Name The Hobgoblin Keep~
Builders Fluffy Halodar~
VNUMs 12800 12899
Credits {120 175} Roth        Hobgoblin Keep~
Security 9
Version 1

hobgoblin sentry~
a hobgoblin sentry~
A hobgoblin sentry snarls bitterly to himself.
Tough red skin blends with the thick leather and steel armor of the
hobgoblin sentry, almost like a protective element itself.  Tufts of black
hair sprout from the creature's face and neck, as well as the backs of its
hands, and black eyes gleam in deeply set sockets.  He stands roughly six
foot tall, and weighs close to three hundred pounds.  
ABGT 0 -1000 0
159 0 2d8+121 2d7+121 2d4+2 claw
1 1 1 3
stand stand male 1000
layman cirobea~
a layman~
A layman of the Cirobea wanders the keep.
The symbol of a purple comet wrapped around a blue moon adorns the red
forehead of the Cirobean layman.  His hair has been shaved from the side of
his head and a long tuft has been bound with a leather band in the center of
the smooth red skull.  The layman is enormous, weighing a couple hundred
pounds and standing well above six feet tall.  
AGQ 0 0 0
160 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
hobgoblin sentry~
a hobgoblin watchguard~
A hobgoblin watchguard keeps a careful lookout.
An enormous, well-fed hobgoblin watchguard peers out from under thick,
bushy eyebrows, wrinkling the dense folds of skin that sit between them. 
Black beady eyes rove constantly, contrasting the slow, careful method of
movement that he travels with.  He is well-protected by a layer of reddish
skin that seems more like scales, and odd tufts of hair sprout out from the
folds of skin.  
ABGHT 0 -1000 0
163 0 3d9+333 3d9+100 2d8+5 claw
-4 -4 -4 -2
stand stand male 2000
huge hobgoblin captain~
a huge hobgoblin~
A huge hobgoblin patrols the keep.
Beady eyes peer out from under bushy black brows, surveying the lay of
the keep.  The captain of the guard is well-armed, and even his scaly red
skin by itself provides an adequate amount of protection.  A soft fuzz of
black hair, nearly transparent, covers his body from head to toe, and a
thick tuft erupts from the top of his head and fans out like a small
AGHT 0 -450 0
170 0 5d10+600 5d10+400 2d10+7 claw
-7 -7 -7 -3
stand stand male 2000
hobgoblin chieftian groll blackclaw~
Groll Blackclaw~
Groll Blackclaw presides over the room.
As stately as hobgoblins come, Groll Blackclaw is a follower of the old
ways, adorned with the beads and skins that signify one who knows of the
comet comings.  His red skin is accented by the green and blue of the fine
attire he wears, and a tiny silver ring is looped through one of his bushy
ABGT H -351 0
175 0 10d10+1000 6d12+853 4d6+8 smash
-10 -10 -10 -5
stand stand male 2500
hobgoblin commoner~
a hobgoblin~
A hobgoblin commoner is here.
Huge white tusks protrude from the commoner's face, flanking fat red lips
that pout with confusion.  Small bunches of black hair sprout from between
the thick folds of red flesh that cover the large body, and beady eyes peer
out from under thick bushy brows that cross from one edge of the hairline to
the other.  The hobgoblin stands nearly six feet tall and weighs between two
and three hundred pounds.  
AG FJ -1000 0
120 0 3d9+208 2d6+110 2d6+3 claw
-2 -2 -2 0
FIN 0 LQ 0
stand stand either 500
hobgoblin merchant trader barris snaggletooth~
Barris Snaggletooth~
Barris Snaggletooth is here, honing a fine blade.
Barris Snaggletooth is a young hobgoblin, finely dressed in rich clothing
that belies his station as the keep's weapon dealer.  He wears rich blue
rings in his ears that stand out against his smooth red skin, and fine gold
cufflinks gleam like treasure in the snow-white of his linen shirt.  
ABGM 0 -250 0
300 0 3d9+208 2d6+110 2d6+3 claw
-2 -2 -2 0
0 ABC LQ 0
sit sit male 100000
hobgoblin priestess~
a hobgoblin priestess~
A hobgoblin priestess chants solemnly.
A small hobgoblin with huge black eyes bears a very holy countenance, and
across the red skin of her forehead is emblazoned a blue comet with a fiery
tail that trails off into her lengthy black hair.  Long white tusks have
been polished clean on either side of her pouty red mouth, and her eyebrows
have been shaven so that they don't interfere with the comet symbol.  
ABGQ V -1000 0
165 0 5d10+550 5d10+650 3d6+6 claw
-7 -7 -7 -5
FIV 0 LQ 0
stand stand female 1500
hobgoblin mage~
a hobgoblin mage~
A hobgoblin mage adjusts his robes.
The mage is small for hobgoblin, falling short of the usual six foot by
nearly nine or ten inches and weighing perhaps only one hundred and fifty
pounds.  His tusks look outlandishly large for his small face, and his jaws
droop in long jowls that almost touch his chest.  Tough red skin, almost
like an armor in itself, covers his body, and tufts of black hair, fine as a
baby's, sprout among the thick folds of his skin.  
ABGR DV -1000 0
165 0 5d10+650 5d10+703 2d10+7 claw
-7 -7 -7 -5
stand stand male 2800
Androth human priest~
A human priest seems to blend in with the stone.
A pallid human, Androth almost blends in with the grey stone of the keep
walls, his deepset eyes like agate in his long face.  He is thin and wiry,
and the tendons stand out in his wrists and forearms like tight bowstrings
ready to be released.  His high cheekbones extend nearly back into his
hairline, giving him a constant wan grimace.  
ABGQ 0 100 0
160 0 5d10+550 5d10+650 3d6+6 punch
-7 -7 -7 -5
EFNV 0 0 0
stand stand male 3000
crystal statue elven maiden~
a crystal statue~
A crystal statue of an elven maiden embraces an unseen lover.
A lovely female elf has been painstakingly carved from clear crystal, her
hands extended outward as if to embrace an unseen lover.  Shadows play in
the folds of her dress as it blows in the wind, highlighting her shapely
legs and tiny feet.  
ABGa N 1000 0
140 0 10d10+1100 10d10+1100 6d4+10 crush
-10 -10 -10 -5
stand stand female 0
AEHJMVc ABCDEFGHIJK medium crystal
Geris Lockjaw~
Geris Lockjaw~
Geris Lockjaw, owner of Hobgoblin Keep's only quest store, inspects her wares.
A massive female hobgoblin.
ABM 0 0 0
150 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
0 CD LQ 0
stand stand female 0
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJKY medium unknown
cirobean ordersman~
a Cirobean ordersman~
A Cirobean ordersman mouths the words of silent prayer.
Orange and yellow tatooed flames cover the face of the Cirobean
ordersman, whose red skin blends with the ink to create a fearsome visage. 
Purple comets run up the backs of each of his forearms, and a blue moon
swirls with mist on his palms.  His tusks have been polished to a gleaming
white, and beady black eyes peer out of the deep hollow eyesockets of his
ART 0 0 0
155 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
teju lizard~
a teju lizard~
A teju lizard tastes the air.
A large green lizard tastes the air with his purple tongue, flicking it
in and out between his thin black lips.  His scales almost shine with an
unearthly green shimmer as they slide over his shoulders and legs when he
moves, folds of skin gathering and then dispersing themselves.  
A FZ -500 0
130 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 claw
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
AGXc ACDEFHKQV medium scales


A Path in the Forest~
A large structure lies to the north amid the tall trees of the dense
forest, and the remains of an ancient rockslide have formed impasses to the
east and west, the pebbles falling in among the larger rocks to create a
stony surface that it almost smooth.  Where the rich dark soil of the forest
floor appears among the debris a few small plants struggle to survive,
pushing their weak heads up towards the tiny bit of light that trickles down
through the leafy canopy.  
0 0 3
You see a old castle off in the distance.  
0 0 12802
To the south you see a dark and eerie forest.
0 0 12875
Dark Entrance~
Shadows cloak the keep in eternal darkness, appearing to be almost
material bings that lurk in corners and secretively snoop on interlopers and
inhabitants alike.  An open passage runs to the north and south, and a heavy
wooden door stands formidably in an inset stone doorway to the east.  
0 9 0
Shadows can be seen in the flickering light ahead.
0 0 12807
door wooden east~
1 0 12803
You see a forest path in the distance.
0 0 12801
Guard Room~
The musky guard room is dark, and it is decorated delicately with a
myriad of old cobwebs that trail from the stone of the ceiling, as well as
small piles of trash and refuse that are scattered indescriminately around
the room.  Two tables, smashed apart into large sections, sit against the
north wall, and four low wooden beds line the south wall, empty.  
0 9 0
bed beds~
The beds are made of thin boards and some coarse scraps of animal fur.
table tables~
Shattered pieces of wood is all that remains of these tables.
An old rotting wooden door stands to the east.
door wooden east~
1 0 12804
A wooden door bound with heavy iron bands sits to the west.
door wooden west~
1 0 12802
More of a tiny alcove in the keep than a room, the armory is but a corner
filled with rusty ancient weapons in tall dusty racks.  Two suits of armor
stand near the north wall, and there are four barrels filled with arrows in
the southern corner, almost concealed by the dark shadows that crawl among
the weaponry.  
0 9 0
Once made of finely crafted chainmail, they are now laden with rust,
propped up on wooden dummies.  
arrow arrows~
The arrows are rotted and useless.  
barrel barrels~
The barrels are waist high, and arrows spill out to the floor where time
has rotted through the sides of the barrels.  
door wooden west~
1 0 12803
Abandoned Dining Room~
Once an elegant dining room, this portion of the keep has been long
abandoned, and thick cobwebs strung almost from ceiling to floor stand in
testimony to the lack of visitors.  Tables and chairs are scattered about
the room, as if the last dinner eaten here ended in turmoil, and one
unbroken fluted glass lays on the delicate edge of what was once the central
table, poised to fall.  
0 9 0
Underneath all of the cobwebs is a finely crafted table.
The cobwebs are full of thousand little spiders crawling through them.
1 0 12822
The hallway is partially lit by two wall sconces at each of the four
corners of this intersection, and vines and fungus twine around the bases of
the sconces, running out across the walls and down to the floor.  The floor
stones have permanently adopted a greenish tinge from the musty water that
stands in a shallow pool at this intersection and spreads out in all four
cardinal directions down the halls.  
0 9 0
wall vine fungus~
The walls are covered in vines and fungus.  In various locations a yellow
flower grows.  
Torch light can be seen off in the distance.
0 0 12851
Torch light can be seen off in the distance down the corridor.
0 0 12808
Torch light can be seen off in the distance down the corridor.
0 0 12802
Torch light can be seen off in the distance down the corridor.
0 0 12823
The hallway is partially lit by a sconce on the southern wall, and the
torchlight reflects off the dark green leaves of ivy that cover the stone
walls of the hallway.  Small, still rivers of dank water sit in between the
blocks that form the floor, and the stone has taken on a greenish tinge from
the constant standing moisture.  
0 9 0
wall vine fungus~
The walls are covered in vines and fungus.  In various locations a yellow
flower grows.  
A wooden door, partially rotted away with age, lies to the north.
door wood~
1 0 12852
Torch light can be seen off in the distance.
0 0 12809
Torch light can be seen off in the distance.
0 0 12807
The hallway is partially lit by a sconce on the south wall, which serves
as a climbing post for many years worth of vines and fungus, and the floor
stones have turned a greenish color from the constant touch of the slimy
water that pools between the blocks and swirls around the base of the
staircase that extends up to the guardtower above.  The hall continues north
and west, and an iron door embossed with strange markings designates a room
of some importance to the east.  
0 9 0
stone floor~
The stone looks solid, but from years of neglect has turned it to its
current color.  
wall vine fungus~
The walls are covered in vines and fungus.  In various locations a yellow
flower grows.  
Shadows seem to be dancing in the distant torch light.  
0 0 12810
An iron door stands strong, untouched by time.
door iron~
1 0 12827
Torch light can be seen off in the distance.
0 0 12808
0 0 12849
The hallway is partially lit by two wall sconces on the western wall, and
the torchlight reflects off the pools of standing water that have gathered
on the floor, giving the stones a greenish tinge.  The corridor continues
north and south, covered with the ivy that climbs the walls and trails
across the ground and ceiling.  An entranceway is to the east.  
0 9 0
stone floor~
The stone looks solid, but from years of neglect it has turned to its
current color.  
wall vine fungus~
The walls are covered in vines and fungus.  In various locations a yellow
flower grows.  
Torch light can be seen off in the distance.
0 0 12811
Age has pulled at the wooden door, bowing it and widening the cracks
between the boards.  
door wooden east~
1 0 12828
Torch light can be seen off in the distance.
0 0 12809
The corridor continues north and south, lit dimly by a few wall sconces
that break the dull monotony of stone, ivy, and fungus.  There is a doorway
to the east, and a sturdy wooden door hangs from iron hinges with its brass
handle and lock glinting in the torchlight.  The gleam of the brass is
reflected in the stagnant pools of water on the floor like a small, bright
solar system embedded in greenish space.  
0 9 0
wall vine fungus~
The walls are covered in vines and fungus.  In various locations a yellow
flower grows.  
0 0 12812
A wooden door with thick iron bands stands in the doorway to the east.  
door wooden east~
1 0 12829
Torch light can be seen off in the distance.~
0 0 12810
0 0 12853
Bits of rotted wood have fallen off the doors to the east and west and
landed in the murky pools of green water that cover the floor, laying like
tiny islands in a sea of watery algae.  The hallway continues to the north
and south, lit by a few small wall sconces and their reflected light in the
water, and ivy and fungus coat all the walls like a second skin to the grey
stone blocks.  
0 9 0
wall vine fungus~
The walls are covered in vines and fungus.  In various locations a yellow
flower grows.  
Torch light can be seen off in the distance.
0 0 12813
0 0 12837
0 0 12811
door wooden west~
1 0 12854
To the west, the hallway splits to continue along this level in a
corridor and meander upwards in a winding staircase.  The dimly lit hall
extends south on this level, and there is a doorway to the east between two
bright wall sconces that cast their reflected light into the pools of
stagnant water like twin suns.  The thick ivy that covers the walls shies
back from the suns, cowering in fear of their brilliant radiance.  
0 9 0
wall vine fungus~
The walls are covered in vines and fungus.  In various locations a yellow
flower grows.  
A finely crafted door, worn by age yet still in excellent condition,
marks the eastern entrance through a series of arcane symbols.  
door wooden east~
1 0 12831
Torch light can be seen off in the distance.
0 0 12812
Torch light can be seen off in the distance.  
0 0 12814
Dimly lit by sconces, a corridor slopes upwards from the western wall.  
0 0 12832
Twin wooden doors, conspicuous in their spartan appearance, brood in
inset doorways to the north and south, standing careful watch over the
hallway that runs east and west.  Torchlight from several wall sconces play
on the ivy that has accumulated over the stones during the years and the
water that stands calm on the ground in murky pools.  
0 9 0
wall vine fungus~
The walls are covered in vines and fungus. In various locations a yellow
flower grows.
A plain wooden door bound with thick iron bands is set into the wall.
door wooden north~
1 0 12836
Torch light can be seen off in the distance.
0 0 12813
A plain wooden door bound with thick iron bands is set into the wall.  
door wooden south~
1 0 12855
Torch light can be seen off in the distance.
0 0 12815
The intersection of hallways is partially lit by sconces at the corners
of the stone walls, but shadows still lurk in the chinks between the blocks
and the sharp edges between the walls and the ceiling.  The floor stones
have turned green from years of being submerged under murky water and algae,
and the walls are covered by thick ivy and fungus so that the stone
underneath is barely visible.  
0 9 0
Torch light can be seen off in the distance.
0 0 12814
Torch light can be seen off in the distance.
0 0 12856
Torch light can be seen off in the distance.
0 0 12816
The corridor runs east and west, a mottled mix of grey stone and dark
green ivy broken only by doorways to the north and south and a few sconces
scattered at intervals along the hallway.  The floor stones have been
modified to a complimentary green color by the algae and water that covers
them like a shallow swamp.  
0 9 0
wall vine fungus~
The walls are covered in vines and fungus. In various locations a yellow
flower grows.
door wooden north~
1 0 12838
Torch light can be seen off in the distance.
0 0 12815
door wooden south~
1 0 12857
Torch light can be seen off in the distance.
0 0 12817
A very tiny bit of dim light is exuded by the brass sconce on the west
wall, defining the shadows that loom in the long hallway rather than the
passage itself.  The door to the west is cloaked in darkness, and a golden
light, almost heavenly, descends from the stairs that slope slowly upwards. 
A shallow pool of murky green water lends to the dismal appearance of the
wide, ivy-covered hall.  
0 9 0
wall vine fungus~
The walls are covered in vines and fungus. In various locations a yellow
flower grows.
Torch light can be seen off in the distance.
0 0 12816
Torch light can be seen off in the distance.
0 0 12819
door west wooden~
1 0 12842
A corridor lit by wall sconces extends upwards at a slight stepped slope.  
0 0 12818
Guard Tower Stairs~
Fungus and vines slope up the walls of the passageway with the shallow
set of stairs, heading up to the guards' room and back down to one of the
main hallways of the keep.  Several small brass sconces, placed at even
intervals along the length of the stairs, cast an ample amount of golden
torchlight on the stone steps.  
0 0 1
wall vine fungus~
The walls are covered in vines and fungus. In varioss locations a yellow
flower grows.
0 0 12840
0 0 12817
A single sconce on the western wall serves to light a lengthy span of
stone hallway, holding off the dark shadows that hover at the end of the
light rays.  A wooden door is set into the eastern wall, and ivy surrounds
the doorway and stretches along the lengths of the walls, as if it provided
the borders to the keep rather than the sturdy stone beneath.  
0 9 0
0 0 12817
door wooden east~
1 0 12857
Torch light can be seen off in the distance.
0 0 12820
The stone hallway extends north and south, and wooden doors, bound with
sturdy iron, are set into the east and west walls.  Green ivy and fungus
coat the walls and ceiling in shiny vines that reflect the light of the
small sconces that are positioned on either side of the doorways, and the
ivy dips delicate tendrils into murky green water that covers the floor in
shallow pools.  
0 9 0
Torch light can be seen off in the distance.
0 0 12819
door wooden east~
1 0 12858
Torch light can be seen off in the distance.
0 0 12821
door wooden~
1 0 12844
Green ivy coats the walls and ceiling of the dark corridor, broken only
by the inset wooden door that lies to the west and the appearance of a few
small yellow flowers that glow among the dark green leaves like brilliant
jewels.  A sconce protrudes to the northern side of the door, positioned on
the wall among the leaves as if it grew there, and shallow pools of stagnant
green water cover the stones of the floor.  
0 9 0
wall vine fungus~
The walls are covered in vines and fungus. In various locations a yellow
flower grows.
Torch light can be seen off in the distance.
0 0 12820
Torch light can be seen off in the distance.
0 0 12822
door wooden west~
1 0 12845
A staircase of marbled grey stone extends upwards from the corridor at a
slight slope, lit in a golden glow by the torchlight of several nearby wall
sconces.  Years of exposure to moist warm air and the murky green water that
covers the floor have allowed for the growth of an ivy cover so thick that
the grey stone of the walls is barely visible, only clearly defined where
the corridor cuts a sharp turn, extending to the north and east.  
0 9 0
wall vine fungus~
The walls are covered in vines and fungus. In various locations a yellow
flower grows.
Torch light can be seen off in the distance.
0 0 12821
Torch light can be seen off in the distance.
0 0 12823
1 0 12805
0 0 12824
The corridor continues east and west, interrupted by a few brass sconces
that cast a golden haze over the passage.  The walls and ceiling are
immersed in a thick cover of ivy that has taken over the territory and
subdued the grey stone blocks that lie underneath, and a huge, shallow pool
of murky green water covers the floor of the hallway in a thin pond.  
0 9 0
wall vine fungus~
The walls are covered in vines and fungus. In various locations a yellow
flower grows.
Torch light can be seen off in the distance.
0 0 12807
Torch light can be seen off in the distance.
0 0 12822
Guard Tower Corridor~
Wide, graded steps run between the first and second levels of the stone
keep, guided upwards by the loose spiral of ivy that covers the walls and
trails across the ceiling.  A thin trickle of water falls from the inside
edge of each step, tumbling down the green indentations that have been worn
in the stairs over the years down towards the bottom level, where two
sconces provide a warm glow for travel.  
0 9 0
wall vine fungus~
The walls are covered in vines and fungus. In various locations a yellow
flower grows.
0 0 12825
0 0 12822
Lower Tower Room~
A circular tower room hovers halfway up the stone keep, connected to the
main floor by a shallow set of stairs on the western wall and to the level
above by an iron ladder on the northern wall that extends through a hole in
the ceiling.  Several diamond-shaped openings have been cut into the stone
of the wall at different heights for the archers of years past to protect
the keep from invaders.  
0 9 0
0 0 12826
A corridor dimly lit by wall sconces lies at the bottom of the stairs.  
0 0 12824
The battlements stand strong at the top of the keep, with access to the
lower levels available by an iron ladder that leads down through a hole in
the stone floor.  Several large cauldrons stand near the edges of the
waist-high walls, and the remains of a ballista lay here, along with a huge
empty barrel that once contained arrows for battle.  
0 0 1
0 0 12825
Abandoned Study~
The decaying remains of a once well-furnished study are covered in dust
and mold so that the whole room seems to have been overcome by a monstrous
shadow of rot.  The thin parchment of the books and ledgers has
disintegrated into tiny piles of snow-white dust that coats the various
shelves, and the wooden desk has collapsed on one side, spilling its
contents on the floor by the edge.  
0 1037 0
Door West~
1 0 12809
Lair of the Orcish Lord~
The lair is littered with trash so that the furniture is barely
discernible from the heaps of refuse that litter the floor.  A low wooden
bed on the eastern wall is covered in rank animal hides, rinds, small bones,
and a variety of sticky coagulating liquids, while the small table next to
it is free other than the loose ends of the lashings that hold it together
and a single half-burnt candle.  
0 9 0
An iron door stands in the entranceway to the west.  
Door Iron West~
1 0 12810
Guard Room~
Although the wooden bunk beds appear to be ancient, the rest of the
furniture in the room is newer, including a large wooden desk strewn with
books and maps and several oak chairs.  Weapons and armor hang from hooks
attached to the end of the top bunk of each row of beds, and various
garments are scattered on the floor.  
0 9 0
Door West~
1 0 12811
An Altar~
A small brazier burning incense wafts a smoky scented aroma into the air
over a crude wooden altar that has been painted silver and several low
wooden benches.  Two square windows let in a bit of natural light above a
ledge about seven feet off the floor on the southern wall, and a gaudy,
creased red banner hangs awkwardly below the ledge from the stone blocks.  
0 8 0
A wooden door stands to the west.  
Door West~
1 0 12813
Guard Tower Stairs~
Graded steps slick with collected moisture curl around the inner curve of
the tower, leading upwards to the guards' room and down to the main level. 
The grey stone of the walls is nearly concealed by dense layers of ivy that
spread their deep green leaves over the blocks and up along the edge of the
ceiling, and two dim sconces provide feeble rays that play off the luscious
leafy surfaces.  
0 9 0
0 0 12833
0 0 12813
Lower Tower Room~
Diamond-shaped arrow ports are cut into the stone blocks of the walls,
left from an earlier day when the keep was a well-protected stronghold that
oft came under fire.  Tendrils of green ivy creep through the narrow windows
and wind their way around the interior circumference of the room, edging
into the cracks between the blocks and down into the corners at the bases of
the walls.  
0 8 0
0 0 12834
0 0 12832
The stone battlements stretch from a hole in the floor by the west wall
out across the top of the tower of the keep, crowning the defenses of the
once-powerful fortress.  Huge empty cauldrons line the edge of the
battlements, and the darkened stone near the edge of the walls bear
testimony to their devastating effectiveness.  
0 0 1
0 0 12833
Chaplain's Quarters~
A triangular altar is set in the southeast corner of the room, and
various small holy items have been carefully laid out on it, as if in
preparation for a ceremony.  A faded tapestry hangs on the wall above the
headboard of the sparsely-covered bed to the north, and a sturdy wooden
chest is at the foot of the low, rickety bed.  
0 9 0
Door West~
1 0 12836
Small Alcove~
Rough redwood boards have been fitted together to conceal the stone
blocks that comprise the walls of the keep, and an elaborate star symbol has
been painted on the ceiling in golden tones.  A huge brass brazier is
positioned in the middle of the room, casting a bright glow on the red and
silver carpet and sending aromatic fumes into the dank air.  
0 11 0
Door East~
1 0 12835
Door South~
1 0 12814
Empty Bed Room~
A gigantic desk and large wooden bed split the symmetrically square room
neatly in half, with a narrow walkway between the furniture to the small
square window on the north wall, and the oak door that is inset to the west.
A large, flat chest is visible under the edge of the low bed, its brass
fittings the only shiny thing in the drab room.  
0 9 0
0 0 12812
Small Alcove~
Planed yellow poplar planks are fitted, tongue to groove, over the rough
stone walls of the keep, and a large brass brazier situated in the center of
the room casts an eerie red-orange glow across the surface of the golden
wood.  An ivory carpet, threaded with silver, covers the floor, and a wildly
abstract figure resembling a writhing star is depicted on the ceiling in
gold paint.  
0 9 0
Door South~
1 0 12816
0 0 12839
Mage's Quarters~
Four small brass braziers are on tiny redwood tables in the corners of
the room, and the smoke and light spread across the room like a visible haze
of magical origin.  A blue moon and swirling comet are depicted on the grey
stone ceiling, brilliant in the soft light and drab environment that
includes a low bed on the north wall and a plain set of shelves by the door
that almost reach the ceiling.  
0 9 0
0 0 12838
Lower Tower Room~
Graded stone steps and an iron ladder meet on a landing roughly halfway
up the height of the keep tower, a horizontal plane of stone suspended in
the moist air.  Water seeps down the rungs of the iron ladder and drips in a
thin trickle off of the inner edge of the stairs, and thick vines of ivy
that climb the cylindrical walls thin to tendrils and strands that crawl
gingerly across the ceiling.  
0 9 0
0 0 12841
0 0 12818
As if a giant cookie cutter had been pressed into the blocks,
crenelations mark the edges of the tower high above the stone keep, and the
remains of a ballista lean against the northern edge of the tower, a broken
giant from days past.  The broken wood is scattered across the length of the
platform, reaching the far edge of the hole that leads down to the next
level against the western wall.  
0 0 1
0 0 12840
Abandoned Chapel~
Rough, thick rugs of stiff sheep's wool cover the stone floor of the
room, leaving bare only a rectangle of grey rock that lies under the altar
on the west wall.  Brass braziers burn slowly at either end of the ledged
surface of the altar, exuding a soft glow that mixes with the natural light
bleeding in through two square windows high above the ledge.  
0 8 0
door wooden east~
1 0 12817
An ancient-looking oriental carpet graces the stone floor in the center
of the room, providing a resting spot for a large oak table, piled high with
books and manuscripts, and its accompanying chair.  The north, south, and
west walls are concealed by enormous bookcases containing a vast number of
books of every size and color imaginable, and a door is inset into the
fourth wall, allowing exit from the library.  
0 8 0
door wooden~
1 0 12820
Poplar cabinets and shelves have bowed and warped with the moisture of
the keep over time, so that the pantry appears to be some twisted torture
chamber of curved doors and nearly circular rectangles.  Glass jars have
burst and spread their sticky contents in pools of solid jelly on the rough
stone floor, and small sacks have rotten so that their petrified food
mingles with the dust of the bags.  
0 9 0
Door East~
1 0 12821
Lower Tower Room~
Arrow slits are interspersed along the curved walls of the keep tower at
regular intervals, and an iron ladder rises through a hole in the ceiling
between two of the western openings.  Vines of green ivy twine through the
slits and along the walls and ceiling, and water seeps down the sides of the
ladder and flows in a shallow stream across the floor, condensing into a
fast-flowing trickle to travel down the stairs that open up to the north.  
0 8 0
A iron ladder extends up into the battlements above.
0 0 12848
0 0 12849
Huge iron cauldrons take up much of the space at the top of the tower,
overshadowing the hole in the stone that allows descent to the level below
and the shattered remnants of a ballista along the western side of the
battlements.  Tendrils of dark green ivy creep through the gap in the floor,
tentatively stretching feelers over the scraps of wood and iron.  
0 0 1
A iron ladder leads down to the room below.
0 0 12847
Guard Tower Corridor~
Shallow stone stairs curl lazily around the inside of the stone tower,
caught between two landings and only dimly lit by twin braziers that flank
the stairway.  Deep green ivy covers the walls, concealing the grey stone
blocks of the keep, and a thin trickle of murky water flows down the inner
edge of the steps, winding its way through an age-old groove that has been
worn in the stone.  
0 9 0
0 0 12847
0 0 12809
The hallway is partially lit by sconces on both sides.  The walls have
been covered by vines and fungus from years of growth.  The floor stones
have turned to a greenish color from the water that stands here.  There is a
wooden door to the north, while the corridor leads off to the south.  
0 9 0
A plain wooden door, bound with iron band.
wood door north~
1 0 12860
0 0 12807
Trading Post~
The shop is tiny and cramped, as if an entire hall of armor and weapons
had been stuffed into one little room.  The dim light of the twin brass
braziers that sit at either end of the tall counter is picked up and
reflected a thousand times off of the copper shields, steel swords, and
brass helms that consume nearly every bit of space in the shop.  
0 9 0
A wooden door, partially rotted away with age, is inset in the southern wall.
door wooden south~
1 0 12808
Throne Room~
On the grey stone floor of the throne room, vibrant colors depict a
gigantic comet with dragons swirling in various flight patterns through its
flaming tail.  At the head of the comet, an onyx dais rises from the floor
and supports a magnificent stone throne that rises towards the vaulted
ceiling, peaking twenty feet up in twin spires.  
0 9 0
0 0 12811
0 0 12860
Private Bedroom~
An elaborate mural of a brilliant green dragon wrapped around a blue moon
is laid out across the ceiling of the bedroom, and a matching blue and green
woven run covers the grey stone floor.  A small set of redwood drawers
occupies about a third of the southern wall, and a low bed with richly
embroidered covers is adjacent to it.  Exits are available through stone
archways to the east and west.  
0 9 0
door wooden east~
1 0 12812
wood door west~
1 0 12861
Private Bedroom~
An enormous oak armoire conceals nearly all of the southern wall of the
room, eclipsing the grey stone of the keep from sight, and a low wooden bed
of matching oak frame is set up against the eastern wall with a rich red
coverlet depicting a flying dragon.  A small brass brazier burns on the
floor a short distance from the head of the bed.  
0 9 0
wood door north~
1 0 12814
The hallway is partially lit by sconces on both sides.  The walls have
been covered by vines and fungus from years of growth.  The floor stones
have turned to a greenish color from the water that stands here.  There is a
wooden door to the south, while the corridor leads off to the north.  
0 9 0
0 0 12815
wood door south~
1 0 12861
Bathing Room~
Wooden tubs line the grey stone walls of the bathing room, and a fire pit
has been carved out of the blocks that form the floor, a deep inverted arch
with coals banked to a dim glow in the bottom.  Thick condensation covers
the walls and ceiling, and a film of slimy water has built up on the floor
over the years with a greenish-grey algae that has forever tainted the
0 9 0
wood door north~
1 0 12816
door wooden west~
1 0 12819
Private Bedroom~
A richly embroidered red coverlet lays across the low wooden bed on the
north wall, and feathers escape their confines along the edge seams of the
linen pillow that leans against the headboard.  A small brass brazier is
next to the bed, and its dim glow lights the brass fittings on the tall
cabinet on the south wall as if they were on fire.  Exits lie through stone
archways to the east and west.  
0 9 0
wood door east~
1 0 12861
door wooden west~
1 0 12820
Geris Lockjaw's Quest Wares~
Twin vaulted archways of onyx mark the exits from this shop on the south
and east walls, and every other bit of space in the room is occupied with
crates, boxes, bags, chests and various other packages.  Two small, square
windows flank the eastern door, allowing in a sliver of light from the
outside through the dirt and grime that cover the panes.  Hobgoblins mill
about the store anxious as to what new and wonderful wares are being sold.  
0 524301 0
Southern Courtyard~
Marble blocks frame an open grassy courtyard that welcomes in the sun's
warm rays and the cool blue moonlight in equal parts.  An onyx comet sits
gracefully aloft one such block, allowing the shadow of its elongated tail
to fall across the edge of a circle of brass it sits on.  Exits lie in every
direction but west through vaulted stone archways.  
0 0 0
0 0 12861
0 0 12853
1 0 12851
Northen Courtyard~
Vaulted stone archways allow for exit in every direction, and white
walkways marbelized with black run between the doorways, flanked at
intervals by matchin stone columns.  The patches between the stone have been
carefully cultivated so that flowers and plants of every shape and color
flourish within the small regions.  
0 0 0
wood door north~
1 0 12856
wood door east~
1 0 12854
0 0 12860
A plain wooden door, bound with iron bands
1 0 12858
A Dark Forest~
A dense forest of oak trees crowds in around the rough trail that winds
its way among the trunks and over the roots, fighting to create an opening
in the thick underbrush.  Odd yellow flowers cling to the tough bark of the
oaks, spreading their petals towards a sky that is all but eclipsed by the
leafy canopy.  
0 0 3
0 0 12872
0 0 6151
A Dark Forest~

0 0 3
0 0 12870
Opening in the Forest~
The forest here has been cleared out.  Pelts from various animals lay all
about the ground.  Sounds of barking can be heard from a large dog tied up
just at the edge of the clearing.  You see a small hut at the edge of the
clearing just south of you.  
0 0 3
A small hut in the forest.
0 0 12871
0 0 12869
Inside a Hut~
As you enter the hut, you can see a iron furnace near the east wall with
a cot near it.  Book shelves line the west wall and are stuffed with various
bone cravings.  
0 1032 0
A small clearing.
0 0 12870
A Dark Forest~
Thick briars cling to the edges of the path, working their way up the
rough trunks of the oak trees and out onto the lower branches to dangle down
in the moist forest air.  Shadows constantly linger among the roots of the
trees and slip through the dense underbrush, silently dodging thorns and
sharp sticks to evade the small amount of light that makes its way down
through the treetops.  
0 0 3
0 0 12875
0 0 12867
A Dark Forest~
Tall oak rise high on either side of the forest path, spreading their
thick branches through the moist air above and fanning broad leaves that
block light from reaching the forest floor.  Briars and brambles claw their
way into the path, writhing around the roots of the tall trees and fighting
up the trunks into the lower branches.  
0 0 3
0 0 12801
0 0 12872

M 12800 spec_guard
M 12801 spec_cast_cleric
M 12802 spec_guard
M 12803 spec_guard
M 12804 spec_cast_adept
M 12807 spec_cast_cleric
M 12808 spec_cast_mage
M 12809 spec_cast_cleric
M 12812 spec_cast_mage

D 0 12802 1 1
D 0 12803 3 1
D 0 12805 1 1
D 0 12810 1 1
D 0 12811 1 1
D 0 12814 2 1
D 0 12816 0 1
D 0 12816 2 1
D 0 12817 3 1
D 0 12819 1 1
D 0 12821 3 1
D 0 12822 3 1
D 0 12828 3 1
D 0 12829 3 1
D 0 12838 2 1
D 0 12842 1 1
D 0 12845 1 1
D 0 12851 0 1
D 0 12854 3 1
D 0 12855 0 1
D 0 12856 2 1
D 0 12857 0 1
D 0 12857 3 1
D 0 12858 1 1
D 0 12860 2 1
D 0 12861 0 1
D 0 12861 1 1
D 0 12861 3 1
M 0 12802 15 12802 2
M 0 12802 10 12802 2
M 0 12800 10 12803 2
M 0 12800 10 12803 2
M 0 12813 8 12807 1
M 0 12805 20 12807 1
M 0 12805 20 12809 1
M 0 12813 8 12809 1
M 0 12805 20 12812 2
M 0 12805 20 12812 2
M 0 12805 20 12816 2
M 0 12805 20 12816 2
M 0 12813 8 12816 1
M 0 12805 20 12817 1
M 0 12805 20 12820 2
M 0 12813 8 12820 1
M 0 12812 6 12822 1
M 0 12805 20 12823 1
M 0 12813 8 12824 1
M 0 12802 10 12826 1
M 0 12810 1 12827 1
M 0 12802 10 12828 2
M 0 12802 10 12828 2
M 0 12800 10 12829 1
M 0 12809 1 12831 1
M 0 12801 5 12833 1
M 0 12802 10 12834 1
M 0 12807 1 12835 1
M 0 12801 5 12836 2
M 0 12805 20 12837 2
M 0 12805 20 12837 2
M 0 12812 6 12838 1
M 0 12801 5 12838 1
M 0 12808 1 12839 1
M 0 12802 10 12841 1
M 0 12813 8 12842 1
M 0 12812 6 12842 1
M 0 12805 20 12845 2
M 0 12802 10 12848 1
M 0 12802 10 12851 1
M 0 12805 21 12851 1
M 0 12806 1 12852 1
M 0 12804 1 12853 1
M 0 12801 5 12854 1
M 0 12813 8 12855 1
M 0 12805 20 12855 1
M 0 12805 20 12857 2
M 0 12800 15 12857 1
M 0 12812 6 12858 1
M 0 12811 1 12859 1
M 0 12803 1 12860 1
M 0 12800 15 12860 2
M 0 12800 15 12860 2
M 0 12800 15 12872 1

12806 9 5 0 0 0 100 50 0 23
