 * flahs.h
 *	 Room, object, player, and monster flags.
 *   ____            _
 *  |  _ \ ___  __ _| |_ __ ___  ___
 *  | |_) / _ \/ _` | | '_ ` _ \/ __|
 *  |  _ <  __/ (_| | | | | | | \__ \
 *  |_| \_\___|\__,_|_|_| |_| |_|___/
 * Permission to use, modify and distribute is granted via the
 *  Creative Commons - Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike 3.0 License
 * 	Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Jason Mitchell, Randi Mitchell
 * 	   Contributions by Tim Callahan, Jonathan Hseu
 *  Based on Mordor (C) Brooke Paul, Brett J. Vickers, John P. Freeman
#ifndef FLAGS_H_
#define FLAGS_H_

// partial owner flags
#define PROP_STOR_VIEW_LOG			0		// view log

#define PROP_SHOP_VIEW_LOG			0		// view log
#define PROP_SHOP_CAN_STOCK			1		// can stock
#define PROP_SHOP_CAN_REMOVE		2		// can remove

#define PROP_GUILD_PUBLIC			0		// public

#define PROP_HOUSE_PRIVATE			0		// private

// Room flags
#define R_SHOP						0		// Shoppe
#define R_DUMP_ROOM					1		// Dump
//									2		// unused
#define R_TRAINING_ROOM				3		// Training class bits (2-6)
#define R_MOB_JAIL					7		// A jail room a monster takes you to (as opposed to staff)
#define R_DARK_ALWAYS				8		// Room is dark always
#define R_DARK_AT_NIGHT				9		// Room is dark at night
#define R_POST_OFFICE				10		// Post office
#define R_SAFE_ROOM					11		// Safe room, no playerkilling
#define R_NO_TELEPORT				12		// Cannot teleport to this room
#define R_FAST_HEAL					13		// Heal faster in this room
#define R_ONE_PERSON_ONLY			14		// 1-player only inside
#define R_TWO_PEOPLE_ONLY			15		// 2-players only inside
#define R_THREE_PEOPLE_ONLY			16		// 3-players only inside
#define R_NO_MAGIC					17		// No magic allowed in room
#define R_PERMENANT_TRACKS			18		// Permanent tracks in room
#define R_EARTH_BONUS				19		// Earth realm
#define R_AIR_BONUS					20		// Wind realm
#define R_FIRE_BONUS				21		// Fire realm
#define R_WATER_BONUS				22		// Water realm
#define R_PLAYER_DEPENDENT_WANDER	23		// Player-dependent monster wanders
#define R_PLAYER_HARM				24		// player harming room
#define R_POISONS					25		// player poison room
#define R_DRAIN_MANA				26		// player mp drain room
#define R_STUN						27		// player befuddle room
#define R_NO_SUMMON_OUT				28		// player can not be summon out
#define R_PLEDGE					29		// player can pledge in room
#define R_RESCIND					30		// player can rescind in room
#define R_NO_POTION					31		// No potion room
#define R_MAGIC_BONUS				32		// Player magic spell extend
#define R_NO_LOGIN					33		// No player login
//									34		// unused
#define R_INDOORS					35		// Indoors
#define R_JAIL						36		// Room is a Jail
#define R_NO_CAST_TELEPORT			37		// You cannot cast teleport in this room
#define R_LOTTERY_OFFICE			38		// You buy lottery tickets here, also set shop flag
#define R_DESERT_HARM				39		// Desert room harm flag
#define R_STORAGE_ROOM_SALE			40		// Can buy storage rooms here
#define R_IS_STORAGE_ROOM			41		// Room is a storage room
#define R_NO_CLAIR_ROOM				42		// Cannot clair this room
#define R_NO_FLEE					43		// Cannot flee from this room
#define R_DEADLY_VINES				44		// Player harm - Vines
#define R_CAN_SHOPLIFT				45		// Can shoplift here
#define R_FOREST_OR_JUNGLE			46		// Room is in a forest/jungle
#define R_ETHEREAL_PLANE			47		// Room is in the ethereal plane
#define R_OPPOSITE_REALM_BONUS		48		// The opposite realm of the room is given a bonus
#define R_PAWN_SHOP					49		// Pawn Shoppe
#define R_ICY_WATER					50		// Ice cold water
#define R_NO_TRACK_TO				51		// Cannot track to this room.
#define R_DESTROYS_ITEMS			52		// Environment destroys dropped items.
#define R_NO_SUMMON_TO				53		// Players cannot be summoned to this room
#define R_NO_TRACK_OUT				54		// Player cannot track out of this room
#define R_ROOM_REALM_BONUS			55		// Room's realm adds to same realms spell damage
#define R_OUTLAW_SAFE				56		// Cannot kill an outlaw in this room
#define R_BANK						57		// Room is a bank
#define R_MAGIC_MONEY_MACHINE		58		// Magic Money Machine Room - can get balance and money from
#define R_CASINO					59		// Room is a casino - lets you gamble
#define R_GUILD_OPEN_ACCESS			60		// Guild: Open Access
#define R_NO_WORD_OF_RECALL			61		// Word of recall does not work in this room
#define R_LOG_INTO_TRAP_ROOM		62		// Players log in to room's trap exit
#define R_DIFFICULT_TO_MOVE			63		// Difficult to move in this room
#define R_ELEC_BONUS				64		// Electromagnetic room
#define R_COLD_BONUS				65		// Cold realm room
#define R_DIFFICULT_FLEE			66		// Difficult to flee from here
#define R_NO_MIST					67		// Mist cannot enter here
#define R_DISPERSE_MIST				68		// Room disperses mist
#define R_DECLARE_BOUNTY			69		// can declare a bounty here
#define R_BUILD_SHOP				70		// can build a shop here
#define R_MAGIC_DARKNESS			71		// Room cloaked in magical darkness
#define R_UNDER_WATER_BONUS			72		// Room is underwater
#define R_NO_DODGE					73		// No dodge/riposte allowed in room
#define R_ARAMON					74		// Aramon faith room
#define R_CERIS						75		// Ceris faith room
#define R_ENOCH						76		// Enoch faith room
#define R_GRADIUS					77		// Gradius faith room
#define R_ARES						78		// Ares faith room
#define R_KAMIRA					79		// Kamira faith room
#define R_JAKAR						80		// Jakar faith room
#define R_LINOTHAN					81		// Linothan faith room
#define R_MARA						82		// Mara faith room
#define R_ARACHNUS					83		// Arachnus faith room
#define R_UNDERGROUND				84		// Underground room
#define R_BUILD_GUILDHALL			85		// can build a guildhall here
#define R_WAS_BUILD_GUILDHALL		86		// used to be able to build a guildhall
#define R_ARCHERS					87		// elven archers
#define R_DEADLY_MOSS				88		// deadly moss
#define R_WAS_BUILD_SHOP			89		// used to be able to build a shop
#define R_CONSTRUCTION				90		// This room is under construction
#define R_TYPO						91		// A typo was reported in this room
#define R_BUILD_HOUSE				92		// can build a house here
#define R_WAS_BUILD_HOUSE			93		// used to be able to build a house
#define R_WINTER_COLD				94		// room is cold during the winter
#define R_NO_PREVIOUS				95		// player does not record this as previous room
#define R_SHOP_STORAGE				96		// must be set in storage room for room flag 1 (Shoppe) to work
#define R_ALWAYS_WINTER				97		// Treat this room as winter regardless of season
#define MAX_ROOM_FLAGS				98		// Incriment when you add a room flag

// Player flags
// free								0
#define P_HIDDEN					1	// Hidden
#define P_HARDCORE					2	// A hardcore character: death is permanent.
#define P_NO_BROADCASTS				3	// Don't show broadcasts
#define P_NO_LONG_DESCRIPTION		4	// Don't show long description
#define P_NO_SHORT_DESCRIPTION		5	// Don't show short description
#define P_IGNORE_GOSSIP				6	// ignore gossip channel
#define P_IGNORE_CLAN				7	// ignore clan channel
#define P_PORTAL					8	// portal
#define P_NO_AUTO_ATTACK			9	// no auto attack for players
#define P_DM_INVIS					10	// DM Invisibility
#define P_SLEEPING					11	// sleeping
#define P_MALE						12	// Sex == male
#define P_SEXLESS					13	// sexless
#define P_WIMPY						14	// Wimpy mode
#define P_EAVESDROPPER				15	// Eavesdropping mode
// free								16
#define P_UNIQUE_TO_DECAY			17	// Player has a unique that must decay
#define P_PROMPT					18	// Display status prompt
#define P_FRENZY					19	// Frenzy Flag (For Werewolfs)
#define P_MXP_ENABLED				20	// Player wants to use MXP
#define P_MXP_ACTIVE				21	// MXP is active! we need to close it
#define P_PRAYED					22	// Prayed
#define P_INVERT_AREA_COLOR			23	// Invert area color
#define P_PREPARED					24	// Prepared for trap
#define P_T_TO_BOUND				25	// *t takes you to bound room
#define P_ANSI_COLOR				26	// Ansi Color
#define P_SPYING					27	// Spying on someone
#define P_CHAOTIC					28	// Chaotic/!Lawful
#define P_READING_FILE				29	// Reading a file
#define P_NO_TICK_MSG				30	// Ignore mob tick broadcasts
#define P_NO_AGGRO_MSG				31	// Ignore mob aggro broadcasts
#define P_NO_DEATH_MSG				32	// Ignore mob death broadcasts
#define P_CAN_CHOOSE_CUSTOM_TITLE	33	// player can choose custom title
#define P_NO_SUMMON					34	// Nosummon flag
#define P_IGNORE_ALL				35	// Ignore all send
#define P_IGNORE_SMS				36	// Ignore text messages
#define P_NO_TRACK_STATS			37	// Do not track statistics
#define P_DARKNESS					38	// Player is carrying a darkness item
#define P_PLEDGED					39	// Player is pledged
#define P_MIRC						40	// Player is using mirc (colors/stuff)
#define P_DISEASED					41	// Player is diseased
#define P_SHOW_SKILL_PROGRESS                           42      // Show skill Progress
// free								43
// free								44
#define P_CHARMED					45	// Player is charmed
#define P_NO_LOGIN_MESSAGES			46	// No login messages sent
#define P_VIEW_ZONES				47	// Player wants to view zones
#define P_SECURITY_CHECK_OK			48	// Player has passed security check
#define P_AUTHERIZED				49	// No-port that has been authorized
#define P_ALIASING					50	// DM is aliasing
#define P_BLOODSAC					51	// Player in blood sacrifice mode
#define P_NEWLINE_AFTER_PROMPT		52	// Print NL after prompt
#define P_BERSERKED					53	// Player is berserked
#define P_LOG_WATCH					54	// DM is watching the log chanel
#define P_MISTED					55	// Player is in mist form
#define P_RUNNING					56	// Player is running
#define P_IGNORE_CLASS_SEND			57	// Player is ignoring class sends
#define P_IGNORE_GROUP_BROADCAST	58	// Player is ignoring group broadcasts
#define P_ENCHANT_ONLY				59	// Player resists-hands
// free								60
#define P_RESIST_STUN				61	// Player resists-stun
// free								62	// +STR
// free								63	// +INT
// free								64	// +CON
// free								65	// +DEX
// free								66	// +PTY
// free								67
// free								68
// free								69
// free								70
// free								71
#define P_OUTLAW					72	// Player is an outlaw
#define P_JUST_TRAINED				73	// Player just trained
#define P_NO_COMPUTE				74	// DM flag only: don't compute ac
#define P_SNEAK_WHILE_MISTED		75	// sneak while misted
#define P_FOCUSED					76	// player is focused
#define P_STUNNED					77	// player currently stunned
// free								78	// unused
#define P_NO_AUTO_WEAR				79	// Player won't wear all when they log on
// free								80
// free								81
// free								82
#define P_NO_FOLLOW					83	// Player cannot be followed
#define P_CAUGHT_SHOPLIFTING		84	// Player was caught shoplifting
#define P_LAG_PROTECTION_SET		85	// Lag protection set (autohazy/autodisconnect)
#define P_LAG_PROTECTION_OPERATING	86	// Lag detection routines currently in operation
#define P_LAG_PROTECTION_ACTIVE		87	// Check for lag protection activated
#define P_DM_SILENCED				88	// Player silenced by DM
#define P_DM_BLINDED				89	// Player blinded by DM
#define P_NO_MSG					90	// DM/CT will not see *msg channel
#define P_CAN_AWARD					91	// DM only. Allows CTs to award roleplaying xp if set.
#define P_FREE_TRAIN				92	// Player doesn't need cash to level. For ptesting
#define P_GOLD_SPLIT				93	// Player has auto gold split turned on.
// free								94	// unused
#define P_PTESTER					95	// Player is a ptester
#define P_NO_SHOW_STATS				96	// HP/MP will not show when followed
#define P_NO_CAST_SUMMON			97	// Player cannot cast summon - for summon slaves
#define P_NO_GET_ALL				98	// Player cannot get all - for people abusing it.
#define P_CAN_OUTLAW				99	// DM only. Allows a CT to use *outlaw command.
#define P_OUTLAW_WILL_BE_ATTACKED	100	// Outlaw will be attacked by outlaw aggros
#define P_OUTLAW_WILL_LOSE_XP		101	// Player* players. For outlaws.
#define P_LINKDEAD					102	// Player is linkdead (shouldn't be considered dbl logging
#define P_UNCONSCIOUS				103	// Player is unconsious
#define P_INCOGNITO					104	// DM/CT is incognito
#define P_BRAINDEAD					105	// Player is brain dead -- For jackasses...
// free								106
#define P_CT_CAN_DM_LIST			107	// Player can use *list command. For CTs.. DM only set.
// free								108
// free								109
#define P_CT_CAN_DM_BROAD			110	// CT can use *broad (DM only set)
#define P_SHOW_XP_IN_PROMPT			111	// XP shows in player prompt
#define P_UNREAD_MAIL				112	// Player has unread mudmail
#define P_NO_SHOW_MAIL				113	// Player will not see new mail notification
#define P_POISONED_BY_PLAYER		114	// Poisoned by player
#define P_POISONED_BY_MONSTER		115	// Poisoned by monster
#define P_NO_LAG_HAZY				116	// Hazy looked for 2nd in lag protection
#define P_NO_EXTRA_COLOR			117	// Extra color options
#define P_NO_PKILL_PERCENT			118	// Pkill percent not shown
#define P_NO_AUCTIONS				119	// Will not see auction broadcasts
#define P_KILLS_LOGGED				120	// All player's kills logged
#define P_SUPER_EAVESDROPPER		121	// Super eavesdrop mode
#define P_CAN_FLASH_SELF			122	// Player is allowed to flash self
#define P_SAVING_THROWSPELL_LEARN	123	// Saving throw values defined. DO NOT UNSET THIS FLAG!
// free								124
#define P_IGNORE_RACE_SEND			125	// Player ignoring race broadsend
#define P_AFK						126	// Player is away from keyboard (afk)
#define P_CONVERTED					127	// Player converted
#define P_GLOBAL_GAG				128	// Player globally gagged
#define P_DONT_SHOW_SHOP_PROFITS	129	// Don't show profits
// free								130
// free								131
#define P_NO_TELLS					132	// Player ignores send/tell messages
#define P_LANG_ALIEN				133	// Player speaks alien language (unknown)
#define P_LANG_DWARVEN				134	// Player speaks dwarven
#define P_LANG_ELVEN				135	// Player speaks elven
#define P_LANG_HALFLING				136	// Player speaks halfling
#define P_LANG_COMMON				137	// Player speaks common
#define P_LANG_ORCISH				138	// Player speaks orcish
#define P_LANG_GIANTKIN				139	// Player speaks giantkin
#define P_LANG_GNOMISH				140	// Player speaks gnomish
#define P_LANG_TROLLISH				141	// Player speaks language of trolls
#define P_LANG_OGRISH				142	// Player speaks ogrish
#define P_LANG_DARK_ELVEN			143	// Player speaks dark elven
#define P_LANG_GOBLINOID			144	// Player speaks goblinoid
#define P_LANG_MINOTAUR				145	// Player speak language of minotaurs
#define P_LANG_CELESTIAL			146	// Player speaks celestial (seraph)
#define P_LANG_KOBOLD				147	// Player speaks kobold
#define P_LANG_INFERNAL				148	// Player speaks infernal (cambion)
#define P_LANG_BARBARIAN			149	// Player speaks barbarian
#define P_LANG_KATARAN				150	// Player speaks kataran
// free								151	// unused
// free								152	// unused
// free								153	// unused
#define P_LANGUAGE_COLORS			154	// Player sees language colors
#define P_LANGUAGE_INITIALIZED		155	// Player language been initialized
// free								156
#define P_ON_PROXY					157	// Player is allowed to multi-log
#define P_SECRET_WATCHER			158	// Player does not show up as a watcher
#define P_GROUP_EXP_ABUSE			159	// No group exp due to abuse
#define P_WATCHER					160	// Player is a watcher
#define P_CAN_MUDMAIL_STAFF			161	// Player can mudmail CTs and DMs
#define P_NO_DUEL_MESSAGES			162	// Player will not see duel death messages
#define P_BUGGED					163	// Player is bugged for observation
#define P_DIED_IN_DUEL				164	// Player just died in a duel - DO NOT SET
#define P_MISTBANE					165	// Player (ranger) can hit mist (mistbane)
#define P_XP_DIVIDE					166	// Player has xp split turned on
#define P_NO_PKILL					167	// Player cannot be pkilled right now
#define P_PERM_DEATH				168	// Player sees perm deaths
#define P_DEEPPOCKETS				169	// Player under deeppockets spell
// free								170
#define P_IGNORE_NEWBIE_SEND		171	// Player ignoring newbie channel
// free								172
// free								173
#define P_HP_ADJUSTED				174	// Player has hp adjusted
#define P_SITTING					175	// Player is sitting down resting
#define P_NO_WTS					176	// Cannot use *wts command
#define P_CREATING_GUILD			177	// Player is currently attempting to create a new guild
// free								178
// free								179
#define P_FREE_ACTION				180	// Player under free-action spell
#define P_NO_FLUSHCRTOBJ			181	// Builder doesnt have to *flushcrtobj
#define P_NO_NUMBERS				182	// No Mob Numbers
#define P_CAN_REBOOT				183	// Can use *reboot command
#define P_CAN_CHANGE_STATS			184	// Can change stats
#define P_JAILED					185	// Jailed by *jail command. DO NOT SET
// free								186
#define P_KILL_AGGROS				187	// Player attacks aggros first
#define P_PASSWORD_CURRENT			188	// Password is current
#define P_NO_TICK_MP				189	// Player cannot tick MP
#define P_NO_TICK_HP				190	// Player cannot tick HP
#define P_ANCHOR					191	// Player under anchor spell
#define P_KILLED_BY_MOB				192	// Just killed by mob
// free								193
#define P_DOCTOR_KILLER				194	// Player is a doctor killer
#define P_CHOSEN_SURNAME			195	// Player has chosen surname
#define P_NO_SURNAME				196	// Player cannot use surname command
// free								197
#define P_ADULT						198	// Adult channel
#define P_VETERAN					199	// Player is a veteran - can use vet channel
#define P_CANT_BROADCAST			200	// For people who constantly abuse broadcast
#define P_CHOSEN_ALIGNMENT			201	// Player has chosen alignment
#define P_NO_SUICIDE				202	// Player cannot suicide - cool off period
#define P_BUILDER_MOBS				203	// Builder can make mobs
#define P_BUILDER_OBJS				204	// Builder can make objs
#define P_DARKMETAL					205	// Player has a darkmetal item (DONT SET)
// free								206
// free								207
// free								208
// free								209
// free								210
// free								211
// free								212
// free								213
// free								214
// free								215
// free								216
// free								217
#define MAX_PLAYER_FLAGS			218	// Incriment when u add a new player flag

// Monster flags
#define M_PERMENANT_MONSTER			0	// Permanent monster
#define M_HIDDEN					1	// Hidden
#define M_WAS_HIDDEN				2	// Monster was hidden before and will rehide again
#define M_MAN_TO_MEN				3	// Man to men on plural
#define M_NO_S_ON_PLURAL			4	// Don't add s on plural
#define M_NO_PREFIX					5	// No prefix
#define M_AGGRESSIVE				6	// Aggressive
#define M_GUARD_TREATURE			7	// Guards treasure
#define M_BLOCK_EXIT				8	// Blocks exits
#define M_FOLLOW_ATTACKER			9	// Monster follows attacker
#define M_WILL_FLEE					10	// Monster flees
#define M_SCAVANGER					11	// Monster is a scavenger
#define M_MALE						12	// Sex == male
#define M_WILL_POISON				13	// Poisoner
#define M_UNDEAD					14	// Undead
#define M_CANT_BE_STOLEN_FROM		15	// Cannot be stolen from
// free								16
#define M_CAN_CAST					17	// Can cast spells
#define M_HAS_SCAVANGED				18	// Has already scavenged something
#define M_ONLY_HARMED_BY_MAGIC		20	// Can only be harmed by magic
#define M_FACTION_ASSIST			21	// monster will assist members of primeFaction
#define M_ENCHANTED_WEAPONS_ONLY	22	// Can only be harmed by magic/ench.weapon
#define M_TALKS						23	// Monster can talk interactively
#define M_UNKILLABLE				24	// Monster cannot be harmed
#define M_NO_RANDOM_GOLD			25	// Monster has fixed amt of gold
#define M_AGGRESSIVE_AFTER_TALK		26	// Becomes aggressive after talking
#define M_NO_FACTION_AGGRO			27	// Don't aggro based on faction
#define M_CAN_RIPOSTE				28	// Can riposte regardless of other rules
#define M_DARKNESS					29	// Monster is carrying a darkness item
// free								30
// free								31
// free								32
#define M_CAN_PLEDGE_TO				32	// players can pledge to monster
#define M_CAN_RESCIND_TO			33	// players can rescind to monster
#define M_DISEASES					34	// Monster causes disease
#define M_DISOLVES_ITEMS			35	// Monster can dissolve items
#define M_CAN_PURCHASE_FROM			36	// player can purchase from monster
#define M_TRADES					37	// monster will give items
#define M_PASSIVE_EXIT_GUARD		38	// passive exit guard
#define M_AGGRESSIVE_GOOD			39	// Monster aggro to good players
#define M_AGGRESSIVE_EVIL			40	// Monster aggro to evil players
#define M_DEATH_SCENE				41	// Monster has additon desc after death
#define M_CAST_PRECENT				42	// Monster cast magic percent flag (prof 1)
#define M_RESIST_STUN_SPELL			43	// Monster resists stun only
#define M_NO_CIRCLE					44	// Monster cannot be circled
#define M_WILL_BLIND				45	// Monster blinds
#define M_DM_FOLLOW					46	// Monster will follow DM
// free								47
// free								48
// free								49
#define M_CHARMED					50	// Monster is charmed
#define M_MOBILE_MONSTER			51	// Mobile monster
#define M_LOGIC_MONSTER				52	// Logic Monster
#define M_THIEF						53	// Thief
#define M_FAST_WANDER				54	// fast wander
#define M_PET						55	// is, or can be, a pet
// free								56
// free								57
// free								58
// free								59
// free								60
// free								61
#define M_SEXLESS					62	// sexless
// free								63
// free								64
// free								65
// free								66
// free								67
// free								68
#define M_LEAVES_CORPSE				69	// monster leaves a corpse
#define M_IRREGULAR_PLURAL			70	// irregular plural monster
#define M_NO_WANDER					71	// monster doesn't wander
// free								72
// free								73
// free								74
// free								75
// free								76
// free								77
// free								78
// free								79
// free								80
// free								81
// free								82
// free								83
// free								84
// free								85
// free								86
// free								87
// free								88
// free								89
#define M_REGENERATES				90	// monster regenerates
#define M_PLUS_TWO					91	// monster needs +2 weapon or above to be hit
#define M_PLUS_THREE				92	// monster needs +3 weapon or above to be hit
// free								93
#define M_STEAL_WHEN_ATTACKING		94	// monster steals if attacked
#define M_STEAL_ALWAYS				95	// monster steals on sight
// free								96
// free								97
// free								98
#define M_WILL_BE_ASSISTED			99	// Will be assisted
#define M_WILL_ASSIST				100	// Will assist
#define M_NIGHT_ONLY				101	// Only comes at night
#define M_OUTLAW_AGGRO				102	// Mob aggros outlaws
// free								103
// free								104
// free								105
#define M_WILL_WIELD				106	// Monster will wield a weapon in their inv
#define M_WILL_MOVE_FOR_CASH		107	// monster will move out of the way (clear pguard for a few) when given enough money
// free								108
#define M_DAY_ONLY					109	// monster will only come during the day
#define M_NO_SHOW_ARRIVE			110	// Don't show when they arrive
// free								111
// free								112
#define M_UN_DODGEABLE				113	// Monster cannot be dodged
// free								114
// free								115
#define M_ATTACKING_SHOPLIFTER		116	// Monster is attacking a shoplifter
#define M_CHASING_SOMEONE			117	// Monster chasing someone
#define M_RESIST_CIRCLE				118	// Monster resists circle - circled as if undead
#define M_WILL_YELL_FOR_HELP		119	// Monster will yell for help
#define M_YELLED_FOR_HELP			120	// Monster yelled for help - DONT SET
#define M_WILL_BE_HELPED			121	// Monster doesn't actually yell for help, but mobs arrive to help
#define M_BENEVOLENT_SPELLCASTER	122	// Monster is a benevolent spellcaster
#define M_WILL_BE_LOGGED			123	// Anything that happens to the monster will be logged until saved
// free								124
// free								125
#define M_LEVEL_BASED_STUN			126	// Level-based stunnable
#define M_RESIST_TOUCH				127	// Monster resists touch
#define M_GREEDY					128	// Monster will attack people based on people's gold and their bank...and steal their cash
#define M_POLICE					129	// Monster will beat the person up and then throw em in jail
#define M_LEVEL_RESTRICTED			130	// Monster can only be killed/attacked by someone less than maxLevel
#define M_NO_BACKSTAB				131	// Monster cannot be backstabbed - for really small creatures and stuff like slimes
// free								132
// free								133
// free								134
// free								135
// free								136
// free								137
// free								138
// free								139
// free								140
// free								141
// free								142
// free								143
// free								144
// free								145
// free								146
// free								147
// free								148
// free								149
// free								150
// free								151
// free								152
// free								153
// free								154
// free								155
#define M_NO_LEVEL_ONE				156	// Monster uneffected by level 1 spells
#define M_NO_LEVEL_TWO				157	// Monster uneffected by level 2 spells or less
#define M_NO_LEVEL_THREE			158	// Monster uneffected by level 3 spells or less
#define M_NO_LEVEL_FOUR				159	// Monster uneffected by level 4 spells or less
#define M_NO_KICK					160	// Monster cannot be kicked (for things like slimes)
#define M_DEATH_SCREAM				161	// Monster screams like a banshee - death scream
#define M_WILL_SNEAK				162	// Monster will sneak around
#define M_SNEAKING					163	// Monster is sneaking
//									164	// unused
#define M_WILL_BE_AGGRESSIVE		165	// Monster will become aggressive
#define M_NO_POISON					166	// Monster cannot be poisoned
#define M_NO_CHARM					167	// Monster cannot be charmed
#define M_SPECIAL_UNDEAD			168	// Mob turned as 'special' undead -- harder to turn
// free								169
// free								170
// free								171
#define M_NO_EXP_LOSS				172	// Monster does not make player lose xp
// free								173
#define M_REN_ON_PLURAL				174	// add 'ren' plural: child -> children
// free								175
#define M_F_TO_VE_ON_PLURAL			176	// 'f' to 'ves' plural: wolf -> wolves
// free								177
// free								178
#define M_CAN_STONE					179	// Monster's touch can turn to stone
// free								180
#define M_ALWAYS_AGGRESSIVE			181	// Monster ALWAYS aggressive
#define M_KILL_PERMS				182	// Mob will attack perm creatures
#define M_KILL_NON_ASSIST_MOBS		183	// Mob attacks all mobs it will not assist
#define M_KILL_MASTER_NOT_PET		184	// Mob kills master - not pet
// free								185
#define M_FAST_TICK					186	// Mob fast ticks when no one in room
#define M_RESTRICT_EXP_LEVEL		187	// Lower exp after max-killable level
// free								188
// free								189
#define M_TOLLKEEPER				190	// Monster is a tollkeeper
#define M_ALIGNMENT_VARIES			191	// Monster's alignment will vary
#define M_ASSIST_OTHERS_THACOS		192	// Mobs assist each others' thac0s
#define M_STREET_SWEEPER			193	// Mob is a streetsweeper - cleans rooms
#define M_CUSTOM					194	// Mob is custom - has no specific mtype
#define M_NO_ADJUST					195	// Mob will not adjust on loading
// free								196
// free								197
// free								198
// free								199
#define M_ALWAYS_ACTIVE				200	// Mob will remain on active list until killed
#define M_NO_AUTO_CRIT				201	// Mob will not be auto-critted
// free								202
#define M_ANTI_MAGIC_AURA			203	// Mob is anti-magic - blocks magic in room
#define M_MAGE_LICH_STUN_ONLY		204	// Mob is mage/lich stun only
#define M_FIRE_AURA					205	// Mob has fire aura attack
#define M_COLD_AURA					206	// Mob has cold aura attack
#define M_NAUSEATING_AURA			207	// Mob has a nauseating aura
#define M_NEGATIVE_LIFE_AURA		208	// Mob has a negative life sucking aura
#define M_TURBULENT_WIND_AURA		209	// Mob has a turbulent windy aura
//									210	// unused
//									211	// unused
//									212	// unused
#define M_WOUNDING					213	// Mob has wounding attack
#define M_BERSERK					214	// Mob is berserk
#define M_WILL_BERSERK				215	// Mob will berserk
#define M_WAS_PORTED				216	// Mob was teleported (DO NOT SET)
#define M_DRAIN_ATTACK				217	// Mob has drain level attack
// free								218
// free								219
#define M_RACE_AGGRO_INVERT			220	// Race aggro invert flag
#define M_CLASS_AGGRO_INVERT		221	// Class aggro invert flag
// free								222
#define M_SAVE_FULL					223	// Save the full mob to a roomfile instead of just a reference
#define M_DEITY_AGGRO_INVERT		224	// Deity aggro invert flag
#define M_Y_TO_IE_ON_PLURAL			225	// 'y' to 'ies' plural: sentry -> sentries
// free								226
// free								227
// free								228
// free								229
#define M_RAIDING					230	// monster is raiding (DO NOT SET)
// free								231
// free								232
// free								233
// free								234
// free								235
// free								236

#define MAX_MONSTER_FLAGS			237	// Incriment when adding (max is 256)

// Object flags
#define O_PERM_ITEM				0	// Permanent item (not yet taken)
#define O_HIDDEN				1	// Hidden
#define O_INVISIBLE				2	// Invisible
#define O_SOME_PREFIX			3	// "some" prefix
#define O_NO_S_ON_PLURAL		4	// Don't add s on plural
#define O_NO_PREFIX				5	// No prefix
#define O_FISHING				6	// Can be used to fish
#define O_WEIGHTLESS_CONTAINER	7	// Container of weightless holding
#define O_TEMP_PERM				8	// Temporarily permanent
#define O_PERM_INV_ITEM			9	// Permanent INVENTORY item
#define O_NO_MAGE				10	// Mages cannot wear/use it
#define O_LIGHT_SOURCE			11	// Object serves as a light
#define O_GOOD_ALIGN_ONLY		12	// Usable only by good players
#define O_EVIL_ALIGN_ONLY		13	// Usable only by evil players
#define O_NO_ENCHANT			14	// Object enchanted
#define O_NO_FIX				15	// Cannot be repaired
#define O_CLIMBING_GEAR			16	// Climbing gear
#define O_NO_TAKE				17	// Cannot be taken
#define O_SCENERY				18	// Part of room description/scenery
#define O_DARKNESS				19	// Object creates magical darkness
#define O_HOT					20	// Object is hot (can be used in cooking)
#define O_RANDOM_ENCHANT		21	// Random enchantment flag
#define O_CURSED				22	// The item is cursed
#define O_WORN					23	// The item is being worn
#define O_CAN_USE_FROM_FLOOR	24	// Can be used from the floor
#define O_DEVOURS_ITEMS			25	// Container devours items
#define O_FEMALE_ONLY			26	// Usable by only females
#define O_MALE_ONLY				27	// Usable by only males
#define O_SEXLESS_ONLY			28	// Usable by only sexless creatures
#define O_PLEDGED_ONLY			29	// pledge players may only use
#define O_LIGHT_ARMOR			30	// Object is light armor
#define O_CSEL_INVERT			31	// class selective weapon
#define O_SEL_ASSASSIN			32	// class selective: assassin
#define O_SEL_BERSERKER			33	// class selective: barbarian
#define O_SEL_CLERIC			34	// class selective: cleric
#define O_SEL_FIGHTER			35	// class selective: fighter
#define O_SEL_MAGE				36	// class selective: mage
#define O_SEL_PALADIN			37	// class selective: paladin
#define O_SEL_RANGER			38	// class selective: ranger
#define O_SEL_THIEF				39	// class selective: thief
#define O_SEL_VAMPIRE			40	// class selective: vamp
#define O_SEL_MONK				41	// class selective: monk
#define O_SEL_DEATHKNIGHT		42	// class selective: death knight
#define O_SEL_DRUID				43	// class selective: druid
#define O_SEL_LICH				44	// class selective: lich
#define O_SEL_WEREWOLF			45	// class selective: werewolf
#define O_SEL_BARD				46	// class selective: bard
#define O_SEL_ROGUE				47	// class selective: rogue
#define O_DISPOSABLE			48	// Object will not keep area room in memory
#define O_NEVER_SHATTER			49	// weapon will never shatter
#define O_ALWAYS_CRITICAL		50	// weapon will always critical
#define O_LUCKY					51	// Item is a luck charm
#define O_WEAPON_CASTS			52	// Weapon casts
#define O_TWO_HANDED			53	// Weapon requires two hands, (no dlb wield)
#define O_IRREGULAR_PLURAL		54	// Irregular Plural Name
#define O_JUST_LOADED			55	// Object was just loaded on a monster and hasn't been obtained
									// by a player yet so exp can be gained from stealing it
#define O_CHAOTIC_ONLY			56	// Chaotics Only
#define O_LAWFUL_ONLY			57	// Lawfuls Only
#define O_TEMP_ENCHANT			58	// Temp Enchant
#define O_STARTING				59	// Starting Item
#define O_PORTAL				60	// portal
#define O_CLAN_1				61	// Clan 1 can use
#define O_CLAN_2				62	// Clan 2 can use
#define O_CLAN_3				63	// Clan 3 can use
#define O_CLAN_4				64	// Clan 4 can use
#define O_CLAN_5				65	// Clan 5 can use
#define O_CLAN_6				66	// Clan 6 can use
#define O_CLAN_7				67	// Clan 7 can use
#define O_CLAN_8				68	// Clan 8 can use
#define O_CLAN_9				69	// Clan 9 can use
#define O_CLAN_10				70	// Clan 10 can use
//								71	// unused
//								72	// unused
//								73	// unused
//								74	// unused
//								75	// unused
//								76	// unused
//								77	// unused
//								78	// unused
//								79	// unused
#define O_LOAD_ALL				80	// When trading, load all RandomObjects, rather than a random one.
#define O_RESIST_DISOLVE		81	// Object resists-dissolve
//								82	// unused
//								83	// unused
//								84	// unused
//								85	// unused
//								86	// unused
//								87	// unused
//								88	// unused
//								89	// unused
//								90	// unused
#define O_DRINKABLE				91	// You can drink the object
#define O_EATABLE				92	// You can eat the object
#define O_ALWAYS_DROPPED		93	// Mobs always drop
#define O_CONSUME_HEAL			94	// Consumable object that will heal the player
//								95	// unused
//								96	// unused
//								97	// unused
//								98	// unused
#define O_CLAN_11				99	// Clan 11 can use
#define O_CLAN_12				100	// Clan 12 can use
//								101	// unused
//								102	// unused
//								103	// unused
#define O_CUSTOM_OBJ			104	// Item is a custom
#define O_NO_SHOPLIFT			105	// Item cannot be shoplifted
#define O_WAS_SHOPLIFTED		106	// Item was shoplifted (so people cant sell shoplifted items)
#define O_CONFERS_CAMOUFLAGE	107	// Player camouflaged when worn
#define O_CAN_HIT_MIST			108	// Object can hit misted vampire
#define O_SILVER_OBJECT			109	// Object made of silver - extra damage to werewolf
#define O_REDUCES_THACO			110	// Object reduces thaco if held
#define O_UNUSED				111	// unused
#define O_NO_STEAL				112	// Object is unstealable
#define O_SMALL_SHIELD			113	// Object is a small shield
// free							114
// free							115
// free							116
// free							116
#define O_NO_PAWN				118	// Object not pawnable
#define O_BREAK_ON_DROP			119	// Object breaks when drops
#define O_LORE					120	// Lore Item
#define O_RSEL_INVERT			121	// race selective item
#define O_SEL_DWARF				122	// race selective: dwarf
#define O_SEL_ELF				123	// race selective: elf
#define O_SEL_HALFELF			124	// race selective: half-elf
#define O_SEL_HALFLING			125	// race selective: halfling
#define O_SEL_HUMAN				126	// race selective: human
#define O_SEL_ORC				127	// race selective: orc
#define O_SEL_HALFGIANT			128	// race selective: half-giant
#define O_SEL_GNOME				129	// race selective: gnome
#define O_SEL_TROLL				130	// race selective: troll
#define O_SEL_HALFORC			131	// race selective: half-orc
#define O_SEL_OGRE				132	// race selective: ogre
#define O_SEL_DARKELF			133	// race selective: dark-elf
#define O_SEL_GOBLIN			134	// race selective: goblin
#define O_SEL_MINOTAUR			135	// race selective: minotaur
#define O_SEL_SERAPH			136	// race selective: seraph
#define O_SEL_KOBOLD			137	// race selective: kobold
#define O_SEL_CAMBION			138	// race selective: cambion
#define O_SEL_BARBARIAN			139	// race selective: barbarian
#define O_SEL_KATARAN			140	// race selective: kataran
#define O_ENVENOMED				141	// object has been envenomed
#define O_NULL_MAGIC			142	// object has null magic signature
#define O_NO_BREAK				143	// Object does not break
#define O_ALLOW_TOUCH_OF_DEATH	144	// Monks can touch with this weapon wielded
#define O_JUST_BOUGHT			145	// Object was just bought
#define O_NO_DROP				146	// NoDrop -- Can't drop or otherwise get rid of this item
#define O_LOGIN_FILE			147	// display file all at once
#define O_BROKEN_BY_CMD			148	// Object is broken by break command
#define O_SMALL_BOW				149	// Objext is a small bow - Hand crossbow
#define O_COIN_OPERATED_OBJECT	150	// Coin operated object
#define O_BEING_PREPARED		151	// Object is being prepared
#define O_MISSLE_USE_STRENGTH	152	// Missile weapon uses strength bonus
#define O_UNIQUE				153	// Object is unique or limited
#define O_BULKLESS_CONTAINER	154	// Bulkless container object
#define O_BULKLESS_OBJECT		155	// Bulkless object
//								156	// unused
#define O_NOT_PEEKABLE			157	// Object can not be peeked at
#define O_ENHANCE_BASH			158	// Object does extra bash damage equal to dice
#define O_KEEP					159	// Object is being protected by keep
#define O_NO_BACKSTAB			160	// Cannot backstab with this weapon
#define O_SAVE_FULL				161	// Save the entire object to pfile/roomfile instead of just a reference
									// Mainly used when a ct/dm has changed an item, cleared when *saving
									// or for custom
#define O_BODYPART				162	// Body part - cannot peek/steal, unset when mob dies
#define O_DARKMETAL				163	// Object is a darkmetal item (decays in sunlight)
#define O_SEL_TIEFLING			164	// race selective: tiefling
#define MAX_OBJECT_FLAGS		165	// Incriment when you add a new Object flag

// Exit flags
#define X_SECRET					0	// Secret
#define X_INVISIBLE					1	// Invisible
#define X_LOCKED					2	// Locked
#define X_CLOSED					3	// Closed
#define X_LOCKABLE					4	// Lockable
#define X_CLOSABLE					5	// Closable
#define X_UNPICKABLE				6	// Un-pickable lock
#define X_NAKED						7	// Naked exit
#define X_NEEDS_CLIMBING_GEAR		8	// Climbing gear required to go up
#define X_CLIMBING_GEAR_TO_REPEL	9	// Climbing gear require to repel
#define X_DIFFICULT_CLIMB			10	// Very difficult climb
#define X_NEEDS_FLY					11	// Must fly to go that way
#define X_FEMALE_ONLY				12	// female only exit
#define X_MALE_ONLY					13	// male only exit
#define X_PLEDGE_ONLY				14	// pledge player exit only
#define X_PORTAL					15	// portal
#define X_NIGHT_ONLY				16	// only open at night
#define X_DAY_ONLY					17	// only open during day
#define X_PASSIVE_GUARD				18	// passive guarded exit
#define X_NO_SEE					19	// Can not use / see exit
#define X_CSEL_INVERT				20	// Class selective exit
#define X_SEL_ASSASSIN				21	// Assassin
#define X_SEL_BERSERKER				22	// Berserker
#define X_SEL_CLERIC				23	// Cleric
#define X_SEL_FIGHTER				24	// Fighter
#define X_SEL_MAGE					25	// Mage
#define X_SEL_PALADIN				26	// Paladin
#define X_SEL_RANGER				27	// Ranger
#define X_SEL_THIEF					28	// Thief
#define X_SEL_VAMPIRE				29	// Vampire
#define X_SEL_MONK					30	// Monk
#define X_SEL_DEATHKNIGHT			31	// Death Knight
#define X_SEL_DRUID					32	// Druid
#define X_SEL_LICH					33	// Lich
#define X_SEL_WEREWOLF				34	// Werewolf
#define X_SEL_BARD					35	// Bard
#define X_SEL_ROGUE					36	// Rogue
#define X_NO_GOOD_ALIGN				37	// blocks good players
#define X_NO_NEUTRAL_ALIGN			38	// blocks neutral players
#define X_NO_EVIL_ALIGN				39	// blocks evil players
#define X_DM_ONLY					40	// dm/ct only
#define X_CLAN_1					41	// Clan 1 can use
#define X_CLAN_2					42	// Clan 2 can use
#define X_CLAN_3					43	// Clan 3 can use
#define X_CLAN_4					44	// Clan 4 can use
#define X_CLAN_5					45	// Clan 5 can use
#define X_CLAN_6					46	// Clan 6 can use
#define X_CLAN_7					47	// Clan 7 can use
#define X_CLAN_8					48	// Clan 8 can use
#define X_CLAN_9					49	// Clan 9 can use
#define X_CLAN_10					50	// Clan 10 can use
#define X_CLAN_11					51	// Clan 11 can use
#define X_CLAN_12					52	// Clan 12 can use
#define X_NO_WANDER					53	// monster will not wander here
#define X_TO_STORAGE_ROOM			54	// Leads to a storage room
#define X_NO_FLEE					55	// Cannot flee to this exit
#define X_NO_SCOUT					56	// Cannot scout this exit
#define X_CONCEALED					57	// Concealed exit - very hard to find
#define X_DESCRIPTION_ONLY			58	// Exit shown only in room description
#define X_NO_MIST					59	// Mist may not enter this exit
#define X_TOLL_TO_PASS				60	// Exit requires toll to enter
#define X_LEVEL_BASED_TOLL			61	// Exit's toll varies on player level
#define X_WATCHER_UNLOCK			62	// Watcher can unlock w/o key - no key
#define X_MOVING					63	// Moving exit (do not set)
#define X_TO_BOUND_ROOM				64	// Exit to bound room
#define X_RSEL_INVERT				65	// race invert
#define X_SEL_DWARF					66	// race selective: dwarf
#define X_SEL_ELF					67	// race selective: elf
#define X_SEL_HALFELF				68	// race selective: half-elf
#define X_SEL_HALFLING				69	// race selective: halfling
#define X_SEL_HUMAN					70	// race selective: human
#define X_SEL_ORC					71	// race selective: orc
#define X_SEL_HALFGIANT				72	// race selective: half-giant
#define X_SEL_GNOME					73	// race selective: gnome
#define X_SEL_TROLL					74	// race selective: troll
#define X_SEL_HALFORC				75	// race selective: half-orc
#define X_SEL_OGRE					76	// race selective: ogre
#define X_SEL_DARKELF				77	// race selective: dark-elf
#define X_SEL_GOBLIN				78	// race selective: goblin
#define X_SEL_MINOTAUR				79	// race selective: minotaur
#define X_SEL_SERAPH				80	// race selective: seraph
#define X_SEL_KOBOLD				81	// race selective: kobold
#define X_SEL_CAMBION				82	// race selective: cambion
#define X_SEL_BARBARIAN				83	// race selective: barbarian
#define X_SEL_KATARAN				84	// race selective: kataran
#define X_SEL_TIEFLING				85	// race selective: tiefling
#define X_WINTER					86	// not in winter
#define X_SPRING					87	// not in spring
#define X_SUMMER					88	// not in summer
#define X_AUTUMN					89	// not in autumn
#define X_ONOPEN_PLAYER				90	// when opening, print to player only
#define X_TO_PREVIOUS				91	// take player to room they were previously in

#define MAX_EXIT_FLAGS				92	// Incriment when adding... check structs.c for max

#endif /*FLAGS_H_*/