#if defined(macintosh)
#include <types.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "merc.h"
#include "db.h"

 *  settings

#define STRSPACE_DEFAULT (2*1028)
			// unit is kB
			// purposely set too low, so that you'll see how it works

			// unit is kB

			// comment out if you do not have Ivan's (or compatible) mob programs

			// I have stdout redirected to a log file and stderr writing normally
			// to the console. (That helps with debugging.) All log strings are 
			// sent once to each stream if DOUBLE_LOGGING is defined, otherwise
			// only to stderr.

			// Comment out if you want memory report to show only used block sizes

#define ALLOC_PERM_ALIGN sizeof(int)
			// use powers of two only
			// higher values may improve speed significantly on some machines, at the expense of memory.
			// 32 should be the fastest value on most machines
			// I don't recommend values below machine word length, but feel free to experiment
			// setting it to 1 won't save much, but slow things down considerably

#define		MAX_MEM_LIST	11

const size_t	rgSizeList	[MAX_MEM_LIST]
			= { 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768-64 };

 *  macros from mkw.h
#ifndef __mkwMUD

 		// comment out disable internal assertion of memory allocation/recycling

#define chwrite( ch, str )	send_to_char( str, ch )
			// I find send_to_char()'s syntax counter-intuitive

#define object_free obj_free
			// easy fix for name inconsistency in merc

#define OK  0
#define ERR 1


 *  imports

extern char *		string_space;
extern int 			mobile_count;
extern	OBJ_DATA	*obj_free;
extern	CHAR_DATA	*char_free;
extern  DESCRIPTOR_DATA *descriptor_free;
extern	PC_DATA		*pcdata_free;
extern  AFFECT_DATA	*affect_free;
extern	NOTE_DATA	*note_list,*idea_list,*penalty_list,*news_list,*changes_list;

 *  locals

int		has_system_auth( CHAR_DATA* ch );
int		strspace_size_read();
int		strspace_size_set( int newsize );
void	strspace_size_default();
extern const size_t	rgSizeList	[MAX_MEM_LIST];
extern void *		rgFreeList	[MAX_MEM_LIST];

 * Implementation section

const char ver_mkwSys[]="mkwSys Version 2.01";

unsigned strspace_size;  

void*	 rgFreeList	[MAX_MEM_LIST];

unsigned long nAllocGP[MAX_MEM_LIST] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};

int		nAllocPerm;
size_t	sAllocPerm  = 0;
int		nPermBlocks = 0;

void boot_fail(char* module_name)
    logfprint( "*********************  Reboot by %-11s *********************", module_name );
	exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

char* strspace_alloc()
	if ( ( string_space = calloc( 1, strspace_size * 1024 ) ) == NULL )
	    logfprint( "mkwSys.c: Unable to allocate %d kB string space from system.", strspace_size );
	    if( strspace_size > STRSPACE_DEFAULT )
			logfprint( "Increase your system's virtual memory size.", strspace_size );
		boot_fail( "mkwSys.c" );
	return string_space;

void	strspace_size_default()
	strspace_size_set( STRSPACE_DEFAULT );
	logfprint( "mkwSys.c: String space size reset to program default of %d kB.", strspace_size );

void strspace_size_increment()
    logfprint( "mkwSys.c: String space size of %d kB did not suffice.", strspace_size );
	strspace_size_set( strspace_size + STRSPACE_INCREMENT );
	logfprint( "mkwSys.c: Incrementing string space size to %d kB and rebooting.", strspace_size );
	boot_fail( "mkwSys.c" );

int strspace_size_set( int newsize )
  if( newsize > 0 )
	FILE* memini= fopen( DATPATH "mkwSys.ini", "w" );
	if( memini )
		fprintf( memini, "stringspace = %u\n", newsize );
		fclose( memini );
		return OK;
		logfprint( "Unable to open mkwSys.ini for writing" );
  return ERR;

int strspace_size_read()
	FILE* memini= fopen( DATPATH "mkwSys.ini", "r" );
	if( memini )
		strspace_size = 0;
		while( str_cmp( fread_word( memini ), "stringspace" ) )
		fscanf( memini, " = %u", &strspace_size );
		fclose( memini );
		if( !strspace_size )
			logfprint( "mkwSys.c: String space size not set in mkwSys.ini, using default." );
			return OK;
		logfprint( "mkwSys.c: Unable to open memsize.ini for reading, using default string space size." );
	return ERR; 

int has_system_auth( CHAR_DATA* ch )
	if( get_trust( ch ) < CREATOR )
		send_to_char( "You are not authorized to issue system commands.\n\r", ch );
		return FALSE;
		return TRUE;

#define IMP_COUNTER( type, start, px) \
  int px##type() { type * p = start; int n = 0; while( p!=NULL ) { p= p->next; n++; } return n; }

#define IMP_LIST_COUNTERS( type, prefix ) \
		IMP_COUNTER( type, prefix##list, n )	IMP_COUNTER( type, prefix##free, f )

			// these object types have no global list
IMP_COUNTER ( PC_DATA, pcdata_free, f)
IMP_COUNTER ( AFFECT_DATA, affect_free, f)

			// these do

IMP_COUNTER ( MPROG_CODE, mprog_list, n );
			// not currently implemented 
			// (There is no global list of MPROG_LISTs to count from)

int nNOTE_DATA()
	NOTE_DATA* p; int n = 0; 
	for( p=note_list;p!=NULL; p=p->next) n++; 
	for( p=idea_list;p!=NULL; p=p->next) n++; 
	for( p=changes_list;p!=NULL; p=p->next) n++; 
	for( p=penalty_list;p!=NULL; p=p->next) n++; 
	for( p=news_list;p!=NULL; p=p->next) n++; 
	return n; 

#define rpt( name, n, obj ) chprintf( ch, "%5d %-14s *%4d Bytes =%6d kB\n\r", \
	                                 n, name, sizeof(obj), (n) * sizeof(obj)/1024 )
			// report on an object type

#define rpt_dy( name, type ) { int n= n##type(); rpt( name, n, type ); }
			// report object with dynamic counting of list -
			// calls rpt() without evaluating n twice 

#define rptsd( st, sz )	chprintf( ch, "%-34s %5d kB\n\r", st, sz )
			// report string and decimal

#define rptdsd(n,st,sz)	chprintf( ch, "%5d %-28s %5d kB\n\r", n, st, sz )
			// report decimal, string, decimal

const char separator[] = "-------------------------------------------\n\r";

void do_memory_perms( CHAR_DATA *ch, char* argument )
	int i;
	chwrite( ch, separator );
	chwrite( ch, "Permanent memory objects in use\n\r");
	chwrite( ch, separator );
	rpt_dy( "Characters", CHAR_DATA );
	rpt( "PCs", nCHAR_DATA() - mobile_count /* should be an accurate shortcut */, PC_DATA ); 
	rpt_dy( "Descriptors", DESCRIPTOR_DATA );
	rpt( "Mob Prototypes", top_mob_index, MOB_INDEX_DATA );
	rpt_dy( "Objects", OBJ_DATA);
	rpt( "Obj Prototypes", top_obj_index, OBJ_INDEX_DATA);
	rpt( "Extra Descs", top_ed, EXTRA_DESCR_DATA );
	rpt( "Affects", top_affect, AFFECT_DATA );
	rpt( "Rooms", top_room, ROOM_INDEX_DATA );
	rpt( "Exits", top_exit, EXIT_DATA );
	rpt( "Shops", top_shop, SHOP_DATA );
	rpt( "Areas", top_area, AREA_DATA );
	rpt( "Resets", top_reset, RESET_DATA );
	rpt( "Help entries", top_help, HELP_DATA );
	rpt_dy( "Notes", NOTE_DATA);
	rpt( "Socials", maxSocial, struct social_type );
	rpt_dy( "Mob progs", MPROG_CODE )
	for( i= 0; i<MAX_MEM_LIST; i++)
	   if( nAllocGP[i] )
			chprintf( ch, "%5d GP blocks of  %6d Bytes =%6d kB\n\r", 
					nAllocGP[i], rgSizeList[i], nAllocGP[i] * rgSizeList[i] / 1024);
	chwrite( ch, separator );

#define rptf( name, type ) { int n= f##type(); rpt( name, n, type ); }

void do_memory_freelists( CHAR_DATA *ch, char* argument )
	int i;
	chwrite( ch, separator );
	chwrite( ch, "Memory objects waiting to be recycled\n\r");
	chwrite( ch, separator );
	rptf( "Characters", CHAR_DATA );
	rptf( "PCs", PC_DATA ); 
	rptf( "Descriptors", DESCRIPTOR_DATA );
	rptf( "Objects", OBJ_DATA);
	rptf( "Affects", AFFECT_DATA );

	for( i= 0; i<MAX_MEM_LIST; i++)
	   if( rgFreeList[i] )
		void* p;
		int n = 0;
		for(p= rgFreeList[i]; p != NULL; p= * ((void **) p ) )
		chprintf( ch, "%5d GP blocks of  %6d Bytes =%6d kB\n\r", 
			n, rgSizeList[i], n * rgSizeList[i] / 1024);
	chwrite( ch, separator );

void do_memory_heap( CHAR_DATA *ch, char* argument )
	chwrite( ch, separator );
	chprintf( ch, "Perm Block size is set to %d kB\n\r", MAX_PERM_BLOCK/1024 );
	chprintf( ch, "Object alignment is set to %d Bytes\n\r", ALLOC_PERM_ALIGN );
	rptdsd( nPermBlocks , "Blocks allocated from heap", nPermBlocks * MAX_PERM_BLOCK/1024 );
	rptdsd( nAllocPerm, "Permanent objects occupy", sAllocPerm/1024 );
	rptsd( "Current alloc_perm() overhead", 
			( nPermBlocks * MAX_PERM_BLOCK - sAllocPerm ) / 1024 );
	chwrite( ch, separator );

	rptsd( "String Space allocated at DB boot", strspace_size );
	rptdsd( nAllocString, "Strings in string space",  sAllocString/1024 );
    rptsd( "Excess string space", strspace_size - sAllocString/1024 );

	chwrite( ch, separator );
    rptsd( "Total managed heap memory", nPermBlocks * MAX_PERM_BLOCK/1024 + strspace_size );
	chwrite( ch, separator );


void do_memory_formats( CHAR_DATA *ch, char* argument )
	chwrite( ch, separator );
    chprintf( ch, "Old format mobs: %d\n\rOld format objects: %d\n\r", 
		     top_mob_index - newmobs, top_obj_index - newobjs ); 
	chwrite( ch, separator );

#undef rpt
#undef rpt_dy
#undef rptsd
#undef rptdsd
	/* Those macros are not for general use */

void do_memory_stringspace( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
	if( has_system_auth(ch) )
		char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
		int sz = 0;
		argument= one_argument( argument, arg );
		if( is_number( arg ) )
			sz= atoi( arg );
		if( sz <= 0 || sz > 32000 )
			chwrite( ch, "Invalid parameter.\n\r" );
		if( strspace_size_set( sz ) == OK )
			chprintf( ch, "String space size for next DB boot set to %d kB.\n\r", sz );
			chwrite( ch, "Error writing new setting to file.\n\r" );

void do_memory_help( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
	chwrite(ch, ver_mkwSys );
	chwrite(ch, " copyright (c) 1998 Michael K. Weise\n\r"
				"See home.att.net/~mkw/mudframe.html for more information\n\n\r"
				"usage: memory <command>\n\r\ravailable commands:\n\r"
				"heap                Report heap memory allocated by the memory manager\n\r"
				"perms               Report managed memory objects in use by other modules\n\r"
				"freelists           Report memory objects waiting to be recycled\n\r"
				"stringspace <size>  Set string space size in kB for next reboot\n\r"
				"formats             Report old format prototypes\n\r"
				"?                   This message\n\r"

void do_memory( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
	vinterpret( ch, argument, 
				"perms", do_memory_perms,
				"heap", do_memory_heap,
				"freelists", do_memory_freelists,
				"stringspace", do_memory_stringspace,
				"formats", do_memory_formats,
				NULL, do_memory_help );

int strswitch( const char* arg, ... )
	int i = 0;
	char* p;
	va_list caselist;
	if( arg[0] )
		va_start( caselist, arg );
		while( (p = va_arg( caselist, char* )) != NULL )
			if( !str_prefix( arg, p ) )
				return i;
	return 0;

void vinterpret( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument, ... )
	char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
	char* iStr;
	DO_FUN *iFun;
	va_list caselist;
	va_start( caselist, argument );
	argument= one_argument( argument, arg );
		iStr = va_arg( caselist, char* );
		iFun = va_arg( caselist, DO_FUN* );
	while( iStr != NULL && ( !arg[0] || str_prefix( arg, iStr ) ) );
	if( iFun != NULL )
		(*iFun)( ch, argument );

size_t rgSize_lookup( size_t size )
    int iList;
    size += sizeof( int );	// room needed for integrity marker

	for ( iList = 0; iList < MAX_MEM_LIST; iList++ )
        if ( size <= rgSizeList[iList] )
            return rgSizeList[iList] - sizeof( int );
    return 0; // size won't fit into any alloc_mem() block

 * Request a GP memory block.
 * GP blocks must be returned using free_mem() when no longer needed.
 * Checks freelist for block of appropriate size,
 * allocates heap memory if none available
void *alloc_mem( size_t sMem )
    void *pMem;
    int iList;

     int *magic;
     sMem += sizeof(*magic);

    for ( iList = 0; iList < MAX_MEM_LIST; iList++ )
        if ( sMem <= rgSizeList[iList] )

    if ( iList == MAX_MEM_LIST )
        bug( "Alloc_mem: size %d too large.", sMem );
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

    if ( rgFreeList[iList] == NULL )
        pMem              = alloc_perm( rgSizeList[iList] );
        pMem              = rgFreeList[iList];
        rgFreeList[iList] = * ((void **) rgFreeList[iList]);

    magic = (int *) pMem;
    *magic = MAGIC_NUM;
 	pMem = (void*) (((char*)pMem) + sizeof (*magic));
    return pMem;

 * This is the memory manager's interface to the system heap.
 * All memory allocated here is either permanently typecast
 * and managed by the object recycler, or managed by the GP
 * block manager.
void *alloc_perm( size_t sMem )
	static int iMemPerm;	
    static char *pMemPerm;
    void *pMem;

    while ( sMem % ALLOC_PERM_ALIGN != 0 )
    if ( sMem > MAX_PERM_BLOCK )
		bug( "Alloc_perm: %d too large.", sMem );
		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

    if ( pMemPerm == NULL || iMemPerm + sMem > MAX_PERM_BLOCK )
		iMemPerm = 0;
		if ( ( pMemPerm = calloc( 1, MAX_PERM_BLOCK ) ) == NULL )
			perror( "Alloc_perm" );
			exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

    pMem        = pMemPerm + iMemPerm;
    iMemPerm   += sMem;
    nAllocPerm += 1;
    sAllocPerm += sMem;
    return pMem;

 * Give a GP block back to the memory manager for recycling.
void free_mem( void *pMem, size_t sMem )
    int iList;

    int *magic;
 	pMem = (void*) (((char*)pMem) - sizeof (*magic));	
    magic = (int *) pMem;
    if (*magic != MAGIC_NUM)
        bug("Attempt to recyle invalid memory of size %d.",sMem);
        bug((char*) pMem + sizeof(*magic),0);

    *magic = 0;
    sMem += sizeof(*magic);

    for ( iList = 0; iList < MAX_MEM_LIST; iList++ )
        if ( sMem <= rgSizeList[iList] )

    if ( iList == MAX_MEM_LIST )
        bug( "Free_mem: size %d too large.", sMem );
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

    * ((void **) pMem) = rgFreeList[iList];
    rgFreeList[iList]  = pMem;


 * All ANSI C compilers aught to have stdarg.h.
 * If not, #include <varargs.h>
 * and implement logfprint() in traditional C style 
int logfprint( const char *format, ... )
	va_list arglist;
	char *strtime;
	int status;
	va_start( arglist, format );
    strtime = ctime( &current_time );
    strtime[strlen(strtime)-1] = '\0';
    fprintf( stderr, "%s :: ", strtime );
	fprintf( stdout, "%s :: ", strtime );
	vfprintf( stdout, format, arglist );
    fprintf( stdout, "\n" );
	fflush( stdout );
	status = vfprintf( stderr, format, arglist );
	va_end( arglist );
    fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
	fflush( stderr );
	return status;

int chprintf( CHAR_DATA* ch, const char *format, ... )
	static char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH+1];
	va_list arglist;
	int nChars= 0;
	va_start( arglist, format );
	if ( format != NULL && format[0] && ch->desc != NULL )
		nChars = vsprintf( buf, format, arglist );
		assert( nChars <= MAX_STRING_LENGTH );
		write_to_buffer( ch->desc, buf, nChars );
	va_end( arglist );
	return nChars;