The mad wizard's hut~
   The inside of the hut is deathly quiet, save for the breathing of the wizard
and the bubbling of the cauldron.  Shelves along the walls are lined with vials
and glasses, holding a variety of colored liquids.  Inside the cauldron is a
purple-red liquid, bubbling and splashing all over the floor.  The only exit is
back east, out of the hut.    
96 cdg 0 0 0 0
2 9603 9602
credits info~
   Builder   : Kas
Zone         : 96 Domiae
Began        : 2000
Player Level : 7-10
Rooms        : 57
Mobs         : 12
Objects      : 11
Shops        : 1
Triggers     : 13
Theme        : Forest, Cave, Swamp, abandoned keep
Notes        : A quest zone in which a player has to first go to the bear cave
   to get a key that allows entrance to the wizards hut. The wizard will then 
   transport the players to domiae and then they must find the king and 
   complete the quest to receive a sword.
Links        : 03e

Zone 96 was linked to the following zones:
 100 Northern Highway              at  9603 (east ) --->  10056
tree oak~
   Large oaken trees block out most of the light, giving the everything in the
forest a dim green appearance.    
On the Path into the forest~
   The path into Domiae is surprisingly well-lit, despite the image given at
the threshold.  Dried leaves crackle underfoot, and the forest animals scurry a
safe distance away before turning to regard this new invader.  Birds chirp
their merry songs, voices intertangling into a mesh of sounds that faintly
resembles a choir.  The path branches off to the west, but the main path
continues north.    
96 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 9604
0 0 9619
0 0 9602
T 9600
Path to a distant hut~
   The sounds of the forest grow strangely faint as the path gets closer to the
hut.  The trees grow more crooked, and the leafs underfoot grow more plentiful
and dry.  Most of the small animals are gone, and only the biggest predatory
animals of the forest dare come this close to the hut.  The front of the hut is
decorated with strange runes, and animal skulls hang from the eaves.  The
doorknob is fashioned from a human thigh bone.  Exits are back to the main
path, or into the hut.    
96 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 9601
2 9603 9600
hut house hovel home~
   The hut is a crude one, fashioned of daub and mud.  Thatched straw serves as
the roof, and the windows are mere holes in the cracked walls.    
A Cleared Path~
   The limbs and scrub brush have been hacked off and thrown to each side of
this new path.  Very little traffic has passed this way, only a few plants and
grass blades peeking up through the forest floor are trodden.    
96 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 9655
A path through Domiae~
   The path goes on into deeper foliage, and it now sprouts grass and other
greenery.  The dirt becomes slightly softer, and roots protude from the soil.
The refreshing scent of life is in the air, and the birds sing it's praise.  
The forest animals seem to take no heed of anyone, travelling along the path as
any human would.  Squirrels, rabbits, hares, foxes, and other animals can be
seen scurrying about.  The path continues north and south.    
96 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 9605
0 0 9601
T 9600
A four-way intersection~
   A small hole in the treetops forms a sunlit glade.  The animals of the forest
are far more active here, and the ground is littered with evidence on their
passing.  A bird chirps gleefully from a hole in a nearby tree, soon followed
by a chorus of her chicks.  The path here splits in four directions.    
96 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 9610
0 0 9607
0 0 9604
0 0 9606
T 9600
A dead end~
   The birds chirping intensifies greatly.  A massive tree has fallen over the
path, blocking any further advance.  Many birds are nested in the falling tree,
which accountrs for the increase in noise.  The tree itself is covered in moss
and lichen, with violets and wildflowers shooting from the rotted wood.  The
only exit is back to the intersection.    
96 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 9605
T 9600
A path deeper into the forest~
   As the path into the forest gets deeper, the sounds get louder and more
plentiful.  The squirrels tittering, the birds chirping, and the animals just
generally scampering about.  The path is filled with less leaves, now, and the
ground gets even softer.  Exits are to the east and west.    
96 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 9608
0 0 9605
T 9600
A mushy path~
   The ground is completely devoid of leaves now, and the soil gets even
softer.  The air is beginning to take on an unpleasant odor, but it's not quite
placeable.  The birdsong is as loud as ever, but the other animals seem to be
strangely quiet.  The path turns south, or back west.    
96 g 0 0 0 3
0 0 9609
0 0 9607
T 9600
A swampy pit~
   The path ends here.  The dirt has turned to mud, and a large collection of
water and muck is in resting in the middle of the path.  The forest is silent,
except the occasional bird chirping.  The only exit is back north.    
96 ag 0 0 0 3
0 0 9608
A path into Domiae~
   Flowers line the path into Domiae.  Here, deeper in the great forest,
different types of trees are flourishing.  Rowan, elm, pine, and cedar trees
add themselves to the already plentiful oak.  The ever-present birdsong
intertwines itself with the sounds of the animals going about their business.
The moisture trapped by the trees coupled with the coolness of the air gives
the forest a wet sheen.  The path continues north and south.    
96 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 9611
0 0 9605
T 9600
A path into Domiae~
   Flowers line the path into Domiae.  Here, deeper in the great forest,
different types of trees are flourishing.  Rowan, elm, pine, and cedar trees
add themselves to the already plentiful oak.  The ever-present birdsong
intertwines itself with the sounds of the animals going about their business.
The moisture trapped by the trees coupled with the coolness of the air gives
the forest a wet sheen.  The path continues north and south.    
96 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 9612
0 0 9610
T 9600
A turn in the path~
   The path takes a turn here, the hard-packed dirt loping in a wide turn.  In
many places the path is interrupted by small collapses, due to ants tunneling
under.  In the underbrush nearby, an animal has burrowed a rather deep hole to
make it's home.  Exits are west or back to the south.    
96 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 9611
0 0 9613
den hole burrow~
   Peering into the hole, it looks like a mole has chosen to make it's home
here.  The soil inside the burrow is dry and grainy.    
T 9600
A three-way intersection~
   Birds chirp merrily as the path splits into two trails.  Rabbits and other
'larger' animals seem to use the west path, while squirrels and birds - the
'smaller' animals - seem to keep to the east path.  The northern path, on the
other hand, doesn't look like any animal uses it.  The path continues west and
north, and back east.    
96 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 9614
0 0 9612
0 0 9617
T 9600
A path into Domiae~
   Flowers line the path into Domiae.  Here, deeper in the great forest,
different types of trees are flourishing.  Rowan, elm, pine, and cedar trees
add themselves to the already plentiful oak.  The ever-present birdsong
intertwines itself with the sounds of the animals going about their business.
The moisture trapped by the trees coupled with the coolness of the air gives
the forest a wet sheen.  The path continues north and south.    
96 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 9615
0 0 9613
T 9600
A turn in the path~
   The path takes a turn here, the hard-packed dirt loping in a wide turn.  In
many places the path is interrupted by small collapses, due to ants tunneling
under.  In the underbrush nearby, an animal has burrowed a rather deep hole to
make it's home.  Exits are east or back to the south.    
96 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 9616
0 0 9614
den hole burrow~
   Peering into the hole, it looks like a mole has chosen to make it's home
here.  The soil inside the burrow is dry and grainy.    
T 9600
A dead end~
   The birds chirping intensifies greatly.  A massive tree has fallen over the
path, blocking any further advance.  Many birds are nested in the falling tree,
which accountrs for the increase in noise.  The tree itself is covered in moss
and lichen, with violets and wildflowers shooting from the rotted wood.  The
only exit is back west.    
96 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 9615
T 9600
A path into Domiae~
   Flowers line the path into Domiae.  Here, deeper in the great forest,
different types of trees are flourishing.  Rowan, elm, pine, and cedar trees
add themselves to the already plentiful oak.  The ever-present birdsong
intertwines itself with the sounds of the animals going about their business.
The moisture trapped by the trees coupled with the coolness of the air gives
the forest a wet sheen.  The path continues east and west.    
96 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 9613
0 0 9618
T 9600
A turn in the path~
   The hard-packed earth takes a sharp turn, and the underbrush gets less
dense.  The trees are more spread apart, and flowers come less often.  The
smaller and weaker animals seem to have disappeared, but the bigger ones seem
to have grown more plentiful.  The path turns south, and continues back east.
96 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 9617
0 0 9620
T 9600
The Entrance of the Forest Domiae~
   The entrance to the forest Domiae is forboding at first glance.  Tall oak
trees block out most of the light, and the trail through the forest is
cluttered with leafs and sticks.  However, looking again there are many things
of beauty about it.  Small animals scurry about, and birdsong can be heard even
at the threshold of the forest.  Flowers line the path north into the forest,
which is the only visible exit.    
96 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 9601
0 0 9655
tree oak~
   Large oaken trees block out most of the light, giving the everything in the
forest a dim green appearance.    
T 9600
Another turn in the path~
   The path turns back west, and the birdsong grows fainter.  Someone, or
something, has ripped off the lower boughs to the trees.  That either means
someone wants an unobstructed view or someone's property line is near.  Far in
the distance a cave makes a grey splotch on the horizon.  Exits are west or
back north.    
96 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 9618
0 0 9621
T 9600
A path nearing the cave~
   The path continues west toward the cave.  Foxes and rabbits shoot through
the underbrush constantly, and the birdsong grows even fainter.  Loud roars
come from the west, and the unmistakeable sound of an animal getting ripped in
half.  The path continues west and east.    
96 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 9620
0 0 9622
T 9600
A path nearing the cave~
   Now only the smallest birds can be heard chirping, but the foxes and rabbits
seem to thrive in the silence.  The inhuman roars from the west grow louder,
and the squelching of dead animals intensifies.  The smell of excrement floats
through the air.  The path continues west and east.    
96 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 9621
0 0 9623
T 9600
A turn in the path~
   The path turns sharply yet again, but just around the bend the smell gets
much worse.  The wind stops, the animals disappear, and the birds stop singing.
The shrieks of a dying creature can be heard nearby, and the roaring stops
momentarily, replaced by a sickening squelch.  The path returns west, or
continues north.    
96 c 0 0 0 3
0 0 9624
0 0 9622
T 9623
In front of the cave~
   The roars here are almost deafening.  The smell of death and animal
excrement floats through the air, in enough potency to make one vomit.  A pair
of red eyes peer out of the shroud of darkness in the cave.  The path continues
north, into the cave west, or returns south.    
96 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 9625
0 0 9623
0 0 9626
A refuse pit~
   The stench of excrement and death come from this pit.  Heaps of dead animals
in various stages of decomposition, and piles of animal excrement.  Whether
it's from what lives in the cave or from the dead animals isn't known.  The
only exit is back south.    
96 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 9624
In the mouth of the cave~
   Just inside of the cave, the sickly-sweet odor of fresh blood can be
detected.  Roars from inside the cave signifies that the cave isn't exactly
empty.  The rest of the cave lies west, and one can exit east.    
96 d 0 0 0 5
0 0 9624
0 0 9627
Inside the cave~
   The odor of blood gets stronger inside the cave.  Probably because of the
strewn about corpses and the fresh blood staining the walls.  Claw marks on the
floor tell that the dead animals put up quite a struggle.  Exits in all
96 ad 0 0 0 5
0 0 9628
0 0 9626
0 0 9629
0 0 9630
Inside the cave~
   The odor of blood gets stronger inside the cave.  Probably because of the
strewn about corpses and the fresh blood staining the walls.  Claw marks on the
floor tell that the dead animals put up quite a struggle.  Exits to the south
and west.    
96 ad 0 0 0 0
0 0 9627
0 0 9631
Inside the cave~
   The odor of blood gets stronger inside the cave.  Probably because of the
strewn about corpses and the fresh blood staining the walls.  Claw marks on the
floor tell that the dead animals put up quite a struggle.  Exits to the north
and west.    
96 ad 0 0 0 0
0 0 9627
0 0 9632
Inside the cave~
   The odor of blood gets stronger inside the cave.  Probably because of the
strewn about corpses and the fresh blood staining the walls.  Claw marks on the
floor tell that the dead animals put up quite a struggle.  Exits north, east,
and south.    
96 ad 0 0 0 0
0 0 9631
0 0 9627
0 0 9632
Inside the cave~
   The odor of blood gets stronger inside the cave.  Probably because of the
strewn about corpses and the fresh blood staining the walls.  Claw marks on the
floor tell that the dead animals put up quite a struggle.  Exits to the south
and east.    
96 ad 0 0 0 0
0 0 9628
0 0 9630
Inside the cave~
   The odor of blood gets stronger inside the cave.  Probably because of the
strewn about corpses and the fresh blood staining the walls.  Claw marks on the
floor tell that the dead animals put up quite a struggle.  Exits to the north
and east.    
96 ad 0 0 0 0
0 0 9630
0 0 9629
Inside the outer gate~
   Green ivy grows up the walls of this once magnificent castle.  The inner
gate is north, and two narrow towers protect the barbican.  The gate has rusted
off of its hinges, and it lies on the ground near the entrance.  To the west
and east are the stairways into the towers, and north lays the gate.  To the
south a blue portal stretches between the walls.    
96 0 0 0 0 5
0 0 9638
0 0 9635
0 0 9619
0 0 9634
A stairwell~
   A creaky wooden starway makes its way up the tower.  Many steps are missing,
and most of them are rotten.  Small slits in the stone wall give room for
archers to fire through in case of an attack, and a murder-hole halfway up the
stairs give soldiers something to pour burning oil or drip heavy objects
through.  East lies the outer gate and the top of the small tower is upward.  
96 0 0 0 0 5
0 0 9633
0 0 9637
A stairwell~
   A creaky wooden starway makes its way up the tower.  Many steps are missing,
and most of them are rotten.  Small slits in the stone wall give room for
archers to fire through in case of an attack, and a murder-hole halfway up the
stairs give soldiers something to pour burning oil or drip heavy objects
through.  West lies the outer gate and the top of the small tower is upward.  
96 0 0 0 0 5
0 0 9633
0 0 9636
A small tower~
   Moss and mildew grow on the walls, and slime lies on the floor.  Just below
the tower is the gate area, where people would come in if the outer gate still
existed.  There are broken pieces of bows and arrows, rusted sets of armor, and
swords tarnished beyond recognition.  The only exit is back down.    
96 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 9635
A small tower~
   Moss and mildew grow on the walls, and slime lies on the floor.  Just below
the tower is the gate area, where people would come in if the outer gate still
existed.  There are broken pieces of bows and arrows, rusted sets of armor, and
swords tarnished beyond recognition.  The only exit is back down.    
96 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 9634
   The cracked marble floor is covered in plants and grass, and rats scurry at
the sound of footsteps.  A grand chandelier lies broken in several pieces on
the floor, and the furniture reduced to dull colored rags.  All that remains of
the fountain is the statue of the King, broken in half.  Exits are north and
96 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 9639
0 0 9633
The throne room~
   The throne room of this secluded castle is surprisingly well kept.  Two
thrones of solid gold and satin lay on the dais, and the exquisite silk
tapestries on the walls are untouched by rats or other vermin.  The queens
chair holds a skeleton, but the king's chair is strangely empty.  Exits are east
and west along the hall, north to the dining area or south to the foyer.    
96 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 9640
0 0 9643
0 0 9638
0 0 9644
Banquet hall~
   Contrary to the Throne Room, the hall lies in horrible disrepair.  The table
itself seems sturdy enough, but those chairs remaining are in pieces or missing
legs.  The ever-present sound of rat on stone can be heard.  Exits are north
and south.    
96 d 0 0 0 0
door kitchen north~
1 0 9641
0 0 9639
   Massive iron-cast ovens occupy most of the room, and the remains of plain
tables can be seen.  The smell of rat floats in the air, along with the smell
of long spoiled food.  The cellar lies west, or one may exit south back into
the dining hall.    
96 d 0 0 0 0
door south dining~
1 0 9640
door cellar~
1 0 9642
   The cellar smells strongly of rotten food and filthy rats.  Eyes glare from
the shelves where food use to be, and the sound of sniffing and fighting can be
heard.  Human skeletons lie in a heap.  Perhaps this isn't the safest place to
96 ad 0 0 0 0
door kitchen~
1 0 9641
A hall~
   Chunks of ceiling and wall lay on the floor, blocking most of the entrances.
Rats scurry around the hall, making clicking noises on the broken marble floor.
Plants hang from the ceiling, and grow out of the walls.  The hall continues
east, or one can go back west toward the throne room.    
96 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 9646
0 0 9639
A hall~
   Chunks of ceiling and wall lay on the floor, blocking most of the entrances.
Rats scurry around the hall, making clicking noises on the broken marble floor.
Plants hang from the ceiling, and grow out of the walls.  The hall continues
west, or one can go back east toward the throne room.    
96 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 9639
0 0 9645
A stairwell~
   A metal stairwell leads to the upper levels.  Some of the stairs are lying
on the ground here, having rusted off.  The rats seem to stay away from here.
Perhaps it has something to do with the inhuman howls of rage that eminate from
the room west of hear.  Or maybe it's that there's more food nearer the
kitchen.  Exits are up, west, and east.    
96 cd 0 0 0 0
0 0 9644
2 9646 9648
0 0 9650
A stairwell~
   A metal stairwell leads to the upper levels.  Some of the stairs are lying
on the ground here, having rusted off.  The rats seem to stay away from here.
Perhaps it has something to do with the inhuman howls of rage that eminate from
the room east of here.  Or maybe it's that there's more food nearer the
kitchen.  Exits are up, west, and east.    
96 d 0 0 0 0
2 9646 9647
0 0 9643
0 0 9649
A holding chamber.~
   A steel barred window lets in light to the spartan room.  A bed and a
chamberpot are all that are here.  The floor is of the same cracked marble, and
the cold stone walls don't show the same cracking and falling that the other
walls do.  The only exit is the way you came.    
96 d 0 0 0 0
1 0 9646
A holding chamber.~
   A steel barred window lets in light to the spartan room.  A bed and a
chamberpot are all that are here.  The floor is of the same cracked marble, and
the cold stone walls don't show the same cracking and falling that the other
walls do.  The only exit is the way you came.    
96 d 0 0 0 0
1 0 9645
A hallway entrance~
   The floor here is lined with satin, although torn and bitten from rats.  No
rats are here presently, but signs of their presence are visible.  Intricate
carvings and tapestries adorn the walls, along with a bust of the King in the
corner.  Exits are west or back down.    
96 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 9652
0 0 9646
A hallway entrance~
   The floor here is lined with satin, although torn and bitten from rats.  No
rats are here presently, but signs of their presence are visible.  Intricate
carvings and tapestries adorn the walls, along with a bust of the King in the
corner.  Exits are east or back down.    
96 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 9651
0 0 9645
The royal hallway~
   Along the hallway there is no noise whatsoever.  The walls are still
crumbling, plants are still growing out of the ceiling, of which most of is
laying on the floor.  The floor seems a little less eaten up.  The entrance to
the King's bedroom lies east, or one may return west.    
96 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 9653
0 0 9650
The royal hallway~
   Along the hallway there is no noise whatsoever.  The walls are still
crumbling, plants are still growing out of the ceiling, of which most of is
laying on the floor.  The floor seems a little less eaten up.  The entrance to
the King's bedroom lies west, or one may return east.    
96 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 9649
0 0 9653
In front of the King's bedroom~
   The front of the king's bedroom is in a perfect state of preservation.  The
door itself is made of marble, set on a cunningly made device that opens the
door at the King's will.  The door is outlined in silver, and two statues in
front of the door are made of solid gold.  Exits to the south, east, and west.
96 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 9652
door king marble~
2 9652 9654
0 0 9651
T 9652
T 9651
T 9649
T 9648
The King's Bedroom~
   Quite the magnificent room, even for a King.  The bed takes up a full
quarter of the room, and the walls are completely covered with carvings,
depicting a mighty battle.  The ceiling is painted in the image of an angel and
her followers, and the furniture is exquisite.  A desk made from the finest
cedar is resting against the wall, with a matching chair.  Both are heavily
cushioned with satin, and carved in strange and beautiful pictures.  The only
exit is north.    
96 d 0 0 0 0
1 9652 9653
A Cleared Path~
   The freshly cut path is clearer to the east while to the west it looks like
someone gave up on hacking through this dense woods.  The trees and brush are
typical of any hardwood forest.    
96 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 9603
0 0 9619