
$n throws back $s head and howls in profound frustration!
You scream your frustration and grab for $S throat with both hands!
$n howls in frustration, and leaps for $N, trying to throttle $M!
$n grabs for your throat with two hands, howling in frustration!
You get even MORE frustrated when you can't find anyone to throttle!
You scream in frustration at your own stupidity!
$n screams in frustration at $s own stupidity!

You accept the proferred apology graciously.
$n graciously accepts the proferred apology.

Accuse who??
$n is in an accusing mood.
You look accusingly at $M.
$n looks accusingly at $N.
$n looks accusingly at you.
Accuse somebody who's not even there ??
You accuse yourself.
$n seems to have a bad conscience.

You look around, make sure nobody is watching, and you adjust your "Tool."
$n looks around slyly, smiles, then reaches down and "adjusts" $mself...

You murmur 'Sssssoonnn, my presssssciousssss...'
$n murmurs 'Ssssssooonnnn, my pressssscioussss...'

You agree absolutely.
$n agrees absolutely.
You nod in enthusiastic agreement with $N.
$n nods in enthusiastic agreement with $N.
$n nods in enthusiastic agreement with you.
Sorry, your target is absent.
You find yourself most agreeable.
$n finds $mself the most agreeable being alive.

You grab your air guitar and play for all you're worth.
$n air-guitars like a mad man ... EXCELLENT!!!
You hope $E appreciates your (total lack of) talent.
$n is surrounded by air groupies.
$n plays a most excellent tune for you on $s most excellent air guitar.
Awww... you have no audience!
You play softly to yourself.

You apologize until you are blue in the face.
$n apologizes profusely.
You might as well apologize because $E sure as hell won't.
$n apologizes to $N with a very sincere look on $s face.
$n apologizes to you and begs for forgiveness.
Who's that?

Clap, clap, clap.
$n gives a round of applause.
You clap at $N's actions.
$n claps at $N's actions.
$n gives you a round of applause.  You MUST'VE done something good!
You give your imaginary round of applause to your imaginary friend.
You applaud at yourself.  Boy, are we conceited!
$n applauds at $mself.  Boy, are we conceited!

You feel very sheepish.
$n looks very sheepish.
$n BAAAAAAs at $N! What a freak.
BAAAAA!!! $n says to you very sheepishly.
Can't BAAAAA! at a no one!
You BAAAAA!! at yourself! What a nut!
$n BAAAAAs at $mself - what a freak!

You babble endlessly.
$n babbles endlessly, won't $e EVER shut up?
You babble to $N for hours on end.
$n babbles to $N for what seems an eternity, how can $N stand it?
$n babbles at you. You nod mechanically, hoping $e will shut up soon.
Whom do you wish to annoy with your babble?
You babble on and on to yourself, FINALLY! someone who LISTENS!!
$n babbles quietly to $mself.

You bark loudly.
$n barks like a dog. GO DAWGS SIC 'EM!!! WOOF! WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!
You bark at $N scaring $M silly -- SHAME ON YOU!!
$n barks at $N scaring $M senseless.
$n barks loudly at you, you back away, because $e might bite too!!
Bark at whom?
You bark at yourself and jump back in fear.
$n barks at $mself and cowers in fear.

You bat your long, dark lashes and smile innocently.
$n bats $s long, dark lashes and smiles innocently.
You bat your long, dark lashes at $N and smile innocently.
$n bats $s long, dark lashes at $N and smiles innocently.
$n bats $s long, dark lashes at you and smiles innocently.

You reach out and rescue the bottle from its flight.
$n reaches out and grabs the bottle of beer tossed to $m.

You beam delightedly at nothing in particular.
$n beams broadly at nothing in particular.
You dazzle $N with your smile.
$n must like $N a great deal to beam at $N so broadly!
$n must like you a great deal to beam at you so broadly!
You look pretty silly beaming at imaginary friends...
Well, aren't you special?
$n beams at $mself, obviously pleased.

Whom do you wish to bearhug?
You overwhelm $N with a great, big, hulking bearhug.
$n encompasses $N in an ENORMOUS bearhug!
$n clutches you tightly in an overwhelming bearhug!
Perhaps you should shower your affections on someone who is here?
You vainly clutch yourself in a bearhug for consolation.
$n hugs $mself as tightly as possible.  Looks like $e could use a hand.

You beckon for everyone to follow.
$n beckons for everyone to follow.
You beckon for $N to follow -- sure hope they do!
$n beckons $N to follow...hmmm what's going on?
$n beckons for you to follow.
So sorry, that person has already left.
You beckon to your shadow to follow.
$n beckons to $s shadow to follow.

You pull out a six-pack.
$n starts to juggle a six-pack of beer.
You toss a bottle of beer at $N.
$n tosses a bottle of beer at $N ... let's just hope $E'll catch it!
$n tosses you a bottle of beer... I think $e wants something...
The bottle crashes to the floor and shatters.
You pop off the top and down a beer.
$n pops the top off a bottle of beer and downs it in one gulp.

You beg the gods for mercy.
The gods fall down laughing at $n's request for mercy.
You desperately try to squeeze a few coins from $M.
$n begs you for money. You graciously let $m peep at your fortune.
$n begs $N for a dime or two - or twenty !
Your money-lender seems to be out for the moment.
Begging yourself for money doesn't help.

You flick a bird...How obscene!
$n flicks a bird at no one in particular.
You shoot a bird at $N.
$n gives $N the bird.
$n gives you the bird...What an ass!
Don't you hate to waste a good obscene gesture like that?

You glare around, muttering "Bite me..." under your breath.
$n glares around, muttering "Bite me..." under $s breath.
You bite $N on the neck.
$n bites $N on the neck!
$n bites you on the neck.
Hungry?  No such luck.
You bite your knuckle in anguish.
$n bites $s knuckle in anguish...the tragedy!

You blow kisses to the air.
$n blows kisses at no one in particular.
You blow a kiss at $N and wonder if $E will catch it.
$n blows a kiss at $N ... isn't $e so CUTE?
$n blows a kiss at you and hopes you'll blow one back at $m.
You kiss falls to the ground with no one to go to.
You blow a kiss to yourself... isn't the world beautiful?
$n blows a kiss to $mself, obviously very in love.

You bleed profusely -- making a horrible mess!
$n weakly bleeds all over the floor.
You bleed on $N -- ewww!
$n bleeds on $N.  Watch out, YOU might be next!
$n bleeds on you -- ewww!  Get away!!
Bleed on whom?
You bleed all over yourself.
$n bleeds profusely all over $mself.

You bat your eyelashes.
$n blinks innocently.
You blink innocently at $N.
$n blinks innocently at $N.
$n blinks innocently at you.
Feign innocence for whom?
You try to convince yourself of your innocence.

Your cheeks are burning.
$n blushes.
You get all flustered up seeing $M.
$n blushes as $e sees $N here.
$n blushes as $e sees you here.  Such an effect on people!
You blush as you notice that person isn't here.
You blush at your own folly.
$n blushes as $e notices $s boo-boo.

You boast loudly of all your amazing accomplishments.
$n boasts loudly in a pigheaded fashion.
You boast to $N of all your great deeds.
$n boasts to $N.
Once again, $n boasts to you, what a bloated ego!
Your ego takes a blow.  They've already left.
You boast to yourself of all your great feats!  Your own biggest fan.
$n boasts to $mself -- what an ego!

You boggle at the concept.
$n boggles at the concept.
You boggle at $N.
$n boggles at $N.
$n boggles at you.
Boggle away.  They've left.
You boggle at yourself.  Hmmm...intriguing.
$n boggles quietly to $mself.

You bonk $N on the head for being such a moron.
$n bonks $N on the head for being such an UTTER moron.
$n bonks you on the head for being so foolish.
***BONK*** they left...
You bonk yourself, fool that you are.
$n bonks $mself and grimaces in pain.

$n bounces around with a happy smile.
You bounce onto $S lap and wiggle about.
$n bounces onto $N's lap and wiggles about.
$n bounces onto your lap and wiggles about.
You don't see your plaything.
You bounce your head like a basketball.
$n plays basketball with $s head.

You bow deeply.
$n bows deeply flourishing $s cape.
You bow before $M.
$n bows before $N.
$n bows before you.
Who's that?
You kiss your toes.
$n folds up like a jacknife and kisses $s own toes.

Hope to see you soon!
$n will be right back!

You practice your boot to the head technique frantically.
$n frantically practices $s boot to the head technique.
You boot $N to the Head!!! That HAD to hurt!
BOOT TO THE HEAD!! WHAP! $n just dealt out a massive blow to $N!
$n gives you a swift BOOT TO THE HEAD!!!
How can you boot someone to the head if they're not here?
BOOT TO THE HEAD!! Damn! That hurt! What were you thinking?
$n just knocked $mself clean out with a misplaced boot to the head.

You buff your nails on your cloak.
$n buffs $s nails on $s cloak.

You tie a bungy cord to your feet and jump off the mud!
$n ties a bungy cord to $s feet and jumps off the mud!
You tie a bungy cord to $N's feet and throw $m off the mud!
$n ties a bungy cord to $N's feet and throws $N off the mud!
$n ties a bungy cord to your feet and throws you off the mud!
You can't find your bungy cord *sniff*
You tie a bungy cord to your feet and jump off the mud!
$n ties a bungy cord to $s feet and jumps off the mud!

You burp loudly.
$n burps loudly.
You burp loudly to $M in response.
$n burps loudly in response to $N's remark.
$n burps loudly in response to your remark.
You can't find your victim.
You burp at yourself.
$n burps at $mself.  What a sick sight.

You cackle gleefully.
$n throws back $s head and cackles with insane glee!
You cackle gleefully at $N
$n cackles gleefully at $N.
$n cackles gleefully at you.  Better keep your distance from $m.
You can't find a friend to cackle with.
You cackle at yourself.  Now, THAT'S strange!
$n is really crazy now!  $e cackles at $mself.

You ease a Camel out of a packet of cigarettes.
$n eases a Camel out of a packet of cigarettes.
You hand $m a Camel cigarette.
$n hands $N a Camel cigarette.
$n hands you a Camel cigarette
Oh No! You're all out of cigarettes!
You light a Camel with the happy smile of a nicotine addict.
$n lights a Camel with the happy smile of a nicotine addict.

Who do you wish to caress?
$n looks for someone to caress.
You tenderly caress $M.
$n tenderly caresses $N.
$n tenderly caresses your body.
You're S.O.L., buddy.

You charge into the fray!
$n charges into the fray!  All guts, no brains.
With surprising dexterity, you head-butt $N!
$n ducks down low, charges forward, and head-butts $N!
OOF!  $n rammed $s head into your stomach!  That HURT.
Nobody 'round with that name, Mister!
You run your head into a brick wall.  OUCH!
$n runs headfirst into a brick wall.  Idiot.

You cheer and dance as the joy within you bursts forth!
$n cheers and sings... $e is just BURSTING with joy!
You cheer $N on and wish $N good luck!
*Yay!*  Go $N!!!  $n cheers $N on.
You are cheered on by $n... you feel so loved!
Who? Huh? Where?  They're not here, that's for sure
You cheer silently for yourself since nobody else will
$n resorts to cheering for $mself... how sad.

$n chortles mischievously.
You chortle mischievously at $N.
$n chortles mischievously at $N.
$n chortles mischievously at you.
Took you a while to get that....they aren't here.
You chortle at your own joke.
$n chortles at $s own joke.  Don't bother.

You chuckle politely.
$n chuckles politely.
You chuckle at $S joke.
$n chuckles at $N's joke.
$n chuckles at your joke.
You can't find a friend to chuckle with.
You chuckle at your own joke, since no one else would.
$n chuckles at $s own joke, since none of you would.

You clap your hands together.
$n shows $s approval by clapping $s hands together.
You clap at $S performance.
$n claps at $N's performance.
$n claps at your performance.
You clap for nothing.
You clap at your own performance.
$n claps at $s own performance.

You tighten your hands into a fist.
$n clenches $s fists until blood drips from them...
You claw $S eyes out... YAY!
$n buries $s nails in $N's eyes ... OH GOD, THE BLOOD!
$n buries $s nails in your eyes and you are blinded by your own blood!
They aren't here to claw.
You claw yourself to shreds!
$n rips $mself to shreds with $s fingernails!

You comb your hair - perfect.
$n combs $s hair, what a dashing specimen !
You patiently untangle $N's hair - what a mess !
$n tries patiently to untangle $N's hair.
$n pulls your hair in an attempt to comb it.
That person is not here.
You pull your hair, but it will not be combed.
$n tries to comb $s tangled hair.

You collapse on the floor from exhaustion.
$n dramatically collapses to the floor from exhaustion.
You collapse right into $N's arms.
$n collapses right into $N's arms.
Suddenly, $n collapses into your arms from exhaustion.
They've already left, just collapse on the floor.

Do you feel uncomfortable?
$n needs someone to comfort $m.
You comfort $M.
$n comforts $N.
$n comforts you.
Comfort who?
You make a vain attempt to comfort yourself.
$n has no one to comfort $m but $mself

Your confusion is showing.
$n blinks slowly...
You blink slowly, trying to decipher $S comment.
$n blinks slowly.  Maybe $N left a word out of $S sentence...
$n blinks slowly.  Maybe you left a word out of your sentence?
No wonder you're confused.

You wink conspiratorily, waiting for the countersign.
$n winks conspiratorily, waiting for the countersign.
You induct $N into your private conspiracy with a wink.
$n winks conspiratorily at $N.  You wonder what this can mean.
$n inducts you into $s private conspiracy with a wink.
Your conspirator has conspired to leave you hanging.
Even you conspire against yourself.
$n is paranoid enough to distrust even $mself.

You bite your lip contemplatively.
$n bites $s lip contemplatively.

Yuck, try to cover your mouth next time!
$n coughs loudly.

You cover your ears to protect them from the noise.
$n covers $s ears to protect them from all the noise.
You glare at $N and cover your ears.
$n glares at $N and covers $s ears.
$n covers $s ears because of you... you are TOO LOUD!
They aren't here right now.
No... I don't think so.

cower 0 0
You cower in a corner.
$n cowers in a corner and whimpers softly.
You cower away from $N and $S harsh words.
$n cowers in a corner, terrified that $N will come after $m.
You scared poor $n!  Now $e is cowering in a corner, afraid for $s life.
That person is AWOL at the moment.
You are afraid of your own shadow!
$n cowers in the corner afraid of $s own shadow

You gasp and clutch your abdomen, wheezing with the pain.
$n gasps and clutches $m abdomen in agony.
You hammerlock $M, screaming, "AAAAARRRRRGH!! I HAVE A CRAMP!!!"
$n hammerlocks $N, screaming, "AAAAARRRRRGH!! I HAVE A CRAMP!!!".
$n hammerlocks you, screaming "AAAAARRRRRGH!! I HAVE A CRAMP!!!"
Suffering as you are, you didn't see that person slip out.

cringe 1 0
You cringe in terror.
$n cringes in terror!
You cringe away from $M.
$n cringes away from $N in mortal terror.
$n cringes away from you.
I don't see anyone by that name here.. what are you afraid of?
I beg your pardon?

criticize 0 0
Yes, but who?
You criticize $M with all the warmth of a snake.
With a nasty grin, $n rips apart $Ns efforts.
$n informs you that your attitude need some MAJOR adjustments.
Where oh where has my victim gone, oh where oh where...
You criticize yourself profusely.
$n tears $mself apart, cursing $s own stupidity.

cry 0 5
$n bursts into tears.
You cry on $S shoulder.
$n cries on $N's shoulder.
$n cries on your shoulder.
Who's that?
You cry to yourself.
$n sobs quietly to $mself.

cuddle 1 5
Who do you feel like cuddling today?
You cuddle $M.
$n cuddles $N.
$n cuddles you.
They aren't here.
You must feel very cuddly indeed ... :)
$n cuddles up to $s shadow.  What a sorry sight.

curse 0 0
You swear loudly for a long time.
$n swears : #@*"*&^*#%@*&! !!!!!
You swear at $M.
$n swears at $N.
$n swears at you!  Where are the manners?
You can't find the victim of your frustrations.
You swear at your own mistakes.
$n starts swearing at $mself.  Why don't you help?

curtsey 0 0
You curtsey to your audience.
$n curtseys gracefully.
You curtsey to $M.
$n curtseys gracefully to $N.
$n curtseys gracefully for you.
You curtsey to no one in particular.
You curtsey to your audience (yourself).
$n curtseys to $mself, since no one is paying attention to $m.

Feels silly, doesn't it?
$n dances wildly before you!
You lead $M to the dancefloor.
$n sends $N across the dancefloor.
$n sends you across the dancefloor.
Eh, WHO?
You skip and dance around by yourself.
$n skips a light Fandango.

daydream 1 0
You dream of better times.
$n looks absent-minded, $s eyes staring into space.

$n discos wildly!
You grab $N and disco wildly!  Groovy!
$n grabs $N and does $s best Travolta!
$n grabs you and does $s best Travolta!
It's okay, you can disco solo too.

You hit your head like Homer Simpson and holler, 'DOH!!!'
$n hits $s head like Homer Simpson and hollers, 'DOH!!!'
You holler DOH!!! at $N! $e musta pulled a Homer!
$n hollers DOH!!! at $N! $E musta pulled a Homer!
$n hollers DOH!!! at you! You musta pulled a Homer!
You can't DOH!!! that far.
You holler DOH!!! What did you do that for?!
$n hollers DOH!!! What did $e do that for?!

You drool down the front of your shirt.
$n drools all over $mself -- making a TERRIBLE mess!
You drool messily on $N.
$n drools upon $N.
$n looks at you lustily and drools.
Oh fine, make a pool of slobber -- they aren't even here!
You drool down the front of your shirt.
$n drools all over $mself -- making a TERRIBLE mess!

$n ducks defensively.
You duck defensively, anticipating the oncoming swipe from $N.
$n ducks, anticipating $N's reaction.
$n ducks, please oh please don't hit $m!

You grin evilly.
$n grins evilly.
You grin evilly at $M..
$n grins evilly at $N with a twinkle in $s eyes.
$n grins evilly at you with a twinkle in $s eyes.
You must be delirious.
You grin at youself.  You must be getting very bad thoughts.
$n grins at $mself.  You must wonder what's in $s mind.

You look around for someone to embrace.
$n looks at $s empty arms and sighs.
You wrap your arms around $N in a warm and loving embrace.
$n wraps $s arms around $N in a warm and loving embrace.
$n takes you in $s arms in a warm and loving embrace.
Your heart breaks as you realize you are alone.
You try to console yourself with a loving embrace.
$n tries to console $mself by wrapping $s arms around $mself.

You feel the blood boiling in your veins!
$n turns a deep red, fighting to contain $s temper...
You feel your rage explode deep in the pit of your stomach...
$n burns holes through $N with $s explosive anger!
$n is ANGRY with you... I'd run if I were you!!!
Temper Temper... they left.
Your soul burns brightly then fades to nothing.
$n implodes!!!  Only a grease spot remains where $e once stood.

You eye the room suspiciously.
$n eyes the room suspiciously.
You eye $N suspiciously.
$n eyes $N suspiciously, wonder what's going on?
$n eyes you suspiciously.
There is noone to eye supiciously.
You try to eye yourself, feeling guilty about something?
$n tries to eye himself, wonder what they have been smoking?

You raise an eyebrow at the notion.
$n raises an eyebrow.
You raise your eyebrow at $N.
$n raises an eyebrow at $N's weird actions.
$n raises an eyebrow at you.
Forget it.  They aren't here.

You faint.
$n faints.
You faint into $S arms.
$n faints into $N's open arms.
$n just fainted into YOUR arms.
You fall on the floor and look stupid--really suave.
$n falls on the floor and knocks $mself unconscious. Smooth.

Where are your manners?
$n lets off a real rip-roarer ... a greenish cloud envelops $m!
You fart at $M.  Boy, you are sick.
$n farts in the direction of $N.  Better flee before $e turns to you!
$n farts in your direction.  You gasp for air.
You can't hold it that long!
You fart at yourself.  You deserve it.
$n farts at $mself.  Better $m than you.

You intone, '$N wins.  Fatality.'
$n intones, '$N wins.  Fatality.'
$n intones, '$N wins.  Fatality.'

You flare your nostrils disdainfully.
$n flares $s nostrils disdainfully.
You flare your nostrils disdainfully at $N... HOW RUDE!
$n flares $s nostrils disdainfully at $N and turns up $s snobbish nose.
$n flares $s nostrils disdainfully at you... what'd you DO???
Flare if you wish, but that person isn't here to see it.
*Sniff*  But you should LOVE yourself!

You grin and strut as you open your coat and show what you've got!
$n rips $s clothes off and parades naked around the room!
Swiftly you jerk open your jacket, trying to get $M to notice you.
Cover your eyes, $n is exposing $mself to $N!  EWWWW!
You gasp!  $n has just revealed $s "equipment" to you!
Exhibitionist, that person isn't here!
That's sick.
PERVERT ALERT!  $n is trying to flash $mself.

You flex your muscles proudly!
$n flexes $s muscles...what a stud!?!
You show off to $N, flexing your muscles proudly.
$n flexes $s muscles, in a vain attempt to impress $N.
$n flexes $s muscles in a vain attempt to show off to you.

EEEK... You flinch in obvious pain.
$n flinches in obvious pain... you wonder what $e did THIS time.
Don't you wish you could just crawl under a rock and die?
$n sneaks a glance at $N and flinches.
$n flinches in response to your cold rebuke.
Relax, $E is gone.
You can't belive what you've done...
$n twitches violently, shocked at $s own behavior.

You flip head over heels.
$n flips head over heels.
You flip $M over your shoulder.
$n flips $N over $s shoulder.
$n flips you over $s shoulder.  Hmmmm.
You can't find the person.
You tumble all over the room.
$n does some nice tumbling and gymnastics.

You flirt outrageously.
$n is an outrageous flirt.
You flirt with $N trying to get $S attention.
$n flirts with $N, hmmm wonder what $e wants? *wink*
$n flirts with you.
Sorry no one here to flirt with. :(
You flirt with yourself -- what ARE you trying to gain!?!?!?
$n flirts with $mself, wonder what $e is trying to accomplish?

You flutter your eyelashes seductively.
$n flutters $s eyelashes seductively.
You flutter your eyelashes at $N, trying to be seductive.
$n flirts with $N, flutters $s eyelashes at $M.
$n flutters $s eyelashes at you coyly.
EH? Can't see them here.

Who needs to be fondled ?
You fondly fondle $M.
$n fondly fondles $N.
$n fondly fondles you.
You fondly try to fondle someone not in the room, but who cares.
You fondly fondle yourself, feels funny doesn't it?
$n fondly fondles $mself - this is going too far!!

Kiss whom?
You give $N a long and passionate kiss, it seems to last forever...
$n kisses $N passionately.
$n gives you a long and passionate kiss, it seems to last forever...
Your heart is filled with despair as that person is not here.
You gather yourself in your arms and try to kiss yourself.
$n makes an attempt at kissing $mself.

You frown.
$n frowns.
You frown at what $E did.
$n frowns at what $N did.
$n frowns at what you did.
You don't see any reason to frown.
You frown at yourself.  Poor baby.
$n frowns at $mself.  What a sad puppy....

Take it easy now! count to ten, very slowly.
$n grits $s teeth and fumes with rage.
You stare at $M, fuming.
$n stares at $N, fuming with rage.
$n stares at you, fuming with rage!
Fume away... they ain't here.
That's right - hate yourself!
$n clenches $s fists and stomps $s feet, fuming with anger.

You gasp in astonishment.
$n gasps in astonishment.
You gasp as you realize what $E did.
$n gasps as $e realizes what $N did.
$n gasps as $e realizes what you did.
You need to panic.
You look at yourself and gasp!
$n takes one look at $mself and gasps in astonisment!

$n gacks with dismay!
Appalled, you gack at $N.
$n gacks expressively, shooting $N a dismayed look.
$n gacks, and looks your way, dismayed.
That person isn't here.
Appalled, $n gacks at $mself!

You giggle.
$n giggles.
You giggle in $S presence.
$n giggles at $N's actions.
$n giggles at you.  Hope it's not contagious!
You giggle by yourself, since you can't find a partner to giggle with.
You giggle at yourself, which makes you giggle at yourself, which makes you ...
$n giggles at $mself.  $e must be nervous or something.

You glare at nothing in particular.
$n glares around $m.
You glare icily at $M.
$n glares at $N.
$n glares icily at you, you feel cold to your bones.
You try to glare at somebody who is not present.
You glare icily at your feet, they are suddenly very cold.
$n glares at $s feet, what is bothering $m?

You twirl gaily about the room.
$n dances merrily about the room----What a loon!
You lead $N in a merry dance.
$n twirls $N about the room.
$n gathers you in $s arms and twirls you about the room.
Time for new glasses?
You must be filled with joy!
$n trips the light fandango!

Who would you like to goose?
You tenderly goose $N on the tush.
$n reaches around $N's backside and gooses $M tenderly.
$n gooses you tenderly!
You should go hunting for another victim, they left.
You pinch yourself on the rear, you must be desperate.
$n pinches $mself on the rear.

You grimace painfully at the thought.
$n grimaces painfully at the thought.
You grimace at $N.
$n grimaces at $n.
$n grimaces at you.  What could be wrong?
You grimace at no one in particular.
You grimace painfully at your thoughts.
$n grimaces painfully to $mself.

You grin.
$n grins.
You grin at $M.
$n grins at $N.
$n grins at you.
You must be delirious.
You grin at youself. retard!
$n grins at $mself.  Rofl, $e looks retarded.

You groan loudly.
$n groans loudly.
You groan at the sight of $M.
$n groans at the sight of $N.
$n groans at the sight of you.
You see no reason to groan.
You groan as you realize what you have done.
$n groans as $e realizes what $e has done.

Whom do you wish to grope ??
Well, what sort of noise do you expect here?
$n gropes $N.
$n gropes you.
Try someone who's here.
You grope yourself - YUCK.
$n gropes $mself - YUCK.

You grovel in the dirt.
$n grovels in the dirt.
You grovel before $M
$n grovels in the dirt before $N.
$n grovels in the dirt before you.
That seems a little silly to me.
$n grovels in the dirt, muttering $s name to $mself.

$n growls.
Grrrrrrrrrr....take that, $N!!!
$n growls at $N.  Better leave the room before the fighting starts.
$n growls at you.  Hey, two can play it that way!
No one can see you growl that far.
You growl at yourself.  Boy, do you feel bitter!
$n growls at $mself.  This could get interesting...

You grumble distractedly to yourself
$n grumbles and growls. You wonder what's wrong...
You grumble at $N, disgusted with $S presence.
$n seems to be a grumpy bear... $e is grumbling at poor $N.
$n is grumbling at you... what'd you do?
That person is presently AWOL.
Why bother?

Kiss whose hand?
You kiss $S hand.
$n kisses $N's hand.  How continental!
$n kisses your hand.  How continental!
You can't find a lady in THIS group.
You kiss your own hand.
$n kisses $s own hand.

You toss your head haughtily.
$n tosses $s head haughtily.
You toss your head haughtily at $N.
$n tosses her head haughtily at $N... what an ATTITUDE!
$n tossed $s head haughtily at you... :(
That person is AWOL.
Why would you do that?
$n doesn't think much of $mself.

$n hiccups.

You jump in the air and give a BIG high five to...umm...absolutely nothing.
$n wildly high fives the air, looking very foolish -- very foolish indeed.
You jump in the air and give a BIG high five to $N!
$n enthusiastically high-five's $N!
$n gives you a BIG high five!  Way to go!!
Sorry, they have already left.
You try to give yourself a high five.  What ARE you thinking?
$n tries to high five $mself, but ends up looking foolish instead.

Your suddenly remember that you have to defend your thesis today...
$n looks stricken.  Could $e have blown off some important homework?

You hop around like a little kid.
$n hops around like a little kid.
You hop on $N's shoulders and tell $M to giddyup.
$n hops on $N's shoulders, pretending $S's a horse.
$n hops on your shoulders and yells 'Giddyup.'
Hop hop...?
Now that's just scary.
$n grabs $s shoulders and gives $mself a wedgie.

You howl at the moon.
$n howls at the moon.
You howl soulfully at $N.
$n howls at $N.
$n howls soulfully at you.
Who? What? Where?

Hug who?
You hug $M.
$n hugs $N.
$n hugs you.
Sorry, friend, I can't see that person here.
You hug yourself.
$n hugs $mself in a vain attempt to get friendship.

$n requests everyone quiet down.  Shhhhhhhhhhh...
You nicely ask $N to be more quiet.
$n nicely asks $N to be more quiet.
$n kindly requests that you please quiet down.
Who needs to be silenced?
You realize you are loud and obnoxious and try to silence yourself.
$n covers $s mouth in an attempt to silence $mself.

You innocently whistle a tune.
$n looks around and whistles innocently.
You look at $N and bat your eyelashes -- the picture of innocence!
$n looks so sweet and innocent when $e looks at $N.
You can't help but look deep into $n's big puppy eyes.
What'd you do this time?

You feel your sanity slipping away...
Before your eyes, $n's sanity is slipping away...

Yes, but who?
You judge $m on a scale of 1 to 10.
On a scale from 1 to 10, $n thinks $N is a complete ZERO!!!
$n judges your actions on a scale of 1 to 10 and comes up with ZERO!!!
They aren't here right now.
You don't REALLY want to do that.

Isn't there someone you want to kiss?
You kiss $M.
$n kisses $N.
$n kisses you.
Never around when required.
All the lonely people :(

You raise one knee, preparing to do justice...
$n cocks one knee threateningly.
You knee $M hard in the groin.
$N doubles over in pain as $n knees $M in the groin!
$n suddenly knees you in the groin!  You fall to your knees in agony.
Whom do you wish to render impotent?
What ARE you thinking !?!??!?!?!?!

Whose laces?
With the greatest of stealth, you tie $S shoelaces together.
$n sneaks up to $N and ties $S shoelaces together.
You try to take a step, and you hit the world facedown!  Someone must have tied your shoelaces together!
Whose laces?
You tie your own shoelaces together, try to walk, and promptly fall.
$n cleverly ties $s own shoelaces together, tries to walk, and sprawls flat on the floor.

Yes, yes.
$n is   m o v i n g      v  e    ry  sl  o w   l   y ...

You fall down laughing.
$n falls down laughing.
You laugh at $N mercilessly.
$n laughs at $N mercilessly.
$n laughs at you mercilessly.  Hmmmmph.
You can't find the butt of your joke.
You laugh at yourself.  I would, too.
$n laughs at $mself.  Let's all join in!!!

You peer around the room, leering like the pervert you are!
$n peers about, leering like a filthy pervert!
You leer at $N like the pervert you are.
$n eyes $N up and down, leering like a filthy pervert!
$n eyes you up and down, leering like a filthy pervert!
You'll have to settle for memories -- that person isn't here.
Desperation has reached new heights, hasn't it?
$n leers at $mself shamelessly.

You lick your lips and smile.
$n licks $s lips and smiles.
You lick $N's jawline delicately.
$n licks $N's jawline delicately.
$n licks your jawline delicately.
Lick away, nobody's here with that name.
You lick your own eyebrows.
$n licks $s own eyebrows.

You try to get a life, and fail.
$n tries to get a life, and fails.
$N needs to get a life!
$N needs to get a life!
You need to get a life!
Who needs a life?
But you have none to give!
$n attempts to give $mself a life, but has none to spare.

*Ding!*  Inspiration!
A light bulb appears above $n's head!

You look angrily for someone to disembowel.
$n angrily, looks for someone to disembowel.
You rip out $S liver and eat it.
$n rips out $N's liver and eats it.
$n rips out your liver and eats it.
The object of your wrath is absent.
How does it taste?
$n disembowels $mself right before your eyes. Still hungry?

You love the whole world.
$n loves everybody in the world.
You tell your true feelings to $N.
$n whispers softly to $N.
$n whispers to you sweet words of love.
Alas, your love is not present...
Well, we already know you love yourself (lucky someone does !)
$n loves $mself, can you believe it ?

You breathe heavily and wetly.
$n breathes heavily and wetly.
You steam up the windows with $M.
$n and $N start steaming up the windows.
$n starts steaming up the windows with you.
Sorry, friend, I can't see that person here.

Your hormones begin to rage.
$n has that look of lust in $s eyes --- Get away QUICK!
You have lust after $N.
$n looks lustily at $N.
$n lusts after your delectable body.
Whom are you trying to lust after?
Oh, please! You aren't THAT great...
$n lusts after $mself, lonely eh?

Massage what?  Thin air?
You gently massage $N's shoulders.
$n massages $N's shoulders.
$n gently massages your shoulders - Ahhhhhhhhhh...
You can only massage someone in the same room as you.
You practice yoga as you try to massage yourself.
$n gives a show on yoga-positions, trying to massage $mself.

You assume a very comfortable position and begin to meditate.
$n rests and begins to meditate... $e chants softly to $mself.

You give a mischievous smile at the trouble you have in mind.
$n grins mischievously at a nasty idea.
You grin mischievously at $M, thinking an evil thought.
$n grins mischievously at $N.  $e must be thinking something evil.
$n grins mischievously at you.  You inch toward the door.
You must be delirious.
You grin mischievously to yourself.
$n grins mischievously to $mself.

You start to moan.
$n starts moaning.
You moan for the loss of $M.
$n moans for the loss of $N.
$n moans at the sight of you.  Hmmmm.
You see no cause to moan.
You moan at yourself.
$n makes $mself moan.

You chew your cud and moo plaintively.  Muh-OOOOO!
$n turns cowlike eyes on you, chews $s cud, and moos plaintively.
You focus all your bovine Zen on $N, and speak your thoughts.  Muh-OOOOO!
Slowly, $n looks at $N, chews $s cud, and muh-OOOOs!
$n moos at you.  What could that possibly mean?
You'd better find someone else to moo at.
You settle down into the center of your bovine Zen; the foolish world thinks you're just mooing.
$n is mooing at $mself again...  You look for an exit...

You drop your drawers and moon everyone in the room!
$n drops $s pants and gives you the vertical smile!
You bend over and moon $N.
$n drops $s pants and rudely moons $N!
$n bends over and gives you the vertical smile!
You stand, with your pants around your ankles, looking VERY silly!
You try to moon yourself, but you can't see your A** that well.
$n nearly goes into convulsions while trying to moon $mself.

You mosh insanely around the room!
$n moshes insanely around the room!
You mosh sadistically against $N ... you WILL be punished.
$n bounces off of $N in a vain attempt to mosh... what a LOSER.
$n slams into you, moshing painfully against you.  That REALLY hurts!
Hmmm...  your victim found a new dance partner.
$n throws $mself on the floor, grinding $mself into a bloody pulp

You mutter quietly to yourself.
$n mutters something quietly to $mself.
You mutter something to $N.
$n looks at $N and mutters something nasty under $s breath.
$n looks at you and mutters something nasty under $s breath.
There's nothing left for you to say, they've left!
You mutter quietly to yourself.
$n mutters something quietly to $mself.

You mull over the idea at hand, asking for patience.
$n mulls over the idea at hand.  Please be patient.

Nibble on who?
You nibble on $N's ear.
$n nibbles on $N's ear.
$n nibbles on your ear.
Sorry, not present.
You nibble on your OWN ear ???????????????????
$n nibbles on $s OWN ear (I wonder how it is done !!).

You nod.
$n nods.
You nod at $N.
$n nods at $N.
$n nods at you in agreement.
Nod your head off -- they aren't here.
You attempt to nod at yourself and get dizzy instead.
$n nods quietly to $mself.  What a wacko.

You can't noogie the AIR!  It has no head.
You grab $N, get $M in a head lock and NOOGIE $M!
$n grabs $N in a head lock and NOOGIES $N... ARGH!!!
Oh NO, $n grabs you, throws you in a head lock and NOOGIES you!
That person has gone off to other lands...
You rub your head and create a static charge...
$n rubs $s OWN head and creates a static charge... *ZAP*

Nudge whom?
You nudge $M.
$n nudges $N.
$n nudges you.
You nudge yourself, for some strange reason.
$n nudges $mself, to keep $mself awake.

Nuzzle who??
You nuzzle $S neck softly.
$n softly nuzzles $N's neck.
$n softly nuzzles your neck.
No.. they aren't here..
I'm sorry, friend, but that's impossible.

Ogg who?
$n oggs $N's head with photon torpedos!  $N reels.
$n oggs your head with photon torpedos!  You are reeling.
You can't find your target.
If you do that, the universe will explode.
$n almost oggs $mself, but wisely reconsiders.

You pace across the room nervously.
$n paces across the room nervously.

You pant lustily.
$n pants lustily.
You pant lustily at $M.
$n looks at $N and pants lustily.
$n looks at you and pants lustily...

You belch and pass out.
$n is OBVIOUSLY intoxicated... $e burps loudly and passes out!

Pat who?
You pat $N on $S head.
$n pats $N on $S head.
$n pats you on your head.
Who, where, what?
You pat yourself on your head, very reassuring.
$n pats $mself on the head.

Wouldn't you like to do that to a person, or do you prefer air?
Risking a slap to the face, you give $N a peck on the cheek.
$n smiles and gives $N a chaste peck on the cheek.
$n pecks you on the cheek, how sweet!
I guess you scared them away...
You must REALLY like yourself.
$n tries in vain to wrap $s lips around $s cheeks.

You peer around yourself intently.
$n peers around $mself intently.
You peer intently at $N.
$n peers intently at $N.
$n peers at you intently.
They aren't here.
You get a little cross-eyed with your attempts to stare yourself down.
$n peers at $mself, crossing $s eyes in the process.

You pick up a pie and toss it around for a bit.
$n picks up a pie and tosses it around for a bit.
You toss a pie at $N and hit $M right in the FACE!
$n tosses a pie at $N and hits $M right in the FACE!
$n tossed a pie in your face... and now you are all covered in GOO!
That person isn't here...
You bury your face in a pie... yummmmm!!! :)
$n buries $s face in a pie, licking the pan clean.

You say, 'A pinch of this, and a dab of that.'
$n says, 'A pinch of this and a dab of that.'
You squeeze $S bottom and grin.
$n pinches $N's bottom and grins.
$n pinches your bottom and grins.
You'd like to, wouldn't you?
You pinch yourself to see if you are dreaming!
$n pinches $mself to see if $e is dreaming!

You are PISSED!
$n is PISSED so watch out!
You turn a stoney gaze toward $N... you are SOOO pissed at $N!
$n glares at $N.... $n is SOOO PISSED at $M!
$n is pissed at you now... What do you think $e'll DO?
That person is not here...
You are PISSED at yourself!
$n is so pissed at $mself.  How could $e be so stupid???

You beg and plead to anyone who will listen.
$n pleads $s case to anyone who will listen... You ALMOST feel sorry for $s.

Poke who??
You poke $M in the ribs.
$n pokes $N in the ribs.
$n pokes you in the ribs.
You can't poke someone who's not here!.
You poke yourself in the ribs, feeling very silly.
$n pokes $mself in the ribs, looking very sheepish.

You point in every direction.
$n points excitedly!
You point at $N.
$n points excitedly at $N!
$n points at you.  How rude!
You point at no one in particular.
You point at yourself, obviously very confused.
$n points at $mself, obviously very confused.

You give a polite little chuckle.
$n gives a polite little chuckle.
You indicate your underappreciation of $S joke.
$n gives a polite little chuckle to $N's joke.
$n gives a politle but unappreciative chuckle to your joke.
You can't find a friend to chuckle with.
You chuckle at your own joke, since no one else would.
$n chuckles at $s own joke, since none of you would.

You ponder the question.
$n sits down and thinks deeply.

You make vague pounding motions with your fist at the thought.
$n makes vague pounding motions with $s fist at the thought.
You pound $M into a bloody mass.
$n pounds $N into a bloody mass.
$n pounds you into a bloody mass.
Sorry, friend, I can't see that person here.

Ah, don't take it so hard.
$n pouts.
You pout cutely at $N.
$n pouts cutely at $N.
Oh no! $n is using $s devastatingly cute pout attack on you!
Pout? But at who?!
That's no good! You still can't change your own mind.
$n seems to be trying to pout at himself...

You scream 'The PPppppPOOOOoooWWWwwwErrRRR!' and writhe.
$n writhes, screaming 'The PPppppPOOOOoooWWWwwwErrRRR!'

You feel righteous, and maybe a little foolish.
$n begs and grovels to the powers that be.
You crawl in the dust before $M.
$n falls down and grovels in the dirt before $N.
$n kisses the dirt at your feet.
No such person around; your prayers vanish into the endless voids.
Talk about narcissism...
$n starts praying to himself...maybe you should kill him now and end his suffering.

You propose to everyone in the room.
$n proposes to everyone in the room.  Very odd.
You kneel and romantically propose to $N.
$n gets on one knee and proposes to $N.
$n gets down on one knee and romantically proposes to you.
You must be lonely.  They aren't here.
You are SO full of yourself!
$n proposes to $mself -- how narcissistic!

You mimic Puff at her most annoying.
$n says, "Did you know that I'm written in C?"

You puke...chunks everywhere!!! YUK!
$n pukes.
You puke on $M.
$n pukes on $N.
$n spews vomit and pukes all over your clothing!
Once again?
You puke on yourself.
$n pukes on $s clothes.

Punch whom?
You punch $M playfully.
$n punches $N playfully.
$n punches you playfully.  OUCH!
You can't find your boxing partner.
You punch yourself.  You deserve it.
$n punches $mself.  Why don't you join in?

$n purrs contentedly.
You rub up against $N and purr contentedly.
$n rubs against $N and purrs contentedly.
$n rubs up against you and purrs contentedly.
You silly cat!  They aren't here.
You purr quietly to yourself.
$n purrs contentedly to $mself.

You ramble on and on.
$n rambles on about a boring exploit.
You ramble on to $N about your past adventures.
$n blithers on and on to $N about something.
$n tells you a rather boring tale, you feign interest.

You stick your tongue out at ... well, no one.
$n sticks $s tongue out, catching a few flies in the process.
You give $N the raspberry... and spit all over yourself.
$n gives $N the raspberry... PHBT!  What a mess... Spit EVERYWHERE!
You are splattered with saliva as $n gives you the raspberry... HOW RUDE!
Hang your tongue out if you like, $e isn't here.
You try to stick your tongue out at yourself... somehow, it isn't the same.

You take a deep breath and roar loudly!
$n lets out a deafening roar!
You roar loudly at $N
$n roars loudly at $N----Your poor ears!
$n deafens you with $s roar!
Who are you roaring at?!
You roar in frustration!
$n roars in frustration!

You roll on the floor, laughing hysterically.
$n falls to the ground and rolls around laughing hysterically.
You fall to the floor laughing at $N's remark.
$n rolls on the floor laughing at $N's antics!
$n rolls on the floor laughing at your antics!

You roll your eyes in disgust.
$n rolls $s eyes, disgusted.
You look at $N and roll your eyes in disgust.
$n rolls $s eyes in disgust at $N.
$n rolls $s eyes at you.
You should be disgusted with yourself because you look so foolish.
At whom do you wish to roll your eyes?

You light up a Romeo y Julietta cigar and puff contentedly.
$n lights up a Romeo y Julietta cigar and puffs contentedly.

Who would you like to give it to?
You give $M a pretty rose.
$n hands $N a beautiful rose.
$n hands you a beautiful {G---{g'{G---{g,{G--{g{{{R@{X
They seem to have left.
You give yourself a rose and feel a little sad...
$n gives $mself a rose, dont you feel sorry for $m?

You rub your hands together in greedy anticipation.
$n rubs $s hands together in greedy anticipation.
You give $N a nice, long, kinky rubdown.
$n gives $N a nice long rubdown.
$n gives you a rubdown, running $s hands over your tense shoulders...Mmmm...
Shame to waste those talented hands, but they've already left.
You rub yourself...lingering a little too long in some places.
$n rubs $mself...what a creep!

You've got to ruffle SOMEONE.
You ruffle $N's hair playfully.
$n ruffles $N's hair playfully.
$n ruffles your hair playfully.
Might be a bit difficult.
You ruffle your hair, wondering how far you can go before the rest think you're crazy.
$n ruffles $s hair - weirdo!

You run away in terror and horror!
$n runs away in utter terror!
You run away from $N in complete terror!
$n runs away from $N in utter terror and horror!
$n runs from you, fearing for $s life!
No reason to be afraid, they aren't here.
Are you THAT ugly?
$n looks in the mirror, sees $s face, and runs away terrified!

You nod sagely.
$n nods sagely.

You scratch yourself contentedly.
$n reaches down and scratches $mself...  Now $e looks VERY happy.

$n screams loudly!
ARRRRRRRRRRGH!!!!!  Yes, it MUST have been $S fault!!!
$n screams loudly at $N.  Better leave before $n blames you, too!!!
$n screams at you!  That's not nice!  *sniff*
Your lungs can't reach that far!
You scream at yourself.  Yes, that's ONE way of relieving tension!
$n screams loudly at $mself!  Is there a full moon up?

You scuff your foot sheepishly.
$n scuffs $s foot in the dirt, looking very sheepish.
You scuff your foot, avoiding $N's gaze.
$n scuffs $s foot and shyly avoids $N's gaze.
$n scuffs $s foot and shyly avoids your gaze.
They aren't here.

You raise your voice in a loud serenade to your invisible love.
$n raises $s voice to serenade the world.
You raise your voice in a loving serenade to $N.
$n raises $s voice in a loving serenade to $N.
$n serenades you, you are swept away by $s voice.
The one that you wish to serenade has left you to sing to yourself.
You sing a loud serenade to yourself.  What type of person are you?!
$n serenades $mself.  What an ego!

You shake your head.
$n shakes $s head.
You shake you head at $N's remark.
$n shakes $s head at $N's remark.
$n shakes $s head at your remark.
Sorry good buddy, but that person doesn't seem to be here.
You shake your head at yourself.
$n shakes $s head at $mself.

$n shivers uncomfortably.
You shiver at the thought of fighting $M.
$n shivers at the thought of fighting $N.
$n shivers at the suicidal thought of fighting you.
You don't see any reason to shiver.
You shiver to yourself?
$n scares $mself to shivers.

You shrug.
$n shrugs helplessly.
You shrug in response to $S question.
$n shrugs in response to $N's question.
$n shrugs in response to your question.
You shrug to no one in particular.
You shrug to yourself.
$n shrugs to $mself.  What a strange person.

You shudder at the horror and repress tears.
$n shudders at the horror and represses $s tears.

sigh 0 0
You sigh.
$n sighs.
You sigh as you think of $M.
$n sighs at the sight of $N.
$n sighs as $e thinks of you.  Touching, huh?
You really sigh, since you don't see your friend.
You sigh at yourself.  You MUST be lonely.
$n sighs at $mself.  What a sorry sight.

You do the silly walk all around the room.
$n does the silly walk all around the room.  $e *is* silly.

You raise your clear (?) voice towards the sky.
HEY CLERICS! I COULD USE A HEAL!  $n has begun to sing.
You sing a ballad to $M.
$n sings a ballad to $N.
$n sings a ballad to you!  How sweet!
You see no one to sing to.
You sing a little ditty to yourself.
$n sings a little ditty to $mself.

What is the sound of one hand slapping?
*thwock!* You slap $N ringingly.
*thwock!* $n slaps $N!
$n slaps you stingingly.
How about slapping someone in the same room as you ??
You slap yourself, silly you.
$n slaps $mself, really strange ...

You slobber down your front.
$n slobbers all over $mself.
You slobber on $N.
$n slobbers on $N  **Yuck**
$n slobbers disgustingly on you.
Slobber on WHOM?

You smile happily.
$n smiles happily.
You smile at $M.
$n beams a smile at $N.
$n smiles at you.
There's no one by that name around.
You smile at yourself.
$n smiles at $mself.

You smirk.
$n smirks.
You smirk at $S saying.
$n smirks at $N's saying.
$n smirks at your saying.
You want to smirk to whom?
You smirk at yourself.  Okay.....
$n smirks at $s own 'wisdom'.

Eureka!  You snap your fingers.
$n snaps $s fingers.
You snap back at $M.
$n snaps back at $N.
$n snaps back at you!
You must be very agitated.
You snap yourself to attention.
$n snaps $mself to attention.

You grizzle your teeth and look mean.
$n snarls angrily.
You snarl at $M.
$n snarls at $N.
$n snarls at you, for some reason.
No need to snarl!
You snarl at yourself.
$n snarls at $mself.

Gesundheit !
$n sneezes.

You snicker softly.
$n snickers softly.
You snicker with $M about your shared secret.
$n snickers with $N about their shared secret.
$n snickers with you about your shared secret.
You snicker at your own evil thoughts.
$n snickers at $s own evil thoughts.

You sniff sadly. *SNIFF*
$n sniffs sadly.
You sniff sadly at the way $E is treating you.
$n sniffs sadly at the way $N is treating $m.
$n sniffs sadly at the way you are treating $m.
You see no reason to sniff.
You sniff sadly at your lost opportunities.
$n sniffs sadly at $mself.  Something MUST be bothering $m.

$n snores loudly.

You snort derisively.
$n snorts derisively.
You snort derisively at $N.
$n snorts derisively at $N.
$n snorts at you.
Snort at whom?
You snort derisively at yourself.
$n snorts derisively at $sself.

Who do you want to throw a snowball at?
You throw a snowball in $N's face.
$n conjures a snowball from the thin air and throws it at $N.
$n conjures a snowball from the thin air and throws it at you.
You stand with the snowball in your hand because your victim is not here.
You stuff a snowball down your back. Brrrr!
$n conjures a snowball out of the thin air and then stuffs it down $s back

snuggle 1 5
You snuggle $M.
$n snuggles up to $N.
$n snuggles up to you.
They aren't here.
You snuggle up, getting ready to sleep.
$n snuggles up, getting ready to sleep.

You sob quietly to yourself.
$n sobs in misery.
You sob quietly to yourself because $N has hurt your feelings so badly.
$n sobs quietly to $mself because $N was a jerk!
You feel like a cad because you've made $n sob.

You mutter, 'spam' quietly to yourself again and again.
$n rests in a corner and mutters 'spam' quietly to $mself.
You SPAM $N mercilessly!
$n spams $N!
You've been SPAMMED by $n!
Spam away -- they've left.

Spank whom?
You spank $M playfully.
$n spanks $N playfully.
$n spanks you playfully.  OUCH!
Your hand can't find your victim!
You spank yourself....HMMMMMMM...
$n spanks $mself....HMMMMMMM...

You spit in utter disgust.
$n spits in utter disgust!
You spit on $'re gross!
$n spits on $N.
$n spits on you -- how gross!
Your victim isn't here.
You spit on yourself, pretty nasty eh?
$n spits on $mself...what a sicko!

You squeal with delight!
$n lets out a sudden squeal of delight!
You look at $N and squeal with delight!
$n squeals with delight at $N.
$n looks at you and squeals with delight!

Where, what, how, WHO ???
You squeeze $M fondly.
$n squeezes $N fondly.
$n squeezes you fondly.
Where, what, how, WHO ???
You squeeze yourself - try to relax a little!
$n squeezes $mself.

You squirm uncontrollably in your consternation.
$n squirms uncontrollably, suddenly looking very uncomfortable.
You look at $N and squirm with delight.
$n looks at $N and squirms with delight.
$n looks at you and squirms with delight.

You stagger blindly around the room.
$n staggers blindly around the room.
You stagger toward $N as the room begins to spin.
$n staggers into $N.
$n staggers blindly into you.
Stagger into whom!?!?

You stare at the sky.
$n stares at the sky.
You stare dreamily at $N, completely lost in $S eyes..
$n stares dreamily at $N.
$n stares dreamily at you, completely lost in your eyes.
You stare and stare but can't see that person anywhere...
You stare dreamily at yourself - enough narcissism for now.
$n stares dreamily at $mself - NARCISSIST!

You show your prominent ribs and hope that someone will take pity.
$n is withering before your eyes!  Starvation!
You throw yourself upon $S mercy, begging for food.
$n begs $N for food.  One would think that magic would have cured hunger by now...
$n is starving before your eyes!  Could you spare some food, please?
Sorry, but that person isn't around-- looks like you'll starve.

$n stomps insanely around the room!
You stomp $S ass into bloody mess on the floor.
$n starts stomping on $N's ass into the floor.
$n obviously doesn't like you very much since $e is stomping your ass.
You look for someone to stomp.
You strain back and ram your foot up your ass.
$n reaches back and rams $s foot up $s ass.

You lean back and streeeeeettch your arms and legs.
$n stretches luxuriously.  Kinda makes you want to doesn't it?

You do a slow strip tease for the people...
$n begins a slow, erotic strip-tease act...
You start to undress $N ... one piece of clothing at a time...
$n runs $s hands over $N's body, slowly stripping away the clothing...
$n has started to strip you... woah BABY!
Your toy doesn't seem to be here...
You can't DO that in public!

You stroke the air vaguely.
$n makes vague stroking motions.
You gently stroke $S inner thigh.  $N inhales sharply.
$N exhales sharply and suddenly.
$n gently strokes your inner thigh.  You inhale sharply.
Maybe you should practice on yourself first.
You are about to do something you'd rather not be caught doing.

Strut your stuff.
$n struts proudly.
You strut to get $S attention.
$n struts, hoping to get $N's attention.
$n struts, hoping to get your attention.
You don't see an audience.
You strut to yourself, lost in your own world.
$n struts to $mself, lost in $s own world.

You sulk.
$n sulks in the corner.

You fully support the plan.
$n fully supports the plan.
You hug $M supportively and smile.
$n hugs $N supportively and smiles.
$n hugs you supportively and smiles.
Sorry, friend, I can't see that person here.
You hug yourself sadly.
$n hugs $mself sadly.  Perhaps you could help?

You look at your empty arms and sigh.
$n looks at $s empty arms and sighs.
You sweep $M into your arms and kiss $M long and deeply.
$n sweeps $N into $s arms and kisses $N long and deeply.
$n sweeps you into $s arms and kisses you long and deeply.
The object of your kiss is absent.

You swoon.
$n swoons in absolute ecstasy.
You look at $N and swoon in ecstasy.
$n looks at $N and swoons in ecstasy.
$n looks at you and swoons in ecstasy.

You're going to tackle everyone in the room?!
You tackle $N playfully.
$n playfully tackles $N.
$n brings you down in a playful tackle!

Tag whom?
$n casts about for someone to tag.
From nowhere, you pounce on $N and TAG $M remorselessly!  BWAHAHA!!!
$n dives from the shadows and TAGS $N.  $N IS IT!
$n pounces on you and >>> TAGS <<< you!  You're IT!
Who were you going to tag, then?
Unable to catch anyone else, you do the intelligent thing and tag yourself. You're still IT!
Unable to catch anyone else, $n tags $mself.  Are you impressed?

You boldly offer to tank for your everyone else.  Are you sure you know what you're getting into?
$n offers to tank!
You offer to tank for $N.
$n offers to tank for $N.
$n offers to tank for you!
Tank for whom?
No one will tank for you, eh?!? WELL, YOU'LL SHOW THEM!  (right?)
In dazzling chivalry, $n offers to tank-- for $mself!

You tap your foot impatiently.
$n taps $s foot impatiently.
You tap your foot, waiting impatiently for $M.
$n taps $s foot, waiting impatiently for $N.
Get one with it! $n is getting tired of waiting.

What a tease.   SHEESH.
$n looks around for someone to tease.
You tease $N in a playful way.
$n sticks $s tongue out at $N.
$n sticks $s tongue out at you, what a DORK!!
Tease whom?
You tease yourself. NYAH NYAH NYAH.
$n teases $mself.

Thank you too.
You thank $N heartily.
$n thanks $N heartily.
$n thanks you heartily.
No one answers to that name here.
You thank yourself since nobody else wants to !
$n thanks $mself since you won't.

You threaten everyone with your overwhelming presence.
You feel threatened in the presence of the great $n.
You stand tall as you threaten $N.
$n threatens $N forcefully.
$n threatens you...oooooooh scary *laugh*
Whom do you wish to intimidate?

Whom do you want to tickle?
You tickle $N.
$n tickles $N.
$n tickles you - ho ho ho.
Who is that??
You tickle yourself, how funny!
$n tickles $mself.

You toy with a pair of handcuffs suggestively.
$n toys suggestively with a pair of handcuffs.
You grab $N and tie $M to the bedposts.
$n grabs $N and ties $M to a four poster bed.
$n grabs you and ties you securely to a four poster bed.
Sorry, friend, I can't see that person here.

Better find somebody first.
You hold $M tightly in your arms.
$n holds $N tightly in $s arms.
$n holds you in $s arms.
Sorry, friend, I can't see that person here.

You tip your hat gallantly.
$n gallantly tips $s hat.
You tip your hat to $N.
$n gallantly tips $s hat to $N.
$n gallantly tips $s hat to you.
But there is no one here to impress?!?!

You raise a glass of champagne in a toast.
$n raises $s glass of champagne in a toast.
You raise your glass of champagne to $S.
$n silently toasts $N.
$n silently toasts you.
Your object of praise is absent.
You grin evilly and toast yourself.
$n grins evilly and toasts $mself.

You slowly give your tongue a nice workout.
Mmmm... you give $N a good working over with your tongue...
$n slides $s tongue over $N's body...
$n wraps $s tongue around you, moving it across your young, nubile flesh...
Never around when required...
You slowly tongue yourself.
$n slowly tongues $mself... ICK.

Tweak who?
You gently tweak $S cheek.  Isn't $E so CUTE?
$n tweaked $N's cheek... don't they look so adorable together?
$n lovingly tweaks your cheek.  It reminds you of Grandma... sniff...
*Sniff*  That cheek seems to be missing.
You can't DO that.

You patiently twiddle your thumbs.
$n patiently twiddles $s thumbs.
You twiddle $S ears.
$n twiddles $N's ears.
$n twiddles your ears.
You don't see the person here.
You twiddle your ears like Dumbo.
$n twiddles $s own ears like Dumbo.

You twitch nervously.
$n twitches nervously.
You twitch involuntarily at $N's presence.
$N must really be getting to $n...
$n notices you and twitches.
Nervous? They aren't even here.

You can't type for crap tonight!  You give up in frustration!
$n throws $s hands up in disgust at $s lousy typing skills!

You start to undress in the shadows, waiting for someone to notice.
$n begins to undress... $e is VERY sexy... *Pant*
You undress $M with your eyes... Kinky.
You feel the temperature of the room rise as $n lusts on $N...
Feeling exposed, you sense $n undressing you with $s eyes...
They are not here...
A mirror would work better...

You sit back and watch the world go by.
$n kicks back and enjoys the view.

Bad juju like this has to be directed at a person.
$n looks hostile for a moment.
You stare daggers at $N, jabbing pins into $S effigy.
$n glares balefully at $N while stabbing a pin into a voodoo doll.
Your heart lurches in your chest, and fiery pain stabs through your skull!
Your hatred finds no such target.
You stab a pin into your own voodoo doll!  Agony!
$n jabs a pin into $s own voodoo doll, and twitches in agony!

You wait patiently.
$n waits patiently.

You wave.
$n waves happily.
You wave goodbye to $N.
$n waves goodbye to $N.
$n waves goodbye to you.  Have a good journey.
They didn't wait for you to wave goodbye.
Are you going on adventures as well??
$n waves goodbye to $mself.

Whap who?
You whap $N upside the head!
With a resounding WHAP!, $n reprimands $N.
HEY!  $n whaps you upside the head!
Ow! You give yourself a resounding whap upside the head.
Biff!  $n whaps $mself upside the head!

You wince in agony.
$n winces in agony.
You look at $N and wince at $S remark.
$n winces at $N's remark.
$n winces at your remark.

You whine to anyone who will listen to you.
$n whines pathetically to anyone who will listen.
You whine to $M, hoping desperately that at least $E will give a damn.
$n whines pathetically to $N.
$n whines pathetically to you.  What a loser!
They really don't care.
You whine to yourself, probably the only one who will listen.
$n whines to $mself.  At least $e isn't bitching to YOU.

You crack your bullwhip menacingly.
$n cracks a bullwhip menacingly.
You flick your whip across $S bare back.
$n flicks $s whip across $N's bare back.
$n flicks a whip across your back... the pain.. the pleasure..
Sorry, friend, I can't see that person here.
You whip yourself into a frenzy.
$n whips $mself into a frenzy.

You whistle appreciatively.
$n whistles appreciatively.
You whistle at the sight of $M.
$n whistles at the sight of $N.
$n whistles at the sight of you.
You don't see nothing special to whistle at.
You whistle a little tune to yourself.
$n whistles a little tune to $mself.

Your wiggle your bottom.
$n wiggles $s bottom.
You wiggle your bottom toward $M.
$n wiggles $s bottom toward $N.
$n wiggles $s bottom toward you.
You must be alone.
You wiggle about like a fish.
$n wiggles about like a fish.

Have you got something in your eye?
$n winks suggestively.
You wink suggestively at $N.
$n winks at $N.
$n winks suggestively at you.
No one with that name is present.
You wink at yourself ?? - what are you up to?
$n winks at $mself - something strange is going on...

You wonder about how things could have been.
$n gets a blank stare on $s face.  What could $e be wondering about?
You look at $N and wonder what will happen.
$n looks at $N and wonders....
$n looks at you quizzically.
You wonder what would have happened had they been here.
You wonder about yourself and your purpose here.
A blank stare crosses $n's face.  What could $e be wondering about?

You worry about what's going to happen.
A troubled look suddenly crosses $n's face.  Wonder what's wrong?
You look at $N worriedly.
$n looks at $N with a troubled gaze.
$n looks at you worriedly.
Well they obviously aren't worried -- they left!
You worry about what's going to happen.
A troubled look suddenly crosses $n's face.  Wonder what's wrong?

You prostrate yourself and worship the gods!
$n prostrates $mself and worships the gods!
You fall on your knees and worship $N.
$n falls on $s knees and worships $N.
$n falls to the ground and worships you.
You can't worship someone who isn't here.
You worship yourself.
$n worships $mself.

Wrestle with who?
You wrestle $M to the floor and pin $M there.
$n wrestles $N to the floor, pinning $M there.
$n wrestles you to the floor and pins you.
Sorry, friend, I can't see that person here.
You wrestle with your conscience.
$n wrestles with $m conscience.

You hold out your wrist for a slap.
$n holds out a wrist for a slap.
You slap $S wrist sharply.
$n slaps $N's wrist sharply.
$n slaps your wrist sharply.
Sorry, friend, I can't see that person here.
You slap your own wrist.
$n slaps $m own wrist.

You sigh, burdened with Yet Another Eeediot.
$n sighs, burdened with Yet Another Eeediot.
There's Yet Another Eeediot in the room, and you're looking right at $M.
$n clearly believes that $N is an Eeediot!
$n glares at you, obviously not impressed with your intelligence.
There are plenty of Eeediots, but that one doesn't seem to be present.
You bonk yourself for the Eeediot you are!
$n bonks $mself, HARD, and curses $mself for the Eeediot $e is!

You must be tired.
$n yawns.

You mount your pony(?) and shout YEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAW!
$n bounces up and down screaming *YEEEEEEHAAAAAAW!*

You think of Julie Andrews and start to yodel.
$n begins to yodel:  HEY!! CLERICS!! I COULD USE A HEAL!!!
$N covers $S ears as you begin to yodel.
$n yodels to $N.
$n yodels to cringe and turn away.
That person just escaped!
Well, it's up to you if you want to damage your hearing.
$n yodels to $mself.  What a sado-masochist.

You yowl in frustration.
$n yowls in frustration!
You yowl at $N in frustration.
$n yowls at $N in frustration.
$n yowls at you in frustration.
Pick on somebody who's actually here.
You're so stupid!
$n yowls at $s own stupidity!  Laugh at $s, not with $m.

Gotta zerbert SOMEBODY.
You lift $N's shirt and blow loudly into $S navel!
$n lifts $N's shirt and blows loudly into $S navel!
Yeek!  $n lifts your shirt and blows loudly into your navel!
You missed.
Careful, people are staring...
$n looks around furtively, and then bends over and blows loudly into $s own navel!

