The Meeting Room Of The Gods~
   The meeting room is plain and very simple.  A circular table sits in the
middle of the room, lit by some unseen light source.  There are many chairs
around the table, all empty.  The Immortal Board Room is to the north.  
12 d 0 0 0 0
The Immortal Board Room can be seen to the north.
0 -1 1204
The Inn Of The Gods~
   The Inn of the Gods is a small room, holding only a shelf with many
small precious stones on it.  When a God comes to rent his belongings,
his essence is stored in the stones.  The Immortal Board Room is to
the south.
12 d 0 0 0 0
The Immortal Board Room can be seen to the south.
0 -1 1204
The Ice Box Of The Gods~
   The Ice Box is for little boys and girls that cannot play nice. Be good
and maybe someone will come and get you.
12 defhk 0 0 0 0
The Gods' Mortal Board Room~
   Here the Gods have magically created an exact copy of the mortal board
room.  Any God can easily post and read messages from the mortal board room
without being seen by any mortals.  The Immortal Board Room is to the west.
12 d 0 0 0 0
The Immortal Board Room can be seen to the west.
0 -1 1204
The Immortal Board Room~
   The main hang out of the Gods, the Immortal Board Room is the place to be.  
Gods exchange messages here most every day.  The mortal board room is to the
east and the meeting room for the gods is to the south.  To the north is the
Gods' Inn and to the west is a post office for Gods.  In the northeast corner
you spot a small staircase leading upwards.  
12 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 1201
The Immortal Board Hall can be seen just to the east.
0 -1 1290
The Gods' Meeting Room is located to the south.
0 -1 1200
The Gods' Post Office is just to the west.
0 -1 1205
There is a small stair in the corner leading up to the social room of
the Gods.
0 -1 1206
The Post Office Of The Gods~
   The Post Office Of The Gods is the same as most Post Offices except that
it is not as slow.  Even the Postal service knows not to anger the Gods.
Piles of junk mail line the walls.  I guess even Gods get on mailing lists.
The Immortal Board Room is to the east.
12 d 0 0 0 0
The Immortal Board Room is just to the east.
0 -1 1204
The Social Gathering Room~
   This elegantly decorated room has one simple purpose.  To socialize with
everyone else around in one central location.
12 d 0 0 0 0
The Immortal Board Room is just down through the floor.  Funny how you
didn't notice that exit before isn't it?
0 -1 1204
@gForlorn Forest Clearing@n~
   Thick pockets of dense mist dot this, the moon-lit forest.  As far as
clearings go, this one is small and secluded.  Infact, it's barely a clearing at
all, since the ground is carpeted with moss and the silvery beams of light from
the moon barely penetrate the substantial canopy.  The branches surrounding this
area stretch unerringly toward the center, obscuring the sky just enough to only
let a single ray of misty blue light through.  A small patch of toadstools
decorate the eastern edge of this defoliated sanctuary.  In the distance to the
north can be spied, through the eternally shifting haze, a quaint, crystal-clear
lake.  It sparkles and gleams in the soft light emanating from sole heavenly
body in sky.  No creatures of natural birth are permitted to touch the sacred
soil.  However, a small cluster of giggling faeries dart about in the
background, tending to the various exotic plants and orchids.  At the middlemost
point, where the bright luminous shafts reach the earth, they are interupted by
a single stone.  This stone, it is perfectly round and the purest emerald green.
It glimmers with an incandescent halo that gives it an enchanted appearance.  
12 de 0 0 0 0
   Most of the moonlight cannot burst through the rustyling canopy above.  But,
a single ray protrudes forth and stikes the holiest of meditation stones.  
Standing within the column of divine light, and glancing upward, one can
percieve the mother.  ~
0 0 -1
light moonlight shafts up canopy branches limbs~
   Most of the moonlight cannot burst through the rustyling canopy above.  But,
a single ray protrudes forth and stikes the holiest of meditation stones.  
Standing within the column of divine light, and glancing upward, one can
percieve the mother moon, in all of her greatness.  Seen from here, she appears
to be eternally full.  
exotic plants orchids trees~
   A truely magnificent array of flowers, herbs and tree from all over the known
(an mostly the unknown) world.  The range of colors is remarkable, infact, half
of the shades don't even have names yet.  
   Due to the dimness of the forest, these toadstools lack the normally bright
red color to give warning about their natural poison.  Instead these fungia
boast a wide selection of pastelic shades, similar to the surrounding trees,
ranging from bright yellow, faded green, grey-blue, dusty pink to clear white.
On closer inspection, some of the larger toadstools seem to have a strange
scarring on their stems, almost like tiny faces.  
lake crystal-clear~
   The silvery, shimmering lake lies to the distant north, deep within the
perpetual mists.  A meager stream, a finger from the lake, flows past the
clearing to the west, pealing like a subtle, watery bell.  
moss carpet ground floor~
   This soft, lush carpet of moss muffles all sound and gives the clearing a a
feelig of peaceful silence.  Combinded with trickling of a small stream that
extends from the lake, this is an almost perfect place to relax and to meditate.

stone emerald center centre~
   The emerald-shaded sphere looks to be slightly imbedded into the soft, mossy
ground.  It's perfectly round and polished beyond comprehension.  The stone
emits a whispered song of purest joy and gives this clearing, and anyone who
beholds the stone a holy and serene feeling of peace and tranquility.  
T 1207
Welcors ~~~ ~~~ furnace~
   You seem to be standing in a cave of some sort.  A rather large cave.  
Actually the cave is so large you think you could just as well be standing
outside.  The ceiling is so high above you, you can't really make out the
contours of it.  The sides of the cave are burning.  Had you not felt so
comfortable, you could easily think you were inside a gigantic fire, looking
out through the flames.  You realise, with a sudden stab of fear, that you've
unwittingly stumbled into the home of Welcor, God of Fiery Justice.  You've
better not be here when he gets back...    
12 dk 0 0 0 0
1 0 1204
flame wall burning fire~
   As you study the walls closer, you realise magic keeps the fire alive, and
it really is HOT.  Reaching out to touch it proves a very bad idea, giving you
several burn marks on your hand
   Even when not here, you sense his presence.    
Taylors' Castle in The Sky~
@Y.                                      @C:
           @C:      @D.'.                 @C-*-
        @Y. @C-*-@D    /   \          @Y. '    @C:
  @C*        @C:@D   .'     '.      @C|                  @C*
    @Y.     @D    /_,_____,_\ @Y.  @C-*-    @Y.      '  
      @Y`   @.  @w   |       | @C*   @. @C|          @Y.     `
  @Y.     @D..  @C* @w | ----  |    @C*   .  @Y`
       @D/  \    @w|---====|@D/`\       @Y.@D  ..
      @D_\   '.  @w|---===@D.'   '.      @D./  \          @Y.
     @D/_,___,_\ @w| =-==@D/_,___,_\ @C*  @D.'    '.  @Y.
  @C|   @w|v v v|@D.'.@w =  = |v v v| @C*  @D/_,____,_\     @Y`
 @C-*-  @w| ====@D/   \@w  -- | ===v|___  |  ----|   @C*      @C|
  @C|   @w| --@D.'     '.@w___| v---|   |_|==___ |@D__       @C-*-
      @w|==@D/_,_____,_\@w--|====-|     |--=== | @D/\ @Y.'    @C|
      @w|   |  ==== |@D___@w|@D____@w |@D_____@w|======|@D/  \
      @w|=vv|.`O====|@D-------/|@w|@D\====@w| ---- |@D____\
   @w/\_|__/\.----O-|@D______/.:@w|@D.\___@w|====--|O  O|
   @w| v__v |--._.==|_ _ ==|-|| |  _|  __==| O__|
@y   \_\\ \  \/- //\  -,-|  __   | |`.   :||   / |         
     |\`| `   _//  | / _| || |  | `.'  ,''|`./ /
     |`\| \  //'   |  // \`| |  `.'  .' | |'__|
     \.\\`//| | \ \//   \`  .-'  .' | '/  |
       \`\// |.`  ` ' /-  :-'   .'|  '/ , //      
        \`|   \\ |   // .' / /.'| |  |.'/         
         `.\// | `| ''.'  \\ .' | '_/ .`
              \ ' . . `'. __ /   ` .__/ @c*@y===================@c*@y
               \//   //  __  _.`_/      @y|@c-F O R G O T T E N-@y|
                  \\- // .'/  //        @y| @c- -R E A L M S- - @y|
                    \'.  .'  /|         @c*@y===================@c*@y
             @W.     @y  \ \|-// /
@W.''\  /'. .'  \__.`)@y  |- .'|@W .''\  /'.  .'  \__.`_
@W    '.   `       |'  @y  `\-/@W(                      \@n
12 de 0 0 0 0
0 0 -1
   @WA small lamp sits in the center of the room letting off a small amount of
light.  A beautiful white shag carpet is covering the whole floor besides in a
small spot where there is white marble with small flecks of black in them.  
Directly on the wall behind the marble is a large fireplace the sinks deep into
the wall.  A small fire crackles in the center on the fireplace, casting a soft
glow upon the walls.  Pictures line the pure white walls, all are in finely made
wooden frames.  A freshly stained trim lies at the top of every wall.  The
fireplaces frame is made of small marble bricks, all are black, making the
fireplace standout from the rest of the room.  A window lies on the wall
opposite the fireplace, letting in a little light through the linen curtains.  
A large squishy looking armchair sits in the middle of the room only a few feet
from the firplace.  @n
T 1289
Smaug's Sanctuary~
   This is Smaug's Sanctuary, you can either just hang out on the couch and
regain your health or go off into the void.  Thousands of people have come here
to hide from players or even mobs, but most come here to chant incantations and
learn how to heal themselves, just for a brief second :-).  Everywhere you look
you see a bright light, and the only way out is through a portal.    
12 dj 0 0 0 0
T 1200
T 1201
T 1203
T 1204
Blackvipers forum of knowledge~
   Well here we are.  On the board is information that might help you and me
with our various task.  If you can think of anymore mudmail it to me and i will
add it to the board.    
12 0 0 0 0 0
@rA spot of darkness@n~
   @DBleak darkness engulfs the room, progressively merging the marble floor
into the black horizon.  A low constant humm roars across the air followed by
the sound of raindrops hitting the floor and the puddles that have formed.  The
grey clouds in the sky can be hardly seen except for a small patch right above,
which quickly turns black and merges into the horizon.  In what seems to be the
middle of this eternal empty realm, a pillar of light falls gently on a small
black pillow which seems to be dry and generally unaffected by the rain.  
12 cdgh 0 0 0 2
   The clouds are shrouded in darkness except for a small round patch, where
the pillar of light penetrates.  The clouds there seem to swirl and turn around
the light, and small lightnings come out of the clouds and hit the top of the
   The floor is made from small square marble tiles, neatly tucked and pressed
together.  Most of the marbles are cracked and broken, and suffer from erosion
due to the constant raining.    
T 1212
New BuildWalk Room~
This unfinished room was created by Rumble.
12 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1233
0 0 1214
New BuildWalk Room~
This unfinished room was created by Rumble.
12 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1213
0 0 1215
New BuildWalk Room~
This unfinished room was created by Rumble.
12 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1214
0 0 1216
0 0 1216
New BuildWalk Room~
This unfinished room was created by Rumble.
12 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1215
0 0 1215
Garrison's Hippie Shack of Love~
   Always wishing himself a flower child, Garrison has done his best to
re-create what he thinks a Hippie Hovel should be.  Complete with flowers,
drugs, and lots of free love, Garrison has created the perfect escape when
you're tired of the boring ol' hack 'n slash.    
12 d 0 0 0 0
New BuildWalk Room~
This unfinished room was created by Rumble.
12 c 0 0 0 0
0 0 1219
0 0 1233
New BuildWalk Room~
This unfinished room was created by Rumble.
12 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1218
Nivan's Bedchamber~
   The billowing, sheer curtains on the wall of this elegant room are
strawberry red.  The carpet is also red, but instead of the strawberry color of
the curtains they are the dark red of freshly spilled blood.  The wallpaper is
so dark of a red it mocks the color of the carpet, being almost black.  
Sconces holding low-burning candles are spaced at regular intervals along it.
The room smells sweet.  The main feature of the room is the canopy bed directly
in the center.  The hangings from the posts are of the same material as the
curtains, and all of the sheets, blankets, and pillows are different shades of
red.  Its mahogony is carved masterfully, showing naked sprites playing all
along the borders of the very large bed.  It doesn't look like the sort of bed
for sleeping in.    
12 adfhj 0 0 0 0
candle sconce wall~
   The sconces on the wall are brass, and are delicate carvings of beautiful
men, e ach embracing a low-burning black candle in his bare arms.  The candles
burn with a gentle red flame.  The wallpaper is so dark a red it is almost
black, and feels like cloth to the t ouch.  As you look the masterfully crafted
eyes of the carved sconcemen seem to wink at you.    
bed sprite post mahogony~
   The bed is masterfully carved, and if you look closely you might see the
mark of the best carver in Haven, the carver of the gate.  Naked sprites play
in somehow erotic poses on a background of woodland, lakes, and streams.  The
satin pillows are plump and look comfortable, and it looks as though you could
sink forever in the very soft bed.  It looks comfortable...  But it doesn't
look like it is used for much sleeping.    
window curtain~
The windows here show pictures of different places in the known world, and the silky sheer curtains billow in an unfelt breeze.  Their movements are somehow sensual...
Hiruma's Floating Pentagram~
   A giant red pentagram lies below you, slowly spinning in different
directions.  Blood drips from each point of the crimson pentagram, and never
hits the ground.  All around the star, it seems to be a neverending void.  A
large throne, covered with many soft furs sits in the middle of the six sided
star, surrounded in fire.    
12 eg 0 0 0 0
0 0 1204
Floating in Orbit Within a Spacepod~
   The spherical space pod has all sorts of electronic equipment blinking and
beeping.  You can see the world rotating far below you through the space pod's
window.  A monotone voice announces repeatedly, "Systems nominal.  Awaiting
command.  " There are all sorts of panels with buttons allowing you to manually
command the ship, but one panel in particular catches your eye.  A huge red
button on the panel has the words written under it, "DESTROY PLANET".    
12 dj 0 0 0 0
A Calming Sea Shore~
   The grassy plains merge into a rather serene sea shore here.  The crystal
blue waters gently roll ashore filling the area with a peaceful sound.  In the
distance, some seagulls are heard.  Such a beautiful place must be where the
Gods come to relax.  There is a strange mechanical contraption sitting a few
yards away from the waters.    
12 0 0 0 0 7
0 0 1294
It is metal, spherical, and looks really, really cool!.
Ferret's dark cave~
   This cave is small and cozy.  Your sense of claustrophobia disappears as you
look around this small room.  You can see bed in a corner made completely of
cotton.  In the center of the room is a large fluffy futon, that looks like it
would meld itself around your body.  On one wall you can see a small fireplace
which gives off continual heat and light, even though there seems to be nothing
burning inside.  Above the Fireplace is a mural etched onto the wall.  On the
far wall, you see a complex set of clear see-through tubes.  Beneath your feet
is a plush orange rug which supports your weight with no problem.  It feels as
if you are walking on air.  The aroma of the air is a familiar smell, which
reminds you of oatmeal cookies.  
12 dehj 0 0 0 0
   You see a large picture of the Greater Gods, sitting at a long table, playing
poker and having a good time.  At the head and tail of the table seat the
Implementors.  Both caught in a gaffaw.  
Rumble's Room~
   The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, 
while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.  
--Wilhelm Stekel

   ...you'll find that you're not the first person who was ever confused and 
frightened and even sickened by human behavior. You're by no means alone on 
that score, you'll be excited and stimulated to know. Many, many men have been 
just as troubled morally and spiritually as you are right now. Happily, some 
of them kept records of their troubles. You'll learn from them-if you want to. 
Just as someday, if you have something to offer, someone will learn something 
from you. It's a beautiful reciprocal arrangement.
--The Catcher in the Rye   
12 d 0 0 0 2
0 0 1218
Catcher Rye~
   The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, 
while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.  
--Wilhelm Stekel

   ...you'll find that you're not the first person who was ever confused and 
frighteneed and even sickened by human behavior. You're by no means alone on 
that score, you'll be excited and stimulated to know. Many, many men have been 
just as troubled morally and spiritually as you are right now. Happily, some 
of them kept records of their troubles. You'll learn from them-if you want to. 
Just as someday, if you have something to offer, someone will learn something 
from you. It's a beautiful reciprocal arrangement.
--The Catcher in the Rye   
old glory flag~
   I fly atop the world's tallest buildings.  I stand watch in America's Halls
of Justice.  I fly majestically over great institutions of learning.  I stand
guard with the greatest military power in the world.  Look up and see me!  I
stand for peace, honor, truth, and justice.  I stand for freedom.  I am
confident, I am arrogant, I am proud.  When I am flown with my banners, my head
is a little higher, my colors a little truer, I bow to no one!  I am recognized
all over the world.  I am worshipped, I am loved, and I am feared!  I have
fought in every battle of every war for more than 200 years: Gettysburg,
Shiloh, Appomattox, San Juan Hill, the trenches of France, the Argonne Forest,
Anzio, Rome, the beaches of Normandy, Guam, Okinawa, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, the
Persian Gulf, and a score of places long forgotten by all, but those who were
there with me...  I was there!  I led my Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and
Marines.  I followed them and watched over them.  They loved me.  I was on a
small hill in Iwo Jima.  I was dirty, battle-worn, and tired.  But my Soldiers
cheered me!  And I was proud!  I have been soiled, burned, torn, and trampled
on the streets of countries that I have helped set free.  It does not hurt, for
I am invincible.  I have also been soiled, burned, torn, and trampled on the
streets of my own country and, when it is by those whom I have served with in
battle-it hurts.  But I shall overcome, for I am strong!  I have slipped the
bonds of Earth and, from my vantage point on the Moon, I stand watch over the
uncharted new frontiers of Space.  I have been a silent witness to all of
America's finest hours.  But my finest hour comes when I am torn in strips to
be used as bandages for my wounded comrades on the field of battle-when I fly
at half-mast to honor my Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines, and-when I lie
in the trembling arms of a grieving mother, at the gravesite of her fallen son
or daughter-I am proud.  My name is Old Glory-long may I wave.  Dear God, long
may I wave.    
   War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things.  The decayed and
degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is
worth war is much worse.  The person who has nothing for which he is willing to
fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a
miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by
the exertions of better men than himself.

John Stuart Mill
There is one timeless way of building.
It is thousands of years old, and the same today as it has always been.
   The great traditional buildings of the past, the villages and tents and
temples in which man feels at home, have always been made by people who were
very close to the center of this way.  It is not possible to make great
buildings, or great towns, beautiful places, places where you feel yourself,
places where you feel alive, except by following this way.  And, as you will
see, this way will lead anyone who looks for it to buildings which are
themselves as ancient in their form, as the trees and hills, and as our faces
                                        --The Timeless Way of Building
   I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the
United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and to bear true faith
and allegiance to the same that I take this obligation freely, without any
mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully
discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter.
   On July 4, 1776, we claimed our independence from England and Democracy was
born.  Every day thousands leave their homeland to come to the "land of the
free and the home of the brave" so they can begin their American Dream.  The
United States is truly a diverse nation made up of dynamic people.  Each year
on July 4, Americans celebrate that freedom and indepen-dence with barbecues,
picnics, and family ga-therings.  Through the Internet we are learning about
and communicat-ing with people of different nations, with different languages
and different races throughout the world.  Bringing the world closer with
understanding and knowledge can only benefit all nations.  We invite all
nations to celebrate with Americans online this Fourth of July.  Happy
Birthday, America!    
Pool of Images~
   A broad mosaic walkway wraps around the natural hotsprings in this cavernous
room.  Three large chandeliers are suspended from the domed ceiling and their
sparkling light dances on the surface of the bubbling hotsprings.  As you peer
into the water images begin to form from out of the depths, coalescing into a
vivid scene.  Your heart begins to pound and your breathing becomes deeper as
you watch the images taking shape in the turbulent liquid.  Your mouth becomes
dry as you see yourself in the watery panorama ...  And time stands still for
just one moment ...  As you see your future in the depths ...    
12 djk 0 0 0 0
Gatia's Underground Study~
   This room appears to be built deep into the rock.  Bookshelves line every
wall and in the far east cormer there is a simple sleeping pallet.  Set into
the wall near the pallet is a glowing ball that is about the size of a marble.
It only glows faintly but there are others positioned around the walls so as to
light the room efficiently.  There is a large writing desk positioned against
the northern wall.  Upon the table there is a quill and large bottle of ink
sitting beside a VERY thick book.  The right hand page has a small window type
picture which is flying around a landscape.    
12 j 0 0 0 0
0 0 1293
p pa pal pall palle pallet~
The sleeping pallet is pretty much a indent in the wall large enough to fit a man and/or a woman.
b bo boo book~
The book looks about 5 inches thick and is written in a strange dialect.
d de des desk~
This Desk is made out of some type of extra-hardened stone, no way it could be natural.
@RElaseth's Oubliette@n~
   @DThis dungeon's name literally means to forget...  And you were put here to
be forgotten.  No pleas for mercy can be heard outside the cold stone walls that
surround you.  There are no exits except from above, and this one is securely
closed with welded iron.  A lone shaft of light falls from the grill to pierce
the darkness and strike you, your only company in this black abyss.  @n
12 dfk 0 0 0 0
T 1268
Inside Santa's Love Sponge~
   All 8 walls of the hexagon room is coloured a different shade of red.  In
one of the corners stands a large rocket shaped lava lamp, bubbling up blue and
yellow blobs.  The ceiling and floor of this room is just one big mirror, make
it possible to see yourself from every angle imaginable.  A shelf housing just
about every contriception that has every been invented gets pushed along as a
fresh batch is placed on every morning/afternoon and night.  Without much
guessing, you can tell Santa is a gift to all women.    
12 0 0 0 0 9
The Immortal Board Hall~
   You are standing in a large hall, exits lead off to the board rooms of the
immortals.  You can enter the hall of builders to the north, to the south are
the halls of justice, while to the west you can find the immortal board room.
12 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 1291
0 0 1293
0 0 1204
The Builders' Board Room~
   The actual Builder's Academy is zone 13 (@RGOTO 1300@n to check it out).
This zone should be able to teach anyone, no matter how new, the basics of 
building. It is a work in progress so please bear with me. Remember, making
God Rooms and Equipment is forbidden.
12 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 1294
0 0 1290
The Immortals' Mortal Board Room~
   Here the Gods have magically created an exact copy of the mortal board room.
Any God can easily post and read messages from the mortal board room without
being seen by any mortals.  The Immortal Board Hall is to the west.
12 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1290
The Halls Of Justice~
   You are standing in a magnificent marble hall, the only exit is back to the
north.  Statues of Karileena the goddess of Honour and Justice, are lining the
walls.  You realize this is where the exalted gods meet to discuss what course of
action to take against offenders in the realms.    
12 dj 0 0 0 9
0 0 1290
Other Worlds ~
   You are in a lush field, seemingly somewhere in empty space, a small cobble
stone trail through the darkness leads west, back to the Builders Board Hall of
the Builder.  As you look around you see twinkling stars small points of light,
interrupting the darkness of this place.  Cold and dark as it is, you feel at
ease and you are overwhelmend by a sense of calm, and clairity, as if from here
you are able to go anywhere you might want to, even reach out for a star, and
mold it as you please.    
12 0 0 0 0 2
0 0 1291
An unfinished room~
You are in an unfinished room.
12 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1233
Tanto's Sacrificial Grotto~
   Ebony stalagmites resembling vicious fangs hungryly decend from the ceiling
of the cave, a soft crimson glow illuminates the cave as if the walls
themselves were on fire.  The light seems to be more intense toward the back of
the cave where a huge flames spout from an enormous stone altar of polished
black granite.    
12 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1208
   Animated shadows, cast by the light of the altar, dance eerily against an
orange backdrop of reflected flames on the ancient walls around you.  The
actual surfaces of the walls have blackened from years of absorbing smoke from
the altar, while a thin, green film oozes slowly down them in a continuous
   You observe a flaming, cyclinder-shaped altar sturdily built from large,
crimson-colored bricks and mortar.  It seems to have been dug deep into the
ground like a well.    
   The ceiling is almost completely covered by jagged stalagmites, formed by
years of calcium deposits and water gradually dripping in from above.  The
stalagmites, and the ceiling itself, are coated in soot and ashes from the fire
raging perpetually in the stone altar.    
Welcors test room 2~
This is the southernmost test room
12 0 0 0 0 0
test room~
You are in an unfinished room.
12 0 0 0 0 0