 :::: The Book of Knowledge ::::

You hold a dusty tome in your hands, a tome older than any other you have seen
or ever will see. The pages within hold information that were written long
before you were born and will still be educating those who come long after you
are dead. This is it; this is the Book of Knowledge. It provides the most vital
information on the inhabitants that walk this realm and the professions they
seek. Herein lies invaluable information for the journey that lies ahead...

 :::: ASSASSIN ::::

Prime Requisites: Strength, Dexterity
Compatable Races: Barbarian, Cambion, Dark-Elf, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goblin,
	Half-Elf, Half-Giant, Half-Orc, Halfling, Human, Kataran, Kobold,
	Minotaur, Ogre, Orc, Seraph, Tiefling, Troll

The assassin is the cold warrior of the night. He moves in shadow, stalking his
prey. Assassins have the ability to backstab their opponents, doing massive
damage in one blow by attacking in surprise from the shadows. Assassins can hide
better then most, and they often can sneak from place to place without being
seen. Due to there slippery nature, assassins are able to dodge attacks
on occasion. The ability gets better the more powerful they become. The assassin
may also scout for his potential prey, keeping himself out of danger while he
does so. An assassin can be so murderous and diabolical, that they will often
envenom their blades to kill their victims long after they strike and fade into
the shadows. At higher levels, they owe allegiance to the dark courts of
Caladon, as well as several dark organizations across Derlith.

See HELP ASSASSINS for some roleplaying notes.

Assassins must pledge to reach levels 8, 9, 10, and 11.

Abilities: Backstab, Envenom, Peek, Scout

 :::: BARD ::::

Prime Requisites: Piety, Intelligence
Compatable Races: Barbarian, Cambion, Dark-Elf, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goblin,
	Half-Elf, Half-Giant, Half-Orc, Halfling, Human, Kataran, Kobold,
	Minotaur, Ogre, Orc, Seraph, Tiefling, Troll

Bards are the traveling lore masters and storytellers of Derlith. Early on in
their lives, they set out to travel the land to find out as much as they can.
Often they attend colleges in order to gain expertise in particular areas as
well. As such, they know a lot about the lands and the creatures in them. This
gives bards a unique perspective on almost everything, and chances are that
they will know something about almost anything they find, particularly items
and weapons. A bard's singing ability is legendary, and it is said to be able
to heal the body. Some other more traveled bards are said to be able to
mentally revitalize those that hear their music. It is also said that bards are
able to learn songs which can damage their enemies through the power of magic,
as well as many other magical affects. Some creatures are so enticed by a bards
stories and song, that they are instantly charmed and under the sway of the
bard. Bards play a vital role in Derlith, as they act as historians. Don't let
this fool you. Bards are quite roguish, and they definitely know how to have a
good time.

Abilities: Charm, Sing, Identify
Bards can learn different songs to do different things.

 :::: BERSERKER ::::

Prime Requisites: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution
Compatable Races: Barbarian, Cambion, Dark-Elf, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goblin,
	Half-Elf, Half-Giant, Half-Orc, Halfling, Human, Kataran, Kobold,
	Minotaur, Ogre, Orc, Seraph, Tiefling, Troll

Berserkers are wild men - most are nomads who roam the Baladus Plains. Blood and
steel are all they know and understand. The lust for battle burns within them. A
berserker often goes berserk in battle (hence his namesake), heightening his
senses and increasing his strength. Despite his usual large size, a berserker is
often quick as a cat, and can dance circles around his enemies, confusing them.
With his brute strength, he is often able to daze his enemies, bashing them

See HELP BERSERKERS for some roleplaying notes.

Abilities: berserk, circle, bash, kick

 :::: CLERIC ::::

Clerics on Realms are all of different deities. You must choose which diety you
want at character creation. All clerics endeavor to increase the influence of
their diety in the world of Derlith. All clerics are able to pray to their diety
in order to get increased piety.

Clerics of Aramon

Aramon is the god of deceit, the void, death, strife, and ambiguity. His sole
purpose is to bring about the total destruction of Derlith by plunging it into
a realm of infinite darkness. As such, his priests seek to kill, mame, destroy,
and scheme to this end. Aramon's clerics are highly tied to necromantic arts,
so they deal with the undead often. As such, they are able to call forth undead
to aid them. They are also able to enthrall these undead creatures, thereby
charming them to not cause the cleric any harm. Aggressive undead will not
usually attack a cleric of Aramon without provocation. Aramon clerics must
remain evil at all times, less they risk the wrath  of Aramon. Clerics of
Aramon hate clerics of Enoch, and they will go way out of their way to destroy
them by any means.

Abilities: pray, teach, enthrall, animate
Restrictions: Must wear light armor. Must remain evil.
              Healing spells on others are penalized.
Races: Cambion, Goblin, Half-Elf, Half-Giant, Half-Orc, Human, Kataran, Kobold,
	Minotaur, Ogre, Orc, Tiefling, Troll

Clerics of Ares

Ares is the god of war, destruction, bloodlust, and violence. Conquest is his
chief goal, and anywhere he can increase it, he gains more influence. As such,
priests of Ares tend to be of a less civilized mindset. Ares priests are not
very adept at healing as clerics usually are. A priest of Ares is much like a
berserker-priest, in that he is able to go berserk in combat in order to do
more damage. Also like a berserker, an Ares priest is able to bash his opponents
to oblivion, although not as well. Ares priests are always in the vanguard of
any barbarian conquests, and they often seek to lead in battle all over Derlith.
Clerics of Ares despise clerics of Ceris, often openly attacking them or driving
them away.

Abilities: pray, teach, bash, berserk
Restrictions: Must remain neutral. Healing spells are
              always cast at half level.
Races:  Barbarian, Cambion, Goblin, Half-Elf, Half-Giant, Half-Orc, Human,
	Kataran, Kobold, Minotaur, Ogre, Orc, Troll

Clerics of Ceris

Ceris is Derlith's goddess of healing, fertility, and compassion. She seeks to
prevent death, violence, and war however possible. Her clerics are often renown
as the best  healers and disease curers in the entire world. It is even said
that some of the more powerful Ceris clerics are able to raise back people from
the dead! As Ceris clerics are pacifists, they abore combat. As such, they are
not very good with weapons, and are only able to use blunt and pole class
weapons. Clerics of Ceris openly despise any kind of violence or evil. As such,
they stand in the way of followers of Ares and Aramon whenever possible. Ceris'
followers try to stay clear of priests of Enoch, as those priests recently have
been on a crusade to subjegate followers of Ceris using "righteous violence".

Abilities: pray, teach, turn, healing spell bonus
Restrictions: Light armor only. Pole and blunt weapons only. Must not
              go to extreme good or evil alignment.
Races: Human, Half-Elf
Special: rejuvinate spell (HELP REJUVINATE)
         resurrect spell (HELP RESURRECT)

Clerics of Enoch

Enoch is Derlith's god of martial righteousness, truth, justice, and paladins.
He seeks to spread his influence however possible by helping the weak and
oppressed, by showing them his light and the singular truth of his ways. Clerics
of Enoch seek to convert all people to follow the beliefs of Enoch, and they
will openly fight if necessary to do this. They hunt out evil wherever they find
it, even if it's not really there in some cases. Followers of Aramon are to be
given no mercy, as Enoch has a long standing feud with Aramon. Others who aid
him receive no mercy either. Enoch clerics of higher power are able to use a
holyword to smite their evil enemies. They are also very good with weapons and
armor, due to their martial nature. Undead fear clerics of Enoch, and often run
in fear from their increased turning abilities. A cleric of Enoch must remain
good, or their power is liable to wane, and the Inquisitors' Order might come
looking for them for questioning.

Abilities: holyword, pray, teach, turn, turn bonus
Restrictions: Must remain as good as possible, or
              abilities wane.
Races: Half-Elf, Half-Giant, Half-Orc, Human, Kataran, Seraph

Clerics of Gradius

Derlith's dwarves all follow the god Gradius, their god of mining, metallurgy,
earth, and creation. Gradius is a jovial god, known as the best drinker and
carouser in the heavens. On Derlith, he seeks to increase his influence
primarily through dwarven expansion and building, but also through conquests
against evil humanoids such as orcs, goblins, ogres, trolls, and giants.
Dwarven clerics of Gradius are second in warfare only to clerics of Ares, and
they often are seen at the head of dwarven armies leading in perilous charges,
screaming their god's name. Upon reaching certain power, a cleric of Gradius is
able to smother opponents with the power of earth. He is also able to conjure
creatures of earth to aid and assist him in combat. Healing is not a strong suit
of a Gradius cleric, as they are more focused on the areas of warfare and
elemental earth magic. Clerics of Gradius will seek to spread their god's
influence in any way they can, most often by killing as many orcs, goblins,
ogres, giants, and trolls as possible.

Abilities: pray, teach, smother, conjure(earth only)
Restrictions: Must remain neutral to light blue, or powers will wane,
              sometimes not functioning. Healing magic is penalized.
Bonus: see "help vile" for more information.
Races: Dwarf only

Clerics of Kamira

Kamira is Derlith's goddess of merriment, adventure, thieves, gambling, and
excitement. She is all about having a good time at all costs. Her priesthood
is completely chaotic, being one huge long party whenever any clerics are awake
and not unconscious. She is also the goddess of luck, and many wish the luck of
Kamira on their allies before battle or some other risky endeavor. Clerics of
Kamira are said to be unnaturally lucky. So much so, that nobody will gamble
with them, and in some places it's even illegal! They also have a tendancy to
"borrow" things and give them to the poor, or otherwise to play practical jokes
on people, so they are fully versed in the ability to steal. Clerics of Kamira
are good of heart, and must remain so, or their power with the goddess will
wane. They are some of the best explorers in the land, able to search almost as
well as some rangers, and to hide as well as a thief. At a certain point, they
even learn to pick locks. The enemy of a cleric of Kamira is anybody not out to
have a good time.

Abilities: pray, teach, pick, peek, steal, naturally lucky,
           search and hide well
Restrictions: Must remain good, or powers will wane,
              Must wear light armor, no missile weapons.
Races: Gnome, Half-Elf, Halfling, Human

 :::: DEATHKNIGHT ::::

Prime Requisites: Strength, Piety
Compatable Races: Cambion, Dark-Elf, Goblin, Half-Elf, Half-Giant, Half-Orc,
	Human, Kataran, Kobold, Minotaur, Ogre, Orc, Tiefling, Troll

A fearsome warrior augmented by powerful necromantic magics, a death knight
derives most of his demonic power directly from his evil god. The mission
of the death knight is the systematic and ordered pain and suffering of all
in his path. A death knight can be so evil as to drain the life from his
enemy when he attacks him. If he performs a blood sacrifice prior to battle,
he may infuse his dark soulless body with the drained life energies of his
victims. A death knight may pray to infuse  his body with evil, in order to
do more damage in attacks and also raising him strength for a time. This
evil is so destructive, in fact, that very powerful death knights are able
to touch their enemies and channel it into them, doing extreme damage.
Death knights also show their excellent combat abilities by their ability
to kick their victims once they reach enough experience to do so. The
nemesis of the death knight is the paladin, the warrior of light. The Death
Knight is so strong in his evil faith that he may renounce a Paladin to do
harm. Paladins are attacked on sight, as no quarter can be given to the
just and merciful.

Abilities: Pray, Bloodsacrifice, Harm, Kick, Renounce

 :::: DRUID ::::

Prime Requisites: Intelligence, Constitution
Compatable Races: Barbarian, Cambion, Dark-Elf, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goblin,
	Half-Elf, Half-Giant, Half-Orc, Halfling, Human, Kataran, Kobold,
	Minotaur, Ogre, Orc, Seraph, Tiefling, Troll

The druid is the master of elements and the forces of mother nature. Such is the
affinity he has for the powers of the universe, that he can conjure elemental
creatures of earth, air, fire, and water to assist him. The forest is the
kingdom of the druid, where he can be the most together with nature. The order
of druids in Derlith is a complex hierarchy. The most experienced druids can
call very powerful elemental creatures to fight for them, yet only those druids
with the most devotion can hope to hold them to this world for long. Like a
ranger, a druid may also find tracks in a room in order to determine routes of
travel most often used. However, unlike a ranger, a druid is able to commune
with nature to learn the whereabouts of nearby creatures.

See HELP DRUIDS for some roleplaying notes.

Abilities: Conjure, Track, Barkskin, Commune

 :::: FIGHTER ::::

Prime Requisites: Strength, Dexterity
Compatable Races: Barbarian, Cambion, Dark-Elf, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goblin,
	Half-Elf, Half-Giant, Half-Orc, Halfling, Human, Kataran, Kobold,
	Minotaur, Ogre, Orc, Seraph, Tiefling, Troll

The fighter is a master of weapons and fighting arts. He travels from place to
place to do battle in armies as a vassal or as a mercenary. The more powerful
fighters are masters of the lands around them. Fighters may circle their
enemies in attacks, confusing them for many seconds before moving in to strike.
Like barbarians, fighters are also able to bash their opponents senseless with
force of strength. In addition, they are able to kick their enemies in combat
as an augmentation to their fighting skills with weapons. Fighters are also
able to disarm their opponents, depriving their enemies of their weapons in
order to have a better advantage. At higher levels, the fighter of high
intelligence is able to cast some spells to help him fight. There are several
clans throughout Derlith in which a fighter may join - most often those
opposing thieves and assassins.

See HELP FIGHTERS for some roleplaying notes.

Abilities: Bash, Circle, Disarm, Kick

 :::: LICH ::::

Prime Requisites: Intelligence, Constitution
Compatable Races: Barbarian, Cambion, Dark-Elf, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goblin,
	Half-Elf, Half-Giant, Half-Orc, Halfling, Human, Kataran, Kobold,
	Minotaur, Ogre, Orc, Seraph, Tiefling, Troll

A lich is the result of forbidden necromantic magics. Some mages, when they
reach venerable age, set out to extend their lives forever. To do this, they
magically transform themselves into a lich using powerful negative energies. The
result is an evil and undead being, which is the bane of all life in its path.
A newly created lich is a shadow of its former self, having to start all over
again to advance in power and experience. A lich is averse to healing magics,
and no such spells will work for them or to their benefit. The magical energies
which the immortal lich uses are a tap on its own life force. As such, a lich
doesn't cast spells as the living do, but drains its own life to do so. A lich
may touch a living creature and drain the life from it, leeching part of the
creature's life force for itself. In addition, liches may also draw on the
positive energy of the world around them to regenerate their own life force. As
a result, there is always a deathly coldness whenever a lich is present. Due to
the feeble nature of a lich's new body, they take more damage from physical
attacks then normal. However, since they are essentially magical undead
creations, they tend to resist magic the more powerful they get. They even
absorb some of the damage to replenish their life force. A lich is unaffected
by poison or disease, as these are weaknesses it only had in its former life. A
lich is able to be turned by clerics and paladins, which actively hunt them down
to destroy them. The lich is the destroyer of all things living and will kill at
all costs. It must remain evil. If it does not, it surely will fade out of
existence. On the world of Derlith, the lich owes allegiance to no one but

Abilities: Drain, Regenerate, Magic resistance

 :::: MAGE ::::

Prime Requisites: Intelligence, Piety
Compatable Races: Barbarian, Cambion, Dark-Elf, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goblin,
	Half-Elf, Half-Giant, Half-Orc, Halfling, Human, Kataran, Kobold,
	Minotaur, Ogre, Orc, Seraph, Tiefling, Troll

A mage is the user of magic, the powerful wielder of the arcane arts. At low
levels a mage is not very powerful, but at higher levels, he may control
powerful magic which may destroy all in his path. A single spell from a mage is
often able to do massive damage to an enemy. A mage's learning of arcane arts is
so intense, that he may detect the presence of magic around him at all times.
When he becomes powerful enough, he gains the power to temporarily enchant
items. A mage is also a superb teacher, able to instruct beginning pupils in
some low level magical abilities. When he reaches a certain level of magical
ability, a mage may recharge items such as wands and staves. He does this by
transmuting gold into magical energy. The amount of power in the magical item
determines the amount of gold needed. The center of power for the mage on
Derlith is in the Highport Wizards' Guild. There, all arcane knowledge is
stored throughout the land. A society of mages exists which most mages are able
to join, yet this is not required.

Abilities: Teach, Transmute, Enchant, Always detects magic

 :::: MONK ::::

Prime Requisites: Strength, Constitution
Compatable Races: Barbarian, Cambion, Dark-Elf, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goblin,
	Half-Elf, Half-Giant, Half-Orc, Halfling, Human, Kataran, Kobold,
	Minotaur, Ogre, Orc, Seraph, Tiefling, Troll

The monk is the silent warrior of martial arts. With his hands alone, he is able
to harm his enemies using ancient techniques of fighting known only to his
order. Very few weapons, however, are made specifically for monks in order for
them to fight creatures of a magical nature. To regain his strength, a monk may
enter a meditative trance while fighting. A monk may also concentrate to focus
his mental energy on his opponent. This makes him hit his targets easier. At
higher levels, his power is such that he may touch his enemy, sending mystic
vibrations throughout his target's body. This can severely damage and even
fatally wound his opponent. The monks of Derlith owe allegiance to no one,
wandering the land with the soul purpose of seeking enlightenment.

Abilities: Meditate, Focus, Touch of Death, Kick

 :::: PALADIN ::::

Prime Requisites: Strength, Piety
Compatable Races: Dwarf, Elf, Half-Elf, Half-Giant, Half-Orc, Human, Kataran,

The paladin is a holy warrior of a god, the crusader of all that is righteous
and just. A paladin can be so strong in his faith that it gives him power
against his enemies in combat, making his attacks do more damage then normal.
He may also turn back evil creatures of the undead with his faith, sometimes
just harming them but other times destroying them utterly. A paladin is always
able to determine the evil or good nature of those around him. Also, paladins
of extreme faith and power are able to lay hands on people to heal them almost
to full health three times per day. The nemesis of the paladin is the Death
Knight, a blatant creation of evil and a mockery of his faith. Paladins may
renounce a Death Knight with the martial strength of their faith to harm them.
A paladin normally attacks a Death Knight on sight in order to send the
creature to Hell where it belongs.

Abilities: Pray, Turn, Hands, Renounce, always can know-aura

 :::: RANGER ::::

Prime Requisites: Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence
Compatable Races: Barbarian, Cambion, Dark-Elf, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goblin,
	Half-Elf, Half-Giant, Half-Orc, Halfling, Human, Kataran, Kobold,
	Minotaur, Ogre, Orc, Seraph, Tiefling, Troll

The ranger is the protector of the forest and guardian of nature. His goal is
the destruction of all that seeks to harm nature, and to thwart all that is an
affront to it. A ranger is an excellent scout, able to search ahead of his
companions without being seen. He may also search the ground and find common
routes of travel by finding tracks, making him an invaluable asset when trying
to escape areas such as mazes. Rangers search better then most, making them the
best explorers in all of Derlith. Last but not least, the ranger is an excellent
fighter, being able to wield a weapon in each hand when he attacks. The most
common enemy of a ranger is any undead, creatures of which he despises as a
mockery to all that is natural. To this end, rangers of Derlith have been known
to become some of the best vampire hunters that have ever lived. They are the
only ones known to be able to detect the foul creatures at night. Rangers are
known to hunt liches as well at times.

See HELP RANGERS for some roleplaying notes.

Abilities: Scout, Track, Second, Ambush, Mistbane

 :::: ROGUE ::::

Prime Requisites: Strength, Dexterity
Compatable Races: Barbarian, Cambion, Dark-Elf, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goblin,
	Half-Elf, Half-Giant, Half-Orc, Halfling, Human, Kataran, Kobold,
	Minotaur, Ogre, Orc, Seraph, Tiefling, Troll

The rogue is a swashbuckling outlaw, living from job to job and by his sword.
Whether he be bounty hunter or bandit, pirate or conman, he is an extreme jack
of all trades in regards to the seedier sides of life in Derlith. Above all,
however, a rogue favors honorable combat. Rogues are often partisons which help
oppressed peoples fight evil authority. Rogues are similar to thieves and
similar to assassins, but excel as neither. The biggest advantage a rogue has
is his acrobatics. A rogue is extremely hard to hit, as he can dodge and
sometimes even riposte attacks against him. A rogue is also able to wield two
weapons at the same time, and is able to disarm his opponents, although not as
well as a fighter. Rogues may also kick their enemies in combat at times,
dealing extra damage. Rogues are good fighters, but they lack the staying power
of the fighter and the bruteness of a barbarian. The rogue is the master of the
ambush, and he can jump from the shadows to ambush his opponents, catching them
by surprise. Due to nefarious activities, Rogues are also able to pick locks
once they reach a certain height in their profession. Several organizations
will accept Rogues into their ranks across Derlith, as the criminal and
fighting knowledge of the Rogue is always widely desired.

Abilities: Ambush, Disarm, Kick, Pick, Second

 :::: THIEF ::::

Prime Requisites: Strength, Dexterity
Compatable Races: Barbarian, Cambion, Dark-Elf, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goblin,
	Half-Elf, Half-Giant, Half-Orc, Halfling, Human, Kataran, Kobold,
	Minotaur, Ogre, Orc, Seraph, Tiefling, Troll

Thieves are the rogues of Derlith, the common criminals and scam artists. Their
goal in life is to get ahead no matter what the cost, whether to themselves or
to others. A thief can steal very well, often taking things from his victim's
inventory without them even knowing it is even missing until hours later. He
also may peek at his victim's possessions so that he may know what he can take.
Like an assassin, a thief has the ability to strike from the shadows, stabbing
his enemy in the back to do massive damage in one strike. Although he is not as
adept at it as an assassin, the thief is still often able to kill his opponent
in this manner. All but the most exotic locks often are not an obstacle for a
thief, as he has the ability to pick them open to always get where he wants to
go. A thief can also hide in the shadows and often sneaks from place to place
without being seen, making him hard to detect or catch. A thief is so dexterous,
that he is able to dodge attacks the more experienced he becomes. Sometimes the
moves they make are amazing.

Thieves must pledge to reach levels 8, 9, 10, and 11.

Abilities: Steal, Peek, Backstab, Pick

 :::: VAMPIRE ::::

Prime Requisites: Strength, Intelligence
Compatable Races: Barbarian, Cambion, Dark-Elf, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goblin,
	Half-Elf, Half-Giant, Half-Orc, Halfling, Human, Kataran, Kobold,
	Minotaur, Ogre, Orc, Seraph, Tiefling, Troll

The vampire is the undead creature of the night. He has a hatred of all that is
living, as he must rely on the blood of the living to survive. The night is the
vampire's kingdom. When the sun sets across Derlith, hordes of vampires come out
to feast. During the night, a vampire is able to bite any living creature, doing
massive damage in a single strike. He may also transform himself into a
translucent mist, unable to be detected until the time of his attack. Contrary
to popular belief, a vampire is not powerless when the sun comes up. A vampire
is often able to hypnotize his victim, even in daylight. This renders an enemy
harmless to the vampire, as the victim perceives the vampire to be a friend and
thus will not attack. There aren't many organizations across Derlith which a
vampire may join, as many are afraid of his unnatural power. At least one
organization solely for vampires is rumored to exist somewhere in Derlith,

Abilities: Bite, Mist, Hypnotize

 :::: WEREWOLF ::::

Prime Requisites: Strength, Constitution
Compatable Races: Barbarian, Cambion, Dark-Elf, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goblin,
	Half-Elf, Half-Giant, Half-Orc, Halfling, Human, Kataran, Kobold,
	Minotaur, Ogre, Orc, Seraph, Tiefling, Troll

The werewolf is the render of flesh, the bane of mankind, and the creature of
the full moon. Werewolves often travel in packs in order to hunt their victims.
Werewolves are magical in nature, and thus are not harmed by traditional
weapons and attack techniques. Magic spells or enchanted weapons are required
to harm them. A werewolf never attacks with weapons, except on very rare
occasions. Instead, he uses powerful jaws and razor sharp claws to attack his
victims, rending them to a bloody pulp. A werewolf is able to fight in a wild
frenzy, attacking in a whirlwind to destroy his enemies. He may also maul his
victim, knocking him to the ground and rendering him helpless to fight back
for a time. Possessing a keen sense of smell, a werewolf is able even to
detect invisible opponents in his midst. Werewolves are also faster healers
then most, owing to their wild nature. No organization across Derlith will
accept a werewolf into their ranks. Just as well, a werewolf wants nothing
to do with any order but his own pack, and he will generally shun all
civilization. It is also well known throughout Derlith that werewolves detest
vampires and will kill them on sight.

Abilities: Frenzy, Maul, Howl, Track, Pack Damage Bonus

 :::: MULTICLASS ::::

Multi-class characters are a common thing in standard D&D, so we thought we'd
try to port them into Mordor. While there are big benefits to being multi-class,
most noteably being able to have alot of the abilities of both classes, there
are also penalties - the primary one being that multi-class characters
automatically receieve 3/4 the exp from everything. Therefore, it takes them a
third as long to level. In addition, while multi-class characters have abilities
in both their classes, the abilities are not always as strong as a full person
of that class would be in them. For instance, when stealing, a fighter/thief is
not as good as a pure thief of the same level, and he can't ever steal gold. In
some cases, an ability might not even be available. To use the above example,
a fighter/thief is unable to bash.

It is strongly suggested that only veteran players attempt to level one of these
classes, as they will be quite taxing to level. Once they are high level,
though, they will be incredibly cool and well-rounded classes. The following is
a list of the multi-class combinations available at character creation. These
are the only ones available for right now. More may be added at a later date.

Note: Initial HP/MP is always the average of the normal alotted to each class.
Note 2: Stat and save adjustments per level has been customized for each of
       these combinations.
Note 3: All ability benefits and restrictions are not mentioned here. You will
       need to find out some for yourselves.
Note 4: All multi-class chars train at the location of their first class.

HP/lvl: 5
MP/lvl: 4
Thac0: Fighter
Allowed Races: Cambion, Elf, Half-elf, Gnome, Dark-elf, Seraph, Tiefling

Fighter/Mages are warrior mages. The first ones appeared among the elves, with
their mages specifically trained for war with orcs and other evil forest
denizens. A fighter/mage can automatically detect-magic just like a mage. They
also cast faster than a fighter does. Fighter/mages are required to wear light
armor, and they are unable to bash, and do not circle as well as a pure fighter.

HP/lvl: 6
MP/lvl: 2
Thac0: Fighter
Allowed Races: Cambion, Dwarf, Elf, Half-elf, Halfling, Orc, Half-orc,
	Kataran, Kobold, Goblin, Tiefling

A fighter/thief is usually a fighter that started out trying to be a thief at a
young age and gained some skills in that profession, and then moved on to just
be a fighter because they liked focusing more on fighting skills than thieving.
A fighter/thief can pick locks, peek, steal, backstab, sneak, and hide just like
a thief can, although not as well. Fighter/thieves are also required to wear
light armor, and they are unable to bash, and do not circle as well as a pure

HP/lvl: 5
MP/lvl: 3
Thac0: Cleric
Allowed Races: Half-orc, Cambion

Cleric/assassins are clerics which specialize in killing people. As a result,
they train as assassins as well as in the clerical arts. A cleric/assassin may
only pledge to Aramon, as the Cult often trains its clerics in this manner. A
cleric/assassin is able to backstab, scout, sneak, hide, and use envenom just
like a normal assassin can, only not always as well. They also cast a little
slower, cannot teach, and their healing is as if they are half their level.

HP/lvl: 5
MP/lvl: 4
Thac0: Mage
Allowed Races: Elf, Gnome, Cambion, Half-elf, Tiefling

A mage/thief is usually a former thief which discovered they had abilities in
the arcane arts and gave up their criminal career. This by no means stops them
from being skilled thieves still, however. A mage/thief is able to pick, steal,
dodge, hide, sneak, and backstab just like a normal thief, only not as well. As
a result of deviating from their mage studies, their casting time is somewhat
slower. Mage/thieves are still bound by mage armor restrictions.

HP/lvl: 5
MP/lvl: 3
Thac0: Thief
Allowed Races: Elf, Gnome, Cambion, Half-elf, Tiefling

A thief/mage is a thief who once was a mage, or a thief who dabbles in arcane
arts while being a thief. They retain their ability to detect magic, and they
cast spells a little faster than a pure thief does. Dabbling in arcane arts
causes a thief/mage's ability to steal to be lax somewhat.

HP/lvl: 5
MP/lvl: 3
Thac0: Assassin
Allowed Races: Cambion, Dark-elf, Tiefling

The mage/assassin is the ultimate assassin - the killer with magic. They are
mages cross-trained to be assassins for various dark organizations. In fact,
they recently have resurfaced. Previously, none had been seen since before the
troubled times. It is believed they work for a dark order of shadow assassins,
trained by the Nightshades, but these are only rumors. A mage assassin is able
to scout, use envenom, and backstab just like an assassin, only not as well.
They use an assassin's thac0 to fight. As a result of their cross-training, they
do not automatically detect-magic, and they are unable to teach or learn how to
enchant items. They are limited by mage restrictions on armor.

 :::: BARBARIAN ::::

Adjustments: +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence
Compatable Classes: Assassin, Bard, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Lich,
	Mage, Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Thief, Vampire, Werewolf

Barbarians are wild savage humans who roam the Baladus Plains and other frontier
areas of Derlith. They are tribal in nature, and are led by a barbarian chief or
king usually. Humans in civilized areas often do not understand barbarians, and
vice versa, so there are usually cool relations between them. Barbarians do not
understand magic not related to battle enhancement or healing, so as a result
they usually don't trust mages. All barbarian warriors are berserkers, and all
barbarian clerics worship the god Ares, god of war, bloodlust, and battle.
Blood, battle, tribal honor, and steel are all a barbarian understands or cares
about. Barbarians are exceptionally large humans, occasionally over 7 feet in
height. They are extremely robust in stature. Their savage nature causes them
to be less intelligent due to ignorance, however.

See in dark (infravision): No
Size class: Large

 :::: CAMBION ::::

Adjustments: +1 Intelligence, +1 Strength, -2 Piety
Compatable Classes: Assassin, Bard, Berserker, Cleric, Deathknight, Druid,
	Fighter, Lich, Mage, Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Thief, Vampire, Werewolf,
	Fighter/Mage, Cleric/Assassin, Mage/Thief, Thief/Mage, Mage/Assassin

Cambions are half-breeds between demons of Hell and humans. As such, they are
often of greater intellect then a mere human would be. They appear just as
humans, although they often have a distorted feature here and there, such as
pointed ears or strange colored skin, hair, or eyes. On occasion they even have
small horns. Cambions are very attuned to magic, and they make excellent mages.
Many Cambion Death Knights can be found as well. Cambion women are ALWAYS
beautiful and seductive, and they are often in highly influential positions.
Due to their unworldly connections and sometimes deformities, Cambions aren't
as dexterous as most. They aren't as robust in constitution as humans either.
Type HELP CAMBIONS for roleplaying information.

See in dark (infravision): Yes
Size class: Medium

 :::: DARKELF ::::

Adjustments: +2 Dexterity, -1 Strength, -1 Constitution, +1 Intelligence,
	-1 Piety
Compatable Classes: Assassin, Bard, Berserker, Deathknight, Druid, Fighter,
	Lich, Mage, Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Thief, Vampire, Werewolf, Fighter/Mage,

Dark elves, or Drow as they are sometimes called, are the ancient cousins of
elves who were banished to the underworld for practicing evil magics and
worshipping dark gods. Occasionally, one of these dark elves will wander to
the surface of Derlith to live instead. These rogue dark elves never have a
place in society and are shunned and often attacked by other elves of the
surface. As a result, they often become criminals,  living as thieves,
assassins, or something equally bad. The dark elf's small and slender form and
long fingers gives him a fighting edge in addition to helping him in matters
of stealth. A dark elf is thus very  agile. However, thousands of years under
the surface of the world in  darkness has rendered him not as strong as some
surface races.

Type HELP DARKELVES for roleplaying information.

See in dark (infravision): Yes
Size class: Medium

 :::: DWARF ::::

Adjustments: +1 Strength, +2 Constitution, -1 Dexterity, -1 Piety,
	-1 Intelligence
Compatable Classes: Assassin, Bard, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Lich,
	Mage, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Thief, Vampire, Werewolf,

Dwarves are jolly folk, short of stature and long of beard. They always have a
very bulky and stocky appearance. Dwarves are some of the toughest fighters
around, owing to years and years spent toiling in underground mines and hauling
rock. Dwarves love beer and ale, and will always take the opportunity to drink
them whenever the moment arrives. Due to their bulky build, dwarves are often
stronger then other races of similar size, and they are often usually healthier.
However, they aren't as quick as  other races their size and also aren't very
pious in general. Dwarves often make excellent armor and weapons, which they
often use to great effectiveness. Battle, mining, honor, and spirits are the
most important  things to a dwarf, besides the history and traditions of his
ancestors, which take precedence over all.

Type HELP DWARVES for roleplying information.

See in dark (infravision): Yes
Size class: Medium

 :::: ELF ::::

Adjustments: +2 Intelligence, -1 Strength, -1 Constitution, +1 Dexterity,
	-1 Piety
Compatable Classes: Assassin, Bard, Berserker, Druid, Fighter, Lich, Mage, Monk,
	Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Thief, Vampire, Werewolf, Fighter/Mage,
	Fighter/Thief, Mage/Thief, Thief/Mage

Elves are the dwellers of Derlith's forests, a fairy folk who have lived for
centuries. The command elves have for magic is legendary, and as such they are
often very good mages. Most of an elf's life is spent in intellectual persuits
and studies of the world around him. He also has a fine appreciation of the
arts, and often is able to sing and dance very well. The elves of Derlith make
the best wine known, which is often consumed while sitting around fires telling
stories of times ancient past.  An elf is small and slender of stature, and due
to his size he is not as robust or strong as some other races. However, his
intellect eclipses that of nearly all other race on Derlith.

See in dark (infravision): Yes
Size class: Medium

 :::: GNOME ::::

Adjustments: +1 Piety, +1 Constitution, +1 Intelligence, -1 Dexterity,
	-2 Strength
Compatable Classes: Assassin, Bard, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Lich,
	Mage, Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Thief, Vampire, Werewolf, Fighter/Mage,
	Mage/Thief, Thief/Mage

Gnomes are cousins of dwarves. They differ in appearance slightly from their
cousins, having long noses and no beards. While a dwarf loves mining and stone
crafts, a gnome excels in the craftsmanship of jewelry and fine art. Gnomes also
prefer to live in the hills where they may communicate and trade easier with the
world around them. Gnomes also have a love for invention, and they will often
toil long into the night to try and figure out how a simple item works. Gnomes
tend to be very good clerics, as they have come to know the arts of healing
better then most races, and they are often quite pious in nature.

See in dark (infravision): No
Size class: Small

 :::: GOBLIN ::::

Adjustments: +1 Strength, +2 Constitution, -3 Intelligence
Compatable Classes: Assassin, Bard, Berserker, Cleric, Deathknight, Druid,
	Fighter, Lich, Mage, Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Thief, Vampire, Werewolf,

It is said that after certain gods created elves, other jealous gods attempted
to create a superior race and failed. The result was the goblin. The goblin is
a small and repugnant creature with big bulbous eyes and pointy teeth. He is
quite dull in intellect, yet he can eat almost anything and breeds like a
rabbit. Goblins are also very strong for their size, often fooling their
enemies. As a result, a goblin makes a very good fighter or barbarian. Many
tribes of goblins exist in Derlith, often to the chagrin of the areas around
them, as they often prey on weary travelers and merchants.

Type HELP GOBLINS for roleplaying information.

See in dark (infravision): Yes
Size class: Small

 :::: HALFELF ::::

Adjustments: +1 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence, -1 Constitution, -1 Strength
Compatable Classes: Assassin, Bard, Berserker, Cleric, Deathknight, Druid,
	Fighter, Lich, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Thief, Vampire,
	Werewolf, Fighter/Mage, Fighter/Thief, Mage/Thief, Thief/Mage

Half elves are the result of the crossing of elves and humans. As a result, they
often have no place to call a home, as neither side accepts them fully. Half
elves living with humans fair better however, as elves tend to be a bit more
racist then mankind. A half elf inherits his elven half's quick intellect as
well as his smallness of stature. Half elves are able to become masters at any
profession, and they can be found all across Derlith.

See in dark (infravision): No
Size class: Medium

 :::: HALFGIANT ::::

Adjustments: +2 Strength, -1 Intelligence, -1 Piety
Compatable Classes: Assassin, Bard, Berserker, Cleric, Deathknight, Druid,
	Fighter, Lich, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Thief, Vampire,

Half giants are a strange race, a magical cross between humans and hill giants.
Standing often nine or ten feet tall, half giants have very brute strength. Half
giants often live as barbarian gladiators and body guards, and usually learn to
fight at a very young age. There are many special armors and weapons which are
only usable by half giants, as any other being is too small of stature or weak
to wear or wield them. Half giants tend to be a little more dull witted in
general, and they are not very pious, owing mostly to their giantkin roots.
Some half giants become very good assassins, but this is rare due to their
large size.

See in dark (infravision): No
Size class: Large

 :::: HALFORC ::::

Adjustments: +1 Strength, +1 Constitution, -1 Intelligence, -1 Piety
Compatable Classes: Assassin, Bard, Berserker, Cleric, Deathknight, Druid,
	Fighter, Lich, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Thief, Vampire,
	Werewolf, Fighter/Thief, Cleric/Assassin

An illegitimate cross between an orc and a human, a half orc is shunned by all
society. Most often these freaks of nature wind up as criminals. Half orcs are
usually paid thugs, thieves or assassins. They can often be found high in the
ranks of many of Derlith's criminal organizations. They are not as agile as
some humans, but are often quite strong and sturdy. Most of them have bad
attitude as well, brought on by an inferiority complex due to no one accepting

See in dark (infravision): No
Size class: Medium

 :::: HALFLING ::::

Adjustments: +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength
Compatable Classes: Assassin, Bard, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Lich,
	Mage, Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Thief, Vampire, Werewolf, Fighter/Thief

Halflings get their namesake from the fact that they are roughly half the size
of a human. Short and often plump, the halfling loves good food and drink. They
also tend to have more body hair then humans, with tufts on the backs of their
hands and feet. A halfling is very agile, owing to his small size. His small
size handicaps him, however, when strength is considered. Halflings make the
best thieves in Derlith, and almost everyone equates being a halfling and a
thief as being one in the same.

See in dark (infravision): No
Size class: Small

 :::: HUMAN ::::

Adjustments: Pick one stat to raise, and one to lower.
Compatable Classes: Assassin, Bard, Berserker, Cleric, Deathknight, Druid,
	Fighter, Lich, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Thief, Vampire,

Humans are the most populous race in Derlith. They are often able to excel in
any class. Most other races take a neutral view of humans, some viewing them all
as being petty and materialistic. Some races, like orcs, ogres, and trolls, view
humans as arch enemies or even as a food source. Humans are definitely the most
flexible and powerful race in all of Derlith. Due to their flexibility and
diversity, Humans are able to choose one stat to raise and one stat to lower
during character creation.

See in dark (infravision): No
Size class: Medium

 :::: KATARAN ::::

Adjustments: +2 Dexterity, +1 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -1 Piety
Compatable Classes: Assassin, Bard, Berserker, Cleric, Deathknight, Druid,
	Fighter, Lich, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Thief, Vampire,
	Werewolf, Fighter/Thief

Katarans are a race of savage cat people which live often live in Derlith's
tropical jungles and temerate forests. They are quite uncivilized, to a point
where most of the civilized societies of Derlith fail to understand or accept
them. Katarans are medium of build and are quite strong for their size. Due to
their cat-like nature, they are also EXTREMELY agile and quick. Kats, as they
are sometimes called, have varying colors to their coats of fur, the females
usually having brighter colors and more varied markings then the males. They
all have tails which are almost prehensile. Because Katarans do not understand
normal civilization too well, they often are not quite as intelligent as
average due to ignorance. Katarans do not like, nor do they understand magic
and magical things, and Kataran shamans are often the most feared members of
their tribes. Due to their dexterity and constitution, Katarans are known to
be some of the best assassins and thieves in all of Derlith.

See in dark (infravision): Yes
Size class: Medium

 :::: KOBOLD ::::

Adjustments: +2 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence, -1 Constitution, -2 Strength
Compatable Classes: Assassin, Bard, Berserker, Cleric, Deathknight, Druid,
	Fighter, Lich, Mage, Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Thief, Vampire, Werewolf,

Kobolds are small dog-faced creatures which live in hills and low mountain
regions underground. They are usually quite clever in large numbers, and they
are often the bane of many halfling or gnome settlements in hilly areas all
across Derlith. Kobolds are tribal in nature, and each community population
often numbers in the thousands. They breed like rabbits. Dwarves cannot stand
them, and they often have "Kobold tossing" events at parties or clan get
togethers. Kobolds can live in any but the most terrible filth, so they are
quite robust for their size. In addition, they are also pretty nimble, making
excellent thieves. Due to their small size, however, they suffer from lack of
strength much like halflings.

See in dark (infravision): Yes
Size class: Small

 :::: MINOTAUR ::::

Adjustments: +2 Strength, -1 Dexterity, -1 Intelligence
Compatable Classes: Assassin, Bard, Berserker, Cleric, Deathknight, Druid,
	Fighter, Lich, Mage, Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Thief, Vampire, Werewolf

Minotaurs are a magical creation from long ago. They are the result of some
twisted archmage's experiment, crossing a bull and a human. The result was a
very large humanoid creature with the head of a bull and the body of a human.
Minotaurs have very brute strength and little intellect. They often live in
areas which are often confusing to travel in, such as mazes and rocky canyons.
Minotaurs have a habit of eating human flesh as well, but not so much as ogres
and trolls. Minotaurs also have the misfortune of having the worst body odor
in all the land.

See in dark (infravision): No
Size class: Large
Abilities: Track

 :::: OGRE ::::

Adjustments: +1 Strength, +2 Constitution, -1 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence
Compatable Classes: Assassin, Bard, Berserker, Cleric, Deathknight, Druid,
	Fighter, Lich, Mage, Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Thief, Vampire, Werewolf

Ogres are ancient cousins of giants. They are big and very ugly, standing often
between seven and eight feet tall. Tribes of ogres can be found in the mountains
and sometimes in remote hilly areas. Ogres are very strong, a trait which they
get from their relation to giants. They aren't very pious though, often caring
more about when their next raid will be then anything else. Ogres make very good
barbarians or fighters, and this is often what they become. Since they have a
tendency to eat human flesh, they are not well tolerated by mankind. As a result
they are often shunned by civilized areas.

See in dark (infravision): No
Size class: Large

 :::: ORC ::::

Adjustments: +1 Strength, +1 Constitution, -2 Intelligence
Compatable Classes: Assassin, Bard, Berserker, Cleric, Deathknight, Druid,
	Fighter, Lich, Mage, Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Thief, Vampire, Werewolf,

Orcs are fierce warriors which live mostly in forests and hills. They look like
a cross between a boar and a human, having pig-like nostrils, reddish eyes, and
tusks which protrude from their mouths. Orcs often travel in bands, raiding
humans, dwarves, and elves alike. Dwarves and orcs hate one another, as they've
been enemies since the beginning of time. Orcs are quite strong for their size,
yet they are also quite dull-minded.

See in dark (infravision): Yes
Size class: Medium

 :::: SERAPH ::::

Adjustments: +2 Piety, +1 Intelligence, -2 Strength, -1 Dexterity
Compatable Classes: Assassin, Bard, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Lich,
	Mage, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Thief, Vampire, Werewolf,

Seraphs are hybrid crosses between angels and humans of Derlith. Heavenly
creatures have been known to walk the earth in Derlith in recent years due to
the rise of evil in the land. Seraphs are usually quiet and keep to themselves.
They only learn of their divine half later after growing up. Seraphs often make
it their mission in life to point out any Cambion they may see to all around
them. Cambions often hide in society wreaking havoc. Due to their divine
connection, Seraphs are very very pious by nature. Thus, Seraphs make excellent

See in dark (infravision): No
Size class: Medium

 :::: TIEFLING ::::

Adjustments: +2 Intelligence, +1 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, -1 Piety
Compatable Classes: Assassin, Bard, Berserker, Cleric, Deathknight, Druid,
	Fighter, Lich, Mage, Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Thief, Vampire, Werewolf,
	Fighter/Mage, Fighter/Thief, Mage/Thief, Thief/Mage, Mage/Assassin

Tieflings are the offspring of demons and halflings. Thus they have inbred
magical talent and intelligence. They often suffer from strange deformities due
to their abyssal nature, such as a forked tail or tongue, steely spiked hair,
clawed hands and feet, large horns, etc. The deformities tend to hamper their
natural halfling dexterity as well as to make them have much less stature than
normal for a halfling. Tieflings make some of the best mages on Derlith, and
they only recently have begun to emerge in this regard. The majority of
tieflings are of a multi-class nature, usually one having magical abilities.
They are often hired out as assassins by one evil organization or another, as
they have an inherent michievously evil nature. Most are shunned at birth as
some kind of bad omen, and they are drawn to criminal and chaotic behavior like
a moth to a flame. All tieflings have red eyes with black or white pupils which
glow when the light is low.

See in dark (infravision): Yes
Size class: Small
Note: Tieflings must be Chaotic.

 :::: TROLL ::::

Adjustments: +1 Strength, +3 Constitution, -1 Dexterity, -1 Intelligence,
	-2 Piety
Compatable Classes: Assassin, Bard, Berserker, Cleric, Deathknight, Druid,
	Fighter, Lich, Mage, Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Thief, Vampire, Werewolf

Trolls are hideous humanoid beings which stand approximately nine feet tall.
Their skin is mottled and greenish in color, and they smell terrible. Most
trolls are uncivilized and totally unintelligent beasts. A few, however, are of
a different type which actually form themselves into organized tribes to raid
humans. A troll's favorite food is human flesh, a delicacy which he is always
hunting for. As a result, trolls are often not allowed into civilized areas and
are often attacked by guards if sighted within city limits. A troll can live in
any but the most horrible conditions of filth and as such has an extremely high
constitution. They aren't very smart or pious, however, as all they care about
is what they are going to fight or eat next. In general, most other races don't
like trolls, especially humans.

See in dark (infravision): Yes
Size class: Large