#AREA @@lS@@do@@eE@@N @@aKindergarden@@N~ Q 16 K soekindergarden~ L @@W{@@r 1 5@@W}@@N~ N 22 I 1 5 V 3700 3779 X 0 F 5 U You hear the cheers of the crowd.~ O hatchet~ R hatchet aliaser~ W hatchet cyberlich thrakhath aliaser~ T You can teleport into here S Title not shown on area list. M No bad room spells allowed. #ROOMS #3700 Entrance to Mud School~ @@NThis is the entrance to the Merc Mud School. Go @@ynorth@@N to go through @@Rmud school@@N. If you have been here before and want to go directly to the arena, go south. ~ 17436 11 D0 You see the doorway into the Mud School Building. ~ ~ 0 0 3757 D2 You see the one way door into the Arena of Mud School. ~ ~ 1 -1 3744 S #3701 A Room in Mud School~ You are in a square white room. The walls are all blank, with no windows. Light fluoresces off the ceiling in soft white tones. Of course, there is a sign on the wall. The exits are west and south. A small plaque is on the wall. ~ 12 11 D3 You see a path into another room. ~ ~ 0 -1 3702 E plaque~ This zone (Mud School) is created by Hatchet for any Merc Mud. Copyright 1992, 1993. ~ E sign~ Equipment check time! Type 'EQUIPMENT' to see your current equipment. Right now, you have just a vest, a shield, and a weapon. As you go through Mud School you will acquire a complete set of equipment. To pick up items on the ground as you see them, type 'GET item'. To wear a piece of armor, type 'WEAR item'. To hold a light source, type 'HOLD item'. To wield a weapon, type 'WIELD weapon'. To wear, hold, and wield everything you have, type 'WEAR ALL'. To stop using a piece of equipment, type 'REMOVE item'. Finally, to see the items in your inventory, type 'INVENTORY'. When you are ready to continue, go west. ~ S #3702 The Center Room~ You are in a square white room. The walls are all blank, with no windows. Light fluoresces off the ceiling in soft white tones. Of course, there is a sign on the wall. Exits lead in ALL directions. ~ 12 11 D0 You see the room north that will lead you to the next section. ~ ~ 0 0 3703 D1 You see a room. ~ ~ 0 0 3701 D2 You see a room. ~ ~ 0 0 3705 D3 You see a room. ~ ~ 0 0 3704 D4 You see a room. ~ ~ 0 0 3708 D5 You see a room. ~ ~ 0 0 3707 E sign~ This is the direction practicing room. The directions you can go in any room are: north, south, east, west, up, or down. Of course, not all rooms have all exits available. To see the obvious exits in a room, type 'EXITS'. Sometimes doors are closed, or locked, or secret. Then you have to notice clues in the room description, or try going into that direction and seeing if you bump into a door. Try going into each direction from here. When you are done, go NORTH. ~ S #3703 A Room in Mud School~ You are in a square white room. The walls are all blank, with no windows. Light fluoresces off the ceiling in soft white tones. Of course, there is a sign on the wall. Exits lead north and south. ~ 12 11 D0 You see the next station ahead. ~ ~ 0 -1 3709 D2 You see the central room. ~ ~ 0 0 3702 E sign~ Since you are here, let us have another lesson. You can see the statistics on yourself by typing 'SCORE'. Do that right now. At higher levels, 'SCORE' gives you more information. ~ S #3704 A Room in Mud School~ You are in a square white room. The walls are all blank, with no windows. Light fluoresces off the ceiling in soft white tones. Of course, there is a sign on the wall. The only exit is east. ~ 12 11 D1 You see the central room. ~ ~ 0 0 3702 E sign~ Just go east to the central room. ~ S #3705 A Room in Mud School~ You are in a square white room. The walls are all blank, with no windows. Light fluoresces off the ceiling in soft white tones. Of course, there is a sign on the wall. The only exit is north. ~ 12 11 D0 You see the central room. ~ ~ 0 0 3702 E sign~ Just go north to the central room. ~ S #3707 A Room in Mud School~ You are in a square white room. The walls are all blank, with no windows. Light fluoresces off the ceiling in soft white tones. Of course, there is a sign on the wall. The only exit is up. ~ 12 11 D4 You see the central room. ~ ~ 0 0 3702 E sign~ Just go up to the central room. ~ S #3708 A Room in Mud School~ You are in a square white room. The walls are all blank, with no windows. Light fluoresces off the ceiling in soft white tones. Of course, there is a sign on the wall. The only exit is down. ~ 12 11 D5 You see the central room. ~ ~ 0 0 3702 E sign~ Just go down to the central room. ~ S #3709 A Room in Mud School~ You are in a square white room. The walls are all blank, with no windows. Light fluoresces off the ceiling in soft white tones. Of course, there is a sign on the wall. Exits reach west and down. ~ 12 11 D3 You see the next station of Mud School. ~ ~ 0 -1 3711 D5 You see a cage. ~ ~ 0 0 3710 E sign~ Welcome to combat training. The first lesson is knowing whom to fight. Use the command 'CONSIDER' to consider killing a monster. Avoid fighting monsters that will kill you easily. The second lesson is running away. There is a monster in the room down. He is too strong for you to kill, but he won't kill you. So go 'DOWN' from here, then 'CONSIDER' him, then 'KILL' him. After a while, type 'FLEE' to escape from him. You can also set your character to flee automatically with the 'WIMPY' command. Type 'HELP WIMPY' to find out more about 'WIMPY'. After you flee, you will be back in this room. When you are ready to go on to the next station, go 'WEST'. ~ S #3710 The Blob Cage~ You are in a smelly cage. Strangely, the walls are still clean! You see a sign here. The only exit is up. ~ 8 11 D4 You see a safe room up. ~ ~ 0 0 3709 E sign~ Remember, don't fight the blob to the finish! Just type 'KILL BLOB', then when you are fighting, type 'FLEE', until you flee and are out of here. ~ S #3711 A Room in Mud School~ You are in a square white room. The walls are all blank, with no windows. Light fluoresces off the ceiling in soft white tones. Of course, there is a sign on the wall. ~ 12 11 D1 You see the next station of Mud School. ~ ~ 0 0 3709 D5 You see the combat hall. ~ ~ 0 0 3712 E sign~ Welcome to the next station. Here, you will actually fight real monsters, without fleeing! Kill every mob, since they hold some equipment you need. To start, go down. ~ S #3712 The Cage Room~ You are in the cage room. All around are 4 cages. Light fluoresces off the ceiling in soft white tones. Of course, there is a big sign on the wall. Exits lead into the cardinal directions plus down. ~ 12 11 D0 You see the aggressive monster inside! ~ ~ 0 -1 3713 D1 You see the unmodified monster inside! ~ ~ 0 -1 3716 D2 You see the wimpy monster inside! ~ ~ 0 -1 3715 D3 You see the aggressive wimpy monster inside! ~ ~ 0 -1 3714 E sign~ Welcome to the cage room. The adepts of mud school have captured some monsters for you to kill. In the four cages are four monsters of various types. Kill them all! After you kill each monster, get all of the equipment from their corpses with the command 'GET ALL CORPSE'. You can then use the command 'WEAR ALL' to wear your newly won equipment. When you are done with the corpse, 'SACRIFICE CORPSE' to give it to your God. God will reward you for this. Between combat, you may need to rest or sleep to regenerate hit points. You can 'REST' to regenerate hit points, or you can 'SLEEP'. 'SLEEP' will refresh you faster than 'REST', but you will be less aware of your surroundings. ~ S #3713 A Cage~ You are in a cage. Blood and gore are everywhere. The keepers must be lax in the upkeep here! There is a sign on the wall. The only exit is south. ~ 8 11 D2 You see the Cage Room. ~ ~ 0 -1 3712 E sign~ There is an aggressive monster in this room. Kill him and get out of here fast! Remember to loot and sacrifice the corpse. ~ S #3714 A Cage~ You are in a cage. Blood and gore are everywhere. The keepers must be lax in the upkeep here! There is a sign on the wall. The only exit is east. ~ 8 11 D1 You see the Cage Room. ~ ~ 0 -1 3712 E sign~ There is a wimpy, aggressive monster in this room. Kill him and get out of here fast! Remember to loot and sacrifice the corpse. ~ S #3715 A Cage~ You are in a cage. Blood and gore are everywhere. The keepers must be lax in the upkeep here! There is a sign on the wall. The only exit is north. ~ 8 11 D0 You see the Cage Room. ~ ~ 0 -1 3712 E sign~ There is a wimpy monster in this room. Kill him and get out of here fast! Remember to loot and sacrifice the corpse. ~ S #3716 A Cage~ You are in a cage. Blood and gore are everywhere. The keepers must be lax in the upkeep here! There is a sign on the wall. The only exit is west. ~ 8 11 D3 You see the Cage Room. ~ ~ 0 -1 3712 E sign~ There is a monster in this room. Kill him and get out of here fast! Remember to loot and sacrifice the corpse. ~ S #3717 A Room in Mud School~ You are in a square white room. The walls are all blank, with no windows. Light fluoresces off the ceiling in soft white tones. Of course, there is a sign on the wall. Find your own exit here. ~ 12 11 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 20125 D1 You see the next station of Mud School. ~ door~ 1 -1 3722 D2 You see the Shop. ~ ~ 0 0 3718 E sign~ By now, you must be hungry and thirsty. Time to buy groceries! To the south is a store. Inside the store, you can use these commands: BUY Buy an item LIST List what is for sale After buying some food and drink, you can 'EAT' and 'DRINK' it. After that, find the next exit yourself. ~ S #3718 The Store in Mud School~ You are in a cramped room. Stacked neatly on shelves everywhere are items and packages. Light fluoresces off the ceiling in soft white tones. Of course, there is a sign on the wall. The only exit is north. ~ 8 11 D0 You see the only exit out of here. ~ ~ 0 0 3717 E sign~ The sign reads: Buy - Buy something from the storekeeper. List - The storekeeper will tell you what's for sale. Value - The storekeeper will tell you how much he will give to you for that item. Sell - Sell that item to the storekeeper. ~ S #3719 A Room in Mud School~ You are in a square white room. The walls are all blank, with no windows. Light fluoresces off the ceiling in soft white tones. Of course, there is a sign on the wall. The exits are north and west, with a door to the east. ~ 12 11 D1 You see the next station of Mud School. ~ door~ 33 3714 3721 E sign~ North of you is a dark room. I hope you still have the lantern! If not, you have to back to the store and buy one. In the room is a monster with a key that you need. After killing the monster and getting the key, come back here, UNLOCK EAST, OPEN EAST, and continue east. ~ S #3720 The Darkened Room~ This room was purposefully darkened so that you would need to hold on to a light source to go through. The walls are, of course, blank, and white. The only exit is south. ~ 13 11 S #3721 The End of Mud School!~ This is a very bright room, with a marble pedestal in the center. Behind the pedestal stands a person cloaked in Silver. Tapestries flow from every wall, and you feel very happy to be here right now. There is a big sign here. The only exit is on the other side of the gate north of you. ~ 8 11 D0 You see the Arena ahead. ~ gate~ 1 -1 3722 E sign~ You have graduated from Mud School! Get your diploma. Go 'NORTH' from here to visit our arena. There are plenty of low-level monsters, but DON'T attack other players. If you want to go directly back to the temple at any time, type 'RECALL'. After you raise to level two, you can 'SAVE' your character. Your character will be automatically SAVE'd every few minutes. If you need more help during the game, type 'HELP'. If you see something wrong or have comments, use 'BUG', 'IDEA', or 'TYPO' to report them. May your visit here be ... mercenary. ~ S #3722 South Wall of Arena~ You are in the Arena. Remember, if you wish to get out of this Arena, just go up. Ceilings can barely be seen in this huge Arena. You feel as if you are being watched by some divine being. ~ 8 11 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 3729 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 3725 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 3723 D4 You see the EXIT. ~ ~ 0 0 3760 S #3723 South Wall of Arena~ You are in the Arena. Remember, if you wish to get out of this Arena, just go up. Ceilings can barely be seen in this huge Arena. You feel as if you are being watched by some divine being. ~ 8 11 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 3728 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 3722 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 3724 D4 You see the EXIT. ~ ~ 0 0 3760 S #3724 South West Corner of Arena~ You are in the Arena. Remember, if you wish to get out of this Arena, just go up. Ceilings can barely be seen in this huge Arena. You feel as if you are being watched by some divine being. ~ 8 11 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 3727 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 3723 D4 You see the EXIT. ~ ~ 0 0 3760 S #3725 South Wall of Arena~ You are in the Arena. Remember, if you wish to get out of this Arena, just go up. Ceilings can barely be seen in this huge Arena. You feel as if you are being watched by some divine being. ~ 8 11 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 3730 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 3726 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 3722 D4 You see the EXIT. ~ ~ 0 0 3760 S #3726 South East Corner of Arena~ You are in the Arena. Remember, if you wish to get out of this Arena, just go up. Ceilings can barely be seen in this huge Arena. You feel as if you are being watched by some divine being. A small archway has been built in the Eastern wall. ~ 8 11 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 3731 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 300 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 3725 D4 You see the EXIT. ~ ~ 0 0 3760 S #3727 West Wall of Arena~ You are in the Arena. Remember, if you wish to get out of this Arena, just go up. Ceilings can barely be seen in this huge Arena. You feel as if you are being watched by some divine being. ~ 8 11 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 3732 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 3728 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 3724 D4 You see the EXIT. ~ ~ 0 0 3760 S #3728 Arena~ You are in the Arena. Remember, if you wish to get out of this Arena, just go up. Ceilings can barely be seen in this huge Arena. You feel as if you are being watched by some divine being. ~ 8 11 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 3733 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 3729 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 3723 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 3727 D4 You see the EXIT. ~ ~ 0 0 3760 S #3729 Arena~ You are in the Arena. Remember, if you wish to get out of this Arena, just go up. Ceilings can barely be seen in this huge Arena. You feel as if you are being watched by some divine being. ~ 8 11 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 3734 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 3730 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 3722 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 3728 D4 You see the EXIT. ~ ~ 0 0 3760 S #3730 Arena~ You are in the Arena. Remember, if you wish to get out of this Arena, just go up. Ceilings can barely be seen in this huge Arena. You feel as if you are being watched by some divine being. ~ 8 11 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 3735 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 3731 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 3725 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 3729 D4 You see the EXIT. ~ ~ 0 0 3760 S #3731 East Wall of Arena~ You are in the Arena. Remember, if you wish to get out of this Arena, just go up. Ceilings can barely be seen in this huge Arena. You feel as if you are being watched by some divine being. ~ 8 11 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 3736 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 3726 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 3730 D4 You see the EXIT. ~ ~ 0 0 3760 S #3732 West Wall of Arena~ You are in the Arena. Remember, if you wish to get out of this Arena, just go up. Ceilings can barely be seen in this huge Arena. You feel as if you are being watched by some divine being. ~ 8 11 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 3737 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 3733 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 3727 D4 You see the EXIT. ~ ~ 0 0 3760 S #3733 Arena~ You are in the Arena. Remember, if you wish to get out of this Arena, just go up. Ceilings can barely be seen in this huge Arena. You feel as if you are being watched by some divine being. ~ 8 11 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 3738 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 3734 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 3728 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 3732 D4 You see the EXIT. ~ ~ 0 0 3760 S #3734 Center of Arena~ You are in the Arena. Remember, if you wish to get out of this Arena, just go up. Ceilings can barely be seen in this huge Arena. You feel as if you are being watched by some divine being. There is a BIG SIGN here. ~ 8 11 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 3739 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 3735 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 3729 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 3733 D4 You see the EXIT. ~ ~ 0 0 3760 D5 You see a dark murky dungeon below. ~ grate~ 1 -1 3748 E sign big~ Those with high bravery or low senses of cautiousness might wish to go below to the Dungeon. However, know that there are aggressive monsters down there, and there is no quick escape back out of here when you are in the dungeon. ~ S #3735 Arena~ You are in the Arena. Remember, if you wish to get out of this Arena, just go up. Ceilings can barely be seen in this huge Arena. You feel as if you are being watched by some divine being. ~ 8 11 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 3740 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 3736 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 3730 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 3734 D4 You see the EXIT. ~ ~ 0 0 3760 S #3736 East Wall of Arena~ You are in the Arena. Remember, if you wish to get out of this Arena, just go up. Ceilings can barely be seen in this huge Arena. You feel as if you are being watched by some divine being. ~ 8 11 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 3741 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 3731 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 3735 D4 You see the EXIT. ~ ~ 0 0 3760 S #3737 West Wall of Arena~ You are in the Arena. Remember, if you wish to get out of this Arena, just go up. Ceilings can barely be seen in this huge Arena. You feel as if you are being watched by some divine being. ~ 8 11 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 3742 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 3738 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 3732 D4 You see the EXIT. ~ ~ 0 0 3760 S #3738 Arena~ You are in the Arena. Remember, if you wish to get out of this Arena, just go up. Ceilings can barely be seen in this huge Arena. You feel as if you are being watched by some divine being. ~ 8 11 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 3743 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 3739 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 3733 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 3737 D4 You see the EXIT. ~ ~ 0 0 3760 S #3739 Arena~ You are in the Arena. Remember, if you wish to get out of this Arena, just go up. Ceilings can barely be seen in this huge Arena. You feel as if you are being watched by some divine being. ~ 8 11 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 3744 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 3740 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 3734 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 3738 D4 You see the EXIT. ~ ~ 0 0 3760 S #3740 Arena~ You are in the Arena. Remember, if you wish to get out of this Arena, just go up. Ceilings can barely be seen in this huge Arena. You feel as if you are being watched by some divine being. ~ 8 11 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 3745 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 3741 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 3735 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 3739 D4 You see the EXIT. ~ ~ 0 0 3760 S #3741 East Wall of Arena~ You are in the Arena. Remember, if you wish to get out of this Arena, just go up. Ceilings can barely be seen in this huge Arena. You feel as if you are being watched by some divine being. ~ 8 11 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 3746 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 3736 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 3740 D4 You see the EXIT. ~ ~ 0 0 3760 S #3742 North West Corner of Arena~ You are in the Arena. Remember, if you wish to get out of this Arena, just go up. Ceilings can barely be seen in this huge Arena. You feel as if you are being watched by some divine being. ~ 8 11 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 3743 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 3737 D4 You see the EXIT. ~ ~ 0 0 3760 S #3743 North Wall of Arena~ You are in the Arena. Remember, if you wish to get out of this Arena, just go up. You can barely see the ceiling. You feel as if you are being watched by some divine being. ~ 8 11 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 3744 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 3738 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 3742 D4 You see the EXIT. ~ ~ 0 0 3760 S #3744 North Wall of Arena~ You are in the Arena. Remember, if you wish to get out of this Arena, just go up. Ceilings can barely be seen in this huge Arena. You feel as if you are being watched by some divine being. ~ 8 11 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 3745 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 3739 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 3743 D4 You see the EXIT. ~ ~ 0 0 3760 S #3745 North Wall of Arena~ You are in the Arena. Remember, if you wish to get out of this Arena, just go up. Ceilings can barely be seen in this huge Arena. You feel as if you are being watched by some divine being. ~ 8 11 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 3746 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 3740 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 3744 D4 You see the EXIT. ~ ~ 0 0 3760 S #3746 North East Corner of Arena~ You are in the Arena. Remember, if you wish to get out of this Arena, just go up. Ceilings can barely be seen in this huge Arena. You feel as if you are being watched by some divine being. ~ 8 11 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 3741 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 3745 D4 You see the EXIT. ~ ~ 0 0 3760 S #3748 The Center of the Dungeon~ You are in the center of a large room. A faint light from above shows that the floors are all covered with slime. A feeling of dread comes over you as you notice that this is NOT a great place to go. Exits go in all directions. Of special note is the one that brings you back up!!! ~ 8 11 D0 You see the north wall. ~ ~ 0 0 3750 D1 You see the east wall. ~ ~ 0 0 3753 D2 You see the south wall. ~ ~ 0 0 3755 D3 You see the west wall. ~ ~ 0 0 3752 D4 You see safety! ~ grate~ 1 -1 3734 S #3749 The North West Corner of the Dungeon~ You are against a wall in the dungeon. It is quite dark here. The lack of any windows in the area explains the smell around you. ~ 9 11 D1 You see the north wall. ~ ~ 0 0 3750 D2 You see the south wall. ~ ~ 0 0 3752 S #3750 The North Wall of the Dungeon~ You are against a wall in the dungeon. It is quite dark here. The lack of any windows in the area explains the smell around you. ~ 9 11 D1 You see the north east corner. ~ ~ 0 0 3751 D2 You see the center of the dungeon. ~ ~ 0 0 3748 D3 You see the north west corner. ~ ~ 0 0 3749 S #3751 The North East Corner of the Dungeon~ You are against a wall in the dungeon. It is quite dark here. The lack of any windows in the area explains the smell around you. ~ 9 11 D2 You see the east wall. ~ ~ 0 0 3753 D3 You see the north wall. ~ ~ 0 0 3750 S #3752 The West Wall of the Dungeon~ You are against a wall in the dungeon. It is quite dark here. The lack of any windows in the area explains the smell around you. ~ 9 11 D0 You see the north west corner. ~ ~ 0 0 3749 D1 You see the center of the dungeon. ~ ~ 0 0 3748 D2 You see the south west corner. ~ ~ 0 0 3754 S #3753 The East Wall of the Dungeon~ You are against a wall in the dungeon. It is quite dark here. The lack of any windows in the area explains the smell around you. ~ 9 11 D0 You see the north east corner. ~ ~ 0 0 3751 D2 You see the south east corner. ~ ~ 0 0 3756 D3 You see the center of the dungeon. ~ ~ 0 0 3748 S #3754 The South West Corner of the Dungeon~ You are against a wall in the dungeon. It is quite dark here. The lack of any windows in the area explains the smell around you. ~ 9 11 D0 You see the north wall. ~ ~ 0 0 3752 D1 You see the south wall. ~ ~ 0 0 3755 S #3755 The South Wall of the Dungeon~ You are against a wall in the dungeon. It is quite dark here. The lack of any windows in the area explains the smell around you. ~ 9 11 D0 You see the center of the dungeon. ~ ~ 0 0 3748 D1 You see the south east corner. ~ ~ 0 0 3756 D3 You see the south west corner. ~ ~ 0 0 3754 S #3756 The South East Corner of the Dungeon~ You are against a wall in the dungeon. It is quite dark here. The lack of any windows in the area explains the smell around you. ~ 9 11 D0 You see the east wall. ~ ~ 0 0 3753 D3 You see the south wall. ~ ~ 0 0 3755 S #3757 A Room in Mud School~ @@NYou are in a room in Mud School. Pastels cover these walls, due to Hatchet's mood for the day. To the @@ywest@@N is @@RFurey's Training Room@@N, and to the @@yeast@@N is @@RHatchet's Guild Room@@N. @@yNorth@@N of you is the next Station of Mud School. There is a sign on the wall (type '@@cLOOK SIGN@@N' to read it). ~ 16412 1 D0 You see the next station of Mud School. ~ ~ 0 0 20100 D1 You see Hatchet's Guild Room. Go there to practice your skills. ~ ~ 0 0 3759 D2 You see the entrance to Mud School. ~ ~ 0 0 3700 D3 You see Furey's Training Room. Go there to train your attributes. ~ ~ 0 0 3758 E sign~ To find out your attributes, type 'score'. You can improve your attributes in Furey's Training Room to the west. You can practice your skills and spells in Hatchet's Guild Room to the east. You can continue through mud school by going north. If you are a new character, you should go 'WEST' from here, train your abilities, and then come back here and go 'NORTH'. ~ S #3758 Furey's Training Room~ You are in Furey's Training Room. Around you are all sorts of physical and mental training tools. The whole room is filled with magic, holiness, and sweat. There is a sign on the wall. ~ 16412 1 D1 You see the room you came from, and the room you should go to. ~ ~ 0 0 3757 E sign~ Welcome to Furey's Training Room. Here you can train your attributes. To train an attribute, you need enough practices. To find out how many practice sessions you have, type 'train' while you are in this room. To train for a specific attribute, type 'train <attr>' where attr is the first 3 letters of the attribute you want increased. Type 'help train' for more information. ~ S #3759 Hatchet's Guild Room~ You are in a room filled with weapons, books, and many combat dummies, some cut and stabbed many times, others burnt to a crisp. The room is filled with sweat and an aura of magic. There is a sign on the wall. ~ 16412 1 D3 You see the room you came from and the room you should go to. ~ ~ 0 0 3757 E sign~ Welcome to Hatchet's Guild Room. Here you will learn your skills and spells. To find out what skills and spells you can practice and how many practice sessions you have, type 'practice'. To practice the specific skill, type 'practice <skill>', where 'skill' is the skill or spell you wish to practice. Practicing increases the amount you know of that skill or spell, up to a certain maximum. When you have practiced all you wish to practice, go west. ~ S #3760 A Safe Room~ You are on a safe looking platform, built into a large cloud floating peacefully above the MudSchool Arena. Below you, you can just make out what seems to be an arena, while above you a strange portal glows brightly. ~ 12 11 S #0 #MOBILES #3708 Abu~ Abu~ The sly little Abu is here, looking for something to kill ~ ~ 4194305 1048576 400 S 3 1 -30 0 0 ! 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #3700 acolyte cleric~ Aliaser's power~ An fraction of Aliaser's power floats here. ~ He is big and bad. Don't mess with him. ~ 65 136 1000 S 73 1 0 0 0 ! 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #3701 pool goo~ a pool of goo~ A pool of goo is sitting here. ~ He is big, he is bad. You don't want to fight him when he isn't chained up. Perhaps now would be a good time to flee from him!!! If you don't flee, you would really suffer the consequences. ~ 67 8 0 S 2 0 0 0 0 ! 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #3702 blackbird~ a blackbird~ A blackbird chirps merrily here. ~ He looks mean, but you feel comfortable that you can kill him, especially since he is leashed up, and you are not. ~ 3 0 0 S 6 0 50 0 0 ! 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #3703 sparrow~ a sparrow~ A sparrow grubs down on a worm here. ~ He looks wimpy. You feel comfortable that you can kill him, especially since he is leashed up, and you are not. ~ 131 0 0 S 3 0 60 0 0 ! 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #3704 magpie~ a magpie~ A magpie flutters around here aimlessly. ~ He looks mean, but you feel comfortable that you can kill him, especially since he is leashed up, and you are not. ~ 35 0 0 S 10 0 50 0 0 ! 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #3705 jay~ the jay~ A jay stands here looking weak but majestic. ~ He looks mean, but you feel comfortable that you can kill him, especially since he is leashed up, and you are not. ~ 163 0 0 S 8 0 0 0 0 ! 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #3706 eagle~ the eagle~ The eagle perches here, chewing on a bit of flesh. ~ He looks mean, and you just might have a small problem killing him, but he looks like a great prize!!! ~ 3 512 0 S 1 1 0 0 0 ! 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #3707 adept cleric~ the adept of Kahn~ An adept of Overlord Kahn is here, contemplating your progress. ~ He is big and bad. Don't mess with him. ~ 67 136 1000 S 79 1 -500 500 500 ! 0 0 0 7 17416 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #3709 gekko~ the gekko~ A gekko is slithering around here. ~ The gekko smiles at you, completely harmless! ~ 193 0 100 S 8 0 0 0 0 ! 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #3710 newt~ the newt~ The newt tries to find water here. ~ It smiles at you, and tries to eat your leg. ~ 65 0 -100 S 1 0 0 0 0 ! 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #3711 badger~ the badger~ The badger roots around for food here. ~ It grunts at you. ~ 65 0 0 S 8 0 0 0 0 ! 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #3712 squirrel~ the squirrel~ The squirrel looks for a tree to climb here. ~ His fur might be worth money. ~ 193 0 100 S 7 0 10 -2 -2 ! 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #3713 slug~ the squidgy slug~ A slug squeltches around here, waiting to be trod on. ~ You don't see much but slime about it. ~ 65 0 0 S 5 0 0 0 0 ! 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #3714 eeyore~ Eeyore the donkey~ Eeyore the donkey is in a _seriously_ bad mood. ~ It looks mean. You'd better run. ~ 97 0 0 S 8 0 0 0 0 ! 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #3715 pooh bear~ Pooh Bear~ Pooh Bear digs in his honey pot for a little treat. ~ The bear must be bigger than you! It wants to rip your head off. ~ 65 0 0 S 4 0 0 0 0 ! 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #3716 Piglet~ Piglet~ Piglet tries to remain on the ground, whilst holding onto a balloon here. ~ ~ 65 0 0 S 9 0 0 0 0 ! 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #3717 adept cleric~ the adept of Frag~ An adept of Frag is here, grinning and selling you things. ~ He is big and bad. Don't mess with him. ~ 67 136 1000 S 74 1 0 0 0 ! 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #3718 adept cleric~ the adept of Furey~ The Adept of Furey is here, waiting to help you. ~ He is big and bad. Don't mess with him. ~ 1603 136 1000 S 78 1 -500 500 500 ! 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #3719 priest cleric~ the priest of Hatchet~ The priest of Hatchet is ready to help you practice. ~ He is big and bad. Don't mess with him. ~ 1049667 136 1000 S 110 1 -500 500 500 ! 0 0 0 7 26504 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #3720 sage~ a wise old fool~ A wise old sage sits here, looking weak and feeble. ~ This horrible creature is your final test for mud school. Kill him, and the diploma is yours. ~ 3 512 0 S 9 0 0 0 0 ! 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #3721 The Newbie Squire~ A Newbie Squire~ A newbie Squire stands here, dropping equipment all over the place. ~ ~ 3 553 0 S 3 1 0 0 0 ! 1 0 0 7 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #0 #OBJECTS #3717 ddagger~ a jewelled dagger~ ~ 5 0 8421376 1 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 A 18 20 A 19 10 A 12 100 A 13 100 L 1 #3700 mace~ a sub issue mace~ You see a sub issue mace here.~ 5 64 8421376 1 0 2 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 A 18 1 A 19 1 E mace~ You see a mace of great but cheap craftsmanship. Imprinted on the side is: Merc Industries ~ L 1 #3701 dagger~ a sub issue dagger~ You see a sub issue dagger that has been dropped here. ~ 5 64 8421376 1 0 2 3 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 A 17 -5 A 18 1 A 19 1 E dagger~ You see a dagger of great but cheap craftsmanship. Imprinted on the side is: Merc Industries ~ L 1 #3702 sword~ a sub issue sword~ You see a sub issue sword here.~ 5 64 8421376 1 0 2 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 A 18 1 A 19 1 E sword~ You see a sword of great but cheap craftsmanship. Imprinted on the side is: Merc Industries ~ L 1 #3703 vest~ a sub issue vest~ You see a sub issue vest that has been dropped here. ~ 9 0 8650752 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 E vest~ You see a vest of great but cheap craftsmanship. Stamped on the side is: Merc Industries ~ L 1 #3704 shield~ a sub issue shield~ You see a sub issue shield here.~ 9 0 8421376 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 E shield~ You see a shield of great but cheap craftsmanship. Imprinted on the side is: Merc Industries ~ L 1 #3705 cloak~ a sub issue cloak~ You see a sub issue cloak here.~ 9 0 8388736 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 E cloak~ You see a cloak of great but cheap craftsmanship. Imprinted on the side is: Merc Industries ~ L 1 #3706 helmet~ a sub issue helmet~ You see a sub issue helmet that has been dropped here rather carelessly. ~ 9 0 8388616 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 E helmet~ You see a helmet of great but cheap craftsmanship. Imprinted on the side is: Merc Industries ~ L 1 #3707 leggings~ a pair of sub issue leggings~ You see a pair of sub issue leggings here.~ 9 0 9437184 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 E leggings~ You see leggings of great but cheap craftsmanship. Imprinted on the side is: Merc Industries ~ L 1 #3708 boots~ a pair of sub issue boots~ You see a pair of sub issue boots here.~ 9 0 10485760 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 E boots~ You see boots of great but cheap craftsmanship. Imprinted on the side is: Merc Industries ~ L 1 #3709 gloves~ a pair of sub issue gloves~ You see a pair of sub issue gloves here.~ 9 0 8392704 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 E gloves~ You see gloves of great but cheap craftsmanship. Imprinted on the side is: Merc Industries ~ L 1 #3710 sleeves~ a pair of sub issue sleeves~ You see a pair of sub issue sleeves here.~ 9 0 8389632 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 E sleeves~ You see sleeves of great but cheap craftsmanship. Imprinted on the side is: Merc Industries ~ L 1 #3711 cape~ a sub issue cape~ You see a sub issue cape here.~ 9 0 8454144 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 E cape~ You see a cape of great but cheap craftsmanship. Imprinted on the side is: Merc Industries ~ L 1 #3712 belt~ a sub issue belt~ You see a sub issue belt here.~ 9 0 8519680 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 E belt~ You see a belt of great but cheap craftsmanship. Imprinted on the side is: Merc Industries ~ L 1 #3713 bracer~ a sub issue bracer~ You see a sub issue bracer here.~ 9 0 8390656 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 E bracer~ You see a bracer of great but cheap craftsmanship. Imprinted on the side is: Merc Industries ~ L 1 #3714 Key~ a key~ You see a very important key here!~ 18 0 8388608 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 L 1 #3715 diploma~ a mud school diploma~ You see a mud school diploma here.~ 8 64 8421376 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 A 5 1 A 4 1 E diploma~ This document shows that you have graduated from Mud School. It also has magical effects on your abilities if you hold it! Hatchet the Silver Knight Merc Industries ~ L 1 #3716 banner~ a war banner~ A war banner is on the floor here.~ 1 65 8388608 1 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 A 24 -1 A 17 -1 E banner~ This is the official Merc war banner to see you through the darkest realm! ~ L 1 #3718 earring~ the deathmatch winner's earring~ A fabled prize lies here. ~ 9 2 8388672 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 A 18 2 A 19 2 L 1 #0 #SHOPS 3717 1 15 17 19 0 100 100 0 23 0 #RESETS M 0 3700 1 3701 (acolyte of FRAG) D 0 3700 2 1 M 0 3701 1 3710 blob M 0 3702 1 3716 regular monster in cage E 0 3705 99 3 give him cloak E 0 3705 99 4 give him cloak M 0 3703 1 3715 wimpy monster in cage E 0 3706 99 6 give him helmet E 0 3711 99 12 give him cape M 0 3704 1 3713 aggr monster in cage E 0 3707 99 7 give him leggings E 0 3712 99 13 give him belt M 0 3705 1 3714 aggr/wimpy monster in cage E 0 3708 99 8 give him boots E 0 3713 99 14 give him bracer D 0 3717 1 1 D 0 3719 1 2 M 0 3717 1 3718 storekeeper G 0 3138 999 G 0 3031 999 M 0 3706 1 3720 monster in dark room. E 0 3709 99 9 give him gloves E 0 3710 99 10 give him sleeves E 0 3714 99 17 give him the key E 0 3713 99 14 give him bracer D 0 3721 0 1 D 0 3734 5 1 D 0 3748 4 1 M 0 3709 4 3734 rabbit M 0 3710 3 3742 lizard M 0 3711 3 3746 boar M 0 3712 3 3726 fox M 0 3713 5 3724 snail M 0 3714 1 3749 beast M 0 3715 2 3751 bear M 0 3716 2 3754 wolf M 0 3707 1 3712 adept M 0 3720 1 3721 diploma beast (thanks, Alander!) E 0 3715 99 17 M 0 3718 1 3758 adept for training M 0 3719 1 3759 adept for practicing S #SPECIALS M 3700 spec_cast_adept M 3707 spec_cast_adept M 3714 spec_fido S #$