robed figure attack~
0 k 100
say How dare you intrude on our worship!  DIE!
boar snorting~
0 b 100
* %echo% sends to the room
%echo% %self.name% sniffs at the muddy ground grunting.
* %asound% sends to the neighbouring rooms.
%asound% You hear a grunting sound from below.
* wait waits a little while before letting the script be run again.
wait 15 s
barkeeper greeting~
0 g 100
say Welcome, come over here and get you something to drink.
witch doctor chart~
0 b 100
* %echo% sends to the room
%echo% %self.name% sways his arms chanting.
* %asound% sends to the neighbouring rooms.
%asound% You  hear a bizarre chanting from nearby.
* wait waits a little while before letting the script be run again.
wait 20 s
chubby man greeting~
0 g 100
   Say Hello, wait here and I will see if Empress Kiona will see you.    
voodoo doll says out~
0 g 100
say Get out of my room!
panther growl~
0 b 100
* %echo% sends to the room
%echo% %self.name% releases a low growl.
* %asound% sends to the neighbouring rooms.
%asound% You hear a low growl.
* wait waits a little while before letting the script be run again.
wait 30 s
Empress Kiona~
0 g 100
say Your not one of my servant! Get out!
man sells bags~
0 g 100
say Buy something or get out, I'm to old to be wasting my time!
fruit stand boy~
0 g 100
say You'll not find any fruit finer than right here. Try some.
mage in shop~
0 g 100
say Looking for something?
wolf howl~
0 b 100
* %echo% sends to the room
%echo% %self.name% lifts its head and howls.
* %asound% sends to the neighbouring rooms.
%asound% You hear a low howling, "Ow Ow Owwww"
* wait waits a little while before letting the script be run again.
wait 30 s