Name Caer Naefon~
Builders Skull~
VNUMs 8400 8499
Credits {  ALL  } Skull       Caer Naefon~
Security 1
Version 1

Donara, a grey-elf regent~
Donara, a grey-elf regent.
Radiating from behind raven locks of whisping hair are two shining eyes
of moon sparkled silver.  Below her dainty nose a smile is formed by two
glistening rows of perfect white teeth which are enveloped by two pink full
lips.  Donara is a graceful and demure elven woman, full of stately pride
and regal bearing.  She is wrapped in an elegant sleeveless gown of
moonstruck blue that hangs loose from her lithe frame.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
Araneid wizard~
Araneid the wizard~
Araneid the wizard.
Araneid is an emaciated elf, bones nearly visible through a covering of
thin skin that is stretched tight over his hollowed frame.  His eyes have
sunk into dark pits that reflect his gnawed out soul.  At every breath,
Araneid's entire body heaves and shivers as if each intake of air is the
deadliest poison to him.  A faintly glowing magical nimbus surrounds his
pale form, perhaps a ward against death or perhaps a ward against the
living.  His wraith-thin arms yet move with a certain mystical elegance; as
he slowly trods about they sway in time to an archaic chant that seeps from
his thin lips.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
Korelleus wizard~
Korelleus, the grey-elf wizard~
Korelleus, the grey-elf wizard.
A dark shadow given form and life lurches as it slowly walks, the being's
face ensconced behind a black hood that cloaks it from view.  Korelleus is a
victim of the knowledge he so craves: the dark magicks of Alanthia.  They
have twisted his frame and tainted his soul beyond recognition.  Yet to this
elf, no price is too great to pay for power.  For his sacrifice, Korelleus
holds a high place within the Aku'rhaie.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
Rael wizard~
grey elf wizard~
Rael, the grey-elf wizard.
Rael stares blankly, as if she could peer into the herats and souls of
every being, ripping out painful secrets with but a glare.  Her eyes are
always distant, and others whisper that she gazes into distant realms
unimagined and unknown to mortal beings.  Rael is a student of Rejuvination
Magicks, having the ability to bring back that which has ceased to be.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
form victim~
human citizen~
A human citizen.
Sitting in a corner twitching uncontrollably is the trunk and head of
what was once a female of some bipedal race, thoroughly mutilated and nearly
unidentifiable.  The arms and legs are missing from the quivering form, its
flesh alive with the crawl of millions of tiny maggots, flesh gnawing
centipedes, and diseased fleas.  The thing senses that something is near and
opens her mouth, ready to scream until a flood of insects belches out.  Her
eyes reflect her soul-deep and unwavering fear.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
flesh puddle~
abomination monster~
An abomination monster.
Pooled upon on the floor is a quivering mass of half rotten putrid flesh
complete with a face distorted as much by pain as by distance.  Here a
half-melted mouth cries out in a deep, wrenching wail of pain, there an eye
floats without its mate.  The disturbing mass of skin slimes its way about,
leaving a trail of vomitous digestion behind as it slithers slowly about.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
grey elf diplomat~
Acrisius regards those about him with wise eyes and a bright,
intellectual smile.  A solemn elf, Acrisius spends much of his life
listening to the troubles of those about him, often suggesting simple
solutions with a dramatic flare that only one of his years could muster.  He
is devoted to two things in life: his equal of many ages and the city
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
grey elf diplomat~
Flowing silver locks of long hair spiral down to her bare shoulders,
resting just atop her favored dress of brilliant jade.  Keyaira is the most
vocal of the city's council, often speaking on behalf of those who stand
accused before her associates.  Her favorite pastime is engaging in long
philosophical discussions with her mate of many ages, in which both usually
talk and listen for hours at a time.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
grey elf priest~
Beyond the flowering pearl robes lie startling silver-white eyes resting
below arched eyebrows.  Her lips are pinched shut with but a hint of an
alluring smile.  Belisama is the High Priest of Caer Naefon; the one most
attuned to the magicks that dwell within the city.  She leads the citizens
in arcane rituals of spiritualistic magicks that rejuvenate the people and
glorify her soul.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
grey elf cartographer~
Meager Pactolus garbs himself in simple clothes of cotton and wool.  He
mostly paces about his shop, worrying how he will afford his child's next
meal, for all of his life's worth rests within the walls of his map shoppe. 
Yet remarkably the elder elf's pots are always full and his child well fed,
as if some spectral guardian kept watch over the pair, lending its aid when
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
grey elf banker~
A crisp short beard of white adorns this elf's chin under a hearty smile.
Anverin is a stocky elf who'd rather not miss a meal and never passes up a
chance to tell a long and boisterous tale of his youth.  When he was young,
Anverin journeyed the world over, and was even bold enough to voyage into
the bowels of despised Zzir.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
grey elf scribe~
Below the madly spiralled erratic grey hair and a set of wire-framed
glasses is a wise elf who spends his days scribbling scrolls of minor
magical power to sell to those who patronize his humble shoppe.  Marsilius'
hands often ache from the hours of holding the small quill and his nose is
constantly a-drip from years of smelling the acrid ink.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
grey elf bulk merchant~
Short curls of midnight black hair hang loosely from Nepenthe's slender
head, her sharp-featured face alive with a quick smile and sly eyes.  Her
radiant skin is often said to glow faintly; whether it be a trick of the sun
or some minor magical power, no one can be certain.  Nepenthe runs her
ailing uncle's shoppe with subtle ease, the business of selling wares
running deep within her family's blood.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
grey elf cook~
With many pots set to boil at once and three large ovens a-flame, one is
sometimes baffled with the ease in which Hesperia runs shoppe; yet she
always seems to keep everything under her thumb.  No pot ever overflows and
no loaf of soft bread ever burns under Hesperia's watchful eye.  Perhaps her
years spent living with the faeriefolk taught her some subtle magicks that
no one has been able to detect.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
grey elf blacksmith~
Once a brilliant general with a sharp mind that specializes in
extraordinary tactics, Oromasdes has settled in his homeland and has taken
up the tools of a weaponsmith.  His arms are renowned the world over, each
finely balanced and set with edges as sharp as a young elf's wit.  Oromasdes
clearly enjoys his work, often equipping young adventurers for a quest and
arming soldiers for battle.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
grey elf armorsmith~
Like his brother Oromasdes, Lausus was a field operative before settling
down to the life of an armorer.  But unlike his elder brother, Lausus
doesn't speak much of his military past as he prefers to keep his skeletons
safely secured in a locked closet.  Lausus has spent much of his adult life
trying to forget the past.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
grey elf beastmaster~
Gallahent is the kind master and thorough trainer of the animals that
become pets to the city's adventurers.  All the animals in his care are
treated well, fed twice a day and left to their own accord in a room behind
the storefront.  They are well behaved animals for the most part, but there
is the occasional mess to clean.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
grey elf priest~
An elf of advanced years, Iphitus has devoted his latter life to the
church.  He aids High Priest Belisama by channeling the great magicks raised
in religious rituals.  Iphitus' hair has turned snow white and his face has
developed its share of deep wrinkles.  His steps may have slowed over the
years, but his mind is still quite sharp.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
grey elf wizard~
Standing demurely with gold flecked eyes and radiant blonde hair us a
slender elven woman young in years and sharp in features.  Kadyriath is
wrapped in a long silken dress of crimson and azure; her feet are gently
held by soft leather sandals.  She smiles brightly to those she sees and
bestows a minor benediction upon others with a gentle wave of her hand.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
grey elf soldier officer~
A noble and proud Grey Elf stands proud and tall, his face a finely
chiseled statue of regal bearing.  His fine dark hair is pulled straight
back from his brow, highlighting his dark yet brilliant eyes.  Melisseus
prides himself on his intellect, reading any tome he can get his hands on
and constantly revising the city's policing system.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
grey elf soldier officer~
A large brawny elf strides about, his tight rippled chest barely covered
by a dark silk shirt that leaves his sinewy arms bare.  Erebus' jaw is
clenched tight and his face held in a mask of emotionlessness.  His steely
eyes regard everyone with a chilling glare.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
Hyale sentry~
grey elf town guard~
Hyale sentry.
Hyale towers above the heads of all other grey elves, making him the
perfect candidate to patrol the streets.  Not many are foolish enough to
cross the large elf, for the tales of his might have been widely spread
throughout the city.  Hyale follows all his orders to the letter, carrying
out the edicts of the council and the commands of his captain without
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
Caelindre sentry~
grey elf town guard~
Caelindre sentry.
An unseeming elf stands to the wayside, her face pulled back into a
slight wry smile and her eyes sparkling with a devious fire.  Her small form
seems to betray her talents as a sentry, but Caelindre is quick to enforce
the laws of the city often disabling wrongdoers with a quick slash of her
favored quarterstaff.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
grey elf thief~
An elderly grey elf darts about, his wizened eyes gauging passersby,
judging their worth both physically and financially.  Although officially
retired from thieving, Ganelon is not above gouging potential buyers or
perhaps pilfering a thick coin from an unsuspecting bystander just to keep
in practice.  Ganelon prefers to keep a low profile, dressing in common
clothes even though he is certainly wealthy enough to afford all the best
that life has to offer.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
cat domestic animal~
Lying upon the flooris a sickening display of cruelty and hideousness.  A
small kitten with pleading eyes lets out soft mewls as you approach, her
empty chest heaving slightly.  The poor creature is held together by magicks
that keep her alive despite the fact that her intestines have burst through
her stomach and her fur has fallen out in clumps, leaving patches of dry,
flaking skin.  The kitten tries to crawl away to hide in the shadows,
dragging her guts along and she claws at the floor.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
Boloderus legionnaire~
grey elf legionnaire~
Boloderus legionnaire.
A small and thin male grey elf struts about in the shining armor of the
Legion.  What he lacks in size he more than makes up for in speed and
prowess.  Boloderus gladly takes on any enemy no matter the size or the
strength, near-gleefully charging headlong into battle.  Although he has
only seen true combat twice in his life, Boloderus believes a great battle
lies ahead, and that he must keep himself ready.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
Kiltras legionnaire~
grey elf legionnaire~
Kiltras legionnaire.
Much like his brother Boloderus, Kiltras is small but extremely agile. 
He has forever been in his brother's shadow but doesn't mind one bit, for
blood is stronger than steel.  Kiltras always keeps an eye upon his elder
brother, always watchful for Boloderus' recklessness.  While not training
for war, Kiltras prefers to spend his days in the West Merchant Eatery,
visiting friends and the occasional lover.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
Palomides legionnaire~
grey elf legionnaire~
Palomides legionnaire.
Palomides is a quiet, resourceful grey elf.  He is known for the numerous
books kept in his family home and for the bizarre tactics he uses on the
battlefield.  Having never been defeated, no one thinks to question
Palomides' odd ways; they suspect they wouldn't get an answer out of them
even if they did happen to put a question to him.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
Salmira sentry~
grey elf town guard~
Salmira sentry.
Salmira is amongst the most feared of the town's sentries, not for her
cruelty but for her bravado.  She eagerly accepts any challenge placed
before her and has never been seen to lose.  She has bested Hyale is a feat
of strength and has often argued philosophy with her captain, leaving him
befuddled and confused.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
Spider Monkey~
human domestic animal~
Spider Monkey.
A large dark-furred monkey with a lengthy tail squats here, its head
darting about, looking for some food to fill its ever-empty stomach.  Spider
monkeys only have 4 fingers as opposed to other species of monkeys and
primarily moves through trees with the use of its curled tail.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
The margay is a wild cat that remains the size and weight of its
domesticated cousin.  Its reddish fur is maked by a series of black spots
and streaks.  Even though small, the margay is an excellent hunter,
ferocious of claw and devastating with its bite.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
King Owl~
bird domestic animal~
King Owl.
This large regal bird is covered in alternating layers of grey and white
feathers.  Its eyes are large circular globes that peer about constantly. 
Its hooked beak and protracted talons are dagger sharp.  Atop is feathered
brow are two cupped ear tufts.  Its wings are many fingers long, enabling
the King Owl to glide with ease through the skies which is indeed its
favorite pastime.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
Barely more than a small tuft of grey-white fur, the chinchilla is one of
the most favored pets of the grey elves.  Aside from its adorable whiskered
face and it's two small ears, the chinchilla has miniscule paws and a tiny
tuft of a tail.  Its miniature black eyes are constantly alive with mischief
and its favorite pastime is to run about causing as much havoc as possible. 
Thankfully most chinchillas are fast enough to flee from even the best of
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
grey elf child~
Tuk is a young lad who is growing to be as strong and tall as his father,
Hyale.  The boy already wishes to become a sentry to patrol the streets and
right any wrongs.  He spends many a day travelling about the city with his
father, keeping an eye out for crime.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
grey elf child~
A bright young child full of energy and questions, Rasselora is just
beginning to learn While he doesn't know it quite yet (and Elera better not
tell him!)  Rasselora has a deep-felt crush on hapless Tuk and she often
watches him from across the street with a lazy smile on her face.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown
grey elf child~
A bright smile filters out from behind tussled locks of raven-dark hair
that has spilled across her cherubic face.  With just as much energy as her
bestest friend in the world, Elera prides herself on being able to keep up
with all of the town's gossip, often running clear across town to follow up
on a rumor she's just heard.  
A 0 0 0
75 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
A ABCDEFGHIJK large unknown


The Grand Southern Gate of Caer Naefon~
An enormous arch of glistening marble presents the mountain city of Caer
Naefon to the world.  The gate set into the gleaming arch is constructed of
bright steel magically bonded and protected from the elements.  The archway
stands five elves high and seven deep, the well-constructed and superbly
guarded entrance to the city beyond.  
0 8 1
0 0 8401
South Gate Road ~
The stately cobblestone road lying underfoot is near seamless in its
construction, each stone magically smoothed and shaped to perfection.  The
towering inner wall to the north is one smooth uncut face of densest
pearlescent marble thousands of fingers thick, a magically infused barrier
dividing the outer city from that within.  
0 8 1
0 0 8440
0 0 8400
0 0 8402
South Gate Road ~
The tantalizing aromatic mountain air is abundant here, fresh as a crisp
young day.  A run of carefully clipped grass lines the inner wall to the
north of South Gate Road while thick leafy bushes sit squat along the outer
wall to the south.  
0 8 1
0 0 8401
0 0 8403
South Gate Road ~
Set within the thick outer wall just to the south is a gigantic wooden
door that leads to the home of Melisseus, the Captain of the Sentry.  Unlike
other buildings within the city, this small home has no windows and the door
seems to lack any sort of handle or grip with which it could easily be
opened or closed.  
0 8 1
0 0 8402
0 0 8404
0 0 8405
The Abode of the Sentry Captain~
Long beautiful tapestries filled with gorgeous pictoral scenes hang on
each wall here, granting the room a blessing of calm serenity.  A large
cabinet of immaculate pearlescent marble stands to the south beside a large
canopied bed.  To the other side of the bed along the western wall is a long
shelf filled to capacity with ancient tomes.  
0 8 1
0 0 8403
The Southeast Intersection ~
Here South Gate Road and West Merchant Way meet, the intersection marked
by two towering posts topped with brilliant balls of magical luminescence. 
The posts stand to the west and the south of the intersection, brightly
lighting the area.  
0 8 1
0 0 8406
0 0 8403
West Merchant Way~
The streets holding the shops of Caer Naefon are often filled with Grey
Elves buying, trading, and selling with one another.  The carefully crafted
cobblestone road has held up well under the might of many a merchant's foot.
To the west stands the West Merchant Eatery, from which a symphony of
scintillating smells pours forth.  
0 8 1
0 0 8408
0 0 8405
0 0 8407
The West Merchant Eatery ~
A large brew-pot dominates the rear of the shoppe, fired by a large pit
set into the ground that glows smokeless and burns without wood.  A small
oven of thick iron also benefits from the flameless fire, its interior often
used to bake fresh loaves of bread and other meals.  
0 8 1
0 0 8406
West Merchant Way~
Lining both sides of this street is a series of tall marble columns, each
topped with a shimmering ball of light.  Beyond those lights stands the
inner wall of the city, a bright expanse of pearl white marble.  To the west
is a large shop housing all manner of adventuring needs.  
0 8 1
0 0 8410
0 0 8406
0 0 8409
The Shoppe of Supplies ~
Long thick planks of heavy, dark oak are stacked along the northern wall,
the scent from the lumber blending with that of the bushels of fresh-picked
fruit that line the southern wall.  The shoppe is constantly warmed by
magical wards and spells, their glyphs a-glow along the top of every wall.  
0 8 0
0 0 8408
West Merchant Way~
The white cobblestone road that runs to the north and south is remarkably
smooth and well maintained with no visible scuff marks nor loose stones in
sight.  A bright tall sign in the shape of an unfurled piece of parchment
hangs above the Scroll Shoppe, a small store just to the west.  
0 8 1
0 0 8412
0 0 8408
0 0 8411
The Scroll Shoppe~
Pigeon-holed into rows of tiny caches carved into every wall of the
shoppe are hundreds of magic-laden scrolls of deep brown parchment.  The
shoppe is well tended, meticulously devoid of dirt and magically tidied. 
Neither muddied footprint nor speck of listless dust lingers within the
walls of the shoppe of scrolls.  
0 8 1
0 0 8410
West Merchant Way~
Full, green bushes with ever-blossoming flowers season the land to either
side of the road, sitting in clusters of two and three between the shops and
light posts.  Their fresh fragrance fills the air.  Two remarkable bushes
with rainbow-ringed flowers mark the entrance to the Bank of Caer Naefon
that sits to the west.  
0 8 1
0 0 8414
0 0 8410
0 0 8413
The Bank of Caer Naefon~
The walls of the small room seem plain: painted to a dull gray and
unadorned by neither picture nor painting.  A closer inspection of the walls
reveals hundreds of small nodules that when properly pressed reveal tiny
caches stuffed with coins and valuable trinkets of precious gold and
shimmering silver.  
0 8 1
0 0 8412
West Merchant Way~
Here the flowery bushes that are thick in the south give way to short,
thick limbed trees with bright leaves of sun-ripened green.  Small forms
constantly dart from view along the road here, tantalizing passersby with
little but a brief glimpse.  To the west is an uncharacteristically plain
shop deorated only by a thin coat of dull white paint.  
0 8 1
0 0 8416
0 0 8412
0 0 8415
The Map Shoppe~
Stacked upon sturdy oak shelves that line the walls to the north and
south are piles of paper and many furled scrolls.  Given closer inspection,
each map appears to be thoroughly detailed and cleanly copied from the
original.  A light, fresh scent of newly pressed papyrus lingers within the
0 8 1
0 0 8414
The Northwest Intersection~
The intersection where West Merchant Way and North Gate Road meet is
accompanied by two towering columns topped by balls of bright light.  The
light shimmers and swirls, a rainbow of colors splashing and intertwining,
circling within the ball.  
0 8 1
0 0 8417
0 0 8414
North Gate Road~
Along the northern outer wall lie large sectioned plots of carefully
cultivated grass, well-tended squares that rest just to the north of the
cobblestone road.  Each section is roughly fifteen fingers wide and ten
deep.  A small walkway runs between each patch.  
0 8 1
0 0 8418
0 0 8416
North Gate Road~
Painted along the inner wall here are magnificent runes of sunstruck
gold, rich blue, and phosphorescent silver.  The paintings are comprised of
minor wards against the weather and glyphs of luck and prosperity.  
0 8 1
0 0 8419
0 0 8417
North Gate Road~
Here a small lawn-lined cobblestone path meets with North Gate Road, the
other end leading to the city's public fountain set within a large alcove
within the outer wall.  The soft rippling sound of fresh water bubbles in
from the north.  To the south looms an enormous gate marking the entrance to
the inner part of the city.  The gate is constructed of thick steel beams
magically enhanced and warded against intrusion.  
0 8 1
0 0 8420
0 0 8421
0 0 8441
0 0 8418
The Fountain of Caer Naefon~
Within the alcove north of the Inner Gate of Caer Naefon sits a massive
pool of crisp water walled in by dark marble and shaded by a large extension
of the wall looming above.  The water is magically pure and freshly
delivered from a nearby mountain stream.  
0 8 1
0 0 8419
North Gate Road~
Small clumps of clovers and fragrant batches of wildflowers of gold,
azure and magenta line North Gate Road, growing in carefully cultivated rows
tended by the merchant class of Caer Naefon.  
0 8 1
0 0 8422
0 0 8419
North Gate Road~
Here along the road and sandwiched between the two walls of the city are
small merchant homes that are uniform in construction and color.  Each small
building contains two rooms - a common room and a small bedroom.  The houses
are lined in perfect rows, sitting along pearl white cobblestone paths.  
0 8 1
0 0 8423
0 0 8421
The Northwest Intersection~
Swirls of light glide along the ground in ever-changing patterns, flowing
from the light-topped posts that line each side of the intersection.  A
bright glyph seems permanently etched into the very road, being a protective
sigil that wards against plagues and illnesses.  
0 8 1
0 0 8424
0 0 8422
East Merchant Way~
Here a wall of immense heat billows out from the east the twin forges of
Caer Naefon are worked all hours of the day.  The distinct, heavy scent of
searingly hot metal grips passersby tight in its claws.  To the east the
enormous Forge of Oromasdes towers, masking the sky beyond it.  
0 8 1
0 0 8423
0 0 8425
0 0 8426
The Forge of Oromasdes ~
Given the friendly commerce-driven competition between the city's two
chief blacksmiths, the forge here is constantly a-glow and steel is tempered
both day and night.  No sound rings out from this forge nor the one directly
south, for fair magicks mask the din and provide peace for the rest of the
0 8 1
0 0 8424
East Merchant Way~
Along the length of East Merchant Way sit small stout trees that are
perched in a long row beside the well traveled road.  The trunks are thick
and knotted, alive with an age unbeknownst to most of the elves who now live
within the walls of the city.  
0 8 1
0 0 8424
0 0 8427
0 0 8428
The Forge of Lausus ~
Many-mawed and constantly fired, this forge is worked through both day
and night, constantly setting metal a-glow, softening it to be tempered by
hammer and anvil.  Suits of armor line the ground, the quality-assured
product of the forge sitting at the rear of the shop.  
0 8 1
0 0 8426
East Merchant Way~
Amidst the flowering bushes sit small cages and pens containing trained
animals available to purchase within the shop that lies to the east.  The
animals look docile enough, being well behaved and mild mannered.  
0 8 1
0 0 8426
0 0 8429
0 0 8431
The Kennels of Caer Naefon~
Small cages and large, ground level pens house a menagerie of squabbling
animals.  The room seems alive with their calls and cries as if a hundred
conversations were taking place at once.  
0 8 1
0 0 8428

0 4 0
East Merchant Way~
Off to the east sits a strangely decorated monstrosity of a shop that
looks completely out of place in the city of Grey Elves.  The entire outside
of the building is wrapped with thick, dark leather which tends to trap both
darkness and heat within.  
0 8 1
0 0 8428
0 0 8432
0 0 8433
Rogue Wares ~
The walls of this shoppe are covered in coarse dark leather, masking the
interior from the lights of the city.  Hanging on dark hooks and resting
upon thin blackened oak shelves are the various and sundry accouterments of
the life of a rogue.  
0 8 1
0 0 8431
East Merchant Way~
Sitting majestically to the east is a large building constructed entirely
of purple-tinged crystal.  The walls of the shoppe sparkle in the sunlight
and faintly glow under the watchful eye of the moon.  
0 8 1
0 0 8431
0 0 8434
0 0 8435
The Shoppe of Minor Magicks ~
Multifaceted crystalline walls radiate under the brilliant flickering
candles strategically placed about the room.  Rays of gold, azure,
chrysanthemum and violet dance to and fro, sparkling above the small magical
wares displayed along the walls.  
0 8 1
0 0 8433
The Southeast Intersection~
The corner where South Gate Road meets East Merchant Way is marked with
towering light posts and thick, flowered bushes.  The intersection is
further marked with an ancient inscription painted upon the cobblestone
road, a protective glyph safeguarding the citizens of Caer Naefon.  
0 8 1
0 0 8433
0 0 8436
South Gate Road ~
An enormous steel gate with gold inlays stands to the south, marking the
entrance to the Grey Elf Legion.  When opened, the gate withdraws upward
into the outer wall to allow passage to and from the Legion hall.  It is
within this area that the Legion trains its recruits and prepares itself for
0 8 1
0 0 8435
0 0 8438
0 0 8440
The Legion Barracks~
Bundles of floor mats and rows of empty cots fill this room where the
legionnaires of the city rest when not on active duty.  The area is kept
pristinely beautiful and free of dirt and dust.  A large rack along the
northern wall holds a vast array of deadly weaponry, each finely crafted and
ready for war.  
0 8 1
0 0 8438
Entrance to the Legion~
Bright banners depticting scenes of revered elders and statesmen adorn
every wall of this room.  Without them, the grand city of Caer Naefon would
have surely vanished from this world under the onslaught of many a foe.  
0 8 1
0 0 8436
0 0 8439
0 0 8437
The Training Room~
Placed haphazardly along the hardwood floor are a series of dueling posts
and obstacles.  It is in this room that the Legion of Caer Naefon is trained
in the arts of war, should ever a need arise.  Scrolled on a large sheet of
parchment on the northern wall are the names of the Legion's most famed
students, all given a place of honor within the annals of the Legion.  
0 8 1
0 0 8438
South Gate Road ~
The imposing inner wall towering to the north is remarkably warm to the
touch, as if a large fire heated it from within.  When daylight fails
throughout the city, the very walls spark aglow with a subtle light.  
0 8 1
0 0 8436
0 0 8401
The Grand Northern Gate of Caer Naefon~
An enormous grand archway built of magically enhanced steel a full five
elves high towers to the sky, bisecting the inner city from the outer.  The
grandeur that lies to the south of the gate erupts vividly, the inner city
of Caer Naefon full of grace and nobility.  
0 8 1
0 0 8419
0 0 8444
Redalia Way~
The finely placed cobbledstone path ends here before a large hall that
opens just to the south.  The entrance is marked by two tall marble pillars
on top of which sits a small archway into which is inscribed, "The Hall of
0 8 1
0 0 8443
0 0 8447
Redalia Way~
Brilliant short spruces and full blooming stout firs line the thin
cobblestone path.  Trees are abundant throughout the inner part of the city,
growing tall despite the long shadows often cast by the wondrous buildings. 
The air even seems fresher near the trees, more fragrant and more
0 8 1
0 0 8444
0 0 8442
Redalia Way~
A Small path crosses Redalia Way here, leading north to the Grand
Northern Gate and leading south to the Temple of Caer Naefon.  Small roses
and lilacs grow abundantly near the path here, their stems well tended and
their roots cared for with a daily sprinkle of fresh water.  
0 8 1
0 0 8441
0 0 8445
0 0 8484
0 0 8443
Redalia Way~
Beautiful trees adorned with leaves of green, gold, and yellow line the
cobblestone path.  Some of the leaves lie on the ground to each side of the
path, but it remarkably remains clear of any nature-birthed refuse.  
0 8 1
0 0 8446
0 0 8444
Redalia Way~
Redalia Way ends here before a stately hall to the south.  Two massive
pillars mark the hall's entrance, and atop the pillars rests a small marble
arch.  The arch was carved from the purest white marble, chiseled and worn
smooth by hundreds of hands.  
0 8 1
0 0 8451
0 0 8445
The Hall of Aylin~
Along the white marble walls hang vast paintings depicting a time ages
ago when the Grey Elves left their brethren to travel to the mountains.  One
elf seems to lead them all, and she later bacame the first leader to the
Grey Elves.  She served as their spiritual mentor and their guide into the
realm of magick and mystery.  All Grey Elves hold Aylin deep within their
0 8 1
0 0 8442
0 0 8452
The Donations~
Light filters in from the magically blown panes of glass set into the
ceiling above.  No matter the hour, this room remains lit by the gentle
magicks of the Grey Elves.  It is here where travelers are encouraged to
take what they need and to leave what they like.  
0 8 1
0 0 8449
The Temple of Caer Naefon~
Immense towering pillars of grey-tinged basalt line the length of the
great hall that opens up from the entranceway.  The tiled floor shines
underfoot, the grey marble reflecting all it sees.  Long pews of
dark-stained wood line the hall, providing a path down the middle that leads
to a large, ivory altar trimmed with gold and silver.  To the west is a room
for donations to be kept and to the east is the High Priest's private
0 8 1
0 0 8444
0 0 8450
0 0 8448
The Sanctum Of Belisama~
Bright curtains adorn each wall, lovely embroidered tapestries of rich
red and vibrant gold.  A small table stands alone in the center of the room,
it's top filled with the various trappings of the life of a priest.  Long
white robes hang on hooks along the southern wall that peer out from between
the flowing curtains.  
0 8 1
0 0 8449
The Hall of Lianna~
The walls here are a bright pearlescent marble, and each holds a number
of large paintings.  Within these paintings, they Grey Elves make ready for
way, their Legions standing ready, the townsfolk safeguarding the city.  
0 8 1
0 0 8446
0 0 8456
The Hall of Aylin~
Within the paintings here, Aylin commands the constrcution of Caer
Naefon, utilizing all labor, both magical and mundane.  The Grey Elves
worked tirelessly alongside their leader, straining both their bodies and
the magicks that rest within the mountains.  
0 8 1
0 0 8447
0 0 8453
The Hall of Aylin~
The grand city of Caer Naefon stands completed within these paintings, a
tribute to the hard work and effort of all the elves who constructed it. 
The city is nestled in the mountainside, its heart sitting upon a source of
strong magicks.  
0 8 1
0 0 8454
0 0 8452
The Grand Court of Caer Naefon~
Thick tiles of polished marble make up the extensive floor of the Grand
Court of Caer Naefon.  The room is vast, pillars lining the room to the east
and west and adorning the wall behind them are broad embroidered tapestries
of shimmering silver, bright red and vibrant gold.  Far to the south of the
entrance sit three large chairs sitting behind a long oaken table on a
raised dias.  
0 8 1
0 0 8455
0 0 8459
0 0 8453
The Hall of Lianna~
The paintings here show a terrible scene of bloody death, the Legions
gathering around their fallen Commander in mourning.  A last rally to
extermintate the Drow had failed and the price the Grey Elves paid was the
loss of their best legionnaires.  Other paintings depict the funeral
ceremonies and the deep sorrow felt by every citizen of Caer Naefon.  
0 8 1
0 0 8456
0 0 8454
The Hall of Lianna~
Within the paintings here, the Commander of the Legions leads her forces
to battle the invading dark legions of the Drow.  The Commander is shown
outflanking and thwarting the Drow in every scene, leading the Legions to a
decisive victory over the Drow.  
0 8 1
0 0 8451
0 0 8455
The Home of Acrisius and Keyaira~
The crackling of vaporous fire sifts from the great fireplace housed
within the wall to the north.  Curiously, the bright flames of green burn
without a visible source and give off no smoke.  The magical flames that
warm the room burn brightly, casting a pale green light upon the walls.  
0 8 1
0 0 8458
0 0 8462
The Home of Acrisius and Keyaira~
A lush, thick crimson carpet covers the floor of this small but well
furnished room.  Large couch and two small yet comfortable chairs surround a
short-legged table of sweetly scented pine.  A painting hanging on the
northern wall shows the council members at a young age, each face alive with
a bright smile as their hands clutch at one another lovingly.  
0 8 1
0 0 8459
0 0 8457
The Judgement Chambers~
Splendid paintings and embroidered tapestries hang upon each gleaming
marble wall, the floor carpeted in thick azure.  Many papers and quills line
a large circular table that rests within the middle of the room and three
plush chairs surround its oaken body.  It is within this room that the
council of Caer Naefon comes to discuss town issues and decide the fate of
any wrongdoer.  
0 8 1
0 0 8454
0 0 8460
0 0 8464
0 0 8458
The Manor of Donara~
This room is alive with tapestries of cyan, carpeting of turquoise and
walls of a soft teal.  A small settee sits near a large couch that sits
under a dark blue draping of pure silk.  A slender painting of the town
leader rests on the southern wall, her smiling face seems to welcome all who
enter her home.  
0 8 1
0 0 8461
0 0 8459
The Manor of Donara~
A long rectangular table of dark stained oak sitting just to the north is
clumsily strewn with all manner of official documents and personal writings.
A heavy chair of thick maple rests just north of the table.  This is
Donara's private study, a place where she comes to contemplate her city's
0 8 1
0 0 8466
0 0 8460
The Bedroom of Acrisius and Keyaira~
The only small object within the room is the nightstand of dark oak that
stands at the foot of the enormous canopied bed.  Panes of magicked glass
shine brightly in the room and a set of curtains sit on either side, waiting
to be closed.  The light shines lovingly upon the purple silk canopy and
filters in to rest softly upon the thick blue blankets of soft cotton.  
0 8 1
0 0 8457
0 0 8463
The Private Bath of Acrisius and Keyaira~
Two stately brass tubs lie here, each filled to capacity with hot water. 
Small curls of warm steam arise from each magically heated tub as the water
churns and purifies itself continually.  A strongs force of magic is at work
here and indeed throughout the entirety of Caer Naefon.  
0 8 1
0 0 8462
The Council Chambers~
This simple marble-encircled room is home to numerous tomes of law and
volumes of Grey Elf literature dating back ages.  The books rest upon sturdy
shelves of dark oak magically crafted and bound against the elements and
time itself.  Every word written by every Grey Elf scribe is kept here so
that the knowledge from the past may guide those who sit upon the council.  
0 8 1
0 0 8459
The Private Bath of Donara~
One regal tub brimming with hot water rests in the middle of this room,
steam twirling slowly from its interior.  The tub is constantly full of
magically pure water that slowly sifts within the large tub.  
0 8 1
0 0 8466
The Bedroom of Donara~
A simple bed and nightstand sit along the southern wall, the bed covered
in a thick quilt of blue and the nightstand's face covered by a soft teal
embroidered cloth.  A small portrait of a young male elf hangs on the
western wall, a single eternal rose sitting upon the pane just below the
0 8 1
0 0 8461
0 0 8465
The Mosque of the Aku'rhaie~
Large mirrors of reflective glass stand all about, creating a
disorienting and discombobulating maze.  Hundreds of reflections bounce
about, hounding all who walk within the glass maze.  What is reality and
what is illusion is left for those who trespass here to decide.  
0 12 0
0 0 8469
The Mosque of the Aku'rhaie~
Large mirrors of reflective glass stand all about, creating a
disorienting and discombobulating maze.  Hundreds of reflections bounce
about, hounding all who walk within the glass maze.  What is reality and
what is illusion is left for those who trespass here to decide.  
0 8 0
0 0 8476
0 0 8469
0 0 8472
0 0 8470
The Mosque of the Aku'rhaie~
Large mirrors of reflective glass stand all about, creating a
disorienting and discombobulating maze.  Hundreds of reflections bounce
about, hounding all who walk within the glass maze.  What is reality and
what is illusion is left for those who trespass here to decide.  
0 8 0
0 0 8467
0 0 8470
0 0 8473
0 0 8468
The Mosque of the Aku'rhaie~
Large mirrors of reflective glass stand all about, creating a
disorienting and discombobulating maze.  Hundreds of reflections bounce
about, hounding all who walk within the glass maze.  What is reality and
what is illusion is left for those who trespass here to decide..  F 
0 8 0
0 0 8478
0 0 8468
0 0 8474
0 0 8469
The Mosque of the Aku'rhaie~
Large mirrors of reflective glass stand all about, creating a
disorienting and discombobulating maze.  Hundreds of reflections bounce
about, hounding all who walk within the glass maze.  What is reality and
what is illusion is left for those who trespass here to decide.  
0 8 0
0 0 8472
0 0 8475
The Mosque of the Aku'rhaie~
Large mirrors of reflective glass stand all about, creating a
disorienting and discombobulating maze.  Hundreds of reflections bounce
about, hounding all who walk within the glass maze.  What is reality and
what is illusion is left for those who trespass here to decide.  
0 8 0
0 0 8468
0 0 8473
0 0 8476
0 0 8471
The Mosque of the Aku'rhaie~
Large mirrors of reflective glass stand all about, creating a
disorienting and discombobulating maze.  Hundreds of reflections bounce
about, hounding all who walk within the glass maze.  What is reality and
what is illusion is left for those who trespass here to decide.  
0 8 0
0 0 8469
0 0 8474
0 0 8477
0 0 8472
0 0 8482
The Mosque of the Aku'rhaie~
Large mirrors of reflective glass stand all about, creating a
disorienting and discombobulating maze.  Hundreds of reflections bounce
about, hounding all who walk within the glass maze.  What is reality and
what is illusion is left for those who trespass here to decide.  
0 8 0
0 0 8470
0 0 8475
0 0 8478
0 0 8473
The Mosque of the Aku'rhaie~
Large mirrors of reflective glass stand all about, creating a
disorienting and discombobulating maze.  Hundreds of reflections bounce
about, hounding all who walk within the glass maze.  What is reality and
what is illusion is left for those who trespass here to decide.  
0 8 0
0 0 8471
0 0 8474
The Mosque of the Aku'rhaie~

0 8 0
0 0 8472
0 0 8477
0 0 8468
0 0 8478
The Mosque of the Aku'rhaie~
Large mirrors of reflective glass stand all about, creating a
disorienting and discombobulating maze.  Hundreds of reflections bounce
about, hounding all who walk within the glass maze.  What is reality and
what is illusion is left for those who trespass here to decide.  
0 8 0
0 0 8473
0 0 8478
0 0 8479
0 0 8476
The Mosque of the Aku'rhaie~
Large mirrors of reflective glass stand all about, creating a
disorienting and discombobulating maze.  Hundreds of reflections bounce
about, hounding all who walk within the glass maze.  What is reality and
what is illusion is left for those who trespass here to decide.  
0 8 0
0 0 8474
0 0 8476
0 0 8470
0 0 8477
The Mosque of the Aku'rhaie~
Large mirrors of reflective glass stand all about, creating a
disorienting and discombobulating maze.  Hundreds of reflections bounce
about, hounding all who walk within the glass maze.  What is reality and
what is illusion is left for those who trespass here to decide.  
0 8 0
0 0 8477
The Mosque of the Aku'rhaie~
Large mirrors of reflective glass stand all about, creating a
disorienting and discombobulating maze.  The seamless walls throw
reflections back upon themselves and the mirrored floor seeks to misguide
everyone who moves about the Mosque of the Aku'rhaie.  Baffling magicks are
at work here, twisting fragile minds and misleading feeble feet.  
0 8 0
0 0 8484
0 0 8482
The Mosque of the Aku'rhaie~
Large mirrors of reflective glass stand all about, creating a
disorienting and discombobulating maze.  The seamless walls throw
reflections back upon themselves and the mirrored floor seeks to misguide
everyone who moves about the Mosque of the Aku'rhaie.  Baffling magicks are
at work here, twisting fragile minds and misleading feeble feet.  
0 8 0
0 0 8482
0 0 8483
The Mosque of the Aku'rhaie~
Large mirrors of reflective glass stand all about, creating a
disorienting and discombobulating maze.  The seamless walls throw
reflections back upon themselves and the mirrored floor seeks to misguide
everyone who moves about the Mosque of the Aku'rhaie.  Baffling magicks are
at work here, twisting fragile minds and misleading feeble feet.  
0 8 0
0 0 8480
0 0 8483
0 0 8484
0 0 8481
0 0 8485
0 0 8473
The Mosque of the Aku'rhaie~
Large mirrors of reflective glass stand all about, creating a
disorienting and discombobulating maze.  The seamless walls throw
reflections back upon themselves and the mirrored floor seeks to misguide
everyone who moves about the Mosque of the Aku'rhaie.  Baffling magicks are
at work here, twisting fragile minds and misleading feeble feet.  
0 8 0
0 0 8481
0 0 8482
The Mosque of the Aku'rhaie~
Large mirrors of reflective glass stand all about, creating a
disorienting and discombobulating maze.  The seamless walls throw
reflections back upon themselves and the mirrored floor seeks to misguide
everyone who moves about the Mosque of the Aku'rhaie.  Baffling magicks are
at work here, twisting fragile minds and misleading feeble feet.  
0 8 0
0 0 8482
0 0 8480
The Mosque of the Aku'rhaie~
Large mirrors of reflective glass stand all about, creating a
disorienting and discombobulating maze.  A single crystalline table stands
in the center of an otherwise vacant room.  Its surface shines just as
brightly as any of the walls within the Mosque.  
0 8 0
0 0 8482

M 8421 spec_guard
M 8422 spec_guard

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