/* config.h */

/* this header file contains certain system configuration information */

#include "stddef.h"        /* system include files & extern decl's */

#define MAX_CONNS 512      /* max # players that can be connected at
                              one time */
#define MIN_FREE_FILES 3   /* at least this many files are GUARANTEED
                              to be openable by CI objects while the
                              system is running.  3 is a good number. */

#define WRITE_BURST 256    /* number of characters to write over the
                              net at a time */

#define MULTI 0
#define SINGLE 1
#define DEFAULT_INTERFACE MULTI /* the default interface type */

#define ITOA_BUFSIZ 32     /* max # chars a signed long will take in
                              string form - 32 will cover the max
                              size of a 96-bit signed integer */

#define NUM_ELINES 32      /* number of lines in a block of edit buffer */

#define MAX_OUTBUF_LEN 8167  /* maximum amount of output buffered */

#define PORT 5000          /* default inet port number */

/* directory with the ci programs' source code (not the server source) */
#define MUDLIB_PATH "ci.dir"

#define INCLUDE_PATH "/include" /* appended to CI_PATH and prepended to
                                   included files */

/* file where system messages are recorded - probably best not to put it
   in MUDLIB_PATH */
#define SYSLOG_PATH "syslog"

/* the cache file - best not to put it in MUDLIB_PATH */
#define CACHE_PATH "cache"

#define TMPDB_PATH "ci.tmp.db"

/* default loaded ci database */
#define DEFAULT_LOAD "std.db"
/* default saved ci database */
#define DEFAULT_SAVE "std.db"
/* default panic database */
#define DEFAULT_PANIC "panic.db"

#define OBJ_ALLOC_BLKSIZ 1024 /* chunk-size for object allocation */
#define CACHE_SIZE 1024    /* number of objects to keep in the cache at one
                              time. it's a soft maximum, can be temporarily
                              overridden */
#define CACHE_HASH 256     /* the size of the hash table to hash cached objects
                              into */
#define MAX_STR_LEN 1023   /* maximum string variable length */
                           /* applies only to constants while compiling */
                           /* no maximum is applied to strings constructed */
                           /* during run-time execution */

#define MAX_CACHEFILE_SIZE 64000 /* the size the cache file must reach
                                    before the system auto-saves */

#define EBUFSIZ 2047       /* #define expansion buffer size */

#define MAX_DEPTH 8        /* maximum #define recursion */

#define DB_IDENSTR "CI database\n" /* string stuck at beginning of db file */

/* the flags on objects */

#define GARBAGE     1
#define CONNECTED   4
#define PROTOTYPE   8
#define IN_EDITOR   16
#define PRIV        32
#define RESIDENT    64

/* the flags on files */

#define READ_OK     1
#define WRITE_OK    2
#define DIRECTORY   4

#define MALLOC(SIZE_) malloc(SIZE_)
#define FREE(POINTER_) free(POINTER_)

#define digit_value(X) ((X)-'0')
#define int2time(X) ((time_t) X)
#define time2int(X) ((long) X)