Name Cloud Tower~
Builders Halodar~
VNUMs 21000 21099
Credits {120 180} Haldorn     Cloud Tower~
Security 9
Version 1

massive huge fruity stone giant~
a huge stone giant~
A huge stone giant stands waist-deep in the river, watching you.
Before you stands a massive stone giant, tall enough that the raging
waves only lap at its waist.  It has the shape of a human, but without any
real external features.  Its face has been worn smooth from countless years
in the storm.  
ABM 0 0 0
0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 giant unknown
griffin wrangler~
the griffin wrangler~
The griffin wrangler leans against a cage, eyeing you.
AB 0 300 0
1 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 100000
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
large proud griffin~
a large proud griffin~
A large proud griffin stands here, ruffling its wings and looking at you.
AI T 0 0
150 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
AGV ABCDEFHJKUV medium unknown
near naked near-naked soldier~
a near-naked soldier~
A near-naked soldier awaits the casual indignities of military life.
ABH 0 0 0
0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium unknown
soldier guard~
the soldier~
A soldier is on watch here, guarding the tower entrance.
A weary guard stands before you, keeping a close eye on all the
surrounding activity.  
ABT 0 2500 0
115 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 pierce
0 0 0 0
N 0 0 0
stand stand none 763
M ABCDEFGHIJK medium flesh
inspections officer~
the Inspections Officer~
The Inspections Officer peers around looking for violations.
You see before you a small, nasty-looking man with a greasy moustache. 
He carries a notepad and a quill to mark down any soldier he sees doing
anything against regulations.  Clipped to his belt is a large ring of keys
that he uses to inspect personal rooms whenever he can.  
AH 0 100 0
120 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium unknown
creature eyes observer~
the Observer~
A creature made of eyes stares in every direction.
This being resembles a giant eye, but it appears to be made from
thousands of smaller eyes staring in every direction in a spheroid
formation.  Not a single eye blinks, as several swivel to take view of you. 
ABR HT 0 0
160 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 3200
A K medium eyes
M death 21000 100~
a golem~
A golem stands here dully, guarding the turret stairs.
A nearly featureless biped made from granite stands here blocking your
way.  Its only job consists of guarding the turret above.  A brass sign
bolted to its chest reads, "Attention: NO personnel other than officers on
official business are to enter.  You will know who you are as you will have
been issued a pass."
ABT DFHcd 0 0
190 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 smash
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
J ABC large granite
M exall 21001 4~
the Observer's Scribe~
The Observer's Scribe stands here recording what he hears.
Standing before you is a bent old man, dressed in grey robes.  His eyes
stare out sightlessly, pure white globes.  He holds a book which he
scribbles in periodically, seeming to listen to something only he can hear. 
ABQ 0 750 0
155 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 divine
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 5000
AV 0 medium unknown
doormob in 21054~
ABM 0 0 0
309 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium unknown
M exall 21002 n~
electrical elemental~
an Electrical Elemental~
(no long description)
A 0 0 0
0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 shock
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium unknown
unseen force~
an unseen force~
A U 0 0
90 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
GX 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
AHZ 0 medium unknown
unseen force~
the Observer~
A 0 0 0
90 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 K medium eyes
general ederek~
General Ederek~
General Ederek sits at his desk skimming through a thick book.
Here sits General Ederek, commanding officer of this human outpost.  This
man is in charge of policy decisions and reports back to the coastal camp of
Midgaard.  A little pudgy from lack of any recent action, he is still
capable of putting up a fight.  
AB Hd 800 0
145 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
CNO 0 0 0
sit sit male 10000
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
chaplain pelahan~
Chaplain Pelahan~
A chaplain dressed in blue robes waits here to distribute blessings and holy counsel.
Here stands a priest of the god Qalethiel, dressed in flowing blue robes. 
He is surrounded by an aura of serenity, and holds a slightly glowing
ABQR H 0 0
140 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 divine
0 0 0 0
0 N S 0
stand stand none 0
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
no name~
(no short description)~
(no long description)
A 0 0 0
0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium unknown
cargo thrower~
a cargo thrower~
A cargo thrower works diligently here, grabbing crates and stacking them in neat piles.
This large, muscled civilian works in the bowels of Cloud Tower,
maneuvering the crates and barrels of weapons and supplies that come in from
below in large periodic shipments.  He is dressed in a simple leather smock
and gloves, so as not to get splinters from the rough wooden boxes.  
A 0 0 0
100 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium flesh
tower guard~
a Tower Guard~
A Tower Guard sits here glancing at the entrance and reading a scroll.
AT Dad 500 0
125 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 sting
0 0 0 0
sit sit male 0
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
a Ballisteer~
A bored ballisteer waits out his shift here.
Before you stands a lightly armored soldier leaning on a massive
crossbow-like ballista.  Chewing on a toothpick, he peers out into the
distance, ready to use his war machine in an emergency.  
A H 600 0
150 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 thrust
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 2000
AHMV ABCDEFGHI medium unknown
drunk soldier~
a drunk soldier~
A drunk soldier snores away peacefully.
ABHS ad 200 0
145 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 smash
0 0 0 0
VX 0 E F
sleep sleep male 5000
AHMV 0 medium unknown
gambling guard~
a gambling guard~
A guard sits here gambling with his comrades.
This man, a member of the elite Griffin Guard, appears to have abused his
position as a hero to the lower soldiers living in this fortress by becoming
a bookie and cheat.  If you were to watch him play, you would notice he only
loses enough to throw off any suspicions.  
ABS 0 0 0
140 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 stab
0 0 0 0
sit sit male 0
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
a Sergeant~
A Sergeant sits on his bunk cleaning his armor.
This soldier, a Sergeant by the insignia on his shirt, sits here
polishing his armor.  He glares at you momentarily, then goes back to his
ABT Vad 500 0
148 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 punch
0 0 0 0
CN 0 L H
sit sit male 1800
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
a Captain~
A Captain lies here snoring away the hours.
This officer appears to be catching up on his sleep in his off-duty time.  
ABT He 600 0
149 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 slap
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 3000
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
Telard aide~
Telard, the aide to the General, stands here ready for orders.
Before you stands a burly, heavily muscled man wearing a thick steel
breastplate.  Tall and bald, he guards the General and carries out his
orders.  Intricate tattoos ring his neck and arms, and there is a set of
eerie eyes tattooed into the back of his head.  
ABT 0 200 0
150 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 thrust
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown


The Screaming Vortex~
Frothing waves rage in circles on the water as the vortex pulls
unrelentingly at the river's surface.  The violent rushing of air over water
creates a deafening roar that permeates this place with the unending
cacophany of clashing elements.  Water streams into the sky like a reverse
rain, flying upward into the funnel cloud.  High above through the mist and
rain a massive dark shape looms at the edge of sight.  The only way to go
from here is up, into the pull of the wind, for the whirlpool makes retreat
0 0 0
0 0 21001
The Base of the Screaming Winds~
The wind whips mercilessly, throwing you here and there like a rag doll. 
Mist and rain circle about like huge amorphous spirits, forming wheeling
shapes and dispersing just as quickly.  Small bits of flotsam fly by, and
occasionally a confused fish passes, looking very much out of place.  The
upward pull of the wind is a strong force, making downward travel quite out
of the question.  Looking upward, the huge dark shape is becoming more
square and defined.  
0 0 0
0 0 21002
The Screaming Winds~
You appear to be about midway between the river below and what now
appears to be a tower, suspended above you on naught but the air itself. 
The structure is monolithic to say the least, and externally shows no sign
of how it stays aloft.  The surrounding air has cleared of all smaller junk,
leaving you alone among the roiling clouds of the funnel.  
0 0 0
0 0 21003
The Top of the Funnel~
Beneath you is the main body of the funnel cloud, and you can see the
boiling clouds cavorting and spinning in the wind.  The air is clearer up
here, and you can see the land for miles around.  To the north and south lie
towering mountains capped with snow, their feet clothed in green grassland
and forests which stretch away to the east.  The river below flows from the
wide, sandy desert in the west, travelling eastward and passing a barely
visible Midgaard far to the east.  You are now in the shadow of the huge,
stone tower above you, which takes up most of the sky.  There is a large
square opening cut into the masonry above, and several large cargo nets
trailing from it are within reach to climb up.  
0 4 0
0 0 21004
Cloud Tower Receiving Station~
You find yourself in a cavernous room, not unlike the hold of a large
ship.  There is a large square opening in the floor wide enough to allow
passage of massive loads of cargo or personnel.  Lined up by the opening are
countless coils of rope, and dozens of enormous cargo nets.  Several massive
nets are attached at the side of the hole and hang out into the screaming
wind below.  Stacked neatly along the walls here and there are large piles
of boxes and crates, and parts of arcane equipment.  You are in the middle
of the hold, but the room spreads out in all directions.  
0 8 0
0 0 21008
0 0 21005
0 0 21006
0 0 21007
0 0 21003
East Wall of Receiving Room~
You are in the eastern section of this huge room, with a doorway leading
to the east and the rest of the room opening out to the west.  Cargo and
equipment fill much of the space, and defense stations made of low walls and
arrow ammunition face the large hole in the middle of the floor to the west.
A massive slab of stone hangs above the doorway, large enough to seal it
from any assault, and there is no obvious means of keeping it in place.  
0 8204 0
0 0 21009
0 0 21021
0 0 21012
0 0 21004
Southern Receiving Hold~
You are in the southern end of this huge room, with a doorway leading
further south and the rest of the room opening out to the north.  Cargo and
equipment fill much of the space, and defense stations made of low walls and
stacks of arrow ammunition face the large hole in the middle of the floor to
the west.  A massive slab of stone hangs above the doorway, ready to slam
down and seal the entrance in case of an attack.  
0 8 0
0 0 21004
0 0 21012
0 0 21017
0 0 21011
Western Receiving Hold~
You are in the western quarter of this huge room, next to a doorway cut
into the west wall.  The rest of the room opens out to the east, and you can
see cargo and equipment filling much of the space.  Defense stations made of
low walls and stacks of arrow ammunition face the large hole in the middle
of the floor to the west.  A massive slab of stone hangs above the doorway,
ready to slam down and seal the entrance in case of an attack.  
0 8 0
0 0 21010
0 0 21004
0 0 21011
0 0 21013
Northern Cargo Recieving~
You are near the northern wall of this huge room, next to a set of double
doors leading north.  The rest of the room opens out to the south and you
can see cargo and equipment filling much of the space.  Defense stations
made of low walls and stacks of arrow ammunition face the large hole in the
middle of the floor to the west.  A massive slab of stone hangs above the
doorway, ready to slam down and seal the entrance in case of an attack.  
0 8 0
0 0 21022
0 0 21009
0 0 21004
0 0 21010
Cargo Room, Northeast Corner~
Around you stand high piles of crates, barrels, and sacks.  You are in
the northeast corner of the cargo and receiving hold.  
0 8 0
0 0 21005
0 0 21008
Cargo Room, Northwest Corner~
This corner of the cargo hold is covered in piles of spiked iron balls
and rocks the size of a bear's head.  Stacks of crates and boxes rest
against the walls, some covered with sheets of canvas.  
0 8 0
0 0 21008
0 0 21007
Cargo Room, Southwest Corner~
The southwest corner of the cavernous hold contains several large stacks
of crates and chests, and a line of standard infantry armour is bolted to a
0 8 0
0 0 21007
0 0 21006
Cargo Room, Southeast Corner~
Parts of arcane machinery and stacks of ballista ammunition take up most
of the space in this corner of the cargo and receiving hold.  
0 8 0
0 0 21005
0 0 21006
Hallway Intersection~
This hallway runs north and south along the westernmost edge of the Cloud
Tower.  Arrow slots from floor to ceiling offer complete coverage of the
outside, be it ground or sky.  There is a doorway to the east, and through
it you can see a cargo area.  To the west through an opening lies an outer
0 12 0
0 0 21029
0 0 21007
0 0 21014
0 0 21031
This hallway runs north from the barracks, and leads further north along
the western edge of the tower's base.  Floor-to-ceiling arrow slots are cut
into the outside wall every few paces, allowing full coverage by archers.  
0 8 0
0 0 21013
0 0 21015
Southwest Barracks~
Triple bunks line the walls of this regulation military barracks, which
could easily sleep 200 men at a time.  Facilities are minimal, consisting of
curtains with buckets behind them aside large basins of water.  
0 8 0
0 0 21014
0 0 21016
This hall continues east and west, with barracks to the west and an
intersection to the east.  Many arrow slots run from floor to ceiling,
allowing archers access to a large shooting area.  
0 8 0
0 0 21017
0 0 21015
Hallway Intersection~
The hallway runs east and west.  There is a door to the north leading to
a massive cargo room, and an opening to the south appears to connect to a
large outside platform.  
0 12 0
0 0 21006
0 0 21018
0 0 21030
0 0 21016
This hall traverses the southern edge of Cloud Tower.  There is an
intersection to the west and you you can hear splashing and shouting to the
east.  Oddly, the floor is damp.  Many arrow slots run from floor to ceiling
on the outer wall in between the iron torch holders, allowing superb archery
coverage of the outside.  
0 8 0
0 0 21019
0 0 21017
General Staff Showers~
Frigid water is everywhere in this chamber!  Chest-high curtains
partition off the wall-space in this wide, low-ceilinged room.  Sluices run
along the wall at ceiling height, and pour water on the heads of hapless
soldiers when they pull the rope.  Brushes and towels are strewn about
haphazardly, and occasionally a janitor comes through with a cart to gather
as many as he can.  
0 8 0
0 0 21020
0 0 21018
This hall travels north and south along the easternmost edge of the
fortress.  Iron torch holders dot the walls between tall arrow slots on the
outer wall, which give archers a superb view when shooting outside.  
0 8 0
0 0 21021
0 0 21019
The hallway runs north and south.  There is a door to the west leading to
a massive cargo room, and an opening to the east appears to connect to a
large outside platform.  
0 12 0
0 0 21024
0 0 21032
0 0 21020
0 0 21005
The Base of the Stairs~
You are at the base of a tall shaft leading away upward into the heights
of the tower.  A staircase built into the wall spirals around the circular
chamber leading up, with doors connecting to the upper levels.  There are
also smaller doorways in the north, east, and west walls.  To the south is a
large double door opening into the cargo and receiving bay.  
0 12 0
0 0 21023
0 0 21036
0 0 21008
0 0 21027
0 0 21033
Ballista Station 1A~
You stand on a wide windy ledge, jutting out from the north wall of the
floating fortress.  Three huge ballista, spaced out along the ledge, point
outward threateningly, daring an attack from the air or earth.  Tall racks
bolted to the stone wall cradle dozens of massive, heavy-tipped arrows,
ready to be loaded at a moment's notice.  Soaring upward further into the
air is the rest of the tower, blocking out most of the southern sky.  
0 0 0
0 0 21022
This hall travels north and south along the easternmost edge of the
fortress.  Iron torch holders dot the walls between tall arrow slots on the
outer wall, which give archers a superb view when shooting outside.  
0 8 0
0 0 21025
0 0 21021
Griffin Stables~
This vaulted room contains several large stables held shut by massive
oaken beams.  Each stable is occupied by a large powerful creature
resembling the spawn of a lion and an eagle, some resting, some pacing about
proudly.  Several grisly horse carcasses lie half-eaten in the stalls, and
many more hang from large hooks on the north wall.  Riding tackle in strange
shapes and sizes is carefully organized on benches and pegs, and nearby are
large, wicked-looking riding whips.  There is no east wall in this chamber,
but rather a gigantic portcullis that opens out into the windy void.  
0 266248 0
0 0 21024
0 0 21036
Griffin Cage~
The north wall of this hallway is broken up every few paces by
floor-to-ceiling arrow slots opening into the outer sky.  The hall runs
parallel with the outer edge, leading east to a large room that smells
strongly of animals.  
0 262156 0
This small stone hallway runs along the outer edge of the tower's base. 
To the west is a corner barracks, and to the east you can see a vast cargo
area.  Floor-to-ceiling arrow slots allow coverage of the ground and sky if
need be.  
0 8 0
0 0 21022
0 0 21028
Northwest Barracks~
Rows of triple bunks line the walls of this long barracks room.  Locked
chests at the foot of each bunk hold the soldiers' personal things, and wash
stations consisting of water basins and towels appear every few beds.  Other
than that, the room is bare.  
0 8 0
0 0 21027
0 0 21029
This hallway runs south from the barracks, and leads further south along
the western edge of the tower's base.  Floor-to-ceiling arrow slots are cut
into the wall every few paces, allowing full coverage by archers.  
0 8 0
0 0 21028
0 0 21013
Ballista Station 1B~
You stand on a wide windy ledge, jutting out from the south wall of the
floating fortress.  Three huge ballista, spaced out along the ledge, point
outward threateningly, daring an attack from the air or earth.  Tall racks
bolted to the stone wall cradle dozens of massive, heavy-tipped arrows,
ready to be loaded at a moment's notice.  Soaring upward further into the
air is the rest of the tower, blocking out most of the northern sky.  
0 0 0
0 0 21017
Ballista Station 1C~
You stand on a wide windy ledge, jutting out from the west wall of the
floating fortress.  Three huge ballista, spaced out along the ledge, aim
threateningly into the west, daring an attack from the air or earth.  Tall
racks bolted to the stone wall cradle dozens of massive, heavy-tipped
arrows, ready to be loaded at a moment's notice.  Soaring upward further
into the air is the rest of the tower, blocking out most of the eastern sky.
0 0 0
0 0 21013
Ballista Station 1D~
You stand on a wide windy ledge, jutting out from the east wall of the
floating fortress.  Three huge ballista, spaced out along the ledge, point
outward threateningly, daring an attack from the air or earth.  Tall racks
bolted to the stone wall cradle dozens of massive, heavy-tipped arrows,
ready to be loaded at a moment's notice.  Soaring upward further into the
air is the rest of the tower, blocking out most of the western sky.  
0 0 0
0 0 21021
Spiral Stair, Second Floor~
You are on a section of spiral staircase that winds its way up from the
floor below and disappears twisting into the shaft above.  A big window on
the north wall shows a breathtaking vista of mountains and snow.  A large
oaken door leads south into the second floor of the tower.  
0 8 0
0 0 21037
0 0 21034
0 0 21022
Spiral Stair, Third Floor~
You are next to a large grey stone door leading south into the third
floor of Cloud Tower.  A spiral stair winds its way around the narrowing
shaft, leading down to the lower floors and up into the shaft above.  A
large window cut into the northern wall offers a spectacular vista of the
surrounding geography.  
0 8 0
0 0 21048
0 0 21035
0 0 21033
Spiral Stair, Fourth Floor~
You find yourself on a steep spiral staircase winding around this
circular shaft.  Looking down, the stair plunges several stories to the
bottom floor, narrowing as it rises.  Above, the stair narrows and meets in
the middle, obscuring your view further up the tower.  Directly to the south
is a steel door, and to the north a window offers a view of the landscape
and the base of the tower hovering over the clouds below.  
0 8 0
0 0 21052
0 0 21034
The north wall of this hallway is broken up every few paces by
floor-to-ceiling arrow slots opening into the outer sky.  The hall runs
parallel with the outer edge, leading east to a large room that smells
strongly of animals.  
0 0 0
0 0 21025
0 0 21022
Hallway, 2F~
You stand at the beginning of a long straight hallway running south from
the door on the north wall.  Torches rest in iron sconces, lighting the way.
There are oak doors on the east and west walls, and the corridor continues
south to more doors.  
0 8 0
0 0 21033
1 0 21043
0 0 21038
0 0 21042
Hallway, 2F~
You are midway down a long hall leading north and south.  Torches light
the way next to a door on each side of you to the east and west.  Paintings
of famous generals decorate the walls in places.  
0 8 0
0 0 21037
0 0 21044
0 0 21039
0 0 21045
Hallway, 2F~
You are at the end of a long hall leading north.  To the south the hall
ends in a large archway, emblazoned with the words "General Mess."  There
are doors on the east and west walls.  
0 8 0
0 0 21038
1 0 21047
0 0 21040
0 0 21046
Mess Hall~
You find yourself in a large chamber filled with rows of rough wooden
tables and benches.  This is the mess hall, where the regular soldiers take
their meals.  A long counter near the east wall holds buckets and trays of
different coarse foodstuffs, just enough to keep a soldier alive and
healthy.  A tall archway on the north wall leads to a hallway, and a smaller
door leads west.  
0 8 0
0 0 21039
0 0 21041
Officers' Mess~
This medium-sized, comfortable room is the Officers' Mess.  This is where
the commanders of Cloud Tower's troops eat their meals.  There is a long
table in the middle of the room, with enough chairs to easily seat the
officers and any important guests as well.  Candles and lamps fill the room
with an ambient glow, lighting the room well.  There is a well-stocked bar
in the corner, and several comfortable chairs nearby.  
0 0 0
0 0 21040
Junior Officers' Quarters~
This carpeted room contains a double bunk bed against one wall.  Two
empty armor stands rest in the corner beneath two sword hooks.  The room is
lit by a lamp hanging from a chain in the center of the ceiling.  The only
exit is a door on the east wall.  
0 8 0
0 0 21037
Junior Officers' Quarters~
This carpeted room contains a double bunk bed against one wall.  Two
empty armor stands rest in the corner beneath two sword hooks.  The room is
lit by a lamp hanging from a chain in the center of the ceiling.  The only
exit is a door on the west wall.  
0 8 0
1 0 21037
Junior Officers' Quarters~
This carpeted room contains a double bunk bed against one wall.  Two
empty armor stands rest in the corner beneath two sword hooks.  The room is
lit by a lamp hanging from a chain in the center of the ceiling.  The only
exit is a door on the west wall.  
0 8 0
0 0 21038
Junior Officers' Quarters~
This carpeted room contains a double bunk bed against one wall.  Two
empty armor stands rest in the corner beneath two sword hooks.  The room is
lit by a lamp hanging from a chain in the center of the ceiling.  The only
exit is a door on the east wall.  
0 8 0
0 0 21038
The General's Office~
The walls of this office are covered in smooth, fine marble.  Your feet
sink into the thick woolen carpet on the floor.  A massive wooden desk takes
up most of the space in half of the room, and behind the desk sits a tall
oak chair.  Paintings of the General's forebears decorate the walls, and oil
lamps in each corner illuminate the surroundings.  There is a large door
leading out to the east, and a smaller door in the west wall beyond the
0 8 0
0 0 21039
0 0 21049
The Chaplain's Room~
This small yet comfortable room is carpeted with tightly woven wool, dyed
a dark brown.  Several lamps throw light on the bookcases lining the walls,
and a large {gtriple-circle symbol{x dominates the east wall behind a wooden
desk.  A neatly made bed rests in the corner, the edges squared away and
smoothed precisely.  
0 8 0
{B         _________
{B        / _______ \
{B       / /       \ \
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{r     / {B\ \ {r\{B___{W/ {B/ / {W\
{r    / /'{B\_{r\ \{B_{W/ /{B_/{W'\ \
{r   | |     | {W| |     | |
{r   | |     | {W| |     | |
{r    \ \___/ / {W\ \___/ /
{r     \_____/   {W\_____/{x
{B         _________
{B        / _______ \
{B       / /       \ \
{B      | |         | |
{B      | |         | |
{B      | |         | |
{B      | |{r__     {W__{B| |
{r     / {B\ \ {r\{B___{W/ {B/ / {W\
{r    / /'{B\_{r\ \{B_{W/ /{B_/{W'\ \
{r   | |     | {W| |     | |
{r   | |     | {W| |     | |
{r    \ \___/ / {W\ \___/ /
{r     \_____/   {W\_____/{x
1 0 21039
An obsidian corridor~
The walls, floor and ceiling in this narrow walkway have been fused into
dully shining black glass.  It ends to the north at a stone door, and
continues south where it appears to become a chamber.  
0 8 0
0 0 21034
0 0 21050
The General's Quarters~
This richly-furnished room is the General's private quarters.  There is a
large feather bed with soft furs and thick pillows on it in one corner.  The
walls are adorned with grimacing paintings of the General's parents, and
there is a portrait of the General and his wife hung over the bed.  
0 8 0
0 0 21046
Chambers of the CloudMagi~
You stand in a circular room, ringed with tall windows except to the
north where a hall leads out.  The floor and ceiling are polished obsidian,
causing the illusion of standing in a void with thousands of copies of
yourself stretching out to infinity.  A metal catwalk leads out of the tower
to the south.  
0 8 0
0 0 21048
0 0 21051
The Elemental Cage~
Iron bars make up a large cage floating several meters away from the
stone wall of the tower.  Metal mesh fills in the space between the bars,
and a humming sound fills the air.  Crackling energy causes small bolts of
lightning to leap from surface to surface, creating the smell of burnt air
and ozone.  
0 0 0
0 0 21050
Turret Stairway~
The grey stone blocks of the walls curve closely around you, and the
spiral stairway winds up above your head.  Narrow slots stepped up a few
feet from each other let in shafts of light from the outside, illuminating
the richly carved post running up the center of the tower, holding the
stairs up.  
0 8 0
0 0 21053
0 0 21035
Midway up the Turret~
The grey stone blocks of the walls curve closely around you, and the
spiral stairway winds up above your head.  Narrow slots stepped up a few
feet from each other let in shafts of light from the outside, illuminating
the richly carved post running up the center of the tower, holding the
stairs up.  
0 8 0
0 0 21054
0 0 21052
The Top of the Turret Stairs~
The spiral stair ends suddenly at a blank wall.  Several small windows
let in light from outside, casting rays on some footprints in the dust that
end abruptly at the {ynorth wall...  {x{X{X{X{X{X{X{X{X{X{X{X{X{X{X{X
{/There is a {Dsign{x posted on the wall here.  
0 8 0
Attention: No admittance without the General's {cseal {xof approval.  
0 0 21053
A Small Entry~
You find yourself in a small round chamber, with a large open doorway
leading south to some downward stairs.  A steel ladder bolted to the wall
leads up to a steel hatch in the ceiling.  
0 8 0
0 0 21054
1 0 21056
Room of Beholding~
This room is made up of a huge bubble of glass or crystal affixed to the
sharp tip of the tower.  The platform on which you stand is set down a few
steps from the middle of the room, and the floor around you is taken up by
tables covered with strange texts and instruments.  A set of 5 large
polished stone steps leads south to a dais in the center of the room,
elevated to the heart of the sphere for unbroken viewing of the world for
leagues around.  
0 8 0
0 0 21057
1 0 21055
Beholder's Throne~
You stand upon a mirrored circle of floor raised above the surrounding
area.  No amount of scuffing could even mark the polished surface beneath
you.  Miles upon miles of earth stretch away in all directions, and the
details of the ground are strangely clear without seeming any closer.  You
can see everything from sailors swabbing decks in Aachen to a sandmouse
gathering food far to the west.  Come to think of it, the sky seems a little
unnaturally clear from in here...  
0 8 0
0 0 21056

M 21006 spec_cast_mage
M 21008 spec_cast_cleric
M 21014 spec_cast_adept

D 0 21055 4 1
D 0 21056 5 1
M 0 21000 1 21000 1
M 0 21004 1 21004 1
M 0 21022 1 21005 1
M 0 21023 4 21005 1
M 0 21022 15 21006 1
M 0 21023 4 21006 1
M 0 21023 4 21007 1
M 0 21023 4 21008 1
M 0 21022 15 21009 1
M 0 21022 15 21010 2
M 0 21022 15 21010 2
M 0 21022 15 21011 2
M 0 21022 15 21011 2
M 0 21022 15 21012 2
M 0 21022 15 21012 2
M 0 21025 3 21015 2
M 0 21025 3 21015 2
M 0 21026 2 21015 1
M 0 21003 3 21019 3
M 0 21003 3 21019 3
M 0 21003 3 21019 3
M 0 21024 4 21023 1
M 0 21001 1 21025 1
M 0 21002 1 21026 1
M 0 21025 3 21028 1
M 0 21024 4 21030 1
M 0 21024 4 21031 1
M 0 21024 4 21032 1
M 0 21007 1 21035 1
M 0 21027 2 21042 1
M 0 21027 2 21043 1
M 0 21028 2 21044 1
M 0 21028 2 21045 1
M 0 21029 1 21046 1
M 0 21013 1 21046 1
M 0 21014 1 21047 1
M 0 21009 1 21054 1
M 0 21008 1 21056 1
M 0 21006 1 21057 1

21001 0 0 0 0 0 100 50 0 23
