Destiny's Zone Description Room~
   Builder   : Destiny
Zone         : 86 Duke Kalithorn's Keep
Began        : 
Player Level : 3-14
Rooms        : 45
Mobs         : 14
Objects      : 14
Shops        : 0
Triggers     : 0
Plot         : This will be the Keep of Grand Duke Kalithorn (it can be renamed
   to fit into the mud..it was just something I came up with) a mercenary 
   turned politician/good guy after his wife was kidnapped by bandits. The Duke 
   swore that he would not rest until his wife was found and the bandits 

   punished.so he is 'haunting' (for lack of a better word) the Keep.
Links        : 60s, 01w
Notes        : Within a forest or perhaps a little set back from a main road.
   Neutral to slightly evil. Most of the mobs would be rats, bats and sprites 
   which would be the evil aligned mobs. Kalithorn and his undead guards and
   sentinels would be of neutral align.
Zone 86 was linked to the following zones:
34 Arctic Zone          at  8601 (west ) --->  4396
86 j 0 0 0 0
A Dirt Road~
   The trees part just north revealing an even smaller dirt road.  The road
casually winds up the steep hill to a dark appearing Keep atop the hill.  
Ravens call from the nearby trees and smoke can be seen to the north.  While a
small muddy trail leads off to the west.    
86 a 0 0 0 4
   The trees slowly inch back, revealing more of the road to the north.    
0 0 8602
0 0 8659
   Charcoal grey smoke rises straight and true from some chimney set deep into
the heart of the Keep.    
A Dirt Road~
   The small dirt path ends at the rusty remains of a once gilded fence.  The
gates are half buried in the dust of the path and small vines have overtaken
the spokes.  The vines have twined themselves tightly but do not hinder
movement to the north.  The path also curves to the east and fades as it slopes
down the steep hill.    
86 a 0 0 0 4
   This old rusted wrought iron fence lays open to the north.    
door weathered wooden~
1 0 8603
   This small dirth path curves gently down a semi-steep hill to some sort of
0 0 8612
   A dirt road twists off into the woods.    
0 0 8601
fence gate ~
   Old and weathered this wrought iron fence and its gate have seen many'a
Before the Keep~
   The rusty gates give way to a dark, imposing keep.  The weathered wooden
doors hang on their hinges, neither inviting nor imparing entrance.  Thick dust
lays everywhere and spiderwebs fill the corners dampening the sounds that come
from deep within the keep.    
86 a 0 0 0 2
   This old weather beaten wooden door barely keeps the weather and critters
wooden weathered door~
1 0 8604
   A wrought iron fence leads out to a dirt path.    
0 0 8602
The Foyer~
   Stepping into the foyer the smell of decay and dust is evident.  Pictures
half hang on the walls and the curtains of the once grand windows lay in
shambles.  Broken glass and the dusty remains of a pair of french doors are to
the east.  The hallway continues on to the north.    
86 a 0 0 0 0
   A small hallway continues on to the north.    
0 0 8605
   These french doors are rusty and barely holding themselves up.  They hang
langerously from their hinges and groan with each passing breeze.    
french door~
1 0 8614
   Weather beaten and cracked this door barely blocks the critters that skitter
about here from getting inside.    
wooden door weathered~
1 0 8603
Short Hallway~
   This narrow hallway passes between the foyer and the once beautiful gentle
curving stairway to the north.  Cobwebs and the chittering of the mice fill the
hallway along with a nasty draft from the foyer.    
86 a 0 0 0 0
0 0 8606
0 0 8604
   A magnificent stairway leads upwards into the darkness of the keep here.  
The marble is scratched and pockmarked with age but the stairs seem relatively
safe.  The walls along the staircase are unevenly covered with gaudy striped
wallpaper and the bannister is unsteady.  The hallway runs south from here and
a large dining room is to the east.    
86 0 0 0 0 0
   Travel eastward leads into the Dining Room.    
0 0 8616
   The hallway continues on in this direction.    
0 0 8605
   Ascending the staircase leads to a second floor, which is dark and
0 0 8607
   Atop the staircase lay two hallyways and a small alcove to the north.  One
hallway extends to the east and the other to the west.  The scent of decay and
rotting wood is stronger to the west, while a faint light seems to flicker to
the east.    
86 a 0 0 0 0
   A small alcove is nestled into the wall.    
0 0 8608
   A long, dark, hallway stretches out this way.    
0 0 8617
   A long dark hallway extends out this way.    
0 0 8699
   The stairs descend in this direction.    
0 0 8606
   A huge, full-length mirror once hung from this crumbled alcove wall.  An
enormous crack runs diagonally from the top left corner downwards to the bottom
right corner, strangely doubling every image.  Along the gaudy golden frame
there are many, many cracks and dents and the bottom left forner of the mirror
has been broken off.  The wall paper had long ago cracked and peeled off the
western wall, but the eastern wall still holds a small wooden shelf with a few
cobweb covered books.    
86 a 0 0 0 0
   This mirror is more than meets the shattered eye.    
mirror ~
1 8602 8609
   The hallway is dark and the faint outline of a bannister can barely be seen.
0 0 8607
   A small wooden shelf hangs precariously from the faded and papered wall.  A
few books, encrusted with cobwebs still remain.  Arms and Armour, The Armilana
Defense to name a few.  There is a small cermaic swan on the top shelf that
almost escaped your notice.    
mirror cracked corner~
   A faint moldy, damp smell greets your nostrils as you bend closer.  Your
image distorts further until you are nothing but a blur.    
Dim Flight of Stairs~
   The mirror slides closed with an awful grating sound and all that is left is
a long, slippery flight of badly made stairs.  Rats squeal somewhere far below,
echoing hollowly in the empty space between.    
86 a 0 0 0 0
1 8602 8608
0 0 8610
Dim Flight of Stairs~
   The squeals and chitters of the rats are becoming closer and less hollow as
the descent continues.  The moist smell of mildew and hundred year old mold is
tart and hangs in the air like a miasma.  The walls are uneven and have a rough
finish to them.    
86 a 0 0 0 0
0 0 8609
0 0 8620
Dirt Path~
   The trees are tall and have grown quite close together here.  Birds chirp
and fill the air with the rustling of their feathers.  The path leads in two
directions the east and west.  Tall hedges and a wrought iron fence prevent
movement to the north and south.    
86 g 0 0 0 2
   A dirt path winds along in this direction.    
0 0 8622
   A dirt path wanders in this direction.    
0 0 8601
Old Courtyard~
   The path ends at the remains of an old stone courtyard.  The stones are
cracked and piled to about waist height.  The dark stone facing of the Keep
looms nearby and an old balcony can be seen just above the first floor windows.
The trees have grown in about the old courtyard making travel in all directions
impossible, save to the west.    
86 a 0 0 0 2
0 0 8602
The Grand Room~
   This room was once the grand ballroom but now it is strewn with the remains
of broken glass and wooden furniture.  The ceiling and walls are covered with
cobwebs and flaking paint.  A hardwood table stands against the eastern wall
with a massive candelabra at its center it, too, is tangled with cobwebs.  
There is a bland looking door to the east and an open archway to the north.  
The foyer is to the west.    
86 a 0 0 0 0
   A beautiful archway continues on to the north.    
0 0 8615
   A small white painted door leads to the east.    
1 0 8624
   A pair of weathered french doors lead back toward the foyer.    
french door~
1 0 8604
An Open Archway~
   This grand archway was once gilded over with fine ornaments and hand painted
designs, now it is flaking and faded.  Cobwebs hang like thin curtains from
different points on the archway.  A small breath of air causes the cobwebs to
shimmer and part for a moment.  There is a hazy light coming from the north and
the grand ballroom is to the south.    
86 a 0 0 0 0
   The Dining Room is just north of here.    
0 0 8616
   The grand ballroom is to the south.    
0 0 8614
Dining Room~
   A huge oak and wrought iron table runs the length of this room.  Candlabras
line the center of the tattered and moth eaten table linens.  Rat chewed chairs
are perfectly placed at even intervals along the table.  Tremendous amounts of
fabric lay in heaps along the outer walls and windows they, too, are chewed and
moth eaten.  There is an intricate design on the eastern wall while another
archway leads to the west.    
86 a 0 0 0 0
   An open archway leads south to the grand ballroom.    
0 0 8615
   This archway opens up to a flight of slightly decreped stairs.    
0 0 8606
intricate design~
   This design is a complicated pattern of silver and wrought iron.  Curiously
though it doesn't seem as rusted or faded as the rest of the Keep.    
Eastern Wing~
   This hallway is clogged with dust and debris.  Torn paintings and broken
pottery are strewn across the once beautiful hardwood floors and the thick
striped wallpaper is peeling in great rends from the walls themselves.  Doors
line this hallway and a faint light shines beneath the eastern most door.    
86 a 0 0 0 0
   The hallway continues on into the darkness.    
0 0 8627
   The faint outline of stairs can be seen in this direction.    
0 0 8607
Bottom of the Stairs~
   A giant curved doorway bars travel to the east.  It's surface is covered
with strange symbols and bears a giagantic replica of the Grand Duke's coat of
arms.  Large barrels lay stacked neatly next to the huge door and the rest of
the floor is riddled with pockmarks and rat droppings.    
86 a 0 0 0 0
0 0 8621
0 0 8610
inscriptions doorway curved~
   Strange runes cover the entire surface of the door frame.  The runes
themselves are unintelligable but their mere presence seems to be a warning of
what lays beyond.    
Caverns Beneath the Keep~
   A long twisting pathway runs off into the darkness.  The scent of water
grows stronger here and the rough hewn walls are covered with an unhealthy
looking slime.  The caverns seem to extend deep into the earth beneath the Keep
to the east.    
86 a 0 0 0 0
0 0 8631
0 0 8620
Dirt Path~
   The trees spread out a little allowing for small breezes to rustle through
the leaves and sway some of the lighter branches along this dirt path.  A break
in the foliage appears to the north and the dirt path continues on to the west.
86 a 0 0 0 2
   A small clearing lays beyond the tree break.    
0 0 8623
   The dirth path continues back this way.    
0 0 8611
End of the Dirt Path~
   The dirt path abruptly ends here in the midst of the forest surrounding
Grand Duke Kalithorn's Keep.  In every direction trees block the view and low
growing raspberr and prickly rose bushes block further travel.  A small rock
formation lay at the very edge of the path.    
86 aeg 0 0 0 2
   A dirt path continues on in this direction.    
0 0 8622
   A large stone formation rests at the end of this path.  Curious holes and
notches have been etched into the largest rock in the formation.    
formation stone hole notch door~
2 8616 8625
Butler's Pantry~
   This is a small pantry which holds the dry goods for the kitchens.  The
shelves are still fully stocked, but covered in three inches of dust and other
assorted debris.  There is a small door to the east and west.    
86 a 0 0 0 0
   Another white painted double hinged door leads toward the kitchens.    
white door hinged double~
1 0 8634
   A bland looking door leads back to the grand room.    
bland white door~
1 0 8614
   The heavy smell of fresh earth hangs in the air.  There are no sounds to be
heard.  Thick wooden support posts keep the earth from caving into this small
tunnel that leads forever downwards.  There is a wooden ladder that leads down
and up.  
86 a 0 0 0 5
   There is a large stone door above.    
stone door formation~
1 8616 8623
   The ladder extends down into the darkness of the earth.    
0 0 8626
   One of the two kegs is open and contains beer and a floating rat.  Eww!    
Bandit's Lair~
   The earth has been cut away here to make a small room for the bandit's
hide-a-way.  Bits of meat and pallets are strewn about here and the smell of
the earth is overpowered by the rank stench of body odor.  Two kegs lay along
the outer most wall between two thick wooden supports.    
86 a 0 0 0 0
0 0 8625
Eastern Wing~
   The hardwood floor is scratched is this section of the eastern wing.  Pieces
of glass and pottery grind underfoot and a huge urn lays shattered in its
display alove along the northern wall.  Doors are boarded shut to the north and
south and the hallway continues east and west.  
86 a 0 0 0 0
   This sturdy looking oak door appears to be jammed shut.    
sturdy oak door~
0 0 -1
   The hallway continues on into the darkness.    
0 0 8637
   Large boards of weathered wood block this doorway.    
sturdy oak door~
0 0 -1
   The hallway lightens in this direction.    
0 0 8617
door oak sturdy~
   This sturdy oak door appears to be jammed shut
   The cavern walls are slick with slime and the floor itself is deeply scarred
with pockmarks from falling water.  Stalagmites have grown down from the
ceiling making travel difficult, but by no means impossible.  An odd hollow
sound comes from deep within the carverns.    
86 a 0 0 0 0
0 0 8641
0 0 8621
The Kitchens~
   A massive blackened stove is set into the back wall of the kitchen.  Waist
hight wooden tables run lengthwise, presumably for servants to prepare the food
upon.  The rough stone walls are smeared with grease and soot from the years of
cooking that occurred here.  A few platters piled with dust and rat droppings
are scattered about this place.  The sole exit is to the west.    
86 a 0 0 0 0
   This small white double hinged door leads out to the pantry.    
1 0 8624
Sitting Room~
   This must have been Lady Kalithorn's sitting room.  The pink drapes are moth
eaten and lay in a heap at the base of the row of windows along the southern
wall.  Chairs and small couches have been overturned and chewed to near pieces.
An antique loom and its chair lay in fair condition against the western most
wall while a grand harp rests in its stand in the middle of the sitting room.
86 a 0 0 0 0
0 0 8637
harp grand~
   This grand harp stands one human man-height tall.  Alas, the strings have
been snapped and lay uselessly against the floor.    
Eastern Wing~
   Most of the hallway here has been ravaged by the elements and animals of the
wilderness.  Evidence of chewing and small piles of rat droppings are
everywhere.  Most of the walls have been stripped of their original wallpaper
and the bare lath remains to be seen.  The door to the north has completely
caved inwards and the frame is covered with a heavy spidery webbing, preventing
passage.  There is an old oak door to the south and a faint light comes from
beneath the eastern most door.    
86 a 0 0 0 0
   The hallway ends in a stout paneled doorway.    
0 0 8647
   There is a faint light coming from this direction.    
0 0 8636
   The hallway recedes into the darkness.    
0 0 8627
Dead End~
   This end of the cavern is extremely rough and unfinished.  The wall is
covered with a reddish-green ooze and the water has pooled deeply at the far
end of the passage.    
86 a 0 0 0 0
0 0 8640
Deeper Within the Caverns~
   The whistling hollow sound is almost a dull roar as the cavern ahead opens
up into a large anti-chamber.  Bones of unknown origin lay strewn about.  A few
are reclining against the rough walls while others lay twisted and broken on
the cavern floor.  Two exits are visible, one to the east and the other to the
86 a 0 0 0 0
fence gate iron~
1 0 8641
0 0 8650
0 0 8639
   The floor gently begins to slope into the earth here.  Pools of stagnant
water fill the many holes in the floor and the same unhealthy looking slime
coats the walls.  The hollow sound can still be heard whistling through the
caverns.  There is an old wrought iron fence barring passage to the south.    
86 a 0 0 0 0
   This is an old but strong wrought iron fence that reaches from floor to
ceiling.  There seems to be a strangely shaped lock on the far right side of
the gate.    
wrought iron old fence~
1 8610 8640
0 0 8631
fence wrought iron~
   This fence reaches from the somewhat dry cavern floor straight to the
ceiling.  There is a large spider-shaped lock on the far right bar.    
Servants Quarters~
   Bunk beds made from stout wrist thick poles of wood stand in the far corners
of this small room.  The pallets are made of planks of pitted and rotten wood
with rat chewed bits of cloth over them.  Tattered blankets hang over the sides
of each bunk and a moth eaten, ratty bed sheet covers the sole window on the
southern wall.  A small wash basin lays atop a rough, handmade dresser which is
missing its drawers in the eastern corner of the room.    
86 a 0 0 0 0
0 0 8647
basin wash~
   This old and worm metallic basin couldn't hold water if it wanted too.    
dresser wooden~
   This old wooden dresser had four drawers in which the servants stored their
meager clothing and uniforms.  However, only the top drawer reamins in tact
after all this time.    
Eastern Wing~
   More smashed pots and ripped paintings litter the floor and walls in this
section of the eastern wing The sound of the vermin shifting about is absent
and the scent of rotting food and unwashed bodies hangs in the air.  Doors to
the north and south have splashes of blood upon their surfaces and a faint
light flickers underneath the paneled door to the east.    
86 a 0 0 0 0
   The putrid scent of decay wafts in from the north.    
0 0 8648
   These ornately paneled thick wooden doors must be at least four handlengths
wide.  The silvery doorknobs are a little tarnished.    
paneled door bedroom~
1 0 8657
   A small room is to the south.    
0 0 8646
0 0 8637
Wash Room~
   Bits of blood soaked clothing hang over almost every surface of this once
white-washed bathing chamber.  The faucet drips continuously into a puddle of
dingy looking water.  The mirrors have been smashed to bits and the bathing
curtain that surrounded the clawfoot tub is torn in half.  The chamber pot has
been used beyond its capacity more than once and lays in the furthest corner of
the bathing room, seething with maggots.    
86 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 8647
   The air is growing heavier with the scent of running water.  The murky
mildew smell has receeded some and thankfully the walls no longer drip with
slime.  The hollow sound eminates from a cavern not to far ahead as the sound
has grown in both tone and pitch.    
86 a 0 0 0 0
0 0 8651
0 0 8640
   The floor of the cavern is getting softer with each passing cavern.  The
scent of running water is a refreshing break from the damp murkiness of the
caverns.  The walls here do not drip with slime, but rather trickle a steady
flow of water over the calcified rocks and weave a trail toward the next
86 a 0 0 0 0
0 0 8652
0 0 8650
   The scent of water and the hollow rushing sound are getting stronger and
stronger with each passing cavern.  The walls are covered with yellowish-white
calcium deposits and the floor, as well, is marked with tiny rivulets of the
same deposit.    
86 a 0 0 0 0
0 0 8653
0 0 8651
Open Cavern~
   This cavern opens into a circular room with a cathedral ceiling.  The rock
walls are smooth and covered with tapestries at random intervals.  Some bear
scenes of battles, castles and another on the far east wall bears the likeness
of Grand Duke Kalithorn himself!  A gently cascading waterfall is the source of
the rushing noise that echoes through the other caverns.  It gently pours from
the southern wall and the small pool reaches the midpoint of this room.    
86 a 0 0 0 0
0 0 8652
   The tapestries hang at random intervals around the circular room.  The
tapestry nearest depicts knights in battle.    
old tapestry~
   A masterpiece!  This tapestry depicts the famous battle of Ondor.    
castle tapestry~
   Generously woven into this tapestry is the finest of threads.  This scene is
of the taking of Demoria Castle.    
face handsome tapestry~
   This lovingly kept tapestry bears the handsome face of Grand Duke Kalithorn.
His strong features and deep green eyes peer out, keeping watch over his Keep.
In the bottom corner of the panel the letters E-M-I-L-Y is divinely embrodiered
in siver flax.    
   Pouring gently from a few feet above the rough stone floor this waterfall
splashes down and pools outward to the midpoint of this room.    
   This second floor balcony looks out over the ornamental gardens of Kalithorn
Keep.  Gardeners once scurried about weeding and tending to these once
beautiful gardens, now they lay in an overgrown yet multi-colored mass.  Trees
extend for miles in either direction and the dirt road that leads to the main
gate is barely visible.  The wrought iron railing prevents its occupants from
falling forward with it delicate scroll work and rusty strength.  The glass
doors lead back into the master bedroom.    
86 a 0 0 0 0
   These glass panels have been painstakingly etched with swirled patterns.  
Half of the panels have been smashes beyond recognition and others are
scratched and shattered.    
shattered glass door~
1 0 8657
Master Bedroom~
   The hardwood floors of the hallway give way to thick, deep red carpeting.  
An enormous king sized bed stands in the center of this huge master bedroom.  
The bed curtains are the same deep red and have been tied off at the four
posts.  The bed clothes are dusty and rumpled.  The walls are covered with
ornamental tapestries that have faded over time and the red striped wallpaper
is bubbled in spots and is peeling from the walls between them.  A medium sized
closet stands open to the north and a pair of etched glass doors lead out to a
86 a 0 0 0 0
   A medium sized closet lays in this direction.    
0 0 8658
   The painstakingly stched glass paneled doors were once beautiful.  Now a few
panels are shattered and the others are scratched beyond repair.    
shattered glass door~
1 0 8656
   These huge paneled doors must be at least four handlengths wide.  The panels
depict scenes from various battles in history.  The silver handles are
tarnished, but not too worn.    
paneled door ~
1 0 8647
etched glass doors ~
   The balcony doors are covered with eteched glass panels.  Some have been
broken and others are scratched beyond repair.    
tapestries tapestry~
   Most of the tapestries have faded beyond recognition but one singular
tapestry nearest to the main doors proudly displays the Kalithorn coat of arm.
Bedroom Closet~
   Cobwebbed and moth infested this closet once held the beautiful and numerous
dresses of Lady Kalithorn.  Hangers dangle on the somewhat empty racks and
rat-chewed shoes lay in haphazard piles along the floor.  Curiously, though,
the row of boxes on the uppermost shelf seem untouched.  The master bedroom is
to the south.    
86 a 0 0 0 0
   The master bedroom lays in this direction.    
0 0 8657
A Dirt Road~
   The path winds gently around fallen trees and brush.  To the north it begins
to ascend up a hill.  The wind feels colder and the forest is quieter.  A
disturbing silence fills this part of the woods.    
86 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 8601
0 0 8660
   Charcoal grey smoke rises straight and true from some chimney set deep into
the heart of the Keep.    
A Dirt Road~
   The woods around you consists mostly of pine and small fir.  Small animals
can be heard, but not seen, scurrying away as you intrude upon their home.  
The path is beginning to fade and recede back into the forest.    
86 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 8659
   Charcoal grey smoke rises straight and true from some chimney set deep into
the heart of the Keep.    
Western Wing~
   The floorboards creak and groan dangerously underfoot.  The splintering of
wood and the muffled sqeaks of rats and other unsavory creatures can be heard
to the west.  Unfortunetly, the walls have caved in to the north and south.  
To the west the floor slopes sharply downward into the darkness.    
86 ac 0 0 0 0
0 0 8607