Strahd's Zone Description Room~
   Descent to Hell Zone.
Originally written by Strahd
Zone 286 is linked to the following zones:
285 Descent to Hell                at 28672 (east ) ---> 28541
285 Descent to Hell                at 28673 (west ) ---> 28541
285 Descent to Hell                at 28682 (north) ---> 28541
285 Descent to Hell                at 28690 (south) ---> 28500
285 Descent to Hell                at 28692 (south) ---> 28502
285 Descent to Hell                at 28696 (south) ---> 28506
285 Descent to Hell                at 28698 (south) ---> 28508
285 Descent to Hell                at 28699 (east ) ---> 28500
286 0 0 0 0 0
Stone Archway~
   This is a ancient stone archway.  Various faces of demons and other grim
pictures are painted onto it.  Stone gargoyles and demons glare down at you
from atop the arch.  There is a bronze plaque above the archway.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
It's too dark to see.
0 -1 28602
   Descent to Hell

You just GO TO HELL!!!!

Made for levels 50-85

Brought to you by Strahd
Ancient Room~
   You are standing in a large stone room.  Feels like a crypt.  Ancient murals
of Hell and punishment cover the walls.  In the middle of the room are stairs
that lead down in to the darkness.  From the stairway you can smell brimstone
and sulfur.  To the west it looks as if there is a shrine.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28601
You see an ancient shrine.
0 -1 28618
You see a dark stairway.
0 -1 28603
Dark Stairway~
   You are standing at the bottom of long dark stairway.  The smell of
brimstone and sulfur choke you.  Screams of pain and terror fill the air.  
Stone faces carved into the walls seem to laugh at you.  Maybe this is not such
a good idea after all....    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
Its too dark to see.
0 -1 28604
You see a dark stairway.
0 -1 28602
   This landing has been scorched as if a large brushfire swept through it.  
Bits of ash and burnt vegetation covers everything.  The walls and floor are
flawlessly smooth and the ceiling is covered with carved faces and ancient
symbols and runes.  A large black iron gates tower over you to the west.  You
see a large gateway to the west.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
Its too dark to see.
0 -1 28603
You see the Gates of Hell
1 -1 28605
   These black iron gates are covered with grotesque faces and other creatures
in various poses and acts of violence and lust.  The gates seem to make your
blood run cold...  
Gateway to Hell~
   You stand next to the very gateway of Hell.  You are surrounded by the
sounds of torture and pain.  Screams pierce the air and rattle your nerves.  
Displays of the treats of Hell are in all directions.  A large black iron gates
tower over you to the east.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28616
The Gates of Hell
1 -1 28604
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28626
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28606
   These black iron gates are covered with grotesque faces and other creatures
in various poses and acts of violence and lust.  The gates seem to make your
blood run cold...  
Hall of the Damned~
   This hallway is a monument to the millions of damned souls in hell.  The
walls are made up of various body parts and other unidentifiable things.  Many
of the faces that make up the wall scream out to you for help.  Their arms
desperately grasp at your clothing as you pass.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28615
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28605
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28625
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28607
Hall of the Damned~
   This hallway is a monument to the millions of damned souls in hell.  The
walls are made up of various body parts and other unidentifiable things.  Many
of the faces that make up the wall scream out to you for help.  Their arms
desperately grasp at your clothing as you pass.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28614
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28606
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28624
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28608
Hall of the Damned~
   This hallway is a monument to the millions of damned souls in hell.  The
walls are made up of various body parts and other unidentifiable things.  Many
of the faces that make up the wall scream out to you for help.  Their arms
desperately grasp at your clothing as you pass.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28613
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28607
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28623
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28609
Hall of the Damned~
   This hallway is a monument to the millions of damned souls in hell.  The
walls are made up of various body parts and other unidentifiable things.  Many
of the faces that make up the wall scream out to you for help.  Their arms
desperately grasp at your clothing as you pass.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28612
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28608
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28622
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28610
You see a dark stairway leading down.
0 -1 28621
Hall of the Damned~
   This hallway is a monument to the millions of damned souls in hell.  The
walls are made up of various body parts and other unidentifiable things.  Many
of the faces that make up the wall scream out to you for help.  Their arms
desperately grasp at your clothing as you pass.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28611
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28609
Mural of the Dead~
   You stand before a large mural.  The mural depicts mountains of dead bodies
piled up to the sky.  The mural covers the whole north wall from floor to
ceiling.  You can almost smell the stench of decaying flesh.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28612
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28610
Living Walls~
   The walls here actually consist of greying and sinewy flesh - faces, hands,
broken bones, feet, and toes jutting from the surface.  You hear low moans of
horror, pain, and sorrow issuing from the walls.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28613
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28609
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28611
Trapped souls~
   There are many souls trapped behind the walls of this room.  Almost as if
trapped beneath the surface of a frozen lake.  Even the floor and ceiling show
the screaming faces behind them.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28614
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28608
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28612
Tortured Beings~
   This room is filled with instruments of torture.  Beings of all shapes and
sizes are being brought to the thresholds of pain and beyond.  Some are being
sliced into thousands of pieces.  Others stretched until it seems as if they
are made of rubber.  All caught in an unending play of agony.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28615
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28607
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28613
   Before you is a room filled with all sorts of food.  The smell of pastries
and Hamburger assault your senses.  All sorts of food lay everywhere you look.
Cookies, twinkies, steak, prime rib, almost anything you can think of, call out
to you.  You suddenly feel VERY hungry.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28616
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28606
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28614
   What luck!  A room full of treasure.  Gold, diamonds, riches beyond
imagination!  Wait!  You suddenly feel as if it is all slowly disappearing.  
Someone is taking your treasure.  They have no right!  It is yours!  You found
it first.  Let them go get thier own treasures!  You see a door to the east.  

286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a bedroom door.
1 -1 28617
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28605
Its too smoky to see.
0 -1 28615
   This is a small bedroom.  It is well furnished and a drastic change from the
room you just stepped out of.  A bed stands against the far wall.  Upon the
headboard of the bed are carved two cherub looking figures, with the words 'DEE
& DEE' written below them.  The door to the bedroom is to the west.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a bedroom door.
1 -1 28616
Ancient Shrine~
   This is an ancient abandon shrine of some unknown god.  It has been
vandalized and torn apart.  What used to be the shrine has been reduced to a
large pile of stone and other debris.  Various runes and demonic faces have
been spray painted on the walls and floor.  Nailed to the ceiling are an
assortement of skeletons.  All seem to have been dead for a very long time.  
All surfaces of the room are covered with dried blood and dust.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28602
Room full of Body Parts.~
   The room is filled with piles of arms, legs, heads, and other unidentifiable
parts of many different creatures.  The stench is overwhelming.  The body parts
seem to wiggle and scream as you get closer.  They are still alive!!    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28620
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28629
Fountain of Blood.~
   This room is made of a rough black stone.  The walls seem to ooze black
sludge.  In the middle of the room stands a stone fountain of a demon spitting
286 ad 0 0 0 0
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28630
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28619
Bloody Stairway.~
   You are standing on a very slippy stairway.  The walls and stairs are
covered with blood and gore.  Pieces of goo and ooze drip from the ceiling
overhead.  You almost slip a couple times on the stairway.  The stench here is
286 ad 0 0 0 0
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28609
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28631
Ancient Room~
   This is a very old and dusty room.  It looks empty except for a few shards
or bone and flesh.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28609
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28623
Room of Lost Souls~
   This looks like a waiting room or sorts.  Dust and cobwebs are everywhere.
Wooden benches line the walls.  A digital number sign is posted on the wall.  
It currently reads, 'Now Serving Number 1'.  A ticket dispenser is bolted to
the wall.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28608
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28624
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28622
   This is one of those red ticket dispensers that never seem to work right.  
Room of Lost Souls~
   This looks like a waiting room or sorts.  Dust and cobwebs are everywhere.
Wooden benches line the walls.  A digital number sign is posted on the wall.  
It currently reads, 'Now Serving Number 1'.  A ticket dispenser is bolted to
the wall.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28607
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28625
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28623
   This is one of those red ticket dispensers that never seem to work right.  
Pit of Fire~
   You enter a plain stone room with a large fire pit in the center of it.  As
you look closer at the pit you realize that hundreds of people are being burned
inside it.  They Scream out to you.  The noise is deafening.  Several minor
imps and workers push more people into the pit, whistling while
286 d 0 0 0 0
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28606
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28626
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28624
Blackened Hallway~
   This dark hallway looks as if it was made by a lavaworm...  All the surfaces
in it are melted and burnt.  The smell of brimstone and sulfur fill the air.  

286 ad 0 0 0 0
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28605
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28627
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28625
Blackened Hallway~
   This dark hallway looks as if it was made by a lavaworm...  All the surfaces
in it are melted and burnt.  The smell of brimstone and sulfur fill the air.  

286 ad 0 0 0 0
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28628
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28626
Blood Room~
   You enter the room and are immediately assaulted by the smell of rotting
flesh and blood.  The walls are covered with the crimson fluid as it runs down
from the ceiling.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28629
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28627
Living Walls~
   The walls here actually consist of greying and sinewy flesh - faces, hands,
broken bones, feet, and toes jutting from the surface.  You hear low moans of
horror, pain, and sorrow issuing from the walls.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28619
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28630
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28628
Skeleton Factory~
   This is probably where they make all the skeletons for nightmares and
graveyards.  The room is simply littered with bones.  A poster on the wall
reads, "Remember ....  The head bone is connected to the neck bone..  " The
poster continues on...  But it seems to get very technical and boring..    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28620
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28629
Bottom of Stairway~
   You are standing at the bottom of a bloody stairway.  Or at least you
thought it was a stairway.  It seems to be just a painting the the wall.  This
roughly carved room with evil runes carved in to the stone floor.  There is a
hallway to the east.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28632
Stone Hall~
   This is a roughly carved hallway.  The air here is damp and musty.  You hear
the sound of something dripping in the distance.  Your footsteps echo down the
hall as you walk.  There is a strange and deathly silence that fills these
halls...  The hall continues to the south and the west.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28642
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28631
   The cell is very damp and very musty.  The walls are covered with moisture
and dirt.  The smell of urine is very potent here.  The steel bars to the cell
are to the south.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see bars
1 -1 28643
Stone Hall~
   This is a roughly carved hallway.  The air here is damp and musty.  You hear
the sound of something dripping in the distance.  Your footsteps echo down the
hall as you walk.  There is a strange and deathly silence that fills these
halls...  The hallway continues to the east and the south.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28635
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28644
Stone Hall~
   This is a roughly carved hallway.  The air here is damp and musty.  You hear
the sound of something dripping in the distance.  Your footsteps echo down the
hall as you walk.  There is a strange and deathly silence that fills these
halls...  To the south you see the steel bars of a cell.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28636
You see the steel bars of a cell.
1 -1 28645
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28634
Stone Hall~
   This is a roughly carved hallway.  The air here is damp and musty.  You hear
the sound of something dripping in the distance.  Your footsteps echo down the
hall as you walk.  There is a strange and deathly silence that fills these
halls...  The hallway contines to the south and the west.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28646
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28635
   The cell is very damp and very musty.  The walls are covered with moisture
and dirt.  The smell of urine is very potent here.  The steel bars to the cell
are to the south.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see bars
1 -1 28647
Stone Hall~
   This is a roughly carved hallway.  The air here is damp and musty.  You hear
the sound of something dripping in the distance.  Your footsteps echo down the
hall as you walk.  There is a strange and deathly silence that fills these
halls...  The hallway contines to the south and the east.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28639
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28648
Stone Hall~
   This is a roughly carved hallway.  The air here is damp and musty.  You hear
the sound of something dripping in the distance.  Your footsteps echo down the
hall as you walk.  There is a strange and deathly silence that fills these
halls...  The hallway contines to the west.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see the steel bars to a cell.
1 -1 28640
You see the steel bars to a cell.
1 -1 28649
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28638
You see a dark stairway down....
0 -1 28650
   The cell is very damp and very musty.  The walls are covered with moisture
and dirt.  The smell of urine is very potent here.  The steel bars to the cell
are to the west.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see bars
1 -1 28639
Hidden Room~
   This is a long forgotten room.  Ancient torture equipment stands around
collecting dust.  Most of this stuff was probably replace with modern hi tech
torture devices and for sentimental reasons wasn't thrown away.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
Its too dark to see.
0 -1 28651
Stone Hall~
   This is a roughly carved hallway.  The air here is damp and musty.  You hear
the sound of something dripping in the distance.  Your footsteps echo down the
hall as you walk.  There is a strange and deathly silence that fills these
halls...  The hallway contines to the north and east.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
Its too dark to see.
0 -1 28632
Its too dark to see.
0 -1 28643
Stone Hall~
   This is a roughly carved hallway.  The air here is damp and musty.  You hear
the sound of something dripping in the distance.  Your footsteps echo down the
hall as you walk.  There is a strange and deathly silence that fills these
halls...  The hallway contines to the east and west.  The bars to a cell are to
the north.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see bars to a cell.
1 -1 28633
Its too dark to see.
0 -1 28644
Its too dark to see.
0 -1 28642
Stone Hall~
   This is a roughly carved hallway.  The air here is damp and musty.  You hear
the sound of something dripping in the distance.  Your footsteps echo down the
hall as you walk.  There is a strange and deathly silence that fills these
halls...  The hallway contines to the north and west.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
Its too dark to see.
0 -1 28634
Its too dark to see.
0 -1 28643
   The cell is very damp and very musty.  The walls are covered with moisture
and dirt.  The smell of urine is very potent here.  The steel bars to the cell
are to the north.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see bars
1 -1 28635
Stone Hall~
   This is a roughly carved hallway.  The air here is damp and musty.  You hear
the sound of something dripping in the distance.  Your footsteps echo down the
hall as you walk.  There is a strange and deathly silence that fills these
halls...  The hallway contines to the north and east.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
Its too dark to see.
0 -1 28636
Its too dark to see.
0 -1 28647
Stone Hall~
   This is a roughly carved hallway.  The air here is damp and musty.  You hear
the sound of something dripping in the distance.  Your footsteps echo down the
hall as you walk.  There is a strange and deathly silence that fills these
halls...  The hallway contines to the east and west.  You see bars to a cell to
the north.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see bars to a cell.
1 -1 28637
Its too dark to see.
0 -1 28648
Its too dark to see.
0 -1 28646
Stone Hall~
   This is a roughly carved hallway.  The air here is damp and musty.  You hear
the sound of something dripping in the distance.  Your footsteps echo down the
hall as you walk.  There is a strange and deathly silence that fills these
halls...  The hallway contines to the north and west.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
Its too dark to see.
0 -1 28638
Its too dark to see.
0 -1 28647
   The cell is very damp and very musty.  The walls are covered with moisture
and dirt.  The smell of urine is very potent here.  The steel bars to the cell
are to the north.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see bars
1 -1 28639
Hot Stairs~
   You are standing on a long stairway.  The air around you is heavy and hot.
The stone walls are hot to the touch and your sweat sizzles as it hits the
ground.  Cool air flows out from a crack in the wall to the east.  The smell of
brimstone and smoke is all around you.  The stairs continue down.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28639
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28661
Crack in Wall~
   This is a rather large crack in the wall.  On closer inspection it appears
to be a passageway that was closed off long ago.  It was probably reopened by
an earthquake or something.  An ancient passageway continues to the north.  
Hot gusts of air come from the west.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28641
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28650
Stone Arch~
   Before you stands the a large stone arch decorated with many runes you
cannot decifer.  It looks as though it has been closed up for a long time.  To
the east is a hallway of fire.  To the south you see a large metal door with
the words, 'FOREMAN' written on the door.  There is a dark stairway down in the
corner of the room.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a hall of fire.
0 -1 28653
You see the Foreman's office.
1 -1 28662
You see a dark stairway down.
0 -1 28663
Hall of Fire~
   You are standing in a hallway made of fire.  The walls are ablaze with
yellow and blue flames.  The smell of the hot air and sulfur burn your lungs as
you inhale, and dry your mouth as you exhale.  The stone floor burns at your
feet and hungrily drinks up every drop of sweat as they fall from your body.  
The hall of fire continues to the east.  You see a stone archway to the west.
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a hall of fire.
0 -1 28654
You see a stone archway.
0 -1 28652
Hall of Fire~
   You are standing in a hallway made of fire.  The walls are ablaze with
yellow and blue flames.  The smell of the hot air and sulfur burn your lungs as
you inhale, and dry your mouth as you exhale.  The stone floor burns at your
feet and hungrily drinks up every drop of sweat as they fall from your body.  
The hall of fire continues to the south and west.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a hall of fire.
0 -1 28664
You see a stone archway.
0 -1 28653
Construction Area~
   This part of Hell seems to be under repair.  Workers are fixing and
replacing what look like various gas mains and other pipework.  You can see
many gas lines and electrical conduits within the dismantled walls.  Partially
hidden fire sprinklers are being installed in the ceilings.  You see more
contruction to the east and south.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a construction area.
0 -1 28656
You see a construction area.
0 -1 28665
Construction Area~
   This part of Hell seems to be under repair.  Workers are fixing and
replacing what look like various gas mains and other pipework.  You can see
many gas lines and electrical conduits within the dismantled walls.  Partially
hidden fire sprinklers are being installed in the ceilings.  You see more
contruction to the east and west.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a construction area.
0 -1 28657
You see a construction area.
0 -1 28655
Construction Area~
   This part of Hell seems to be under repair.  Workers are fixing and
replacing what look like various gas mains and other pipework.  You can see
many gas lines and electrical conduits within the dismantled walls.  Partially
hidden fire sprinklers are being installed in the ceilings.  You see more
contruction to the south and west.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a construction area.
0 -1 28667
You see a construction area.
0 -1 28656
Hall of Fire~
   You are standing in a hallway made of fire.  The walls are ablaze with
yellow and blue flames.  The smell of the hot air and sulfur burn your lungs as
you inhale, and dry your mouth as you exhale.  The stone floor burns at your
feet and hungrily drinks up every drop of sweat as they fall from your body.  
The hall of fire continues to the east and south.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a hall of fire.
0 -1 28659
You see a hall of fire.
0 -1 28668
Hall of Fire~
   You are standing in a hallway made of fire.  The walls are ablaze with
yellow and blue flames.  The smell of the hot air and sulfur burn your lungs as
you inhale, and dry your mouth as you exhale.  The stone floor burns at your
feet and hungrily drinks up every drop of sweat as they fall from your body.  
The hall of fire continues to the west.  A room full of fire pits lies to the
east.  A wall of fire crackles merrily to the south.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a room full of fire pits.
0 -1 28660
You see a wall of fire.
0 -1 28669
You see a hall of fire.
0 -1 28658
Fire Pits of Hades~
   This room is filled with many small fire pits.  Countless damned souls are
being burnt and roasted within the the white flames that erupt from the many
pits.  Wailing and screams of pain chill your bones in this hot room.  To the
south you see a lake of fire.  A fire hall lies to the west.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a lake of fire.
0 -1 28670
You see a hall of fire.
0 -1 28659
Fire Mural~
   Apon all the walls of this room is an enormous mural.  Pictures of burning
bodies and tortured souls seem to be the main theme of the art.  Bright reds
and hot blues are enphasized throughout the mural.  As you stare at it the
characters within it seem to move and struggle in pain.  The hot air around you
smells of sulfur and methane.  To the south you see a stone hallway.  Hot air
blows in at you from the doorway.  The air stirs up the methane and steals your
breath.  You choke and gag...    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a stone hallway.
0 -1 28671
Foreman's Office~
   You stand in a crudly constructed office.  Blueprints and change orders are
scattered everywhere.  A metal filing cabinet stands in the corner.  Before you
stands a stone table covered with blueprints.  On the wall is a construction
plaque that reads, "4th DEMONsion Contruction"
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see the door to the office.
1 -1 28652
Cold Stairway~
   You stand apon a cold stone stairway.  Hot air blows down on you from higher
up the stairwell.  From below you a freezing gusts bite at your skin and make
you shiver.  Icicles drip slowly from the ceiling onto the frosted stone floor.
286 ad 0 0 0 0
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28652
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 28676
Hall of Fire~
   You are standing in a hallway made of fire.  The walls are ablaze with
yellow and blue flames.  The smell of the hot air and sulfur burn your lungs as
you inhale, and dry your mouth as you exhale.  The stone floor burns at your
feet and hungrily drinks up every drop of sweat as they fall from your body.  
The hall of fire continues to the north and east.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a hall of fire.
0 -1 28654
You see a wall of fire.
0 -1 28665
Construction Area~
   This part of Hell seems to be under repair.  Workers are fixing and
replacing what look like various gas mains and other pipework.  You can see
many gas lines and electrical conduits within the dismantled walls.  Partially
hidden fire sprinklers are being installed in the ceilings.  You see more
contruction to the north and east.  A hall of fire is to the west.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a construction area.
0 -1 28655
You see a construction area.
0 -1 28666
You see a Hall of fire.
0 -1 28664
Construction Area~
   This part of Hell seems to be under repair.  Workers are fixing and
replacing what look like various gas mains and other pipework.  You can see
many gas lines and electrical conduits within the dismantled walls.  Partially
hidden fire sprinklers are being installed in the ceilings.  You see more
contruction to the east and west.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a construction area.
0 -1 28667
You see a construction area.
0 -1 28665
Construction Area~
   This part of Hell seems to be under repair.  Workers are fixing and
replacing what look like various gas mains and other pipework.  You can see
many gas lines and electrical conduits within the dismantled walls.  Partially
hidden fire sprinklers are being installed in the ceilings.  You see more
contruction to the north and west.  A hall of fire lies to the east.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a construction area.
0 -1 28657
You see a hall of fire.
0 -1 28668
You see a construction area.
0 -1 28666
Hall of Fire~
   You are standing in a hallway made of fire.  The walls are ablaze with
yellow and blue flames.  The smell of the hot air and sulfur burn your lungs as
you inhale, and dry your mouth as you exhale.  The stone floor burns at your
feet and hungrily drinks up every drop of sweat as they fall from your body.  
The hall of fire continues to the north.  There are loud noises of contruction
to the west.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a hall of fire.
0 -1 28658
You see a construction area.
0 -1 28667
Wall of Fire~
   This large room is cut in into sections by small walls of fire.  The walls
to move slowly changing the layout of the room.  As you examine the room
further you notice various posts around the room to which people are chained
to.  The firewalls seem to move in patterns that leave the poor people directly
in the path of the oncoming fire.  The walls seem to creep ever so slowly
towards them.  The people blister and scream as the fire gets closer.  Thier
deaths seem like minutes of agony and pain, and even as they burst into flames
they seem incapable of grasping the merciful attention of death...  To the
north you see a hall of fire.  To the east you see a lake of fire.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a hall of fire.
0 -1 28659
You see a Lake of fire.
0 -1 28670
Lake of Fire~
   You stand one the shore of a large lake of fire.  The smoke and heat fill
this enormous room.  You can barely make out shapes of something moving withing
the dancing flames of blue and gold..    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
It is too smoky to see.
0 -1 28660
It is too smoky to see.
0 -1 28671
It is too smoky to see.
0 -1 28669
Hot Hall~
   The stone floor below you heats your feet uncomfortably.  The ceiling and
walls glow a dull red and you sweat uncomfortably under the heat.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a Mural Room.
0 -1 28661
It is too smoky to see.
0 -1 28670
Icy Landing~
   This landing is made entirely of ice.  Its walls bear carvings of battle and
hunting scenes in bas-relief.  These carved scenes show ice devils slaying
angels, hunting mortals and other gruesome pictures.  To the east you see a
room of ice.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a room of ice.
0 -1 28541
Ice Room~
   You are standing in a room of ice.  Icicles of every size hang from the
ceiling.  Some shake with every sound.  Your reflection off the ice walls seems
to dance and wiggle as you move about.  To the south you see more of the frozen
room.  To the west you see an Icy landing.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a room of ice.
0 -1 28683
You see a room of ice.
0 -1 28541
Meat Locker~
   You are standing in what looks like a meat locker.  Rows of beef and other
meats hang from large steel hooks.  You also notice that many of the things
hanging from the hooks are corpses of people.  They reach out to you as you
pass them as if to plead for help from their frozen mouths.  The meat locker
continues to the east and south.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see more of the Meat locker
0 -1 28675
You see more of the Meat locker
0 -1 28684
Meat Locker~
   Rows of beef and other meats hang from large steel hooks.  You notice that
many of the things hanging from the hooks are corpses of people.  They reach
out to you as you pass them as if to plead for help from their frozen mouths.
The meat locker continues to the south and west.  There is a freezer door to
the east.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a freezer door.
1 -1 28676
You see more of the Meat locker
0 -1 28685
Penguin Room~
   This is what appears to be a replica of an iceberg.  Penguins waddle about
the room pecking at many poor souls half trapped in the icy floor.  You seem to
be outside, as the walls are painted to seem as if you are standing on a vast
icy slab with nothing but ocean around you.  The iceberg continues to the south
and east.  There is a freezer door to the west.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see lots and lots of ice.
0 -1 28677
You see lots and lots of ice.
0 -1 28686
You see a freezer door.
door freezer~
1 -1 28675
Penguin Room~
   This is what appears to be a replica of an iceberg.  Penguins waddle about
the room pecking at many poor souls half trapped in the icy floor.  You seem to
be outside, as the walls are painted to seem as if you are standing on a vast
icy slab with nothing but ocean around you.  The iceberg continues to the south
and east.  There is a freezer door to the west.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see lots and lots of ice.
0 -1 28687
You see lots and lots of ice.
0 -1 28676
Ice Creamery~
   You appear to be standing in a ice-creamery.  Many ice-cream workers run
frantically around tending to the various machines.  The factory continues to
the east and south.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see lots of ice-cream machines.
0 -1 28679
You see lots of ice-cream machines.
0 -1 28688
Ice Creamery~
   You appear to be standing in a ice-creamery.  There seems to be a group of
people here shouting into containers and then quickly covering them.  How
odd...  The factory continues to the south and west.  There is a steel door to
the east.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a steel door.
door steel~
1 -1 28680
You see lots of ice-cream machines.
0 -1 28689
You see lots of ice-cream machines.
0 -1 28678
White Marble Hall~
   You are standing in a white marble hallway.  It is dry and clean.  Many
portraits of demons and devils in business suits adorn the walls on either side
of you.  The hall continues to the south.  To the west is a steel door.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a marble hallway.
0 -1 28690
You see a steel door.
door steel~
1 -1 28679
Refrigerator Room~
   This room is filled with giant refrigerators.  All of them have no doors and
their contents have spilled onto the floor.  The only exit is east.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a room of ice.
0 -1 28682
Ice Room~
   You are standing in a room of ice.  Icicles of every size hang from the
ceiling.  Some shake with every sound.  Your reflection off the ice walls seems
to dance and wiggle as you move about.  To the north and east you see more of
the frozen room.  To the west you see a room full of refrigerators.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a room of ice.
0 -1 28541
You see a room of ice.
0 -1 28683
You see a room full of refrigerators.
0 -1 28681
Ice Room~
   You are standing in a room of ice.  Icicles of every size hang from the
ceiling.  Some shake with every sound.  Your reflection off the ice walls seems
to dance and wiggle as you move about.  To the north and west you see more of
the frozen room.  To the east you see a freezer door.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a room of ice.
0 -1 28673
You see a freezer door.
door freezer~
1 -1 28684
You see a room of ice.
0 -1 28682
Meat Locker~
   You stand in a large meat locker.  Chunks of meat hang on the wall and
larger corpses hang from steel hooks.  Frozen blood and other unrecognizable
pieces are littered on the floor.  The meat locker continues to the north and
east.  There is a freezer door to the west.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see more of the Meat locker
0 -1 28674
You see more of the Meat locker
0 -1 28685
You see a freezer door.
door freezer~
1 -1 28683
Meat Locker~
   Rows of beef and other meats hang from large steel hooks.  The meat locker
continues to the north and west.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see more of the Meat locker
0 -1 28675
You see more of the Meat locker
0 -1 28684
Penguin Room~
   This is what appears to be a replica of an iceberg.  Penguins waddle about
the room pecking at many poor souls half trapped in the icy floor.  You seem to
be outside, as the walls are painted to seem as if you are standing on a vast
icy slab with nothing but ocean around you.  The iceberg continues to the north
and east.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see lots and lots of ice.
0 -1 28676
You see lots and lots of ice.
0 -1 28687
Penguin Room~
   This is what appears to be a replica of an iceberg.  Penguins waddle about
the room pecking at many poor souls half trapped in the icy floor.  You seem to
be outside, as the walls are painted to seem as if you are standing on a vast
icy slab with nothing but ocean around you.  The iceberg continues to the north
and west.  You can hear sounds of machinery to the east.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see lots and lots of ice.
0 -1 28677
You see a dark passageway.
0 -1 28688
   You walk into part of an ice-cream factory.  Many different types of
ice-cream and other deserts are made by these machines.  Above one of the
machines a sign reads, 'Eye Splean I Screamery'.  The factory continues to the
north and east.  You can hear sounds of penguins to the west.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see lots of ice-cream machines.
0 -1 28678
You see lots of ice-cream machines.
0 -1 28689
You see a dark passageway.
0 -1 28687
   You stand amidst dozens of ice-cream machines.  Workers rush about for
machine to machine, adjusting dials and checking gauges.  The factory continues
to the north and west.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see lots of ice-cream machines.
0 -1 28679
You see lots of ice-cream machines.
0 -1 28688
Marble Hall~
   You are walking down a white marble hallway.  Large portraits of demons and
devils adorn the walls on either side of you.  As you look again you realize
that they aren't demons and devils after all, but lawyers....  Well ok...  
Depends on your point of view...  The hallway continues to the north.  There is
an office to the south.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a white marble hallway.
0 -1 28680
You see an office.
0 -1 28500
Records Hall~
   This Hallway is actually an enourmous records library.  Millions of records
are kept here detailing the status of peoples lives.  These are confidential
files and only authorized personnel are allowed to view them.  The records room
continues to the east.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see rows and rows of records.
0 -1 28692
Records Hall~
   This Hallway is actually an enourmous records library.  Millions of records
are kept here detailing the status of peoples lives.  These are confidential
files and only authorized personnel are allowed to view them.  The records room
continues to the east and west.  There is another hallway to the south.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see rows and rows of records.
0 -1 28693
You see the Halls of Judgement.
0 -1 28502
You see rows and rows of records.
0 -1 28691
Records Hall~
   This Hallway is actually an enourmous records library.  Millions of records
are kept here detailing the status of peoples lives.  These are confidential
files and only authorized personnel are allowed to view them.  The records room
continues to the east and west.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see rows and rows of records.
0 -1 28694
You see rows and rows of records.
0 -1 28692
Records Hall~
   This Hallway is actually an enourmous records library.  Millions of records
are kept here detailing the status of peoples lives.  These are confidential
files and only authorized personnel are allowed to view them.  The records room
continues to the west.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see rows and rows of records.
0 -1 28693
Small Altar~
   This is the private prayer room of the high priest.  A small altar stands
against the west wall.  Evil symbols and pictures are plastered everywhere.  
The new propaganda posters for hell are posted behind the altar.  You see a
blackened hall to the east.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a blackened hallway.
0 -1 28696
   Don't go to heaven....They're boring....

***GO TO HELL!!!****

You'll be damned if you don't  ;)
Blackened Hall~
   This hall looks as if it was burned out recently.  The walls are charred and
smoking.  Ashes and bits of burnt timber crunch under your feet as you walk
down the hall.  A sign on the wall reads, 'No Non-smoking Please'.  The hall
continues to the south.  There is a stone door to the east and a prayer room to
the west.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a stone door.
door stone~
1 -1 28697
You see a blackened hall.
0 -1 28506
You see a prayer room.
0 -1 28695
Office of the High Priest~
   This is the office of the High Priest of Hell.  A black stone desk stands
before you.  The office is lavishly furnished with gold, gems and many
antiques.  A large portrait of a demons face is on the wall behind his desk.  
You see a stone door to the west.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a stone door.
door stone~
1 -1 28696
Blackened Hall~
   This hall looks as if it was burned out recently.  The walls are charred and
smoking.  Ashes and bits of burnt timber crunch under your feet as you walk
down the hall.  A sign on the wall reads, 'No Non-smoking Please'.  The hall
continues to the east and south.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a blackened hall.
0 -1 28699
You see a blackened hall.
0 -1 28508
Blackened Hall~
   This hall looks as if it was burned out recently.  The walls are charred and
smoking.  Ashes and bits of burnt timber crunch under your feet as you walk
down the hall.  A sign on the wall reads, 'No Non-smoking Please'.  The hall
continues to the west.  A glass door is to the east.    
286 ad 0 0 0 0
You see a glass door.
door glass~
1 -1 28500
You see a blackened hall.
0 -1 28698