Name Temple of Shrines~
Builders Fluffy Halodar~
VNUMs 4826 4850
Credits {  ALL  } Goku        Temple of Shrines~
Security 9
Version 1

Kieri the gardener~
Kieri is here selling fruits fresh from the gardens.
ABM 0 0 0
300 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
0 AB 0 0
stand stand none 100000
0 0 medium unknown
blacksmith deities~
a blacksmith for the Deities~
A blacksmith for the Deities is here, pounding away at a sword.
A blacksmith older than any other is here, crafting powerful instruments
for battle.  
ABM 0 0 0
300 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
0 AB 0 0
stand stand none 100000
0 0 medium unknown


{BShrine of Qalethiel{x~
THe path of non-interference and observation, mortals worshipping
Qalethiel tend to neither seek nor avoid conflict.  A popular god amongst
artificers, teachers, and ascetics.  Dwarves, Minotaurs, Gargoyles, and
Dragons tend to prefer his teachings.  
0 8 0
0 0 4848
{WShrine of Y'golan{x~
The path of entropy.  Y'golan's most ardent supporters are said to obtain
their greatest pleasure from destruction in all its forms.  Those that are
self-centered and power-seeking embrace him.  Vampires, Wraiths, Demons, and
Drow tend to follow him.  
0 8 0
0 0 4848
Hall of the Forgotten~
This area of the temple has been built in dedication and memory to the
either forgotten or abandoned deities of Alanthia's past.  To the north you
see the former deities of the Blue Moon.  To the east you see the former
deities of the Silver Moon.  To the west you see the former deities of the
Red Moon.  
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0 0 4838
0 0 4840
0 0 4843
0 0 4848
Shrine of Cecilya~
Those that pursue the path of order and creation follow Cecilya.  Mortals
that worship her place law and serenity above all else.  Cecilya is the
patron goddess of the healing arts, farmers, and craftspeople.  Elves,
Sprites, and Wolves are inclined to worship her.  
0 8 0
0 0 4848
{WShrine of Aiden{X~
{XThe Devout, Deliverer of Magic Aiden, like Didimus, was not an original
Alanthian deity.  Instead, he was raptured under the direction of Sahma. 
After the Great Wars, when Sadiq banned magic from Alanthia for all the
chaos it had created, Aiden feverently continued his belief in, and devotion
to all the gods even though they too were absent from Alanthia.  As a
reward, Sahma and the Moons deemed him the Deliverer of Magic.  He returned
magic to the mortals.  
0 8 0
0 0 4840
{WShrine of Sadiq{X~
{XJudge and Mediator, Sadiq is the Judge of Alanthia and it's gods. 
Mostly, he watches with a careful eye over the working of the lands and
heavens.  As a result, he is often depicted as having a hundred eyes.  Upon
death, it is Sadiq to whom mortals must answer.  Sadiq, also, is a very
different type of god.  He is much more in touch with the stars, and
possibly once was one, or will eventually become one.  None of the Moons
know the answer, but Sadiq has traveled on Sahma's surface since the
beginning of her life.  Often considered cold-hearted, she knows more than
she reveals and is the Keeper of Wisdom.  
0 8 0
0 0 4840
Near the Shrines~
Up ahead, there seems to be statues of some sort.  They appear to be
statues of each moon of Alanthia.  The statues seems to have something
flowing from them into a fountain.  There also seems to be a beutiful bench
next to the fountain for those weary from travel to rest upon.  
0 8 0
0 0 4850
0 0 4846
Fruit Stand~
{XMany wonderous fruits of Alanthia are gathered onto a table for
travelers to purchase and cherish.  The smell is simply exquisite.  
0 8 0
0 0 4846
0 0 4845
{BShrine of Ming-Dao{X~
God of Martial Arts and Heavenly Teacher.  Ming-Dao serves under CeleDi,
though not far.  Creating the consciousness of mortals was quite the task,
so Ming-Dao picks up the slack and helps mortals learn how to wield such
massive power.  
0 8 0
0 0 4838
{BShrine of CeleDi{X~
{XThe Blue Moon and Goddess of Purity and the Soul.  CeleDi ruled the
Mental Circle.  She created the mortal mind and gave him reason.  Without
her, mortals could not exist as higher intelligence.  She doesn't direct
mortal thought, but rather guides it with a loving hand.  A very peaceful
deity, in search of harmony amongst mortals.  
0 8 0
0 0 4841
0 0 4828
0 0 4837
Shrine of Byziana~
Goddess of Change and the Tides.  Byziana, goddess of change and the
tides, serves under Nikos, at least to Nikos's beliefs.  At times, Byziana
despises the destruction Nikos causes.  But, she realizes that destruction
is part of the eternal cycle of change.  She pushes for change, and this is
reflected in the tides, the seasons, and Alanthia.  One of the two gods
fused in the creation of Alanthia, she is part of the planet.  
0 8 0
0 0 4843
{WShrine of Sahma{X~
The Silver Moon, Goddess of Mystics.  Sahma is the Creator of Dreams, and
Distributor of Wishes.  Dreams in Alanthia are not mental, but are mystical
and, as a result, are controlled by her.  Probably the strongest of all the
Moons, she is closely watched and tempered by the thoughtful hand of Sadiq. 
Although Sadiq took magic from the mortals as a result of the Great Wars,
Sahma has succeeded in returning magic to Alanthia by the hands of Aiden.  
0 8 0
0 0 4833
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{BShrine of Rudah{X~
{XLord of Temptation.  Rudah was not a local god of Alanthia.  Being the
playful chap he is, he stopped by Alanthia to cause trouble while traveling
the universe.  He found it so much fun to upset Ming-Dao by tempting the
mortals into booze, wine, merriment, and other atrocities, that he decided
to take residence in Alanthia.  
0 8 0
0 0 4838
Shrine of Didimus~
The Father of Technology, Smithy to the Gods.  Didimus was not a deity
when Alanthia was created.  Instead, he was raptured into the heavens by
proving his worth to Nikos.  A craftsman, he gave mortals weapons.  The
Father of Technology, he proves vital in Nikos's continuing struggle to pull
mortals from the cursed "enlightenment" that CeleDi blessed them with. 
Basically a slave, but a deity none the less, he is adored by all the gods
for such devotion and hard work.  
0 8 0
0 0 4843
{RShrine of Nikos{x~
The Red Moon, God of War and Destruction.  Nikos, god of war, destruction
and flesh, rules the physical circle.  He created the mortal body as mere
toys to amuse himself.  Of course, CeleDi saw this as a great opportunity,
and hence, angered Nikos extremely so by giving them free-will.  Though,
this isn't to say Nikos doesn't hold any control.  On the contrary -- he
just can't FORCE a mortal to do anything, he must persuade them to do it in
free will.  A fun game for Nikos, but it often tries his patience.  Nikos of
the Flesh, is a man capable of great evils - far more than any other god in
0 8 0
0 0 4842
0 0 4828
0 0 4844
0 0 4839
Shrine of Kazimain~
Holy Mother of Alanthia.  Kazimain, mother to mortals, helped create
Alanthia for the mortal form to exist.  She is now, in fact, synthesized
into the land.  A truly benevolent deity, she balances out the evil of
Nikos.  The land will never be harmed when she is closely watching.  Being
so kind, she blessed the mortals with medicine by creating certain herbs and
extracts upon the surface of Alanthia.  
0 8 0
0 0 4843
A Long Hallway~
The floor is constructed of the most beutiful marble found within the
lands of Alanthia.  Torches are lined down each wall along this hallway. 
The bright flames of the torches give off a blueish glow which fills the
entire temple.  
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0 0 4836
0 0 4847
A Long Hallway~
Furthur down the long hallway, a feeling of peace settles through the
air.  The flames from the torches turn from blue to red the furthur you
travel through the temple.  
0 8 0
0 0 4834
0 0 4836
Entrance to the Temple~
{XHere is a room filled with glowing torches all about.  Proceeding North
will take you furthur into the Temple where you may pay your wishes and
prayers to the Deities of Alanthia, at their Shrines.  
0 12 0
0 0 4845
0 0 8128
Before the Deities~
Peering into each direction, you notice shrines constructed of mysterious
stone, dedicated to the current deities and to the forgotten ones.  To the
north is the Red Moon, Cecilya.  To the west is the Blue Moon, Qalethiel. 
To the east is the Silver Moon, Y'golan.  A staircase going down leads to
the Hall of the Forgotten.  The staircase going up leads to a man with a
heated piece of metal and a hammer.  
0 8 0
0 0 4829
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0 0 4850
0 0 4826
0 0 4849
0 0 4828
Weapons Shop of the Three Moons~
{XTools of Destruction, Protection, and Balance are sold here.  Those of
all beliefs may attain a power created by the very Deities that created
Alanthia, from this shop.  
0 1024 0
0 0 4848
Peaceful Fountain~
As travelers enter this room they feel an imense sense of relaxation. 
Allowing them to rest peacefully, and drink from the fountain.  The Shrines
are not far ahead.  Perhaps one should pay a visit to the very creators of
0 1032 0
0 0 4848
0 0 4834


M 0 4836 1 4836 1
M 0 4849 1 4849 1

4836 19 19 19 0 0 100 50 0 23
4849 5 0 0 0 0 100 50 0 23
