#MOB Revision 7 Name fairy godmother~ ShortDescr the Fairy Godmother~ LongDescr Stephen's Fairy Godmother floats here, looking cute. ~ Description The Fairy Godmother, sent by Stephen to spread joy and happiness throughout the land, is an old, frail-looking lady, with hair as white as snow. The kind smile on her face tells you that she means you no harm, and is just here to say hello, and maybe help you along your way. ~ Prompt <%h %m %v>~ Sex 2 Class 0 Race 0 Level 90 Sentence 0 Invis 0 m/c -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Trust 0 Wizbit 0 Played 11652 Note 0 Room 7536 HpManaMove 5751 5913 1308 1350 100 100 Gold 1557 Balance 0 Exp 59483656 Act 4194307 AffectedBy 1581704 Position 7 Practice 21 SavingThrow 0 Alignment 1000 Hitroll 0 Damroll 0 Armor -210 Wimpy 0 Deaf 0 Vnum 1026 Affect 92 1 -40 17 0 Affect 2 6 -20 17 0 Affect 6 0 -11 24 0 Affect 6 0 11 18 0 End #OBJECT Nest 0 Name staff armageddon~ ShortDescr the Staff of Armageddon~ Description A long staff of whirling colours floats here.~ Vnum 16819 ExtraFlags 67 WearFlags 16385 WearLoc -1 ClassFlags 1 ItemType 4 Weight 1 Level 76 Timer 0 Cost 65219 Values 666 12 12 45 Spell 3 'faerie fire' End #OBJECT Nest 0 Name leggings~ ShortDescr a pair of elven leggings ~ Description A pair of elven leggings have been left here.~ Vnum 9208 ExtraFlags 0 WearFlags 33 WearLoc 7 ClassFlags 1 ItemType 9 Weight 2 Level 69 Timer 0 Cost 46920 Values 10 0 0 0 End #OBJECT Nest 0 Name elven shield~ ShortDescr a finely crafted elven shield~ Description A finely crafted elven shield is resting here.~ Vnum 9207 ExtraFlags 0 WearFlags 513 WearLoc -1 ClassFlags 1 ItemType 9 Weight 3 Level 67 Timer 0 Cost 44220 Values 10 0 0 0 End #OBJECT Nest 0 Name elven shield~ ShortDescr a finely crafted elven shield~ Description A finely crafted elven shield is resting here.~ Vnum 9207 ExtraFlags 0 WearFlags 513 WearLoc 11 ClassFlags 1 ItemType 9 Weight 3 Level 67 Timer 0 Cost 49379 Values 9 0 0 0 End #END