatters of fresh blood cover the surface of the door and slowly trickle

down it where a small puddle has collected.  Covering the door is a large

@Wwhite seal@n which shimmers with a white aura.

white seal~
The seal has been formed in the shape of a large tower shield and bears

the image of a phoenix with its wings outstretched upon it.  Several

small, clear crystals have been embedded along the edges of the seal and

glow with a pale blue light.  An aura of magic pulses around the border

of the seal but it does so very faintly as the magic has become weakened.

room = find_room( 50513 );

send_to_room( #break, room );

open( room, south );

@WWith a flash of white light the seal upon the northern door cracks in

half and suddenly begins to swing open accompanied by the sound of

grinding stone.

0 0 0

Black Temple - Flickering Hallway~
Dark shapes move swiftly across the walls of the hallway, some taking on

the forms of clawed beasts.  Only silence fills the air of the temple and

not even the sound of sputtering torches can be heard.  Several intricate

runes have been carved onto the floor and their grooves have been filled

with a crimson-colored liquid.  To the east and west the hallway

continues to remain lit by torches while to the south it is pitch black.

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50513 10 10 5
0 -1 50515 10 10 5
0 -1 50566 10 10 5
floor intricate runes~
Three rows of runes, each carved into a different shape, have been etched

into the cold stone floor.  Their grooves have each been filled with a

crimson-colored liquid which is fairly thick.  The first row consists of

several 'S' shaped runes with a line down their center.  The second row

is composed of four oval-shaped runes which resemble an open eye.  The

third line is a mixture, consisting of two oval runes, a triangle-shaped

depression, and three wiggly lines moving horizontally.

place put insert~
piece triangular black metal rune Morkith~
if( has_obj( 1669, ch ) ) {

  obj = has_obj( 1669, ch );

  junk_obj( obj, 1 );

  act_tochar( #open, ch );

  act_notchar( #open1, ch );

  Wait( 2 );

  Act_room( #flash, ch );

  loop( all_in_room ) {

    if( is_player( rch ) )

      do_spell( blind, rch );


  Wait( 3 );

  act_room( #rumble, ch );

  acode( find_room( 50512 ), 1 );

  loop( all_in_room ) {

    if( is_player( rch ) )

      do_spell( cure blindness, rch );



@eYou insert the rune into the carving and watch as it pulses with a deep

red light.

@e$n inserts the rune into the carving and watch as it pulses with a deep

red light.

@eSuddenly a flash of bright white light illuminates the hallway and

leaves you blinded!

@eThe cloak of blindness dissipates and suddenly the hallway is shaken by

a violent tremor accompanied by the sound of stone grinding and than a

moment later it stops, leaving the temple with only utter silence.

0 0 0
if( mob_in_room( 1810, room ) )


if( !is_player( ch ) )


if( random( 1, 10 ) < 5 ) {

  if( rflag( reset1, room ) ) {

    remove_rflag( reset1, room );

    act_room( #shadows, ch );

    close( room, west );

    close( room, east );

    close( room, south );

    mload( 1810, room );

    mob = mob_in_room( 1810, room );

    victim = ch;

    attack_weapon( mob, victim, 6d5+80, "shadow strike" );

    Wait( 1 );

    open( room, south );

    open( room, east );

    open( room, west );



@BShadows bound across the walls around you and suddenly you catch a

glimpse of a gleaming claw just as one of the shadows becomes solid and


1 0 14

Black Temple - Slime Covered Corridor~
A large puddle of black slime, about three feet deep, fills this section

of the corridor.  Bubbles burst along the surface of the slime sending

white clouds of smoke into the air.  Ripples roll across the puddle, as

if something were underneath it, moving swiftly.  Lodged in the gaping

crack in the western wall of the corridor is a humanoid skull, covered in

black slime and a thick reddish liquid.  To the north the corridor

becomes brightly lit by a greenish glow, while to the south it remains

pitch black.

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50514 10 10 5
0 -1 50516 10 10 5
puddle black slime~
The puddle which dominates the entire corridor is composed of a blackish

slime which sizzles constantly.  The puddle rises to a height of three

feet and small bubbles rise to its surface occasionally, bursting and

spewing forth a white cloud of caustic smoke.  Ripples run across the

surface of the pool constantly, like something were beneath it swimming

at a rapid rate.

western wall gaping crack~
The crack in the western wall is about three feet wide and leads into

utter darkness.  Black ooze coats its craggy edges and slowly dribbles

down towards the puddle on the floor.  Lodged in the center of the crack

is a large humanoid skull, coated with the black substance and a thick

layer of blood.

humanoid skull~
The skull is the size of an ogres and is scarred with various defects

from missing teeth to a wide, flattened forehead.  A thick layer of blood

and black ooze coat the skill and mix with each other, creating a

swirling vortex of crimson and charcoal-black liquid.  Lodged in the eye

of the skull is a small dagger blade, broken off at its center.

if( !is_player( ch ) )


if( mob_in_room( 1344, room ) )


if( rflag( reset0, room ) ) {

  remove_rflag( reset0, room );

  act_room( #blast, ch );

  close( room, north );

  close( room, south );

  mload( 1344, room );

  mob = mob_in_room( 1344, room );

  victim = ch;

  attack_weapon( mob, victim, 5d5+55, "acid blast" );

  open( room, south );

  open( room, north );


@BThe slime in the corridor begins to bubble violently and suddenly

tendrils of the ooze lash out to strike!

1 0 5

Black Temple - Slime Covered Corridor~
A wide crack runs along the length of the black obsidian ceiling; large

globs of black slime drop down from within it.  The black slime which

covers every bit of the corridor here sizzles loudly as it slowly eats at

the stone, as if it were acid.  Carved into the eastern wall, nearly

hidden beneath the ooze, is the outline of a small triangle.  Partially

buried in the stone wall on the western side of the corridor are several

small, shiny gems, each twinkling in the light.  To the north and south

the corridor continues into darkness.

[Terek] 3rd triangle.

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50515 10 10 5
0 -1 50517 10 10 5
eastern wall outline triangle~
A single stone in the eastern wall, covered by a thick layer of black

ooze, has had the form of a triangle etched into its surface and drives

down about one inch into the stone itself.  Sizzling black slime slowly

eats away at the stone but despite the acid, the carving repels the acid

and appears undamage.

wide crack ceiling~
The large, gaping crack runs down the length of the ceiling and from

within it huge globs of black ooze drop down and smack into the floor. 

The ooze sizzles and smokes as it hits the floor and wafts a cloud of

corrosive smoke into the air which causes your eyes to water.

western wall shiny gems~
The gems entombed in the western wall seem unphased by the stone-eating

slime and the stone around them is undamaged by it.  Each of the gems has

been cut into the shape of a perfect oval and its face shows no signs of

blemishes or defects.  Occasionally the gems let off a faint glitter from

the light that hits them.

if( !is_player( ch ) )


if( mob_in_room( 1344, room ) )


if( rflag( reset0, room ) ){

  remove_rflag( reset0, room );

  act_room( #blast, ch );

  close( room, north );

  close( room, south );

  mload( 1344, room );

  mob = mob_in_room( 1344, room );

  victim = ch;

  attack_weapon( mob, victim, 5d5+55, "acid blast" );

  open( room, south );

  open( room, north );


@b@RThe black ooze begins to bubble violently and suddenly explodes,

spraying an acidic slime everywhere!

1 0 5
insert place put~
rune triangle metal~
if( has_obj( 1669, ch ) ) {

  obj = has_obj( 1669, ch );

  junk_obj( obj, 1 );

  act_tochar( #open, ch );

  act_notchar( #open1, ch );

  Wait( 2 );

  Act_room( #flash, ch );

  loop( all_in_room ) {

    if( is_player( rch ) )

      do_spell( blind, rch );


  Wait( 3 );

  act_room( #rumble, ch );

  acode( find_room( 50506 ), 1 );

  loop( all_in_room ) {

    if( is_player( rch ) )

      do_spell( cure blindness, rch );



@eYou insert the rune into the carving and watch as it pulses with a deep

red light.

@e$n inserts the rune into the carving and watch as it pulses with a deep

red light.

@eSuddenly a flash of bright white light illuminates the hallway and

leaves you blinded!

@eThe cloak of blindness dissipates and suddenly the hallway is shaken by

a violent tremor accompanied by the sound of stone grinding and than a

moment later it stops, leaving the temple with only utter silence.

0 0 0

Black Temple - Slime Covered Corridor~
The corridor is very narrow here, barely wide enough to allow a single

human-sized man to pass through.  Written down the eastern wall is a line

of ancient glyphs and writing, covered in ages of dust and grime.  The

slime in this section of the corridor is fairly deep, reaching nearly up

to your waist due to the bowl-shaped depression within the floor.  Above

you a large series of cobwebs, each filled with dead flies and maggots,

obscures the ceiling.  The corridor continues to the north and south

where a faint slurping noise can be heard.

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50516 10 10 5
0 -1 50518 10 10 5
eastern wall ancient glyphs and writing~
The glyphs and writing upon the eastern wall are covered in ages of dust

and grime but can still be clearly seen.  The ancient writing is

completely foreign to you and you recognize none of the shapes or series

of lines which it is made up of.  Each of the glyphs glow with a very

faint yellow aura which can be barely seen from beneath the grime.  A

heavy presence of magic covers the writings and glyphs, which has allowed

them to withstand the test of time.

cobwebs ceiling flies maggots dead~
The cobwebs are thick and littered with the remains of dead flies and

maggots.  Small balls of silken thread rest scattered about the delicate

webbing and looking closely you can see bugs entombed within them.  The

cobwebs completely obscure the ceiling except for a small section of

black obsidian stone, curved and tiled by skilled hands.

if( !is_player( ch ) )


if( mob_in_room( 1344, room ) )


if( rflag( reset0, room ) ){

  remove_rflag( reset0, room );

  act_room( #drip, ch );

  close( room, north );

  close( room, south );

  mload( 1344, room );

  mob = mob_in_room( 1344, room );

  victim = ch;

  attack_weapon( mob, victim, 5d5+55, "burning touch" );

  open( room, south );

  open( room, north );


@b@RThe black goo dripping from the ceiling slowly begins to rise taking

on a humanoid shape which quickly lashes out to attack!

1 0 5

Black Temple - Slime Covered Corridor~
Clouds of white smoke fill this section of the corridor, causing your

eyes to burn and water.  A thick layer of black ooze coats the walls,

ceiling, and floor of this chamber, sizzling as it eats away the obsidian

stonework.  A large puddle of ooze covers the floor here, churning and

bubbling violently.  Resting along the edge of the puddle are fragments

of bone, horribly disfigured and warped beyond any recognition.  To the

lies west a brightly-lit section of hallway while to the north and east

it proceeds into darkness.

add acode

[Merior] is metallic gonna be an action?

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50517 10 10 5
0 -1 50519 10 10 5
0 -1 50570 10 10 5
layer black ooze walls ceiling floor~
The thick black ooze which coats the walls, floor and ceiling of the

chamber is highly corrosive; it slowly eats away the obsidian stones

causing them to sizzle and smoke.  Tiny bubbles float to the surface of

the slime and burst causing a small puff of sulfuric smoke to waft into

the air.  The slime slowly drips off the walls and falls to the floor

where a large puddle has collected.

The puddle spans the entire width of the hallway and proceeds down the

northern stretch of it.  Ripples run across its surface and tiny bubbles

rise to the top and burst, releasing a noxious gas.  Small, shiny objects

can be seen floating atop it, gleaming as the light hits the metallic

objects.  Fragments of bone lie along the edge of the pool but are

horribly disfigured and warped, making identification of the creature

they came from impossible.

fragments bone~
The fragments of bone are no more than two inches long and are horribly

warped, making identification of who they belong to impossible.  Each of

the bones has been eaten away by the ooze which it lies next to and small

holes scar its surface, making it resemble a sponge.  Sifting through the

pile you notice a few of the bones have teeth marks upon them that

resemble those made by a rat.

if( !is_player( ch ) )


if( mob_in_room( 1344, room ) )


if( rflag( reset0, room ) ){

  remove_rflag( reset0, room );

  Act_room( #wave, ch );

  close( room, north );

  close( room, south );

  mload( 1344, room );

  mob = mob_in_room( 1344, room );

  victim = ch;

  attack_weapon( mob, victim, 5d5+55, "acid burst" );

  open( room, south );

  open( room, north );


@b@RThe puddle of ooze in the center of the room begins to churn

violently as a huge glob of it forms into a humanoid shape and lunges out

for an attack!

1 0 3

Black Temple - Between a Row of Pillars~
Massive obsidian pillars rise up along the edge of the corridor here,

supporting the curved stone ceiling.  Each of the pillars has been carved

in the likeness of a dark and sinister-looking cleric with his arms

raised skyward.  Tucked in between two pillars to the north is a small

iron door, covered in a large white seal.  To the west the hallway

proceeds into blackness while to the east it heads towards a faintly-lit


301465609 0 6 0
small iron door~
small iron door~
195 -1 50571 10 10 5
0 -1 50501 10 10 5
0 -1 50518 10 10 5
obsidian pillars statues cleric~
These massive black obsidian pillars which support the curved ceiling

have been finely crafted leaving no signs of stone-working tools or

blemishes.  Each of the statues has been carved in the likeness of a

cleric garbed in long, flowing robes.  The eyes of statues are made from

red amethysts which twinkle in the light.  Every minute bit of detail was

given when the statues were created; each varies to reflect a different

priest varying between height and build.  Carved above the heads of the

statues are small triangles with a large eye, dyed blood-red and outlined

by small diamonds.

iron door~
This small iron door is barely large enough to allow a dwarf-sized

creature to enter.  Splatters of dried blood cover the surface of the

door as do many strange sigils.  Strapped across the door is a large

@Wwhite seal@n.

white seal~
The seal has been formed in the shape of a large tower shield and bears

the image of a phoenix with its wings outstretched upon it.  Several

small, clear crystals have been embedded along the edges of the seal and

glow with a pale blue light.  An aura of magic pulses around the border

of the seal but it does so very faintly as the magic has become weakened.

room = find_room( 50519 );

send_to_room( #break, room );

open( room, north );

@WWith a flash of white light the seal upon the northern door cracks in

half and suddenly begins to swing open accompanied by the sound of

grinding stone.

0 0 0

Black Temple - Before a Sacrifical Altar~
Unlit dark steel braziers encrusted with several hundred red and green

bloodstones fill this circular room.  Within the center of the ring of

braziers stands a large black obsidian altar on which the decaying corpse

of a human lies, a wavy-bladed dagger impaled in his chest.  The western

wall has been painted with a magnificent mural of hordes of black and red

demons rushing through a swirling portal and assaulting a legion of

gnomes, elves, humans and dwarves.  Etched into the northern wall is a

large triangle with a blood-red colored eye in the center of it.  A small

stone shelf rests on the eastern wall on which several black iron

chalices rest.  To the south a hallway extends into the vast reaches of

the temple.

Extras done

[Merior] brazier extra - have had... embedded within them

[Merior] altar extra - while another has been laid...

[Merior] altar extra around the base of the altar, but their meaning...

301466761 0 6 0
235 -1 50521 10 10 5
0 -1 50505 10 10 5
dark steel braziers~
These magnificent braziers have been molded from dark steel and has had

several red and green bloodstones embedded within it.  Each of the

bloodstones changes hues every few moments as the light from the flames

reflect off the smooth black obsidian walls and strike them.

black obsidian altar~
This large altar has been carved from two large slabs of black obsidian,

one forming its base while other having been laid across the top to form

the sacrifical table.  Ancient glyphs and runes have been etched around

the base of the altar although their meaning is unknown to you.  Attached

to each corner of the altar are sets of heavy steel shackles which are

stained with blood.  Lying sprawled out and locked in the shackles are

the decaying remains of human.

decaying remains human~
Emanating an overwhelming stench of decay and still oozing blood, the

decaying remains of this badly mutilated human is almost too ghastly to

look at it.  His legs and arms have been broken in several places and his

bleached-white bones stick out from beneath the slabs of greyish, rotting

skin.  His eyes have been cut from their sockets and placed next to his

head.  A wavy-bladed dagger has been implanted into his chest and looking

carefully you notice that his heart was torn from its cavity.

wavy-bladed dagger~
This black stone dagger has had its blade fashioned to resemble rippling

flames.  The hilt is composed of white ivory and has been molded into the

shape of a hunched-over demon.  A thick layer of dried blood coats every

inch of the dagger and bits of decaying flesh still cling to it.

western wall mural~
The mural depicts in graphic detail several red and black dragons flying

through a swirling purple and silver portal and assaulting several

regiments of gnomish infantry, elven archers, human pikemen and dwarven

berserkers.  The gnomish regiments battle hand-to-hand with the red

dragons and before them lie several dead dragons alongside at least a

hundred dead gnomes.  The archers stand at the edge of a heavily-wooded

forest unloading barrage after barrage of flaming arrows which strike the

black dragons.  The humans and dwarves battle alongside each other trying

vainly to repel a massive black dragon which is much larger than all the

others.  Scattered about the battlefield are thousands of the slain

defenders and only five dragons.

northern wall triangle blood-red eye morkith~
Covering the entire northern wall is a carving of a large blood-red eye

in the center of a triangle.  The eye itself is composed of red rubies

while the pupil is one giant black diamond.  The triangle has been

bordered with red bloodstones which have been cracked and a few shattered

into small fragments and now lie upon the floor.

shelf eastern wall~
This crude stone shelf has been made from a slab of grey stone which is

covered in droplets of dried blood.  Several black iron chalices, filled

to their rims with blood, rest along the shelf.  A larger, gem-encrusted

chalice sits in the middle of the smaller ones and within it rests a

human heart which still beats slowly.

if( is_open( room, north ) ) {

  act_tochar( #open?, ch );



if( rflag( reset1, room ) ) {

  remove_rflag( reset1, room );

  act_tochar( #1, ch, obj );

  act_notchar( #2, ch, obj );

  junk_obj( obj );

  wait( 2 );

  act_room( #smoke, ch );

  wait( 3 );

  act_room( #smoke1, ch );

  Wait( 3 );

  act_room( #open1, ch );

  open( room, north );


The altar has already been moved.

@b@YYou lay the corpse upon the altar and step back from it.

@b@Y$n lays the corpse upon the altar and steps back from it.

@b@YThe altar begins to glow faintly as you watch the blood from the

corpse slowly drain into its cracks.

@b@YAs the smoke clears you hear the sound of stone grinding as the altar

slowly sinks into the floor revealing a pitch-black hole in the northern


@b@YThe corpse suddenly explodes in a burst of flame sending a cloud of

purple smoke through the room.

5 10 0

Black Temple - Below a Spiral Staircase~
This dark, secluded alcove houses a small dark stone staircase which

spirals up to an opening in the ceiling and then out of sight.  Etched

into the walls are small carvings that resemble sword-wielding knights

rushing a legion of demons.  Upon the northern wall hangs a tattered silk

tapestry depicting a grotesque scene of demons impaling knights on their

own spears.  A small puddle of blood has collected on the floor where it

slowly drains into a small hole, no bigger than your fist, on the western

side of the room.  To the south the wall is scarred by several cracks and


301465601 0 6 0
235 -1 50520 10 10 5
0 -1 50522 10 10 5
door south s outline carved~
if( is_open( room, south ) ) {

  act_tochar( #open, ch );



act_tochar( #push, ch );

act_notchar( #push1, ch );

open( room, south );

The door is already open!

@b@RYou slowly push the small trapdoor open.

@b@R$n slowly pushes the small trapdoor open.

0 0 0

Black Temple - Above a Spiral Staircase~
Ragged and torn silk tapestries, each of the images they once depicted

now long gone, adorn the walls of this small alcove.  Scattered along the

edges of the walls are several humanoid leg and arm bones, some intact

while others have been shattered into small fragments.  In the center of

the room a dark stone staircase spirals down and out of view, heading to

the lower levels of the temple.  A large, elegantly carved adamantite

arch, adorned with various carvings and ancient writings lies directly to

the south, leading into utter darkness.

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50523 10 10 5
0 -1 50521 10 10 5
bloody handprints~
The handprints cover the walls and staircase, as if someone had tried to

crawl out on their hands and knees.  Looking closely you notice that some

of the prints look more like those of an eagle's talon rather than a

humanoid hand.


Black Temple - Entombed Within Walls of Stone~
This cubical chamber is quite small, measuring only about four by four

feet and retains an unnatural silence.  Smooth black stone walls rise up

in all directions around you, leaving no visible exits in sight.  Stone

niches have been carved into each of the walls, each containing a small,

metallic object.  Runes of protection, each shedding no light or magical

aura, have been etched into the south, east and west walls.  In the

center of each wall a block of stone has been discolored, giving way to

an ash-grey color rather than the midnight black stone which surrounds


[Terek] North is 50522

[Terek] South is 50524

[Terek] West is 50577

[Terek] East is 50583

301498494 0 6 0
writing inscription~
Written centuries ago and barely readible you manage to decipher a few

words of it reading: @e"Your eyes deceive you."@n 

1 north~
act_tochar( #pass, ch );

act_notchar( #pass1, ch );

transfer( ch, find_room( 50522 ) );

@eYou take a step into the northern wall and surprisingly, pass through

it as if it were not even there.

@e$n walks up the northern wall and in a flash of white light

mysteriously vanishes!

0 0 0

Black Temple - Scorched Hallway~
Black scorch marks scar the grey stone walls of the hallway, testament to

a massive fire that swept through the temple.  The charred remains of

several humanoids lie scattered about the floor; their flesh completely

burned away leaving only pitch-black bones.  Suits of partially melted

scale armor lie along the side of the hallway, surrounded by a pool of

hardened iron.  The remains of torches hang from the eastern and southern

walls; reduced to nothing more than mere charred sticks.  To the west the

hallway continues toward a large mound of ash while to the north it leads

into darkness.

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50523 10 10 5
0 -1 50525 10 10 5

Black Temple - Scorched Hallway~
A three foot high layer of ash covers the floor of the hallway here; bits

of blackened bone lie partially buried beneath the surface.  The hilts of

several swords and maces, covered in soot and rust, rise up above the ash. 

Standing against the western wall are the soot-covered remains of a

crumbled stone statue; its head and one arm missing.  The northern wall

bordering the hallway has several small diamonds embedded within it which

twinkile in the light.  To the east and south the hallway continues,

leaving the mounds of ash behind.

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50524 10 10 5
0 -1 50526 10 10 5
corpse knight~
The remains are that of an armored knight in white armor.  Deep holes and

gashes in his flesh and remaining armor show that he died a brutal death. 

His arm lies outstretched across the floor grasping his longsword which

he probably wielded in battle.


Black Temple - Scorched Hallway~
The hallway is utterly barren except for a thin layer of soot which

covers the walls, floor and ceiling.  The western wall of the hallway has

had several blocks of its stone discolored and looking closely you can

see faint traces of a mural which once dwelled upon it.  Several sets of

footprints can be clearly seen upon the floor, some resembling those of a

humanoid while others are completely foreign to you.  To the east a small

ray of white light breaks through the darkness of the hallway while to

the south it remains black.

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50525 10 10 5
0 -1 50527 10 10 5
0 -1 50586 10 10 5
corpses remains robed figures~
The corpses are those of many robed figures possibly priests of Morkith

as you notice some bear his mark.  A look of terror lies frozen upon

their faces as if they saw something so horrible that they died from fear.


Black Temple - Scorched Hallway~
Charred and blackened wooden support beams lean across the width of the

hallway here, each on the verge of crumbling to ash.  The walls are

severely scarred by black scorch marks and portions of the stone blocks

have been compressed into tiny diamonds.  Lying scattered about the floor

are several partially melted shields, each bearing the image of a phoenix

on their faces.  A large mound of ash lies in the northeast corner of the

room and a hint of something metallic can be seen occasionally as light

hits it.  To the west the hallway continues into darkness while to the

south a small chamber opens up, engulfed in a shimmering white light.

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50528 10 10 5
0 -1 50526 10 10 5
ash piles smoldering~
The piles of ash look to be nothing more then ashes from wood but upon

closer inspection you notice bits and pieces of bone lying withing them.


Black Temple - Before the Remains of a Knight~
This small chamber of the hallway is in perfect condition, almost as if

the fire never touched this section.  The walls are barren of any

fixtures or decorations except for small gems which have been embedded in

the stone.  Lying sprawled out in the center of the floor are the remains

of a knight clad in ivory-white armor; his hand still grasping a

shimmering white broadsword which illuminates the hallway.  A pool of

fresh blood surrounds the knight and looking carefully a message has been

written across the floor next to it.  A strange aura of magic fills the

air and creates a sense of peace and tranquility.  Despite the light

emanating from the broadsword the hallway to the north and east remains

pitch black.

[Terek] Order may be wrong..dunno exactly

301465615 0 6 0
0 -1 50527 10 10 5
0 -1 50529 10 10 5
armor-clad knight~
This once proud and honorable knight now lies dead, the temple becoming

his final resting place.  His ivory-white armor still gleams like the day

it was made showing no signs of rust or scars from battle.  His hand

grasps a shimmering white blade as if still in battle.

shimmering white blade~
The blade is made of a magnificent white steel which shimmers in the

light.  Its hilt is made from a slab of the purest mithril while the

guard has been carved to look like a phoenix with it's wings outstretched.

message blood etched floor~
Scrawled crudely from the blood of the slain knight, the message simply

reads : 

"No one escapes the wrath of Morkith"

get grab take move push~
shimmering white blade sword~
act_tochar( #grab, ch );

act_notchar( #grab1, ch );

wait( 2 );

act_room( #paladin, ch );

wait( 3 );

act_room( #paladin1, ch );

wait( 3 );

act_room( #paladin2, ch );

@WYou reach for the shimmering white blade and it suddenly vanishes as a

low moan suddenly floats through the air.

@WYou see $n reach for the shimmering white blade and it suddenly

vanishes as a loan moan suddenly floats through the air.

@WThe ghostly image of a young knight dressed in ivory-white armor

suddenly fades into view clenching a shimmering white blade.

The paladin sadly looks down towards you and says, @W"Beware adventurers,

for this is the Black Temple of Morkith, a place of the most powerful

evil known.  Many a brave paladin have ventured here like myself to

banish Morkith's followers once and for all, but alas I too have failed

like so many others."@n 

The paladin's image begins to fade from view as he speaks his final

words, @W"Do not end up like me, the evil here is far too powerful to

battle, but if you do attempt to banish the evil I can offer my services

from beyond the grave.  Seek the high priestess and slay her and if ye

shall require my help yell the words 'Silveryblade' and I shall assist

you during the battle any way I can."@n With that his image fades into

nothingness, a sorrowful wail echoing through the corridors.

0 0 0

Black Temple - Before the Impaled Remains of Knights~
Set into the smooth stone floor of the chamber are several iron pikes on

which hang the remains of several slain knights.  Bits of decaying flesh

lie scattered beneath each of the knights and blood slowly trickles off

of their gaping wounds and onto the floor where a massive puddle has

collected spanning from wall to wall.  A few of the knights appear as if

they died quite recently as none of their flesh has decayed and their

faces still retain color instead of the pale complextion of death.  To

the west another chamber opens up from which rays of bright white light

can be seen while to the north it becomes more dimly light.

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50530 10 10 5
0 -1 50528 10 10 5

Black Temple - Below a Dark Staircase~
301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50529 10 10 5
0 -1 50531 10 10 5

Black Temple - Above a Dark Staircase~
301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50532 10 10 5
0 -1 50530 10 10 5

Black Temple - Before a Great Granite Door~
301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50531 10 10 5
great granite door~
great granite door~
131 -1 50533 10 10 5
Walls Etched Scenes~
The murals depict sinister black rituals of worship to the black god

Morkith.  Great horned demons rise up from the flames of the nine hells

while black priests offer human sacrifices to Morkith.  In the very

background of the mural you catch a glimpse of a huge, black-skinned

demon with glistening red horns looming over the other demons.  observing

the dark acts with a watchful eye.


Black Temple - Worshipping Chamber~
Scattered across the floor of the room are several candles which provide

light for this large chamber.  The black obsidian walls shimmer in the

candle's light sending shadows dancing about the room.  Upon the floor

you can make out the start of an very large symbol that spans the length

of the entire chamber.  To the north a great granite door stands, covered

in odd runes.

301465601 0 6 0
great granite door~
great granite door~
131 -1 50532 10 10 5
0 -1 50541 10 10 5
0 -1 50549 10 10 5
0 -1 50534 10 10 5

Black Temple - Worshipping Chamber~
Several small shelves have been set into this northern wall, covered in

black tallow candles.  Above the shelves lie ghastly murals of demons

feasting on the flesh of mortals painted in what looks to be blood.  On

the floor below you a message has been carved straight into the stone


301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50610 10 10 5
0 -1 50533 10 10 5
0 -1 50547 10 10 5
0 -1 50535 10 10 5

Black Temple - Worshipping Chamber~
This section of the chamber is completely barren from all forms any

decorations and murals.  From this point in the chamber you can catch a

faint glimpse of a huge altar lieing to the southeast of here accompanied

by the strange feeling of being watched.

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50534 10 10 5
0 -1 50536 10 10 5

Black Temple - Worshipping Chamber~
Upon the western walls lies a huge stone carving of a magnificent scene

of demons and angels battling in the sky.  Below the mural a small block

of stone is missing from the wall replaced by a glass case containing an

odd looking item.  The chamber spans out to the north, east and south

from here.

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50535 10 10 5
0 -1 50547 10 10 5
0 -1 50537 10 10 5
0 -1 50608 10 10 5

Black Temple - Worshipping Chamber~
A single mural of the god Morkith has been carved into the western wall

from which an overpowering sense of evil emits from within it.  A silvery

seal of some type has been pressed into the wall of the mural from which

you can almost sense some good trying to overpower the evil presence.

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50536 10 10 5
0 -1 50548 10 10 5
0 -1 50538 10 10 5
0 -1 50607 10 10 5

Black Temple - Worshipping Chamber~
The walls of this section of the chamber have several white glowing runes

etched into them.  The body of a lone, black-robed priest bearing the

mark of Morkith lies before the runes with his hand outstretched toward

the runes.  Off to the east a bright light breaks through the darkness.

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50537 10 10 5
0 -1 50539 10 10 5

Black Temple - Worshipping Chamber~
The black obsidian walls are scarred by several deep niches and cuts made

by what you think could be swords, axes and other edged weapons.  Bits

and pieces of white armor lie upon the floor looking as if its user

abandoned it in a hurry.  A lone holy symbol lies upon the floor, giving

off a faint white glow.

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50548 10 10 5
0 -1 50540 10 10 5
0 -1 50538 10 10 5

Black Temple - Before the Shrine of Morkith~
Lieing along the southern wall is a huge shrine made entirely from bones

of long dead humanoids.  Black tallow candles cover the surface

flickering with an almost black-colored flame.  Several goblets and

chalices sit along a crude ledge on the shrine as drops of blood trickle

slowly into them seemingly from nowhere.  Just above the shrine a statue

of the black god Morkith looms over the room casting a black shadow.  A

crude stone altar runs along the base of the shrine covered with blood

from past sacrifices.

301466753 0 6 0
0 -1 50550 10 10 5
0 -1 50546 10 10 5
239 -1 50553 10 10 5
0 -1 50539 10 10 5
candles tallow black~
Several tall black tallow candles cover the surface of the altar

flickering with an almost black-colored flame.  In the center of the

shrine lies one extremely large candle that lies unlit.

goblets chalices~
The black chalices and goblets are made from the purest obsidian you have

ever seen.  Several blood-red rubies lie embedded into them flickering an

unnatural light.  Each chalice is filled with blood that drips off the

altar but no clear source can be seen.

Light Burn~
candle black tallow~
act_tochar( #light, ch );

act_notchar( #light1, ch );

Wait( 2 );

act_room( #open, ch );

Wait( 2 );

act_room( #open1, ch );

open( room, south );

@b@MYou take one of the lit candles and light the large black candle in

the center of the shrine.

@b@M$n takes one of the lit candles and lights the large black candle in

the center of the shrine.

@b@MSuddenly all the candles flare up in an explosion of flames sending a

huge cloud of smoke everywhere.

@b@MWhen the smoke clears you notice that the shrine mysteriously has

moved to the side revealing a dark hole in the wall.

0 0 0

Black Temple - Worshipping Chamber~
Under Construction.

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50609 10 10 5
0 -1 50542 10 10 5
0 -1 50551 10 10 5
0 -1 50533 10 10 5

Black Temple - Worshipping Chamber~
Under Construction.

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50543 10 10 5
0 -1 50541 10 10 5

Black Temple - Worshipping Chamber~
Under Construction.

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50542 10 10 5
0 -1 50605 10 10 5
0 -1 50544 10 10 5
0 -1 50551 10 10 5

Black Temple - Worshipping Chamber~
The eastern wall bears no exciting features or decorations except for a

lone tapestry depicting a robed figure with his arms raised toward the

sky.  Upon the floor a a pile of bread and a few chalices of water lie

untouched, possibly a test to the worshippers faith in Morkith providing

for them.

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50543 10 10 5
0 -1 50606 10 10 5
0 -1 50545 10 10 5
0 -1 50552 10 10 5

Black Temple - Worshipping Chamber~
A shelf has been carved into the eastern wall and is covered in several

small trinkets which could prove interesting if investigated.  A large

eye has been carved in the wall just above the shelf and as the light

reflects off the walls it almost appears as if the eye were blinking.

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50544 10 10 5
0 -1 50546 10 10 5

Black Temple - Worshipping Chamber~
There is nothing special about this section of the chamber except for a

large, unholy symbol that has been nailed into the southern wall.  A

soft, red glow surrounds the symbol and eminates a faint humming sound. 

To the west a bright light breaks through the darkness.

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50552 10 10 5
0 -1 50545 10 10 5
0 -1 50540 10 10 5

Black Temple - Worshipping Chamber~
Under Construction.

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50534 10 10 5
0 -1 50549 10 10 5
0 -1 50548 10 10 5
0 -1 50536 10 10 5
1341 9 1509949540 3 0

Black Temple - Worshipping Chamber~
Under Construction.

368574465 0 6 0
0 -1 50547 10 10 5
0 -1 50550 10 10 5
0 -1 50539 10 10 5
0 -1 50537 10 10 5
1341 9 1509949540 3 0

Black Temple - Worshipping Chamber~
Under Construction.

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50533 10 10 5
0 -1 50551 10 10 5
0 -1 50550 10 10 5
0 -1 50547 10 10 5

Black Temple - Worshipping Chamber~
Under Construction.

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50549 10 10 5
0 -1 50552 10 10 5
0 -1 50540 10 10 5
0 -1 50548 10 10 5

Black Temple - Worshipping Chamber~
Under Construction.

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50541 10 10 5
0 -1 50543 10 10 5
0 -1 50552 10 10 5
0 -1 50549 10 10 5

Black Temple - Worshipping Chamber~
Under Construction.

301465601 0 6 0
0 -1 50551 10 10 5
0 -1 50544 10 10 5
0 -1 50546 10 10 5
0 -1 50550 10 10 5
1341 9 1509949540 3 0

Black Temple - Before the Black Altar of Morkith~
301465601 0 6 0
239 -1 50540 10 10 5
3 -1 50604 10 10 5
statue dark god Morkith~
The statue depicts the black god morkith with a menacing look on his face. 

The eyes of the statue glow with unnatural red fire as they gaze down

upon you.  The tips of his horns atop his head glisten with what looks to

be fresh blood.

The altar is made entirely of black obsidian which glistens in the light. 

Large splatters of blood cover its surface suggesting a recent sacrifice

has taken place.  Deep scores made by what could be a bladed weapon scar

the edges of the altar.  Leg and arm shackles lay on each corner, slick

with fresh blood.

corpse human~
The corpse is of a recently dead human who seems to have the unfortunate

luck of finding his way into the clutches of Morkith's minions.  A deep

cut runs down from the top of his chest to his bottom of his stomach and

looking closely you notice that his heart is missing and nowhere to be


door blood-stained north~
act_tochar( #open, ch );

act_notchar( #open1, ch );

open( room, north );

You open the blood-stained door to the north.

$n opens the blood-stained door to the north.

0 0 0
1327 9 1509949540 3 0

Black Temple - Knee-Deep in Water~
Under Construction.

301465609 6 9 0
0 -1 50555 10 10 5

Black Temple - Knee-Deep in Water~
Under Construction.

301465609 6 9 0
0 -1 50556 10 10 5
0 -1 50554 10 10 5

Black Temple - Knee-Deep in Water~
Under Construction.

301465609 6 9 0
0 -1 50557 10 10 5
0 -1 50555 10 10 5

Black Temple - Knee-Deep in Water~
Under Construction.

301465609 6 9 0
0 -1 50558 10 10 5
0 -1 50556 10 10 5

Black Temple - Knee-Deep in Water~
Under Construction.

301465609 6 9 0
0 -1 50557 10 10 5
0 -1 50559 10 10 5

Black Temple - Bone Filled Chamber~
Under Construction.

301465609 6 9 0
0 -1 50560 10 10 5
0 -1 50558 10 10 5

Black Temple - Before a River of Blood~
Under Construction.

301465609 6 9 0
0 -1 50559 10 10 5

Black Temple - Overgrown Hallway~
Knee-high brown grass fills this section of the hallway, rising up

through the seams between each of the stones in the floor.  Thick,

tangled vines drape down from cracks in the ceiling, obscuring your field

of vision to the north.  Leaning across the hallway just before the start

of its run to the north is a massive stone pillar, scarred by large

cracks and covered in black moss.  The hallway continues to the north

where it is completely overgrown while to the west it remains clear.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50562 10 10 5
0 -1 50511 10 10 5
knee-high grass brown~
The grass reaches your knees and although it is brown and withering it

still clings to life.  Each of the thin strands breaks its way through

the seams of the stones in the floor.  The patches of grass sway gently

back and forth, as if a gently breeze were blowing.

tangled vines~
This thick mass of tangled vines is nothing more than a nuisance as it

constantly block your field of vision down the hallway and bars your

passage.  A few of the vines remain alive blooming with white flowers,

while others bear the brown and withered appearence of death.

stone pillar~
The pillar is nothing more than a huge block of grey stone save for the

fact that it bears small glyphs upon its surface which glow with a faint

red glow.  Some of the glyphs across the pillar do not shed a glow as

they have been broken in two by the large cracks with cover the stone

surface.  Patches of black moss with short, dog-like hairs, cling to the

pillar; a crackling sound emanates from within it.

black moss~
Althought the moss appears as any other common moss one would see on a

tree or ancient dwelling, this species stands out with its pitch-black

color and short hairs.  A crackling sound emanates from the patches of

moss and looking closely you see the source; the moss has begun to slowly

eat away at the stone it clings to.

These intricately carved glyphs have withstood the test of time and

managed to survive the destruction brought onto the hallway.  Each glyph

pulses with a faint red aura which dims and brightens at its own free

will.  Looking carefully at each of them you notice a few have been

broken and black scorch marks can be clearly seen around them.


Black Temple - Overgrown Hallway~
Mass tangles of withered vines cover every inch of the floor, walls and

ceiling of this section of hallway.  Stone pillars which once supported

the elegant curved stone ceiling have collapsed and shattered in small

pieces and now litter the floor.  Gigantic roots, like those of a Shuvana

wood tree, snake their way up through large holes in the floor and nearly

block off the hallway completely with their mass.  To the north you can

faintly see a mound of stone debris littering the hallway while to the

south it looks to be overgrown heavily with vegetation.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50563 10 10 5
0 -1 50561 10 10 5
tangles vines withered~
The vines are thick and tangled around each other, creating a near

inpenetrable wall.  Each of the vines is brown and withered but blotches

of green can still be seen upon their surface.  Looking closely you

notice small, reddish-colored buds upon each of the vines.

Once these mighty stone beams were used to support the massive curved

stone ceiling of the time, but time and the constant weight of the

ceiling have brought them down.  Only small blocks of the stone remain;

the intricate carvings which cover the fragments are too destroyed to

tell what they once depicted.

shuvana gigantic roots~
These massive roots look identical to those of a Shuvana wood tree.  Each

root is partially entombed in the stone floor, leaving only about four

feet of it showing.  Patches of its thick, dark grey bark are missing

revealing the cream-colored wood beneath it.  Upon the face of the root

are several gashes, like those made by a extremely sharp axe.


Black Temple - Along a Collapsed Hallway~
Portions of the eastern and western walls of the hallway have collapsed

here, leaving mounds of crumbled stone six feet high lying in the center

of the passage.  Thick patches of black moss cover the mounds of stones

and portions of the walls that still stand.  A hole in the western wall

gives way to a small bead of light which dims and brightens of its own

free will.  The ceiling is scarred by large, wide cracks and large

sections of its stone have crumbled away.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50564 10 10 5
0 -1 50562 10 10 5
mounds crumbled stone~
The mound of stone debris fills the entire width of the hallway and rises

up about six feet, leaving only a foot gap between itself and the ceiling. 

The large blocks of stone are scarred with cracks and chipped severely. 

Examining the mound carefully you notice the arm bone of some creature

sticking out from beneath it.  Nearly obscured from the veil of darkness

covering the corridor, you spot a small gap on the western edge of the

mound, allowing barely enough room for a human-sized man to pass through


patches black moss~
The moss is quite thick and has a pitch-black color to it.  Ripples run

across its short hair-like tendrils like a soft breeze were blowing. 

Small tendrils of smoke waft up from beneath the moss and a faint

sizzling sound can be faintly heard.

hole western wall gap~
The hole is no more than the size of an ogre's fist and it is utterly

pitch-black within it except for a small pin-point of white light which

glows softly.  The sound of rushing water can be heard from within the

bowels of the hole.

bead light ball~
Straining your eyes you peer into the hole to see a small bead of soft

glowing white light, no large than the size of a pebble, floating quietly

in mid-air.  Its form ripples with magic and distorts its actual shape. 

Occasionally the ball brightens and then dims itself, as if of its own

free will.


Black Temple - Overgrown Hallway~
Mounds of crumbled stone blocks, leaning pillars covered in tangled

vines, and large roots fill this narrow section of hallway.  Large

sections of stone in the eastern wall have crumbled away, revealing

large, dark holes from within which glints of something metallic can

occasionally be seen.  A large crack runs down the length of the ceiling

from which large, thick vines drape down to the floor.  To the north and

south the hallway continues through the corridors of the temple.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50565 10 10 5
0 -1 50563 10 10 5
mounds crumble stone blocks~
These large blocks of stone are the remnants of sections of the eastern

which have broken free over time.  Most of the stone has shattered into

small chunks while only a few still remain whole.  Upon the surface of a

few of the blocks are small, circular indentations which have been filled

with a fine golden powder.  Looking closely you notice that the

indentations are about the size of a small pearl and seemingly serve no


These once magnificent pillars are now nothing more than mere slabs of

deteriorated stone.  Large cracks scar their surface and thick, twisting

vines have wrapped themselves around the stone in a strangling grasp. 

Other than the cracks, the pillars are void of any markings, carvings or


eastern wall~
Most of the eastern wall has crumbled away, leaving only large, gaping

holes in its place.  From within the depths of the holes you can

occasionally see a glint of something metallic shining deep within it. 

From deep down within the bowels of the hole you can hear the faint sound

of dripping water.

crack ceiling vines~
The crack spans the width of the ceiling and from within it several thick

vines have worked their through it and drape down, nearly touching the

floor.  The vines are brown and brittle to the touch although some of

them have small, green buds growing along their surface.


Black Temple - Overgrown Hallway~
Large, twisted vines, snaking their way out from within cracks in the

ceiling, floor, and walls, cover every inch of the hallway here. 

Decaying roots, like that of a tree, bulge up from the hallway floor,

nearly blocking the path to the south.  Upon the eastern wall, nearly

obscured by a thick layer of vines, is a carving of a triangle.  To the

south the hallway continues through the jungle of overgrowth while to the

west it is clear.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50564 10 10 5
0 -1 50507 10 10 5
eastern wall carving~
Upon the eastern wall, nearly obscured by several layers of draping

vines, is the faint outline of a triangle-shaped carving.  Outlining the

carving are several small, coin-sized red rubies which glint in the light. 

Around the edges of the rubies small writing has been scratched into the

stone, but has been eroded quite badly and is barely readable.

The writing is so small it is incredible hard to read and you have to

strain your eyes to decipher the few bits which still remain which read:

@W"D.  .ot ..pen the cham....  for li.s w.ll destr.. 


decaying roots floor~
The roots are incredibly large, nearly the size of hill giant's waist. 

Bits and pieces of their outer bark have been sliced away revealing the

cream-colored, moist wood.  The bulges increase more to the south where

they nearly block off passage down that section of hallway.

twisted vines cracks~
Withered, brown and quite brittle, the vines still seem to serve as a

nuisance as they continually get in your way.  The tips of the vines

touching the floor have tangled with each other.  A few of the vines have

become petrified and are solid as stone and fragments of their bark have

been sheered off making nasty, razor-like obstructions.

insert place put~
rune triangle metal~
if( has_obj( 1669, ch ) ) {

  obj = has_obj( 1669, ch );

  junk_obj( obj, 1 );

  act_tochar( #open, ch );

  act_notchar( #open1, ch );

  Wait( 2 );

  Act_room( #flash, ch );

  loop( all_in_room ) {

    if( is_player( rch ) )

      do_spell( blind, rch );


  Wait( 3 );

  act_room( #rumble, ch );

  acode( find_room( 50519 ), 1 );

  loop( all_in_room ) {

    if( is_player( rch ) )

      do_spell( cure blindness, rch );



@eYou insert the rune into the carving and watch as it pulses with a deep

red light.

@e$n inserts the rune into the carving and watch as it pulses with a deep

red light.

@eSuddenly a flash of bright white light illuminates the hallway and

leaves you blinded!

@eThe cloak of blindness dissipates and suddenly the hallway is shaken by

a violent tremor accompanied by the sound of stone grinding and than a

moment later it stops, leaving the temple with only utter silence.

0 0 0

Black Temple - Flickering Hallway~
The hallway turns sharply at a ninety degree angle here, yet the shadows

that continually dance across the wall do not bend as they approach the

turn.  Lying in the center of the floor are the skeletal remains of three

heavily-armored knights; each of their skulls has been shattered into

small fragments.  Carved into the western wall is a small cubical niche,

in which a rusty iron goblet rests.  To the east and south south a line

of torches can be seen hanging from the walls of the hallway, flickering

with green flames.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50514 10 10 5
0 -1 50567 10 10 5
skeletal remains heavily-armored knights~
Sprawled out before you are the remains of three knights clad in suits of

heavy platemail.  Each of the knight's skulls have been crushed leaving

only a few fragments of bone.  Their bones have been completely stripped

of all flesh and only a few scattered cobwebs now cover them.  Looking at

their armor you notice it bears the image of a phoenix upon its crest.

west wall niche cubical~
The niche is fairly large, measuring twelve inches high by twelve inches

wide.  Its interior is quite smooth and highly polished, causing the

light to reflect off it intensely.  Within the niche rests a large, rusty

iron goblet which has several rubies embedded around its lip.

rusty iron goblet~
The goblet is the same as those used in church services save for the fact

that this one is made of black iron and its lip is bordered by red blood

rubies.  Small runes have been etched across its surface which are

outlined by a light gold powder.

if( mob_in_room( 1810, room ) )


if( !is_player( ch ) )


if( random( 1, 10 ) < 5 ) {

  if( rflag( reset1, room ) ) {

    remove_rflag( reset1, room );

    act_room( #shadows, ch );

    close( room, east );

    close( room, south );

    mload( 1810, room );

    mob = mob_in_room( 1810, room );

    victim = ch;

    attack_weapon( mob, victim, 6d5+80, "shadow strike" );

    Wait( 1 );

    open( room, south );

    open( room, east );



@BGrowls and snarls suddenly fill the still air of the hallway and the

shadows slowly rise from the floor into a humanoid shape and lash out at


1 0 6

Black Temple - Flickering Hallway~
The greenish-glow emitted by the torches hanging from the walls causes

the hallway to darken as it strikes the black obsidian walls.  From

within various cracks in the walls you can hear the faint sound of water

dripping as it echoes off in the distance.  The entire surface of the

floor is covered in a thin layer of a reddish-colored sticky goo which

constantly tries to hold you to the floor every time you attempt to move. 

To the north and south the long hallway continues.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50566 10 10 5
0 -1 50568 10 10 5
Each of the torches look like any other you have seen save for the fact

that these burn with a green flame which causes the hallway to become

bathed in a soft green glow.  Looking closely you notice the torches bear

small runes on their shafts but their meaning is unknown to you.

cracks walls~
Various cracks run along the surface of the walls, some paper thin while

others are large enough to slip ones hand through.  The sound of dripping

water can be heard deep within the bowels of the cracks and listening

carefully you hear a faint roaring sound, like that of a rushing river.

floor reddish-colored goo~
Examining the floor closely you notice it is covered with a very thick

layer of blood which is quite sticky, causing your feet to stick to the

stone everytime you attempt to move.  Ripples run across the surface of

the blood and bubbles occasionally rise to its surface, like something

were breathing beneath it.  Looking around you cannot find any source for

the blood and despite the hallway's gentle sloping downwards to the

south, it does not trickle in that direction.

if( mob_in_room( 1810, room ) )


if( !is_player( ch ) )


if( random( 1, 10 ) < 5 ) {

  if( rflag( reset1, room ) ) {

    remove_rflag( reset1, room );

    act_room( #shadows, ch );

    close( room, north );

    close( room, south );

    mload( 1810, room );

    mob = mob_in_room( 1810, room );

    victim = ch;

    attack_weapon( mob, victim, 6d5+80, "shadow strike" );

    Wait( 1 );

    open( room, south );

    open( room, north );



@BThe shadows flickering across the smooth walls suddenly become solid

and lunge out for an attack!

1 0 5

Black Temple - Flickering Hallway~
The ever-present shadows dancing across the length of the hallway take on

on humanoid forms while others take on the shapes of chimeras and

multi-headed four-legged beasts.  Peeking out from within the stonework

of the eastern and western walls are skeletal hands covered in fresh

blood.  Lying along the side of the hallway are several sets of black

robes, each clearly bearing the mark of Morkith upon them.  The hallway

continues to the north and south, through the vast corridors of the


[Merior] i presume will be taking ring action

[Terek] Shadow fragment for custom..later...

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50567 10 10 5
0 -1 50569 10 10 5
skeletal hands east west walls~
The skeletal hands have been entombed within the black obsidian stone and

only half the finger bones peek out.  A thick layer of flesh blood covers

the bones and slowly drips onto the floor.  Upon one of the hands is a

black diamond ring cut into a smooth oval and a single rune has been

etched into its face.

robes black~
Made from thick, black velvet, these robes are the traditional garment of

Morkith's minions.  Embroidered with silver thread upon the right breast

is the mark of Morkith; a triangle with a blood-red eye in its center. 

Each of the robes has a thick crust of dry blood over it along with spots

of mildew and grime.

diamond ring~
The ring is made from blue electrum topped with a oval-cut black diamond. 

Etched into the center of the diamond is a small rune shaped like a 'S'

with a line down the center.  The rune glows very faintly with a white

aura which pulses in and out every few moments.

if( mob_in_room( 1810, room ) )


if( !is_player( ch ) )


if( random( 1, 10 ) < 4 ) {

  if( rflag( reset1, room ) ) {

    remove_rflag( reset1, room );

    act_room( #shadows, ch );

    close( room, north );

    close( room, south );

    mload( 1810, room );

    mob = mob_in_room( 1810, room );

    victim = ch;

    attack_weapon( mob, victim, 6d5+80, "shadow strike" );

    Wait( 1 );

    open( room, south );

    open( room, north );



@BAs you enter the chamber the shadows dancing across the walls quickly

take the form of clawed beasts and lunge out towards you!

1 0 5

Black Temple - Flickering Hallway~
An intricate obsidian arch, covered in shimmering runes and finely

detailed carvings, crosses over this part of the hallway.  Carved into

the smooth stone floor is a mural depicting an extremely large horned

demon surrounded by thousands of skeletal warriors in plate armor.  Small

hand-sized niches have been carved into the eastern wall which continue

traight up the curved ceiling, ending at a part of stone that has been

discolored.  The hallway continues to make its way throughout the temple

to the north and south from here.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50568 10 10 5
64 -1 50570 10 10 5
intricate obsidian arch~
The massive arch has been crafted of black obsidian which has streaks of

grey running through it.  Several flowing runes, each pulsing with a

different color of light, have been etched across the surface of the arch. 

Small carvings, depicting many fiendish monsters from wights to

three-headed demons, cover the surface of the arch.  Emebedded directly

in the center of the arch, at its very peak, rests a large blood-red

diamond which glints in the light.

floor mural~
The mural has painted in great detail; every minute detail possible has

been added.  Thousands of skeletal warriors march in ranks away from a

razed village.  The orange columns of flame blazing illuminate the

landscape around the village which looks to be a dense forest.  In the

center of the army of skeletons is a large horned demon with red and

black scales.  The demon carries a large stake, topped with the head of

an elf, in one hand and large broadsword in the other.  West of the

skeleton horde are several dozen groups of elven archers, pikemen and

calvary rushing towards the burning village.  Looking closely at the

mural you notice in the lower left hand corner of it a small man, dressed

in white armor looms over the corpses of five red demons.  The knight's

features are obscured by the blackness of the night.  Painted upon his

armor is the tiny emblem of a phoenix.

eastern wall niches~
The small niches are just large enough to fit your hand in and are slick

with deposits of water.  The niches climb straight up the wall and

towards a block of discolored stone in the ceiling and come to abrupt

stop just before it.

ceiling stone discolored~
A small block of stone within the ceiling is discolored to a dull grey

color.  The edges of the stone are chipped severely as if someone

attempted to pry the stone free.  The mortar which was used to hold it in

place is completely gone, leaving only a half inch gap between it and the

rest of the stones but remarkably, it has not break free from its own


if( mob_in_room( 1810, room ) )


if( !is_player( ch ) )


if( random( 1, 10 ) < 4 ) {

  if( rflag( reset1, room ) ) {

    remove_rflag( reset1, room );

    act_room( #shadows, ch );

    close( room, north );

    close( room, south );

    mload( 1810, room );

    mob = mob_in_room( 1810, room );

    victim = ch;

    attack_weapon( mob, victim, 6d5+80, "shadow strike" );

    Wait( 1 );

    open( room, south );

    open( room, north );



@BAs you enter the chamber the shadows dancing across the walls quickly

take the form of clawed beasts and lunge out towards you!

1 0 5

Black Temple - Flickering Hallway~
Two torches hang from the southern wall of the hallway here, one blazing

with a greenish flame while the other remains unlit.  Carved just beneath

the unlit torch are several ancient writings which have partially eroded

over time, making them barely readable.  A few of the stones within the

western wall have been colored an ash-grey, standing out from the black

obsidian which surround them.  Directly to the east the passage is pitch

black and you can hear a squishing sound from that direction.  To the

north the lit section of the hallway continues.

[Terek] Triangle

301465601 0 9 0
64 -1 50569 10 10 5
0 -1 50518 10 10 5
writings inscription ancient~
Written centuries ago and barely readable you can make out only a few

words which read: @W"If thy soul is pure the light shall lead the way."@n

Two torches, each resting in a golden sconce, have been bolted to the

southern wall.  One torch burns with a brilliant green flame while the

other remains unlit.  Upon the shaft of each torch are several ancient

sigils and runes which have been outlined by a fine silver powder. 

Embedded in the wall between the torches is a giant blue sapphire which

glitters in the light.

blue sapphire~
The sapphire is extremely larger then any other you have ever seen before

and has been cut into the shape of a triangle.  The left side of the

sapphire is a light sky-blue color while the right is a deep, midnight

blue shade.  Around the border of the sapphire the stone which it is

embedded in has been chipped.  Every few moments the sapphire flares with

a brilliant blue glow which quickly diminishes.

stones ash-grey discolored western wall~
The stones have been discolored to an ash-grey which boldly stands out

from the black obsidian which surrounds them.  Various cracks and

grooves, made by the impact of a blunt object, scar the surface of the

blocks.  Looking carefully you notice one of the stones has a groove in

the shape of a triangle carved into it.

room = find_room( 50570 );

send_to_room( #flicker, room );

@WThe green flames from the torch hanging on the southern wall flickers

briefly, causing shadows to dance across the walls.

2 500 0
insert place put~
rune triangle metal~
if( has_obj( 1669, ch ) ) {

  obj = has_obj( 1669, ch );

  junk_obj( obj, 1 );

  act_tochar( #open, ch );

  act_notchar( #open1, ch );

  Wait( 2 );

  Act_room( #flash, ch );

  loop( all_in_room ) {

    if( is_player( rch ) )

      do_spell( blind, rch );


  Wait( 3 );

  act_room( #rumble, ch );

  acode( find_room( 50503 ), 1 );

  loop( all_in_room ) {

    if( is_player( rch ) )

      do_spell( cure blindness, rch );



@eYou insert the rune into the carving and watch as it pulses with a deep

red light.

@e$n inserts the rune into the carving and watch as it pulses with a deep

red light.

@eSuddenly a flash of bright white light illuminates the hallway and

leaves you blinded!

@eThe cloak of blindness dissipates and suddenly the hallway is shaken by

a violent tremor accompanied by the sound of stone grinding and than a

moment later it stops, leaving the temple with only utter silence.

0 0 0

Black Temple - Chamber of Horrors~
The walls of this circular stone chamber are covered in a thick layer of

blood which slowly oozes out from within cracks between the stones. 

Mounds of decomposing corpses litter the floor, each giving off an

overwhelming stench of decay.  In the center of the room a silvery powder

has been sprinkled into the form of a small circle and lying within it is

the corpse of a robed humanoid; his face frozen with a look of horror. 

Set into the southern wall is a small iron door covered in splatters of

dried blood.

301465601 0 9 0
small iron door~
small iron door~
195 -1 50519 10 10 5
walls blood cracks~
The walls of this circular chamber are made of a smooth grey stone.  The

seams between each of the stone blocks and the cracks that run within

them ooze with fresh blood.  The blood has collected along the base of

the wall where it slowly drains down through cracks in the floor.

mounds decomposing corpses~
An overwhelming stench of decay wafts up from the mounds of corpses which

litter the floor.  Looking closely you notice the mounds contain the

corpses of elves, gnomes, humans and a few lizardmen.  Each of the

corpses has been horribly battered and mutilated almost beyond

recognizition.  Blood still oozes from the wounds of a few of the corpses

while others have barely any flesh left on their bones.

silvery powder circle~
The circle surrounding the powder has been formed with a silvery-white

powder which twinkles in the light.  Along the interior of the circle is

a thick crimson ooze which forms a smaller, inner circle.  Bordering the

edges of the silver powder is an ash-grey powder in which you can see

bits of bone lying just beneath its surface.  A strong magical aura

emanates from the circle and seems to push you away from it.

robed humanoid~
Sprawled out in the center of the circle is the decaying corpse of a

robed human.  The flesh upon his face has decayed except for a few bits

which still cling to the bleach-white bone.  A look of horror is frozen

upon his face, as if he had seen something so terrible that would make a

man die from fright.  His arms and legs have been broken and several

places and the sharp edges of them break through his robe and the flesh

which still remains on his bones.  Looking closely you notice that his

robe, although moth-eaten and tattered, still bears the mark of Morkith

upon it.

small iron door~
This small iron door is scarred with several dents which were made from

someone inside the chamber.  Dried blood stains, colored a sickly

red-brown color and in the form of handprints cover the surface of the

door.  No keyholes or handles are visible upon the door; its maker sure

that whatever was left in the chamber would not leave.

room = find_room( 50571 );

send_to_room( #vision, room );

@RYour vision becomes blurry a moment and suddenly you mind fills with

images of elven warriors being massacred by hordes of demons, dwarves

being sliced in half by priests of Morkith and humans being impaled on

stakes by black-skinned demons.

0 500 0
1782 9 1509949540 3 0

Black Temple - Chamber of Despair~
This small, cubical stone chamber is made from a darkish-colored granite. 

Several glyphs and runes of binding cover the walls, a few pulsing with

deep red auras while others remain dark.  Lying in the center of the room

is the skeleton of a disfigured humanoid, draped in dark robes.  Within

the skeleton's hand is a large mithril mace which he still grasps tightly. 

Set into the southern wall is a heavy iron door which is covered in

dents, scratches and blotches of dried blood.

301465601 0 9 0
heavy iron door~
heavy iron door~
211 -1 50512 10 10 5
glyphs runes binding~
The intricate runes and glyphs which have been etched into the dark

granite wall are outlined by a fine white powder.  Most of the runes are

dark and void of their magical properties used to bind a being to a

certain area while only a few glyphs still glow with an aura of magic. 

Looking at each of them carefully you notice that someone has tried to

chip the stone away by the looks of the scratches which surround the


skeleton draped dark robes disfigured~
The skeleton is draped in long, flowing dark robes covered in tiny

diamonds.  Most of its bones have been crushed or snapped in two leaving

only a leg, arm and three rib bones intact.  The skull of the being is

completely shattered and only a few small plates still remain.  Examining

it carefully you notice the bones that are still intact are warped and

disfigured horribly.  Still clutched in the skeleton's hand is a large

mithril mace studded with red rubies.

mithril mace~
The mace has been finely crafted into the shape of a wailing demon.  Two

black rubies have been embedded in the demon's eyes while small red

rubies have been placed down the shaft.  The pommel is composed of

spiraled white bone topped with a large black pearl.

door heavy iron~
The door has been battered heavily from this side of it and the many

dents and scratches are clearly visible upon its surface.  Dried blood

stains cover the door and a few take the shape of a human handprint.  The

door is void of any handles or way of opening, leaving anyone trapped in

the chamber to a slow and painful death.

if( !is_player( ch ) )


if( is_player( ch ) ) {

  if( mob_in_room( 1777, room ) ) {

    room = find_room( 50572 );

    send_to_room( #attack, room );

    close( room, south );

    mob = mob_in_room( 1777, room );

    victim = ch;

    attack_weapon( mob, victim, 3d10+150, "wicked glare" );

    open( room, south );





The dark priest of despair spins around quickly to face you and says:

@W"After five hundred years I am finally free!  And now, weak mortal, you

shall be the first to die as sacrifice to Morkith!" 

1 0 4
room = find_room( 50572 );

send_to_room( #cry, room );

@MThe sound of hundred of voices weeping quietly fills the room, as if

crying out for help.

2 350 0
get take grab~
mace mithril~
act_tochar( #tendril, ch );

act_notchar( #tendril, ch );

do_spell( slay, ch );

@WAs you reach down and grasp the large mithril mace a tendril of grey

mist slowly shoots from it and strikes you directly in the chest causing

you to double-over in pain!

@WAs $n reaches down and grasps the large mithril mace a tendril of grey

mist slowly shoots from it and strikes $m directly in the chest causing

$m to double-over in pain!

0 0 0
s so sou south door~
act_tochar( #open, ch );

act_notchar( #open1, ch );

open( room, south );

You struggle with the heavy iron door and finally manage to pry it open.

$n struggles with the heavy iron door and finally manages to pry it open.

0 0 0
1777 9 1509949540 3 0

Black Temple - Chamber of Pain~
Dozens of iron and steel shackles have been hammered into the walls of

this triangular-shaped stone chamber.  Dangling from within the shackles

are several human corpses, each scarred by bone-deep cuts and shattered

bones.  In the center of the room is a large wooden rack, on which lies

the decaying remains of a robed humanoid.  In each corner of the chamber

are rusty iron maidens; each slightly open revealing a mutilated corpse

still entomed within them.  Set into the eastern wall is a small door

covered in centuries of dust and cobwebs.

301465601 0 9 0
iron door~
iron door~
195 -1 50503 10 10 5
iron steel shackles~
These hefty shackles are made of iron and steel and are quite thick,

preventing anyone short of a storm giant from breaking their bindings

once locked into them.  Red-brown droplets of dried blood can be clearly

seen on each set of shackles and bits of dried and decomposing flesh

still cling to a few of them.  The skeletal remains of several humans

still hang from the shackles; their bones scarred by deep sword-cuts and

even more have been shattered.

skeletal remains human corpses~
The skeletons still dangling from the shackles have been severely

mutilated; their arm and leg bones are scarred with deep cuts made by a

sword and a few of them have been shattered into small fragments. 

Looking closely you notice the bones of one of the skeletons you notice

the tattered remains of a black velvet robe still clinging to it.

wooden rack~
This large, wooden torture device is covered in dried blood stones and

bits of decaying flesh.  The metal shackles which hang from each corner

of the rack are still attached to a decomposing corpse of a robed figure

which lies upon it.  The large wheel which is used to the pull the chains

and stretch the victim is covered in rust and looks like it could fall

apart at any moment.

robed humanoid~
The remains of a dark priest lie chained to the wooden rack in the center

of the chamber.  His flesh is almost completely gone, leaving only

bleached-white bone in its place.  His eyes are nothing more than a small

lump of greyish-goo which maggots crawl across.  Bits of his black velvet

robe, riddled with holes and tattered badly, still cling to his rib bones. 

Upon his hand is a large steel ring shaped to resemble a screaming skull.

iron maidens~
These massive iron coffins are covered in several centuries of dust and

cobwebs.  Each of the maidens has been fashioned to resemble a elven

woman with her arms crossed and her eyes shut, as if she were ready for

burial.  The interior of the maidens are full of wickedly-sharp spikes

which are covered in dried blood.  Within each of the iron maidens the

horribly mutilated remains of armored mountain elves; each riddled with

holes which ooze fresh blood.  The flesh of each elf has slowly

decomposed over many years but instead of falling off it has turned a

pale grey color and sunken down towards the bones; as if it were embalmed 

1778 9 1509949540 3 0

Black Temple - Chamber of Agony~
The walls of this small, circular chamber are covered in gruesome-looking

skulls which have been entombed within the stone.  The skulls represent

every race imaginable; each with its mouth open in a silent scream.  Moans

and screams of agony and pain fill the chamber yet you see no place from

which it could emanate.  A crude stone altar has been erected in the

center of the room on which lies the decomposing remains of a robed human

with a dagger implanted into his chest.  To the west a small iron door,

covered in a thick layer of dust and cobwebs, marks the exit out of the


301465601 0 9 0
iron door~
iron door~
195 -1 50503 10 10 5
walls skulls~
The skulls entombed within the walls of the chamber are from various

races ranging from gnomes to those of lizardmen.  Each of the skulls has

been molded into the stone of the wall and their jaws left wide open, as

if they were screaming.  Looking closely you notice some of them still

retain decaying eyes within their eyesockets while in others there is

nothing but a mere pile of ash.

crude stone altar~
Composed of a single slab of black quartz and shaped in a crude manner,

the altar is bare of any decorations or shrines devoting it to a god. 

Dark red blood stains cover the flat surface of the altar, some fairly

new while others take on the red-brown appearance from ages of being

exposed to air.  Lying sprawled out atop the altar are the decomposing

remains of a robed priest who has a wavy-bladed dagger impaled in his


robed human priest decomposing remains~
Scarred by gaping wounds which sink down toward his bleached white bones,

this priest of Morkith suffered a gruesome death.  Several of his bones

have been snapped and his eyes have been cut out.  The flesh which still

remains on his bones is covered in deep black and blue bruises; his neck

has been severed by a long slice running from ear to ear.  His black

velvet robe is mottled and riddled with holes from which sharp shards of

bone peak out above.  A dagger has been impaled in his chest, piercing

his heart where bits of it can still be seen.

1781 9 1509949540 3 0

Black Temple - Chamber of Death~
Enormous dark silk tapestries, each depicting gruesome rituals of

sacrifice and battles between dark robed clerics and elven archers, adorn

the black stone walls of this large chamber.  Scattered about the floor

are several maces, swords, pikes and axes, covered in blood and rust. 

Painted onto the southern wall is a ghastly mural displaying a horned

demon feasting on the remains of several slain elves.  Hovering just

below the ceiling is a small silvery rune which pulses with a red-green

light.  Directly to the north stands a heavy black iron door.

301465601 0 9 0
heavy black iron door~
heavy black iron door~
471 -1 50506 10 10 5
enormous dark silk tapestries~
The tapestries are composed of sheets of dark silk embroidered with

multi-colored thread which stands out against the background.  Each

tapestry depicts a horrific scene of death: battles between elves and

robed priests and acts of human sacrifice.  The tapestry of the battle of

elves and priests hangs serenly from the @Wwestern wall@n while the mural

of sacrificial rituals hangs from the @Weastern wall@n.

eastern wall~
This tapestry depicts black-robed priests of Morkith sacrificing captured

knights to their dark god.  Six stone altars form a circle around a pool

of blood and strapped to the altars are two elves, three humans and a

dwarf.  The priests hold sacrifical daggers high above their heads, ready

to strike them down into the chests of their victims.  The basin of blood

in the center of the ring of altars swirls and churns as if something

beneath the surface were moving and looking closely you can see humanoid

skulls floating in it.  Looking closely you notice a tall, dark-skinned

female vyan kneeling near the basin, drinking the blood which swirls

within it.

western wall~
Battalions of elven archers and black-robed clerics clash in a dark

forest depicted in this mural.  The horribly mutilated bodies of elven

warriors litter the ground and pools of blood can be clearly seen between

each corpse.  Vultures rest atop the chests of the slain evils, pecking

away at their decaying flesh.  The hordes of elven archers kneel upon

their ground in front of a row of pikemen and swordsman as the masses of

dark clerics come charging into the fray.  In the top left hand corner of

the tapestry a smaller battle is shown between elven pikemen and fearsome

looking demons.  A few of the elves have managed to impale the demons

upon their pikes but in the process several demons have torn gaping holes

in the chests of the elves.  In the midst of the raging battles the hazy,

transparent image of a sinister-looking horned demon hovers above the

treeline, looking down at the mass destruction.

maces swords pikes axes~
Lying scattered about the floor of the chamber are several dozen maces,

swords, pikes and axes, each made from a different type of metal and

covered in dried blood and rust.  Most of the weapons have broken in two

or rusted beyond any repair but some still gleam like the day they were

first made.

southern mural flesh feast~
Painted in black and crimson pigments, the mural upon the southern wall

depicts a grotesque scene of a large black-skinned demon kneeling in the

center of a forest grove, devouring the corpses of slain elves.  All

about the clearing, corpses of elven archers and swordsman lie in heaps,

each oozing blood from deep wounds across their bodies.  The demon has

his claws stuck deep into the stomach of one of the elves; whose face is

frozen with a look of unimaginable agony.  Bits of flesh hang from the

demons mouth and blood trickles down his polished black scales.  Almost

hidden among the bodies, you can see several more demons tearing the

fallen elven heroes limb from limb, and devouring their flesh in large


small silvery rune~
The rune is the shape of an oval with tiny stars scattered across its

surface.  Its silvery color gleams in the light and reflects the

red-green aura which pulses around it about the room.  A beam of light

from the rune shines down and hits the door set into the northern wall

where an aura of magic emanates.

1780 9 1509949540 3 0

Black Temple - Chamber of Nightmares~
Black iron candle racks, filled with black tallow candles that flicker

with a dim yellow light, sit along the eastern and western walls of this

large stone chamber.  Shadows dance across the walls of the chamber, some

moving at their own free will and taking on shapes of clawed beasts and

multi-headed giants.  In the center of the room stands a small wooden

pedestal on which a massive book, bound with the flesh of a human sits. 

Set into the southern wall is a small crypt on which writing can be seen

beneath several years of dust.  To the north a heavy steel door, covered

with a large white and crimson seal, marks the exit out of the chamber.

301465601 0 9 0
heavy steel door~
heavy steel door~
455 -1 50513 10 10 5
Made from smooth black iron, these massive candle racks dominate the

eastern and western walls of the chamber.  Their four shelves are filled

completely with black tallow candles which flicker with dim yellow

flames, causing shadows to dance across the walls.

wooden pedestal~
Made from dark oak, this small pedestal has had several carvings of

winged demons and hunch-backed creatures etched across its surface.  A

thin layer of dried blood coats the wood and bits of grey, decaying flesh

cling to it.  Resting atop it is a massive flesh-bound tome covered in

ancient sigils and runes.

writing inscription~
act_tochar( #writing, ch );

act_notchar( #writing1, ch );

drain_stat( ch, con, 5, -1 );

You wipe away the layers of dust and suddenly reel in terror as you read

the writing: @e"Entombed within this crypt is $n, $e entered the

            temple of Morkith and offered $mself as sacrifice to

            our god, now $e shall become an eternal servant to us!"@n

@e$n wipes away the dust on the crypt and suddenly turns pale as he reads

the writing.

0 0 0
book massive~
act_tochar( #open, ch );

act_notchar( #open1, ch );

Wait( 3 );

act_room( #wails, ch );

loop( all_in_room ) {

  if( is_player( rch ) )

    dam_message( rch, 5d5+150, "The wails of the damned" );

  inflict( rch, mob, 5d5+150, "The wails of the damned" );


Wait( 3 );

@RYou carefully open the flesh-bound book and begin to flip slowly

through the pages of sinewy flesh.

@R$n carefully opens the flesh-bound book and begins to flip slowly

through the pages of sinewy flesh.

@RSuddenly a black fog begins to rise from within the book and the sound

of thousands of voices begin to wail loudly, causing you to cover your

ears in pain!

Optional affect to book~
From out of nowhere a booming voice begins to speak: @W"Be warned ye who

seeks the knowledge of the dark one Morkith.  For centuries no mortal has

laid eyes upon the tome of the Krac'ti'lia, the book of the damned.  Be

ye warned mortal soul!  If'n ye seek the path of darkness and Morkith has

favored ye, accept the book as a gift.  The knowledge within can unlock

the mysteries of death, the afterlife and the way of the demons.  Does

thou seek the ultimate power of the dark gods?  Answer quickly for my

patience grows thin!" 

0 0 0
1779 9 1509949540 3 0

Black Temple - Entrance to the Hall of Demons~
Sheer black obsidian walls rise up to the north and south of the corridor

here, completely void of any blemishes or inperfections.  Twin arches,

made of polished dark grey adamantite and covered with ancient glyphs and

runes, lie directly to the east and west.  The sound of sputtering can be

heard off to the west where the hallway is illuminated faintly and

abundant with dancing shadows.  To the east the hallway proceeds into

darkness and not even your own light seems to break through it.

[Terek] Begin Hall of Demons Run, Whoop!

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50523 10 10 5
0 -1 50578 10 10 5

Black Temple - Along the Hall of Demons~
Magnificent stone statues carved to resemble gigantic horned demons line

every inch of the walls along the passageway here.  Each of the statues

eyes are composed of fist-sized black diamonds which glitter in the torch

light.  Before each base of the statues are several humanoid skulls which

have been stacked into a neat pile and a single crimson candle rests atop

them.  To the east a large, dark grey colored adamantite arch marks the

edge of the hallway while to the south the legion of demon statues

continue on as far as the eye can see.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50577 10 10 5
0 -1 50579 10 10 5
act_room( #shudder, ch );

@b@RThe ground vibrants violently as several of the statues of demons

begin to break free from the wall and animate!

1 0 6

Black Temple - Along the Hall of Demons~
Two enormous statues dominate the eastern and western walls of the

hallway here, each resembling a cross between a dragon and a human. 

Beside each of the statues are small niches in which several tied up

scrolls and dust-covered tomes rest.  Carved into the floor of the

hallway is the image of a giant eye placed in the center of a triangle. 

Upon the ceiling a mural made with red and black dye has been painted,

depicting a legion of demons marching towards a city that strikingly

resembles Vaasa.  To the north and south the hallway stretches through

the temple along the hordes of statues.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50578 10 10 5
0 -1 50580 10 10 5

Black Temple - Along the Hall of Demons~
Several dozen small statues line the walls of the passage here, each

carved to appear like a disfigured human with twisted arms and legs. 

Pools of blood rest before each of the statues which constantly churns

violently, like it were concious and aware of its surroundings.  Upon the

eastern wall, etched just above the heads of the statues, is a large

carving of a man draped in robes which only reveal his skeletal hands. 

To the north the hallways continues through the rows of statues while to

the south it bends out of view.

[Terek] How many ways can i friggin describe this hallway..grumble

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50579 10 10 5
0 -1 50581 10 10 5

Black Temple - Before the Statue of a Medusa~
The hallway bends sharply here, heading off through a triangle-shaped

opening in the wall to the west.  Only a lone statue, carved to look like

like a medusa, has been erected in this section of the passage, which

stands directly before the opening to the west.  Upon the southern wall

are several patches of discolored stone on which partial remains of

ancient writing remains.  The eastern wall is completely bare save for a

tiny hand-sized niche which has been placed dead center in the wall.  The

hallway continues along the rows of statues to the north and west from


[Terek] Medusa Will animate, How im gonna work her gaze i dunno

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50580 10 10 5
0 -1 50582 10 10 5

Black Temple - Before a Triangle-Shaped Opening~
The smooth dark obsidian walls of the hallway are covered with ancient

carvings and writings which has been placed in between each of the

statues of demons.  A massive silk tapestry depicting a lone knight clad

in pitch-black armor surveying a battle between demons and dwarves from

high atop a hill.  To the east a triangle-shaped opening has been carved

through the wall and on the other side you can see the faint outline of a

huge statue dominating the center of the hallway.  To the north and east

the hallway continues past the rows of statues.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50587 10 10 5
0 -1 50581 10 10 5

Black Temple - Cobweb-Filled Corridor~
Massive spider webs drape across the walls of the corridor here,

completely obscuring your field of vision to the east.  Beneath the many

layers of silken thread upon the walls you can see the faint outlines of

large stone carvings but are too obscured to identify what they represent. 

Within a section of webbing on the southern wall are several entombed

sword spiders, partially eaten and decayed.  To the south lies a dented

steel has been nearly obscured by the webs.  A grey-white marble arch,

covered in glowing runes and glyphs lies to the west while to the east

the corridor continues through the sheets of cobwebs.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50584 10 10 5
0 -1 50597 10 10 5
0 -1 50523 10 10 5

Black Temple - Cobweb-Filled Corridor~
The massive silken threads of the cobwebs in this section of the hallway

intertwine with each other nearly blocking off passage to the east.  The

webs have become strengthened by each other and feel as if they were made

of stone.  Upon the northern wall, stuck beneath several layers of

webbing, are the skeletal remains of a humanoid clad in white armor. 

Small rats and large spiders can be seen stuck within the crossections of

the webs; their flesh nearly gone and white bone visible.  A rickety

wooden door, covered in rusty steel bands, lies directly to the south. 

The hallway continues to the east and west from here.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50598 10 10 5
0 -1 50585 10 10 5
0 -1 50583 10 10 5

Black Temple - Abandoned Clergy's Quarters~
The smooth grey stone walls of this room are completely bare save for a

few unlit torches which still hang from the walls.  Small piles of stone

rubble lie in the corners of the room having broken free from the ceiling

and walls.  The southern wall shows evidence that the chamber was once

occupied as you can see the faint outline of what could have been a

picture frame.  Although barren of any furnishing, one hint of former

inhabitance still remains; the decaying corpse of a black robed figure

sits slumped over in the southwest corner of the room.  Set into the

northern wall is a rickety wooden door covered in rusty steel bands 

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50584 10 10 5

Black Temple - Before a Small Sacrifical Altar~
An overwhelming stench of burnt and decaying flesh fills the air here,

mingling with the strong smell of soot.  Strewn about the floor in heaps

are the remains of several dozen horribly burned humanoids, some still

wearing their armor they doned in battle.  A large, crudely formed block

of steel lies in the southwest corner of the room; the blade-end of a

steel longsword partially melted into it.  Set against the southern wall

is a small stone altar on which the blackened bones of a human lie

strapped to it.  Lying beside the altar is a bulky suit of field plate

armor, covered in blood and rittled with holes.  To the north the hallway

continues through the vast corridors of the temple.

[Terek] Ever notice i describe WAY too much stuff :P

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50526 10 10 5

Black Temple - Along the Hall of Demons~
The hallway here is void of any statues except for carvings etched into

the walls.  The carvings depict a large assembly of demons bowing before

a black-robed figure with large red horns.  A lone torch hangs from the

western wall, flickering with a pale red and blue flame which illuminates

the hallway just barely enough to see the dark stone walls.  Directly to

the north the faint outline of an extremely large statue can be seen

through the darkness.  To the north and south the hallway continues

through the vast corridors of the temple.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50588 10 10 5
0 -1 50582 10 10 5

Black Temple - End of the Hall of Demons~
Dominating the northern wall of the hallway here is an enormous statue of

the dark god Morkith.  The statue towers towers up at least twenty feet

where the ceiling has been raised to accomidate its size.  Within the

statue's hands are a massive broadsword made of a crimson metal and a

shield make of humanoid skulls.  Hanging from the eastern and western

walls are tattered tapestries which have been destroyed by time, making

identification of their original pictures impossible.  To the south the

hallway continues through the hall of demons.

[Terek] Closing exit north off, riddle again

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50589 10 10 5
0 -1 50587 10 10 5

Black Temple - Before a Blood-Stained Door~
Set into the western wall is an enormous adamantite door, adorned with

ancient carvings, runes and glyphs and covered in a thick layer of dried

blood.  Unlit torches, covered in decades of cobwebs and dust, hang on

each side of the door.  The entire northern wall of the chamber is

composed of humanoid skulls which have been coated with a thin,

translucent green slime.  Etched into the eastern wall are at least half

a dozen small carvings, each portraying a different type of demon. 

Beneath the carvings in the wall to the east are several rows of ancient

writing, faded and barely readable from ages of erosion.  To the south

the wall is completely bare save for a triangle-shaped depression.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50588 10 10 5
0 -1 50590 10 10 5

Black Temple - Barren Passage~
This small, dark stone passage is blanketed in utter darkness and the

only thing visible is are faint traces of a bluish mist which swirls just

above the floor.  Rows of unlit torches, covered in cobwebs and a thick

layer of mildew and grime, hang along the walls of the passage.  A large

niche has been carved into the northern wall within which a large, rusty

steel mace rests.  Set into the eastern wall is an enormous blood-stained

adamantite door, large enough to allow a storm giant to pass through

without ducking.  To the south the passage continues through a veil of


301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50589 10 10 5
0 -1 50591 10 10 5

Black Temple - Barren Passage~
The sheer stone walls of the passage are void of any blemishes or

imperfections and the craftmanship of the interlocking stone blocks is

quite impressive.  A few of the stones which compose the wall have had

small carvings etched on their surface but only portions of the carvings

remain and are unidentifiable.  A large door, made of blackened wood

reinforced with krynite bands, has been set into the western wall.  To

the north and south the passage continues through the abandoned temple.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50590 10 10 5
0 -1 50593 10 10 5
0 -1 50592 10 10 5

Black Temple - Patriarch's Chambers~
This small stone chamber once housed one of the three Grand Patriarch's

of Morkith but appears to have been abandoned some time ago.  A massive

four-polled bed of fine shuvana wood, draped in a black veil, has been

set against the western wall.  A dark maple wardrobe, its doors open and

interior empty, stands on the northern side of the room.  Set into the

southern wall is a small fireplace, covered in a layer of dust and filled

with mounds of grey ash.  The mantle above the fireplace is covered with

humanoid skulls from almost every race.  To the east a large wooden door

made of black wood marks the exit out of this chamber.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50591 10 10 5

Black Temple - Barren Passage~
Cobwebs litter this portion of the passage here, covering nearly every

inch of stone and every small crevice.  Beneath the layers of cobwebs,

only dark obsidian stone can be seen which still retains a high glossy

appearance.  Set into the western wall and nearly obscured by the the

strands of silken thread is a large black wooden door, covered in glowing

runes and glyphs.  The passage continues to the north while to the south

it looks to be impassable as the cobwebs have woven over each other

several times in a thick, tangled mess.

[Terek] Slash web to get through

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50591 10 10 5
0 -1 50595 10 10 5
0 -1 50594 10 10 5

Black Temple - Patriarch's Chambers~
This circular stone chamber is quite bare, save for only a few ragged

silk tapestries which still hang from the walls.  The tapestries are

quite damaged but you can see bits and pieces of images of battle-clerics

of Morkith rushing an unseen foe.  The walls, ceiling and floor are

covered with large scratches and a few stones within them are missing.  A

mound of splintered wood lies in the northwest corner of the room,

remnants of furnishings that once occupied the room.  To the east a large

black wooden door marks the exit out of this chamber.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50593 10 10 5

Black Temple - Barren Passage~
The walls in this section of the passage have been severly damaged by

some tremendous force, leaving most of the its stones scarred with cracks

while others have crumbled completely leaving gaping holes.  A large

portion of the southern wall has crumbled away and from deep within its

bowels you can hear a constant faint roaring sound, like that of a angry

dragon.  The floor is covered in tiny fragments of bone, although they

are too small to identify what creature they once belonged to.  A large,

sturdy steel door, covered in dents and scratches, has been set into the

western wall.  The passage continues off to the north into a mass of


301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50593 10 10 5
0 -1 50596 10 10 5

Black Temple - Patriarch's Chambers~
This large black and grey tiled stone chamber is filled with many elegant

furniture and colorful tapestries.  Several marble cabinets, each

fastened shut with a hefty adamantite lock, stand against the southern

wall.  A small cot, covered in black silk sheets and a blanket of human

flesh, lies in the northwest corner of the room.  A large, plush reading

chair has been placed in front of a large fireplace in the western wall

of the chamber.  The entire northern wall is covered in silk tapestries,

each portraying human sacrifices being offered to Morkith by his minions. 

A sturdy steel door, covered in dried blood, has been set into the

eastern wall.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50595 10 10 5

Black Temple - Abandoned Clergy's Quarters~
This small room is filled with broken tables, wardrobes, chairs and

bookcases.  Black silk tapestries hang from the southern wall, shredded

beyond recognition and covered in dried blood.  The remains of stone

statues stand in each of the corners of the room; reduced to nothing more

than a mere pile of crumbled stone.  Set into a niche in the western wall

is a small shrine adorned with human skulls topped with black tallow

candles.  Lying sprawled out in the center of the room are the remains of

two humans; one covered in red and white plate armor and the other in a

mere set of black robes.  To the north a dented steel door leads out of

the room and back into the corridor.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50583 10 10 5

Black Temple - Cobweb-Filled Corridor~
Battered pieces of rusty plate armor lie scattered about the floor of the

corridor; thick strands of ivory-white web wrapped tightly around them. 

Etched into the northern wall are several odd-looking symbols, each

outlined by a series of sparkling blood-red gems.  Examining the webs

that span across the hallway and almost completely block off the southern

passage you notice they are extremely thicker than what a common spider

could weave even over several years.  The corridor continues to the west

into a veil of darkness while to the south the passage becomes slightly

illuminated by a soft green glow.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50599 10 10 5
0 -1 50584 10 10 5

Black Temple - Cobweb-Filled Corridor~
An extremely large and thick cobweb crosses over this section of the

corridor here and entangled within it are the skeletal remains of several

humanoids.  Two torches hang from the eastern and western walls of the

passage, each of them flickering with a dull orange flame which barely

illuminates the passage and do no harm to the strands of web which

delicately hang inches above their flames.  Further to the south along

the corridor the soft green glow which illuminates the hallway becomes

brighter.  The corridor continues to stretch to the north and south from

here, through the mass of tangled cobwebs.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50598 10 10 5
0 -1 50600 10 10 5

Black Temple - Cobweb-Filled Corridor~
The cobwebs in the corridor here are extremely thick and you constantly

have to wipe them away and untangle yourself from them.  The corpses of

several armored humanoids have been entombed in a cacoon of cobwebs and

propped up against the southern wall.  Rusty swords, shields and battle

maces can be clearly seen lying behind a thick sheet of webbing in a

niche carved into the eastern wall.  A soft green glow illuminates the

corridor, causing the cobwebs to take on a shiny forest-green color.  To

the north and west the corridor continues, constantly kept illuminated by

the glow.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50599 10 10 5
0 -1 50601 10 10 5

Black Temple - Cobweb-Filled Corridor~
Portions of the walls in this section of the corridor have crumbled,

leaving large gaping holes from within which you can hear the faint sound

of dripping water.  The floor and ceiling have had murals of shadowy

figures lurking in a heavily forested area stalking a group of centaurs

painted across their surface.  Lying partially buried beneath a mound of

stone debris along the northern wall are several sapphire-encrusted

golden braziers which have been molded in the shape of an open dragon's

claw.  The bright green glow which illuminates the corridor here

intensifies to the south while it diminishes to the east the corridor

moves further away from it.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50600 10 10 5
0 -1 50602 10 10 5

Black Temple - Glowing Chamber~
The walls of this large circular chamber are covered in a thick blanket

of green fungi which sheds an almost blinding green glow about the room

and down the corridors.  Beneath the layers of fungus you can

occasionally catch a glimpse of something metallic shining beneath it. 

The floor of the chamber is scarred by many deep scratches made by an

extremely sharp object as the cuts drive four inches into the hard

obsidian.  A few cobwebs hang from the corners of the chamber and within

a few of them you can see several small bugs entangled in the fine

strands of silken thread.  A hallway makes its way out of the chamber to

the north, illuminated brightly by the green glow while to the east the

area remains pitch black.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50601 10 10 5
0 -1 50603 10 10 5

Black Temple - Bone-Strewn Chamber~
This large stone chamber has been crudely chisled out from the black

obsidian stone, leaving bits of jagged rocks exposed.  Filling the

chamber are several hundred bones which lie in heaps, some reaching three

feet high.  Among the many bones you notice that most of them resemble

humanoid skulls and leg bones while others have been snapped and gnawed

away at, making identification of what creature they came from impossible. 

Lying along the northeast wall of the chamber are several large oval

balls of web, resembling a cacoon a spider would leave after it had

killed its prey.  A large, gaping hole can be clearly seen in the eastern

wall and although it is completely dark you can hear a faint crunching

sound emanating within it.  To the west a smooth, stone hallway begins to

make its way through the temple, illuminated by a nearly blinding bright

green glow.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50602 10 10 5

Black Temple - Forgotten Burial Vault~
You put a description here, funny concept eh?

368574465 0 9 0
3 -1 50553 10 10 5

Black Temple - Chamber of the Dark Guardian~
Under Construction.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50543 10 10 5
1790 9 1509949540 3 0

Black Temple - Chamber of the Dark Guardian~
Under Construction.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50544 10 10 5
1790 9 1509949540 3 0

Black Temple - Chamber of the Dark Guardian~
Under Construction.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50537 10 10 5
1790 9 1509949540 3 0

Black Temple - Chamber of the Dark Guardian~
Under Construction.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50536 10 10 5
1790 9 1509949540 3 0

Black Temple - Chamber of the Dark Guardian~
Under Construction.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50541 10 10 5

Black Temple - Chamber of the Dark Guardian~
Under Construction.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50534 10 10 5

A Dark Cold Passage Beneath the Dragonspires~
Under Construction.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50500 10 10 5
0 -1 50612 10 10 5

A Dark Cold Passage Beneath the Dragonspires~
Under Construction.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50611 10 10 5
0 -1 50613 10 10 5

A Dark Cold Passage Beneath the Dragonspires~
Under Construction.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50612 10 10 5
0 -1 50614 10 10 5

A Dark and Musty Vertical Shaft~
Under Construction.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50615 10 10 5
0 -1 50613 10 10 5

A Dark and Musty Vertical Shaft~
Under Construction.

301465601 0 9 0
0 -1 50616 10 10 5
0 -1 50614 10 10 5

Within a Small Dark Cave~
Under Construction.

301465601 0 9 0
mound of boulders~
234 -1 58016 10 10 5
0 -1 50615 10 10 5
