Main Engineering~
   The gentle murmur of the engine rumbles perpetually throughout these rooms.
Various colored lights flash and blink on their respective panels, keeping track
of things like the warp core temperature, current speed and the ship's shield
specifications.  The room is longer than it is wide, and it has fairly low
ceilings.  Computer terminals cover all the walls, and a large table built into
the floor sits in the middle of the room.  Located at the far end of the room is
the warp core, a large pulsating vertical tube.  
241 d 0 0 0 0
A non-descript corridor stretches far to the north.
0 -1 24102
             Turbolift               |                Ten Forward
               1010                  |                  1021
                 |                   |                     |
      School---1008----Holodeck 2    |     Crusher's-----1019----Security
       1007      |       1008        |   Quarters 1018     |       1020
                 |                   |                     |
        Brig---1005---Transporter    |     Sick Bay-----1016-----Holodeck 4
        1004     |     Room 1006     |      1015          |        1017
                 |                   |                    |
    Geordi's---1002----Data's        |        Cargo-----1013-----Riker's
 Quarters 1001   |  Quarters 1003    |       Bay 1012     |    Quarters 1014
                 |                   |                    |
            Engineering              |                Turbolift
               1000                  |                  1011
              DECK 1                 |                DECK 2
             Turbolift               |      Ready-----Bridge
               1032                  |     Room 1035    1038         
                 |                   |                    |
   Science-----1030-----Cargo        |                 Bridge-----Conference
   Lab 1029      |     Bay 1031      |                  1036       Room 1037
                 |                   |                    |
       Gym-----1027-----Picard's     |                Turbolift   
      1026       |   Quarters 1028   |                  1034   
                 |                   |                    |
    Troi's-----1024-----Worf's       |                Turbolift   
 Quarters 1023   |   Quarters 1025   |                  1033      
                 |                   |                
             Shuttle Bay             |                    
               1022                  |
              DECK 3                 |                DECK 4
credits info~
    |               STARSHIP ENTERPRISE - FOR CIRCLEMUD 3.1               |
    |                    Written in 2001 by Crazyman                      |
    |                        www.nt.net/saarinen                          |
     I created this zone because I'm a fan of the show Star Trek: The Next
     Generation. This zone features all of the main characters from the
     show, and many of the items too. This zone features about 45 rooms, 
     and is good for players of level 26-30. Everyone except for the 
     ensigns, Picard, and Data are rougly a bit stronger than Jupiter. Data 
     and Picard are much harder, and the ensigns are easier. I have a spot 
     for a holodeck, but I haven't added anything in yet.
     Written entirely from scratch in WordPad. Feel free to edit, modify,
     and do what you want with this zone!
Builder      : Crazyman (Heiach)
Zone         : 241 Starship Enterprise
Began        : 2001
Player Level : 26-30
Rooms        : 43(46)
Mobs         : 14(19)
Objects      : 19(33)
Shops        : 1
Triggers     : 0(35)
Links        : 0(1) <24109 - 35923>
Geordi's Quarters~
   The most immediately noticable quirk of this chamber is the sparseness of its
decorations.  Considering the fact that the owner is blind, it isn't at all
strange to find that the room is almost completely bare, just the basics.  A
small personal computer sits on a desk against the western wall, in between two
windows that look out into space, not that it really matters.  A neatly made bed
has been placed against the northern wall.  
241 d 0 0 0 0
A well-lit corridor lies to the east.
0 -1 24102
A Corridor~
   This is the southern end of a long hallway.  Like all of the ships internal
passages, this one is well lit and pretty narrow.  To the south can be heard the
continual rumbling of main engineering.  
241 d 0 0 0 0
   This corridor continues in a northernly direction.  
0 -1 24105
   The android Data's quarters are located to the east, the almost constant home
to his pet cat, Spot.  
0 -1 24103
   Main engineering can be spotted to the south, one of the most important parts
of a ship who's main mission is to explore.  
0 -1 24100
   Geordi's Quarters lie to the west, quite a simply decorated room, for obvious
0 -1 24101
Data's Quarters~
   This room is fashioned in such a way that one would be almost unable to tell
that it was designed by an android.  Some easels and paintings have been
positioned along and on the northern wall, displaying Data's person expression
of what he sees, which is mainly spacial phenomenon.  A huge computer screen
showing a cross section of the Enterprise dominates the view to the south.  
Infront of said screen is a large desk which boasts a wide array of computer
controls.  What is quite perplexing is the lack of any sleeping facilities.  
Data apparently, does not need to sleep the same way we do.  
241 d 0 0 0 0
   An ordered-looking corridor lies to the west.  
0 -1 24102
The Brig~
   This area is very poorly lit.  The brig is where all of the criminals and
prisoners are kept while onboard the Enterprise.  Three fairly large cells can
been seen in the southern part of the room, defended with invisible laser bars.
A computer control panel is situated in the northwestern corner of the room,
which is where the force fields for the cells are controlled.  
241 d 0 0 0 0
   A long corridor can be spied to the east.  
0 -1 24105
A Corridor~
   The rest of this well-lit corridor stretches to the north and south with many
doors to the east and west along it.  Very much like a tube, the light beige
walls are narrow and have been rounded, throwing all memories of earth away.  
Right-angles are so 2020.  You notice a tiny computer panel embedded into the
241 d 0 0 0 0
   The corridor heads northward, toward the turbolifts.  
0 -1 24108
The transporter room can be found to the east.
0 -1 24106
   This corridor continues to the south, leading eventually to main engineering.

0 -1 24102
   The place where all criminals spend their time can be seen in that direction,
the Brig.  
0 -1 24104
control panel computer screen sign~
   The panel says:

    *                                                 *
    *            NCC-1701-D - "ENTERPRISE"            *
    *                                                 *
    *              *****                              *
    *      **********************                     *
    *      ***********************  _________         *
    *              *****        ***(___  ____(        *
    *                            ***** \ \*           *
    *                             **********          *
    *                                                 *
    *          You are currently on deck 1            *
    *                                                 *
Transporter Room~
   A computer terminal is sitting near the southern wall, where the transporter
chief can control the multitude of machines that are used to give safe passage
to those brave enough to risk using such an untested device.  Eight round
transport pads have been arranged in a circle, on a raised platform just ot the
241 d 0 0 0 0
   The actual transporting chamber is located to the north.  Bright white and
pale yellow lights pulse in from the north.  
0 -1 24142
   A corridor can be seen to the west, and beyond it, the Brig.  
0 -1 24105
controls computer terminal teleportor~
   The teleportation console and controls look very complicated, but you can
work out that you have to INPUT a locations co-ordinates and then ENERGIZE.  
T 24100
T 24101
   This is a relatively large room used for schooling the children onboard the
ship.  There are a number of tables and chairs that have been positioned in an
orderly fashion.  Several computer consoles with an interface specially designed
for a childs use on them can be seen on the tables and some larger ones
pertruding from the walls.  
241 d 0 0 0 0
   A corridor lies to the east, beyond it, the second holodeck.  
0 -1 24108
A Corridor~
   The corridor is heated at about room temperature, which is fitting for most
of the species that live onboard.  Like all of the corridors, this one is well
lit and not very wide.  You see the holodeck's control panel beside the holodeck
door, and it has some information on it.  A computer screen with the map of the
Enterprise on it is located next to the turbolift entrance.  
241 d 0 0 0 0
   You can see the turbolift to the north.  New signs have been placed in all
turbolifts to prevent improper use, this includes you Wesley.  
0 -1 24110
   A very empty-looking holodeck lies to the east, waiting for someon to program
0 -1 24109
   This corridor continues to the south, eventually reaching main engineering.

0 -1 24105
   Enterprise's school lies to the west, looking very neat and tidy.  
0 -1 24107
map screen~
             Turbolift               |               Ten Forward 
                 |                   |                    |
     School----****----Holodeck 2    |    Crusher's-----****----Security
                 |                   |    Quarters        |      
                 |                   |                    |
       Brig----****---Transporter    |     Sick Bay-----****-----Holodeck 4
                 |       Room        |                    |       
                 |                   |                    |
   Geordi's----****----Data's        |        Cargo-----****-----Riker's
   Quarters      |   Quarters        |         Bay        |     Quarters  
                 |                   |                    |
            Engineering              |                Turbolift
              DECK 1                 |                DECK 2
                                     |      Ready-----Bridge
             Turbolift               |      Room          |        
                 |                   |                    |
   Science-----****-----Cargo        |    Turbolift----Bridge-----Conference
     Lab         |       Bay         |                               Room
                 |                   |                    
       Gym-----****-----Picard's     |                  
                 |      Quarters     |                      
                 |                   |                    
    Troi's-----****-----Worf's       |                   
  Quarters       |     Quarters      |                        
                 |                   |                
             Shuttle Bay             |                    
              DECK 3                 |                DECK 4 
holodeck computer control panel sign~
   It looks like this:
    *                                                 *
    *            NCC-1701-D - "ENTERPRISE"            *
    *                    HOLODECK 2                   *
    *                                                 *
    *              STATUS : Inactive                  *
    *     CURRENT PROGRAM : N/A                       *
    *            SAFETIES : N/A                       *
    *                                                 *
    *    NOTE: Starfleet is not responsible for       *
    *          any injuries incurred while on this    *
    *          holodeck!                              *
    *                                                 *
    * WARNING: While the safeties are disabled, you   *
    *          CAN be injured, or even killed.        *
    *                                                 *
Holodeck 2~
   As soon as this room is entered, the enormity of it becomes very apparent.  
The room is just a large cube, with jet black walls and a yellow grid painted on
the floors, the walls, and the ceiling.  This is where different programs can be
loaded and experienced, which seem totally real.  A small instructional screen
can be seen by the door.  
241 cd 0 0 0 0
   A corridor, and across the way, the school can be located to the west.  
0 -1 24108
Holodeck Instructions:

Holodecks work via vocal commands. They are as follows:

Programs (will give you a list of programs)
<name of program> (Will load up a pragram)
Difficulty <difficulty> (Will set the difficulty to EASY, MEDIUM or HARD)
Exit (Will make a door appear)

(Note for some programs, there will be a limit of three credits which will
restock every half hour or so)
T 24120
T 24127
   A small screen above the door reads "Deck One".  The turbolift walls are a
pleasant beige and have been rounded off, making it in the shape of a tube.  
Several vertical rows of lights make this place very well lit.  From here, you
can access the other decks on the Enterprise.  There is a small instructional
panel by the door.  
241 d 0 0 0 0
   An automatic door opens to the south to reveal a long, sterile-looking
0 -1 24108
instructional panel~
To operate the turbolift, say the name of the location you wish to get to:

'deck 1' (engineering, transporter, the brig and the school)
'deck 2' (Ten forward, sick bay and the security center)
'deck 3' (the science labs, the gym and the main shuttle bay)
'deck 4' (The Bridge)
T 24102
T 24115
   A small screen above the door reads "Deck Two".  The turbolift walls have
been rounded off, making it in the shape of a tube.  Several vertical rows of
lights make this place very well lit.  From here, you can access the other decks
on the Enterprise.  There is a small instructional panel by the door.  Like a
lot of the ship, the turbolift accepts vocal commands.  
241 d 0 0 0 0
   A corridor heads to the north, toward Ten Forward.  
0 -1 24113
instructional panel~
To operate the turbolift, say the name of the location you wish to get to:

'deck 1' (engineering, transporter, the brig and the school)
'deck 2' (Ten forward, sick bay and the security center)
'deck 3' (the science labs, the gym and the main shuttle bay)
'deck 4' (The Bridge)
T 24102
T 24115
Cargo Bay 1~
   As to be expected, this bay is gigantic with a very high ceiling and a lot of
floor space for the storage most various items, usually of the non-lethal kind.
There are several plastic crates and barrels with the Starfleet insignia printed
on their lids stacked up, almost right to the top.  
241 d 0 0 0 0
   A corridor can be seen to the east.  
0 -1 24113
A Corridor~
   The peaceful murmuring of the ships engines quietly resonate across the whole
ship, not excluding this particular corridor.  It isn't very wide, and the light
beige walls have been rounded, making the corridor an oval shape.  You notice a
tiny computer panel embedded into the wall.  A computer screen with the map of
the Enterprise on it is located next to the turbolift entrance.  
241 d 0 0 0 0
   A beige corridor continues to the north.  
0 -1 24116
   Commander Riker's private quarters are located to the east.  
0 -1 24114
   A high-tech looking turbolift glides effortlessly up and down the ship to the
0 -1 24111
   A rather large cargo bay is to the west.  
0 -1 24112
map screen~
             Turbolift               |               Ten Forward 
                 |                   |                    |
     School----****----Holodeck 2    |    Crusher's-----****----Security
                 |                   |    Quarters        |      
                 |                   |                    |
       Brig----****---Transporter    |     Sick Bay-----****-----Holodeck 4
                 |       Room        |                    |       
                 |                   |                    |
   Geordi's----****----Data's        |        Cargo-----****-----Riker's
   Quarters      |   Quarters        |         Bay        |     Quarters  
                 |                   |                    |
            Engineering              |                Turbolift
              DECK 1                 |                DECK 2
                                     |      Ready-----Bridge
             Turbolift               |      Room          |        
                 |                   |                    |
   Science-----****-----Cargo        |    Turbolift----Bridge-----Conference
     Lab         |       Bay         |                               Room
                 |                   |                    
       Gym-----****-----Picard's     |                  
                 |      Quarters     |                      
                 |                   |                    
    Troi's-----****-----Worf's       |                   
  Quarters       |     Quarters      |                        
                 |                   |                
             Shuttle Bay             |                    
              DECK 3                 |                DECK 4 
control panel computer screen sign~
   The panel says:
    *                                                 *
    *            NCC-1701-D - "ENTERPRISE"            *
    *                                                 *
    *              *****                              *
    *      **********************                     *
    *      ***********************  _________         *
    *              *****        ***(___  ____(        *
    *                            ***** \ \*           *
    *                             **********          *
    *                                                 *
    *          You are currently on deck 2            *
    *                                                 *
Riker's Quarters~
   The room is very neat and tidy, with a couch and several chairs arranged
around a coffee table by the eastern wall.  A small partition at the northern
part of the room seperates his sleeping area with the rest of the room.  Riker
has been dimmed his room, making his romantic red lamps and purple cusions seems
more exotic and appealing.  
241 d 0 0 0 0
   Cargo Bay 1 lies far to the west.  
0 -1 24113
T 24111
Sick Bay~
   Here is the clinically clean sick bay.  About a dozen beds are arranged along
the walls of the room, while several carts covered with medical supplies are
scattered around the room.  A large glass window in the northern part of the
room separates the doctor's office with the rest of the room.  Desite the
seemingly random presentation of some of the equipment, Dr.  Crusher keeps
everything well ordered and has a small well-trained medical staff at her
241 d 0 0 0 0
   Through the small glass windows in the automatical doors, you can see a
plain-looking corridor.  
0 -1 24116
A Corridor~
   A long corridor reaches for quite some distance to the north and south,
managing to look almost exactly like every other corridor on this ship.  The
sick bay can be located to the west, and looking in an easterly direction can be
seen the fourth holodeck.  These passages aren't very wide, and the light beige
walls have been rounded, making the corridor an oval shape.  You see the
holodeck's control panel beside the holodeck door, and it has some information
on it.  
241 d 0 0 0 0
   The corridor continues North.  A pleasantly ordered corridor heads to the
north and south.  
0 -1 24119
   Holodeck 4 lies to the east.  
0 -1 24117
   This corridor continues to the south.  
0 -1 24113
   One of the most important parts of the ship lies in that direction.  How
could a crew survive alien invasions without a sick bay?  
0 -1 24115
holodeck computer control panel sign~
   It looks like this:
    *                                                 *
    *            NCC-1701-D - "ENTERPRISE"            *
    *                    HOLODECK 4                   *
    *                                                 *
    *              STATUS : Active                    *
    *     CURRENT PROGRAM : Sherlock Holmes (19th     *
    *                       century London)           *
    *            SAFETIES : Disabled                  *
    *                                                 *
    *    NOTE: Starfleet is not responsible for       *
    *          any injuries incurred while on this    *
    *          holodeck!                              *
    *                                                 *
    * WARNING: While the safeties are disabled, you   *
    *          CAN be injured, or even killed.        *
    *                                                 *
    *             ---ENTER WHEN READY---              *
    *                                                 *
Holodeck 4 Entrance - A Narrow Alley~
   You emerge into a dark narrow alley. Tall dark brick buildings block your 
way north and south. You can see that the windows on the buildings are fairly 
high, and some have been boarded up. The smell from the rotting food and 
garbage mixing with the foul water on the ground is unbearable. You can hear 
the sounds of a bustling marketpace to the east. The archway leading out of 
the holodeck is west.
241 d 0 0 0 0
   You think a corridor on the starship Enterprise lies to the west, but you can
never be sure on a holodeck.  
0 -1 24116
Crusher's Quarters~
   This room is dimly lit and is decorated with red and pink cushions.  Several
different paintings are attached to the walls and also quite a few sculptures
are placed quite elegantly apon marble pillars.  A neatly made bed is located by
the northern wall, in between two large windows looking out into space.  
241 d 0 0 0 0
   A slightly boring-looking corridor lies just to the east.  
0 -1 24119
A Corridor~
   The oval corridors flow into one another throughout the ship, allowing
passage from deck to deck and room to room.  Unlike every other section of these
stretches of well-lit, pale-colored hallways, one of the lights is on the blink
and can't seem to decide whether it wants to be on or not.  The security station
is location to the east where most of the ships weaponry is currently stored.  
241 d 0 0 0 0
   A wonderful place to relax and drink can be seen to the north, Ten Forward.

0 -1 24121
   The security center is to the east.  
0 -1 24120
   This corridor leads to the south, toward a turbolift.  
0 -1 24116
   Dr.  Crusher's clean quarters are to the west.  
0 -1 24118
Enterprise Security~
   Like the brig, for a seeminly un-related reason, the heart of the
Enterprise's security is a dimly lit room.  But, very much unlike anywhere else
onboard, the whole chamber is surounded by weaponry lockers, except the northern
wall.  A large glass window protects dozens of different phasers, blaster rifles
and other high-tech devices of war.  Three long tables surrounded by chairs
stretch across the room.  A top-privilege replicator stands to one side, only
the memebers of security may use it.  
241 cd 0 0 0 0
   Beyond the red flashing lights by the entrance to this area can be seen, a
0 -1 24119
T 24119
Ten Forward~
   This is the center of the Enterprise's entertainment.  The entire northern
wall is covered with windows looking out into space, while two large wooden
doors with the Starfleet insignia stamped on them face south.  Many round metal
tables are scattered around the room, surrounded by metal chairs.  A long bar
spans almost the entire length of the southern part of the room, and about two
dozen bar stools are sitting in front of it.  It's very noisy in here, due to
all of the talking and laughing.  
241 d 0 0 0 0
   A long corridor runs south from Ten Forward, through some wooden doors.  
0 -1 24119
Shuttle Bay~
   This is the main shuttle bay which is also used by the maintenance crew as a
direct route to the ship's outer shell, when the ship is docked mind.  It's
quite a large room, with a very high ceiling and a lot of floor space.  There
are three different shuttle-crafts hovering just to the west, waiting to be
flown into the very depths of space itself.  A large grey door leads into space,
becareful about opening it.  
241 d 0 0 0 0
A corridor is North.
0 -1 24124
   Some very large grey doors block the view north.  
door grey doors~
1 -1 24139
   The large grey shuttle bay door that leads into deep space.  Make sure you
have a spacesuit in your inventory!  
T 24121
T 24122
T 24123
Troi's Quarters~
   These quarters here have a calming and relaxing feel to them.  A great
tranquil warmth pulses throughout the area, along with the sweet smell of herbs
and scented candles.  Several different paintings have been hung from the walls,
and a small couch and a recliner are positioned around a coffee table.  A neatly
made bed is partially hidden behind a curtain at the northern part of the room.

241 d 0 0 0 0
   A normal-looking corridor is to the east.  
0 -1 24124
A corridor~
   The cylindrical corridors of this space vessel are all made from a
plastic-like substance and are all colored in the same non-descript shade of
beige.  A very war-like chamber can be spied to the east, whereas on the
opposite side, a calming peace resides.  
241 d 0 0 0 0
   This corridor continues to the north, toward the turbolift.  
0 -1 24127
   Some very Klingon-like quarters can be seen to the east.  
0 -1 24125
   The main shuttle bay lies to the south.  Becareful.  
0 -1 24122
   Troi's peaceful quarters are to the west.  
0 -1 24123
control panel computer screen sign~
   The panel says:
    *                                                 *
    *            NCC-1701-D - "ENTERPRISE"            *
    *                                                 *
    *              *****                              *
    *      **********************                     *
    *      ***********************  _________         *
    *              *****        ***(___  ____(        *
    *                            ***** \ \*           *
    *                             **********          *
    *                                                 *
    *          You are currently on deck 3            *
    *                                                 *
Worf's Quarters~
   These quarters belong to the wrathful presence of Worf, the ships only
Klingon crew member.  A small table is sitting in the southeastern corner, and
on it is a small potted plant.  An impressive selection of Klingon weapons have
been mounted on the northern wall, and a partition splits this room with Worf's
bedroom to the east.  
241 d 0 0 0 0
   A grey-looking corridor is to the west.  
0 -1 24124
Enterprise Gym~
   You emerge into the Enterprise gym. The room is quite large, with a soft 
grey floor. A set of lockers against the southern wall contain all of the 
necessary equipment needed for using the gym. A thick stack of mats have been 
piled high in one corner, which can be used for different activities. Captain 
Picard likes to come here to practice his fencing.
241 d 0 0 0 0
   Captain Picard's quarters are position right next to the gym to take
advantage of his enjoyment of fencing.  
0 -1 24127
A Corridor~
   You find yourself in the middle of a well lit corridor on the Enterprise. 
It isn't very wide, and the light beige walls have been rounded, making the 
corridor an oval shape. 
241 d 0 0 0 0
   A corridor continues to the north, before entering the tubolifts.  
0 -1 24130
   Captain Picard's quarters can be found to the east.  
0 -1 24128
   This corridor continues to the south.  
0 -1 24124
   Enterprise's gym is to the west, slightly less used than would be expected.
Why exercise here when you can get a good work-out in one of the holodecks?  
0 -1 24126
Picard's Quarters~
   It is clear by the orderly way everything has been arranged in the room that
Captain Picard isn't very fond of visitors.  There are several different ancient
artifacts on the shelves at the back of the room and on small pedestals near the
entrance.  A large wardrobe, facing south contains his uniforms and general
away-mission equipment.  A comfortable looking recliner with a matching footrest
sits beside the door, along with a bright reading lamp and end table.  Two large
windows offer a great view of space.  A small partition at the northern part of
the room contains Picard's sleeping a
241 d 0 0 0 0
   You see a non-descript door that leads to a corridor no doubt.  
0 -1 24127
T 24111
Science Lab~
   A strange looking machine sits in the middle of the room, up on a slightly
raised platform.  It looks as though something (or someone) could be placed
inside, hooked up to the multitude of wires and cables, and have scientific
tests performed on it (or them).  A complex looking computer console is facing
this machine.  Around the rest of the room are counterops with with the odd
computer terminal.  
241 d 0 0 0 0
   A corridor lies to the east, through clear, bullet-proof plastic.  
0 -1 24130
A Corridor~
   This plain-looking and generally well-lit corridor stretches out of view in
the northern and southern directions.  The main scientific laboratory is located
to the west, caution is advised.  A massive cargo bay can be seen to the east,
or would be if the doors were open.  A computer screen with the map of the
Enterprise on it is located next to the turbolift entrance.  
241 d 0 0 0 0
   A turbolift is located to the north.  
0 -1 24132
   Cargo Bay 2 can be seen to hte east as a vast room, filled almost to the
ceiling with plastic crates.  
0 -1 24131
   A generally Star Trek-like corridor wanders southward.  
0 -1 24127
   The science lab can be seen to the west, through see-through doors.  
0 -1 24129
map screen~
             Turbolift               |               Ten Forward 
                 |                   |                    |
     School----****----Holodeck 2    |    Crusher's-----****----Security
                 |                   |    Quarters        |      
                 |                   |                    |
       Brig----****---Transporter    |     Sick Bay-----****-----Holodeck 4
                 |       Room        |                    |       
                 |                   |                    |
   Geordi's----****----Data's        |        Cargo-----****-----Riker's
   Quarters      |   Quarters        |         Bay        |     Quarters  
                 |                   |                    |
            Engineering              |                Turbolift
              DECK 1                 |                DECK 2
                                     |      Ready-----Bridge
             Turbolift               |      Room          |        
                 |                   |                    |
   Science-----****-----Cargo        |    Turbolift----Bridge-----Conference
     Lab         |       Bay         |                               Room
                 |                   |                    
       Gym-----****-----Picard's     |                  
                 |      Quarters     |                      
                 |                   |                    
    Troi's-----****-----Worf's       |                   
  Quarters       |     Quarters      |                        
                 |                   |                
             Shuttle Bay             |                    
              DECK 3                 |                DECK 4 
Cargo Bay 2~
   You're in the cargo bay 2 of the Enterprise.  It's quite a large room, with a
very high ceiling and a lot of floor space.  Several hundred plastic crates and
barrels with the Starfleet insignia on them stacked right up to the ceiling.  
241 d 0 0 0 0
   The colorless doors of the science lab lie a sort distance to the west.  
0 -1 24130
   A small screen above the door reads "Deck Three".  The turbolift walls have
been rounded off, making it in the shape of a tube.  Several vertical rows of
lights make this place very well lit.  From here, you can access the other decks
on the Enterprise.  There is a small instructional panel by the door.  
241 d 0 0 0 0
   A long corridor leads toward the main shuttle bay.  
0 -1 24130
instructional panel~
To operate the turbolift, say the name of the location you wish to get to:

'deck 1' (engineering, transporter, the brig and the school)
'deck 2' (Ten forward, sick bay and the security center)
'deck 3' (the science labs, the gym and the main shuttle bay)
'deck 4' (The Bridge)
T 24102
T 24115
   A small screen above the door reads "Deck Four".  The turbolift walls have
been rounded off, making it in the shape of a tube.  Several vertical rows of
lights make this place very well lit.  From here, you can access the other decks
on the Enterprise.  There is a small instructional panel by the door.  
241 d 0 0 0 0
   You can see the very respectable-looking main bridge.  It is forbidden for
non-crew personnel or non-ambassadors to step past this threshhold.  
0 0 24136
instructional panel~
To operate the turbolift, say the name of the location you wish to get to:

'deck 1' (engineering, transporter, the brig and the school)
'deck 2' (Ten forward, sick bay and the security center)
'deck 3' (the science labs, the gym and the main shuttle bay)
'deck 4' (The Bridge)
T 24102
T 24115
   The turbolift walls have been rounded off, making it in the shape of a tube.
Several vertical rows of lights make this place very well lit.  From here, you
can access theother decks on the Enterprise.  
241 d 0 0 0 0
Picard's Ready Room~
   In Captain Picard's ready room, a long couch has been placed beside the door,
while a large U shaped desk is located by the northern wall.  A small computer
screen is sitting on the desk, as well as several other papers and documents.  
A single high window beside the desk looks into space, and a fish tank is
located in the northwestern corner of the room.  This is where the Captain makes
all of his important decisions.  
241 d 0 0 0 0
   The main bridge lies to the east, where most of the action takes place.  
0 -1 24138
Main Bridge - Upper Half~
   You find yourself on the upper half of the main bridge of the USS 
Enterprise. Directly in front of you is a thick railing that contains many 
different computer panels used for the tactical systems of the ship. The
entire southern wall is covered with computer consoles, where the ship's 
main systems are controlled. Two small curved ramps on either side of the 
room lead north to the lower part of the bridge, and a large circular 
skylight shows the space outside the ship.
241 d 0 0 0 0
   The lower half of the main bridge is to the north.  
0 -1 24138
   The conference room can be seen to the east.  Very important meetings take
place there, obviously.  
0 -1 24137
   A smart-looking turbolift jets people all around the ship to the west.  
0 0 24133
Conference Room~
   A large glass rectangular table sits in the middle of the room, surrounded by
about a dozen comfortable looking office chairs, one for each member of the
senior staff.  The entire eastern wall is covered with windows, looking out into
space.  Because of the vast expanse of space which is viewed eastern wall, this
room appears to be very dark, which is a good atmosphere for discussing the many
important issues that are the everyday of the crew.  
241 d 0 0 0 0
   The main bridge can be seen to the west.  
0 -1 24136
Main Bridge - Lower Half~
   You find yourself on the lower half of the main bridge of the USS 
Enterprise. An enormous view screen covers almost the entire northern wall, 
and is currently displaying a view of the stars rushing by. Three large 
chairs in the northern part of the room, in front of the railing, face the 
screen. This is where the Captain, Commander Riker, and Counselor Troi sit. 
Two computer consoles with built in chairs rest about ten feet in front of 
the chairs, also facing the view screen. This is where the ship's pilot and
information officer sit.
241 d 0 0 0 0
   The upper half of the main bridge is to the south.  
0 -1 24136
   Captain Picard's ready room is to the west.  Access is granted only on
permission by the captain.  
0 -1 24135
Outer Space by the Enterprise~
   You are floating in outerspace, right beside the USS Enterprise.  Billions of
stars glitter and sparkle from every direction, originating from the vast
expanses of deep space.  Without a spacesuit, one would surely perish out here.
A large grey door leads into the Enterprise's Shuttle Bay.  
241 0 0 0 0 9
The Shuttle Bay is North.
door doors grey~
1 -1 24122
   All you can see is the massive expanse of deep space.  
0 -1 24140
T 24107
Outer Space~
   The USS Enterprise is a short distance away, slowly moving at a
quarter-impulse.  Many thousand, thousand stars dominate the view in every
direction apart from to the north, where a large red star is going super-nova.

241 0 0 0 0 9
   Millions upon millions of stars slowly burn and radiate their light
throughout the universe.  
0 -1 24141
   The USS Enterprise can be seen, a small distance away.  
0 -1 24139
T 24107
Outer Space~
   You are nearing deep-space, the cold and desolate enormity that has boggled
the minds of all sentient beings since the begining of time.  The USS Enterprise
can be spied, some distance away.  
241 0 0 0 0 9
   Far away, the USS Enterprise can be spied.  A large red planet peacefully
orbits it's dying sun.  
0 -1 24140
T 24107
Transporter Beam~
   This section of the transportation deck is where the actual teleportation
occurs.  The chamber is perfectly round and quite tall, to house the round pads
on the floor.  Everything is the most brilliant of white, excepting the blinking
red lights on the floor and the blue ones on the ceiling.  When activated, the
whole area flashes the same color as the walls, which only server to intensify
the bright beams.  
241 0 0 0 0 9
   The computers that give this machine life, live to the south.  Becareful with
everything around this area, a transporter can be a very dangerous thing indeed!

0 -1 24106
Alien World~
   This part of the alien world appears to be a clearing in the middle of a
mutated forest.  What go for trees here are tall, circular pyramid type
structures with three or four basin-like layers.  The grass is purple, the sky
is a deep crimson and the clouds are a hidious yellow.  A small watch-tower
stands just to the north, fallen into disrepair.  
241 0 0 0 0 0
T 24126
T 24125
T 24127
A Private Detective's Office~
   The wall is papered in a plain brown to match the shade of the polished
wooden floor.  A large window is partially blinded to the south, and has a view
of the streets below.  A hat-stand is positioned to the side of the door to the
north, which has a small frosted-glass panel with an advertisement on the
outside.  A large cluttered desk lies underneath the window facing the door with
the chair quite some distance away, looking like it's used to lean back quite
frequently.  A quaint little clock hangs on the wall.  
241 de 0 0 0 0
   The desk is pretty cluttered.  Among the many items on the desk is a
name-plaque, a circular-dial telephone and a black ink-pen.  
T 24124
T 24127
T 24128
T 24129
A Genetic Scientific Laboratory~
   Everything is white or silver and kept perfectly clean.  Many chemicals are
layed out in a specific order all around the room on laboratory tables.  There
is a large dentist-like chair in the center of the room.  It's slightly longer
and is suited more for being left in a horizontal configuration.  There are
loops of metal encircling it, each with complex computer circuits and scanning
equipment.  To the east are four large, circular booths, about the size of a
shower.  Three of them contain what appear to be half-human beings, the fourth
is empty.  
241 de 0 0 0 0
T 24124
T 24127
The Shooting Range~
You are in an unfinished room.
241 d 0 0 0 0