Installation for CircleMud
If you have not done so, read the IMCInstall.txt

1. In the file, find:

#flags for profiling (see hacker.doc for more information)

Directly below that, add:

#IMC2 - Comment out to disable IMC2 support
IMC = 1

Below the CXREF_FILES section, add the following:
   [Note: BSD users - put a period in front of the word ifdef, and in front of the word endif]

ifdef IMC
   CXREF_FILES += imc.c sha256.c
   OBJFILES += imc.o sha256.o

Directly below the following:

weather.o: weather.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h comm.h handler.h \
  interpreter.h db.h
	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) weather.c

Add the following:

imc.o: imc.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h comm.h db.h handler.h \
  interpreter.h imc.h imccfg.h
	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) imc.c sha256.c

2. Open and find the following:

struct social_messg {
  int act_nr;
  int hide;
  int min_victim_position;      /* Position of victim */

  /* No argument was supplied */
  char *char_no_arg;
  char *others_no_arg;  

  /* An argument was there, and a victim was found */
  char *char_found;             /* if NULL, read no further, ignore args */
  char *others_found;
  char *vict_found;

  /* An argument was there, but no victim was found */
  char *not_found;

  /* The victim turned out to be the character */
  char *char_auto;
  char *others_auto;
} *soc_mess_list;

Below that, add the following:

/* For IMC */
struct social_messg *find_social( const char *name )
   int cmd, socidx;

   if( ( cmd = find_command( name ) ) < 0 )
      return NULL;

   if( ( socidx = find_action( cmd ) ) < 0 )
      return NULL;

   return &soc_mess_list[socidx];

3. Open comm.c and locate the following:

#include <arpa/telnet.h>
#include "telnet.h"

Directly below that, add the following:

#ifdef IMC
#include "imc.h"

Locate function init_game, and find the following:

  log("Opening mother connection.");
  mother_desc = init_socket(port);


Directly below that, add the following:

#ifdef IMC
  imc_startup(FALSE, -1, FALSE); // FALSE arg, so the autoconnect setting can govern it.
  log("Starting IMC.");

Locate the following:


Directly below that, add the following:

#ifdef IMC
SERVER_DATA *server;
extern SERVER_DATA *first_server;
        for( server = first_server; server; server = server->next )
  imc_shutdown(FALSE, server);

Locate game_loop and find the following:

    /* If we missed more than 30 seconds worth of pulses, just do 30 secs */
    if (missed_pulses > 30 RL_SEC) { 
      log("SYSERR: Missed %d seconds worth of pulses.", missed_pulses / PASSES_PER_SEC);
      missed_pulses = 30 RL_SEC;

Directly below that, add the following:

#ifdef IMC

*** For Circle 3.1 compatibility only *** - Support conjured by Rogel

In game_loop, find:

   /* Sleep if we don't have any connections */
   if (descriptor_list == NULL) {
      log("No connections.  Going to sleep.");
      FD_SET(mother_desc, &input_set);
      if (select(mother_desc + 1, &input_set, (fd_set *) 0, (fd_set *) 0, NULL) < 0) {

Replace with:

    /* Sleep if we don't have any connections */
    if (descriptor_list == NULL) {
#ifdef IMC
SERVER_DATA *server;
extern SERVER_DATA *first_server;
int top_desc = mother_desc, top2 = mother_desc;
        for( server = first_server; server; server = server->next ){
      top_desc = server != NULL ? MAX( top2, server->desc) : mother_desc;
		top2 = top_desc;
      int top_desc = mother_desc;
      log("No connections.  Going to sleep.");
      FD_SET(mother_desc, &input_set);
#ifdef IMC
        for( server = first_server; server; server = server->next )
     if ( server != NULL && server->desc != -1 )
         FD_SET(server->desc, &input_set);
      if (select(top_desc + 1, &input_set, (fd_set *) 0, (fd_set *) 0, NULL) < 0) {

You might want to comment out the waking up and going to sleep log lines.

4. Open db.c ( or player.c, depending on the version ) and find the following:

#include "interpreter.h"
#include "house.h"
#include "constants.h"

Directly below that, add:

#ifdef IMC
#include "imc.h"

Locate the following:

void log_zone_error(zone_rnum zone, int cmd_no, const char *message);
void reset_time(void);
long get_ptable_by_name(char *name);

Directly below that, add the following:

#ifdef IMC
void load_imc_pfile( struct char_data *ch );
char *imc_fread_word( char *buf, size_t len, FILE *fp );

Locate the following:

char *get_name_by_id(long id)
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i <= top_of_p_table; i++)
    if (player_table[i].id == id)
      return (player_table[i].name);

  return (NULL);

Directly below that, add the following:

#ifdef IMC
void save_imc_pfile(struct char_data *ch)
  FILE *fl;
  char filename[PATH_MAX];
  if (!get_filename(GET_PC_NAME(ch), filename, IMC_FILE))
  if (!get_filename(filename, sizeof(filename), IMC_FILE, GET_PC_NAME(ch)))

  if (!(fl = fopen(filename, "w")))
    if (errno != ENOENT)
      log("SYSERR: opening IMC2 file '%s' for writing: %s", filename, strerror(errno));
  imc_savechar(ch, fl);

void load_imc_pfile(struct char_data *ch)
  FILE *fl;
  char filename[PATH_MAX];
  char word[READ_SIZE];
  if (!get_filename(GET_PC_NAME(ch), filename, IMC_FILE))
  if (!get_filename(filename, sizeof(filename), IMC_FILE, GET_PC_NAME(ch)))
  if (!(fl = fopen(filename, "r")))
    if (errno != ENOENT)
      log("SYSERR: opening IMC2 file '%s' for reading: %s", filename, strerror(errno));
  for (;;)
    imc_fread_word(word, sizeof(word), fl);
    if (*word != 'I')
    imc_loadchar(ch, fl, word);

Locate the following code in store_to_char:

  /* Add all spell effects */
  for (i = 0; i < MAX_AFFECT; i++) {
    if (st->affected[i].type)
      affect_to_char(ch, &st->affected[i]);

Directly below that, add:

#ifdef IMC

Locate the following in char_to_store:

  if (GET_TITLE(ch))
    strcpy(st->title, GET_TITLE(ch));
    *st->title = '\0';

Directly below that, add:

#ifdef IMC

Locate the following in free_char:

  int i;
  struct alias_data *a;
  if (ch->player_specials != NULL && ch->player_specials != &dummy_mob) {

Directly below that, add:

#ifdef IMC

Scroll to the end of db.c and add the following function:

#ifdef IMC
 * Grab one word, ignoring preceding whitespace. Will
 * eat a single whitespace immediately after the word.
char *imc_fread_word( char *buf, size_t len, FILE *fp )
   size_t copied = 0;
   char cur_char;

   if( !buf || len == 0 )
      return buf;

   *buf = '\0';

      cur_char = fgetc( fp );
   while( isspace( cur_char ) );

   if( cur_char == EOF )
      return buf;

      buf[copied++] = cur_char;
      cur_char = fgetc( fp );
   while( copied < len && !isspace( cur_char ) && cur_char != EOF );

   return buf;

5. Open db.h and locate the following:

#define LIB_PLROBJS     ":plrobjs:"
#define LIB_PLRALIAS    ":plralias:"

Directly below that, add:

#define LIB_PLRIMC      ":plrimc:"

Then locate the following:

#define LIB_PLROBJS     "plrobjs/"
#define LIB_PLRALIAS    "plralias/"

Directly below that, add:

#define LIB_PLRIMC      "plrimc/"

Then locate the following:

#define SUF_OBJS        "objs"
#define SUF_TEXT        "text"  
#define SUF_ALIAS       "alias"

Directly below that, add:

#define SUF_IMC "imc"

6. Open interpreter.c and locate the following:

#include "handler.h"
#include "mail.h"
#include "screen.h"

Directly below that, add:

#ifdef IMC
#include "imc.h"

Then locate the following in command_interpreter:

  if (*cmd_info[cmd].command == '\n')
    send_to_char("Huh?!?\r\n", ch);

Change it to read as follows:

  if ( *cmd_info[cmd].command == '\n' )
#ifdef IMC
    if( !imc_command_hook(ch, arg, line) )
       send_to_char("WTF?!?\r\n", ch);
#ifdef IMC



Below that, add:

#ifdef IMC

7. Open structs.h and locate the following:

   char *poofin;                /* Description on arrival of a god.     */
   char *poofout;               /* Description upon a god's exit.       */
   struct alias_data *aliases;  /* Character's aliases                  */
   long last_tell;              /* idnum of last tell from              */
   void *last_olc_targ;         /* olc control                          */
   int last_olc_mode;           /* olc control                          */

Directly below that, add:

#ifdef IMC
   struct imcchar_data *imcchardata;

8. Open utils.c and locate the following:

  case ETEXT_FILE:  
    prefix = LIB_PLRTEXT;
    suffix = SUF_TEXT;

Directly below that, add:

  case IMC_FILE:
    prefix = LIB_PLRIMC;
    suffix = SUF_IMC;

9. Open utils.h and locate the following:

/* get_filename() */
#define CRASH_FILE      0
#define ETEXT_FILE      1
#define ALIAS_FILE      2

Directly below that, add:

#define IMC_FILE        3

10. From the main directory, under lib, make a directory named plrimc

Inside the plrimc directory, issue the following command:

mkdir A-E F-J K-O P-T U-Z ZZZ

11. Run your configure script according to the directions that came with Circle.

Return to the main IMC.txt file and continue where you left off.