Name Tyerian's Hunting Ground~
Builders Fluffy Halodar~
VNUMs 11100 11199
Credits {5    50} Roland      Hunting Ground~
Security 9

blue dragon~
a mammoth blue dragon~
An enormous blue dragon surveys the room through golden eyes.
Golden orbs shift from side to side, dragging black spots that slide
across the rounded surfaces like drops of oil.  An enormous tail, covered in
blue scales that shimmer like mica, flips in sudden, spontaneous movement,
and eyebrows the color of the sky on a rainy day arch in gentle suspicion,
settling back into their gentle line after a few moments.  The huge beast's
body rises and falls in slow rhythm with his breathing, and a faint trail of
smoke leads from his wide nostrils up towards the ceiling.  
70 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 claw
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
kesthai azul~
a kesthai azul~
A kesthai azul is masked by fierce war paint.
A tall, statuesque figure, larger than your average human, has eyes of
the purest blue like the sky after rain clouds clear and skin the color of
death.  Long legs with wiry, flexible joints can span enormous distances,
and thin arms have become muscular from constant service to the dragons. 
Dedication shines in the vivid blue eyes, and faith is written in the
markings of the elaborate face paintings.  
63 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 pound
0 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
stag deer~
a stag~
A stag stands poised for flight.
An enormous rack of horns caps the head of the magnificent stag, weighing
down the soft, liquid brown eyes and twitching ears.  Dark brown spots
dapple the tan coat, and a fluffy white tail perks in the forest breezes.  
ABW Z 0 0
46 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 bite
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
AGV ACDEFHJKQW medium unknown
a condor~
A condor searches for leftover scraps of flesh.
A huge bird, the condor has a wingspan of about four feet and sports
feathers tipped with white at the edges of its wings, contrasting its dark
body.  Claws tip scrawny yellow feet, and a hooked beak extends from the
sharp face of the bird.  
AC FT 0 0
53 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 claw
0 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
AGW ACDEFHKP medium feathers
queen ant~
the queen ant~
The queen ant minds her eggs.
The queen ant is huge, towering at nearly fifteen feet with antennae that
add another seven feet.  Giant mandibles clack threateningly in a constant
rhythm on either side of a gaping mouth, and six long, jointed legs provide
support for the insect.  
A Za 0 0
65 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 bite
0 0 0 0
rest rest female 0
ABGO ACK medium unknown
gnarled tree~
a gnarled tree~
An old tree winks at you as you pass.
Long ago, the King's men were cutting down some timber for the winter,
when they stumbled upon this monstrosity.  They were quickly loosened from
their axes, only to reunite with them in the middle of their foreheads.  The
cut marks are clearly visible on the bottom of this creature, oozing with a
syrupy blood.
ABCGT V -1000 0
55 9 300d10+6200 1d1+699 10d9+10 slice
-62 -62 -62 -31
stand stand male 9200
glowing pebble~
a glowing pebble~
A glowing pebble lies in the brook.
This small rock is flecked with dried blood and small tufts of human
hair.  The great warriors of King Arthur's Court once tried to clear this
forest of its deadly beings, but this piece of marble left them face down in
the brook.  
ABGT HTa -1000 0
53 10 300d10+6500 1d1+499 20d5+10 none
-63 -63 -63 -32
EFK 0 0 0
stand stand none 9500
forest ranger~
a forest ranger~
A forest ranger monitors the area for signs of trouble.
This forest ranger is dressed in brown and dark green garments to blend in
with the environment.  He was assigned to make sure adventurers are safe
from the dangers that dwell in the hunting grounds.
AGT d 1000 0
65 9 300d10+6400 1d1+499 10d9+10 slash
-63 -63 -63 -32
EFINRS 0 0 0
stand stand male 9400
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
mantikora creature human head wings lion body~
a mantikora~
A strange creature arches feathered wings above its lion-like body.
Lush fur coats the lion-like body of the fabled mantikora, tapering off
into a tasselled tail that flicks back and forth emphatically.  The golden
coat blends into dark skin at the neck, where a human head tops the heavy,
well-muscled torso.  Sharp claws tip the large paws, and snow white feathers
spread from the wings that crown the strange creature like a holy aura.  
ABGHT LVZ -1000 0
41 10 300d10+6600 1d1+499 20d5+10 slice
-65 -65 -65 -32
stand stand none 9700
AGV ACDEFJKQV medium unknown
giant boar~
a giant boar~
A giant boar towers above you, snorting in your general direction.
The giant boars looks down at you with eyes nearly 10 feet in the air. 
In the cool air you notice the steam from respiration coming from her mouth,
AGT a -1000 0
48 10 300d10+7000 1d1+499 10d10+10 pierce
-67 -67 -67 -33
CFIU 0 0 0
stand stand female 10000
AGV ACDEFHJK large unknown
a larva~
A larva squirms on the ground.
A white larva squirms on the ground, lacking any form of locomotion to
leave the area.  Two black spots serve as semi-formed eyes, glazed over with
a frosty haze that proclude their use as any type of sensory organ.  
AB A 0 0
42 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 suction
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
ABGO AK medium unknown
giant boar chief venerable~
the giant boar chief~
A venerable boar towers over you, lowering his head for a charge.
The boar is covered with some sort of war paint.  The orange and blue
swirls of paint cover his matted brown hair.  There is a real intelligence
in this creature's eyes, and his brightly decorated tusks glow with a bluish
ABG Oa -1000 0
55 11 300d10+7800 1d1+499 10d11+10 charge
-72 -72 -72 -36
stand stand male 10800
AGV ACDEFHJK large unknown
guard ant drone~
an ant drone~
A drone ant hums a soft warning.
A giant ant hums a soft warning drone to alert his fellow workers.  It
stands about fifteen feet tall, and the legs alone must be roughly eight
feet apiece by themselves, jointed in three approximately even pieces.  
A 0 0 0
58 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 bite
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
ABGO ACK large unknown
an aphid~
An aphid secretes some slimy goo.
A small green bug secretes a trail of slimy goo behind it as it moves
slowly along, stretching its six legs at strange angles to achieve
locomotion.  Tiny antennae thinner than a human hair twitch back and forth
spastically, swerving in every direction.  
A W 1000 0
52 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 bite
0 0 0 0
0 0 FI E
stand stand none 0
AGO ACK small unknown
dung beetle~
a dung beetle~
A dung beetle scurries about.
This dung beetle is covered in dung.  It has two pairs of wings and three
pairs of legs.  It can't fly, but the wings are very hard.  It does not see
or hear well, but its tactile sense is sharp.
ACG 0 0 0
55 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 bite
0 0 0 0
HIOV 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
a squirrel~
A squirrel forages for food.
The squirrel is a chestnut brown, with a long, bushy tail.  It scampers
along the floor, looking for food to forage.
AGH 0 0 0
40 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 scratch
0 0 0 0
FH 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
AGV ACDEFHJK tiny unknown
a woodchuck~
A woodchuck burrows a small hole.
This small animal has short legs, a heavy-set body, and grizzled brownish
fur.  It is also called a groundhog, and it busies itself by digging tunnels.
AGH 0 0 0
42 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
FH 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
AGV ACDEFHJK small unknown
a small bunny~
A small bunny nibbles on a dandelion.
The bunny has dark brown fur with black dots.  It is very small and quick.
AGH 0 0 0
40 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 slash
0 0 0 0
FH 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
AGV ACDEFHJK small unknown
a sheep~
A sheep grazes on the grass.
It looks like a normal sheep.  It's about four feet in length, and looks to
weigh about one hundred pounds.  It has a cream-colored fleece.
AGH 0 0 0
46 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 bite
0 0 0 0
H 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
AGV ACDEFHJKUV medium unknown
a ram~
A ram paws the ground, readying for a charge.
The ram has a white coat of fur, and two large horns that curl back on top of
its head.
AFGH 0 0 0
48 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
CHR 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
AGV ACDEFHJKUV medium unknown
a gazelle~
A gazelle frolicks in the clearing.
This animal is very graceful.  It has long legs and horns directed upward
and backward.
AGH 0 0 0
48 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
FH 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
AGV ACDEFHJKUV medium unknown
female druid~
a sylvan druid~
A female druid is here, gathering herbs.
She is adorned in simple green and brown robes that match the color of her
environment.  She has elven features, and looks very beautiful.  It looks
like she leads a very simple life, tending the needs of the forest and the
63 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 magic
0 0 0 0
0 0 B Z
stand stand female 0
a roc~
A roc is here, guarding her nest.
The roc is a huge bird, almost looking too big to be real.  It spans sixty
feet in length, and the wingspan is probably trible that.  It resembles a
large eagle with dark brown plumage from head to tail.
ABFG T -100 0
60 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 claw
0 0 0 0
CFH 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
AGW ACDEFHKP huge unknown
small roc~
a small roc~
A small roc flies in the air.
Even though this is a small roc, it is still large.  It stretches up to
twenty feet in length, and has a wingspan double that.  It has very sharp
claws, and it scans the area below for prey.
AGH T -100 0
52 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 claw
0 0 0 0
FH 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
AGW ACDEFHKP medium unknown
no name~
(no short description)~
(no long description)
A 0 0 0
0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium unknown
hill giant~
a hill giant~
A hill giant is here.
The hill giant is barbaric in appearance, with overly long arms, stopped
shoulders, and low foreheads.  Their limbs are very muscular and massive.
It towers to sixteen feet tall, and easily weighs over two tons.  It has
deep ruddy brown skin, black hair, and black eyes.
A 0 0 0
62 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 crush
0 0 0 0
CDIR 0 0 0
stand stand either 0

jeweled sword~
a jeweled sword~
A sword with jewels embedded in its hilt, pommel, and blade.~
weapon BG AN
sword 12 11 slash CF
51 153 1428 0 P
13 40
18 2
jeweled sword~
The sword is over four feet long and shines with a silver-like moonlight on
the surface of a calm pond.  It fairly glows with a cold magic, a war magic
that emanates from the sharp double blade with a force of its own.
flask dragon's breath~
a flask of dragon's breath~
A glowing flask of dragon's breath is lying here.~
light AP A
0 0 999 0 0
49 65 245 0 P
12 40
23 -5
3 1
war paint~
war paint~
Some smears of war paint are here.~
armor Y AR
15 15 15 10 0
45 60 855 0 P
19 2
18 6
Brilliant blue smears of war paint carry the shape on the face even when
not in place, rounded across the nose and under the eyes and spread across
an imaginary forehead.  Although slick and tacky, the paint cannot be
further manipulated or streaked.  
dragon tooth spears~
a dragon tooth spear~
A spear tipped with a dragon's tooth is laying here.~
weapon a AN
staff 11 10 slash B
46 138 1104 0 P
1 2
dragon tooth spear~
A steel spear, ribbed with red flames, is tipped with an ancient dragon's
tooth that melts into the metal shaft so that it appears to be one whole
weapon, not a combination of materials.  The tooth is small and ridged,
perhaps lost from a baby dragon during its teething years.  
gall bladder~
a gall bladder~
A gall bladder is lying in a pool of mucus.~
trash 0 P
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 P
stepping stones~
a series of stepping stones~
A series of stepping stones spans the length of the lava pool.~
furniture A 0
7 50000 BEK 50 50
1 0 0 0 P
rack of bones~
a rack of bones~
A rack of bones leans against the cave wall at a skewed angle.~
trash 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 P
piles white eggs sacs sacks baby~
a pile of eggs~
Tall piles and stacks of white, foamy eggs fill the cavern.~
trash 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 P
a drop of honeydew~
a drop of honeydew~
A drop of honeydew has pooled here.~
pill 0 A
8 'haste' '' '' ''
8 0 100 0 P
ant's antennae~
a pair of ant's antennae~
A pair of ant's antennae is lying here.~
weapon 0 AN
flail 5 9 pound 0
22 6 1200 0 P
18 2
13 20
fierce mandible~
a fierce mandible~
A fierce mandible is laying here.~
weapon 0 AN
axe 14 10 chop 0
58 2 1200 0 P
fierce mandible~
This is a rather large mandible, severed from a giant ant.
Antennae are laying here.~
armor B AE
0 0 0 0 0
12 1 12000 0 P
3 2
huge pile shit~
a huge pile of shit~
{yA huge pile of shit.{x~
portal 0 0
0 K K 11112 0
20 150 1 0 P
huge pile of shit~
This pile of shit is massive.  It couldn't have come from one single beast.
Upon further examination, you notice large clumps are organized to form some
sort of barrier.  Disgusting as it might sound, you see a small enteryway
inside, as though someone made a tunnel.
hole dung wall~
a hole in the dung wall~
A hole in the dung wall.~
portal 0 0
0 K K 11135 0
40 1 1 0 P
hole dung wall~
You see a hole in the dung wall, leading back to the forest.
spherical object egg~
a small, dark spherical object~
A small, dark spherical object.~
food 0 AO
0 0 0 0 0
40 0 0 0 P
spherical object egg~
This is an egg of a dung beetle.  It is about the size of a human fist, and
very light.  It has a hard protective coating, but you can crack it and eat
the insides of it.
a small campfire~
A small campfire gives heat and light to the camp.~
light A 0
0 0 21 0 0
40 6 1 21 P
This is a small campfire made by the adventures in the hunting ground.
mat grass~
a small mat of grass~
A mat made of grass lies on the ground.~
furniture 0 0
1 1500 EHK 150 150
40 0 0 0 P
mat grass~
Someone made a comfortable mat of grass to rest on.  It is soft and free of
composite longbow bow~
a composite longbow~
A composite longbow.~
weapon 0 AN
exotic 12 13 blast 0
65 25 2000 0 P
composite longbow bow~
This composite longbow is about six feet in length, with a very fine but
strong string attached to both ends.  It is made of oak trees, and has
beautiful designs along its back.
studded leather armor~
studded leather armor~
Studded leather armor has been discarded here.~
armor 0 AD
20 20 20 20 0
65 55 1700 0 P
13 20
18 2
19 2
studded leather armor~
This studded leather armor is dyed a dark green to match a forest environment.
It has tiny metal studs all over its surface.
brown moccasins~
a pair of brown moccasins~
A pair of brown moccasins.~
armor 0 AG
20 15 15 15 0
65 15 1400 0 P
13 25
2 1
14 40
brown moccasins~
You examine a pair of brown leather moccasins.  They are furry to the touch,
and quite soft, but the bottom of it is lined with a hard substance to
protect the feet from stepping on hard objects.
quiver arrows~
a quiver~
A quiver for arrows.~
container 0 AK
40 0 0 100 72
65 10 1500 0 P
19 1
12 30
13 30
quiver arrows~
This quiver is made of wood and lined with leather.  It is quite big and can
hold hundreds of arrows.
waterhole hole~
a waterhole~
{CA small pond.{x~
fountain 0 0
20 20 'water' 0 0
40 1 1 0 P
rabbit foot~
a rabbit's foot~
A rabbit's foot.~
trash Q AO
0 0 0 0 0
40 5 1000 0 P
bushy tail~
a bushy tail~
A bushy tail of a squirrel.~
trash Q AO
0 0 0 0 0
40 2 1000 0 P
bushy tail~
It feels very soft and furry.  Although it probably can't be used for any
practical purpose, it would sell for quite a bit.
deer carcass~
a deer carcass~
A deer carcass.~
food 0 AO
25 0 0 A 0
42 150 1 0 P
deer carcass~
This deer has been badly mutilated.  Its head has almost been severed by a
powerful bite to its throat.  It has been dead for quite some time, evident
by the decaying smell it emits.
small sapling~
a small sapling~
A small sapling.~
weapon 0 AN
mace 18 8 crush F
55 220 300 0 P
small sapling~
This sapling has been gnawed at the base and brought down by a huge creature.
It is balanced enough to use as a two-handed club.
pile ant bodies~
a pile of ant bodies~
Ant bodies are in a large pile in the center of this room.~
trash 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
52 10000 1 0 P
pile ant bodies~
You see a pile of dead ants.
roc egg~
a roc egg~
A roc egg.~
treasure 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
50 75 1500 0 P
roc egg~
This roc egg is quite heavy and large.  It has a very hard shell, making it
hard to penetrate.  This could be worth something on the market.
simple green brown robe~
a simple green and brown robe~
A simple green and brown robe.~
armor JK AK
20 20 20 20 0
60 15 1300 0 P
12 60
4 1
3 1
herb satchel~
an herb satchel~
An herb satchel.~
container 0 AO
70 A 0 120 75
60 5 1000 0 P
woth flower~
a woth flower~
A woth flower.~
pill 0 AO
60 'cure poison' 'reserved' 'reserved' 'reserved'
60 1 500 0 P
wrist bracer~
a wrist bracer~
A wrist bracer.~
armor 0 AM
20 19 19 15 0
60 5 1500 0 P
19 3
18 2
wrist bracer~
This wrist bracer was designed to absorb the snapping of the bow string
against the wrist after an arrow was launched.  It is made of padded material
covered with leather.
slain adventurer corpse~
a corpse of a slain adventurer~
A corpse of a slain adventurer is rotting on the ground.~
container 0 0
50 0 0 100 90
40 300 1 0 P
slain adventurer corpse~
This unfortunate adventurer has been mauled by a giant boar.  It was almost
split into two halves.
soiled pants~
soiled pants~
A pair of soiled pants.~
armor 0 AD
8 8 5 2 0
40 1 10 0 P
soiled pants~
You see stains all around the crotch section.  Whomever this belonged to
couldn't hold it in.

Outside the Northern Gate~
The northern gate of the castle rises high above, an obsidian arch carved
with the figures of warriors and beasts alike.  A huge crater, nearly two
hundred feet in length, scars the northern wall, and a turret is missing
entirely on the eastern side.  An enormous oak forest opens across the moat
to the north, riddled with faint trails that lead into the depths of the
hunting grounds.  
0 4 1
0 0 11101
0 0 11029
On the Northern Drawbridge~
A vast drawbridge spans the moat around the castle, acrid water swirling
menacingly under the stone in odd patterns of forest green and navy blue. 
The northern gate of the castle lies to the south, and the game forests
spread across the rocky terrain to the north, a vast green haven in the
brown monotony of the land.  
0 0 2
0 0 11102
0 0 11100
Along the Main Road~
The road cotinues to the north and south.  
0 0 2
0 0 11103
0 0 11101
A Bend in the Road~
The road doesn't seem to get much used this far from the castle.  It
veers off to the west, and also goes back towards the castle to the south.  
0 0 2
0 0 11102
0 0 11104
On the Outskirts of King Arthurs Game Reserve~
A large game reserve looms to the north.  The reserve is known for its
fantastic hunting, and for containing the most unusual creatures.  Some say
that the forest is "stocked" with good hunting animals, but some creatures
have only been known to be found here.  Nevertheless, it is guaranteed that
some interesting adventure lies in wait of anyone who enters.  
0 0 3
0 0 11103
0 0 11105
Entering the Forest of King Arthurs Game Reserve~
You begin to pass within the thick forest.  The trees here seem too
animated, moving by themselves without any assistance from animals or the
wind.  The path contines east and west.  
0 1 3
0 0 11104
0 0 11106
A Turn in the Path Through the Forest~
The clear path is a little more overgrown here.  The trail continues to
the north, and also goes back to the east.  
0 1 3
0 0 11107
0 0 11105
The Path Ends~
You stand in the middle of a road.  You can continue north without a
trail to guide you or head south on the road.  
0 1 3
0 0 11108
0 0 11106
A Guard Post~
You have come upon a decrepit old guard house.  It is not much more than
a shack now, and the walls seems to have been eaten away by some very large
creature.  In fact, you walk right through the structure unhindered.  From
beneath what is left of this post, you notice the only directions that are
passable are to the north, and back to the south.  The way is getting more
0 1 3
0 0 11109
0 0 11107
The Bubbling Brook~
You come across a little bubbling brook.  The clear water gives off a
strange order, almost like decaying meat.  The water is extremely warm, and
as you watch the water pass for a bit, you see small skeletons of fish
floating with the twigs and pine cones.  From here you can make your way to
the east or to the south.  
0 1 3
0 0 11110
0 0 11108
A Crossroads in the Forest~
An intersection allows exit in all four cardinal directions, paths
splitting off from the main trails and disappearing among the trees in the
distance.  Thick underbrush and rotting stumps cover the ground, obscuring
the rich soil from view in piles of brown and green organic matter.  
0 1 3
0 0 11111
0 0 11144
0 0 11139
0 0 11109
A Boar Hunting Camp~
A makeshift camp has been set up here.  There are many tracks of people
who have passed through here, and also dried blood along the trail.  There
is a big sign on one of the trees.  
0 0 3
West - Boar Hunting Grounds
North - Forest
South - Crossroads
0 0 11113
0 0 11110
0 0 11135
M 200 H 200
Entryway Into the Dung Mound~
You stand in the entryway into the dung mound.  The place is overwhelming
with the smell of feces.  Everything here is made of dung.  Even though the
place is made of disgusting material, it is expertly designed and sturdy. 
You see a hole in the dung wall.  West and down lead further into the mound.
0 1 13
0 0 11146
0 0 11142
Deep Within the Northern Forest~
The way to the north and west is blocked by a throng of fallen trees. 
From here you can go to the east or south to the boar hunting camp.  
0 1 3
0 0 11123
0 0 11111

0 5 3
A Sparse Forest Area~
There are more mature trees here, along with many saplings, but there
does not seem to be numerous stumps here, like along the deer trail.  Small
animals have made this their little home.  There is a faint footpaht leading
west.  South leads back to the main deer trail, while east and north
continue in the sparse forest area.  
0 1 3
0 0 11117
0 0 11116
0 0 11152
0 0 11118
A Sparse Forest Area~
Crickets chirp and birds sing their songs as you travel through this part
of the forest.  An occasional bunny hops out of its hole and darts across
the floor and disappears.  Far to the east you can see a castle.  
0 1 3
0 0 11120
0 0 11115
A Sparse Forest Area~
This is the quiet part of this sparse forest area.  There don't seem to
be any animals here, or the chirping of crickets and the singing of birds. 
You see a lot of stumps here, and barely any saplings.  Either the animals
avoid this part or they hide very well.  
0 1 3
0 0 11120
0 0 11115
A Small Footpath~
You follow a small, faint footpath, well-traversed by animals and humans
alike.  Birds seem to chirp to provide a song for you on your travels.  The
footpath leads south to a waterhole, and east to the sparse forest area.  
0 1 3
0 0 11115
0 0 11119
A Water Hole~
This place is cool and refreshing.  Shade is well-provided by the many
fully grown trees in this area.  Lots of fauna come here to sip at the water
hole.  This feels like a safe place to rest and recuperate from your travels
and adventures.  
0 1025 3
0 0 11118
M 200 H 200
A Sparse Forest Area~
Lots of small animals inhabit this place, but you notice that none of the
deer seem to be here, nor do you spot their tracks along the grassy floor. 
The trees here are mostly saplings, with a few mature ones spread amongst
themselves.  You also see a few stumps.  
0 1 3
0 0 11116
0 0 11117
A Small Clearing~
This small clearing is populated by a handful of large animals.  Nearby
sheep can be seen grazing on the grassy field, and rams are butting heads in
challenges and territorial disputes.  
0 1 2
0 0 11183
0 0 11182
0 0 11122
A Small Clearing~
You stand at the beginning of a small clearing.  The many trees and
saplings bordering the clearing seem to be very different from the ones in
the rest of this forest.  An occasional stump or root can be found on the
floor of the clearing.  The clearing spreads out east and south.  North
leads back to the deer trail.  
0 5 2
0 0 11187
0 0 11121
0 0 11181
A Walk in the Woods~
The forest here has let up a little, allowing easier traveling. 
Uninterestingly enough, the only ways you can go are to the east and to the
0 5 3
0 0 11124
0 0 11113
A Path of Stomped Down Trees~
A huge swath of trees have been beaten aside as if it they were
toothpicks.  It seems this is a very large trail.  You can explore further
to the north or east to see who needs such a large road, or you can retreat
to the west and let someone else wonder about it.  
0 1 3
0 0 11128
0 0 11123
A Path of Stomped Down Trees~
The way is easy going, a pleasant break from the bushwacking you had to
do before getting here.  The stumps from the splintered trees have been
uprooted and tossed aside, along with the rest of the trees.  The "road"
continues to the east and west.  
0 1 3
0 0 11129
0 0 11124
A Path of Stomped Down Trees~
This is a slightly more traveled region of the road, making you believe
you are approaching a more populated area.  You are not sure what kind of
population, but you are pretty certain that the creatures must be big.  The
road extends to the east and west from here.  
0 1 3
0 0 11130
0 0 11128
A House For Hill Giants~
You have come upon a large fort structure.  The walls rise about eighty
feet in the air, and consist of tree trunks planted into the ground like
bean poles.  There is no roof, and the front door (which you just walked
through) is wide open.  You can exit the place by going west, or you can
explore it further by going north or east.  
0 1 4
0 0 11131
0 0 11129
A Hill Giant Dining Room~
You have entered another room in this monstrous structure.  A large fire
pit is in the center of the room, and some trees, snapped in half as if they
were sticks, lie next to it.  About thirty deer carcasses are piled up in
one corner, completely stripped of meat.  Flies buzz around the heap,
searching for morsels.  
0 1 1
0 0 11132
0 0 11130
A Hill Giant Living Room~
Piles of leaves are found in three corners of this room.  You determine
that the leaves must act as chairs for very large creatures, by examining
the way the leaves have been compressed.  You can venture further into the
home by going north, or you can leave it by going west.  
0 1 1
0 0 11133
0 0 11131
A Hill Giant Bedroom~
A big hole filled with tons of dried leaves is in the center of this
room.  This must be the bed where mommy and daddy hill giant make baby hill
giants.  The only exit is back to the south.  
0 1 1
0 0 11132
A Fading Trail~
The trail here begins to fade to the north, leading to a small clearing
in the forest.  The wastes of the boar isn't as plentiful here as along the
other parts of the trail, but the smell is still bothersome.  The trail
leads back east.  
0 1 3
0 0 11173
0 0 11137
Boar Country~
The trail is much more distinct here, but it seems to not be maintained
by human travels.  The path takes strange turns around trees and seems very
disorganized.  Very large droppings litter the ground.  You can continue
east or west.  
0 5 3
0 0 11111
0 0 11136
Deep Within Boar Country~
You hear the sounds of boars in the air.  The ground here has a lot of
depression marks, as though something large traveled through here.  The boar
range continues south.  
0 1 3
0 0 11135
0 0 11137
A Fork in the Trail~
The trail is very distinct here.  The giant boars were considerate enough
to relieve themselves on the side of their trail, but the smell is still
pretty awful.  You can continue to the south or west, or head back to the
0 1 3
0 0 11136
0 0 11138
0 0 11134
End of a Thin Trail~
The trail ends here, leading to a lot of large holes in the ground.  In
some of the holes you see boars sleeping.  Some of them are quite deep,
making it impossible to tell what is inside them without actually going in
it.  The only way is back to the trail.  
0 1 3
0 0 11137
A Risky Path~
Drainage off a hillside has created a precarious path of leaves and mud
which leads up to the top of a nearby tree.  The tree seems to be dead from
the constant mud slides, but you notice a very large birds nest perched on
one of the top branches.  It might be worth the risky path to see what is in
the nest.  From here you can climb the tree by going south, or head back to
the trail by going north.  
0 1 3
0 0 11110
0 0 11140
A Risky Path~
The slippery path continues up towards the top of the tree.  You find
yourself quite high above the ground.  You can go east to get to the tree,
or you can go back down the wobbly trail to the north.  
0 1 3
0 0 11139
0 0 11141
On Top of A Large Tree~
You are on the tree.  You can go back west, or you can walk across the
branch to the birds nest to the north.  
0 1 3
0 0 11143
0 0 11140
A Small Tunnel~
This is a very small tunnel that was burrowed in the dung mound.  To the
west it opens up to a wider room.  Up leads to the entryway into the mound. 
0 513 13
0 0 11147
0 0 11112
In A Giant Birds Nest~
You are in a huge birds nest!  Half of Midgaard could fit up here.  Of
course it goes without saying, but: where there is a big birds nest, there
is likely to be big birds.  
0 1 3
0 0 11141
A Three Way Intersection~
The trail splits three ways, heading off through the deadwood to the
east, west, and north.  Rotting tree trunks spread out in every other
direction, bordering and surrounding the paths as they wind their way into
oblivion, disappearing among the thick roots and low brush.  
0 1 3
0 0 11145
0 0 11149
0 0 11110
Among the Dead Trees~
Dead, rotting stumps seem to be all that remains of a once-strong forest,
a dense wood now populated by husks of trees that threaten to topple with
every breath of wind.  Tough vegetation creeps low across the ground,
avoiding the hot, moist air that hangs like an invisible pall over the
0 1 3
0 0 11162
0 0 11144
A Small Room~
This is a small room in the dung mound.  It definitely isn't made for
biped species.  Strewn about are bits and pieces of plants and food that
probably are being stored for the inhabitants.  
0 1 13
0 0 11112
Nesting Area~
All around you are small dung beetles transporting and carrying food and
spherical-like brown objects.  They are intent on their work.  You also see
some very small beetles, probably newly-born.  There is a small tunnel to
the east.  The room continues north.  
0 1 13
0 0 11148
0 0 11142
Nesting Area~
This part of the room is filled with those small spherical-like dark
objects.  You see beetles organizing them, rotating them, and transporting
them to the other side of the room.  Some accidentally bump into you and
contine on their way.  
0 1 13
0 0 11147
On a Deer Trail~
Stumps rot into the damp ground on all sides, melting into the dark
topsoil as if it was water.  A deer trail has been trampled in the moist
earth, hoof prints still visible in the organic material that is layered
across the path from the low-lying vegetation.  What few trees do still
stand tall form a scanty canopy over the forest floor.  
0 1 3
0 0 11150
0 0 11144
On a Deer Trail~
A high hillside blocks the way to the south, but a cave has been carved
naturally into the slope.  The deer trail extends to the north and east,
growing more faint as it maneuvers among the trees and stumps in the eastern
direction, and the trees become more plentiful, shielding the forest floor
with a leafy canopy.  
0 1 3
0 0 11149
0 0 11152
0 0 11151
A Dark Cave~
The cave extends deep into the high hillside, narrowing to nothing more
than a rocky slit towards the end in the darkness.  A few flakes of rough
hay are scattered around on the soil, which has been pounded dry and flat
over the years, and a rack of bones is settled against the eastern wall of
the cave, leaning at an odd angle.  
0 1 3
0 0 11150
0 0 14165
Along the Main Deer Trail~
The meandering deer trail curls to the south and west, navigating a tight
corner around a stack of uprooted stumps that have clustered together in a
small hollow.  Thin saplings mingle with the taller trees that make up the
forest, mere spindles among the thicker trunks.  There is a much smaller
trail leading to the north.  The main deer trail continues west and south.  
0 1 3
0 0 11115
0 0 11153
0 0 11150
On the Deer Trail~
The deer trail bends north and east, winding among the trees of the
forest on an age-old path carved by frequent travel.  Rotting stumps dapple
the peaceful landscape, and the ground is moist and wet, the soil itself
seeming to exude heat and dampness.  Leaves of the taller trees form a
scanty canopy overhead, shielding the low-lying vegetation and smaller
0 1 3
0 0 11152
0 0 11154
On the Deer Trail~
The deer trail winds through the forest, dodging trunks and roots as it
runs east, north, and west through the trees.  The ground is moist and warm,
and impressions mar the soil, marking the passage of many woodland animals
in prints and skids.  A small clearing is south of here.  The deer trail
continues west and east.  
0 5 3
0 0 11155
0 0 11187
0 0 11153
A Field of Deer Carcasses~
White bones spike the floor of the huge open field like albino grass,
racks of ribs spread open in the air and crossing each other in intricate
geometric patterns.  A faint trail leads off west into the forest, melting
among the trees, and the field extends to the north.  
0 0 2
0 0 11156
0 0 11154
A Field of Deer Carcasses~
Bones and carcasses of deer are stacked high, obscuring the grass and
soil of the huge field that spreads to the south and east.  White rocks,
granular and easily broken up, litter the field to the north, scattered
among the bones, and a gigantic mound of dirt is piled to the east, reaching
almost to the treetops with its rounded dome.  
0 0 2
0 0 11157
0 0 11155
A Huge Mound of Dirt~
A huge mound of dirt has been meticulously piled to form a earthen dome
of gigantic proportions.  A hole in the top, roughly six feet in diameter,
allows entrance into the mound from the crest, and a small path leads down
the outside edge to the west, where a field opens up among the trees.  The
soil is moist and warm, heated from beneath by a hidden force.  
0 5 2
0 0 11156
0 0 11158
In a Giant Mound~
A bit of natural light filters down through the giant hole in the top of
the mound, drifting through the vertical tunnel that stretches an amazing
eight foot in diameter.  Another passageway connects with it perpendicularly
and extends to the east through the dark moist soil far below the ground
0 1 2
0 0 11159
0 0 11157
A Tunnel~
A narrow tunnel runs through the soil, forming a horizontal cylinder
perhaps eight foot in diameter that bends to the north and west in a gentle
curve.  The walls have been smoothed to accurately rounded arcs that join
imperceptibly with similar ceiling and floor quarter-circles.  
0 9 0
0 0 11160
0 0 11174
0 0 11158
The Chamber of Guards~
Deep scratches and scrapes mar the walls of the domed room, dipping into
the dirt and resurfacing several feet away.  It arches high overhead,
peaking several stories in the air in a smooth soil ceiling that was
carefully sculpted from the surrounding earth.  
0 9 0
0 0 11176
0 0 11159
The Queen's Chamber~
The rounded ceiling of the underground cavern peaks nearly twenty feet in
the air, and the only exit is a smaller tunnel to the west that twists off
into the darkness.  Hard-packed earth forms the walls of the cavern, and
soil has been mounded to form a nest in one corner, a half-circle of
containment that connects securely to the walls.  
0 13 0
0 0 11177
In the Valley~
The temperature is warm and the moisture in the air brings a hot, sticky
film to all it comes in contact with.  The lower plants drip water into the
soggy ground in a constant rhythm, and the rocks are slick with moisture
that drifts in off a bank of steamy fog to the north.  
0 8193 3
0 0 11163
0 0 11145
Adjacent to a Lake of Steam~
Dry land melts into a lake cloaked with a steam so thick that it appears
material, covering the waters like a swirling white blanket.  The ground is
damp, moist with the condensation from the steam that laps at the edge of
the soil, and water droplets fall from the lower vegetation that struggles
to grow by the side of the lake.  
0 8193 3
0 0 11164
0 0 11162
The Boggy Marsh~
Only sludge remains of the deep pond that once filled this shallow
valley, dried matter bearing testimony to the quick evaporation of the
waters.  An intense heat invades the area from the south, moisture riding
the thick breeze like the air before a powerful storm hits.  
0 8193 3
0 0 11165
0 0 11163
Past the Point of No Return~
A steep cliff rises out of the bog, jetting some sixty feet straight up
into the moist air, where green fungus and organic matter drip from the edge
and hang in the void.  The dense bog is swampy with rotting material and
stagnant water, punctuated by dead cypress, and rancid with mold and
coagulating goo.  
0 8193 3
0 0 11166
M 70 H 70
At the Edge of the Lava Pond~
Mushy bog melts into a pool of lava with red, brown, and green goo mixing
and swirling together like a horrible fingerpainting.  Heat blows off of the
lava, lifting steamy moisture into the air, and the organic matter in the
swampwater smokes and hisses gently as it burns slowly into the lava, where
it dissolves into the red liquid as it slides out of sight.  
0 8193 3
0 0 11167
0 0 11165
M 50 H 50
On the Pond of Lava~
Intense heat rises from the pool of hot lava that surrounds the small
trail of stepping stones, enveloping the air above the rock in a steamy
moisture.  Glowing red rocks bubble to the surface of the pond and then sink
back to the depths in a neverending cycle.  
0 8193 3
0 0 11168
0 0 11166
M 50 H 50
On the Pond of Lava~
A pool of pure red heat spreads in every direction, away from the thin
path of stepping stones that lead across the molten pond.  Flat rocks just
within jumping distance of each other form a trail across the pond like
fiery lilypads, a mixture of silver and sickly green streaked with red
0 8193 10
0 0 11169
0 0 11167
M 50 H 50
The Valley of Death~
Carcasses line the sides of a path of the dead that winds through the
valley, curving gently to the north and east among the assorted corpses.  A
nearly intolerable stench rises from the rotting flesh as it bakes in the
intense heat that emanates from the east, and various body parts have fallen
into the walkway, littering the soil with deteriorating skin and organs.  
0 1 2
0 0 11168
0 0 11170
M 70 H 80
The Valley of Death~
Stacks of corpses form a corridor for travel through the valley, allowing
passage east and west along the makeshift path.  Fierce heat emanates from a
gigantic cave of steel and swirling fire that opens to the east, and the
trail disappears around a curve far to the west.  Horrible fumes are almost
visible as they rise from the bodies that bake in the wretched heat.  
0 8192 2
0 0 11171
0 0 11169
M 80 H 80
The Entrance to the Steel Cave~
Wrought from tons of hot steel, a fiery cave arches high overhead, silver
and red mixing in a molten swirl that lights the room in an orange glow.  An
immense amount of heat radiates through the cave from the south, where it
continues to melt into a substance that resembles silver lava flowing in the
shape of an archway.  
0 8200 0
0 0 11172
0 0 11170
M 60 H 60
The End of the Steel Cave~
The molds of skeletons have been burnt into the walls of pure, melted
steel by a force of heat that must be roughly equivalent to that at the
center of the planet.  The walls, ceiling, and floor of the huge cave are
colored silver, reflecting any light like a warped mirror that twists forms
and shapes, and the hot, dry air is reminiscent of the interior of an oven. 
0 8200 0
0 0 11171
M 60 H 60
A Small Clearing~
This clearing was somewhat made naturally.  Many of the trees encircling
it have huge gashes on them, made from the boar tusks.  The clearing is
actually filled with felled trees that have either been stomped flat or
0 1 3
0 0 11134
Tunnel to Ant Graveyard~
Lots of large worker ants are here, crawling with ant bodies in their
huge mandibles.  The ants they have in their mandibles look dead, and they
are taking them east.  
0 9 0
0 0 11159
0 0 11175
An Ant Graveyard~
You stand in the ant graveyard.  Worker ants are sent to retrieve their
dead and stack them here.  This graveyard is huge, the room probably close
to fifty feet in diameter.  There is also a huge pile of ant bodies.  
0 9 0
0 0 11174
A Large Opening~
The tunnel leads to a large room that opens up.  You can smell the stench
of decaying corpses to the south and east.  Ants seem to come into this room
and drop off bodies and plants for storage.  
0 9 0
0 0 11177
0 0 11179
0 0 11178
0 0 11160
Tunnel to the Queen Ant~
The large tunnel bends east and south.  To the east you can see a huge
ant surrounded with white things.  To the south you see ants dragging in and
piling things.  You also catch the scent of rotting flesh.  
0 9 0
0 0 11161
0 0 11176
Food Storage~
This room stores a lot of animals, most of them very fresh.  You see a
few ants migrating to this area to munch on a few carcasses.  More food
stockpiles are east.  
0 9 0
0 0 11176
0 0 11180
Food Storage~
You see a pile of carcasses stored here.  It is mostly composed of deer
carcass, most likely found from the end of the main deer trail where many
deer carcasses lay.  You see more food piles stored to the south.  
0 0 0
0 0 11180
0 0 11176
Food Storage~
In this room the ants store plants.  In most cases, the plants are small
saplings, chewed off at the base.  This could explain why there are so many
stumps in the forest.  To the north and west there are more food stockpiles.
0 9 0
0 0 11179
0 0 11178
A Small Clearing~
All of the stumps and roots in this part of the small clearing seems to
have been cleared, replaced by lush grass and small, colorful flowers.  The
trees stand tall, providing an impenetrable and protective barrier, both
from the sun and any predators.  
0 0 2
0 0 11122
0 0 11182
A Small Clearing~
The grass is a lush green, carpeting the clearing and providing
sustenance for the inhabitants.  Small flowers dot the carpeting, giving it
a moziac appearance.  The clearing extends north, east, and west.  To the
south you see a break in the barrier of trees.  
0 0 2
0 0 11121
0 0 11184
0 0 11185
0 0 11181
A Small Clearing~
You enter a part of the clearing where the dominate trees are saplings
instead of the mature ones.  This area looks very young, and these trees
look native to the rest of the forest, unlike the other trees located in
this clearing.  This place provides very little, if any, shade from the sun
or from any rain.  
0 0 2
0 0 11184
0 0 11121
A Small Clearing~
This place provides a lot of shade from the light.  A few animals lay on
the ground, on their backs, their feet in the air, basking in the coolness
provided by the trees.  
0 0 2
0 0 11183
0 0 11182
A Break in the Barrier of Trees~
There are many small animals in this place.  Rabbits dart from behind the
trees, squirrels scamper to the branches and to the ground, and birds sing
songs.  They do not seem to be phased by your presence.  A small path leads
0 0 2
0 0 11182
0 0 11186
A Druid's Home~
You set foot into a druid's home.  It is not build of anything artifical,
nor have the local plants been disturbed to create this place.  From the
looks of it, this looks like it was naturally formed.  A stump provides a
place to sit.  Herbs are scattered along the floor, and all sorts of exotic
plants and flowers blossom with life.  
0 524288 2
0 0 11185
Path to a Small Clearing~
Tree stumps and roots have decayed and been trampled on for many years,
resulting in a trail leading to a small clearing.  There are many footprints
on the ground of a wide variety of animals leading to this clearing to the
south.  North leads back to the main deer trail.  
0 5 3
0 0 11154
0 0 11122

M 11100 spec_breath_lightning
M 11112 spec_guard
M 11114 spec_poison
M 11121 spec_cast_cleric

M 0 11107 3 11104 1
E 0 11117 0 16
E 0 11118 0 5
E 0 11119 0 8
E 0 11120 0 22
E 0 11131 0 14
M 0 11105 4 11105 2
M 0 11105 4 11105 2
M 0 11105 4 11106 2
M 0 11105 4 11106 2
M 0 11106 1 11109 1
O 0 11116 0 11111
O 0 11115 0 11111
O 0 11113 0 11112
M 0 11117 2 11116 2
G 0 11122 0
M 0 11115 2 11117 1
G 0 11123 0
M 0 11116 2 11117 1
M 0 11115 2 11118 1
G 0 11123 0
O 0 11121 0 11119
M 0 11117 2 11120 2
G 0 11122 0
M 0 11118 3 11121 1
M 0 11119 2 11121 1
M 0 11120 3 11122 1
M 0 11107 3 11123 1
E 0 11117 0 16
E 0 11118 0 5
E 0 11119 0 8
E 0 11120 0 12
E 0 11131 0 14
M 0 11125 4 11128 2
M 0 11125 4 11131 2
M 0 11125 4 11133 2
O 0 11112 0 11135
M 0 11109 4 11136 1
M 0 11109 4 11138 2
M 0 11109 4 11138 2
M 0 11111 1 11138 1
M 0 11123 2 11140 1
M 0 11123 2 11141 1
M 0 11114 3 11142 1
O 0 11127 0 11143
O 0 11127 0 11143
M 0 11122 1 11143 1
M 0 11122 1 11143 1
M 0 11102 9 11145 1
M 0 11114 3 11146 1
O 0 11114 0 11147
M 0 11114 3 11148 1
O 0 11114 0 11148
M 0 11102 9 11150 1
O 0 11106 0 11151
M 0 11108 1 11151 1
M 0 11102 9 11153 1
M 0 11103 3 11155 1
M 0 11103 3 11156 1
M 0 11112 6 11158 2
M 0 11112 6 11159 1
E 0 11110 0 16
E 0 11111 0 6
M 0 11113 2 11159 1
G 0 11108 0
M 0 11112 6 11160 3
E 0 11110 0 16
M 0 11113 2 11160 1
G 0 11108 0
O 0 11107 0 11161
M 0 11110 3 11161 1
M 0 11110 3 11161 1
M 0 11104 1 11161 1
G 0 11108 0
E 0 11109 0 16
M 0 11101 5 11165 1
E 0 11102 0 19
E 0 11103 0 16
O 0 11105 0 11166
M 0 11101 5 11166 1
E 0 11102 0 19
O 0 11105 0 11167
O 0 11105 0 11168
M 0 11101 5 11168 1
E 0 11102 0 19
E 0 11103 0 16
O 0 11104 0 11169
M 0 11101 5 11170 1
E 0 11102 0 19
M 0 11101 5 11171 1
E 0 11103 0 16
E 0 11102 0 19
M 0 11100 1 11172 1
G 0 11100 0
E 0 11101 0 0
M 0 11109 4 11173 1
O 0 11132 0 11173
P 0 11133 1 11132 1
O 0 11126 0 11175
M 0 11112 6 11175 3
O 0 11124 0 11178
M 0 11112 6 11179 3
O 0 11124 0 11179
O 0 11125 0 11180
M 0 11120 3 11181 1
M 0 11118 3 11182 1
M 0 11120 3 11182 1
M 0 11118 3 11183 1
M 0 11121 1 11186 1
E 0 11128 0 12
E 0 11129 0 17
O 0 11130 0 11186

