Entrance to a Chasm~
   The rubble from the landslide to the west has thinned out, leaving a clear
path for you to walk down.  The granite walls of the chasm soar up above you,
showing you only a small swath of the sky.  To the east, you can smell the odor
of brimstone.  You fail to surpress a shudder when you remember the tales you
have heard of this place.    
42 c 0 0 0 0
0 0 4201
Deeper into the Chasm~
   The rubble from the landslide to the west has completely vanished, leaving a
rough surface of granite for you to walk upon.  Here and there, though, are
some deep furrows in the rock, always in groups of three.  You suddenly realize
that these cuts are claw marks, probably territory marks of some sort...  To
the east, the chasm gets yet deeper.    
42 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 4202
0 0 4200
Deeper into the Chasm~
   The chasm walls soar up so high that you can see almost nothing of the sky.
The enterance to this hell-cursed chasm is to the west.  When you look to the
est, you realize that the end of this ordeal is in sight-you can see the
bottom.  The smell of sulfur is very strong here, and it seems to be wafting on
the air currents from the east.    
42 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 4203
0 0 4201
The Bottom of the Chasm~
   You are at the bottom of an extremely deep granite chasm.  The only way you
can see even a small portion of the sky is by trying to look straight up.  
There are multiple groups of three deep claw furrows all over the ground and
covering a good portion of the walls.  There is a cave in the north wall,
almost big enough for a large giant to walk into without ducking.    
42 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 4207
0 0 4204
0 0 4202
East side of the Chasm~
   To the west of here is the bottom of the chasm.  To the east, the path
continues rising, taking you away from the oppressive might of the towering
granite walls.  As it is, you can only see a small piece of the sky.  There are
numerous claw marks here, each several inches deep.  The smell of sulfur is
omnipresent, but it seems worse to the west.    
42 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 4205
0 0 4203
Entrance to a Cave~
   The path up is supposed to continue to the north-east here, but the way is
blocked by a large mass of rubble.  There's no way you can get out that way.  
To the east, however, is a large cave.  Maybe you can go spelunking.    
42 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 4206
0 0 4204
A Cave~
   You are in a cave, not so large as caves go, but still, its pretty big
compared to you.  It doesn't go back too far, you can almost see all the way to
the back of it.  There is a small glow towards the back of the cave.  To the
west is the exit.    
42 ac 0 0 0 0
0 0 4297
0 0 4205
Entrance to a Cave~
   You have entered a large cave.  There are multiple stone spears coming from
the ceiling and the floor, giving you the unsettling impression that you are
walking into a giant mouth.  The thing that bothers you the most, though, is
that though the center of the chamber, there are stumps where other stalagmites
should be.  Something REALLY strong must have done that.    
42 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 4208
0 0 4203
Further Into the Cave~
   You are going deeper and deeper into the cave.  The claw marks are back, and
they have reinforcements.  You see some claw marks that go five to six inches
into the stone!  The path through the stalagmites continues, and you feel too
captivated by curiousity to stop now.  You conviently forget that curiousity
killed the cat...    
42 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 4209
0 0 4207
A Choice of Ways~
   You have reached the back of the cave.  It branches off in three directions
from here, with passages big enough to accomodate medium-sized giants.  To the
north is a smaller hole in the otherwise completely smooth walls.  The walls
are so smooth, in facts, that it is clear that they could not be natural...  
42 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 4221
0 0 4210
0 0 4208
0 0 4216
   It is a long, deep gash, at least six inches deep.  
Top of A Stairwell~
   You have entered a massive stairwell, spiraling downwards as far as you can
see.  Each step is about ten feet long and thirty feet wide.  You would hate to
find out what would happen if you tripped and fell down them...    
42 c 0 0 0 0
0 0 4209
0 0 4211
A Stairwell~
   You are plodding down a seemingly endless line of stairs.  They are all
featureless, made out of solid granite.  The only thing interesting about these
stairs is that they are very large and wide, big enough for a giant.  They
spiral downwards are far as you can see.  You look up.  They go just as far
that way.    
42 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 4210
0 0 4212
Bottom of a Stairwell~
   You are at the bottom of a very large stairwell.  The steps themselves are
barely small enough for you to go up the stairs without climbing up each step.
The stairwell is large enough to hold a giant, with some room to spare.  To the
east, you detect a faint humidness.    
42 c 0 0 0 0
0 0 4213
0 0 4211
A Dank Corridor~
   You are in a large corridor.  There is moisture coating the walls, and some
other unidentifiable substances on the floor.  Like the rest of this place, the
ceiling is high above, almost lost in shadow.  To the west, you see a
stairwell.  To the east, you see more corridor.    
42 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 4214
0 0 4212
A Dank Corridor~
   The dark corridor abruptly terminates in a rough hewn stone wall on the
south side.  There is a solid steel door set into the rock.  You think you can
hear mumbling and heavy footfalls coming from beyond the doorway...    
42 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 4222
door cell~
1 4200 4215
0 0 4213
A Prison Cell~
   You are in a solid stone cell, big enough for several man-sized creatures to
fit in without complaint.  There are a few bones scattered around the room, and
the bite marks on them are unsettling you...    
42 0 0 0 0 0
door cell~
1 4200 4214
A Stairwell~
   You are standing at the bottom of a gigantic stairwell, with each step being
several meters high, almost taller than you are.  To the east, you see a cave
with multiple stalagmites, and another stairwell opposite the one you are
currently in.    
42 cd 0 0 0 0
0 0 4209
0 0 4295
A Small Room~
   You note with some relief that this room is too small to fit a dragon.  
There are numerous brooms and mops around, as well as a few buckets and a well
carved into one corner.  Evidently this is a storeroom for cleaning supplies.
42 c 0 0 0 0
0 0 4220
A Hallway~
   You are walking down a featureless granite hallway.  The granite is rather
pretty, with millions of shiny flecks strewn about the visible portion of the
rock.  To the south, you see an intersection, and to the north, you see more
hallway.  You notice that the smell of sulfur and brimstone has intensified...
42 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 4223
0 0 4220
A Hallway~
   You have entered a large hallway, which is at least twenty feet wide and
extremely long.  To the east is the stairway back down, and there is an
intersection to the west.  The amount of claw marks here worries you...    
42 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 4296
0 0 4220
A Hallway~
   You are at a junction of two hallways, one of which goes east from here and
the other north.  There is also a doorway to the west, and you think about
hiding, as the claw marks here indicate that this passageway is well traveled.
42 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 4218
0 0 4219
0 0 4217
A Hatchery~
   You are in a roughly circular room, with a large crater-shaped hole in the
middle of the room.  There are a few eggs in the nest, and lost of scattered
eggsells lying about.  There are no eggs, luckily for you- if there were eggs,
there would be a watchful dragon nearby.  You think you hear a few high-pitched
squeaks, though...    
42 c 0 0 0 0
0 0 4209
The End of the Hallway~
   You are in a moderately cozy room, with a small air shaft going up through 
the ceiling to the sky above.  The ground is rough and pebbly, with a large
mound a sand in the center of the room.  There is a keyrack here.    
42 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 4214
A Hallway~
   You are walking down an ordinary hallway...  If you count the extremely
discomforting amount of claw marks as normal...  If you count the stench of
sulfur as run of the mill...  And if you count the roaring you hear echoing
from somewhere as ordinary...    
42 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 4224
0 0 4218
A Hallway~
   You are walking down an almost featureless granite corridor.  There is only
a few things that mar its perfect smoothness, and those few things are multiple
scratches and claw marks on the floor and walls.  Up ahead, you think you hear
the sound of scales, but you can't be sure.    
42 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 4225
0 0 4223
A Guard Chamber~
   You are looking at what is quite obviously a guard room, and you can also
tell that this area is very well traveled, and from some of the deep grooves in
the rock you guess that many dragons have waited in this room for permission
beyond.  You also notice that there is some smoke drifting down the ramp to the
42 c 0 0 0 0
0 0 4226
0 0 4224
A Ramp~
   You are walking up a ramp that is, if anything, more impressive then the
species that made it.  There are inlaid designs along every inch of the walls,
made out of gold, silver, platinum, and countless diamonds and rubies.  The
granite floor has somehow been made so that the rock has the illusion of being a
carpet.  The smell of sulfur, which is intensifying, is the only aspect of the
stairwell that you think could be better.    
42 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 4228
0 0 4225
The Royal Treasury~
   You are in a large cave, filled almost to the brim with millions and
millions of gold and silver pieces.  The entire floor is covered, except for a
small cleared area where you are standing.  You take a step towards the
treasure, but immediately realize that there is no way you could possibly take
all of the treasure with you.    
42 cd 0 0 0 0
1 4202 4228
The Royal Antechamber~
   You are standing in the middle of a perfectly round cavern, which could
easily fit ten dragons comfortably.  In the middle of the room, you see a huge
gold inlaid design, with many, many gems studded into it in an artistic
fashion.  You think you can see a seam around the edges of the circle, and
there is a small slot in the exact middle of the pattern.  To the west, you see
a ramp desending downward, and you see three passages in the north, east, and
south walls of the room.  The stench of sulfur is so thick that you can almost
see it, and it is making your eyes water.    
42 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 4229
0 0 4231
0 0 4230
0 0 4226
pattern circle door design~
2 4202 4227
The Royal Nest~
   You are in a medium-sized circular chamber, with only one major feature.  
In the almost exact middle of the room there is a large circular depression,
with several pieces of armor and bones scattered around it.  The walls are
carved from rock, but in the wall near you there is a skeleton *melted* into
the wall, still carrying his sword and shield.  You shiver.  What a horrible
42 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 4228
The Royal Balcony~
   You have walked out onto a balcony, very high up, jutting out from a large
sprialing structure that is obviously not natural.  You can see the ground far,
far below you, and you shudder as you think what would happen if you fell from
here.  You look up, and you can see the blue sky far above you.  To the north
is the passageway that brought you here.    
42 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 4228
The Royal Throne Room~
   You are in a very large room, which is obviously a meeting hall or a
gathering space of some sort, and as you look around, you see toward the east
wall, a large circular hollow, with several indentations as if for places to
lean your elbows, but they are way too big for you.  Everywhere you can see
large designs, showing knights on horseback being slaughtered, countrysides
being ravaged, and castles being destroyed.  They are obviously a monument to
some particularly evil acts by dragons.    
42 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 4228
   -add material desc for chasm walls -more stuff to add feeling to the zone
42 0 0 0 0 0
A Stairwell~
   You are plodding down a seemingly endless line of stairs.  They are all
featureless, made out of solid granite.  The only thing interesting about these
stairs is that they are very large and wide, big enough for a giant.  They
spiral downwards are far as you can see.  You look up.  They go just as far
that way.    
42 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 4296
0 0 4216
Top of A Stairwell~
   You have entered a massive stairwell, spiraling downwards as far as you can
see.  Each step is about ten feet long and thirty feet wide.  You would hate to
find out what would happen if you tripped and fell down them...    
42 c 0 0 0 0
0 0 4219
0 0 4295
The Back of the Cave~
   You have reached the back of the cave.  It is nothing special, besides the
fact that there is a globe of magical light floating in the middle of the room.
This lets you see your surroundings, and the many claw marks decorating the
walls.  There is a large circular depression by the wall, which have some bones
and assorted pieces of armor lying about-all of them with large bite marks on
them.  You start to get an uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach...    
42 cd 0 0 0 0
0 0 4206