Name Milliways~
Builders None~
VNUMs 25300 25399
Version 3
Credits {BUILD} Lumi    Milliways~
Security 3
Flags 4



{yA {wDusty {yOld {wStoreroom{x~
All the colors are faded with the continual darkness in which this room
has been constantly submerged for the myriad past years.  Wading through
this pile of junk is difficult as it is without starting into a fit of
sneezing.  The passage through the junk meanders in the general direction of
a door to the north, where a tiny sliver of light escapes from the frame.  
0 0 0
0 0 25301 -1
No owner.
{YMilliways{x: {yThe Restaurant at the End of the Universe{x~
As you step out of the tiny claustrophobic closet, you are assaulted with
a myriad of sounds, smells, and noises, not to mention a blast of hot muggy
air that almost bowls you over!  Collecting your senses, you confront a
second retching feeling as you are confronted with a dizzying sense of
vertigo.  Reeling, you stagger in the opposite direction of the confusing
perspective, and find yourself lying face up on a smooth, wood-panelled
floor surrounded by staring diners at a huge (seemingly very popular)
intergalactic restaurant.  Gradually, the spectators' interest in you and
your dramatic presentation dissipates as their attention turns to other,
more bizarre subjects and a podium in the middle of the huge amphitheater of
which this balcony is a part of.  Being careful to stay away from the
dazzling heights that dazzled you earlier, you compose yourself and continue
on your way.  A bright flashing sign is glaring over the storeroom, maybe it
has been passed through sometimes more than you thought...  {YWELCOME TO
MILLIWAYS!  {y The Restaurant At the End of the Universe{x!  
0 0 0
0 0 25300 -1
No owner.




