Name Titan Heaven~
Builders Whisperwolf~
VNUMs 25800 25999
Credits {??? ???} Whisperwolf Titan Heaven~
Security 9
Version 1

Kruasher, the barkeep~
Kruasher wanders around cleaning the bar and the tables
The renown barkeep of the renown tavern, The Cloudy Ale.  He is a kind
and pleasant looking man with a clean crisp smile on his face at all times. 
His guests enjoy his company as much as they do their own friends.  He keeps
a tidey bar and employs the sweetest of barmaids.  
AG 0 400 0
165 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
0 0 B Z
stand stand male 22050
M delay 25804 99~
M grall 25802 99~
Resting Traveler~
A resting traveler~
A resting traveler is here relaxing from his long journey.
A younger man with a windblown face.  This person has apparently traveled
a great deal since he looks weary.  
155 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 slash
0 0 0 0
I 0 0 0
stand stand male 7140
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
M delay 25801 99~
M grall 25803 99~
Jynger Innkeeper~
Jynger, the innkeeper~
Jynger wanders about checking on the rooms and the guests.
Jynger, the barkeeps wife and the innkeeper, stands tall before you.  She
has a firm attitude, but the wrinkles on her face show signs of smiling.  
ABG 0 0 0
165 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
0 0 B Z
stand stand female 2540
M grall 25805 99~
Wench Barmaid~
a cloudy ale barmaid~
A barmaid is trying to fill an order.
A beautiful female titan, wearing a loose blouse revealing her ample
cleavage, stands before you.  
ABG 0 0 0
160 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 slap
0 0 0 0
I 0 B Z
stand stand female 0
Skilne, the black slithering creature.
You actually want to look at him?  An oozing mass of black goo, is
amassed into a passable excuse for a creature.  His jaw moves fluidly as he
contemplates an attack.  
AB DFHJV -1000 0
115 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 slime
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 1304
AGHXYac ABDEFJKLNQVX giant unknown
M grall 25800 99~
The Puppeteer~
The puppeteer is here cleaning a knife.
A strange hermit of a man stands before you holding a blood stained knife.
ABGR 0 -800 0
170 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 stab
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 3400
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
Tavern Master~
Tavern Master~
The tavern master is busily running the tavern.
A heavy set man bustles about cleaning tables.
ABG 0 100 0
160 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 slash
0 0 0 0
0 0 B Z
stand stand male 300
Tavern Masters Daughter~
A tavern master's daughter~
One of the tavern masters daughter is here helping her father.
An attractive young daughter to the tavern master busily helps her father.
ABG 0 100 0
155 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 slap
0 0 0 0
0 0 B Z
stand stand female 300
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
Jez the magician~
Jez is here adjusting and polishing his wares.
A short man with a crooked nose stands before you.  He emits a strange
aura, and you know he is not one to be triffled with.  
ABGMR 0 100 0
300 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 blast
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 100000
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
Baker Madam Talarn~
Nadam Talarn, the titan baker~
Madam Talarn is here covered in flour.
Approaching quickly, a rosey cheeked titan female wearing an apron
covered in flour smiles sweetly.  Madam Talarn is a well known face to the
bazaar for her fairness and kindness to strangers.  
ABGM DEF 900 0
300 212 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 slash
-108 -111 -109 -108
0 A 0 0
stand stand female 100000
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
Derlyn Butcher~
Derlyn, the titan buther~
Derlyn steps away from his block covered in blood.
A large titan male covered in blood approaches.  His muscles are gigantic
from many years of doing his teadious job.  He gestures to his selection and
awaits your choice.  
ABGM DEF 900 0
300 212 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 slash
0 0 0 0
0 A 0 0
stand stand male 100000
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK giant unknown
Calista Jeweler Woman~
Calista the jeweler~
Calista sets aside her work to aid her customers.
Standing tall, even though her size makes her the smallest resident in
the kingdom, Calista gives forth a smiling face to all.  Her work is
beautifully crafted and made with utmost precision.  
ABGM DEF 900 0
300 212 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 slash
0 0 0 0
0 A 0 0
stand stand female 100000
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
Jingorn Man Grocer~
Jingorn, the titan grocer~
Jingorn shifts his massive bulk and speaks his greetings.
An extremely rotund man, with lines on his face from years of smiling,
trudges about straightening items.  Always greeting every customer, he is
well liked in these parts for his fairness and generosity.  
300 212 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
0 A 0 0
stand stand male 100000
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
Jerdar Man Weapon Smith~
Jerdar, the titan weaponsmith~
Jerdar thrusts aside his newest creation to oversee purchases.
An extremely solidly, and well built man wearing a cured leather apron
works hard here.  Seeing customers he tosses his newest weapon into the vat
of water to cool.  He nods a greating and begins to reposition his finer
ABGM DEF 900 0
300 212 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
0 A 0 0
stand stand male 100000
Milgirn Man Armorer~
Milgirn, the titan armorer~
Milgirn sets aside his work and dusts himself off.
Working on a new piece of armor, Milgirn removes his goggles and places
the armor on an old training dummy.  He is known for utmost care with his
items and his fair dealings with travelers.  
300 212 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 slash
0 0 0 0
0 A 0 0
stand stand male 100000
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
Shintin Man Leather Worker~
Shintin, the titan leatherworker~
Shintin places fine leather crafts about for sale.
A smaller titan man, with hands scared from curing and stitching leather,
arranges items about in an orderly fashion.  His leather attire seems well
worn and made.  
ABGM DEF 900 0
300 212 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 slash
0 0 0 0
0 A 0 0
stand stand male 100000
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown


Clouded Pathway~
A breach in the foliage is seen ahead amidst the fog flowing from above. 
The surrounding plantlife is reclaiming the path from bygone travelers after
years of neglect.  Swirls of cloud rise up from where you disturb the ground
with your footfalls.  To trudge on, clearing your way to the clouds above
seems the only way.  
0 0 11
0 0 25802
Ascending the Clouded Path~
Passing through the resisting foliage, the fog grows thicker, the air
grows thinner, and the temperature drops slightly.  The mists, attempting to
block the path, become alive and coagulate hastily.  
0 0 11
0 0 25803
0 0 25801
Into the Clouds~
Thickening haze, and condesation asail all that tresspass.  An enormous
rotting tree blocks the path, destroyed by years upon years of moisture. 
The sounds of slithering can be heard coming from its hollow core.  
0 0 11
0 0 25802
0 0 25806
All around is swirling droplets of water, saturating anything it touches.
A bright pinpoint of light can be seen reflecting from the droplets ahead in
the distance.  The path seems to head that way.  
0 0 11
0 0 25807
0 0 25803
Towering Gates~
Rising high into the air stands an enormous golden archway.  The oaken
doors swing on silent hinges inwardly swirling cloud matter about in
intricate patterns.  Ahead in the distance, a vast network of buildings and
spires make out the Kingdom of the Titans.  The path emerges from the clouds
toward the gate, instantly surrounded by flowers growing in the mystical
0 0 1
0 0 25808
0 0 25806
Grand Pavilion~
Beyond the gates lies an intricate pavilion of gold and porcelain.  Fine
designs are seen in the tiles surrounding the main pathways.  Signs of gold
with silvery letters guide travellers and residents along thier ways.  In
the center of the pavilion springs forth an immaculate fountain of
porcelain.  Trickling from its beautiful designs, sparkles crystal clear
0 0 1
0 0 25831
0 0 25809
0 0 25807
0 0 25818
Common Bazaar~
Several stalls are positioned around here with colorful banners to
attract even the weariest of eyes.  The wonderful smell of fresh baked goods
wafts gently toward you from the north.  While the unmistakable scent of the
slaughter presents itself from the east.  South of here can be seen the many
common shops this city has to offer 
0 0 1
0 0 25812
0 0 25813
0 0 25814
0 0 25808
Madam Talarn's Bakery ~
A wood burning oven steams noisily behind the counter.  The smell of
honey and cinnamon linger heavily in this stall.  Large shelves hold many
different types of breads and pastries.  A titan woman, with her arms
covered in flour, kneeds happily the dough lying before her.  She smiles at
your approach.  
0 0 0
0 0 25809
Large piles of ice are packed into boxes strewn about this stall.  Choice
cuts of meat are lined out for your purchasing.  A heavy set titan man with
a bloody apron and wielding a cleaver grunts a greeting as you survey his
0 0 0
0 0 25809
Southern Bazaar~
Benches and shrubberies are placed carefully to seat the weary and add a
pleasant air to the bazaar To the east can be seen the shining wares of the
jeweler of these parts.  To the south lies a large wooden building with a
sign reading "Dry Goods" 
0 0 1
0 0 25809
0 0 25816
1 0 25817
Jewel of the Titans~
Many fine pieces of jewelry hang from ropes tied between posts.  Large
rings and trinkets shimmer under a protective case designed to thwart the
common thief.  A beautiful human woman with cascade blue eyes catches your
attention.  Laying the piece she was working on aside, she stands and
approaches you to aid in your choosing.  
0 0 0
0 0 25814
Jingorn's Fine Dry Goods~
Entering the wooden building, you she many shelves lined with items
required for travel.  The smell of leather first asails you, followed
promply by the enthusiastic shop keeper.  The rotund titan male hastily
approaches spouting greetings in many languages, speaking finally one you
0 8 0
1 0 25814
Metalurgy Bazaar~
The ringing of smiths hammers on anvils cries out through the bazaar. 
The tempurature is indeed greater with the furnaces in use.  To the north
shine weapons of many designs, while to the south clanks the armorers stall.
Further west is a stall surrounded by a leather drapery.  
0 0 1
0 0 25819
0 0 25808
0 0 25830
0 0 25829
Jerdar's Weaponsmithy~
Many different designs of fine crafted weapons lie strategically about to
display the wonderful craftsmanship.  Polished to a high shine many blades
catch the light and blind you momentarily.  An enourmous furnace spews black
smoke and flame towards the weaponsmith pounding ferociously on a new piece.
Seeing a potential customer he thrusts his most recent creation and trudges
toward you with a gap toothed smile.  
0 0 1
0 0 25818
Shintin's Finest Leather~
Entering the covered stall, the smell of leather grows stronger than
before.  Belts and pouches and various items are strewn about the floor. 
Waterskins and some minor armor are set higher to make a more promenant
impression upon the shopper.  
0 0 0
0 0 25818
Milgirn's Metalurgy~
Fine suits and various styles of armor rest upon training dummies in an
orderly fashion.  Every piece taken care of by the most dedicated of souls. 
Tiny clanks can be heard coming from near the furnace in the rear of the
stall.  The shopkeeper lifts his protective goggles and rises to greet his
potential customer.  
0 0 0
0 0 25818
Greater Pavilion~
Entering the smaller pavilion, it is apparent this leads to the more
residential areas of the kingdom.  Small groups of people bustle about on
either thier way to the bazaar, or hurrying toward home.  Houses stretch off
into the distance both to the west and to the east.  The huge gates to the
castle rise up above the rooftops further to the north.  
0 0 1
0 0 25837
0 0 25808
Taverns Row~
Houses and pubs, seemingly wedged beside one another, clutter the street
on both sides.  Signs swing on rusty hinges attempting to draw attention to
their attatched establishment.  Music and merryment can be heard behind many
a door.  To the north is the most respected tavern of the entire kingdom,
The Cloudy Ale.  
0 0 1
1 0 25838
0 0 25845
0 0 25831
The Cloudy Ale~
Entering the main area, you can determine that the polished wooden tables
and cushy padded chairs are arranged to occupy the largest amount of
clientele.  Deepending on the time of day, judging from the state of the
furnishings, this tavern is quite popular and most likely always lively. 
Enormous stairways, carved for a single piece of wood by the looks of them,
circle the bar leading to the upper rooms.  The barkeep and his wenches can
be seen using a somewhat hidden door leading to the larder.  
0 8 0
5 0 25844
1 0 25837
0 0 25839
Upper Floor~
Several doors line this pathway that overlooks the bar and its current
inhabitants.  Many a weary traveler has spoken nothing but praise to the
wonderful accommodations The Cloudy Ale has to offer.  
0 8 0
0 0 25840
1 0 25843
0 0 25838
Upper Floor~
Several doors line this pathway that overlooks the bar and its current
inhabitants.  Many a weary traveler has spoken nothing but praise to the
wonderful accommodations The Cloudy Ale has to offer.  A single door lies
directly ahead with a small plaque reading: "Barkeep" placed in the center. 
0 8 0
1 0 25841
1 0 25842
0 0 25839
Barkeep's Quarters~
You enter the private quarters of The Cloudy Ale's barkeep and notice
just how prosperous the tavern must be.  A plush feather bed, large enough
to comfortably hold 3 titans, is set in the corner of the room.  On the
opposite wall stands a tall wardrobe next to a porcelain washtable.  There
is also a writing desk cluttered with ink blots, feathers, and wrinkled
papers set at the foot of the bed.  However the woven rug in the center of
the wooden floor, draws your attention away from everything else in the
0 8 0
1 0 25840
A Pleasant Room~
You enter one of the several rooms available to travelers that The Cloudy
Ale has to offer.  It is well furnished and looks quite comfortable.  A
window looks out onto an alley that runs between some of the adjacent
0 8 0
1 0 25840
A Pleasant Room~
You enter one of the several rooms available to travelers that The Cloudy
Ale has to offer.  It is well furnished and looks quite comfortable.  A
window looks out onto the street providing a good view above the rooftops.  
0 8 0
1 0 25839
The Larder~
Slipping into the hidden room, you see many barrels that are stacked
neatly along one all.  Wheels of cheese and assorted freshly cut meats are
also stored in this room.  
0 8 0
5 0 25838
Taverns Row~
Houses and pubs, seemingly wedged beside one another, clutter the street
on both sides.  Signs swing on rusty hinges attempting to draw attention to
their attatched establishment.  An alley breaks between two of the buildings
to the north, and turns behind the buildings.  
0 0 1
0 0 25846
0 0 25850
0 0 25837
Cluttered Alley~
Broken barrels and filth litter the alleyway.  Stagnant water gathers at
lowpoints in the cobblestone, eminating a foul stench.  No matter the time
of day, the buildings surrounding the alley cloak it in darkness.  Who knows
what can be found here.  
0 0 1
0 0 25847
0 0 25845
Cluttered Alley~
Crates and discarded clothing are strewn about in abandonment.  Gigantic
teeth marks can be seen on the crates.  Judging from their size, their maker
is quite large.  
0 0 1
0 0 25848
0 0 25846
Cluttered Alley~
Discarded items, rotting food, and gnawed bones lie upon the ground near
the buildings.  A small blood stain marks the rear wall to The Fox and The
Fairy.  A grate can be seen leading into the depths of the city.  
0 0 1
5 0 25862
0 0 25847
0 0 25849
The Undergound Passage~

0 8 0
0 0 25848
Taverns Row~
Houses and pubs, seemingly wedged beside one another, clutter the street
on both sides.  Signs swing on rusty hinges attempting to draw attention to
their attatched establishment.  A colorful sign sticks out amoungst the
others, advertising The Fox and The Fairy.  An equally colorful door leads
north from the street.  
0 0 1
1 0 25851
0 0 25863
0 0 25845
The Fox and The Fairy~
Entering the always lively tavern, you notice a puppet stage in the rear
of the common room.  Several tables are scattered about the room providing
seating for the guests.  A straight staircase runs along the back wall
leading to the upstairs rooms.  The outline of a door can be seen below the
stairs most likely leading backstage.  
0 8 0
5 0 25862
1 0 25850
0 0 25852
A thin pathway leads to the rear of the establisment.  Severl doors are
visible lining the walkway.  Ahead the hall bends to the right leading to
other rooms.  
0 8 0
0 0 25853
0 0 25851
Thin Pathway~
Doors line the hallway on both sides, leading to rooms for the other
guests.  The creaking of boards can be heard as other occupants walk about. 
Several torches line the wall supplying a faint light to the hall.  
0 8 0
0 0 25856
1 0 25855
0 0 25852
1 0 25854
A Quiet Room~
Plain furniture is set around the room providing the basics for anyone
just passing through.  Curtains are drawn over the only window in the room,
thrusting the room into darkness.  A candle burns on the bedside table
providing what little light it can.  
0 8 0
1 0 25853
A Cozy Room~
Two beds occupy this room, as well as a washtable and a desk.  The
flowers and the pictures provide a quaint little decorum.  Several candles
are set alight to supply visibility on account that there is no window in
this room.  
0 8 0
1 0 25853
Thin Pathway~
The hall turns to the right and continues on down to the east.  The soft
flicker of the flames from the torches lights the pathway, and adds an eerie
affect.  Rugs have been set in the hall to attempt to stiffle the creaking
of the boards.  
0 8 0
1 0 25858
0 0 25859
0 0 25853
1 0 25857
A Comfortable Room~
Plain furniture is set around the room providing the basics for anyone
just passing through.  Curtains are drawn over the only window in the room,
thrusting the room into darkness.  A candle burns on the bedside table
providing what little light it can.  
0 8 0
1 0 25856
A Cozy Room~
Two beds occupy this room, as well as a washtable and a desk.  The
flowers and the pictures provide a quaint little decorum.  Several candles
are set alight to supply visibility on account that there is no window in
this room.  
0 8 0
1 0 25856
Thin Pathway~
The hallway leads to the last doors to the upstairs rooms.  A window is
set in the far wall looking out onto the alley below.  The torches have
burned out here and the hallway is lit only from the light coming in through
the window.  
0 8 0
1 0 25860
1 0 25861
0 0 25856
A Quiet Room~
Plain furniture is set around the room providing the basics for anyone
just passing through.  Curtains are drawn over the only window in the room,
thrusting the room into darkness.  A candle burns on the bedside table
providing what little light it can.  
0 8 0
1 0 25859
A Cozy Room~
Two beds occupy this room, as well as a washtable and a desk.  The
flowers and the pictures provide a quaint little decorum.  Several candles
are set alight to supply visibility on account that there is no window in
this room.  
0 8 0
1 0 25859
You step into the partially hidden room that is the backstage for the
puppet shows.  The curtains are drawn closed, causing little light to break
through.  A single candle burns on the table providing a little light.  A
strange knob is set in the rear wall.  
0 8 0
5 0 25848
5 0 25851
Taverns Row~
Houses and pubs, seemingly wedged beside one another, clutter the street
on both sides.  Signs swing on rusty hinges attempting to draw attention to
their attatched establishment.  A sign with the painting of an eye seemingly
follows your every move.  From the looks of the sign you can assume it leads
to the magic shop.  To the south one of the houses has its door wide open to
let in fresh air.  To the east is a wonderfully decorated two storey home.  
0 0 1
1 0 25864
1 0 25866
1 0 25865
0 0 25850
Magic Shop~
Potions bubble on and powders coat the many shelves lining the walls of
the shop.  A statue of a gargoyle stands tall next to the counter as if
guarding the propriator.  A strange fragrant incense stings your eyes as you
enter the darkened chamber.  
0 8 0
1 0 25863
You enter a fine house, with plush carpeting and fine furnishings.  An
iron kettle brings the smell of tea to your nose and whistles quietly from
the stove.  Several windows in the back of the house are opened to allow air
to flow through wafting the wonderful smells out to the street.  
0 8 0
1 0 25863
Mistress Trela's Brothel~
You enter into a small alcove before the main hall of the establishment. 
The walls are lined with a crimson crushed velvet, and are gilded at the
edges.  The carpet is a thick and plush silky material, designed for bare
feet.  A large stair case leads to the upper rooms.  Only patrons are
allowed to ascend them.  
0 8 0
1 0 25863


D 0 25814 2 1
D 0 25817 0 1
D 0 25837 0 1
D 0 25838 0 1
D 0 25838 2 1
D 0 25839 1 1
D 0 25840 0 1
D 0 25840 1 1
D 0 25841 2 1
D 0 25842 3 1
D 0 25843 3 1
D 0 25844 2 1
D 0 25848 2 1
D 0 25850 0 1
D 0 25851 0 1
D 0 25851 2 1
D 0 25853 1 1
D 0 25853 3 1
D 0 25854 1 1
D 0 25855 3 1
D 0 25856 0 1
D 0 25856 3 1
D 0 25857 1 1
D 0 25858 2 1
D 0 25859 0 1
D 0 25859 2 1
D 0 25860 2 1
D 0 25861 0 1
D 0 25862 0 1
D 0 25862 2 1
D 0 25863 0 1
D 0 25863 1 1
D 0 25864 2 1
D 0 25866 3 1
M 0 25804 1 25803 1
M 0 25820 1 25812 1
M 0 25825 1 25813 1
M 0 25832 1 25816 1
M 0 25833 1 25817 1
M 0 25834 1 25819 1
M 0 25836 1 25829 1
M 0 25835 1 25830 1
M 0 25800 1 25838 1
M 0 25802 1 25839 1
M 0 25801 1 25843 1
M 0 25803 4 25844 2
M 0 25806 1 25851 1
M 0 25807 1 25851 1
M 0 25805 1 25862 1
M 0 25808 1 25864 1

25808 3 4 10 2 26 100 50 0 23
25820 0 19 0 0 0 100 50 0 23
25825 0 19 0 0 0 100 50 0 23
25832 33 32 30 8 0 100 50 0 23
25833 12 1 15 0 0 100 50 0 23
25834 0 5 0 0 0 100 50 0 23
25835 0 9 0 0 0 100 50 0 23
25836 0 9 15 0 0 100 50 0 23
